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SAS 2.1 Environment Manager User’s Guide
Below you will find brief information for SAS Environment Manager 2.1. SAS Environment Manager is a web-based administration solution for a SAS environment. The application can administer, monitor, and manage SAS resources, including administering the SAS Web Application Server and monitoring SAS foundation servers.
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Environment Manager
User’s Guide
Second Edition
The correct bibliographic citation for this manual is as follows: SAS Institute Inc. 2013. SAS® Environment Manager 2.1: User's Guide, Second
Edition. Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc.
SAS® Environment Manager 2.1: User's Guide, Second Edition
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What’s New in SAS Environment Manager 2.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Recommended Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Monitoring Platforms, Servers, and Services: the Resources Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Configuring SAS Environment Manager: the Manage Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Resolving Problems with SAS Environment Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Resolving Problems with SAS Environment Manager Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Resolving Problems with SAS Environment Manager Plugins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
What’s New in SAS Environment
Manager 2.1
SAS Environment Manager has the following new features and enhancements:
• Support for managing metadata access has been added.
• The user definition process has been simplified, with all users created in SAS metadata, rather than in SAS Environment Manager.
• Synchronization between users defined in certain groups in metadata and user definitions in SAS Environment Manager has been added.
• A new account for communication with the SAS Environment Manager agent has been added.
• Support for creating folders and editing the properties of metadata objects has been added.
• Support for metadata clusters has been added.
Managing Metadata Access
Selecting an object in the Administration tab enables you to manage metadata access for that object. The tasks that you can perform include the following:
• applying access control templates (ACTs) to metadata objects
• applying explicit controls to objects
• managing repository-level controls
• maintaining ACTs
Metadata User Synchronization
Users in SAS Environment Manager are now mapped to users created in SAS metadata.
During installation, three user groups are created in SAS metadata to contain SAS
Environment Manager users. Users that are members of these groups are mapped to user definitions in SAS Environment Manager with corresponding roles. A synchronization
SAS Environment Manager
function has also been added. When users are added to one of the supported groups in metadata, the synchronization function creates a corresponding user definition in SAS
Environment and assigns the user to the correct role.
Agent Communication Account
A new user ID, sasevs@saspw, is now used to communicate with the SAS Environment
Manager agent. The ID is created in metadata and in SAS Environment Manager during installation.
Metadata Object Management
In addition to viewing the properties of metadata objects, some of those properties can now be edited. Properties that can be edited include the following:
• Name
• Description
• Keywords
• Responsible parties
• Extended attributes
Folders to contain metadata objects can also be added, updated, or deleted.
Recommended Reading
Here is the recommended reading list for this title:
• The online Help for the SAS Environment Manager 2.1.
SAS Intelligence Platform: Middle-Tier Administration Guide.
SAS Intelligence Platform: System Administration Guide.
For a complete list of SAS books, go to support.sas.com/bookstore. If you have questions about which titles you need, please contact a SAS Book Sales Representative:
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Recommended Reading
Chapter 1
Introduction to SAS Environment
What is SAS Environment Manager?
SAS Environment Manager is a web-based administration solution for a SAS environment. The application can administer, monitor, and manage SAS resources, including administering the SAS Web Application Server and monitoring SAS foundation servers. The application collects and charts data on metrics for monitored resources, providing a comprehensive view of resource health and operation. It also provides functions such as auto-discovery of resources, monitoring of log events, and reporting of alerts. Over the lifecycle of SAS 9.4, functions will be added to extend SAS
Environment Manager's capabilities as a centralized administration application for all
SAS products.
SAS Environment Manager agents will run on all SAS platforms except for z/OS.
SAS Environment Manager is based on VMWare’s Hyperic product, with customizations and plugins to optimize the product specifically for a SAS environment.
Some terms and concepts used in SAS Environment Manager are different than in other parts of SAS, but these are noted in this document.
The basic architecture of SAS Environment Manager consists of an agent process running on each platform in a SAS deployment that communicates to a central management server. Agents monitor detected resources and periodically report resource metrics back to the server. The server provides an interface for interacting with those agents, managing the data collected by the agents, distributing plugins, creating alerts and escalation procedures based on collected metrics, and graphing the metrics provided through the installed plugins.
Chapter 1 • Introduction to SAS Environment Manager
Platform 1 (machine 1)
Service A
Service B
Middle Tier
Management Server
resources, metrics, events, alerts, control actions
SAS Environment
Manager application
Upgradeable through plugins
Platform 2 (machine 2)
Service C
Service D
SAS Environment
Manager database
There are five main components to SAS Environment Manager: agent
An agent is a software process that runs on each platform (middle-tier and server-tier machine) in a SAS deployment. The agent is responsible for tasks such as discovering software components on its platform, gathering metric and availability data for the platform and components, and performing resource control actions. The agents communicate with the management server. Plugins are used to provide the agents with the information needed to discover SAS resources installed on a platform.
management server
The management server is responsible for communicating with the agents. It collects information about items such as discovered resources, metrics, and availability, and issues control actions received from the SAS Environment Manager application.
Collected data is stored in the SAS Environment Manager database.
SAS Environment Manager database
The database is a Postgres database that is a repository for all of the information about all of the resources known to SAS Environment Manager. It uses the SAS Web
Infrastructure Platform Data Server, which is based on PostgreSQL. After resources are discovered and added to your inventory, the database stores data collected from the agents about the resources.
SAS Environment Manager application
The application is the web-based interface to the SAS Environment Manager system.
Resources discovered by the agents and added to the inventory are displayed and monitored. Metric and availability data collected by the agents and stored in the database is displayed and charted. Events and metric data are used to generate alerts.
Control actions are sent back through the management server to the agents to control resources on the platforms. The application also includes a framework to add functions specific to SAS, such as server, library, and user administration.
Resource Inventory Model
Plugins enable agents to discover and monitor resources in a SAS environment. Each plugin is associated with a specific resource, and provides the agents with the instructions needed to recognize the resource during auto-discovery and to monitor and collect metrics for the resource.
Resource Inventory Model
The SAS Environment resource inventory model contains three levels: platform
A container such as an operating system or a SAS server tier that holds servers and services server
Software product or process, such as a SAS Metadata Server, that runs on a platform service
A task-specific software component, such as a SAS logical server, that runs on a server or platform
Platforms are the highest level of resource type in SAS Environment Manager. They are containers that host other software and services. There are three major categories of platforms:
• operating system platforms
• SAS Application Server Tier
• Virtual and network platforms
An operating system platform consists of a computer (physical or virtual) and the operating system that runs on it. The SAS Environment Manager uses the system plugin to teach the agent how to auto-discovers the operating system platform. You cannot manually add an operating system platform to inventory. SAS Environment Manager supports most of the operating systems on which SAS is supported.
The SAS Application Server Tier platform is an instantiation of a SAS deployment and a collective store of deployment-wide information such as license information and clustering. Resources in the SAS Application Server Tier platform include SAS
Metadata Server and SAS Application Server and their logical servers (such as SAS
Workspace Servers, SAS OLAP Servers, and SAS Stored Process Servers). The agent automatically discovers and creates the SAS Application Server through direct communication with the SAS metadata server as a platform resource.
Virtual and network platforms include a variety of platform types that do not map to an individual physical machine running a traditional operating system and are managed by an agent proxy. These include the following:
• resources that an agent monitors remotely over the network, such as network hosts and devices
• virtual resources such as VMware vSphere hosts and virtual machines
Chapter 1 • Introduction to SAS Environment Manager
• distributed sets of resources, such as GemFire Distributed Systems
The agent does not automatically discover platforms other than the host operating system and the SAS Application Server Tier. You must manually create other platforms or supply resource properties data that enable the agent to manage them. Below are the virtual and network platform types that SAS Environment Manager supports:
• Cisco IOS
• GemFire Distributed System
• Network Device
• Network Host
• VMware vSphere Host
• VMware vSphere VM
In SAS Environment Manager, a server is commonly a software product or process that runs on a platform. Servers provide a communication interface and perform specific tasks upon request. The Monitoring Defaults page on the Manage tab lists all of the server types (along with platform and service types) that SAS Environment Manager supports.
Most server types are auto-discovered by a server type-specific SAS Environment
Manager plugin. If the plugin that manages a server does not support auto-discovery, or if auto-discovery of a server fails, you might need to manually create a server. See
“Manually Adding a Server” on page 23 .
Examples of server types include the following:
• SAS Metadata Server
• SAS Object Spawner
• Postgres server
• SAS Home Directory Service
In SAS Environment Manager, a service is a software component dedicated to a particular task that runs on a server or platform. A service that runs on a server is a service, and a service that runs on a platform is a platform service.
The resource plugin that discovers a platform or server also discovers key services, such as CPUs, network interfaces, and file systems that are running on the platform.
You can also configure a platform service that serves as a proxy for a resource that the
SAS Environment Manager agent can monitor over the network. Examples include
• DNS service
• POP3 service
• Fileserver mount
• Windows service
• Network host storage
Resource Inventory Model
For more information, see
“Manually Configuring a Service” on page 23
Services that run on a server can be either an internal component of the server or a deployed item. Logical SAS servers are considered to be services that run on SAS server resources. Examples of services that run on servers include the following:
• PostgreSQL database
• SAS Object Spawner SAS Logical Workspace Server
• SpringSource tc Runtime Cache
The Monitoring Defaults page on the Manage tab lists the supported platform service types (along with platform types and server types) provided by the installed plugins.
Chapter 1 • Introduction to SAS Environment Manager
Chapter 2
Finding Your Way Around
Viewing Important Information at a Glance: the Dashboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Monitoring Platforms, Servers, and Services: the Resources Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Monitoring Resource Events and Alerts: the Analyze Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Performing SAS Tasks: the Administration Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring SAS Environment Manager: the Manage Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Finding Your Way Around
The SAS Environment Manager interface is organized around five main areas, as illustrated in this figure:
The following table describes the main functional areas of SAS Environment Manager:
Main Page
Configurable collections of portlets; this is the initial view when starting SAS Environment Manager.
Resource-level monitoring and management.
Deployment-wide views of events and alerts.
Metadata folders, basic properties of metadata objects, security and access controls
Chapter 2 • Finding Your Way Around
Main Page
Native users, roles, permissions, plugins.
Viewing Important Information at a Glance: the
The Dashboard is the starting point when you log on to SAS Environment Manager. The page consists of a collection of views (called portlets) of resources and metrics that are the most important to your environment. The Dashboard is customizable, so you can specify how many portlets are displayed, which metrics and functions they present, and which resources they cover. For example, your Dashboard could contain a portlet to display recently auto-discovered resources, a portlet to display recent alerts, or a portlet to display the availability of a group of selected servers. Selecting an entry (such as a resource or an alert) in a portlet takes you to detailed information about the entry.
Each user can access their own personal Dashboard as well as a Dashboard for each of the native roles of which the user is a member. Each Dashboard can be customized to meet the needs of the user or role.
An example Dashboard page is displayed in this figure.
Figure 2.1 Example Dashboard
Monitoring Platforms, Servers, and Services: the Resources Pages
Monitoring Platforms, Servers, and Services: the
Resources Pages
Use the Resources pages to monitor, configure, and manage inventory resources. The main Resources page lists the inventory of resources, organized by type:
• Platforms
• Servers
• Services
• Compatible Groups/Clusters
• Mixed Groups
• Applications
Other selections under Resources enable you to view only resources that are currently down or to select from recently viewed resources. This figure shows a server resource list.
Figure 2.2 Resource List
The icons on the left of the resource name enable you to quickly jump to the
Monitor, Inventory, or Alerts page for the resource. Selecting the resource name displays the Monitor page for the resource. A lock icon indicates that, because of your permissions, a particular feature is not available for a particular resource.
Use these strategies to locate resources on the Resources page:
• Only one inventory type is displayed at a time. To access resources of a different inventory type, click a link in the table header.
Chapter 2 • Finding Your Way Around
• To further limit the display, you can specify criteria in the Search row and then click
(at the end of the Search row). Not all criteria are supported for all inventory types.
• To include only resources that you own, select the Owned by check box.
• There might be multiple pages of resources in the list. Use the controls below the list to navigate.
• You can use Resources
Recently Viewed
the page name to quickly return to a page that you recently viewed.
• As an alternative to browsing and filtering on the Resources page, you can use the search field (on the right side of the application banner) to quickly locate a resource by its name.
• To view a list of resources that are not currently available, select Resources
Currently Down.
• You can initiate resource management tasks from the Resources page.
Monitoring Resource Events and Alerts: the
Analyze Pages
The Analyze pages contain the Alert Center, the Event Center, and the Operations
Center. These pages enable you to quickly view and work with alerts and events throughout your system.
An event is any sort of activity in a resource that you are monitoring. Alerts are a userdefined type of event that acknowledges a critical condition in a selected resource. You can configure SAS Environment Manager to also log events for log messages and resource configuration changes.
Alert Center
The Alert Center page provides a deployment-wide view of alerts and alert definitions.
The default view of the Alert Center is the Alerts tab, which displays a table with information about currently active alerts. You can use the filter controls to filter by criteria such as status, type, and priority. Clicking on an entry in the Alert Definition column in the table displays detailed information about the alert.
Monitoring Resource Events and Alerts: the Analyze Pages
Although you can select the check box next to an alert and click Fixed to identify the problem as having been corrected, the Detail page for the alert enables you to not only mark the alert as fixed, but also to enter information about the resolution of the alert.
The Definition tab in the Alert Center contains a table listing all of the defined alerts.
Clicking on an alert takes you to the definition page for the alert, where you can view more detailed information or edit the alert.
Chapter 2 • Finding Your Way Around
Event Center
The Event Center page provides a deployment-wide view of all events that have been logged for resources. Alerts are automatically logged as events. You can configure SAS
Environment Manager to also log events for log messages, resource configuration changes, and resource metric triggers.
To access the event center, select Analyze
Event Center.
Operations Center
The Operations Center lists resources that are down or have unfixed alerts. You can use filters to find resources and problem types of interest. This concise view displays the current number of unavailable resources and unfixed alerts, and a one line problem summary for each resource.
Performing SAS Tasks: the Administration Page
The Administration page enables you to access and manage folders and folder contents in the SAS Metadata server. After you select a folder or an object contained in a folder, you can perform these tasks:
• view details about the folder or object’s metadata
• modify the name, description, keywords, responsible parties, and extended attributes for folders and objects
• manage metadata access (such as access control templates and permissions)
Configuring SAS Environment Manager: the Manage Page
• create, update, and delete folders
Configuring SAS Environment Manager: the
Manage Page
Use the pages under Manage to control how the SAS Environment Manager application works.
The Authentication/Authorization area enables you to manage SAS Environment
Manager users and user roles. These users and roles are not the same as the users and roles in SAS metadata that control access to SAS metadata objects, although SAS
Environment Manager users are synchronized with users that are defined in metadata and added to specific groups. Use the Administration tab to control authorization for metadata objects.
In order to distinguish between the SAS Environment Manager access features and those in SAS metadata, this document and the SAS Environment Manager online Help refers to features internal to SAS Environment Manager as native features (such as native users or native roles). However, the SAS Environment Manager interface does not use the native terminology.
Server Settings
The Server Settings area enable you to change the settings for the SAS Environment
Manager server, the defaults for monitoring, the configuration of escalation schemes, and the SAS Environment Manager plugins.
Server Settings
contains settings for the SAS Environment Manager server, including global alert properties, e-mail configuration, and notification properties
Monitoring Defaults
contains default monitoring and alerting definitions for all types of platforms, platform services, and servers supported by SAS Environment Manager.
Escalation Schemes Configuration
enables you to define notification or logging actions that are taken for alerts.
Plugin Manager
lists all currently loaded plugins and enables you to delete and update existing plugins, and load new ones. Deleting or updating a plugin cannot be reversed.
Always save a copy before deleting or updating a plugin. You can find additional plugins for SAS Environment Manager at the Enterprise Management Integration area of SAS Customer Support on the web (
Chapter 2 • Finding Your Way Around
The Plugins area contains functions that are added to the base functionality of SAS
Environment Manager to perform a specific action. Plugins include the following:
• Network and Host Dependency Manager
• Groovy Console
• HQ Health
• HQ Web Services API
• tc Server Command-line Interface
License Usage Status
The Licenses Usage Status area displays the number of licenses in use on the platform as well as the total number of licenses allowed.
Chapter 3
Viewing Information at a Glance:
Using the Dashboard
Example: Adding an Availability Summary Portlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Reading the Dashboard
The Dashboard is your first view every time you start SAS Environment Manager. It is an at-a-glance view of the things that are most important to you when administering your environment, such as favorite resources, recent alerts, and resources that are currently experiencing problems.
The page contains a collection of portlets that provide information at a glance for a measure or a type of resource. You can select which portlets appear on the Dashboard, so the Dashboard shows you the information you most need to see. Selecting an entry in a portlet takes you to more detailed information about the entry. For example, selecting an entry in the Recent Alerts portlet takes you to the Alert Detail page for that alert. The following figure illustrates a sample Dashboard portlet.
Figure 3.1 Sample Portlet
The Dashboard is divided into two columns, and the portlets that can appear differ between the left and the right column. Some portlets can appear only once on a
Dashboard, whereas other portlets can appear more than once. The portlets that can appear more than once are ones that display information about a selected group of resources. Each instance of the portlet displays information about different resources.
The portlets that can appear only once display information for the entire environment.
This table lists the portlets that you can choose to appear on a Dashboard, as well as where they can appear and how many instances are allowed.
Chapter 3 • Viewing Information at a Glance: Using the Dashboard
Table 3.1 Portlets
Name Description Location
Auto-Discovery Lists new and changed resources and enables you to add them to the inventory. Check this portlet after you install a plugin to accept the newly discovered resources into the inventory.
Left Availability
Indicates the availability of selected resources, grouped by resource type.
This portlet refreshes every minute.
Control Actions Lists recently performed actions on managed resources and upcoming scheduled actions. Also indicates which quick control actions are most frequently performed.
Lists selected resources.
Saved Charts Displays selected charts as a slide show.
Recent Alerts Lists the most recently triggered alerts for selected resources. This portlet refreshes every minute.
Recently Added Lists platforms that have been recently added to inventory.
Search Resources Enables you to search for resources.
The search supports case-insensitive, partial-term queries for a specified inventory type.
Summary Counts Displays a count of managed resources by inventory type. Only those resources that you are allowed to access are displayed.
Group Alerts
Displays traffic light indicators for resource alerts and group alerts for selected groups. To view a list of alerts that have fired for a group, click that group’s traffic light. To view a group page, click that group’s name.
Metric Viewer Displays selected metrics for selected resources. This portlet refreshes every minute.
Description Location
Lists all resources that have problem metrics and provides details, including availability status, number of alerts per resource, number of times the metric has been out of bounds, and the most recent time that the out-of-bounds metric was collected.
Customizing Your Dashboard
Because the Dashboard page can be customized, each user has access to multiple
Dashboards, with each one modified according to different needs. Each user has access to a personal Dashboard, which contains portlets selected by the user. In addition, each user can also access a Dashboard for each of the native roles of which the user is a member. Each of those Dashboards is customized with the portlets that are most useful for that role. To choose a different Dashboard, select the one that you want to use from the Select a Dashboard field.
A new Dashboard type is automatically created whenever you create a new native role.
Customizing Your Dashboard
You can customize any Dashboard to which you have access by selecting portlets to appear on your Dashboard and by selecting the information that is displayed in each portlet.
To add a portlet to your Dashboard, use the Add content to this column menu to select from the available portlets and then click the Add icon , which is beside the field. The portlets displayed in the list depend on whether you are adding a portlet to the right or left column and which portlets have already been added to the Dashboard.
After the portlet is placed on your Dashboard, you can click and drag the portlet header to move it to a different location. However, you cannot move a portlet from one column to another.
To change the information that a portlet displays, click on the configuration icon in the portlet’s header. Use the Portlet Configuration page to select options that narrow the focus of the information displayed in the portlet. The options available are unique to each portlet. Examples include the following:
• how many of the most recent control actions are displayed (Control Actions portlet)
• the number and type of alerts issued for selected resources (Alerts portlet)
• specified resources (Availability Summary portlet)
Chapter 3 • Viewing Information at a Glance: Using the Dashboard
You can use groups (compatible groups, mixed groups, and application groups) to make your Dashboard portlets more useful. Groups enable you to organize resources by type or function within your organization. You can then configure portlets to display information about resources in particular groups, so your Dashboard contains information about the resources that are most vital to you.
To remove a portlet from the Dashboard, click on the delete icon for the portlet.
Example: Adding an Availability Summary Portlet
This example explains how to add a portlet to your Dashboard page that will monitor the availability of SAS Workspace Servers that are running under a SAS Object Spawner.
1. On the left side of the Dashboard page, select Availability Summary in the Add
Content to this column field and click the Add icon . A blank Availability
Summary portlet is added to your Dashboard.
2. Click the Configuration icon to display the Dashboard Settings page for the portlet.
3. In the Selected Resources area, click Add to List to display the Add/Remove
Resources page.
Example: Adding an Availability Summary Portlet
4. In the View field, select Services. Logical SAS servers are listed as services in SAS
Environment Manager.
5. In the Filter By Name field, enter
and click . The Resources list displays the services running under the SAS Object Spawner.
6. Select the check boxes beside the Workspace Server and Pooled Workspace
Server entries and click to move the resources to the Add Resources list.
Chapter 3 • Viewing Information at a Glance: Using the Dashboard
7. Click OK to return to the Dashboard Settings page, and click OK again to return to the Dashboard page. The portlet displays the availability information for the selected resources.
Chapter 4
Finding Resources in Your
Automatically Discovering and Adding SAS Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Automatically Discovering and Adding SAS
When the SAS Deployment Wizard installs SAS applications, it creates a file called auto-approved.properties. This file is located in the
This file lists the SAS servers and services that are installed. When you run SAS
Environment Manager for the first time, the application auto-discovers and auto-accepts the resources listed in the auto-approved.properties file. All of the resources in your initial SAS installation are automatically in your inventory when you start using SAS
Environment Manager.
Using the Auto-Discovery Portlet
The Auto-Discovery portlet displays a list of servers and platform services that are autodiscovered. Resources that are listed on the portlet are known but are not yet being monitored. After the resources from the initial SAS installation have been discovered and added to the inventory, the Auto-Discovery portlet lists new resources that have been added to the monitored platforms.
To discover and add resources, follow these steps:
1. On the Dashboard, check the Auto-Discovery portlet to see whether new resources are listed.
2. Select the check box beside the resources that you want to monitor and select Add to
Chapter 4 • Finding Resources in Your System
3. Go to the Resources page. The resources you just added are listed in the appropriate table, together with any resources that are already being monitored. However, an
Unknown icon ( ) is displayed in the Availability column for the new resources, because SAS Environment Manager has not begun to collect monitoring data. SAS
Environment Manager collects data at intervals rather than continuously, so you must wait for the next data-collection cycle.
4. After approximately five minutes, data should be collected for the new resources and the Availability column reflects the status of the resources.
If the status of a new resource is displayed as Unknown even after a period of waiting, then the resource might not be completely configured for data collection. To configure the resource, follow these steps:
1. In the Resource page, locate the resource whose status is unknown and click on the entry in the Resources table. The Monitor page for the selected resource is displayed.
2. A message is displayed if the resource needs to be configured. If you need to perform additional configuration steps, select Inventory to display configuration details for the resource.
3. Scroll to the Configuration Properties area of the page and verify that the properties are correct. Click Edit to make changes to the properties.
Performing an Auto-Discovery Scan
If you know that resources have been added on a platform that you are monitoring, you can run an auto-discovery scan on the platform to locate the resources. Once the resources have been discovered, you can add them to your inventory for monitoring.
To perform an auto-discovery scan of a platform, follow these steps.
1. Using the Resources tab, go to the Detail page for the platform that you want to scan.
2. Select Tools Menu
New Auto-Discovery
3. If you want to scan for all servers and system processes on the platform, click OK.
4. If you want to scan for specific server types, select the check boxes for the server types that you want to scan for. You can also select attributes such as directories to include or exclude from the scan and the depth at which to scan. When you have specified the scanning criteria, click OK to start the scan.
Rediscovering Resources
After resources have been auto-discovered, there might be some resources that cannot be added to the inventory for some reason. If this happens, you can clear the contents of the auto-discovery queue and try discovering them again. After the resources are removed from the queue, and you restart the agent, the agent will rediscover the resources.
To clear the auto-discovery queue follow these steps:,
1. Select Manage
HQ Health to display the HQ Health page.
Manually Configuring a Service
2. On the HQ Health page, select the Database tab.
3. In the Action field, select Purge AIQ Data and click .
You can also manually delete any server resources from the Resources page. The servers are then rediscovered when you run an auto-discovery scan.
Manually Adding a Server
There might be some instances where you need to monitor a server that is not autodiscovered by the SAS Environment Manager agent. To manually add a server, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to the Resource Detail page for the platform on which the server runs.
2. Select Tools Menu
New Server to display the New Server page.
3. On the New Server page, specify the server name.
4. Use the Server Type menu to select the type of server. If the server type that you want to add is not listed, it is not supported by SAS Environment Manager and cannot be added.
5. In the Install Path field, specify the full pathname to the server software.
6. Click OK to complete the server definition.
Note: Because the agent does not update data continuously, it might take several
minutes before metric data begins appearing for the new server.
Manually Configuring a Service
There might be some instances where you need to monitor a service that is not autodiscovered by the SAS Environment Manager agent. To manually add a service, follow these steps:
1. In the Resources view, select the platform that contains the service that you want to monitor.
2. In the Detail view for the selected platform, select Tools Menu
New Platform
3. Specify a name for the service and select the service type. Common selections include HTTP, Fileserver File, and TCP.
4. Click OK to create the service and display the service details. Select the
Configuration Properties link on the page.
5. Use the instructions on the Configuration Properties page to specify the options needed to monitor the service.
Chapter 4 • Finding Resources in Your System
Chapter 5
Monitoring and Controlling
Performing Immediate Resource Control Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Monitoring Resources
A central capability of SAS Environment Manager is the ability to monitor resources.
Monitoring enables you to track a resource’s availability and overall health. A variety of metric data is displayed, both in numeric and graphic format, to enable you to examine detailed information about the resource’s operation.
To view the monitoring information for a resource, select a resource from the table on the Resources page.
Chapter 5 • Monitoring and Controlling Resources
The fastest way to check the status of the selected resource is to use the availability bar, which is above the indicator charts. The availability bar displays a color-coded dot that represents the availability during a time slice. The length of each time slice depends on the display range that you select (for example, if you display the past eight hours of data, each dot corresponds to approximately eight minutes). The percentage of time that the resource was available is displayed at the end of the availability bar.
The dots are color-coded using the following format:
100% availability
Partial availability; between 0% and 100%
0% availability
An availability bar such as the one in the following figure shows that the resource fluctuated between being available, partially available, and unavailable over the most recent time slices.
To help determine the cause of availability problems, click on the dot for a particular time slice. The selected time slice is highlighted on the indicator charts below the availability bar. This function helps you quickly check the charts for data that might correspond to the availability problem.
Managing SAS Resources
To change the metrics that are displayed in the metric charts, use the menu on the left side of the page to select either All Metrics or Problem Metrics, and then click View
Metrics to display a lit of available metrics. Click the arrow beside a metric to add the chart to those displayed on the page.
The events bar is displayed below the indicator charts. It is similar to the availability bar, with dots representing time slices. The bar displays only a red dot if an event occurs during a time slice. If no event occurs, the bar remains black.
Managing SAS Resources
SAS Server Names
Because SAS Environment Manager is based on VMWare’s Hyperic, some server names in SAS Environment Manager do not match the names that are used in a SAS deployment. Use this table to determine the name of the server that you are interested in.
SAS Server Name
SAS Environment Manager
SAS Environment Manager Agent
SAS Web Server
Server Name Displayed in SAS Environment
Apache Tomcat 5.5, 6.0, 7.0
HQ Agent vFabric Web Server 5.1, 5.2
Chapter 5 • Monitoring and Controlling Resources
SAS Web Application Server SpringSource tc Runtime 7.0
SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Data Server PostgreSQL 9.x
SAS JMS Broker Active MQ 4.0, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.7
Using the Map Control
The Map control provides a visual representation of resources and the next level of parent and child resources. You can click on any of the resources listed on the map to go to the Monitor page for that resource. The Map control is available on the Monitor page for a resource.
The map for a platform displays the servers under the platform, and the map for a server displays the services under the server. You can use the map to better understand how a
SAS environment is presented in SAS Environment Manager.
In SAS Environment Manager, the SAS Application Server Tier is considered to be a platform. The map for the platform illustrates the SAS servers that are part of the server tier.
Logical SAS servers, such as logical workspace servers or logical stored process servers, are treated in SAS Environment Manager as services, so they are displayed as children under the SASApp server.
For a SAS Object Spawner, the services listed in the map are the servers that are spawned by the spawner.
Making Resources Easier to Locate
Making Resources Easier to Locate
Organizing Resources into Groups
In SAS Environment Manager, resources are organized into groups to make them easier to locate and manage. There are six different types of groups:
• platform resource groups
• server resource groups
• service resource groups
• compatible groups
• mixed groups
• applications resource groups
These groups are automatically created. When resources are discovered and then added to the inventory of monitored resources, they are added to the appropriate resource group. The three resource groups that are automatically created in SAS
Environment Manager are platforms, servers, and services. It is important to note how SAS resources map to the resource hierarchy. For example, logical SAS servers are added to the services group.
compatible groups
These groups contain selected instances of a single type of resource (for example,
SAS Object Spawners). Creating a compatible group enables you to view aggregate metrics for a resource type. Compatible groups also make it easier for you to locate resources that you need to monitor. For example, you can create a group containing several servers of critical importance, which prevents you from having to search for those servers among the large numbers that might be on your site. After you create a
Chapter 5 • Monitoring and Controlling Resources
compatible group, you can add resources to the group if they match the selected group type.
mixed groups
These groups are user-created groups that can contain multiple types of resources.
Mixed groups can contain other groups, platforms, servers, and services, or applications. Availability is the only metric that is available for a mixed group. This type of group is useful for functions such as checking the availability of a SAS
Object Spawner and all of the spawned services or for viewing the collective availability of a group of resources.
These groups are a set of selected services, usually running in different servers on multiple platforms, that together fulfill a single business purpose. Creating application groups enables you to manage your infrastructure from an application perspective, as opposed to a hardware perspective.
Creating a Group
To create and populate a group, follow these steps:
1. In the Resources page, select Tools Menu
New Group.
2. In the New Group page, specify a name for the group.
3. Use the Contains Resources menu to select the type of group that you want to create.
4. Use the Select Resource Type menu to select the type of resource the group will contain.
5. Click OK to create the group.
6. In the Resources page, click on a resource that you want to add to the group.
7. In the Details page for the selected resource, select Tools Menu
Add To Group.
8. In the Group Manager page, select the group to which you want to add the resource.
If the group that you want to add the resource to is not listed, the selected resource type is not the same as the resource types specified for the group.
Creating an Application
To create and populate an application, follow these steps:
1. In the Resources page, select Tools Menu
New Application
2. In the New Application page, specify a name for the application. Click OK to create the application.
3. The Configuration page for the application appears. In the Services area, click Add
to List to select resources for the application.
4. In the Services List, select the services in the Services list that you want to add to the application and use the arrow button to move them to the Add Services list.
Click OK when you finish selecting services, and then click OK again to create the application.
Controlling Resources Using Control Actions
Controlling Resources Using Control Actions
What is a Control Action?
Control actions enable you to control certain types of servers and services from SAS
Environment Manager. You can create control actions to perform operations such as starting, stopping, restarting, pausing, and resuming a server or starting, stopping and sending messages through a service. The specific actions available depend on the server or service type selected. You can define resource actions to run immediately, to run on a schedule, or to run in response to an alert.
You can use control actions to control these types of servers:
• Postgre SQL SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Data Server (PostgreSQL 9.x)
• SAS Object Spawner
• SAS OLAP Server
• SAS Metadata Server
• SAS Web Application Server (SpringSource tc Runtime)
Performing Immediate Resource Control Actions
To use a control action to perform an immediate action on a resource, follow these steps:
1. In the Resource Details page for the selected server or service, click Control. If this menu item is not present, the resource does not support control actions. The Control
Action page is displayed.
2. In the Quick Control area, select the type of action that you want to perform in the
Control Action field.
3. Specify any arguments for the action in the Control Arguments field.
4. Click to perform the action.
Scheduling Resource Control Actions
To create a scheduled resource control action, follow these steps:
1. In the Resource Details page for the selected resource, click Control. If this menu item is not present, the resource does not support control actions. The Control Action page is displayed.
Chapter 5 • Monitoring and Controlling Resources
2. In the Control Action Schedule area, click New. The Scheduled Control Action page is displayed.
3. Select the action that you want to perform in the Control Action field.
4. In the Schedule area, select the radio button next to the date and specify the date and time that the scheduled action should take place.
5. Specify how often the action should recur and when the scheduled recurrence should end.
6. Click OK to save the scheduled control action.
To view the list of scheduled control actions for the resource, click Control in the
Resource Details page for the selected resource. All scheduled control actions are listed in the Control Action Schedule area.
Performing Server Actions in Response to an Alert
To define a control action to occur in response to an alert, follow these steps:
1. Create or edit an alert definition. See
“Defining an Alert” on page 41 for more
information. On the Alert Definition page, click Control Action, the click Edit. The
Add Control Action page is displayed
2. Use the Resource Type field to select the type of server or service for which you want to create the control action.
3. After you select the resource type, the Resource Name field is populated with all instances of the selected resource type. Select the instance for which you want to create the control action.
4. Select the type of action to be performed in the Control Type field. The field contains only actions that are supported on the selected resource type.
5. Click OK to define the control action. The defined action will now take place whenever the associated alert occurs.
Chapter 6
Monitoring Server Logs
Setting Up Log and Configuration File Tracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Monitoring Syslogd and Other Privileged Logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Setting Up Log and Configuration File Tracking
SAS Environment Manager enables you to monitor log files for events and configuration files for changes. When entries appear in these files, they are presented in SAS
Environment Manager as events. You can also define alerts that are issued when selected types of messages appear in the log or when a selected configuration file is changed. See
“Working with Resource Alerts” on page 40
for more information. In order for you to track log files and configuration files for a resource, you must turn on log file and configuration file tracking. If you do not configure log file or configuration file tracking, a warning message and a link to the Configuration page appears on the Detail page for the resource
To enable and configure log file and configuration file tracking for a resource, follow these steps:
1. Locate the resource for which you want to configure log tracking. Select Resources
Browse to view a list of all monitored resources.
2. Click on the resource name to display the Monitor page for the resource. Click
3. In the Configuration Properties section of the page, click Edit.
4. On the Configuration Properties page, select the server.log_track enable check box.
5. Specify a comma-delimited list of the logs that should be monitored in the
server.log_track.files field.
6. If you also want to track configuration changes, select the
server.config_track.enable check box. Not every resource provides the ability to track configuration changes.
Chapter 6 • Monitoring Server Logs
7. Specify a comma-delimited list of the configuration files that should be monitored in the server.config_track.files field.
Logging for SAS Servers
Logging Specific Types of Messages
SAS Environment Manager monitors SAS server log files and creates events for all error messages found in the log. The types of servers supported by this function are:
• SAS Metadata Server
• OLAP server
• Object spawner
• Stored process server
• CONNECT spawner
• Workspace server
• Pooled workspace server
You can change the configuration to look for specific types of log entries other than errors. The entry type that you specify will then produce an event in SAS Environment
Manager. To configure logging to track specific messages, follow these steps:
1. Edit the file
<server_config_directory>/ sev_logtracker_plugin.properties
(for example, /opt/SAS//Lev1/
SASApp/OLAPServer/ sev_logtracker_plugin.properties)
2. Add a line for the message that you want to track. The format is level.[level_of_message].[sequential_number]=[regular_expression]
For example, this entry looks for an INFO message containing the phrase
“AUTOEXEC processing beginning”: level.info.1=.*AUTOEXEC processing beginning.*
3. If you add multiple expressions to look for of the same log level, simply increment the number: level.info.2=.*Message text here.*
4. Save the file. SAS Environment Manager will automatically use the revised file.
Setting Up Logging for SAS Servers
SAS Environment Manager can create events based on log monitoring for SAS servers such as SAS Metadata Server, SAS Object Spawner, and SAS OLAP Server. However, you must first specify a FixedFilename logfile in the logconfig.xml or logconfig.apm.xml file. To set up log monitoring for SAS servers, perform these tasks:
• Create a fixed name logfile appender. See
Logging for SAS Servers
Size Appender Example ” on page 35 for a rolling file appender with a fixed
window policy based on log size.
• Add the appender to the logconfig.xml file for the server, or to the logconfig.apm.xml file if you are using the Audit, Measurement, and Performance package.
• In the Server Configuration page in SAS Environment Manager, enable logging and specify the logconfig.xml or logconfig.apm.xml file in the server.log_track.files field.
• Update the root logger to refer to the new appender
Time-Based Appender Example
This appender creates a fixed filename “HQ_<SAS_servername>.log” as a fixed name and rolls each day to an HQ_<SAS_servername>_Date_Hostname.log.
<appender class="RollingFileAppender" name="FixedFilename_Appender">
<param name="File" value="/opt/sasinside/SASConfig/metadata/Lev1/SASMeta/MetadataServer/Logs/HQ_MetadataServer.log"/>
<param name="Append" value="true"/>
<param name="Unique" value="false"/>
<param name="ImmediateFlush" value="true"/>
<rollingPolicy class="TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
<param name="FileNamePattern" value="/opt/sasinside/SASConfig/metadata/Lev1
<param name="HeaderPattern" value="Host: '%S{hostname}', OS: '%S{os_family}', Release: '%S{os_release}', SAS Version: '%S{sup_ver_long2}',
Command: '%S{startup_cmd}'"/>
<param name="ConversionPattern" value="%d %-5p [%t] %X{Client.ID}:%u - %m"/>
This code updates the root logger to refer to the new appender.
<level value="Error"/>
<appender-ref ref="TimeBasedRollingFile"/>
<appender-ref ref="FixedFilename_Appender"/> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Add this line
<appender-ref ref="IOMServer"/>
Fixed Window Size Appender Example
This appender creates a fixed filename “HQ_<servername>_hostname_1.log” as a fixed name and rolls to a second HQ_<servername>_hostname_2.log. When the second file reaches a size of 100MB, it is deleted and HQ_<servername>_hostname_1 is renamed to
HQ_<servername>_hostname_2, re-creating _1.
<appender class="RollingFileAppender" name="RFA">
<param name="ImmediateFlush" value="true"/>
<param name="Append" value="true"/>
<filter class=”LevelMatchFilter”>
<param name=”LevelToMatch” value=”INFO”/>
<param name=”AcceptOnMatch” value=”TRUE”/>
<rollingPolicy class="FixedWindowRollingPolicy">
Chapter 6 • Monitoring Server Logs
<param name="fileNamePattern" value="/opt/sasinside/SASConfig/metadata/Lev1
<param name="minIndex" value="1"/>
<param name="maxIndex" value="2"/>
<triggeringPolicy class="SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy">
<param name="MaxFileSize" value="100MB"/>
<param name="HeaderPattern" value="Host: '%S{hostname}', OS: '%S{os_family}', Release: '%S{os_release}', SAS Version: '%S{sup_ver_long2}',
Command: '%S{startup_cmd}'"/>
<param name="ConversionPattern" value="%d %-5p [%t] %X{Client.ID}:%u - %m"/>
This code updates the root logger to refer to the new appender.
<level value="Error"/>
<appender-ref ref="TimeBasedRollingFile"/>
<appender-ref ref="IOMServer"/>
<appender-ref ref="RFA"/> <<<<<<<<<<< add this line
Monitoring Generic Log Files
You can use SAS Environment Manager to monitor generic log files. It can monitor the log file's metrics (such as size, permissions, and owner) and can also produce userdefined alerts for the file.
To monitor a log file, follow these steps:
1. In the SAS Environment Manager, select Resources
Platforms. Click on the platform that is running the server whose log you want to monitor.
2. From the Monitor page for the platform, select Tools
New Platform Service.
3. Specify a name for the service. In the Service Type field, select FileServer File.
Click OK.
4. The Service Inventory page for the new service appears. A message is displayed at the top of the page indicating that the resource has not been configured. Select the
Configuration Properties link in the message.
5. Specify the location of the log file that you want to monitor in the path field. Click
You have now created a service that monitors the specified log file. To view the inventory page for the service, select Resources
Services. Specify the service name in the Search field to locate the service in the table.
After the service is created, you might want to create alerts to send a notification of certain conditions are met. For example, you could create an alert for a log monitoring service that would send a notification if the word ERROR appears in the log. See
“Working with Resource Alerts” on page 40
for information about creating alerts..
Monitoring Syslogd and Other Privileged Logs
Monitoring Syslogd and Other Privileged Logs
The SAS Environment Manager agent and server process are configured to run with the credentials of the user that was specified in the SAS Deployment Wizard. However, if you need to integrate SAS Environment Manager into your operating system’s services, you might need to run the SAS Environment Manager Agent server as root in order to provide the appropriate Read access permissions. For example, syslog log messages are usually configured to allow only root access.
Perform these changes to run the agent process as root:
1. Log on as root and start a terminal session.
2. Navigate to HQ_AGENT_HOME and stop the agent using the command
bin/hqagent.sh stop
3. Start the agent as root using the command
bin/hq-agent.sh start
After you start the agent process as root, you can create a service to monitor the log.
When the agent is running as root, it uses
to execute tasks. If
does not exist, create a link to it. For example, if
is in
but not
, create a link as follows:
$ sudo ln -s /sbin/su /bin/su
Chapter 6 • Monitoring Server Logs
Chapter 7
Working with Events and Alerts
Example: Defining an Alert for SAS Work Directory Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Example: Defining an Alert for Available Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Monitoring Resource Events
SAS Environment Manager provides the capability to monitor metrics, scan log files, manage configuration changes, and monitor availability. When there is a change in a resource’s threshold value for one of these items, an event is recorded in SAS
Environment Manager’s event message system. Alerts are a type of event. All events throughout the entire deployment are displayed in the Event Center. To access the Event
Center, select Analyze
Event Center.
Figure 7.1 Event Center
The table shows information about recently recorded events, including the status, the resource involved, and information about what caused the event to be triggered. You can
Chapter 7 • Working with Events and Alerts
subset the table to locate events more quickly. For example, you can show only the events that have at least Error status, or only the ones that affect resources in a specified group.
Clicking on the name of the resource in the event table takes you to the resource’s Detail page.
Working with Resource Alerts
Overview of Alerts
Alerts are a user-defined type of event that indicates a critical condition in a selected resource. When an alert occurs, it must be acknowledged, and alerts are listed until they are marked as being fixed. You can define escalation schemes to identify the actions that happen if an alert is not fixed within a specified time.
Alerts are logged by the agents and all events throughout the entire deployment are displayed in the Alert Center. To access the Alert Center, select Analyze
You can filter the alerts, for example, so that only the most recent ones or the ones of a specified type are displayed. Click the icon to acknowledge an alert. Select the check box next to an alert, and then click Fixed to fix the alert. You can also click on the entry in the Alert Definition column to display the Alert Details page, where you can view details about the alert and mark the alert as fixed (with comments).
Working with Resource Alerts
Defining an Alert
To define an alert, follow these steps:
1. Select Resources
Browse or use a dashboard portlet to locate the resource for which you want to create an alert. Click on the resource name to view the Detail page for the resource.
2. On the Resource Detail page, select Alerts to view the alerts for the resource.
3. Click Configure to view the Alert Configuration page for the resource. Click New to display the New Alert page.
Chapter 7 • Working with Events and Alerts
4. In the Alert Properties area, specify the name and priority for the alert and whether it is active.
5. In the Condition Set area, specify the conditions that must be met in order for the alert to be triggered. You can specify up to three conditions for each alert. Use these fields to specify the condition that triggers the alert
specifies that the alert is triggered based on the value of a metric that is monitored for the resource. You can specify that the condition is based on comparison to a fixed value, a percentage of a value, or a change in value. If you want to create an alert for a metric that is not listed, you must first enable collection of that metric.
Update the metric collection settings for the resource type (choose Monitoring
Defaults from the Manage page) or for the specific resource (click Metrics on the resource’s Monitor page).
Inventory Property
specifies that the alert is triggered based on a change in the value of a resource property (such as version number). This condition is available only for certain types of resources (such as platforms and SAS Metadata Servers).
Control Action
specifies that the alert is triggered when an action meets a specified condition
(such as the action of stopping a failed server ). This condition is available only
for servers that can be controlled through control actions. See “Controlling
Resources Using Control Actions” on page 31 for more information.
Events/Logs Level
specifies that the alert is triggered when a selected string (such as Error) appears in the log.
Config changed
specifies that the alert is triggered when a configuration file changes (you can choose to specify the name of the configuration file).
Working with Resource Alerts
6. In the Enable Action field, specify whether the alert is triggered only once, or periodically as long as the alert condition persists.
7. Click OK to define the alert and display the Alert Configuration page.
8. On the Alert Configuration page, you can specify an escalation scheme and identify the users and roles that should be notified when the alert occurs. To create an
escalation scheme, see “Defining an Escalation Scheme” on page 43 .
9. Click Return to Alert Definitions when you are finished.
Defining an Escalation Scheme
An escalation scheme is a series of actions that take place when an alert is not acknowledged or fixed within a certain period of time. An escalation scheme can be applied to multiple alerts. You can define an escalation scheme to perform any of these actions:
• send an e-mail or SMS message
• make an entry in a system log
• issue an SNMP notification
To define an escalation scheme, select Manage
Escalation Schemes Configuration
(in the Server Settings area).
For information about the information required when defining an escalation scheme, refer to the Help for the page.
Chapter 7 • Working with Events and Alerts
Example: Defining an Alert for SAS Work Directory Space
This example provides information for setting up an alert to be triggered whenever the
SAS Work directory reaches 90% of its capacity. The alert should be issued once every two hours until the condition is cleared. When the alert is triggered, users with the
Operations role should be notified.
1. Locate the service SAS Home Directory 9.4 SAS work directory. The service is under the SAS Home Directory 9.4 server.
2. Navigate to the Resource Detail page for the service. On the Detail page, select Alert
Configure to display the Alert Configuration page. Click New to display the New
Alert Configuration page.
3. Name the alert, select the priority, and specify that the alert should be active.
4. In the If Condition area, select the Metric radio button, then select Use Percent in the Metric field.
5. To specify 90% capacity, enter .9 in the absolute value field. To specify that the alert is triggered whenever the used capacity exceeds 90%, specify and select >
(Greater than) from the comparison menu.
6. In the Enable Action(s) field, specify 1 for the number of times the alert is issued, 2 for the timer period, and select hours for the time period units. These values specify that the alert is issued one time every two hours while the alert conditions are met.
7. Click OK to define the alert and display the Configuration page for the new alert.
8. Select Notify Roles, and then select Add to List.
9. Select the check box beside Operations in the Roles list and use the arrow control to move the role to the Add Role Notification list.
10. Click OK to close the Role Selection page and then Return to Alert Definitions to complete the process of defining the alert.
Example: Defining an Alert for a Log File
This example provides information for setting up an alert to be triggered whenever an
I/O Subsystem error appears in the log of the SAS Metadata Server. The alert should be issued every time an error appears in the log.
Working with Resource Alerts
1. Locate the server SASMeta – SAS Metadata Server in the Resource page.
2. Navigate to the Resource Detail page for the server. On the Detail page, select Alert
Configure to display the Alert Configuration page. Click New to display the New
Alert Configuration page
3. Name the alert, select the priority, and specify that the alert should be active.
4. In the If Condition area, select the Event/Logs Level radio button, then select
Error in the Event/Logs Level field.
In the match substring field, enter I/O Subsystem. These values specify that an alert is issued whenever the string “I/O Subsystem” appears in an error message in the log
5. In the Enable Action(s) area, select the Each time conditions are met radio button.
This specifies that the alert is triggered each time an I/O Subsystem error appears in the log.
6. Click OK to define the alert.
Example: Defining an Alert for Available Memory
This example provides information for setting up an alert to be triggered whenever the free memory on a SAS Web Application Server falls below 90% of 1.3 GB. The alert should be issued once every fifteen minutes until the condition is cleared.
1. Locate the server in the Resource page. The Resources page lists SAS Web
Application Server using the server type SpringSource tc Runtime.
2. Navigate to the Resource Detail page for the server. On the Detail page, select Alert
Configure to display the Alert Configuration page. Click New to display the New
Alert Configuration page
3. Name the alert, select the priority, and specify that the alert should be active.
4. In the If Condition area, select the Metric radio button, then select Heap Memory
Free in the Metric field.
5. To specify the memory condition for the alert, enter 90 in the % field and then select
1.3 GB (Min Value). Select < (Less than) from the comparison menu.
6. In the Enable Action(s) field, specify 1 for the number of times the alert is issued,
15 for the timer period, and select minutes for the time period units. These values specify that the alert is issued one time every 15 minutes while the alert condition is met.
Chapter 7 • Working with Events and Alerts
7. Click OK to define the alert.
Chapter 8
Managing Metadata Access
Reviewing or Adjusting Repository-Level Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Access Management
You can use SAS Environment Manager to manage access in the metadata authorization layer. The access control tasks that are provided by SAS Environment Manager include:
• application of ACTs to objects
• maintenance of access control templates (ACTs)
• application of explicit controls to objects
• management of repository-level controls
Over the lifecycle of SAS 9.4, functions will be added to extend SAS Environment
Manager's capabilities as a centralized administration application for all SAS products.
SAS Environment Manager is not currently a replacement for SAS Management
Console, and no functionality has been removed from SAS Management Console.
To manage access to metadata objects in SAS Environment Manager, follow these steps:
1. Select the Administration page.
2. Right-click on an object in the Folders pane, and select Open. The tab corresponding to the object that you selected is displayed. For example, if you rightclicked My Folder, the My Folder tab will be displayed.
3. Select the Authorization tab. A window similar to the following is displayed:
Chapter 8 • Managing Metadata Access
Using an ACT
Why Use ACTs?
Use ACTs to avoid having to repeatedly add the same explicit controls for the same identities on multiple objects. When you apply an ACT to an object, the pattern settings in an ACT are added to the direct controls of an object.
Settings in the pattern of an ACT affect access to all of the objects to which the
ACT is applied. Settings on the Authorization tab for an ACT affect who can access that ACT.
1. Open the object to which you will apply the ACT. On the Authorization
ACTs tab for an object, select the check box for the appropriate ACT.
The repository ACT (which is usually named Default ACT) should not be directly applied to any object. Instead, the repository ACT participates through inheritance, serving as an access control parent of last resort.
2. On the Authorization
Basic tab for an object, notice that the identities that participate in the pattern of an ACT are listed. Verify that the revised settings are as you expect.
3. In the toolbar at the top of the tab, click .
Updating an ACT
Updating an ACT
One ACT can protect thousands of objects. Changes that you make to an ACT's pattern affect every object that ACT is applied to.
To update an ACT, follow these steps:
Locating an ACT
1. Access the Administration page.
2. From the Folders pane, navigate to SAS Folders
Control Templates.
Note: To locate ACTs that are in custom repositories, your navigation path will vary
slight. For example, SAS Folders
Access Control Templates.
3. Find the ACT that you want to update.
Modifying an ACT
4. Right-click the ACT and select Open. A window similar to the following is displayed:
5. To understand the potential impact of your intended changes, examine the ACT’s
Usage tab.
6. To modify the ACT's pattern: a. Adjust settings on the Pattern
Basic tab.
b. In the toolbar at the top of the tab, click .
3. (Optional) Navigate to an object that uses the ACT and verify that the revised settings are as you expect.
Chapter 8 • Managing Metadata Access
Note: To create a custom ACT or delete an existing ACT, use SAS Management
Console. For more information, see Chapter 4, “Access Management Tasks,” in SAS
Management Console: Guide to Users and Permissions.
Reviewing or Adjusting Repository-Level
Which ACT is the Repository ACT?
If your site has multiple metadata repositories, you have multiple repository ACTs. Each repository has its own repository ACT, which is usually named Default ACT.
As an alternative to opening each ACT to determine which repository it belongs to, navigate to the ACT from within the Folders view.
• ACTs for the foundation repository are located in the SAS Folders
Access Control Templates folder.
• ACTs for a custom repository are located in the SAS Folders
Access Control Templates folder.
Note: The repository ACT indictor is located at the bottom of the access-control-
Usage tab.
Why Adjust the Repository-Level Controls?
Altering the repository-level controls for service identities can prevent necessary access.
We recommend that you do not change these settings.
Here are some key points about working with repository-level controls for a foundation repository:
• If you want some or all users to have default Read access to all data, grant the Read permission at the repository level.
• If you want to experiment with changing repository-level access, we recommend that you create a new ACT and designate that ACT as the repository ACT (instead of modifying the original repository ACT).
• All users need ReadMetadata and WriteMetadata access to the foundation repository.
It is appropriate for the SASUSERS group to be granted these permissions in the pattern of the repository ACT.
Adding an Explicit Grant or Denial
1. Open the object that you want to protect or make available.
2. On the Authorization
Basic tab, locate the user or group that you want to assign an explicit control to. If the user or group is not listed, click to open the Add
Identities window.
Add a Row-Level Permission Condition
Note: An explicit grant of the ReadMetadata permission is automatically set for each
identity that you add.
3. Click a cell and make a selection from the drop-down list.
Note: If the selected identity is unrestricted, all permissions are granted and you
cannot make changes.
Note: When you click outside the cell, the yellow diamond that indicates an explicit
control is displayed in the cell that you updated.
4. If you changed the access for a group, review the impact on all of the listed identities.
Note: This is important because controls that you add for a group can affect access
for all members of that group. For example, an explicit denial that you add for the PUBLIC group blocks access for all restricted users, unless there are also explicit (or direct ACT) grants. You must offset a broad explicit denial with explicit (or direct ACT) grants for any restricted identities whose access you want to preserve.
5. In the toolbar at the top of the tab, click .
It is easy to add explicit grants and denials on each object that you want to protect or make available. However, adding a large number of individual access controls can make access control management unnecessarily cumbersome.
Add a Row-Level Permission Condition
What is a Permission Condition?
A permission condition limits an explicit grant of the Read permission so that different users access different subsets of data.
To limit Read access to rows in a LASR table:
1. Access the Authorization
Basic tab for a LASR table.
2. In the Read column, click the cell for the identity that you want to assign the condition to.
Note: If the identity is not already listed, click
at the right edge of the table.
3. From the cell’s drop-down list, select Conditional grant.
Note: If Conditional grant is already selected, a condition already exists (and
selecting Conditional grant enables you to view or update the condition).
4. In the New Permission Condition window, create a condition that specifies which rows the identity can see
5. Click OK. Notice that the cell contains the conditional grant icon with an explicit control indicator .
6. If you set a permission for a group, review the impact on the other listed identities.
Constraints that you add for a group can affect access for all members of that group.
Chapter 8 • Managing Metadata Access
7. In the toolbar at the top of the tab, click .
Chapter 9
Controlling Access to SAS
Environment Manager
Controlling Access to SAS Environment Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SAS Environment Manager and SAS Metadata Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Creating SAS Middle-Tier Administrator IDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Controlling Access to SAS Environment Manager
About Native Roles and Users
SAS Environment Manager controls access and permissions within the application with its own registry of users and its own system of roles and permissions. In order to distinguish between the SAS Environment Manager access features and those in SAS metadata, this document and the SAS Environment Manager online Help refers to features internal to SAS Environment Manager as native features (such as native users or native roles). However, the SAS Environment Manager interface does not use the native terminology.
Although native user definitions are internal to SAS Environment Manager, they are mapped to user definitions created in SAS metadata. Native users are created by first creating the user definition in metadata and then synchronizing the user information with
SAS Environment Manager. You cannot create native user definitions in SAS
Environment Manager directly.
Native roles enable you to grant capabilities and permissions for actions in SAS
Environment Manager to selected users. For example, an administrator role could be granted full permissions for all resource types and the ability to acknowledge and fix alerts, and a guest role could be denied the ability to fix or acknowledge alerts and have only Read permission for resources. Assigning a native role to a native user determines the actions that the user can perform in SAS Environment Manager.
Each native role also has its own unique Dashboard page, which you can customize to match the native role’s tasks. Each user has access to their own personal Dashboard page and the Dashboard pages of all native roles of which they are a member.
SAS Environment Manager and SAS Metadata Users
Chapter 9 • Controlling Access to SAS Environment Manager
Users in SAS Environment Manager are mapped to users created in SAS metadata.
During installation, three user groups are created in SAS metadata to contain SAS
Environment Manager users. Users that are members of these groups are mapped to user definitions in SAS Environment Manager with corresponding roles. The user groups and their corresponding roles are as follows:
Group name in SAS metadata
Role in SAS Environment Manager
Super User Role
Guest Role
SAS App Tier Role
For example, users added to the group SAS_EV_Guest are added as users in SAS
Environment Manager under the Guest role when the users are synchronized.
When you install SAS Environment Manager 2.1, all existing SAS Environment
Manager user definitions are automatically added to the SAS_EV_Guest group in metadata. After the existing users have been added to the SAS_EV_Guest group, use
SAS Management Console to modify the user definitions or assign the users to other
SAS_EV groups in metadata.
After you have defined new users in SAS metadata, sign on to SAS Environment
Manager, and select Manage
Synchronize Users. User definitions are created for all users that are defined in the three SAS_EV groups in metadata. Any SAS Environment
Manager users that are not associated with user definitions in metadata are deleted.
If you sign on to SAS Environment Manager using a user ID that is defined in metadata, is a member of one of the SAS_EV groups, but is not defined in SAS Environment
Manager, then a user definition is automatically created in SAS Environment Manager and assigned to the correct role.
To create a new SAS Environment Manager user, use an application such as SAS
Management Console to define the user and assign it to the appropriate SAS_EV user group, and then select Manage
Synchronize Users to create the user in SAS
Environment Manager and assign the user to the proper role.
An internal account, sasevs (sasevs@saspw), is also created during installation. This account is assigned to the SAS_EV_Guest group. The account is used for communications between the SAS Environment Manager agent and server and enables plugins to access the SAS Metadata Server. The internal account sasadm@saspw is the default account for signing on to SAS Environment Manager.
The SAS Logon Manager is used to control the process of logging on to SAS
Environment Manager. The application uses the same authentication process and authentication provider as the other SAS web applications.
Creating a Native Role
To create a native role, follow these steps:
1. On the Manage page, select New Role.
2. On the New Role page, specify a name for the role and select the native permissions and capabilities for each resource type. If you grant the Read Only permission for a resource type, you can also select the native capabilities for the resource type. For all
Creating SAS Middle-Tier Administrator IDs
other permissions, the capabilities are automatically selected or disabled and cannot be changed.
3. Use these guidelines to determine the native permissions to set:
Adding resource to the inventory and creating alert definitions
Select Full or Read / Write permissions. Users can also respond to alerts and control resources.
Monitoring resources, responding to alerts, controlling resources
Select the Read Only permission and grant the capability to acknowledge and fix alerts and to control resources. Users can respond to alerts and control resources but cannot create or modify alerts or resources.
Monitoring resources
Select the Read Only permission, but do not grant capabilities for alerts resource control. Users can view and monitor only resources.
4. When you click OK, the role and associated Dashboard page are created, and the
Role Properties page is displayed. Use this page to select native users and resource groups that should be associated with the role and to create an alert calendar.
5. To create an alert calendar, select the days and times during which the roles’ users will be notified of alerts. Make sure that at least one role is available during every time period.
Creating SAS Middle-Tier Administrator IDs
Administrators for SAS middle-tier servers must be defined in SAS metadata as well as in SAS Environment Manager. To create a middle-tier administrator user ID, follow these steps:
1. Use the User Manager plug-in in SAS Management Console to create a user definition for a middle-tier administrator.
2. Assign the user to the SAS_EV_AppServer_Tier user group. This group is created during the installation and configuration process.
3. Log on to SAS Environment Manager using the sasevs@saspw credentials, which is the default administrative identity.
4. Click Manage
Synchronize Users to synchronize the SAS Environment Manager users with the SAS metadata users..
5. Click List Users to view the list of all users.
6. Locate the entry in the user table for the new user and click the user name entry to display the Properties page.
Chapter 9 • Controlling Access to SAS Environment Manager
7. In the Roles Assigned To section, verify that the user is assigned to the SAS App
Tier role.
Appendix 1
Resolving Problems with SAS Environment Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Resolving Problems with SAS Environment Manager Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Resolving Problems with SAS Environment Manager Plugins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Resolving Problems with SAS Environment
Cannot Add Discovered Resources into Inventory
When you add auto-discovered resources into the inventory, you might see the following error message
Unable to import platform : org.hyperic.hq.common.SystemException: org.hibernate.ObjectNotFoundException:No row the the given identifier exists: [org.hyperic.hq.autoinventory.Allp#10001]
Purge the AIQ data in the SAS Environment Monitor database. Follow these steps:
1. Select Administration
HQ Health
Database tab
2. Select Purge AIQ Data from the Action menu.
These messages appear:
3. Restart the agents.
Resource in Availability Portlet with No Availability Information
If you add a resource that has been discovered but does not have any availability information to an Availability Summary portlet, the portlet will never display any information for the resource. The server log contains these messages:
1. On the Resources tab, delete the platform that contains the resource.
Appendix 1 • Troubleshooting
2. Stop the agent.
3. Delete the tokendata, keystore, and keyvals files from the directory
configuration-directory>/Lev2/Web/SASEnvironmentManager/ agent-5.0.0-EE/data
4. Issue the command
hq-agnet.bat/sh restart
from the command console.
Resolving Problems with SAS Environment
Manager Agents
Agent Fails to Start
When you try to configure the SAS Environment Manager Agent, it does not start and you receive the error message No token file found, waiting for
Agent to initialize
1. Stop the SAS Environment Manager agent.
2. Verify that the agent wrapper processes and the agent Java processes have stopped.
3. On the W6X platform, verify that the directory
Remove the file
On all other UNIX platforms, search for the java.io.tmpdir environment variable in the agent wrapper process and the agent Java process. By default, the value of the variable will be set to the
directory. If the variable exists, remove the file
under the specified directory.
Agent Receives the Error “OutOfMemory GC Overhead Limit Exceeded”
The agent.log file contains the message java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded
Include these JVM options in the startup script for each agent:
Modify the file
SASEnvironmentManager/agent-5.0.0-EE/bundles/ agent-5.0.0/bin/hq-agent.sh
and add these JVM options to the CLIENT_CMD variable:
-XX:NewRatio=8 \
-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled \
-XX:+UseTLAB \
-XX:+UseCompressedOops \
Resolving Problems with SAS Environment Manager Plugins
EncryptionOperationNotPossibleException Error Message
After the agent successfully starts, some agent properties might get encrypted. If the agent cannot read the agent.scu file (which contains the encryption keys), it cannot decrypt the properties. The agent will not start and the agent.log
or the wrapper.log
file contains the error org.jasypt.exceptions.EncryptionOperationNotPossibleException
1. Stop the SAS Environment Manager agent.
2. In the directory
, delete the
3. In the directory
, delete the
4. Modify the encrypted property to a plain text value. In the file
SASconfiguration/Lev2/Web/SASEnvironmentManager/agent-5.0.0-EE/ agent.properties
, set the property agent.setup.camPword to a plain text value
(if it is encrypted, it will appear as ENC(XXXXXXXXXX)).
5. In the file
SAS-configuration/Lev2/Web/SASEnvironmentManager/ agent-5.0.0-EE/auto-approve.properties
, change all values to True.
6. Restart the agent.
Cannot Stop EAgent Service Using Windows Services
On Windows, if you use Windows Services to stop the Hyperic Agent service, you will receive the error message Windows could not stop the SAS[SAS94-
Lev1] SAS Environment Manager Agent on Local Computer . Clicking
OK in the error message dialog box seems to stop the service, but the System
Event Log contains the error The SAS [SAS94-Lev1] SAS Environment
Manager Agent service terminated with service-specific error
Incorrect function.
Use the command line, rather than Windows Services, to stop the agent. The command to stop the agent is
SASEnvironmentManager/agent-5.0.0-EE/bin/hq-agent.bat stop
Resolving Problems with SAS Environment
Manager Plugins
PostgreSQL Resources Not Configured Properly
After a PostgreSQL server is added into inventory, the Dashboard page indicates that the resource is not configured properly
On the Configuration Properties page for the server, specify this information: postgresql.user
specify the Web Infrastructure Platform Data Server database user name. The default value is dbmsowner
Appendix 1 • Troubleshooting
specify the password for the user name postgresql.program
specify the path to the postgres.bat or postgres.sh file (on UNIX); or postgres.exe or postgres.bat (on Windows). On UNIX, the path is
. On
W6X, the path is
Tomcat Resources Not Configured Properly
On the AIX platform, the Apache Tomcat 6.0 server Resource page displays the error This resource is turned off or has not been configured properly. The problem is: Invalid configuration: Error contacting resource: Can't connect to MBeanServer url .
1. Open the file
SASEnvironmentManager/server-5.0.0-EE/hq-engine/hq-server/ conf/hq-catalina.properties
and find the jmx.url port number. The default value is 1099.
2. On the Configuration Properties page for the server, specify the following property: jmx.url
Cannot Discover tcServer Instances
On the H6I platform, no tcServer instances can be discovered.
HPUX has a limit of 1020 characters on command line queries. The parameters that the tcServer plugin uses to identify the tcServer process are not seen by the agent because they fall after the 1020 character limit has been reached. Edit the startup script so that the parameters that the plugin needs are seen before the 1020 character limit.
Edit the catalina.sh script. Change this section of the script:
-Djava.endorsed.dirs=\"$JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS\" -classpath \"$CLASSPATH\" \
-Dcatalina.base=\"$CATALINA_BASE\" \
-Dcatalina.home=\"$CATALINA_HOME\" \
-Djava.io.tmpdir=\"$CATALINA_TMPDIR\" \
org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap "$@" start \
>> "$CATALINA_OUT" 2>&1 "&"
Change the script to this:
eval \"$_RUNJAVA\" \"$LOGGING_CONFIG\" \
-Dcatalina.base=\"$CATALINA_BASE\" \
-Dcatalina.home=\"$CATALINA_HOME\" \
-Djava.endorsed.dirs=\"$JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS\" -classpath \"$CLASSPATH\" \
-Djava.io.tmpdir=\"$CATALINA_TMPDIR\" \
org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap "$@" start \
>> "$CATALINA_OUT" 2>&1 "&"
Resolving Problems with SAS Environment Manager Plugins
SAS Environment Manager Agent Will Not Start
Cannot start the SAS Environment Manager Agent by using the start script $SASconfiguration _directory/LevX/Web/SASEnvironmentManager/ agent-5.0.0-EE/bin/hq-agent.sh start .
The console displays this message:
Starting HQ Agent......Removed stale pid file:
WARNING: HQ Agent may have failed to start.
Use the unset command to remove the COLUMNS environment variable.
Appendix 1 • Troubleshooting
access permissions
See also
creating middle-tier administrator IDs
Active MQ
administrative tasks
administrator IDs, SAS middle tier
Alert Center
alerts default definitions for
examples of defining
monitoring with Alert Center
responding with control actions
Analyze pages
Apache Tomcat
appenders for logging
Auto-Discovery portlet
21 automatic discovery of resources 21
rediscovering resources
running an auto-discovery scan
availability of resources
Availability Summary portlet
Cisco IOS
clearing the auto-discovery queue
clusters monitoring with Resources pages
compatible groups
components of SAS Environment
escalation schemes
manually configuring a service
of resources for data collection
setting up configuration file tracking
control actions
in response to an alert
Control Actions portlet
customizing a Dashboard
for native roles
database, SAS Environment Manager
discovering resources automatically
automatic discovery of resources
escalation schemes, configuring
events monitoring with Event Center
Favorite Resources portlet
GemFire Distributed System
Groovy Console
Group Alerts Summary portlet
groups creating
monitoring with Resources pages
HQ Agent
HQ Health
HQ Web Services API
interface, SAS Environment Manager
Administration page
Alert Center
Analyze pages
Event Center
Manage page
Operations Center
Resources pages
license usage
logging monitoring generic log files
monitoring privileged logs
setting up for SAS servers
setting up log file tracking
Manage page
management server
Map control
metadata viewing in Administration page
Metric Viewer portlet
middle-tier administrator IDs
mixed groups
monitoring availability of resources
default definitions for
generic log files
platforms, servers, and services
privileged logs
resource events and alerts
server logs
using portlets on Dashboard
using Resources pages
using the Map control for servers and services
native roles
Network and Host Dependency Manager
Network Device
Network Host
network platforms
operating system platforms
Operations Center
monitoring with Resources pages
portlets adding to Dashboard
on Dashboard
controlling with control actions
privileged logs, monitoring
Problem Resources portlet
Recent Alerts portlet
Recently Added portlet
resource groups
resource inventory model
resources automatically discovering
configuring for data collection
controlling with control actions
manually adding to inventory
monitoring alerts
monitoring events
monitoring with Dashboard portlets
monitoring with Operations Center
monitoring with Resources pages
organizing into groups
running an auto-discovery scan
Resources pages
creating native roles
Dashboard pages
managing with Manage page
SAS Application Server
SAS Application Server Tier platform
SAS Environment Manager access permissions
SAS Environment Manager Agent server
SAS Environment Manager database
SAS Environment Manager server
SAS JMS Broker
SAS Logon Manager
controlling with control actions
SAS Object Spawner controlling with control actions
controlling with control actions
SAS Stored Process Server
controlling with control actions
SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Data
controlling with control actions
SAS Web Server
SAS Workspace Server
Saved Charts portlet
scanning for resources
scheduling control actions
Search Resources portlet
Active MQ
Apache Tomcat
controlling with control actions
determining server names
HQ Agent
management server
managing settings with Manage page
manually adding to inventory
monitoring with Map control
monitoring with Resources pages
SAS Application Server
SAS Environment Manager
SAS Environment Manager Agent
SAS JMS Broker
SAS Metadata Server
SAS Stored Process Server
SAS Web Application Server
SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Data
SAS Web Server
SAS Workspace Server
setting up logging
SpringSource tc Runtime
vFabric Web Server
controlling with control actions
manually adding to inventory
monitoring with Map control
monitoring with Resources pages
SpringSource tc Runtime
controlling with control actions
Summary Counts portlet
supported platforms
syslog, monitoring
tc Server Command-line Interface
users access permissions
creating middle-tier administrator IDs
managing with Manage page
vFabric Web Server
virtual platforms
VMWare Hyperic
VMware vSphere Host
VMware vSphere VM
Key Features
- Web-based administration solution
- Administer, monitor, and manage SAS resources
- Monitor SAS foundation servers
- Collect and chart data on metrics for monitored resources
Frequently Answers and Questions
What is SAS Environment Manager?
What kind of resources can it manage?
How does it collect data?
Related manuals
Table of contents
- 5 Contents
- 7 What’s New in SAS Environment Manager 2.1
- 7 Overview
- 7 Managing Metadata Access
- 7 Metadata User Synchronization
- 8 Agent Communication Account
- 8 Metadata Object Management
- 9 Recommended Reading
- 11 Introduction to SAS Environment Manager
- 11 What is SAS Environment Manager?
- 13 Resource Inventory Model
- 13 Overview
- 13 Platforms
- 14 Servers
- 14 Services
- 17 Finding Your Way Around
- 17 Finding Your Way Around
- 18 Viewing Important Information at a Glance: the Dashboard
- 19 Monitoring Platforms, Servers, and Services: the Resources Pages
- 20 Monitoring Resource Events and Alerts: the Analyze Pages
- 20 Overview
- 20 Alert Center
- 22 Event Center
- 22 Operations Center
- 22 Performing SAS Tasks: the Administration Page
- 23 Configuring SAS Environment Manager: the Manage Page
- 23 Overview
- 23 Authentication/Authorization
- 23 Server Settings
- 24 Plugins
- 24 License Usage Status
- 25 Viewing Information at a Glance: Using the Dashboard
- 25 Reading the Dashboard
- 27 Customizing Your Dashboard
- 28 Example: Adding an Availability Summary Portlet
- 31 Finding Resources in Your System
- 31 Automatically Discovering and Adding SAS Resources
- 31 Using the Auto-Discovery Portlet
- 32 Performing an Auto-Discovery Scan
- 32 Rediscovering Resources
- 33 Manually Adding a Server
- 33 Manually Configuring a Service
- 35 Monitoring and Controlling Resources
- 35 Monitoring Resources
- 37 Managing SAS Resources
- 37 SAS Server Names
- 38 Using the Map Control
- 39 Making Resources Easier to Locate
- 39 Organizing Resources into Groups
- 40 Creating a Group
- 40 Creating an Application
- 41 Controlling Resources Using Control Actions
- 41 What is a Control Action?
- 41 Performing Immediate Resource Control Actions
- 41 Scheduling Resource Control Actions
- 42 Performing Server Actions in Response to an Alert
- 43 Monitoring Server Logs
- 43 Setting Up Log and Configuration File Tracking
- 44 Logging for SAS Servers
- 44 Logging Specific Types of Messages
- 44 Setting Up Logging for SAS Servers
- 45 Time-Based Appender Example
- 45 Fixed Window Size Appender Example
- 46 Monitoring Generic Log Files
- 47 Monitoring Syslogd and Other Privileged Logs
- 49 Working with Events and Alerts
- 49 Monitoring Resource Events
- 50 Working with Resource Alerts
- 50 Overview of Alerts
- 51 Defining an Alert
- 53 Defining an Escalation Scheme
- 54 Example: Defining an Alert for SAS Work Directory Space
- 54 Example: Defining an Alert for a Log File
- 55 Example: Defining an Alert for Available Memory
- 57 Managing Metadata Access
- 57 Access Management
- 58 Using an ACT
- 58 Why Use ACTs?
- 58 Instructions
- 59 Updating an ACT
- 60 Reviewing or Adjusting Repository-Level Controls
- 60 Which ACT is the Repository ACT?
- 60 Why Adjust the Repository-Level Controls?
- 60 Adding an Explicit Grant or Denial
- 61 Add a Row-Level Permission Condition
- 61 What is a Permission Condition?
- 61 Instructions
- 63 Controlling Access to SAS Environment Manager
- 63 Controlling Access to SAS Environment Manager
- 63 About Native Roles and Users
- 63 SAS Environment Manager and SAS Metadata Users
- 64 Creating a Native Role
- 65 Creating SAS Middle-Tier Administrator IDs
- 67 Troubleshooting
- 67 Resolving Problems with SAS Environment Manager
- 68 Resolving Problems with SAS Environment Manager Agents
- 69 Resolving Problems with SAS Environment Manager Plugins
- 73 Index