Bard HWP 30, HWP 36, HWPD 30, 36 water source heat pump Installation instructions
Below you will find brief information for water source heat pump HWP 30, water source heat pump HWPD 30, water source heat pump HWP 36, water source heat pump HWPD 36. These units are designed for high efficiency and are shipped completely assembled. You will only need to connect the duct work, thermostat wiring, 230-208 volt AC power wiring, and water piping. The heat pump is more critical of proper refrigerant charge and an adequate duct system than a cooling only air conditioning unit. These instructions should be carefully read before beginning the installation, paying close attention to any tags and/or labels attached to the equipment.
MANUAL 2100-08) INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS MODELS HWP30 HWPD30" HWP36 HWPD36" *Built-in hot water heat exchanger. HIGH EFFICIENCY WATER SOURCE HORIZONTAL PACKAGED HEAT PUMPS WATER TEMPERATURES: 25 to 105°F PUMP SWITCH TRANSFORMER LOCK OUT LOW VOLTAGE ( POWER ENTRY вх RELAY 7 ENTRY q | y LOW VOLTAGE = + tre TERMINAL STRIP © ® С COMPRESSOR bé Sac CONTACTOR — ry | ANAS SR QQ y — Sw e— e so NS V0 Sa wz oF e ОФ из DPE ee roy S| L — À EN AN \__ BLOWER TT HEAT RECOVERY RELAY EMERGENCY HEAT RELAY CONTROL PANEL BLOWER ACCES PANEL — BLOWER MOUNTINC PANEL аж = re BLOWER e BLOWER ACCESS PANEL 4 ui de | SOLENOID VALVE —— WATER PUMP -——— HEAT RECOVERY COIL REVERSING VALVE LOW PRESSURE SWITCH ia) WATER SENSOR | THERMOSTAT em" WATER COIL —_— RETURN AIR PANEL (Can be moved to opposite side) i— COMPRESSOR THERMOSTATIC EXPANSION VALVE WATER REGULATING VALVE CAPILLARY ACCESS PORT CONTROL PANEL (See Above) LD HIGH PRESSURE SWITC TOP VIEW Su R-22 SERVICE PORT (SUCTION) R-22 SERVICE PORT (DISCHARGE) NOTE: If no return air duct is used, applicable installation codes may limit this cabinet to installation only in a single story structure. TO WATER HEATER FROM WATER HEATER WATER CUT WATER IN = IT Г END VIEW —1- WATER SOURCE HEAT PUMP Thermostatic COOLING CYCLE Valve Suction Service Port Compressor Discharge Line — Reversing Valve | Discharge Service Port Water Out Bi-Directional Thermostatic Expansion Valve Water In Strainer External Equalizer Tube [| High Pressure Vapor ZA Low Pressure Vapor E -— Low Pressure Liquid J High Pressure Liquid = NN N_N TI NN Air Flow WATER SOURCE HEAT PUMP + 1 bd HEATING CYCLE Thermostatic Vapor Indoor - Expansion Valve Line / Coil ulb 5 Capillary y — ~ (—— = ST “4 A CAN A a ES 7 Suction Service Port Y J External Й Equalizer -— Compressor „и Tube | | Discharge d | | J Line 7) Reversing й | High Pressure Vapor Ш Valve | A — / ZA Low Pressure Vapor —— | 7 | Low Pressure Liquid — NN Discharge 1 == SES Service < q Port BR High Pressure Liquid — Water Out Bi-Directional Thermostatic Expansion Valve : á = Water In hy we a a mm em a ae TONE TE ся - = Strainer —2- GENERAL Units are shipped completely assembled and internaily wired, requiring only duct connections, thermostat wiring, 230-208 voit AC power wiring, and water piping. The equipment covered in this manual is to be installed by trained, experienced service and installation technicians. Any heat pump is more critical of proper refrigerant charge and an adequate duct system than a cooling only air conditioning unit. These instructions and any instructions packaged with any separate euipment required to make up the entire heat pump system should be carefully read before beginning the installation. Note particularly any tags and/or labels attached to the equipment. While these instructions are intended as a general recommended guide, they do not in any way supersede any national and/or local codes. Authorities having jurisdiction should be consulted before the installation is made. UNPACKING Upon receipt of the equipment, the carton should be checked for external signs of shipping damage. If damage is found, the receiving party must contact the last carrier immediately, preferably in writing, requesting inspection by the carrier's agent. INSTALLATION 1. BTUH CAPACITY SELECTION Capacity of the unit for a proposed installation should be based on heat loss calculations made in accordance with methods of the Air Conditioning Contractors of America, formerly National Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Association. The air duct system should be sized and installed in accordance with Standards of the National Fire Protection Association For The Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems of Other Than Residence Type NFPA No, 2. SITE SELECTION The unit may be installed in a basement, crawispace or attic provided adequate service access is insured, The unit should be located in the conditioned space to prevent freezing of the water lines, Clearance to combustible materials is 0 inches for the heat pump. If an optional duct heater is installed, follow the instructions packed with the duct heater for specifications regarding clearance to combustible material. Before setting the unit, consider ease of piping, drain and electrical connections for the unit. Also, for units with heat recovery unit, consider the proximity of the unit to the water heater or storage tank. 3. SUPPLY AND RETURN DUCT LOCATIONS ON UNIT Refer to Figure 3, The units supply and return air connections can be arranged in six different configurations. To change from left-hand return (shipping mode) to right-hand return, remove the return air panel, turn the panel around and install it on the opposite side of the unit over the return air opening. Install optional filter rack or duct work using the holes provided. To change the direction of blower discharge, remove the blower access paneis. Remove the bolt holding the blower assembly, lift blower out of the bottom offset. Remove the blower discharge panel {panel with air opening and pienum flanges) and instail it into either the left-hand or right-hand opening. Repiace blower into its new position by inserting blower bottom fiange into the bottom offset and aligning upper flange bolt hole with the hale provided and tightening the boit. Replace biower access рапе!з. Place the unit on a solid base to minimize undesirable noise and vibration. DO NOT elevate the base pan on rubber ar cork vibration eliminator pads as this will permit the unit base to act like a drum, transmitting objectionable noise, 30А, and Residence Type Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Systems, NFPA No. 90B. Service Area Service Area Service Area + + Service nm [> . . “— — |. ; Blower 5 Service -—— SO Blower! Service Area | EI Area Bl ower > += ee a | с Носта „>> - Lm Y “+ Minimum clear e > space service ares required 7 Service Area Service Area Service Âres /s\ Sarvice Area | ‚ Blower . | Blower IE . == | a | Service | | Service gl ower! Service Service | | Service L__ Area m= | Area Area ee Area —, = | a ke ke en | Tr Tem се —=, Ч о — — — — haa — — | о = — — = С Te DSP — a — +” > и “= и ^^ Unit Shipped This Way Service Area <5 Jsuppiy air from unit. <C return air from unit. Service Area FIGURE 3 -3- Service Araa > + 1 DUCTWORK The unit rating plate lists "maximum Overcurrent Protective Device" that is to be used with the equipment. This device may be a time delay fuse or HACR Type circuit breaker. The correct size overcurrent protective device must be used to provide for proper circuit protection and to avoid nuisance trips due to the momentary high starting current of the compressor motor, Ц. If the unit is to be installed in a crawlspace or attic, a secondary drain pan, with overflow drain connection, under the entire unit is highly recommended. DO NOT install the unit in such a way that a direct path exists between any return grille and the unit. Rather, insure that the air entering the return grille will make at least one turn before entering the unit air coil, This will reduce possibie objectionable compressor and air noise from entering the occupied space. b. CONTROL CIRCUIT--LOW VOLTACE WIRING A 24 volt terminal strip is mounted in the control panel, Two types of thermostats are availabie: 1) Singie stage heat, single stage cool to operate the heat pump alone--without backup duct style electric heaters. This thermostat is equipped with a signal light to indicate when the unit is “locked out” because of the low or high pressure control, Refer to the wiring diagrams at the end of this manual for correct connection of the terminals. 2) Two stage heat, single stage cool to operate the heat pump or duct heaters on heating or the heat pump on cooling. This thermostat is also equipped with a signal light to indicate when the unit is "locked out" because of operation of the low or high pressure controi. In addition, a second signal light tells when the unit has been placed in Emergency Heat. Refer to the wiring diagram at the end of this manual and to the wiring diagram packed with the duct heater for correct connection of the low valtage terminals, Design the ductwork according to methods given by the National Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Association, When duct runs through unconditioned spaces, it should be insulated with a minimum of two inches fiberglass insulation with vapor barrier. |t is recommended that flexible connections be used to connect the ductwork to the unit in order to keep the noise transmission to a minimum. 5, FILTER [Filter Rack Optional) This unit must not be operated without a filter or filter grilles, Optional filter rack with a disposable filter should be checked often and replaced if dirty. Insufficient air flow due to undersized duct systems or dirty filters can result in nuisance tripping of the high or low pressure controls. Refer to Table 3 for correct air flow and static pressure - requirements, See Figure 4 for optional filter rack assembly 7. CONDENSATE DRAIN and installation, Determine where the drain lime will run. This drain line contains cold water and must be insulated to avoid drops of water from dropping on ceiling, etc. A trap must he installed in the primary drain line, 6. ELECTRICAL WIRING All electrical connections are made through the side of the unit, High voltage connections are made to the compressor contactor. Low voltage connections are made to the terminal strip mounted in the control panel. Refer to the wiring diagram for connecting the terminals, For installations with auxiliary drain pan, a separate drain line should be run from the auxiliary drain pan and teriminated where the homeowner can see it. Be certain to show the homeowner the location of the drain line and to explain its purpose. In the event of overflow of primary drain, water will collect in auxiliary pan and run out through the auxiliary drain line. a. MAIN POWER Refer to the unit serial plate for wire sizing information and correct overcurrent protection size. Each unit is marked with a "Minimum Circuit Ampacity". This means that field wiring connectors must be sized to carry that amount of current, Each unit and/or wiring diagram is also marked "Use Copper Conductors Only" meaning the leads provided are not suitable for aluminum wiring, Refer to the National Electric Code for complete çurrent—carrying capacity data on the various grades of wiring material, lt is not recommended that any condensate drain lines be connected to a sewer main. Drain lines must be installed in accordance with local codes. OPTIONAL FILTER RACK (FR17) FILTER RACK CAN dE > INSTALLED ON THIS SIDE \ = 77 > ALICN FILTER RACK > MOUNTING FLANGE WITH y HOLES IN THIS PANEL | — h — e A at FIGURE 4 8, PIPING ACCESS TO THE UNIT Water piping to and from the unit enters the unit casing through the water access panei. Piping connections are made to [angths of 1" hose which connect to the heat exchanger. 9%. WATER CONNECTIONS it is very important that an adequate supply of clean non-corrosive weter at the proper pressure be provided before the installation is made. Insufficient water, in the heating mode for exampie, will cause the low pressure control to trip, shutting down the heat pump. In assessing the capacity of the water system, it is advisable that the compiete water system be evaluated to prevent possible lack of water or water pressure at various household fixtures whenever the heat pump turns on. All plumbing to and from the unit is to be installed in accordance with local plumbing codes. The use of plastic pipe, where permissible, is recommended to prevent electrolytic corrosion of the water pipe, Because of the relatively cold temperatures encountered with well water, it is strongly recommended that the water lines connecting the unit ba insulated to prevent water droplets from condensing on the pipe surface. Refer to Piping, Figure 5. Siow closing Solencid Valve (6) with a 24V coil provides on/off control of the water flow to the unit. Refer to the wiring diagram for correct hookup of the vaive solenoid coil. Constant Flow Valve {7} provides correct flow of water to the unit regardless of variations in water pressure. Observa the water flow direction indicated by the arrow on the side of the valve body. Following is a table showing which valve is to be instailed with which heat pump, HEAT PUMP FLOW PART MODEL RATE NUMBER HWPD 30 3 GPM 8603-010 PROS 5 GPM 8603-011 Strainer {5) installed upstream of constant flow valve {7} to coliect foreign material which would clog the flow valve orifice, The figure shows the use of shutoff valves (5) and (11), on the in and out water lines to permit isolation of the unit from the plumbing system should future service work require this. , Globe valves shouid not be used as shutoff vaives because of the excessive pressure drop inherent in the valve design. Instead use gate or ball valves as shutoffs so as to minimize pressure drop, Drain Cocks (8) and (10), and tees have been included to permit acid cleaning the refrigerant-to-water coil should such cleaning be required. See WATER CORROSION, Drain Cock (12) provides access to the system to check water ow through the constant flow valve to insure adequate water flow through the unit. A water meter 1-10 GPM (3603-013) is used to check tha water flow rate. Ses photo #1. 10. WELL PUMP SIZING Strictly speaking, sizing the well pump is the responsibility of the well drilling contractor. It is important, however, that the HVAC contractor be familiar with the factors that determine what size pump will be required. Rute of thumb estimates will invariably lead to under or oversized well pumps. Undersizing the pump will result in inadequate water to the whole plumbing system but with especially bad results to tha heat pump--NO HEAT /NO COOL calls will result. Oversized pumps will short cycle and could cause prematura pump motor or switch failure. The well pump must be capable of supplying enough water and at an adequate pressure to meet competing demands of water fixtures, The well pump must be sized in such a way that three requirements are met: 1. Adequate flow rata in GPM. г. Adequate pressures at the fixture. 3. Able to meet the above from the depth of the well-feet of lift. The pressure requirements put on the pump are directly affected by the diameter of pipe being used as well as by the water flow rate through the pipe. The worksheet included in Manual 2100-078 should guarantee that the well pump has enough capacity. It should also ensure that the piping is not undersized which would create too much pressure due to friction loss. High pressure losses due to undersized pipe will reduce efficiency and require larger pumps and could also create water noise problems, 11. POND INSTALLATIONS When pond water is used as the water supply and heat sink for these units, the following is recommended: a. The pond must be large enough to ensure a minimum entering water temperature of 37°F for the unit to operate in the heating mode. b. The pond must be large enough to ensure a maximum entering water temperature of 105°F for the unit to operate in the cooling mode. с. A water flow rate of required for all models. 12 GPM or greater is d. Place inlet and outlet pipes far enough apart from each other to prevent thermal interference between the supply and return water. 8. “Screen over intake and discharge pipes, f. Intake water shouid be below the 15 foot level in the pond. PHOTO NO, 1 Measuring typical water flow through a water source heat pump using a water flow meter (8603-013) to ensure proper water — 5 flow through unit. SEQUENCE OF OPERATION 1. COOLING WITH OR WITHOUT DUCT HEATERS Whenever the system fever is moved to COOL, thermostat system switch completes a circuit R to O, energizing the reversing valve solenoid. On a call for cooling, the cooling bulb completes a circuit from В to C, energizing the blower relay coil. The blower relay contacts complete a 230 voit Circuit to the blower motor and the blower operates. R to Y circuit is completed at the same time as the fan circuit and current flows from Y to terminal 4 at the lockout relay. Terminal 4 of the lockout relay provides two paths for <urrent flow. 1, Through the lockout reiay coil which offers the resistance of the lockout relay coil, 2. Through the normaily closed contacts of the lockout relay to terminal S of the lockout relay and then through the high and low pressure switches to the compressor contactor coil. If the high and low pressure switches remain closed (refrigerant pressure remains normai), the path of least resistance is through these safety controls to the compressor contactor coil. The contacts of the compressor contactor complete a 230 volt circuit to the compressor and the compressor runs. if discharge (suction) pressure reaches the set paint of the high (low) pressure control, the normally closed contacts of the high (low) pressure control apen and currant no longer flows to the compressor contactor coil--the coii drops out, Current now can take the path of least resistance through the lockout relay coil, energizing the lockout relay coil and opening terminalis 3 and 5 of the lockout relay. The lockout relay will remain energized as long as a circuit is completed between К and Y at the thermostat, In the meantime, since the compressor is not operating, refrigerant pressure will equalize and the high (low) pressure switch will automatically reset. However, the circuit to the compressor contactor will not be complete until the lockout relay is de-energized by moving the thermostat system switch to OFF, breaking the circuit from R to Y, dropping out the lockout relay coil and permitting terminals4 and 5 to make. When the high (low) pressure switch closes, a circuit is completed to L at the thermostat, energizing the signal light to indicate a maifunction. When the system switch is moved from OFF to COOL, the cycie is repeated. FIGURE 5 N 2. SINGLE STAGE HEAT WITHOUT DUCT HEATERS Compressor circuit R to Y including lockout relay and pressure controls is the same as cooling. Blower circuit R to G is the same as cooling, With system switch set to HEAT, no circuit is completed between R and O and reversing valve solenoid is not energized, 3. TWO STAGE HEAT WITH DUCT HEATERS First stage heat is the same as single stage heating without duct heater. When the second stage thermostat bulb makes, a circuit is completed from R to W2, energizing the duct heater heat contactor, R1, through the automatic thermal cutout (TCO). The contacts of R1 close a circuit to the heat pump blower relay and, through the manual reset thermal cutoff device, to the elements. Elements and blower remain energized as long as R to WZ are made. 4, EMERGENCY HEAT When the system switch is moved to EMER, the compressor circuit R to Y is disconnected. Control of the electric heaters is from R to W2 through the thermostat second stage heating bulb, Blower operation is controlled by the second stage heating bulb. Operation is the same as above, "Two Stage Heat With Duct Heaters." / SYSTEM START UP PROCEDURE Be sure main power to the unit is OFF at the disconnect. Set thermostat system switch to OFF, fan switch to AUTO. Move main power disconnect to ON, Power should be on to unit for a minimum of 4 hours or 60 minutes per pound of refrigerant. This allows the crankcase heater to drive any refrigerant liquid out of the compressor sump. This procedure should be followed whenever the power has been off for twelve hours or longer. Except as required for safety while servicing--DO NOT OPEN THE UNIT DISCONNECT SWITCH. Check system air flow for obstructions. a) Move thermostat fan switch to ON. Blower runs. D) Be sure ail registers and grilles are open. с) Move thermostat fan switch to AUTO. Blower should stop. Fully open the manual inlet and outlet vaives, Check water flow, (See Photo 1) 3) Connect a water flow meter to the drain cock (127, Fig.5) between the constant flow valve and the solenoid valve. Run a hose from the flow meter to a drain or sink. Open the drain cock. b) Check the water flow rate through constant flow valve to be sure it is the same as the unit is rated for. (Example: 4 GPM for a HWP30) c) When water flow is okay, close drain cock and remove the water flow meter. The unit is now ready to start. Start the unit in cooling mode by moving the thermostat switch to cool, fan should be set for AUTO. a) Check to see the solenoid valve opened, Check the system refrigerant pressures ÁN against the cooling refrigerant pressure curves on page 12 and 13 of this manual for rated water flow and entering water temperatures. If the refrigerant pressures do not match, check for air flow probiem then refrigeration system problem. Switch the unit to the heating mode by moving the thermostat switch to heat, fan should be set for AUTO. a) Check to see the solencid valve opened again, Check the refrigerant system pressures À) against the heating refrigerant pressure curve in Installation Manual. Once again, if they do not match, check for air flow problems and then refrigeration system problems. NOTE: If a charge problem is determined (high or low): a) Check for possible refrigerant leaks. 6) Discharge all remaining refrigerant from unit. c) Evacuate unit down to 29 inches of vacuum. d} Recharge the unit with refrigerant by weight. This is the only way to insure a proper charge. A For models with domestic hot water heat exchanger, be sure the water pump switch is off while checking refrigerant system. UNIT WITH HEAT RECOVERY FOR HEATING DOMESTIC HOT WATER -- HWPD SERIES GENERAL Units having a heat recovery coil should only be instailed by trained refrigeration technicians. These instructions serve as a guide to the technician installing the heat recovery portion of the unit, They are not intended as a step-by-step procedure with which the mechanically inclined owner can instal! the unit, DESCRIPTION Units with the heat recovery coil mounted at the factory are designed to recover the "waste" heat from the compressor discharge gas and Use this "waste" heat to heat domestic hot water. Units so equipped may be identified by the letter "OD" in the model number. In addition to the components already described for the heat pump, these units are equipped with an additional water-to-refrigerant coil, а circulating pump and a thermostat to control the operation of the circulating pump. The water-to-refrigerant coil is constructed of two tubes. Water flows through the center tube, totally separated trom the water tube. The space between these two tubes js vented to atmosphere. In the unlikely event a [eak should develop, no leakage can occur between the water and the refrigerant. INSTALLATION 1. TWO TANK. In order to realize the maximum energy savings from the domestic hot water heat recovery unit, it is recommended that a second water storage tank be installed in addition to the main hot water heater. Fossil fuel fired water heaters must be a two tank installation. !f the existing water heater is electric, the two tank installation is still the best approach, however, a one tank instailation is satisfactory. Tanks specifically intended for hot water storage are available from water heater manufacturers (solar hot water storage tanks). These tanks have special dip tube arrangements, are built without heaters and are constructed with heavier insulation. However, a well insulated electric water heater without the electric heating elements connected will also make a suitable storage tank, The size of this tank should be as large as space and economy permit but in no event should it be less than one-half of the daily water requirsments for the occupants. As a guide in estimating the daily family water requirements, the Department of Energy recommends a figure of 16.07 gallons of hot water per day per individual. For example, a family of four would require 64.3 gallons per day (4 x 16.07}, 2. ONE TANK. Where space or first cost economy dictates only one hot water heater, a single tank installation is permissible. It should be noted, however, that the amount of savings realized is reduced. The single hot water tank may be a new hot water heater (sized in this case to 100% of daily water requirements) or the existing water heater in the case of a retrofit installation, The existing hot water heater shouid be carefully inspected and any sediment removed by draining the water heater and flushing it until all loose sediment has been flushed away. This sediment, besides cutting down on the efficiency of the water heater and heat recovery unit could damage the circulating pump, or clog the strainer and stop water flow, = я соли — Tate Leer ri N À блеск Jaye Pressure Oele encina! A Y E 3” \ 1 a 7 пил rT ‹ : f TT 43% walter , +1 To uE — , Tr М Ш Shut Off ! valves, 7 | Heal Recovery Co N ¿Mater Pump {See Note) | x ‚Solengic Valve Water Pump Thermostat Existing | - | AS I Or Main | | ВЫ \_ Pluyged | Adler | ; Tees eater | Shut Off Valves OA Strainer | rain FL A il il NOTE Do not operaté water pump TYPICAL "HWPDY MODEL achout water times connected and ONE TANK INSTALLATION Adler 111 system with shut off valves (Permissible) open! Turn pum switch to off. FIG. 8 Optional mr Cold 3 В ура $ + f water [n „000 Г | Hah 2 a — a ee - | | Check Valve | Ze def alee fr AN TÉ (Optional) Heat Recovery Coil | L Do | Insulate {7 | X | Pr ÿ x Water Pump (See Note) 1 To \ ' ' * astur ee co ` op TA i y Г Shut OFF \ | Salenoid Valve | | ао Valves \ NON NA t | 1 i i : | ‚ : u. | НЕ | | | a I | | " | | ‚ | | | | | | | 1 | , À | | в! a | | И т i i ‘| a о | 0 | |, И! : Я | | Existing Additional Hou | Water Heater dater Storage | : | LP, das, 011, Tank. Not | Po Electric electrically Strainer | | = connected | и Ома + п | —/ NOTE: Do not operate water pump without water fines connected and water in system with shut off vaives open‘ Turn pump switch to off, р — TYPICAL "HWPD” MODEL TWO TANK INSTALLATION {Preferred) К \ Water Pump ‘Thermostat | DN Poo NU Plugged Teas | Shut Off Valves Fic. 7 - LOCATION In determining the location of the storage tank (and the water heater) keep in mind that small temperature differences between the storage tank water temperature and the refrigerant temperature permit this unit to function. It is consequently necessary that all tubing be kept as short and direct as possibie and that the tubing be adequately and thoroughly insulated. Locate the storage tank as close to the heat pump and water heater as the installation permits. Be sure to provide adequate service access to all components. INSTALLATION PROCEDURE - GENERAL 1. Turn off the water heater electric power (if electric hot water heater) or close the fuel supply line (if fossil fuel water heater}. 2. Turn off the electric power to the water source heat pump. 3. Shut off the main water supply fine by closing the water valve at the well pressure tank {if à well system) or the water meter (if city water is being used for domestic purposes). 4, Connect a garden hose to the water heater drain valve {bottom of the water heater tank) and drain the water heater to a floor drain or other convenient drain, 5. If the water heater has been in service for some time, inspect it for sediment. Remove all sediment and thoroughly flush the water heater tank, WATER PIPING Two tank installation, refer to Piping Diagram, Fig. 7 and steps ! to 3, and Two Tank installation instructions. One tank installation, refer to Piping Diagram, Fig. 8 and steps ! to 3 and One Tank installation instructions. Follow ail focal plumbing codes. Piping connections are 1/2 inch 0.D. copper pipe, Type K or L, and are made inside the unit. A removable 4x4 panel has been provided in the unit side to permit safely soldering the connections. Route the copper through the end of the heat pump through the holes provided. 1. A plugged tee and shut off valve should be provided near the heat pump unit. This will make it easy if it ever becomes necessary to clean the desuperheater coil. A suitable cleaner is mentioned below, "Water Corrosion" section. The shut off valves will isolate the unit from the rest of the plumbing and the plugged tees will provide access to the coii and pump for the cleaner. 2. A strainer is included in both figures to coilect any sediment which may accumulate in the storage tank or water heater. This strainer should be of the cieanable "Y" type. It is more important that the strainer be included on one tank retrofit installation where the hot water heater may be suspected of sedimentation. 3. A check valve is shown in both figures as an option, The purpose of the check valve is to prevent any contamination of the water system in the unlikely event that the heat exchanger develops 2 leak. Check the local plumbing code as this check valve may be required. TWO TANK INSTALLATION - FIGURE 7 1. Water into the heat recovery unit is taken from the bottom of the storage tank. This location will insure that the coldest water will always be circulated to the recovery unit. 2, If a solar type water storage tank is being used (specifically designed for storing but not heating water), insert the dip tubes according to the manufacturer's instructions. 3. If a second water heater is being used for storage, install a pipe thread tee and a suitably sized pipa nipple in the water heater drain connection (bottom of the tank). The run of the tee is connected between the water heater and a . drain valve. Brass or bronze fittings are recommended for these fittings. Check the local plumbing code-- brass or bronze may be required. The branch of the tee is connected to the recovery unit "water in" copper tube. Use a pipe thread to sweat adapter to connect the tubing between the tee and recovery unit. 4. The "water out" tubing from the recovery unit is connected through a tee to the storage tank and to the normal "water in" of the main water heater. 5. Cold water into the storage tank is connected to the "water in" of the storage tank. 6. An optional bypass loop with valve is shown in Fig, 7 between the water into the storage tank and the "water out" of the storage tank. The loop will make future service work easier should it become necessary to drain the storage tank, in normal operation the valve in the bypass loop should be ciosed. ONE TANK INSTALLATION -- FIGURE 3 NOT RECOMMENDED FOR FOSSIL FUEL FIRED WATER HEA 1. Unless the single hot water heater is new, it should be thoroughly inspected and cleaned of sediment. Flush the tank several times and inspect it after each flushing. Be sure the tank is free of sedimentation. 2. Water from the hot water heater is connected to the domestic hot water supply as any conventional hot water heater would be connected. 3. Water to the heat recovery unit is connected through a tee at the drain valve connection of the hot water heater as described in step 3 above. 4, Water from the recovery unit is connected at the "water in" connection of the hot water heater through a tee. OPERATION OF THE HEAT RECOVERY UNIT The circulating pump and solenoid valve are wired in parallel with the heat pump compressor (230 VAC circuit]. Thus, no water can be circutared to the water-to-refrigerant coil unless the compressor is in operation. In addition, a thermostat, attached to the entering water tube of the pump, is wired in series with the pump motor and solenoid valve, The thermostat is normally closed and opens when the tube temperature reaches 150°F. This will stop further heating of the water by the recovery unit and is intended to prevent overheating the water. The thermostat will reset at approximately 120°F, Heat for domestic hot water is obtained from the discharge gas of the compressor. This heat would ordinarily be rejected to the ground water in the cooling mode or to the room air in the heating mode. With the recovery unit this heat is transferred to the storage tank or water heater, START UP AND CHECK QUT 1, Be sure all shut off valves are open. If optional bypass valve, See Fig. 7, has been installed, this valve should be closed. 2. Open a hot water faucet to permit any air to bleed from the plumbing. 3. Turn off the heat pump disconnect. 4. Temporarily remove compressor wire from [oad side of contactor and insulate. S. Turn heat pump disconnect ON. 6, Set the wall thermostat to cool. J . Inspect for water [eaks and verify pump is operating. 8. Again turn off the heat pump disconnect, 9. Re-install compressor wire on compressor contactor terminal. TO. Repeat steps 5 and 6, Feel the "water in" and "water out! tubes. There should be a noticeable temperature differance, How much temperature difference you measure will depend upon tubing length, flow rate, storage tank temperature and could vary from 2°F to 20°F. 11. Move thermostat system to OFF, Verify that water pump stops. — 9 WATER CORROSION Two concerns will immediately come to light when considering a water source heat pump, whether for ground water or for a closed loop application: Will there be enough water? And, how will the water quality affect the system? Water quantity is an important consideration and one which is easily determined. The well driller must perform a pump down test on the well according to methods described by the National Well Water Association. This test, ¡f performed correctly, will provide information on the rate of flow and on the capacity of the weil. it is important to consider the overail capacity of the well when thinking about a water source heat pump because the heat pump may be required to run for ex tended periods of time, The second concern, about water quality, is equally important. Generally speaking, if the water is not offensive for drinking purposes, it should pose no probiem for the heat pump. The well driller or local water softening company can perform tests which will determine the chemical properties of the well water, Water quality problems will show up in the heat pump in one ar more of the following ways: 1. Decrease in water flow through the unit, 2. Decreased heat transfer of the water coii {entering to leaving water temperature difference is less). There are four main water quality problems associated with ground water, These are: (1) Biological growth. This is the growth of microscopic organisms in the water and will show up as a siimy deposit through out the water system. Shock treatment of the well is usually required and this is best left up to the well driiler. The treatment consists of injecting chlorine into the well casing and flushing the system until ail growth is removed, (2) Suspended particles in the water. Filtering will usually remove most suspended particles (fine sand, small gravel) from the water. The problem with suspended particles in the water is that it will erode metal parts, pumps, heat transfer coils, etc. 50 long as the filter is cleaned and periodically maintained, suspended particles should pose no serious problem. Consult with your well driller, {3) Corrosion of metal. Corrosion of metal parts results from either highly corrosive water {acid water, generally not the case with ground water) or galvanic reaction between dissimifar metals in the presence of water, By using plastic plumbing or di-electric unions galvanic reaction is eliminated. The use of corrosion resistant materials (such as the Cupro Nickel coil) throughout the water system will reduce corrosion problems significantly, (4) Scale formation. Of all the water probiems, the formation of scale by ground water is by far the most common. Usually this scale is due to the formation of caicium carbonate but magnesium carbonate or calcium sulfate may also be present, Carbon dioxide gas (CO) the carbonate of calcium and magnesium carbonate, is very soluble in water, It wil! remain dissolved in the water until some outside factor upsets the balance. This outside influence may be a large change in water temperature or pressure. When this happens, enough carbon dioxide gas combines with dissolved calcium or magnesium in the water and falls out of solution until a new balance is reached. The change in temperature that this heat pump produces is usually not high encugh to cause the dissolved gas to fall out of solution. Likewise if pressure drops are kept to a reasonable level, no precipitation or carbon dioxide should occur, REMEDIES OF WATER PROBLEMS WATER TREATMENT, Water economically justified for closed loop systems. However, because of the large amounts of water involved with a ground water heat pump, water treatment is generally too expensive. treatment can usually be ACID CLEANING THE WATER COIL OR HEAT RECOVERY UNIT. If scaling of the coil is strongly suspected, the coil can be cleaned up with a solution of Phosphoric Acid (food grade acid). Follow the manufacturer's directions for mixing, use, etc. Refer to the "Cleaning Water Coil," Fig. 9. The acid solution can be introduced into the heat pump coil through the hose bib (Part 8 of Fig. 9). Be sure the isolation valves {Parts 9 and 11 of Fig. 9 are closed to prevent contamination of the rest of the system by the coil. The acid should be pumped from a bucket into the hose bib [Part 8, Fig. 9) and returned to the bucket through the other hose Bib (Part 10, Fig, 9), Follow the manufacturer's directions for the product used as to how long the solution is to be circulated, but it is usually circulated for a period of several hours, FIGURE Y BULKET OF ACID SOLUTION [Sqm Twat) - 10- ve” A The pressure drop through the constant flow valve will vary depending on the available pressure ahead of the valve. Unless a minimum of 15 psig is avail- able immediately ahead of the valve no water wiil flow. — 11— TABLE 5 WATER COIL PRESSURE DROP Model | HWP30-HWPD30 | HWP36-HWPD36 B GPM | PSIG | Ft.Hd. | PSIG | Ft.Hd. — 4 2.0 4.6 1.9 4.4 5 3.0 6.9 2.0 4.6 7 6 4.21 10.0 2.4 5.5 A : 7 5.7 | 13.1 3.0 6.9 8 7.5 | 17.3 3.9 9.0 9 9.5 | 21,9 5.51 12.7 De 10 |12.0| 27.7 | 7.61 17.5 o 11 | 14.8! 34.1 {10.41 24.0 и” Мах Air Flow 12 [17.6] 40.6 | 15.3] 35.3 13 [20.3% 46.8 | 20.6 | 47.5 TABLE 1 ACCESSORY ITEMS = DUCT HEATER MINIMUM | SIRE SIZEÁN мах. DIMENSIONS TABLE 6 PART NO. | PH | VOLTS | XW AMPACITY [oo | Al FUSE isa wie. le WATER COIL RATED FLOW 8604-067 1| 240 4.8 25 #10 #8 9 | 12 | 17 | © MODEL СРМ 8604-068 1| 240 9.6 50 + 6 $4 8 | 16 | 17 | 6 8604-069 /N| 1] 240 | 15.0 79 #3 | 41 12 | 18 | 27 12 HWP 30 a 8604-070/NN 1| 240 l19.21 100 4 1 | #0 |100 | 12118 | 27 | 12 HWPD 30 HWP 16 A Use wire suitable for at least 90°C. HWPD36 5 A Fused units (over 48 amperes). TABLE 2 TABLE 3 INDOOR BLOWER PERFORMANCE RATED RECOMMENDED CEM - DRY COIL MODEL CFM | AIR FLOW RANGE— CFM E.S.P. HWP 30 HWP 36 ado 1000 900 - 1100 In HWPD30 HWPD 16 HO 2 HWP 36 Motor Speed | Motor Speed HWPD36 1200 1080 - 1320 Low Eigh . 00 1140 1340 10 1120 1300 20 1990 1260 TABLE 4 28 2033 $222 MIN. AVAILABLE FLOW RATE ‘ ll PART NO. | PRESSURE PSIG GEM 59 975 1100 „60 330 1035 8603-010 15 A 4 "Filter included. See unit A specifications for rated CFM 8603-011 15 A 3 8/83 HWP30, HWPD30 @ 4 СРМ ) ) NOTE: On units with heat recovery ). (HWPD) turn water pump switch to "off" These curves are based upon 80°DB, 67°WB R.A.Temp. and before measuring refrigerant pressures. Rated CFM (airflow) for cooling and 70°DB for heating and should be used for reference purposes only. If there LOW SIDE PRESSURE--PSIG is any doubt as to correct operating charge being in the (SUCTION LINE) system, the charge should be removed, system evacuated, and recharged according to serial plate instructions. © > = ~ D 3 7 O о zZ Z — - O O O Q o U O FA -- <С LU XL Oo o © o o o o o o o o o o o o oO o ve + сы o O + © m © A с с с с ~ 2 2 = = HIGH SIDE (DISCHARGE LINE) PRESSURE -- PSIG 80 90 100 110 —12- 70 60 50 40 WATER TEMPERATURE ENTERING WATER COIL--DEGREE F. 8/83 HWP36, HWPD36 @ 5 GPM 400 These curves are based upon 80°DB, 67°WB R.A.Temp. and Rated CFM (airflow) for cooling and 70°DB for heating and should be used for reference purposes only. If there is any doubt as to correct operating charge being in the system, the charge should be removed, system evacuated, and recharged according to serial plate instructions. 380 360 340 0 Z J Q O O o < o o o oO co o cu < со ; vo << oJ o co с em С с cu oJ cu — HIGH SIDE (DISCHARGE LINE) PRESSURE -- PSIG NOTE: On units with heat recovery coil (HWPD), turn water pump switch to "off" before measuring refrigerant pressures. LOW SIDE PRESSURE--PSIG (SUCTION LINE) 00 0 Cn CO ~~ LO un 160 140 120 40 60 70 80 90 100 110 50 40 WATER TEMPERATURE ENTERING WATER COIL--DEGREE F. -13- | Hi 4 ©] Anticfpator HI | | Ù Mi, Г} Fail Sys tam Switch |" Em. HE. + {pu о —! anticióa tor Cagif 6 0 | | | | T874R1129/567u1181 ZU System switch shown fn "Hagt* position. LE Fan switch shown {Mm “Auto” position. T87F3111/1539J1089 | Het Off} ; | | Coal 4 m beat 27 Ge) 71 Heat $ Lon! or IA Antictaator rt Ta PE 2-0 DN system switch shown in cool position. ZA Far awitci shown 1% auto position. — 2 0-0 0-0 Chack “itm Factory rield Optional Field Wiring Wiring Wiring — To SE ]]: — — $ —— ly — Cptional Duct Heater T87F3111/ 0539J1.089 © ® © , | ¥ | | T87F3111/ | Q535A1 006 ® ©» О | —— © ? TIS hil 9000008000] To OO of wall thermostat. Field Wiring Connections Solenoid ~ T= | Ta — ! Valve | E | 4 — т + — + — | 2603-006 TT Tr It _ ре | т + ı | \ a ; | ! | | _ . ; | | | | 24y 6550066 666 A Block “Heat Anticipator Setting WPY30, WPYD30, WPYV136, NPVD3E, WPV53, WPVD53, Set heat anticipator WPV62, WPVDE2, HWP30, HWPD30, HWP36, HWPD 16 at ‚454 for either type Wall Thermostat/Optional Duct Heater | 4049-1308 — 14- £l 008 -6P0P proud ng aapep Bbupsaaaay “Рец Ise HEAD S}342-440 SDpLAOUŸ 107 17edre”) Aejay 10049307 Jojloede] uny Buspulm 34095 butputm uny peojssap jeusaqu] Хе ЭН esp Aouabaaury DAL PA PIOUR| OS - SAW 403203040) JOSSHIduIOT - - VV Y ITEMS DANSSIJJ MO] — _ HI YIJIMS 3anssdad ybry - - IY 3P750W43U] JOSUBS JIJEM - - MS 427145 dung - - MM 403 15ede) 40704 - - Ol Aeiay zax0ig - - UN 547 Ne Levey sma Ne ee - il hb SdH Soe Ave (7) __ — LOLYAZOJ ATEN Y ADLE-SL/02 JJ 40553410107} OEOdMH DÉdMH 0EQAdM DE Ada 1-09 -BOZ/DEZ ¿l 33 23 Sd] SdH 15M Sd JW Ya ТОВ - СВОЕ р10чэ | 05 Эл ед Dujs.idaay - SAN 407727407) л0$5э93040) - J3)eal ucisdaum] - HI YI} IMS auUnssadg MO] — Array 1001201 - 4 U3]{MS aunssasg 461 - 407 £5Edeg uny - эн 127SOULIDU[ JOSUYS JIJEM — BuIpurm 34875 - M5 Y2IIMS ding - butpusm uny - AM JO L2Edey 2070 - PRO JAA) ¡rudaju] + Ol — Aejay JI9MOLO — Ae{ay ван Кочэблен - НН Э^ | ед ру оиа | 05 — N—0 SAY 3 [O NEG 33 Sd1 = E ul H3 HA OHOHOHE L 7 | | | eS as -- 3H x ! ! i ! ) ! | MS 1 OH | —— 1 £00900 + H2)—— 10104 MU Or | | Jomo] g | EL o NEO O My y 0] 4055940007) el 3 33 SECJMH ‘9EdMH ‘ZOGAJdM ‘79 Лам ESCAdM “ESAdM ‘9EQAdM ‘SEAJDM 1-09-80Z/0£Z 20 Sd1 SdH 1SH 5d JW Hd —15- =— 1 =— Pa 1-09-802/0Е? 02! 19 TTT ZII TT dba whl ее ——— abe op mo AND 3IUIM 33unos Ma LYN Bus © Bupa Sugayp Bufaıpy | OEM DEM PLIj4 |ечора00 Клозе) revojido PIES Laoyoey 13008 : — 423 1MS * SSa.Id pay YEN до] 1220 eg - —]——]——— | AOLE/S' € droite if | Ч23 45 — YM] В a rie | Aeray 003207. 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SILONIO . i ‘ 4 @! ч e e “xn CIONZ105 CION3T0S GiQN370$ 18 YO00N!I ZEN 11 YIMOd SLOYLNOS 3AILO33 " 1107 80 JATYA JAIL03230 N 1109 20 WY3ELSdN LY3H + & dINVINE d3ddidl YO 3504 NMCTE 352 37215504 13321430 ShI1¥3I3N + (93H}301A3C ON IYIH RIA TVA 1107 Y HOLOH 1) 3H) HINOJO HODONI NOL17)35 TVA JHA} AH 1105 H114M 10N3 105 УГМА 13 WILSAS 1INVHIITHAJU 1103 H31VM HOS5394W0) AINIYED TOHLNOI 191104 INTI (dind IVIH HIV 01 H31VAM HOJ LUVHO DNILO OHS-S18NOUL 32NaU3d3d MINO! -18- PERFORMANCE CHECK WATER SQURCE HEAT PUMPS INSTALLER PLEASE FILL OUT AND RETAIN WITH UNIT DATE OF INSTALLATION MODEL NO(S). SERIAL NO(S). ITEM COOLING | HEATING § JOB NUMBER I. HEAD PRESSURE NAME OF INSTALLER 2. SUCTION PRESSURE NAME OF OWNER 3. WATER TEMP.(IN) ADDRESS 4. WATER TEMP. (OUT) CITY STATE 5. WATER PRESSURE (IN) 6. WATER PRESSURE (OUT) FIELD COMMENTS: 7. WATER FLOW (GPM) 8. AMPERES (BLOWER) 9. AMPERES (COMPRESSOR) 10. LINE VOLTAGE (COMPRESSOR RUNNING) | i 11. AIR TEMP.(IN) D.B. | W.B. 12. AIR TEMP.(OUT) D.B.. W.B. 13. DESUPERHEATER H,0 TEMP. (IN) 14, DESUPERHEATER H20 TEMP. (OUT) This PERFOEMANCE CHECK SHEET should be filled out by installer md retained with unit. PARTS LIST PACKAGED HORIZONTAL WATER SOURCE HEAT PUMPS PART NO, DESCRIPTION HWP30 |HWPD30 | HWP36 ¡HWPD36 | 900-050 Blower Assembly Compiete x x x x 5152-047 Blower Wheel DD 10-6 X X X X 8552-007 Capacitor Comp. 20/15 - 370V X X 8552-035 Capacitor-Comp. 40/370V X X 8552-025 Capacitor - Blower 7.5/440V X X X X 8000-071 Compressor AB225HT X X 8000- 052 Compressor CRC1-0250 X X 5052-001 Condenser Coil X X 5052-001 Condenser Coil X X 8401-007 Contactor - Compressor X X X X 5052-004 Desuperheater Coil X X 5060-034 Evaporator Coil X X X X 8406-016 High Pressure Switch X X X X 8406-015 Low Pressure Switch X X X X 8105-022 Motor - Blower 1/3 PSC X X X X 8200-003 Motor Mount X X X X 8201-008 Relay - Blower X “X X X 8201-015 Relay - Emergency Heat X X X X 8201-034 Relay - Lockout x x x x 5650-009 Reversing Valve X X 5650-008 Reversing Valve X X X X 5650-005 Reversing Valve X X 5650-011 Solenoid Vaive X X 5210-010 Strainer (2) (2) (2) (2) 8607-011 Terminal Block X X X X 5651-041 Thermostat Expansion Valve X X X X 8300-001 Water Pump X X 8408-007 Water Pump Thermostat X X 8406-020 Toggle Switch X X 8407-015 Transformer__55VA X _X X x OPTIONAL ITEMS: 8604-067 Duct Heater 4.8 Kw X X X X 8604-068 Duct Heater 9.6 Kw X X X X 8604-069 Duct Heater 15.0 Kw X X X X 8604-070 Duct Heater 19.2 Kw [x X X X 8603-006 Solenoid Valve X X X X 8603-010 Constant Flow Valve 4 CPM X X 8603-011 Contant Flow Valve 5 GPM X X Minimum Net Billing $15. 00. Subject to change without notice. F.O.B. Bryan, Ohio. — 2 0- Supersedes all previous lists. Var: SINCE / 19/4 DATE OF INSTALLATION PERFORMANCE CHECK INSTALLER WATER SOURCE HEAT PUMPS PLEASE FILL OUT AND RETURN TO BARD MANUFACTURING CO. Please fill out as much of the below information as you can. This information is needed by our Service Department to better assist you in the event of possible future service needs. MODEL NO(S). SERIAL NO(S). ITEM COOLING HEATING | Joe NUMBER HEAD PRESSURE NAME OF INSTALLER 2. SUCTION PRESSURE NAME OF OWNER 3. WATER TEMP.(IN) ADDRESS 4. WATER TEMP. (OUT) CITY STATE 5. WATER PRESSURE (IN) 6. WATER PRESSURE (OUT) FIELO COMMENTS: 7. MATER FLOW (GPM) 8. AMPERES (BLOWER) 9. AMPERES (COMPRESSOR) 10. LINE VOLTAGE (COMPRESSOR RUNNING) 11. AIR TEMP.(IN) D.B. W.B. 12. AIR TEMP.(OUT) D.B. W.B. 13. DESUPERHEATER H,0 TEMP. (IN) 14. DESUPERHEATER H,0 TEMP. (OUT) This PERFORMANCE CHECK SHEET should be filled out by installer ard returned to: Bard Manufacturing Company P.O. Boz 607 Bryan, Ohto 43506 20 ето ^^ чи” ВЕ В Оооо aaa PLACE STAMP HERE wg’ BARD MANUFACTURING COMPANY P. O. Box 607 - BRYAN, OHIO 43506 — — мнк Ege р не кн mn === mk mn e A кн не = = нк Em Em am mm - — kk EET EE ее = = wy me EEE EEE ER EE CEE EEE EEE НЫ AEE ml ble mile wm emmy === тм о EEE EEE SE Sale SEY EEE sell Sel AE — — — — — _— = mre ый O CE wee mE PEM | = — = ">
Key features
- High Efficiency
- Complete Assembly
- Built-in Hot Water Exchanger
- Water Source
- Horizontal Packaged Design
- 25 to 105°F Water Temperatures
- Easy Installation
- Critical of Refrigerant Charge
- Important Duct System
- Detailed Instructions
Frequently asked questions
Two types of thermostats are available: a single stage heat, single stage cool thermostat and a two stage heat, single stage cool thermostat.
Connect a water flow meter to the drain cock between the constant flow valve and the solenoid valve. Run a hose from the flow meter to a drain or sink. Open the drain cock and check the water flow rate to be sure it is the same as the unit is rated for.
The well driller must perform a pump down test on the well according to methods described by the National Well Water Association.
The main water quality problems are biological growth, suspended particles, corrosion of metal, and scale formation.
The coil can be cleaned with a solution of Phosphoric Acid (food grade acid). Follow the manufacturer's directions for mixing, use, etc.