Alda 103 Amateur Band Transceiver Maintenance Manual
The Alda 103 Amateur Band Transceiver is a medium power unit for mobile, portable or base station operation. The transceiver provides operation on three bands: 80, 40 and 20 meters. The transceiver may be powered from any suitable +13.8 volt source, negative ground.
ALDA 103 Amateur Band Transceiver Maintenance Manual 80 meters 40 meters 20 meters USB LSB CW alda communications inc. 215 El Centro, Oceanside, California 92064 USA, Alda 103 Amateur HF SSB/CW Transceiver ALDA 103% quality engineering gives you all these convenient features OPTIONAL NOISE BLANKER — easily installed at any time by simply plugging \п modular Ciréuit Card. BROADBANDED POWER AMFLIFIER — \ BOTTOM-MOUNTED BUILT-IN all=salid state Push=Pull Final Stage; \ SPEAKER — 2" x 3" with rear panel jack requires no transmitter tuning \ for external speaker, 1 Whatsoe er, \ \ BUILT-IN CW MONITOR provides | adjustable level an irgnt-pa ne! with Full EXTRA LARGE POWER AMPLIFIER | Menton dl CMA tone, HEATSINK — 16" x 93-174" {182 mm x 82.5 mm} far efficient heat dissipation. : B-POLE CRYSTAL FILTER wilh 2,5 kHz bandwidth at =6 de to provide excallent =" audio characteristics for transmit as wall A5 raceive. TRANSMITTER MODULE HINGES DOWN for casy accessibility. HIGH STABILITY VFO — less than 100 Hz drili roma "cold" siartal mm temperature. Heavy-gauge drawn aluminum cover far maximum protection 1 mobile applications. = ыы er 1 : ss Le > 4 Le LY р к = A Fy = ны | у и tooo M OD u L AR PL и G-IN CIRCUIT BOARD = a. ts = === ASSEMBLY increases ruggedness required for mobile operation and J5SUreSs 033 serviceabi Му. FRONT-PAMEL METER indicates lavel A e ; of received signal and transmitter | E <P “> IP : a relative output power, J SEPARATE FRONT PANEL RIT ON/OFF SWITCH AND TUNING CONTROL for indépéndont réceiver frequency adjustment + 500 Hz nominal. REAR PANEL CONMNECTORS — « OC Power Input + RF Outpui/ Antenna + External Speaker Jack & CW Kay Jack + Accessory Socket which is used for PTT control af external amplifier; transmit and receive audio far phona patch, and connections for external acotssorés such as remote YFO and digital display. i SEM| BREAK-INCW— T/A relay hold | CPTIONAL CAYSTAL CALIBRATOR DUAL SPEED VFO DAL YERNIER — circuit s1ays engrgized between latters | can be easily added; thrag-position slide extra smooth zero backlash ball action and automatically reverts fo receive after | switçh — OFF/19 kHz/100 kHz — located tuning with 6 to 1/30 to 1 dial driva. pause between words. | under canter of front pana. ALL-ALUMINUM CHASSIS — AUTOMATIC INTERNAL ANTENNA UPPER'LOWER 58 SWITCH ONLY — lightweight and corrosion-rasistant in SWITCHING — antenna control wafer unit automatically switches to CW severe environmental conditions. is located on bandswitch-for automatic operation whenewer Key is pressed, sc changeover of axternal bandswitched no CWmede switch is requiréd. amplifier or remote-contralhed dnignna lunar. Alda 103 Interior View of Modular Construction INDEX IMustrations PAGE Chapter 5 — Voltage Charts/Test Points PAGE Alda 103 Transceiver ...........e eee errecarvercex. 1 i 1 eoreracacaorarirardesern eden. 13 laterior View 1.111141 04 4 a 4 8 4814 1 2 1 4 a a a a sa 00e 0 2 A e .reraearreronerdarareri 7 ere. 13 PC BOY ii erarreriemareaaoacariacaCor ec. 14 Chapter 1 — Specifications PC BOT ee eee eae 14 General Specifications , ........... ci iii veneno 3 PC BOT e. errricdereveaaaserradereremenrne, 14 Receiver Specifications .......................... 3 Voltage Charts Notes... ....... Ka 5 14 Transmitter Specifications . .. ...................... 3 PC 101 Test Points .......2202 20244 a 4 ea a ae ere a 140 15 Optional Accessories .._......... eerie. 3 PC 201 Test Points ......0.2120 044 4e ea a ae ae 1200 16 Generai Description ......12 0204444 4000 es ea 1 a a 00 4 PC 301 Test Points ...... 222004 0 ae 4 a a es ee 10000 17 Special Features.,.......oe_rrerrervercerearvedar 4 Chapter 2 — Block Diagrams and Brief Description Block Diagrams Daanadare raven nraaarardenmenere 5 Chapter 6 — Parts Lists Receive Condition hooves > PC HOT PAIS LIST. uote LE 18-20 Transmit Condition AAA 5 PC 201 Parts List... 1111111110 20-21 Brief Description .......200 0000 e ares tree a eee 8 PC301 Parts List ................ e... 22-24 Receive Condition ........... Corona 8 PCAON Parts List 24-25 Transmit Condition . access eee ec eee 67 PC501Partslist.........11112 0000 cena une 25-26 PC 701 Noise B'anker +112 20000 ae canette tt / PC601PartsList...........10 001120 a nca 00e 26-27 нома ттт 2 PE701PArsList............e.erereieeeee 27.28 PS 130 Power supp Lutte recette ete 5 Electrical & Chassis Parts List .................. 28-29 rrr TT TU ` Chassis & Mechanical Parts List . ....... eee 29-30 , as PC 801 Parts List 122210010000 404 0 sa eee eee een 30 Chapter 3 — Functional Description PS 115 Parts List 1 1111111000 a anna 30 Receive Condition 2..5. кл кк кк ква лвла явка не нее. 8-9 Transmit Condition , .... ........ cau 9-10 CW Transmit Condition ..........-—-—_————_—eneaverra 10 Control Circuits... 122444008840 01 10 ea aa 00010 10-11 ACCESSONIBS .. viii mre a ree 11 Chapter 7 — Diagrams PC 10] eae aaa 31 Chapter 4 — Alignment and Adjustment РС {1 Tr KR RR 32 VEO uiirradrorraaraeeararareernrecearradc nas 11 PC SO KK KERN 33 IF Alignment PC 101 2.0000 a aa 11 PC 401 Diagram and Chassis Wiring . .. .............. 34 RF Alignment PC301 ._............. ..... 00. 11-12 PC GO 4 4 4 aa ea a ra 8e 1 10 4 4 1 4 aa ea 00m 0 35 Balanced Mixer Adjustment PC 301 ................ 12 РС 701 ..iirereariarenre renacer rrrarrerea 35 ALC Adjustment ... oii eae 12 PC BOT i ieee a eee ena 36 Meter (TX MODE) Adjustment . ................... 12 PC SO RR 4 ea a a ee a a 6 36 Carrier Balance Adjustment ......22220 000000000000 12 PS 115 Diagram and Description ....... PS 37 Crystal (BFO/CARRIER) Adjustment. .............. 12 PS 130 Diagram and Instructions... ................ 38 CW Tone Oscillator Adjustment ............-...... 12 PC 801 Installation Instructions ...........e ree. 39 P.A. Idile Bias Adjustment .. 12224-14120 041 0 aa 00 6 12 S507 Accessory Socket Connections . ................ 40 CHAPTER 1 SPECIFICATIONS ALDA 103 GENERAL Frequency Coverage: 3.5 Mhz to 4.0 Mhz. 7.0 Mhz to 7,5 Mhz. 14.0 Mhz to 14.5 Mhz, Frequency Control: VFO covering the frequency range 5.0 Mhz to 5.5 Mhz, Frequency Stability: Less thant 100 Hz drift per hour from a cold start at room temperature. Less than 100 Hz drift per 10 degree temperature change. Modes of Operation: 558, both Upper and Lower without accessories. CW. May be transmitted in either sideband without acces- sories. Note that CW Tx output is automatically offset so that the listener need not retune the receiver when switching from SSB. Supply Voltage and Power Requirements: 13.6 volts, negative ground only, 18 amps. (Accessory AC supply available.) Note: A supply voltage as high as 16 volts may be used without damage to the transceiver. Size: 34” high. 9” wide. 1214” front to back including knobs. Weight: 8% ibs, RECEIVER Straight through to 9 Mhz IF on 80 meters. 40 meter and 20 meter signals converted to 3.5 Mhz to 4 Mhz and then 9 Mhz. Signal to Noise ratio: Better than 10 db S+N/N for 0.5 uv signal. Sensitivity! More than 2.0 watts audio output for 0.5 uv input signal. Audio Output: More than 3 watts to internal or external 3 ohm speaker. Audio Distortion: Less than 5% at 3 watt output level, AGC: Less than 12 db variation in audio output level when the input signal is varied from 5 uv to .1 volt. intermodulation Intercept Point: * Better than +10 dbm. *The intercept point was measured with both received signals within the receiver IF passband, 3 Image Rejection: 60 meters. . Better than -100 db, 40 meters. Better than -100 db, 20 meters. Better than - 65 db, IF Feedthrough: 80 meters. Better than -110 db. 40 meters. Better than -80 db. 20 meters, Better than -75 db. Spurious Signals: B80 meters, Better than -80 db. 40 meters. Better than -80 db. (Except for one 500 Khz higher than the dial indicated frequency at -65 db. 20 meters, Better than -70 db. TRANSMITTER Power Input: SSB. In excess of 200 watts PEP all bands, CW, Adjustable to in excess of 200 watts, Unwanted Sideband Supression: Better than -65 db measured at 1000 Hz. Harmonics Outputs: Better than -40 db below 30 Mhz. Better than -60 db above 30 Mhz, Spurious Outputs: Better than -40 db below 30 Mhz. Better than -60 db above 30 Mhz. Third Order Distortion: Better than -26 db at the 100 watt level of output on 80 and 40 meters. Better than -26 db at the 85 watt level of output on 20 meters. OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES ALDA PS115 Power Supply. 115/230 volts 50/60 Hz. (Portable—Average Duty—Unregulated) ALDA PS130 Power Supply. 115 or 230 volts 50/60 Hz. (Base Station—Heavy Duty— Regulated) ALDA PC701 Noise Blanker Module ALDA PC 801 Crystal Calibrator Module (Switchable 100/25 KHZ Output) ALDA PC 701 Noise Blanker Module NOTE: The above specifications are subject to change without notice. General Description The ALDA 103 Amateur HF SSB/CW Transceiver is a medium power unit for mobile, portable or base station operation. The transceiver provides operation on three bands: 80, 40 and 20 meters. The transceiver may be powered from any suitable +13.8 volt source, negative ground. The source must be capable of supplying up to 18 amperes on peaks and 10 amperes average. The power supply voltage may fluctuate between 11 and 17 volts without damage or mis-operation of the transceiver except that transmitter power output may fail below the specified minimum if the supply voltage drops below 13.8 volts. When operating portable or from a vehicle or boat or aircraft using a 12 volt negative ground system, no additional power supply is necessary, When installed as a fixed station, an accessory power supply is required to convert the standard 115/230 volt, 50/60Hz to a nominal 13.8 volts DC, Two such power supply models are the Alda PS 115 for fixed or portable, average duty operation and the Alda PS 130 for fully regulated, heavy duty operation, The transceiver is designed 10 operate directly into a resonant 50 ohm antenna system or into an antenna tuner. Control wires are brought out to a rear mounted socket so that an antenna tuner may be located near the antenna and remotely controlled from the transceiver. This feature is of particular value for maritime mobile operation where either a singie vertical or long wire (Back Stay) type antenna must be utilized. Special Features All Solid State -- 80, 40 and 20 meters. Totally Broadbanded — no tune-up whatsoever, Compact Size — only 3-1/4 in, x 9 in. x 12-1/2 in. Lightweight — 8-1/4 ibs. Perfect for Mobile or Portable. Power Input — 250 watts PEP or Average, Selectable Sideband — (CW operation on either sideband for ORM Evasion.) CW Keying — Semi-Break-in with adjustable sidetone level. Complete with mobile microphone, mobile mounting bracket and mobile power cord with fuse and fuse block. Internal Zener Regulation allows DC input voltage variation from 11 to 17 volts without mal-operation (except for lower transmit output power). Particularly rugged construction making the transceiver perfectly suited for mobile use and rough emergency use. Extended frequency coverage to 4.050, 7.6 and 14.5 MHz for additional utilization on MARS, CAP, etc. Well suited for base station operation. To operate CW, merely press the morse key. No mode switch to bother with. Receiver has exceptional immunity to front end overload. Plug-in Modular printed circuit boards for easy maintenance. Boards are made of solder plated epoxy fiberglass. No hydroscopic materials are used. Complete accessory support including plug-in mobile noise blanker, crystal calibrator-dual output 25/100 KHz, PS 115 fixed or portable, average duty power supply or PS 130 fully regulated heavy duty power supply. Additional new accessories to include Remote VFO, Digital Readout and ten channel crystal oscillator, Maritime use enhanced by built-in switching of optional remate controlled antenna tuner for vertical whip or long wire {Back Stay) type antenna. Receiver Nominal Current Drain of 400 MA. provides energy saving monitoring capability. Emergency use enhanced by mic gain controlling transmit output power in SSB and CW. Use only the required amount of power tc maintain communication while conserving battery energy {or if you wish, operate QRP). Very superior VSWF protection circuitry allows safe operation into mis-rnatched antennas, {Typically nominal output 80 watts at 3:71 VSWR and no worries of power amplifier transistor burn-out.) Front Panal Meter provides S-meter indication during receive ang relative output indication during transmit, Special Braille Dial available at no extra cost. Maximum allowable power input for novice and technician on 80 and 40 meters. ILTER AMP ONT AMP LP FILTERS — [creo [ame | [wine LP 2 ND IST 9 MHZ 2ND PROD EST AUDIO 2ND CIRCUITS AMP MIXER | [Ficrenl [ix | № AMPL En jus АМР || oer | [eue E | [4500 | F : 1/4 о # 200 FLO 8 @102 | С10 2 (А) > 202 | a * К) ace 2ND AGC > > AMP AGE ALS 2104 RF / RECT # 1/4 GAIN CONTROL 1сюг В AGC AGL AQ304 BUFFER > AMP 40307 [ À S/METER AMP A 4 AGC AMP S METER S METER * во Tao 720 RECT Q306 * Mazos II MHZ Cc 9 18 MH? L- HF osc— AGC X 4 =, AGC REC № USED IN BOTH RX $ TX MODES x | F USED IN BOTH RX ¢ Tx MODES, TX CW SIDETONE ONLY BFO/ CARRIER GENERATOR vFO | AMPS 0602 *_| DIAL SETE iC 203 1 1 1 > | SBI SB? =" 90015 8998.50 BLOCK DIAZRAM ТГ, FIG. 2.1 RX CONDITION ALDA 1 HK MIC Cw TX AUDIO BAL MOD TX MHZ ТЕ TX MIXER P MIXER TUNED TX ANP 5 ГГ TTT ра [ORE] TE] TART) Ral PO RRE Г — ILTER и: go e 102 мкс [> a D204 ; DIO3 * 201 Q202 0205 9103 FLIOI ) C10] D104 О p— 80 + a 302 Q30! + + sg 00 Oe <> * > > + >> LL rer Le AGO /ALC # ^сс/ + VFO AMP PP OUEFEA — Qo 4 / \ aso: о | C301 BFO/CARRIER GEN AMPS | & 1C203 # vro * 5— 5,5 MHZ Qed) S81 SE? DIAL И МН ес = | В мн ae SET TUNE | | HF OSC CW KEY ES 0015 89985 ax ALC RECT Cw TONE E 040, D410 Cw GATE Osc AUDIO AMP A Das Cy 1C201 + + tC202 A TX LINEAR AMPS Le [ | a503 5 METER RECT D 406, D 407 ANT (op — . BLOCK DIAGRAM FIG 22 TX CONDITION # USED IN BOTH TX F AX MODES, F USED IN BOTH TX § RX MODES, TX CW SIDETONE ONLY BIAS REGULATOR ALDA 1 CHAPTER 2 The Block Diagram and Brief Description 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 The ALDA 103 Amateur Band SSB transceiver utilizes a basic 9 Mhz IF system and a VFO which tunes the range 5 Mhz to 5.5 Mhz. When the bandswitch is set to the 80 meter band the transceiver operates single conversion in both the receive and transmit modes. The 3.6 Mhz to 4 Mhz input signal is added to the 5.5 Mhz to 5.0 Mhz VFO signal, producing a 9 Mhz IF frequency. When operated in the 40 meter or 20 meter bands the transceiver double-converts in both the receive and transmit modes. If the bandswitch is set to the 40 meter position, the 7 Mhz — 7.5 Mhz signal is beat with an 11 Mhz crystal oscillator producing a 4.0 Mhz to 3.5 Mhz signal which is then processed in the 80 meter portion of the transceiver as outlined in 2.1 and 2.2 above. If the bandswitch is set to the 20 meter position, the 14 Mhz to 14.5 Mhz signal is beat with an 18 Mhz crystal oscillator producing a 4.0 Mhz to 3.5 Mhz signal which is then processed in the 80 meter portion of the transceiver as outlined in 2.1 and 2.2 above. RECEIVE CONDITION 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 Refer to figure 2.1, the block diagram shows the receive condition. The signal is fed to one of three, 5 element jow pass filters as selected by the bandswitch and then fed through one of three sets of tuned circuits, Each tuned circuit set consists of three top coupled tuned circuits which provide a high degree of selectivity. The sets of tuned circuits are diode switched to avoid complicated bandswitching and at the same time allow- ing a considerable reduction in transceiver size. An RF Amplifier Q303 provides a limited amount of amplification sufficient only to overcome the losses of the following mixer and filter circuits. Too much amplification in this part of the circuit would cause undesirable cross modulation and/or receiver desensitiza- tion. A mixer circuit follows Q303. In the 80 meter position of the bandswitch the mixer diodes are forward biased to render the mixer inoperative. See paragraph 2.1 and 2.2. In the interests of large signal handling capability the mixer is a diode, double balanced, ring type. In the 40 meter position of the bandswitch an 11 mhz crystal oscillator Q306 provides a loca! oscillator voltage to the mixer, diodes D312-D315, through the buffer amplifier 0307, See paragraph 2.1 and 2.2. In the 20 meter position of the bandswitch an 18 Mhz crystal oscillator Q305 provides a local oscillator voltage to the mixer, diodes D312-0315, through the buffer amplifier Q307. See paragraph 2.1 and 2.2. A low pass filter which cuts off just above 4 Mhz removes the 80 meter image signal and other unwanted oroducts before applying the wanted signal to the second double balanced, diode, ring mixer (diodes D101-D104). À VFO signa! covering the frequency range 5 Mhz — 5.5 Mhz is generated in Q601 and then buffered by Q602 before being applied to the second mixer circuit. 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 Mote that in the receive condition only, incremental tuning capacitor may be switched into circuit which allows the received signal to be varied a small amount about the transmitted frequency. An amplifier stage Q101 follows the second mixer. This amplifier provides a limited amount of amplifica- tion, sufficient only to overcome the losses of the mixer and crystal filter circuits, Too much amplification in this part of the circuit would cause undesirable cross modulation and desensitization. A multi-element crystal filter follows the IF amplifier. The center frequency of the crystal has been set at 9 Mhz. ‘An integrated circuit [C101 follows the crystal filter and provides most of the high frequency amplification in the RF and IF chain. A dual gate product detector mixes the 9 Mhz signal frequency with the beat frequency oscillator voltage and produces an audio signal at the output, Beat frequency oscillator signal is generated in two oscillator circuits. Each oscillator provides a signal 1.5 Khz removed from the carrier frequency in order to obtain either upper or lower sideband operation as desired. Integrated circuit [C203 provides both oscillator circuits and also two stages of buffer amplification, Audio signa! from the product detector is split into two paths. One path is fed to operational amplifier IC102 {a} where the signal is considerably amplified before being applied to the receiver audio gain control. Audio signal from operational amplifier IC102 (a) is fed via the audio gain control to audio amplifier 1C202, This stage delivers more than 3 watts of audio to the speaker or headphones. Audio output from the product detector Q102 is also amplified by operational amplifier IC102 {b) and is then split into two paths. One path is fed to the AGC rectifier system D112 and D113 and the resultant DC signal fed to the AGC DC amplifier Q104. Output from 0104 controls the gain of the 2nd IF amplifier IC101. Additional AGC contro! is obtained from AGC amplifier 0105. Q105 also receives a signal from operational amplifier 1C102 (b}. The output of QTUS is rectified by diodes D118 and D119, The resultant negative going DC voltaje is then applied to FET amplifier 0304. Transistor 0304 controls the gain of RF amplifier 0303 by varying its emitter voltage and thus the current through the stage, Output from transistor 0105 also feeds the 5 Meter rectifier system D114 and D115. The resultant DC voltage is fed to the S Meter and is in proportion to the signal level. An RF Gain control controls the gain of RF amplifier 0303 by varying the emitter voltage of the stage and thus the current through the device, TRANSMIT CONDITION 2.23 2,24 Refer to figure 2.2, the block diagram showing the transmit condition. Signal from the microphone is fed via the microphone gain control to the two audio amplifier stages Q201 and Q202, Output from the microphone amplifier is fed to the double balanced, diode, ring modulator D202-D205 and mixed with carrier voltage to create a double sideband, 2.25 2.26 2.27 2.28 2.29 2.30 2.31 2.32 2.33 2.34 2.35 2.36 2.37 2.38 2.39 suppressed carrier signal, Carrier is generated in the BFO/Carrier Generator stages in integrated circuit 1C203. See paragraph 2.16. Double sideband output from the balanced modulator is fed via a transistor gate, 0103, which is on only in the transmit condition, to the crystal filter FÉL101. The crystal filter removes either the upper or the lower sideband dependent upon which carrier generator crystal is in use as determined by the sideband selector switch on the front panel, Single sideband output from the crystal filter is amplified by integrated circuit 1C101 and is then fed via a diode gate D109, which is on only in the transmit condition, to the mixer diode ring, D101 — D104. VFO voltage from 0601 and 0602 is mixed with the 9 Mhz IF SSB signal and an output in the 3.5 Mhz to 4 Mhz band is produced. See paragraph 2.11 for operation of the VFO circuit. Output from the mixer circuit, in addition to the wanted signal, contains many spurious products including a strong image signal. These products are filtered out or reduced by a low pass filter circuit before being applied to the next mixer stage D312 — D315. The operation of the 2nd mixer stage has been covered in paragraphs 2.1 through 2.4. In the case of the transmit mode the path through the mixer is in the opposite direction from the receive mode. For operation of the local oscillators, when operating tn the 40 meter and 20 meter bands, see paragraphs 2.8 and 2.9. Output from the 2nd mixer is fed to one of three sets of tuned cirçuits each covering the 80 meter, 40 meter and 20 meter bands respectively. The sets of tuned circuits are diode switched to eliminate complicated bandswitching circuitry and unwanted coupling, Each set of tuned circuits consists of three top coupled, parallel tuned circuits which give a high degree of selectivity, further reducing unwanted products generated in the mixer circuits. Following the tuned circuits are two broadband low level, linear amplifier circuits, Q301 and 0302, Output from amplifier Q301 is fed via a co-axial cable to the linear amplifier stage, Q&01, Amplifiers 0501 and 0502 both operate class A. Transistor 0502 drives push pull stages 0503 and 0504. Transistor amplifiers O501 through Q604 are all located on the linear amplifier module, heat sink. The entire amplifier is broadbanded. Push pull operating of the two final amplifiers 0503 and 0504 considerably reduces the even order harmonies making the filtering task of the following low pass filters somewhat easier. A regulator stage Q505 provides bias to the final amplifier stages. Not shown in the block diagram are two sitver-lead diodes which sense the heat generated in the heatsink by the amplifiers and contro! the bias voltage generated in the regulator stage Q505, The bias is accordingly held fairly constant regardless of heatsink temperature and supply voltage, Output from the linear amplifier stages is fed to one of three low pass filter circuits, Each filter cuts off just above the appropriate amateur band, thus providing a high degree of harmonic suppression. CW transmission is accomplished by feeding a high quality 800 Hz tone into the microphone audio ampli- 2.40 2.41 2.42 2.43 2.44 2.45 fier via the microphone gain control. The gain control also controls the CW output level, Not shown in the black diagram is a network of diodes which allows break-in keying, When the key is depressed an automatic delay is provided so that the transceiver will stay in the transmit mode between CW characters and words but will switch to receive between longer pauses. The CW key controls the gate, 0203, 0203, in turn controls the operational amplifier, 800 Hz oscillator stage, [C201. CW sidetone is automatically provided when the key is pressed. Tone signal from {C201 is fed to the receiver audio output amplifier 1C201 and the level may be adjusted by the receiver audio gain control. An Automatic level control system has been provided to prevent the transmitter from being driven into an overloaded condition. Output from the transmitter is sampled by rectifier system D409 and D410 and the resultant DC signal amplified by amplifier Q104. Q104, in turn, controls the gain of IF amplifier IC101. Metering of the transmitter output is accomplished by rectifying a portion of the transmitter output with rectifier system D406 and D407. The resultant DC is fed directly to the meter. An accessory printed circuit board PC701 noise blanker allows blanking of ignition and other pulse type interference. Noise signals are taken from the 3.5 Mhz — 4 Mhz input to PC101, amplified, rectified and further amplified before being applied to the noise gate Q106 on PC101. Note that the noise blanker uses a system which adjusts to the steady state signal level thus considerably reducing cross modulation, a problem with most noise blankers, An accessory power supply provides approximately 14.5 volts DC to the transceiver, The supply is a simple full wave rectifier, capacitor/choke filtered system. The supply is not regulated, this not being necessary as the 2.46 2.47 transceiver contains its own regulation. The Model PS115 power supply described above is intended for application as a portable, average duty, unregulated power supply. On accessory printed circuit board PC801, Crystal Calibrator provides a switch selected 100kHz/25kHz output signal which is connected to the receiver input for calibrating the individual bands with the dial set capacitor. The RIT control should be turned off during the calibration. Accessory Power Supply {Model P$130) consists of a 30 Amp Bridge Rectifier, an operational amplifier, two control transistors and four pass transistors and dual heavy-duty heat sinks. The output voltage is factory adjusted for 13.0 volts at 30 amperes load. The PS130 js intended for application as a base station, heavy duty, fully regulated power supply. CHAPTER 3 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION RECEIVE CONDITION 31 3,2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3,7 3.8 39 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 Signal from the antenna is applied to Switch Wafer W2 which is part of the Bandswitch, SW1. Wafers 2 and 3 select one of three low pass filters. Each filter is designed to cut off just above the frequency band it is designed to pass. : Output from Wafer 3 is fed through the antenna change over relay RLY401 to printed circuit board PC301. Signal from the antenna relay is fed through diode T/R switch D302 to the cathodes of three diode switches D304, D305 and D306. Diode switch D301 closed in the transmit condition is now open. Diode switch D303 closed in the transmit condition is now open, PC301 contains 3 sets of tuned circuits, one set for each frequency band. The tuned circuits are diode switched when the bandswitch is rotated. Tuned circuit selection is effected when the bandswitch applies a positive voltage to the anode of the appropriate diode switch. For example, in the 80 meter position of the bandswitch diodes D306, and D309 are forward biased {ON} but the other diode switches D304, D305, D307 and D308 are reverse biased (OFF). Signal voltage from the diode switches D307 through 03093 is next applied to the base of transistor amplifier 0303. The output of this stage drives the mixer transformer L316. Q303 is turned off in the transmit condition by applying a positive voltage from the control line via resistor R319 and diode D311 to the emitter. Making the emitter of this stage positive is the same as making the base negative, FET transistor 304, by varying the source voltage of 0303, provides a degree of automatic gain control. Automatic gain control voltage is developed on printed circuit board PC101, See paragraph 3.26. The first mixer (see paragraph 2.7} consists of transformers L316, L317, diodes D312, D313, D314 and D315 and potentiometer P301, In the 20 meter position of the bands witch, oscillator voltage from the 18 Mhz osciflator is applied to the mixer from L318, mixing with the 14 Mhz signal frequency and producing an output frequency in the 3.5 Mhz to 4 Mhz frequency range. In the 40 meter position af the bandswitch, oscillator voltage from the 11 Mhz oscillator is applied to the mixer from L318, mixing with the 7 Mhz signal frequency and producing an outpur frequency in the 3.5 Mhz to 4 Mhz frequency range. In the 80 meter position of the bandswitch a positive voltage is applied through diode gate D316 and resistor R323 to the balanced mixer causing the mixer diodes to be forward biased thus allowing the stage to conduct. straight through. Qutput from the mixer is next fed via a coaxial cable to printed circuit board assembly PC101. In the 20 meter position of the bandswitch (see paragraph 3.10.) crystal oscillator stage Q305 is activat- ed by applying positive voltage to the stage from switch 3.15 3.16 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 3.24 3.25 3.26 3.27 3.28 3.2% 3.30 wafer W1, part of the bandswitch SW1. In the 40 meter position of the bandswitch (see paragraph 3.11,) crystal oscillator stage Q306 is activat- ed by applying a positive voltage to the stage from the switch wafer W1, part of the bandswitch SW1. Transistor 0307 jsolates and amolifies oscillator volt- age from either of the crystal oscillator stages 0305 or Q306 and applies the output to the mixer through L317, Output from the mixer transformer L317 is fed via a coaxial cable to the low pass filter section L101, L108, C101, €102, C103 and C104. This filter is designed to cut off just above 4 Mhz. Its purpose is to reduce local oscillator radiation and spurious and image responses in both the receive and transmit modes, A double balanced mixer circuit consisting of trans formers L102, L104 and diodes D101 through D104 mix the incoming 3.5 Mhz — 4 Mhz signal with the 5 Mhz — 5.5 Mhz VFO signal and produce a 9 Mhz intermediate frequency at the output. Ampiification of the iF frequency is accomplished by Q101 and then fed through diode gate D107 ta the crystal filter FLIOT. In the receive condition D107 is turned on by the collector current flowing through it. In the receive mode, diode switch D108 is turned OFF as is diode gate D109. However, D110 is turned ON shorting to ground signal from the IF amplifier IC101 which, in the transmit condition, is allowed to be fed to the mixer transformer L104, Following the crystal filter FL101, an integrated circuit amplifier 1IC101, amplifies the signal to a level sufficient to drive the product detector Q102. Product detector Q102 receives signal from the IF transformer L107 and oscillator voltage from the Beat Frequency Oscillator on printed circuit module PC201 and mixes the two together to produce a signal in the audio range. Output from the product detector is applied to two autio amplifier stages simultaneously. Both amplifiers are contained in the same package but are operationally separate, Operational ampiifier {A} amplifies the signal and applies it to the audio gain control and thence to the integrated circuit audio output amplifier 1C202 located on printed circuit module PC2GT. Operational amplifier {B} amplifies and then applies the audio signal to AGC rectifiers D112 and D113 and to S Meter AGC Amplifier Q105, Voltage doubler rectifier system D112 and 60113 rectifies audio output from operational amplifier {C102 (B). A positive voltage supplied by voltage divider components R124 and R125 bias up the system so that rectification cannot take place until the signal level has reached a predetermined level thus preventing the AGC system from operating on weak signals, In the receive condition D120 is reversed biased and thus not in operation, DC voltage from rectifier D112 is proportional to signal level. This voltage is applied to the AGC DC amplifier Q104. Capacitor C132 filters the output of the rectifier D112. Resistor R126 prevents capacitor C131 from slowing the attack time of the AGC system vet allows the capacitor to charge as the signal continues and to 3.31 3.32 3.33 3.34 3.35 3.36 3.37 3.38 3.39 3.40 3.41 discharge when the signal ceases. The combination of components allow a fast attack, slow release AGE system, DC amplifier Q104 applies the amplified AGC voltage to pin D of integrated circuit amplifier 1C101 where considerable AGC control is effected. S Meter/AGC amplifier Q105 applies amplified audio signal to two rectifier systems simultaneously. Diodes D118 and D118 rectify audio voltage and the signal is then applied to RF amplifier Q303 through control transistor 0304, (See paragraphs 3.7 and 3.8) Output from Q105 is rectified by diode system D114 and D116 and then applied to the S Meter via limiting resistor R130. Audio from operational amplifier IC102 LA) is fed via the receiver audio gain control to the integrated circuit audio amplifier 1C202 where more than 3 watts of audio is produced. Feedback around the amplifier is applied through components C220, C221 and R232. Output from pin 1 is fed via an isolation capacitor C226 to the speaker, Beat frequency oscillator voltage is developed in integrated circuit 1C203. Two separate oscillators are contained within the one package. Either oscillator is actuated when the sideband selector switch is activated. Oscillation takes place when positive supply voliage is applied to the appropriate stage. Trimmer capacitors C227 and C233 allow the BFO crystals to be adjusted to frequency. Within 1C203 are two bipolar transistors, both of which act as emitter followers and allow the BFO oscillators to be isolated from the load. Diode D208 is ON in the receive condition allowing BFO voltage to be applied to the product detector 2102. Local oscillator voltage (VFO) is developed in the VFO module PC601, FET Q601 oscillates over the frequency range 5 Mhz to 5.5 Mhz. Tuning is accom- plished with C7. À dial Set capacitor C6 allows the VFO Calibration to be adjusted. A trimmer capacitor C802 and the Inductor slug in L601 allow the VFO dial to be aligned and calibrated. Output from 0601 is isolated and amplified by Q602 before being fed via coaxial cable to the mixer circuit on PC101, Receiver incremental tuning (RIT) is accomplished by the action of diodes D60| and D602. When the RIT switch SW4, located on the front panel, is turned on the anode of diode D602 is grounded through R606 causing the diode to be OFF, At the same time diode D601 is turned ON and RIT capacitor C8 is connected across the VFO tuned circuit. In the OFF position of the RIT switch diode D602 is turned ON and D601 is turned OFF. This action causes RIT Capacitor C8 to disengage and C612 is connected in its place Note that in the transmit condition, because the RIT Switch is connected to the Control Line, the RIT circuit is disconnected. See paragraph 3.42. RF Gain Control P3 controls the gain of the RF stage Q303 by varying the emitter voltage and thus the current through the device, TRANSMIT CONDITION 3.42 3.43 3.44 3.45 3.46 3.47 3.48 3.49 3.50 3.51 3.52 When the microphone push-to-talk switch is pressed the relay RLY401 located on printed circuit module PC401 is closed. This relay performs the following functions: a) Disconnects the antenna from the receiver and connects it to the transmitter linear amplifier output, Note that this action takes place after the low pass filters. (see paragraph 3.1) b} Connects +13.6 volts to the transmitter linear amplifier module PCH01 located on the heat sink at the rear of the chassis, c} Connects +13.6 volts to the control line through filter components R401, L407, C405 and C406, located on PC401, The positive control line voltage is used to turn on or off varigus stages throughout the transceiver to enable the circuits to move from a receive to a transmit condition, When the push-to-talk switch is released the control line is grounded. (see paragraph 3.71) Audio from the microphone is amplified by transist- ors 0201 and Q202 before being applied to the balanced modulator diodes D202 through D205. In the receive condition the amplifiers are disabled when the base of Q202 is grounded through D201 as the control line is grounded, Capacitor C209 and potentiometer P201 atlow precise adjustment of the carrier balance. Carrier is generated in integrated circuit 1C203. This portion of the circuit is explained in paragraphs 3.35, 3.36 and 3.37. Output from the stage is applied to the balanced modulator potentiometer P201. Output from the balanced modulator (double side- band suppressed carrier}, is fed via coaxial cable, diode D116 and TX Gate Q103 to the crystal filter FL101. Note that in the transmit mode, transistor Q101 is turned off by the application of a positive control line voltage to the emitter via diode D108 and resistor R106. When current ceases to flow through Q101 diode gate D107 opens. Crystal filter FL101 removes the unwanted sideband from the double sideband signal and applies the output to integrated circuit amplifier 1C101. After amplification in C101, signal is transmitted through L107, R135, C138, D109 and C106 to the primary of the mixer transformer L104. Diode D110 which had been closed in the receive mode has now been opened by the action of the Control Line. The Mixer circuit, consisting of diodes D101 through 0104, mixes 9 Mhz signal with the 5 Mhz — 5.5 Mhz VFO and produces a signal in the 3.5 Mhz to 4 Mhz range. The VFO circuit has been described in paragraphs 3.38 — 3.40, A low pass filter consisting of components L101, L108, C101, C102, C103 and C104 removes the unwanted image component and reduces VFO leakage before the signal is fed via coaxial cable to printed circuit module PC301. Signal from the low pass filter on PC101 is fed to the next mixer stage consisting of diodes D312 through D315. The action of this stage together with the HF oscillators Q305, Q306 and amplifier Q307 have been described in paragraphs 3.9 through 3.12 and 3.14 through 3.17. However, it must be noted that the signal, 3.53 3.54 3.55 3.56 3.57 3.58 3.59 3.60 3.61 3.62 3.63 during the transmit mode, flaws through the mixer in a direction opposite from the receive mode. Output from the mixer transformer L316 bypasses 0303 (which has been turned OFF by the application of positive control line voltage to the emitter via D311 and R319) and is routed through diode gate D310, {which had been open in the receive mode.) Signal from D310 is fed to one of three sets of tuned circuits which are diode switched by diodes D304 through D309. These circuits have been described in paragraphs 3.6 and 3.7. Following the tuned circuits is diode T/R switch D302 which is OFF during the transmit mode and diode T/R switch D303 which is now ON, routing the transmit signal to the amplifier stages ©302 and Q301. Component value around these two stages have been carefully chosen to give equal gain across the three amateur bands. - Output from transistor linear amplifier QO301 15 fed vía coaxial cable to the input of the linear amplifier moduie PC501 located on the heat sink at the rear of the chassis, The amplifier consists of two class A stages, Q501 and Qb02 driving a pair of pushpuil transistors 503 and 0504, Pushpull operation has been used in order to reduce the generation of 2nd harmonic components, Capacitors C809 and CB10 tune out the reactance of wideband transformer L504, In a nigh power linear amplifier it 5 important that the bias supply be “stiff” and that the bias to the stage maintain a constant no-signal collector current. This is accomplished in the case of amplifier stage Q502 by using the regulation properties of a silver {ead diode, D801. Not only does D501 maintain a constant bias voltage to the base of ОБО? it also samples heat developed by the stage and lowers its resistance and consequently the blas to the stage, maintaining a constant collector current. Bias to transistors Q503 and QB04 is maintained at a constant level by the action of diodes D502 and D503 and transistor amplifier Q505 in the manner outlined in the preceeding paragraph. In this instance two diodes in series are required due to the voltage drop of the 0505 base emitter junction. It is very important that these diodes be replaced only with identical type diodes for the temperature characteristics of the diodes have been carefully chosen to track the amplifiers they regulate, The output from the wideband transformer L504 is taken by coaxial cable to the relay RLY401 located on printed circuit board PC40f, From the relay the transmit signal is fed to the bandswitched low pass filters also located on PC407, (See paragraphs 3.1 and 3.2) The filters are instrumentai in reducing harmonics developed in the transmitter linear amplifier output transistors Q503 and Q504. Output from the bandswitch wafer W2 is connected by coaxial cable to the antenna socket S01, Output at the antenna socket is supplied via C411 and R404 to ALC diode rectifiers D409 and D410. The level . of the signal is varied by adjustment capacitor C412 located on PC401. The resultant control voltage is then fed to the base of Q104 where it is amplified and used to control the gain of integrated circuit 1C101, Note that the action of this circuit is dependent upon proper matching of the transceiver to the antenna, 10 3.64 Output at the antenna socket is supplied via C408 to meter rectifiers D406 and D407, The level of the signal is varied by adjustment capacitor C408. The resultant DC voltage is fed directly to the meter via resistor R402. The meter will give a relative output reading only as the voltage at the antenna socket will largely be determined by the antenna standing wave ratio and the voice characteristics of the transceiver aperator. CW TRANSMIT CONDITION 3.65 3.66 3.67 3.68 3.69 3.70 3.71 The ALDA 103 Transceiver uses a unique form of CW break-in. No operation of mode switches are required to transfer from SSB to CW operation. Both the CW key and the microphone may be left plugged in at all times. {Provided the microphone push-to-talk switch also opens the microphone circuit). Refer to the PC40? schematic. The operation of this part of the circuit 18 as follows: CW Key Pressed, D404 ON, Relay closes, D403 reversed biased, D401 ON, C403 charges. The exciter is put into the transmit mode. C403 has been charged through D401 holding the relay closed between CW characters. CW Key Released. D404 OPEN. D401 OPEN. D403 ON. Charge from C403 flows through D403 holding relay closed until C403 discharged. The capacitance value of C403 determines the length of time the transceiver will stay In the transmit condition after the CW key 15 released. An 800 Hz tone oscillator 1C201 located on PC201 supplies a very clean tone, via resistor R221 and the microphone gain control, to the transmit audio amplifier Q201. The tone oscillator is actuated only when the CW key is pressed. When the key is pressed the base of control transistor 0203 is made positive causing (203 to saturate and supply positive voltage to the bridge T type osciliator 1C201. Note that the microphone push-to-talk-switch cannot actuate the tone oscillator due to the presence of diode D404. The tone level supplied to the transmit audio ampli- fier Q201 may be adjusted by the microphone gain control when in the CW mode. A CW sidetone signal is made available to the receiver audio output amplifier and the level adiusted with the receiver audio gain control. CONTROL CIRCUITS CONTROL CIRCUITS 3.71 3.72 3.73 Refer to paragraph 3.42, The relay RLY 401 supplies a positive voltage to the CONTROL LINE during the transmit mode and a ground during the receive mode, The control line is indicated as such throughout the schematic diagrams. The control tine is used to turn on appropriate stages in the transmit condition and turn off unwanted receiver circuits, Likewise, in the receive condition, the control line is used to deactivate unwant- ed transmit circuits. Protection against power supply or battery polarity reversal is provided by protect diode D401 located on PC401. Only the currents to the exciter and receiver portions of the transceiver and the current to the relay coil of RLY 401 are carried through the diode, The transmit module PC401 does not receive its supply voltage through the polarity protect diode but the module is never-the-less protected because if the microphone push-to-talk switch is pressed when the supply voltage is reversed, the relay will not energize, thus voltage is not able to get to the module. ACCESSORIES: Noise Blanker, 3.74 3,75 3.76 3.77 3.78 3.79 3.80 The noise blanker input is received from the signal input to PC101, Received signals have been converted to the frequency range of 3,5 Mhz to 4.0 Mhz at this point. Signal and noise pulses are applied to amplifier Q701 through C701. The input impedance of 0701 is high so that the device does not load the input to PC101. The noise and signals are further amplified by (C701. Output from 1C701 is coupled to the voltage doubler rectifier system through a very small capacitor C710 in an effort to discriminate against signals, and accept only the noise pulses, Noise pulses are rectified by diodes D701 and D703 and then transmitted to pulse amplifiers Q702 and Q703 through diode gate D702. Signal flowing through diode D703 also flows through resistor R711 causing a voltage drop. If the signal level is high or the noise is non pulse in nature a considerable voltage drop may be obtained across R711 which wil cause diode gate D702 to be reverse biased preventing signal from reaching Q702. Noise pulses rising above the bias will continue to operate the pulse amplifiers. Without the automatic bias action of the circuit considerable cross modulation would result when the noise blanker is turned an, The pulsed output from the pulse amplifier Q703 is fed to the base of the noise blanker switch 0106 which, when pulsed, puts a short across the output of the IF amplifier Q101 for the duration of the pulse. Note: All noise blankers will at some time or other create some cross modulation which may only be eliminated by placing considerable selectivity ahead of the noise blanker circuit. Unfortunately, selectivity considerably widens the noise puise making it necessary to silence the receive for longer periods which action in itself will cause interference, CHAPTER 4 ALIGNMENT AND ADJUSTMENT 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4,7 VFO: Connect frequency counter to pin 4 of the . PC101 printed circuit board connector. (Count from front of chassis), Set Dial Set to center and turn RIT switch off, Turn dial to read 0 and adjust the L801 coils stug until the frequency reads 5.00 Mhz. Turn dial to 500 and adjust the trimmer capacitor C602 until the frequency counter reads 5.500 Mhz. Repeat 4.3 and then 4.4. As one adjustment affects the other continue until the correct reading is obtained at both ends of the dial, IF Alignment PC10%: Connect a signal generator to the antenna input terminal, Set the bandswitch to the 80 meter band and the RF gain control fully advanced. Connect an audio voltmeter across the speaker. Tune in a signal from the generator at about 3.8 Mhz keeping the signal generator output as low as possible with the signal just above the noise. 11 ACCESSORIES: CRYSTAL CALIBRATOR 3.81 3.82. 3.83 3.84 3.85 3.86 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.12 4.13 4.14 The crystal calibrator consists of a 1000kHz crystal oscillator followed by a +10 divider, providing 100kHz marker signals, and a further +4 divider providing 25kHz markers. Either the 100kHz or the 26kHz markers may be selected by appropriate positioning of the selector switch. integrated circuit tC801 comprises the 1000kHz crystal oscillator. Bias is provided by resistor R801. Frequency is accurately set by trimmer capacitor C803. Output from crystal oscillator stage IC801 is applied to the input of the +10 stage IC802, the 100kHz output of which is applied to the receiver antenna terminal through capacitor C807. Output from the -10 stage IC80? is applied to the input of the +4 stage IC803, the 25kHz output of which is applied to the receiver antenna terminal through capacitor C808. Switch SW1 applies 48.2 volts to 1C801 and 1C802 in the 100kHz position of the selector switch and to all three IC's in the 25kHz position of the selector switch. Note that in the 25kHz position, +8.2 voits is applied to C801 and C802 through the diode gate D801. Adjustment, The capacitor C803 is used to adjust the crystal to exactly 100kHz, À frequency counter may be connected to the output of C807, and with the switch in the 100kHz position, the trimmer is adjusted for a 100kHz output. Alternately, the trimmer may be adjusted by beading the marker signals against WWW while listening in an adjacent receiver. Adjust L105 and L107 for maximum output. No other” adjustments are required on this printed circuit board, RF Alignment PC301: Connect test equipment and set radio as indicated in paragraph 4.6 and 4.7. Adjust the 80 meter coils L313, L314 and L315 for maximum output. With the bandswitch set to the 40 Meter band and the signal generator and receiver dial set to 7.150 Mhz adjust the coils L310, L311 and L312 for maximum output. With the bandswitch set to the 20 meter band and the signal generator and receiver dial set to 14,1 Mhz adjust the coils L306, 1.307 and L308 for maximum output. Note: On the 80 meter and 40 Meter bands it may be necessary to readjust the coils L313, L314, L316 and L310, L311 and L312 during the transmit mode in order to obtain even transmitter output across the band. It will also be found that this adjustment will give even sensitivity across the two bands in the receive condition, . To adjust L310, L311 and L312 in the transmit condition connect the antenna output socket to a 50 ohm dummy load. Read the voltage across the dummy 4,15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 4.20 4,21 4,22 4.23 load with a VTVM, oscilloscope or other sensitive meter. Plug in the CW key and with the key pressed adjust the microphone audio gain controi until the transmitter is delivering % to 2 normal power. Approximately 25 to 40 voits RF. Set the bandswitch to the 40 meter band and tune the dial across the band. Slightly adjust L310 to bring up the level at the low frequency end of the band and L312 to bring up the output at the high frequency end of the band the idea being to obtain equal output across the band. To adjust the 80 meter coils repeat in the manner authned in the last paragraph but using L313 and L315. The 20 meter band should not require adjustment, Adjustment of Balanced Mixer Control P301: Set up the test equipment and transceiver controls as given in paragraph 4.14, Set the bandswitch to the 20 meter band. | Connect a sensitive receiver very lightly to the dummy load and tune to 18 Mhz, finding the output transmitted by the 18 Mhz crystal X301. Adjust P301 for minimum 5 meter reading on the coupied receiver, A more desireable method would be to connect radio and test equipment as indicated in paragraph 4.14, Observe the transmitter output while keyed without an input signal. Locate potintiometer P301 on PC301 board (third board in from meter side of set) and adjust for maximum null cf the 18 Mhz component of the RF output signal. Adjustment of ALC: Set the test equipment and the transceiver controls as given in paragraph 4.14. Set the bandswitch to the 20 meter band and advance the microphone gain control while the CW key is pressed until the RF voltmeter or transceiver meter shows no further increase in output, Adjust the ALC compression trimmer C412 located on PC401, nearest the rear, until the output just begins to drop. This adjustment is more accurately made using a two tone audio osciilator and oscilloscope connected to the output, FE Adjustment of the Meter, TX Mode: 4.24 4.25 4.26 Set the test equipment and transceiver controis as given in paragraph 4,14, Set the bandswitch to the 80 meter band and advance the microphone gain control while the ZW key is pressed until the ALC prevents further increase in output, Adjust the Meter Compression trimmer C408, located on PC401, nearest the front, until the meter reads full scale, Adjusting the Carrier Balance Controls: 4.27 4.28 4.29 4.30 Set the test equipment and transceiver controls as given in paragraph 4.14, Set the bandswitch to the 80 meter band. Turn down the microphone gain control and press the microphone push-to-talk switch, Observe the transmitter output on a sensitive oscilio- scope. Adjust the carrier balance controls C209 and P201 located on PC201, one at a time for minimum. As one adjustment affects the other it is necessary to work back and forth between the two controls, 1t will be found advantageous to “anticipate” the control by adjusting a little beyond the minimum point. If adjusting the other , . 1 . 4.36 control adds carrier, the ‘anticipation’ was in the wrong direction. Important note: If it is necessary that the BFO; Carrier crystals be moved in frequency this adjustment should be made before the carrier balance adjustment is made. 4.31 Adjusting the BFO/Carrier Generator Crystal Frequencies: 4.32 Set the test equipment and the transceiver controls as given in paragraph 4,14, Connect an audio signal generator to the microphone input jack and a VTVM across the dummy load. Set the audio signal generator to 1000 Khz. 1t will now be necessary to key the transmitter by grounding the key line at the microphone jack. Set the microphone audio gain control until 50 volts RMS is read on the Y TVM. Set the audio signal generator to 450 Hz and adjust the appropriate crystal trimmer C227 or C233, as determined by the setting of the sideband selector switch, until the output drops to 25 volts RMS. Repeat the adjustment on the other sideband. Important Note: After this setting is made the carrier balance adjustment should be checked. If the carrier has heen thrown out of null it will have to be readjusted. See paragraphs 4.27-4.30. 4.33 4,34 4.35 4.37 4.38 Adjustment of the Tone Oscillator Control P202; 4.39 Set the test equipment and transceiver controls as given in paragraph 4,14, 4.40 With the CW key pressed adjust P202, located on PC201, untii the oscillator stops as indicated when the sidetone stops. Now turn the control back until the oscillator just operates and reliably starts while sending V's with the CW key. Do not go beyong this point or the waveform of the oscillator will be impaired, Adjustment of Idle Bias for Transmit Power Amplifier: 4.41 Connect a 50 ohm dummy load to antenna socket. 442 Remove the two top screws at both ends of the PA Heat Sink and loosen the two bottom screws. Gradually rotate the Heat Sink Assembly away from the back of the chassis. Preset Bias POT P501 to the full clockwise stop. Unsolder the inner coax lead on the terminal strip located near the 2N3866 transistor. Now unsolder the outside end of the PA Choke L508. This is the coil wound around the 10 ohm 2 watt Resistor. Connect a 150 MA meter in series with the lead from L508 and its original terminating point. 4,43 4.44 Key the transceiver with the microphone PTT switch. Rotate PA Bias Pot P5301 counterclockwise for 85 MA, |dle bias current. Unkey transceiver. 4.45 Remove meter. Resolder L508 to original termination and coax inner lead to terminal strip. Close Heat Sink Assembly to original position and install two top screws and tighten all four screws, PC101 DC AC RX TX RX TX NOTES TP1 _ — 5V P-P 5V P-P TP? Loud Whistle ЗУ Р-Р Mic Gain Full CW ‚ Loud Whistle TP3 + 6-4 +7. : - 0 1V Р-Р Mic Gain Fuli CW + *= 5mv Input Signal TP4 +6-8 +6-9 05V P-P ТАМ Р-Р ; Loud Whistle Mic Gain TPE + 5.8 +5.8 01V P-P — ~ Bmv Input Signal TP6 + 3-7 0 1V P-P — ~ Bmy Input Signal TP7 + 3.7 0 75V P-P — > ту input Signal +3 * * No Signal TPR , _ _ 0 Signa +364 +25 t 5my Input Signal +2.4* * No Signal TP9 , _ _ о dIGNa | + 2.5 1 +2-1 t 5mv Input Signal TP10 + 5-9 +5-9 “1 2.5\ Р-Р — * Emv Input Signal TP11 0 +47 _ | | Loud Whistie о бу РР Mic Gain Fuli CW NOTE: Ensure Supply Voltage to TX linear amplifier is disconnected while measurements are taken. Refer to NOTE 1 under voltage measurements. PC201 De ° AC AX TX RX TX NOTES ТР + 1.7 +4 — 2\ Р.Р soud Whistle cw TP2 + 0+6 +3-4V — 2V P-P e cw TP3 ^ + 3.4 = +34 = 10V P-P = tOV P-P SB SW Activated TP4 ~ + 3.4 ~+ 34 — 10V P-P ~ 10V P-P SB SW Activated TP5 = + 3-2 = +32 Z7VPP =7VPP TP6 = +32 д + 3.2 =4VPP =4VP-P TP7 = + 3-0 = + 3.0 = 1-5V P-P ~1.5V P-P Tre - re 12-2V - - ; Cw e Down I BE mee eee TPF10 |. +6-2 +6-2 6-4V P-P — Max Signal (Clipping) NOTE: Ensure Supply Voltage to TX linear amplifier module is disconnected while measurements are taken. Refer to NOTE 1 under Voltage measurements. 13 PC301 DC AC RX TX | RX TX NOTES TP1 + BY + +6\ 2\ Р-Р 2\ Р-Р 20 Meter B-SW Position TP2 + -66V + 65V 2:5V Р.Р 2-5V P-P 40 Meter B-SW Position TP3 + 4.2 + 4.2 JV P-P JV P-P 20, 40 Meter 8-5W Position TP4 + 3.2 +4 — — RF Gain Full Cw TP5 +74 + 7-8 — — TPB + BV +1V — — TP} + -5V + 4-8V — 05 Р-Р 40 Meter Band TPS + 5 +11-BV — 1-5 Р-Р 40 Meter Band ; TPS — — — EV P-P 40 Meter Band ee ee dra PC501 (TX LINEAR AMP MODULE) DC AC de rn — E + GV — * Mic Gain Fuli CW 0501 B +1.3V 0-6V РР Loud Whistle, 7MHZ с + 11\ BV P-P _ | 0502 В +7 “2VPP 17 Mic Gain Full CW С + 13.6V 20V P-P | Loud Whistle, 7 MHZ .- T > — Q503 8 + +62 * IV PP : “Mic Gain Full CW 0504 С + 13,6 40V Р.Р Loud Whistle, УМНА E + .64 Q505 B + 1-2 — с + 13.6 PC601 (VFO) DC AC Fixed Plates C1 a 12\ Р-Р 5 + 1-5 ey Р-Р 0601 р + 6-2V _ B + -7V .02V PP 0602 © +7V 2.5V P-P Junction [604 & C611 — HY P-P _ VOLTAGE CHARTS Note 1: When making low level oscilloscope measurements, when in the transmit condition, the supply voltage to the Tx Linear Amplifier Module PCH01 must be disconnected to prevent pickup on the oscilloscope probe from the high level amplifier output. This is accomplished by first loosening the two bottom screws at both ends of the PA Heat Sink, Secondly, remove the two top screws at both ends of the PA Heat Sink. Then gradually rotate the Heat Sink Assembly away from the back of the chassis. Now unsolder the outside end of the PA choke L508. This is the coil wound around the 14 10 ohm 2 watt Resistor. Note 2: As few amateurs will have two tone oscillators suitable for accurate measurements, the voltage charts have been prepared using a prolonged whistle into the microphone with the microphone audio gain control fully advanced. Note 3: When measuring the audio voltage at test point 10 on PC201, the receiver audio gain controf and RF gain control should be fully advanced so that the signal at test point 10 is fully ctipped. The signal should be clipped equally on both sides. Hf clipping occurs on one side onty, it may indicate a defective 1C202, sjuiog 1581 LOLOd ‘L 84NB1 3 61 11 5 1 Ets 4 LE MT NOZÿv ‘J1VOWT19 ТО НОО { iv an RR АН: и com a E = NI 5 a Gl vl ame SJUIOd 158 1 LOCOd 'z a4n614 16 sjulod 159] LOEDd e an 4 17 C107 C102 C103 C104 C105 C106 C107 C108 C109 C110 C111 C112 C113 C114 C115 CT16 C117 C118 C119 C120 C121 C122 C123 C124 C125 C126 C127 C128 C129 C130 C131 C132 C133 C134 C136 C136 C137 C138 C139 C140 C141 C142 Ci43 D101 D102 0103 0104 D105 D106 9107 5108 D109 D110 D111 D112 D113 D114 D115 P/N 125102 135152 125102 125201 110012 110012 125331 12510? 110012 110012 110012 110012 110023 110012 110012 110012 110012 125271 150000 125101 140001 110012 182004 110023 140005 115001 182003 182004 140005 182004 150000 182004 Nat Assigned 125361 110023 150000 140003 110012 110012 110023 110023 110023 150000 410003 410003 410003 410003 Not Assigned Not Assigned 410000 410000 410002 410002 410000 410000 410000 410000 410000 PC 101 PARTS LIST Chapter 6 — Parts Lists Capacitor, DM15, 1000 PF, 5% Capacitor, DM18, 1500 PF, 5% Capacitor, DM 19, 1000 PF, 5% Capacitor, DM19, 200 PF, 5% Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, DM15, 330 PF, 5% Capacitor, DM 15, 1000 PF, 5% Capacitor, Cer Disc, ,01 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, ,01 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, ,01 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .1 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, DM 15, 270 PF, 5% Capacitor, Tantalum, 2.2 MFD Capacitor, DM15, 100 PF, 5% Capacitor, Electrol, 33 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, Mylar, .1 MFD, 10% Capacitor, Cer Disc, .1 MFD Capacitor, Electrol, 220 MFD, 5% Capacitor, Cer Disc, 10 PF, 5% Capacitor, Mylar, .047 MFD, 10% Capacitor, Mylar, .T MFD Capacitor, Electro!, 220 MFD Capacitor, Mylar, .1 МЕБ, 10% Capacitor, Tantalum, 2.2 MFD Capacitor, Mylar, .1 MFD, 10% Capacitor, DM 15, 360 PF, 5% Capacitor, DM15, .1 MED Capacitor, Tantalum, 2.2 MFD Capacitor, Electrol, 100 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, ,1 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, ,1 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, ,1 MFD Capacitor, Tantalum, 2.2 MFD Diode Silicon, INGO Diode Silicon, INB0 Diode Silicon, IN6O Diode Silicon, INGO Diode Silicon, IN4148 Diode Silicon, IN4148 Diode Pin, MPN 3401 Diode Pin, MPN3401 Diode Silicon, IN4148 Diode Silicon, IN4148 Diode Silicon, IN4148 Diode Siticon, IN4148 Diode Silicon, IN4148 18 500\ 200V 200V 500V 50V UV 500\У 509\ >0v 50V 50V 50V 50V 20V 50V 50V 50V 500\ 25V 500 16V 50V 50V 50V 25V 50 50V s0V 25V OV 25V BOV 50V 25V 25V 50\ 50V 50V 50 50V 25V 0116 D117 118 D119 D120 C101 C102 0101 102 0103 0104 9105 0106 1101 L102 Li03 L104 L105 L106 L 107 L108 FL101 PC101 R101 R102 R103 R104 R105 R106 R107 R108 R109 R110 R111 R112 R113 R114 R115 R116 R117 R118 R119 R120 R121 R122 R123 R124 R125 R126 R127 R128 R129 R130 R131 R132 R133 R134 410000 Not Assigned 410000 410000 410000 460000 460002 440000 450000 440001 440010 440001 440001 330113 A330100 Not Assigned A330100 АЗЗО104 330111 A330104 330113 B952100 831101 Not Assigned 215101 215103 215102 Not Assigned 215221 215332 215332 215101 215100 215271 215102 215101 215222 215101 215102 215221 215103 215205 215105 215105 215332 215205 215331 215471 215222 215106 215682 215104 215682 215471 215683 215101 215103 Diode Silicon, IN4 148 Diode Silicon, iN4 148 Diode Silicon, IN4148 Diode Silicon, IN4148 Integrated Circuit, MC1350P Integrated Circuit, LM3900A Transistor, Silicon, 2N3866 Transistor, FET, 40673 Transistor, Silicon, MPS6514 Transistor, Silicon, MPSA 14 Transistor, Silicon, MPS6514 Transistor, Silicon, MPS6614 inductor, RFC, 2,2 zh Inductor, Toroidal Inductor, Toroidal Transformer, IF Inductor, RFC, 180 ih Transformer, IF Inductor, RFC, 2.2 uh Crystai Filter, 9 MHZ Printed Circuit Board Resistor, Comp Resistor, Comp, 100 a, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 10 K, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 1 K, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 220 2, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 3.3 K, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 3.3K, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 100 2, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 10 2, 1/4 W 5% Resistor, Comp, 270 a, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 1 K, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 100 2, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 2.2 K, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 100 2, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 1 K, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 220 q, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 10 K, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 2 MEG, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 1 MEG, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 1 MEG, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 3.3 K, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 2 MEG, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 330 n, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 470 2, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 22 K, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 10 MEG, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 6.8 K, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 100 K, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 6.8 K, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 470 q, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 68 K, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 100 2, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 10 K, 1/4 W, 5% 19 R135 R136 R137 R138 R139 R140 R141 R142 R143 OTY 11 C201 C202 £203 C204 C205 C206 C207 C208 C208 C210 C211 C212 C213 C214 С215 С215 C217 C218 C219 C220 C221 C222 C223 C224 C225 C226 C227 C228 C229 C230 C231 C232 C233 C234 C235 C236 C237 C238 €239 C240 C241 215101 215102 215102 215102 215221 215682 Not Assigned 215224 215473 812405 600000 P/N 110012 150000 110012 140005 110012 150000 110012 125390 162001 110012 182004 182004 182004 182004 110023 110023 140009 110012 182004 182003 125102 140003 140003 150000 140005 140005 162001 125101 190000 150000 125101 125101 162001 110012 110012 110012 110012 110012 110023 125390 125380 Resistor, Comp, 100 ©, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 1 ¥, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 1 K, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 1 K, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 220 &, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 6.8 K, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 220 K, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 47 K, 1/4 W, 5% Stand Off, Hex, 0.812 x 1/4 x 4/40 Header Pin (Test Points) PC201 PARTS LIST Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, Tantatum, 2.2 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, Electro!, 220 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Zapacitor, Tantalum, 2.2 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, DM15, 39 PF, 5% Capacitor, Trim, 3.5—65 PH Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, Mylar, .1 MFD, 10% Capacitor, Mylar, .1 MFD, 10% Capacitor, Mylar, .1 MFD, 10% Capacitor, Mylar, .T MFD, 10% Capacitor, Cer Disc, .1 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .1 MFD Capacitor, Electrol, 1500 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, Mylar, .1 MED, 10% Capacitor, Mylar, .047 MTD, 10% Capacitor, DM 15, 1000 РЕ, 5% Capacitor, Electrol, 100 MFD Capacitor, Electrol, 100 MFD Capacitor, Tantalum, 2.2 MFD Capacitor, Electrol, 220 MFD Capacitor, Electrol, 220 MFD Capacitor, Trim, 3.b—65 PF Capacitor, DM15, 100 РЕ, 5% Capacitar, Tantalum, 2.2 MFD Capacitor, Tantalum, 2.2 MFD Capacitor, DM 15, 100 PF, 8% Capacitor, DM15, 100 PF, 5% Capacitor, Trim, 3.5—65 РЕ Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .1 MFD Capacitor, DM15, 39 PF, 5% Capacitor, DM15, 39 PF, 5% 20 50V 25V 50V 25V BOV 25V DV 500V 50V BOV 50V 50V 50V 50\ HV 25V 50V 50V HOV 500\ 25V 25V 25V 25V 25V 500V 25V 25V 500V 500V 50V 50V 50V 50V HOV 50V 500V 500V D201 410000 Diode, Silicon, IN4148 D202 410003 Diode, Silicon, INGO D203 410003 Diode, Silicon, IN60 D204 410003 Diode, Silicon, INGO D205 410003 Diode, Silicon, INBO D206 430001 Diode, Zener, IN5344B, b W 8.2V 207 410000 Diode, Silicon, IN4148 D208 410000 Diode, Silicon, IN4148 10201 460002 Integrated Circuit, LM3900A 1020? 460001 Integrated Circuit, UA706 IC203 450003 Integrated Circuit, CA3086 0201 440001 Transistor, Silicon, MPS6514 02072 440001 Transistor, Silicon, MPS6514 0203 440008 Transistor, Silicon, 2N3638 Р201 260006 Potentiometer, 100 5 P202 260005 Potentiometer, 2.5 K L201 330114 Inductor, RFC, 15 uh 1202 A330109 Transformer, Toroidal X201 A951008 Crystal, 9001.5 KHZ X202 A95 1009 Crystal, 8988 65 KHZ PC201 831102 Printed Circuit Board R201 216102 Resistor, Comp, 1 K, 1/4 W, 5% R202 215102 Resistor, Comp, 1 K, 1/4 W, 5% R203 215101 Resistor, Comp, 100 2, 1/4 W, 5% R204 215101 Resistor, Comp, 100 2, 1/4 W, 5% R205 215471 Resistor, Comp, 470 5, 1/4 W, 5% R206 215101 Resistor, Comp, 100 2, 1/4 W, 5% R207 215333 Resistor, Comp, 33 K, 1/4 W, 5% R208 215333 Resistor, Comp, 33 K, 1/4 W, 5% R209 215681 Resistor, Comp, 680 22, 1/4 W, 5% R210 215101 Resistor, Comp, 1002, 1/4 W, 5% _ R211 215333 Resistor, Comp, 33 K, 1/4 W, 5% R212 215333 Resistor, Comp, 33 K, 1/4 W, 5% R213 215101 Resistor, Comp, 100 q, 1/4 W, 5% R214 215102 Resistor, Comp, 100 a, 1/4 W, 5% R215 215101 Resistor, Comp, 100 2, 1/4 W, 5% R216 215101 Resistor, Comp, 100 ©, 1/4 W, 5% R217 215221 Resistor, Comp, 220 , 1/4 W, 5% R218 215102 Resistor, Comp, 1 K, 1/4 W, 5% R219 215102 Resistor, Comp, 1 K, 1/4 W, 5% R220 215223 Resistor, Comp, 22 K, 1/4 W, 5% R221 215105 Resistor, Comp, 1 MEG, 1/4 W, 5% R222 215103 Resistor, Comp, 10 K, 1/4 W, 5% R223 215473 Resistor, Comp, 47 K, 1/4 W, 5% R224 215205 Resistor, Comp, 2 MEG, 1/4 W, 5% R225 215105 Resistor, Comp, 1 MEG, 1/4 W, 5% R226 215182 Resistor, Comp, 1.8 K, 1/4 W, 5% R227 215182 Resistor, Comp, 1.8 K, 1/4 W, 5% R228 245330 Resistor, Comp, 33 2,2 W, 5% R229 215473 Resistor, Comp, 47 K, 1/4 W, 5% R230 215471 Resistor, Comp, 470 2, 1/4 W, 5% R231 215470 Resistor, Comp, 47 2, 1/4 W 5% R232 215470 Resistor, Comp, 47 9, 1/4 W, 5% R233 215224 Resistor, Comp, 220 K, 1/4 W, 5% OTY | 11 600000 Header Pins (Test Points) 21 C301 C302 C303 C304 C305 C306 C307 C308 C308 C310 C311 C312 C313 C314 C315 C316 C317 C318 C319 C320 C321 £322 £323 C324 C325 C326 C327 C328 C329 C330 C331 C332 C333 C334 C335 C336 C337 C338 C339 C340 C341 C342 C343 C344 C345 C346 C347 C348 C349 C350 C351 C352 £363 C354 C355 C356 C357 C358 C359 P/N 110012 110023 110023 135222 125470 182006 110012 110012 110012 110012 110012 125111 125101 125101 110012 110023 110012 110012 125471 125471 125471 110012 110023 110023 125471 125201 125201 125201 110012 110023 110023 110023 110012 110012 110023 110023 110023 110012 110023 110012 110012 110012 150000 110023 110012 110012 115000 115000 125470 125470 125470 125470 125470 125470 125390 125390 150000 110023 110012 PC301 PARTS LIST Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .1 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .1 MFD Capacitor, DM19, 2200 PF, 5% Capacitor, DM15, 47 PF, 5% Capacitor, Mylar, .01 MFD, 10% Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, 01 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, DM15, 110 PF, 5% Capacitor, DM 15, 100 PF, 5% Capacitor, DM 15, 100 PF, 5% Capacitor, Cer Disc, 01 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .1 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, DM 15, 470 PF, 5% Capacitor, DM 15, 470 PF, 5% Capacitor, DM15, 470 PF, 5% Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .1 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .1 MFD Capacitor, DM15, 470 PF, 5% Capacitor, DM 15, 200 PF, 5% Capacitor, DM15, 200 PF, 5% Capacitor, DM15, 200 PF, 5% Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .1 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .1 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .1 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MED Capacitor, Cer Disc, . 1 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .1 MED Capacitor, Cer Disc, .1 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .1 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, ,01 MED Capacitor, Tantalum, 2.2 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, ‚1 МЕО Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, 1 PF, 5% Capacitor, Cer Disc, 1 РЕ, 5% Capacitor, DM15, 47 PF, 5% Capacitor, DM15, 47 PF, 5% Capacitor, DM15, 47 PF, b% Capacitor, DM15, 47 PF, 5% Capacitor, DM15, 47 PF, 5% Capacitor, DM15, 47 PF, 5% Capacitor, DM15, 39 PF, 5% Capacitor, DM 1b, 39 PF, b% Capacitor, Tantalum, 2.2 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .1 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD 22 50 50V 50V 500V 500V HOV 50V 50V HOV BOV 50V 500V 500V 200V 50V 50V HOV 50V 500V 500V 500V 50V DOY HOV 500V 500\ 500\ 500\ 5OV 50V 50V 50V 50V 50V 50V BOV BOV 50V 50V HOV bOV 50V 25V 50V 50\ 50V 1000V 1000V 500V 500\ 500V 500V 500V 500V 500V 500V 26V 50V 50V C360 C361 C362 £363 C364 D301 D302 D303 D304 D306 D306 D307 D308 D309 D310 D311 D312 D313 D314 D315 D316 0301 0302 Q303 Q304 0305 0306 0307 X301 X302 P301 PC301 L301 L302 L303 L304 L305 L306 L307 L308 L309 + 310 L311 L312 L313 L314 L315 L316 L317 L318 R301 R362 R303 R304 R305 R306 110023 110012 110023 125050 125050 420002 420002 410002 420002 420002 420002 420002 420002 420002 410002 410000 410003 410003 410003 410003 410000 440001 440001 440000 450001 440002 440002 440002 A951006 A951007 260006 831103 A330100 330114 330114 Not Assigned Not Assigned A330104 A330105 A330104 330114 A330104 A330105 A330104 A330106 A330112 A330106 A330100 A330100 A330100 215470 215221 215221 215470 215473 215152 Capacitor, Cer Disc, .1 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .0t MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .1 MFD Capacitor, DM15, 5 PE Capacitor, DM15, 5 PF Diode, Silicon, IN4001 Diode, Silicon, IN4001 Diode, Pin, MPN3401 Diode, Silicon, IN4001 Diode, Silicon, IN4001 Diode, Silicon, IN4001 Diode, Silicon, IN4001 Diode, Silicon, IN4001 Diode, Silicon, IN4001 Diode, Silicon, MPN3401 Diode, Silicon, IN4148 Diode, Silicon, INGO Diode, Silicon, INGO Diode, Silicon, INGO Diode, Silicon, INGO Diode, Silicon, 1N4148 Transistor, Silicon, MPS6514 Transistor, Silicon, MPS6514 Transistor, Silicon, 2N3866 Transistor, Silicon, 2N5486 Transistor, Silicon, 2N3563 Transistor, Silicon, 2N3563 Transistor, Silicon, 2N 3563 Crystal, 18 MHZ Crystal, 11 MHZ Potentiometer, 100 5 Printed Circuit Board Inductor, Toroidal R.F. Choke, 15 ih Н.Е. Choke, 15 4h R.F. Transformer R.F. inductor R.F. Transformer R.F. Choke, 15 uh R.F. Transformer R.F. Inductor R.F. Transformer R.F. Transformer R.F. Transformer R.F. Transformer Inductor, Toroidal Inductor, Toroidal Inductor, Toroidal Resistor, Comp, 47 0, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 220 0, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 220 n, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 47 q, 1/4 W, 56% Resistor, Comp, 47 K, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 1.5 K, 1/4 W 5% 23 HOV 50V 50V R307 R308 R309 R310 R311 R312 R313 R314 R316 R316 R317 R318 R319 4320 R321 R322 R323 R324 R325 R326 R327 R328 R329 R330 R331 R332 R333 R334 R33b R336 R337 R338 R339 R340 R341 ary C401 C402 C403 C404 C405 C406 C407 C408 C409 C410 C411 C412 C413 C414 C415 C4186 215271 215100 215471 215227 215221 215221 215221 215221 215221 215332 215101 215101 219221 215337 215330 215105 215102 215562 215683 215221 215333 215681 215473 215103 215683 215333 215681 215471 215470 215471 215271 215471 215471 215221 Not Assigned 600000 P/N 110023 140006 140009 110023 140001 110023 110012 163000 115002 110012 115000 163000 135271 135431 135271 135561 Resistor, Comp, 270 53, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 100, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 470 52, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 220 52, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 220 2, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 220 «2, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 220 2, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 220 52, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 220 2, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 3.3 K, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 100 5, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 100 52, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 220 22, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 3.3K, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 33 22, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 1 MEG, 1/4 W, 5% Resistar, Comp, 1 K, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 5,6 K, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 68 K, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 200 2, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 33 K, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 680 ©, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 47 K, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 10 K, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 66 K, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 33 K, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 680 @, 1/4 \М, 5% Resistor, Comp, 470 2, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 47 q, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 470 2, 1/4 Y, 5% Resistor, Comp, 2702, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 470 sz, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 470 2, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 220 2, 1/4 W, 5% Header Pin {Test Pins) PC401 PARTS LIST Capacitor, Cer Disc, .1 MFD Capacitor, Electrol, 1000 MFD Capacitor, Electrol, 1500 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .1 MFD Capacitor, Electrol, 33 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .1 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, Compr. Trim, 7-100 PF Capacitor, Disc, 2 PF, b% Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, 1 PF, 5% Capacitor, Compr. Trim, 7-100 PF Capacitor, DM19, 270 PF, 5% Capacitor, DM19, 430 PF, 5% Capacitor, DM19, 270 PF, 5% Capacitor, DM19, 560 PF, 5% 24 50V 25V 25V 50V 16V 50V 50\ 1000V 50V 1000V 500 500V 300V 500\ А C417 C418 C419 C420 C421 C422 C423 D401 D402 0403 D404 0405 D406 D407 0408 D409 D410 L401 L402 1403 L404 1.405 L406 L407 L408 1.408 R401 R402 R403 R404 R405 PC401 RLY401 C501 C502 C503 C504 C505 C506 C5607 508 C509 510 C511 Chi2 C513 C514 C515 135911 135561 Not Assigned 135102 135152 135102 110023 420004 420002 420002 420002 420002 410000 410000 410000 410000 410000 A330103 A330103 A330102 A330102 A330101 A330101 330114 Not Assigned A330119 235100 215103 215102 215333 215103 831104 730000 640000 P/N 110012 110023 110012 110023 110012 Not Assigned 110012 110023 135102 115006 110012 110023 110023 110023 135222 Capacitor, DM19, 910 PF, 5% Capacitor, DM19, 560 PF, 5% * Capacitor, DM19, 1000 PF, 5% Capacitor, DM19, 1500 PF, 5% Capacitor, DM19, 1000 PF, 5% Capacitor, Cer Disc, .1 MFD Diode, Silicon, MR750 Diode, Siticon, 184001 Diode, Silicon, IN4001 Diode, Silicon, IN4001 Diode, Silicon, IN400 1 Diode, Silicon, IN4148 Diode, Silicon, IN4148 Diode, Silicon, IN4148 Diode, Silicon, IN4148 Diode, Silicon, IN4148 Inductor, Toroidal Inductor, Toroidal inductor, Toroidal Inductor, Toroidal Inductor, Toroidal Inductor, Toroidal Inductor, RFC, 15 ¿h Inductor, Toroidal Resistor, Comp, 10 2, 1 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 10 K, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 1 K, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 33 K, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 10 K, 1/4 W, 5% Printed Circuit Board Relay Socket PC501 PARTS LIST Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, 1 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, . 1 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .1 MFD Capacitor, DM 19, 1000 PF Capacitor, Cer Disc, 100 PF, 5% Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .1 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .1 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .1 MFD Capacitor, DM15, 2200 PF, 5% 25 500V 500V 500V 500\ 500\/ 50V SUV 50У 50V 50V 50V 50V bOV 500\ 100\ 50V 50V 50 Y 50V 500V C516 Co17 D501 D502 D503 Q501 0502 0503 504 Q505 P501 PC501 L501 L502 L503 L504 L505 |506 |507 L508 4501 R502 R5O3 R504 R505 R506 R507 R508 R509 R510 #511 R512 R513 R514) R515) R516) QTY C601 C602 C603 C604 C605 C606 C607 C608 C609 110023 110023 420001 420001 420001 440000 440006 440007 440007 440005 260005 831105 A330100 A330100 A330202 A330115 A330108 A330203 A330201 A330200 215470 215621 215332 215100 215470 215100 215471 215102 235100 215100 215470 225470 215471 245470 810019 817201 P/N 125200 171001 125102 190041 Not Assigned 125470 110012 110012 115000 Capacitor, Cer Disc, .1 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .1 MFD Diode, Silicon, S2M Code, Silicon, S2M Diode, Silicon, S2M Transistor, Silicon, ZN3866 Transistor, Silicon, MRF433 Transistor, Silicon, MRF 454 Transistor, Sllicon, MRF454 Transistor, Silicon, 2N5490 Potentiometer, 2.5 K Printed Circuit Board Inductor, Toroidal Inductor, Toroidal inductor, Toroidal Inductor, Toroidal Transformer, Toroidal inductor, Toroidal inductor, Torcidal Inductor, Torcidal Resistor, Comp, 47 2, 1/4W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 620 «:, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 3.3 K, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 10 52, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 47 2, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 10 2, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 470 2, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 1 K, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 10 52, 1 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 10, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 47 52, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 47 «2, 1/2 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 470 52, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 47 2,2 W Screw, Nylon, 4-40 x 1/4” Heat Sink Transistor PC601 PARTS LIST Capacitor, DM15, 20 PF, 5% Capacitor, Variable, 2.2—34 PF Capacitor, DM15, 1000 PF, 5% Capacitor, Poly, 1000 PF, 5% Capacitor, Poly, 47 PF, 5% Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, 1 PF, 5% 26 sov 50V 50GV 500\ 600V 500\ 50V HOV 1000V C6106 C611 C612 C613 C614 C615 RLYG6GOI 0601 0602 PC601 L601 L602 L&03 Lô04 L605 R601 R602 R603 R604 R605 RE06 R607 H508 R609 C701 C702 C703 C704 C7056 .C706 C707 C708 C709 C710 C711 C712 C713 C714 C715 D701 [702 0703 @ 701 Q702 Q703 16701 L701 110012 125241 125270 Not Assigned 110012 110012 730001 450001 440001 831106 A330110 330117 A330100 330118 330117 215105 215331 215221 215101 215104 Not Assigned Not Assigned 215470 P/N 110012 115001 110023 110012 110012 110012 110012 110023 125201 115001 125470 125101 150000 110023 110023 410003 410003 410003 440001 450001 440001 450000 A330112 Capacitor, Cer Disc, 01 MFD Capacitor, DM15, 240 PF, 5% Capacitor, DM 15, 27 PF, 5% Capacitor, DM15, .01 MFD Capacitor, DM15, .01 MFD Reed Relay, SPDT Transistor, FET, 2ZN5486 Transistor, Silicon, MPS6514 Printed Circuit Board Inductor, VFO Inductor, RFC, 1MH Inductor, Toroidal, Transformer Inductor, RFC, 3.9 uh Inductar, RFC, 1MH Resistor, Comp, 1 MEG, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 330 0, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 220 2, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 100 aq, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 100 K, 1/4 W 5% Resistor, Comp, 47 2, 1/4 W 5% PC701 PARTS LIST Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MED Capacitor, Cer Disc, 10 PF, 5% Capacitor, Cer Disc, .1 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .1 MFD Capacitor, DM15, 200 PF, 5% Capacitor, Cer Disc, 10 PF, 5% Capacitor, DM15, 47 PF, 5% Capacitor, DM1b, 100 PF, b% Capacitor, Tantalum, 2.2 MFD Capacitor, Tantalum, .1 MFD Capacitor, Tantalum, .1 MFD Diode, Silicon, INGO Diode, Silicon, INGO Diode, Silicon, INGO Transistor, Silicon, MPSE514 Transistor, FET, 2N5486 Transistor, Silicon, MP56514 Integrated Circuit, MC1350P |F Transformer 27 50V AOQV 500V 500\ 500\У 12\ ov 1000\ HOV 50V OV 50V 50V 50V 500V 1000V 500\ 500\ 50V 50V R701 R702 R703 R704 R705 R706 R707 R708 R 709 R710 R711 R712 R713 R714 R710 R716 R717 R718 PC701 QTY C1 C2 C3 Ca CS C6 C7 co c10 Ch RI R2 P1 P3 L1 L2 L3 L4 D1 11 12 S01 $02 215103 215103 215101 215102 215470 215102 215102 215682 215103 215101 215105 215105 215104 215105 215224 215102 215152 215101 831107 812403 P/N 110023 110023 110023 110023 110023 171000 171002 171000 110012 125200 110023 225101 215473 A8Z1052 A82 1034 A821038 A330203 A330116 330111 330114 430001 520001 520001 610000 610002 Resistor, Comp, 10K, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 10 K, 1/4 W, 5%: Resistor, Comp, 100 5, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 1 K, 1/4 W 5% Resistor, Comp, 47 a, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 1 K, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 1 K, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 6.8 K, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 10K, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 100 2, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 1 MEG, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 1 MEG, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 100 K, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 1 MEG, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 220 K, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 1 K, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 1,5 K, 1/4 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 100 2, 1/4 W, 5% Printed Circuit Board Stand Off, 4-40 x 1/4 Swage ELECTRICAL 8: CHASSIS BILL OF MATERIAL PARTS LIST Capacitor, Cer Disc, .1 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .1 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .1 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .1 MFD Capacitor, Cer Disc, .1 MFD Capacitor, Variable, 1.4—13 PF Capacitor, Variable, 2 Section, 75 PF Each Capacitor, Variable, 1.4—13 PF Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD Capacitor, DM15, 20 PF, 5% Capacitor, Cer Disc, .1 MFD Resistor, Comp, 100, 1/2 W, 5% Resistor, Comp, 47 K, 1/4 W, 5% Potentiometer, 10 K, Audio Taper, MIC Gain U18 Potentiometer, On-Off, 10 K, Audio Taper, Panel Mt Potentiometer, 10 K, Linear Taper, RF U20 Toroid, RFC, 25 uh Inductor, Choke, 10 MH, DC Filtering Inductor, RFC, 180 4h Inductor, RFC, 15 uh Diode, Zener, b W, INS344B Panel, Lamps Panel, Lamps Socket Ant. UHF 50239 Connector, Male, Flush Plate Chassis, 2 Way 28 50V 50V DOV 50V BOV 50V 00V 50V 8.2V 503 S04 505 S06 507 J1 J2 J3 SW SW SW2 SW3 SW4 SP1 М1 arty QaTy o — — == A] LA elle Ll A ol ld oe ed 13 610007 610007 610007 610011 610008 610005 610004 610006 A720000 A720001 720002 710001 710001 910000 960000/A841008 815106 P/N D824020 C823021 C823022 0823023 C823024 A821025 0824026 0824027 B822028 C823029 4821030 B822031- B822032 B822033 AB21034 A821035 A821036 B822037 A821038 AB21039 C823040 A8Z1G41 AB21042 B822043 812100 812403 812404 815101 816100 Connector, PC Board, 22 Pin Connector, PC Board, 22 Pin Connector, PC Board, 272 Pin Connector, PC Board, 10 Pin Connector, Accessory, 12 Pin Connector, Jack, 2 Way Connector, Jack, 3 Way Connector, Jack, Closed Circuit, Miniature Band Switch, Wafer No. 1 Band Switch, Wafer Nos. 2 & 3 Switch SPDT switch SPDT Switch SPDT SPKR, 37, 3.25 Meter, 0-500 ua Card File, Snap In CHASSIS & MECHANICAL BILL OF MATERIAL Chassis, Main Chassis, Shield Front, Panel Rear, Panel Front Panel, Overlay Mt Brit, Band Switch Cover, Top Cover, Bottorn Base, Case Mt. Mobile, Mt. Brkt Vernier, Mt Brkt Art Work, Front Panel Overlay PC101, Shield Brkt PC201, Shield Brkt Potentiometer, 10 K, ON/OFF Sw. Dial, Face Mt Brkt, Spkr PC301, Shield Brkt Potentiometer, 10 K Escutcheon, Plastic TX, Heat Sink L Mt Brkt, TX Heat Sink R Mt Brkt, TX Heat Sink Can, Shield Washer, Shoulder, 3/8 x 5/8, Waldow No. FW-389 Stand-Off, 4-40 x 1/4 L Hex Swage, Waldom No. 60703 Stand-Off, 4-40 x 3/16 L Hex Swage, Smith No. 4259 Grommets, Rubber, GC No, 5710 Solder Lug, No. 4 Int. Lock, Waldom No. T233 29 "ая te E . E E A hs TE 2 816201 Terminal Strip 2 Way, Smith No. 1066 30 1 816200 Terminal, Bificated, Smith No. 522001 5 818000 Knob, Black, 3/4 Dia, K K No, $-1645-3L 1 818001 Knob, Black, 1-5/8 Dia, K K No. $-1749-3L 2 818002 Knob, Black, 1 Dia, K K Ne. S-1647-3L 1 218200 Coupler, Universal, Jackson Bros. No. 5610 1 818300 Ball Drive, Jackson Bros. No. 4511/DRF PC801 B/M CRYSTAL CALIBRATOR P/N C801 125470 Capacitor, DM15, 47 PF, 5% 500V CBO2 125270 Capacitor, DM15, 27 PF, 5% 500V C803 162001 Capacitor, Trim, 3.5—65 PF C804 110012 Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD 100V - C805 110012 Capacitor, Cer Disc, .01 MFD 100V C806 110012 Capacitor, Cer Disc, 01 MFD 100V CBO7 115003 Capacitor, Cer Disc, 5 PF 1000V C808 125200 Capacitor, DM15, 20 PF, 5% 500V D8C1 410000 Diode, Silicon, IN4148 1C801 460004 Integrated Circuit, CD4001 ¡C802 450005 Integrated Circuit, CD4018 {C803 460005 Integrated Circuit, CD4018 R801 215684 Resistor, Comp, 680 K, 1/4 W, 5% R802 215682 Resistor, Comp, 6.8 K, 1/4 W, 5% R803 215205 Resistor, Comp, 2 MEG, 1/4 W 5% R804 215222 Resistor, Comp, 2.2 K, 1/4 W, 5% SWao1 710003 Switch, Slide, SPDT x801 951010 Crystal, 1000 KHZ PS 115 PARTS LIST P/N C1 140010 Capacitor, Electrol, 29,000 MFD 25V C2 140010 Capacitor, Electrol, 29,000 MFD 25V СЗ 110026 Capacitor, Disc Ceramic, .047 MFD 1400V C4 110026 Capacitor, Disc Ceramic, .047 MFD 1400V D1 420005 Diode, Silicon, IN3491R, 25 Amp D2 420005 Diode, Silicon, IN3491R, 25 Amp F1 530003 Fuse Holder 530006 Fuse, 3 Amp {for 116 VAC) 530007 Fuse, 2 Amp {for 230 МАС} 11 520003 Lamp, Indicator L1 C823047 Inductor, Filter T1 C823048 Transformer, Power PL1 610001 Connector, Power, Female, 2-Way SW1 710002 ‘Switch, Power, SPST [BAL MIX] IST IF AMP) {cos | 1.0 INGO (a) DIO! то HO . — 102 100 ISE T LO вова Hy TP {11 +, ICH | I * | I a Pinajas : oo г | L [c139 I 2rRIOB Or РГО it 2220 YHPN340 "| i! 0109 = tlm anno nen _MPN3 801 C138 TT TT TTT yy comm = oi RI37 IK > CONTROLJLINE \ | ciao Г 1 e —— a AN À A 7 2 ) 3 4 a A || 6 +82 Y SIG IN VFO IN с RAL MOD NB N T R o L IF CAN MPSAI4 MPS6514 = o Е | 40673 3 E EBC BOTTOM G2 к I VIEW 6 MC 1350P p¥ > BOT ве BOTTC я I VIEW 3 £ VIEW [2ND |F AMP} [PROD DET| + 6,2 V {AUDIO AMP] kus IT RIA ena 10 T ‚Al Heng RIA T22 $22 os > 4067 3 C123 Jd MY A (AGC AMP] 2 | [АбС ВЕСТ] — A Н12| R143 DI18 1N41438 (42 al / CIZE Ne RF AMP AGC RECT] cial | | и ola R132 | RI3I 1№414 8 [28K | "470 = | dulce DIA 122 |IN4148 33K 19 AGC IN +82 Y 13 | 14 | 122 , JO f Q106 MPSE5(4 RIO 3 10 K > CONTROL С A A BFO IN OUT OUT IN IN 8 8 "9 0 18 | | ] C M3900A 2N3B66 BOTTOM VIEW B C ALL CIODES o E 7 © > 8 GND IN OUT OUT IN Cad — | = DIES 106 INH 487 NNN, & HI. ZV A A METER L uJ 4 PCIOI BAL MIX,NB GATE, IST IF AMP 2ND | F AMP PROD DET, AUDIO AMB AGC AMB AGC RECT, AGC AMR TX GATE, SMET AMP RFAMP AGC RECT ALDA 1 [BAL MIX] INS GATE] IST IF AMP ¡2ND |F AMP) [PROD DET] ) X TOR I +82 У SIG IN AGC AMP] RiZ| re] AGC RECT RI&3 2109 nr SRA Jena ANS $100 3100 TA $100 Ll E105 li. L102 INGO (a) 1 cio © TP 10 102 100 LIE) T.o = В Ш | crío L Hr Tore fe] г ЦЕ A aan I | = oil 1 | IN4188 À "i ZRID8 He 2220 | + ! i 5 AGC = i L [as 2RI34 _7T'2.2 £10k T 3 R137 1 LiNÉ 3 N CONTROL | ciao Г i НЫ [Г q = = = 3 /, 8 10 1 A 15 16 NB Y FO IN 5 BAL MOD BFO IN OUT OUT IN IN | N 8 8 16 и 12 | R J Le E L <A CM3900A | 2N3B66 BOTTOM VIEW С IF CAN MPS ALG = = MPS6514 43875 B ! 8 EBC 6, ee {LL} E BO e ALL Là 4 d 4 11 T 7 6€ 3 ! BOTTOM BOTTOM VIEW VIEW VIEW DIODES GND IN OUT OUT IN IN IN PCIOI BAL MIX, NB GATE, IST |F AMP, 2ND | F AME PROD DET AUDIO AMB AGC AMB AGC RECT, AGC AMR TX GATE] © МЕТ AMP RFANMP AGC RECT 0 ALDA 1 TX AUDIO +82 Y . R203 dez 00 Же! C20 - 35-65 D202 - | 3 L202 _ nz203 £9 | FK | 2 FE 4 INGO) Р20! СВОЙ © D294 Go > 0205 | | e Тегов = = = las = D201 2 IN4148 [SUR CONTROL = X L Ч [ || — ¡BFEO CARRIER GEN] |... В 210 1° | A ЮО R206 ale ces 00 0 J R211 33K „416229 + [C230 33K | “Tez -Tz2 © Ai me = т = т ® 20! > -200k5MHZ 5 m C227 = C240 2.5 100 EL 39 © e | 7 A 4, A A In A À 16 + 8,2 Y MIC CONTROL BAL SB Sw SB SW GAIN MOD QUT IN OUT OUT | B 2 10 1 i 8 e 10 1 12 13 la Г 2N3638 | Ч MPSESIA 8 8 210 5 EBC с A ое ово CA3086 $59) — + Eee UA706 о ( BOTTOM A pat DIODES BOT — T | VIEW BOTTOM VIEW 1 1 1 I 1 7 6 5 4 2 à 7 éottôm View GHD ÓN 007 OL [CW OSC / SIDE TONE | A AAA I7 18 SPKR +32 Y < +8.2Yy REZO +1 3,2 Y _ D206 OI | 210 212 1, R23 I T LK 212 1.8K oy 00 Rz = + LiMY La MY i сн - - c21a - +2 cz2s —" E. T22-Te20 | =T _— ‘470 [cars [oi < = US = C2zt Reaz LE c220- 1000 47 AMY 047 MY — 7 N CONTROL % a TR faz / IK , R2202R221 2R215 C237 22K Elm peor Мн ав = A AN AT CW TOP TOP MOVING KEY OF OF ARM HX MIC GAIM IN OUT OUT IN IN IN +82v AUDIO GAIN CONT O 11 12 13 14 GAIN M A PCZOI TX AUDIO, BAL MOD, C W OSC/ SIDE TONE, BFO CARRIER GEN, + — ALDA 1 7 6 5 4 3 2 | н H IN OUT OUT +8 IN IN TP TX AUDIO BAL MOD CW OSC/SIDE TONE iid RX AUDIO +82 y , +6.24 R228 ег ег 39 R226 2R203 > Ne] J 2100 Ie 1 = = 22% 220 £226 i 2 Г cea AMY an CONTROL L \ CONTROL rd Fi + 8 BFO CARRIER СЕМ C234 R210. TP “400 5 R206 c203 j BLZ BE I Tank 2 "a CAJOBE =: J $R2i9 ‹ ‚ , R2II + d / 21K 3R2203R221 + C2239 + £230 nas J C237 222K 2 tM =T 22 Tap ‚ 2100 / D207 =OT =T 7 г т ©! x 201 / им a8 = C240 39 } ) ТА AA 7 E * E 6112 13 16 15 19 3 21 г + A A 17 18 +82¥ MIC CONTROL BAL SB SW SB SW PROD CW TOP TOP MOY ING SPKR +132 М GAIN MOD DET KEY OF OF ARM OUT Rx MIC GAIN IN QUT OUT IN IN IN +8,2v AUDIO GAIN CONT B 9 0 I" 12 13 14 GAIN 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 — | i | 1 | | +— | 2N3638 P C20! TX AUDIO, BAL MOD, MPSESIA M A т EBC CA3086 a BOTTOM view ( CW OSC/SIDE TONE, BFO tes CARRIER GEN, Peu DIODES BOT : VIEW BOTTOM VIEW ALDA 1 by ea $e i ford View GHD IN DUT OUT iN IN IN CONTROL CONTROL 48,2 V . т L302 | > = Le |20 METER FER C363 Swill L 307 308 ВХ —> =, c301 D302 L 30 5 L y ©! IN 4001 Ng COI | IFO | = а RX=0N RX=0N DIO ore sore 220 | NAO OI — = (362 Ll ‘5208 Lo 140 METER FILTER + 20 R303 LONTHROL A LI03 SUR AN 4 CONTROL TB2V q a 19 20 ANT RLY E 7 р МР 65! 4 G 301 MESES = А EEC — ALL DIOGES BOT WIE Ww Tone 0363 ! MEN añil RX=0FF TX=ÔN 2N3563 ¿NEPGE INSOOI 470 C353 C354 LT L312 , #7 C322 E aga Ë C320 CRI A 2 +L | 80 METER a [33 C355 0306 (0325 35 || 113 | C326 14 Ral4 DL. On -4= 2NS486 [1 + 3 CSD BOT VIEW [ER FILTER NEO (al 0312 L317 63 1307 535% Lava La £315 D307 и ED Ret IN4 CO! 100 R 31! 220 В Lcié Ta TER FILTER I jk _ 7 вазе | ZOw=orrz Na 1 9 Laja | INála 8 AaOM=OFF| | Y! 37 C122 DIOSÍ/ c3z3 [0210 e 342 BOM ZQN 47 я lc 320 Coa, р > > | EV | 470 arú nel INSOC! Hi MEN? 401 „At a: RX =OF F | kasa [| _jcza3 ee I +] 2.2 = - - = = T casal | | Rx ot boy i Fa I | 20 METER OSO sex [ | Jc3a4s Sn225 355 HH 4 CONTROL (RX RF AMP| A +A. y у INAQQ Y a 1 a Lal Le ie BK | a" AYAYA 80 40 20 M М M TO BAND SWITCH "E = S Lf : *% + TX 1 A ТО РОС! PC3OI TX AMP AGC AMP RX RF AMP HF MIXER, 20 METER OSC, 40 METER OSG HF OSC BUFF AMP 20,408 80 METER FILTERS, ALDA1 10 4 CONTROL TÉZV RX RF AMP 317 НС 20 METER FILTER 35 100 L | RX=ON RX=0N D301 TX=CFF|| TX=0FE 2 BO METER FILTER an | с ; Freon 3554 14 C356 2200 ki R315 В MY 247 = " c359 TX AMP Q 301 MPSEDIA CA 19 21 то NN ANT RLY TX MODULE во чо 20 TO UF м GAIN TO BAND SWITCH CONT 2M3563 SHIPPER MESESIA B SN5486 © А EC — E x DY DIODES. BOT BOT BOT VIEW VIEW VIEW TO AGE PCG INGO (4) o METER OSE 6 TO PCIOI PC30I TX AMP AGC AMD RX RF AMP HF MIXER, 20 METER OSC, 40 METER OSG HF OSC BUFF AMB 20,908 80 METER FILTERS, ALDA 1 a odd i {| 6 5L "TF [ un se © € ” 10€£7%d в, Ÿ ë E i FE IE = % camas ай X i. AN | el Ty dered ~~ р Or # 134508 | ) 6s 553): | ef SINO 0% 8, SNid O1. {> uns | ] ] Ne di Les \ € O—>>e ni. une ) | IMNON XL | 108 Id ino | ADE 14+ UM + < 2 I y - A bi E I \ fisnrov 222 = [rsnrdv 5iv] \ | H3LIW Se 60» A \ Tee LE de Op y 3d 7 tOrH 6) 9515 Hi Gl#Q PO TE 1 \ 6065 _ \ = T T \ oss] 0061 ooo | ad | | Sob IT 1 i S | To a Joss Oe 09s] 91 "=== = о > - x =" T Lh Pe w Y | ‘| +06 E TA EOS + \ = = CF) = | 1 or Lh doe ocel ozzl 0 7 dir £19 TER Г У Ч Soa: \ #067 ES E 1091 ECH NAL 42 OZR 6 IA SIA 2IA A 1 NA A C Ore 24 ORI IMS HOIIMS ONVE zm F Т YC iv 107 da voa 2d ¥ 1040410924 1060d Ir 2d 102 3d 10224 1010d WYHOVIO ON IM SISSYHO xo 7 d > € HILIMS iid NO + MS e IE Y ALA — ZN oa в с = 905 AE EN 1040d re 2 E MT AZ 19 A EN AZEI+ E ATH + TC 1NO7 NIYO 18 MF ZH AH < TOBLINQDY Hiv) QIONYE € £ га Pa IT | 7 Th TOHLNOD 34308! 5322"! rT TT js yy MT AT rm I и POS Qed IZ 105 134305 k40553337 / ru 0553 % ПП’ ME a 6 * т a * 19p)d 5 Mid ы ET 1 *5 raw | a HILIMS | I L__ Ohya 7 Th FT IT IT IT T A IT Th FT Mem ra о и, Ms 41. AT A its Py Pire TN J IT o 134305 ! бя 55232 | Aa ki. Ma SF JETA md 2d ¥ 1042410934 1062d IOb2d ICE 2d 10224 1010d WYHOVYIO ONE IM SISSYHD 1 YO Y 10 duvoa o E £ 905 040d an O4A 1093d TQUINOZ NID MWEILNOJ N1YO HILIMS did + MOI 1D#23d 6 395 10(2d AH Td £ OS ——— = = = A 134505 ! 552957 ! x 30 14 IMNTON XL 10834 AE 134305 553307 и ing HM + Jo" rien 199 ¿IP Tos I Fir IMS HILIMS (NYE 4 # i | | | | | | I i I 1 j i | J | 260! 1 | ' 2N5486 | ВЕ своб AGO 3 RGD 4 I “= + + + | | = [ceo L601 ceo: 47 lso 220 [608 100 | ' 20 607 Ti000 | ol ol ' DIAL [TUNE | 2-34 604 > | SET = TRIM Tono REO: REOZ " I M 330 ! ; POLY ! = = = 1 = = = > ] = = L ; | LeO2 | y | MH ; 1 | NOT ON PC EO | = i .. I ' ! I ! 1 ' | ' | | A L603 i | I “о | | | ses L6O4 + _ \ _ ‘ << e cel 39Uh ¡cet! ’ 7 TO PCIOI : 27 240 | < ) F ‚0! I | RIT | RLYGO! ! = = | = _ } L | REDO È | 47 ! | L605 | | +8,24 0000 | | IMH |е614 dl 0 | I i = | | RIT т | o ON Y ‘orr * 13,2 Y I I | I I | E | I i CONTROL | LINE Swa ~~ I | | | MPSOSIA 2NS486 es {eo CA ~~ CJ о BOT GOT DICDES VIEW VIEW VFO PC6OI ALDA | R TOI OK CTOI | [NOISE AMP A704 C703 АЛЛА IK I Ql MPS6514 МЫ “И L7OI E: or Gi IO K R709<K708 DK A 7 CONTROL le708 Г J; A 5 MO SWITCH PULSE AMP Ans 220K aro 3 7 AF MPSG5SI4 2h RTIG 1K0 RTI? PAP ered 1.5 K A718 Cr 100 Le NB OUT NOISE BLANKER PC 70 ALDA 1 C508 2N3866 C50 E Ol REO R R el o | 50 ¿da = = LL г а7 RSES 2N3É66 Ó BOTTOM VIEW 2N5490 B-— {— O TOP VIEW 470 - 214 [ 2502 9503 50, 5р1285 L502 MAF 4354 ‚ e 4 Rso9 Tlésis À 162 50 O с R506 10 2200 C509 CUT pA 1000 cSIO SORA | Ca С 00 7 +] In 50 L503 Y si? Sor o | R505 = q 504 В | PANA MRF 454 ar Lon R512 L50€ L 507 L508 al J 47 0 I 1 D « A. oo + desiz lesia 13.6 VOLTS al id —_ 501 [BIAS REGULATOR LI I“ £ 2,5K 0505 TX AMP PC50I Em C511 & 0508 | НО SEM -+ 0503 ASIO SEM 10 SCHEMATIC DIAG PC5OI TX MODULE ALDA 1 80-40 CO! vay 3 1NJOW HOLvH8IIvO VISA MI 108 Od 10€ Id El NId 10€ Id ¿INid Az boy oc I И! Sin —)— 10877 —— [01682 e? 2H MY 000 NN — dd En A Of Tq fmm fy [End | ¡oem EY — 810707 = £o69 1 о BPI NI soea| 5, 19 440 —ZHNsZ. © SM S1TOA 78 + E > A On DIAGRAM AND INSTRUCTIONS TA о! (IN3491R) Е + | Li ó PL | MY | | + 3 ( ) . le lez - NOMINA D2 (IN34%)R 29000 o | | MFD feos DE CIN = = 25V L25v = 4 SW Е: PL2 8 me | — GND C3 С NI оба lca ar MFD 1400 у + MF D 1 1400 v = = | ——e | |. > FUSES | AC POWER SUPPLY | ESOV 2 AMP 115-230 Y 50-60 HZ 2 3 115 v 3 AMP |. ALDA PS 115 ——e 4 115 VOLT 230 VOLT x PS 115 POWER SUPPLY FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The PS 115 Portable, Average Duty Power Supply consists of a Power Transformer (T1} with a dual 115/230 volt, 50-60Hz primary winding and a single center-tapped 18 ampere secondary winding. This is connected in a full wave center top rectifier circuit (D1 and D2). The pulsating DC is filtered by a pair of 29,000 MFD 25 volt capacitors (C1 and C2) connected in a Pi-Filter circuit with a saturable reactor (Li). The primary input voltage is switched by a SPST toggle switch (5W1) and the input js fused:(F 1) by either a Samp fuse (115 VAC input) or a 2 amp fuse (230 VAC input). Two .0047 MFD 1400 volt capacitars (C3 and C4) are connected to by-pass RF from the AC input lines. À Front Panel Indicator Lamp (I1) glows whan power is applied. A terminal strip is used for changing the primary input wiring for either 115 or 230 VAC. Primary application for the PS 115 is for fixed or portable, average duty use. This supply will power the Alda 103 to full 250 watts PEP input for SSB and approximately 200 watts DC input for CW. 37 DIAGRAM AND INSTRUCTIONS _8v0.c. (Min) (4) 5. I (4) as wW 20 ANP 26258 BRIDGE #7 VAC + = ía Iw N 40.100 AN 01 TH 0 22 hy - Y fer a Ss 001 e NOTE: 17 2 /3.6V.ur С) — iv HTK T IDA. | Е HT vac. 60 v All resistors 2 watt 10% unless otherwise noted. 13.6 voc 30 Amp Regulated Power Supply PS 130 REGULATED POWER SUPPLY OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS The PS 130 regulated power supply has been pre-set at the factory for 13.0 VDC @ 30 amperes load (20 percent overload safety factor). No further adjustment should be required for any current loads below the 30 ampere current limit point. Line voltage and load changes are fully compensated by the regulator. Output voltage and current limit adjustment potentiometers are accessable {through small access holes on the rear apron} with a small flat blade screwdriver if lower voltage or current limiting is desired. The voltage adjust pot is on the right hand side viewed from the rear of the power supply. Output voltage adjustment range is 11VDC to 14 VDC @ 25 amperes current limiting adjustment range is 20 to 30 ampetes. PS 130 SPECIFICATIONS REGULATED VOLTAGE... .... 11.0 VDC to 14.0 VDC REGULATED LINE .. .. . 0.15 percent for 105-125 МАС REGULATED LOAD ....... 0-30 Load 0-5v change RMS 0-254 Load 0,2v change RMS RIPPLE AND NOISE ,,......... 15 AMPS = .015v RMS 30 AMPS: ,15v RMS АС NUT 2... ................ 105-125 VAC 50-60 HZ OVERSHOOT ........ No overshoot on turn-on, turn off or power failure OVERLOAD PROTECTION . ...... Automatic electronic current limiting set at 120 percent of full 30 AMP rating REGULATED QUTPUT . 13.0 VDC 0-25 AMPS continuous at 25°C ambient OPERATING SPECIFICATIONS ... 0-30 AMPS at 5 min. on -5min. off at 25°C ambient CAUTION! Do not leave the power supply in an overloaded condition for any extended period of time because of high internal dissipation in the series pass transistors after current limiting is in effect. 38 Do not block off the flow of air from either side of the power supply {dual heat sinks). This is especially important when operating at high current loads. CONNECTING THE CALIBRATOR MODULE PC 801 TO THE ALDA 103 TRANSCEIVER 1. Remove both covers. Turn transceiver upside down, 2. Fit the Calibrator PC Board to the bracket holding the dial ball-drive unit. Use the two screws provided. See Figure 1 for location. 3. Feed the red wire through the opening, past the meter, turn transceiver right side up. Connect the wire to the dial lamp located directly behind the dial. This is a +8.2 volt point and has one other red and orange wire connected to it. Tuck the wire down so that it does not get pinched when the cover is replaced. See Figure 2. 4. Feed the co-axial cable through the opening, past the meter. Turn the transceiver right side up. Connect the co-ax inner conductor to pin 19 of the PC301 PC board connector. (Counting from the front.) Solder the braid to pin 17 of the same socket. See Figure 2 for PC301 location. 5. Turn on the transceiver. The center position of the switch is OFF. The left-hand position gives 25 Khz markers, and the right-hand position 100 Khz markers (viewed from the normal operating position). The Calibrator is adjusted to frequency at the factory. NOTE: When both the crystal calibrator and the noise blanker are energized simultaneously, a feedback condition exists due to the harmonic content of the calibrator. This is a normal condition, which may be bothersome during calibration. To eliminate this condition, momentarily turn off the noise blanker. RED +12 YOLTS WIR me) IOOKHZ ES KHZ | — D OFF PIN17 PC 506 PIN TS PCSOI CRYSTAL CALIBRATOR MODULE ALDA 103 + L TX MODULE | | | TX MODULE || | o - | BOTTOM VIEW OF | TOP VIEW OF | CHASSIS CHASSIS SWITCH : CRYSTAL CALIBRATOR | | MODULE UN | MOUNTING at&-— DIAL LAY — TUNING — BAND KNOB SWITCH FIG:! INSTALLATION OF 39 FIG: 2 INSTALLATION OF CRYSTAL CAIBRATOR CRYSTAL „SALIBRATOR MODULE ALDA 103 ALDA 103 ACCESSORY SOCKET CONNECTIONS Accessory Socket — Viewed From Rear of ALDA 103 Ч к) = To — o wo ho wo MNO OOo DO = © 4 © — © MATING PLUG ALDA P/N 610012 — WINCHESTER P/N 56-12P1000 INSERT PINS ALDA P/N 610010 — WINCHESTER P/N 156-1024P PIN NO. CONNECTION AND FUNCTION INTERNAL VFO OUTPUT GROUND REMOTE VFO INPUT OR JUMPER TO PIN 1 PTT LINE (REMOTE KEYING OF 103 OR KEYLINE TQ EXTERNAL AMPLIFIER) CONTROL LINE (GROUND ON RCY/+13 Y DC ON XMT] RECEIVER AUDIO OUTPUT {3 OHMS IMPEDANCE) TRANSMITTER AUDIO INPUT (3K OHMS IMPEDANCE) +13 VDC ON BO METERS {FOR REMOTELY SWITCHED ANT. TUNER) +13 VDC ON 20 METERS {FOR REMOTELY SWITCHED ANT. TUNER] 10 +13 VDC ON 40 METERS (FOR REMOTELY SWITCHED ANT. TUNER) 11 +13 VDC ON RCV AND XMT 12 BLANK 00 o 0 dl Ia 0 В он 40 ">

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Key features
- Solid state design
- Broadbanded operation
- Compact size
- Lightweight
- 250 watts PEP or average power
- Selectable sideband
- CW keying with adjustable sidetone
- Internal zener regulation
- Rugged construction
- Extended frequency coverage
Frequently asked questions
The ALDA 103 covers the 80, 40 and 20 meter amateur bands: 3.5 Mhz to 4.0 Mhz, 7.0 Mhz to 7.5 Mhz, 14.0 Mhz to 14.5 Mhz.
The ALDA 103 has a power output of 250 watts PEP or average.
The ALDA 103 can operate in USB, LSB and CW modes.
The ALDA 103 requires a 13.6 volt, negative ground power supply that can provide up to 18 amperes on peaks and 10 amperes average.