InteI TabIet PC for W∶ ndows8.1
Quick start Gu∶ de
Thank you for your choosing the new Tablet PC
This guide serves to enable users to get to knovv and fami"ar
`ith our product as soon as possible
Here We have made a briefintroduction to the key layout and definitionsin figur0s and、 ″ords
Attent∶ ons∶
This manualincludes important safetγ instructions and the information on how to use correctly,f0r avoid the
accidents happening`so ensure you shouId read the Fnanual before using the product
don′ t put the product on the places、
high ternperature、
humid"v or nnore dust.
●PIease do吖 t put the product on the places with high temperature`especiaⅡ y not put the products in a Car
with cIose windowsIn summer
● Not fa"o仟 or knock this ρroduct strongly,not Iet IPs paneI be shocked、
otherwise it Fnay cause lPs panel
broken or display abnormaI.
● PIease choose the right sound vOIumeJ not too big when use earphone`if feeI tinnitus,please turn down
the voIume or stop using
●PIease do the charge、 ″hen rneet beIOW situa刂 ons:
When the icon of battery capaoty dispIay no electrlcity.
B system p° wer
Ⅱ ¨
"■ "【
of automaticaIly,the unit will be
△” Ⅱ臼 lse证
ρower o仟 fast a负 er powe"ng on again。
Ⅱ 【 ■ 0凵 Ⅱ 山 口 0-oo-Ⅱ
●FOrthe products broken`repair or other reas°
ns caused the memory informatlon lost、
ourcompany wi"be
not respon$ible for this`please fo"oW the manualto do operations.
●PIease not tear down the unit、
not use the aIcohoI、
d"uen‘ or benzene to cIear the products.
●NOt use this un"in the forbidden area(such as akpIane)。
●Not use this unit when driving or wa丨 king`otherwise it w"l cause the accidents
※ ourc° mpany w"I keep the right with products丿
improving`speCiΠ cations and designs`and not do the notice
Cosmetic and button instruction
Numberintroduction as beIow∶
PoWer button
◆ starting up with short ρress、 or enⅡ r standby status`or wake up from standby
◆ Keeplng ρress4s to enter shut down interfoce`and keep pressing10sto CompeIthe
unit shut down
Volume button
◆ volume up and down
Rear Cannera
◆ Rear camera can take a plcture and video
1nternal h/llC
Vsing for video meeting`sound control and reCord
5 Dual using jaCk w"h3.5mm earphone and MIC
◆ Can° utputthe sound s∶ gnals of computerto externa丨
"nk the externaI MlC
Micro sD slot
Can supportthe card w"h MiCro sD and Micro sD HC
HDMlcan exchange to external High-deflnition LCD
Micro UsB
speaker or earphone;also can
Can connect the devices with UsB keyboard`rnouse and U disk
Front Camera
◆ Take a picture or video for front
TOuch panel
◆ Can operate the unit by touChing
VVindoWs Iogo
◆ Can back to originol desktop
sIh/l slot
◆ Forinserung slM card
stereo speaker port
For output the externaI voice
2.Introduction to Desktop
1,Windows8.1start irnage∶
On the start screen`you Can see many programs fixed in the
irnage.These appⅡ Cation programs are displayed in the form of〃
magnet″ 。As Iong‘ as you c"Ck
theΠ 、
、you can eas"y visit them,
YOu need to Iog on your MicrOso仪 account before the app"cation program CompIetelv runs.
3.Image sⅡ de app"cations
s"de to right
s"de to the right from the left side
ofthe screen to start the app"cation
pr° gram
ln runnlng
slide to left
s"de to the left from the right side ofthe
screen to start Charm menu column。
on the touch sCreen`narrow two fingers
to enIarge the image。
to reduce the image.
0n the touCh screen`widen tWo fingers
de downward
slide、 ″ith finger
In stad screen,s"de from the top ofthe screen
to VieW a"app"cation programs
In start screen`sⅡ de finger right and le缸
to move theimage.
slide upward
ln the start sCreen、
fron1the bottom of the screen to visit a"app"cation
lntroduction to app lnterface
Besides the app"cation programs a丨 ready fixed on the start screen`you can aIso start other
app"cation programs in aⅡ app"cation programs`such as other softⅥ
a⒒ ached to the Tablet PC.
`are app"cation programs
lf you want to nx more app"cation programs on the start interface`see the operation in the
belov△ (1)lightIy touch`press and ho|d the applicauon program magnet for about one
second and then let go`and seIect(2)to们 x to the start screen.
Conversely,if you want to canCeI or de丨 ete a certain app|ication in the start screen`(1)light丨
touch`press and hold the app"cation progrann magnet for about one second and then let it go
xation and deleuon and
and run`and select(2)attribute co|umn to cancelthe programs such as Π
then it can be completed。
Charm menu coIumn
s"de it to the|eR from the right side ofthe screen to start Charm menu column`including∶
stan,Deˇ lce'setuρ ,Share、 and search Program
s"de it to the Ieft fron∩
Device、 setup`share、
the right side ofthe screen to start Charm menu column`including∶ start`
and search Program
Can Iet you search the fⅡ
es and app"cation programs in the Tablet PC.
Can Iet you share the progran∩ through social exchange website or e-ma",
Can return to the start screen,From the start screen、
you can also use this function to
return the apρ
"cation program that is opened in the Iatest.
Can let you read、 write and share f"es`connect externalscreen or printer with the device
connected to the Tablet PC.
Can let you set up the TabIe PC,
search rnenu
DeVlce Menu
share rnenu
set up Menu
Dua卜 screen App"cat∶ on
on my computerin(Figure1)、 slide砣 inWard from the left side ofthe screen`drag"and ho丨 d Let
go、 ″hen
seeing double interfaces appea∴
ln(Figure2)、 press the parution button on the middle part沈 ion line and drag Hght and left to
partition the display proportion of the double screens
(F璁 um药
Basic operat∶
DormanCy,restart and poweF o仟
seCuritV Management
User and password setup
Method for quick setup∶
CⅡ ck
the ffsetup″ button in″ Charm″ setup、 and select″
the left and c"ck‘
fCreate loca丨
in f′
Change computersetup″ ,seIect″ User″ on
YOur account″ on the right side A仳 er inputting the
password of Comp丨 ete h/Vindows Live ld Account`input username`passWord、 confirm password
and password prompt,