La Nordica Tea Owner's manual
TEA ITALIANO 7191800 - Rev.02 2 ITALIANO - INDICE DATI TECNICI..........................................................................................................................................................................................6 AVVERTENZE GENERALI . ...................................................................................................................................................................6 DICHIARAZIONE DI CONFORMITA’ DEL COSTRUTTORE..................................................................................................................6 NORME PER L’INSTALLAZIONE...........................................................................................................................................................6 SICUREZZA ANTINCENDIO...................................................................................................................................................................7 PRONTO INTERVENTO............................................................................................................................................................................................7 DESCRIZIONE TECNICA........................................................................................................................................................................8 CANNA FUMARIA...................................................................................................................................................................................8 COMIGNOLO.............................................................................................................................................................................................................8 COLLEGAMENTO AL CAMINO.................................................................................................................................................................................9 COLLEGAMENTO ALLA CANNA FUMARIA DI UN CAMINETTO O FOCOLARE APERTO.....................................................................................9 AFFLUSSO D’ARIA NEL LUOGO D’INSTALLAZIONE DURANTE LA COMBUSTIONE..................................................................... 9 COMBUSTIBILI AMMESSI / NON AMMESSI.......................................................................................................................................10 ACCENSIONE.......................................................................................................................................................................................10 ACCENSIONE a BASSE EMISSIONI...................................................................................................................................................................... 11 FUNZIONAMENTO NORMALE............................................................................................................................................................. 11 USO DEL FORNO (dove presente)..........................................................................................................................................................................12 FUNZIONAMENTO NEI PERIODI DI TRANSIZIONE..............................................................................................................................................12 MANUTENZIONE E CURA....................................................................................................................................................................12 PULIZIA VETRO.......................................................................................................................................................................................................12 PULIZIA CASSETTO CENERE................................................................................................................................................................................12 PULIZIA CANNA FUMARIA......................................................................................................................................................................................12 FERMO ESTIVO......................................................................................................................................................................................................13 LE MAIOLICHE (dove presente)..............................................................................................................................................................................13 PRODOTTI IN PIETRA OLLARE (dove presente)...................................................................................................................................................13 PRODOTTI VERNICIATI (dove presente)................................................................................................................................................................13 PRODOTTI SMALTATI (dove presente)...................................................................................................................................................................13 COMPONENTI CROMATI (dove presente)..............................................................................................................................................................13 DETERMINAZIONE DELLA POTENZA TERMICA...............................................................................................................................13 CONDIZIONI DI GARANZIA..................................................................................................................................................................14 ITALIANO 3 SICUREZZA • L'APPARECCHIO PUÒ ESSERE UTILIZZATO DA BAMBINI DI ETÀ NON INFERIORE A 8 ANNI E DA PERSONE CON RIDOTTE CAPACITÀ FISICHE, SENSORIALI O MENTALI, O PRIVE DI ESPERIENZA O DELLA NECESSARIA CONOSCENZA, PURCHÉ SOTTO SORVEGLIANZA OPPURE DOPO CHE LE STESSE ABBIANO RICEVUTO ISTRUZIONI RELATIVE ALL'USO SICURO DELL'APPARECCHIO E ALLA COMPRENSIONE DEI PERICOLI AD ESSO INERENTI. • I BAMBINI DEVONO ESSERE CONTROLLATI PER ASSICURARSI CHE NON GIOCHINO CON L’APPARECCHIO. • LA PULIZIA E LA MANUTENZIONE DESTINATAAD ESSERE EFFETTUATA DALL'UTILIZZATORE NON DEVE ESSERE EFFETTUATA DA BAMBINI SENZA SORVEGLIANZA. • NON TOCCARE IL GENERATORE SE SI È A PIEDI NUDI E CON PARTI DEL CORPO BAGNATE O UMIDE. • E’ VIETATO MODIFICARE I DISPOSITIVI DI SICUREZZA O DI REGOLAZIONE SENZA L’AUTORIZZAZIONE O LE INDICAZIONI DEL COSTRUTTORE. • NON TIRARE, STACCARE, TORCERE I CAVI ELETTRICI FUORIUSCENTI DALLA STUFA ANCHE SE QUESTA È SCOLLEGATA DALLA RETE DI ALIMENTAZIONE ELETTRICA. • SI RACCOMANDA DI POSIZIONARE IL CAVO DI ALIMENTAZIONE IN MODO CHE NON VENGA IN CONTATTO CON PARTI CALDE DELL’APPARECCHIO. • EVITARE DI TAPPARE O RIDURRE DIMENSIONALMENTE LE APERTURE DI AERAZIONE DEL LOCALE DI INSTALLAZIONE, LE APERTURE DI AERAZIONE SONO INDISPENSABILI PER UNA CORRETTA COMBUSTIONE. • NON LASCIARE GLI ELEMENTI DELL’IMBALLO ALLA PORTATA DEI BAMBINI O DI PERSONE INABILI NON ASSISTITE. • DURANTE IL NORMALE FUNZIONAMENTO DEL PRODOTTO LA PORTA DEL FOCOLARE DEVE RIMANERE SEMPRE CHIUSA. • QUANDO L'APPARECCHIO È IN FUNZIONE È CALDO AL TATTO, IN PARTICOLARE TUTTE LE SUPERFICI ESTERNE, PER QUESTO SI RACCOMANDA DI PRESTARE ATTENZIONE • CONTROLLARE LA PRESENZA DI EVENTUALI OSTRUZIONI PRIMA DI ACCENDERE L’APPARECCHIO IN SEGUITO AD UN LUNGO PERIODO DI MANCATO UTILIZZO. • IL GENERATORE È STATO PROGETTATO PER FUNZIONARE CON QUALSIASI CONDIZIONE CLIMATICA, IN CASO DI CONDIZIONI PARTICOLARMENTE AVVERSE (VENTO FORTE, GELO) POTREBBERO INTERVENIRE SISTEMI DI SICUREZZA CHE PORTANO IL GENERATORE IN SPEGNIMENTO. SE SI VERIFICA CIÒ CONTATTARE IL SERVIZIO DI ASSISTENZA TECNICA E, IN OGNI CASO, NON DISABILITARE I SISTEMI DI SICUREZZA. 4 ITALIANO • IN CASO DI INCENDIO DELLA CANNA FUMARIA MUNIRSI DI ADEGUATI SISTEMI PER SOFFOCARE LE FIAMME O RICHIEDERE L’INTERVENTO DEI VIGILI DEL FUOCO. • QUESTO APPARECCHIO NON DEVE ESSERE UTILIZZATO COME INCENERITORE DI RIFIUTI • NON UTILIZZARE ALCUN LIQUIDO INFIAMMABILE PER L’ACCENSIONE • LE MAIOLICHE SONO PRODOTTI DI ALTA FATTURA ARTIGIANALE E COME TALI POSSONO PRESENTARE MICRO-PUNTINATURE, CAVILLATURE ED IMPERFEZIONI CROMATICHE. QUESTE CARATTERISTICHE NE TESTIMONIANO LA PREGIATA NATURA. SMALTO E MAIOLICA, PER IL LORO DIVERSO COEFFICIENTE DI DILATAZIONE, PRODUCONO MICRO SCREPOLATURE (CAVILLATURA) CHE NE DIMOSTRANO L’EFFETTIVA AUTENTICITÀ. PER LA PULIZIA DELLE MAIOLICHE SI CONSIGLIA DI USARE UN PANNO MORBIDO ED ASCIUTTO; SE SI USA UN QUALSIASI DETERGENTE O LIQUIDO, QUEST’ULTIMO POTREBBE PENETRARE ALL’INTERNO DEI CAVILLI EVIDENZIANDO GLI STESSI. ITALIANO 5 TEA EN 13240 1 6,6 82 120 4 - 200x200 Ø200 12 ( 1,2 mm H2O) 1,8 0,07 % - mg/m3 5,1 258 Presa aria esterna in mm (Ø) 120 220 x 215 228 x 365 x 278 / 832 414 419 77 Peso in kg 189 (#) AVVERTENZE GENERALI DICHIARAZIONE DI CONFORMITA’ DEL COSTRUTTORE NORME PER L’INSTALLAZIONE 6 ITALIANO SICUREZZA ANTINCENDIO ITALIANO 7 DESCRIZIONE TECNICA ATTIZZATOIO Aria PRIMARIA Aria SECONDARIA Aria TERZIARIA 1,8 5 mm APERTA Figura 6 - B APERTA PRETARATA CANNA FUMARIA 8 ITALIANO AFFLUSSO D’ARIA NEL LUOGO D’INSTALLAZIONE DURANTE LA COMBUSTIONE ITALIANO 9 COMBUSTIBILI AMMESSI / NON AMMESSI kg/mc kWh/kg Umidità 20% 750 4,0 Cerro 900 4,2 Olmo 640 4,1 470 4,1 660 4,4 Abete rosso* 450 4,5 550 4,4 * ACCENSIONE 10 ITALIANO Aria PRIMARIA CHIUSO Aria SECONDARIA 1/2 APERTO Aria TERZIARIA PRETARATA FUNZIONAMENTO NORMALE ITALIANO 11 MANUTENZIONE E CURA PULIZIA CASSETTO CENERE 12 ITALIANO FERMO ESTIVO LE MAIOLICHE (dove presente) PRODOTTI IN PIETRA OLLARE (dove presente) Unità kg kg kg kg kg kg m3 L kW/h kcal/h 3600 1850 4000 4800 7700 6780 7800 8500 860 ITALIANO kW 4.2 2.2 5.0 5.6 8.9 7.9 9.1 9.9 1.0 13 14 ITALIANO ITALIANO 15 ATTENTION SURFACES CAN BECOME VERY HOT! ALWAYS USE PROTECTIVE GLOVES! During combustion, thermal energy is released that significantly increases the heat of surfaces, doors, handles, controls, glass, exhaust pipes, and even the front of the appliance. Avoid contact with those elements if not wearing protective clothing (protective gloves included). Make sure children are aware of the danger and keep them away from the stove during operation. ENGLISH - CONTENTS TECHNICAL DATA................................................................................................................................................................................19 GENERAL PRECAUTIONS...................................................................................................................................................................19 DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY OF THE MANUFACTURER.........................................................................................................19 INSTALLATION REGULATIONS...........................................................................................................................................................19 FIRE SAFETY........................................................................................................................................................................................20 IN A EMERGENCY...................................................................................................................................................................................................20 CHIMNEY POT.........................................................................................................................................................................................................21 CONNECTION TO THE CHIMNEY..........................................................................................................................................................................22 CONNECTING A FIREPLACE OR OPEN HEARTH TO THE FLUE........................................................................................................................22 AIR FLOW IN THE PLACE OF INSTALLATION DURING COMBUSTION ......................................................................................... 22 ALLOWED / NOT ALLOWED FUELS...................................................................................................................................................23 LIGHTING..............................................................................................................................................................................................23 LOW EMISSION fire lighting....................................................................................................................................................................................24 NORMAL OPERATION..........................................................................................................................................................................24 USE OF THE OVEN (If present)..............................................................................................................................................................................25 OPERATION IN TRANSITION PERIODS ...............................................................................................................................................................25 MAINTENANCE AND CARE.................................................................................................................................................................25 GLASS CLEANING..................................................................................................................................................................................................25 CLEANING OUT THE ASHES.................................................................................................................................................................................25 CLEANING THE FLUE.............................................................................................................................................................................................25 SUMMER STOP.......................................................................................................................................................................................................26 MAJOLICAS (If present)...........................................................................................................................................................................................26 PRODUCTS MADE OF NATURAL STONE (If present)...........................................................................................................................................26 VARNISHED PRODUCTS (If present).....................................................................................................................................................................26 ENAMELLED PRODUCTS (If present)....................................................................................................................................................................26 CHROMIUM-COMPONENTS (If present)................................................................................................................................................................26 CALCULATION OF THE THERMAL POWER......................................................................................................................................26 GUARANTEE TERMS...........................................................................................................................................................................27 DIMENSIONS.........................................................................................................................................................................................72 16 Warnings This instructions manual is an integral part of the product: make sure that it always accompanies the appliance, even if transferred to another owner or user, or if transferred to another place. If it is damaged or lost, request another copy from the area technician. This product is intended for the use for which it has been expressly designed. The manufacturer is exempt from any liability, contractual and extracontractual, for injury/damage caused to persons/animals and objects, due to installation, adjustment and maintenance errors and improper use. Installation must be performed by qualified staff, which assumes complete responsibility for the definitive installation and consequent good functioning of the product installed. One must also bear in mind all laws and national, regional, provincial and town council Standards present in the country in which the appliance has been installed, as well as the instructions contained in this manual. The Manufacturer cannot be held responsible for the failure to comply with such precautions. After removing the packaging, ensure that the content is intact and complete. Otherwise, contact the dealer where the appliance was purchased. All electric components that make up the product must be replaced with original spare parts exclusively by an authorised after-sales centre, thus guaranteeing correct functioning. Safety • THE APPLIANCE MAY BE USED BY CHILDREN 8 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER AND INDIVIDUALS WITH REDUCED PHYSICAL, SENSORY, OR MENTAL CAPACITIES OR WITHOUT EXPERIENCE OR THE NECESSARY KNOWLEDGE, PROVIDED THAT THEY ARE SUPERVISED OR HAVE RECEIVED INSTRUCTIONS ON SAFE USE OF THE APPLIANCE AND THAT THEY UNDERSTAND THE INHERENT DANGERS. • THE GENERATOR MUST NOT BE USED BY PERSONS (INCLUDING CHILDREN) WITH REDUCED PHYSICAL, SENSORY AND MENTAL CAPACITIES OR WHO ARE UNSKILLED PERSONS, UNLESS THEY ARE SUPERVISED AND TRAINED REGARDING USE OF THE APPLIANCE BY A PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR SAFETY. • THE CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE REQUIRED BY THE USER MUST NOT BE PERFORMED BY CHILDREN WITHOUT SUPERVISION. • CHILDREN MUST BE CHECKED TO ENSURE THAT THEY DO NOT PLAY WITH THE APPLIANCE. • DO NOT TOUCH THE GENERATOR WHEN YOU ARE BAREFOOT OR WHEN PARTS OF THE BODY ARE WET OR DAMP. • THE SAFETY AND ADJUSTMENT DEVICES MUST NOT BE MODIFIED WITHOUT THE AUTHORISATION OR INDICATIONS OF THE MANUFACTURER. • DO NOT PULL, DISCONNECT, TWIST ELECTRIC CABLES LEAVING THE STOVE, EVEN IF DISCONNECTED FROM THE ELECTRIC POWER SUPPLY MAINS. • IT IS ADVISED TO POSITION THE POWER SUPPLY CABLE SO THAT IT DOES NOT COME INTO CONTACT WITH HOT PARTS OF THE APPLIANCE. • DO NOT CLOSE OR REDUCE THE DIMENSIONS OF THE AIRING VENTS IN THE PLACE OF INSTALLATION. THE AIRING VENTS ARE ESSENTIAL FOR CORRECT COMBUSTION. • DO NOT LEAVE THE PACKAGING ELEMENTS WITHIN REACH OF CHILDREN OR UNASSISTED DISABLED PERSONS. • THE HEARTH DOOR MUST ALWAYS BE CLOSED DURING NORMAL FUNCTIONING OF THE PRODUCT. • WHEN THE APPLIANCE IS FUNCTIONING AND HOT TO THE TOUCH, ESPECIALLY ALL EXTERNAL SURFACES, ATTENTION MUST BE PAID • CHECK FOR THE PRESENCE OF ANY OBSTRUCTIONS BEFORE SWITCHING THE APPLIANCE ON FOLLOWING A PROLONGED PERIOD OF INACTIVITY. • THE GENERATOR HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO FUNCTION IN ANY CLIMATIC CONDITION. IN PARTICULARLY ADVERSE CONDITIONS (STRONG WIND, FREEZING) SAFETY SYSTEMS MAY INTERVENE THAT SWITCH THE GENERATOR OFF. IF THIS OCCURS, CONTACT THE ENGLISH 17 • • • • TECHNICAL AFTER-SALES SERVICE AND ALWAYS DISABLE THE SAFETY SYSTEMS. IN THE EVENT THE FLUE CATCHES FIRE, USE SUITABLE SYSTEMS FOR SUFFOCATING THE FLAMES OR REQUEST HELP FROM THE FIRE BRIGADE. THIS APPLIANCE MUST NOT BE USED TO BURN WASTE DO NOT USE ANY FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS FOR IGNITION THE MAJOLICAS ARE TOP QUALITY ARTISAN PRODUCTS AND AS SUCH CAN HAVE MICRODOTS, CRACKLES AND CHROMATIC IMPERFECTIONS. THESE FEATURES HIGHLIGHT THEIR VALUABLE NATURE. DUE TO THEIR DIFFERENT DILATION COEFFICIENT, THEY PRODUCE CRACKLING, WHICH DEMONSTRATE THEIR EFFECTIVE AUTHENTICITY. TO CLEAN THE MAJOLICAS, IT IS RECOMMENDED TO USE A SOFT, DRY CLOTH. IF A DETERGENT OR LIQUID IS USED, THE LATTER COULD PENETRATE INSIDE THE CRACKLES, HIGHLIGHTING THEM. 18 TECHNICAL DATA TEA Definition in according to: EN 13240 1 Constructive system 6,6 Nominal thermal power in kW Efficiency in % 82 Smoke outlet diameter in mm 120 Chimney height ≥ (m) - dimension (mm) 4 - 200x200 Ø200 Depression by rating calorific value in Pa - wood 12 ( 1,2 mm H2O) 1,8 Hourly wood consumption in kg / h (wood with 20% humidity) 0,07 % - mg/m3 CO measured at 13% oxygen in % Exhaust gas emission in g/s - wood 5,1 Exhaust gas temperature in °C - wood 258 Outer air inlet in mm (Ø) 120 220 x 215 Hearth opening size in mm (W x H) 228 x 365 x 278 Hearth size in mm (W x H x D) / Oven size in mm (W x H x D) Type of grill Height in mm Movable - flat 832 Width in mm 414 Depth in mm 419 77 Chapter FIRE SAFETY 190 (#) (# ) For those buildings in which the thermal insulation does not correspond to the instructions on heat protection, the heating volume of the stoves is:favourable type of building (30 kcal/h x m3); less favourable type of building (40 kcal/h x m3); unfavourable type of building (50 kcal/h x m3). With thermal insulation in accordance with the regulations regarding energy saving, the heated volume is greater. With temporary heating, in the event of interruptions which last more than 8 hours, the heating capacity is reduced by about 25%. GENERAL PRECAUTIONS La NORDICA S.p.A. responsibility is limited to the supply of the appliance. The installation must be carried out scrupulously according to the instructions provided in this manual and the rules of the profession. Installation must only be carried out by a qualified technician who works on behalf of companies suitable to assume the entire responsibility of the system as a whole. La NORDICA S.p.A. declines any responsibility for the product that has been modified without written authorisation as well as for the use of non-original spare parts. It is OBLIGATORY to respect the National and European rules, local regulations concerning building matter and also fireproof rules. NO MODIFICATIONS CAN BE CARRIED OUT TO THE APPLIANCE. La NORDICA S.p.A. cannot be held responsible for lack of respect for such precautions. DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY OF THE MANUFACTURER Object: Absence of asbestos and cadmium We declare that the materials used for the assembly of all our appliances are without asbestos parts or asbestos derivates and that in the material used for welding, cadmium is not present, as prescribed in relevant norm. Object: CE n. 1935/2004 regulation. We declare that in all products we produce, the materials which will get in touch with food are suitable for alimentary use, according to the a.m. CE regulation. INSTALLATION REGULATIONS Installation of the Product and auxiliary equipment in relation to the heating system must comply with all current Standards and Regulations and to those envisioned by the law. The installation and the relating to the connections of the system, the commissioning and the check of the correct functioning must be carried out in compliance with the regulations in force by authorised professional personnel with the requisites required by the law, being national, regional, provincial or town council present in the country within which the appliance is installed, besides these present instructions. Installation must be carried out by authorised personnel who must provide the buyer with a system declaration of conformity and will assume full responsibility for final installation and as a consequence the correct functioning of the installed product. 19 The Product, assembled and ready for the installation, must be connected with a junction to the existing flue of the house. The junction must be possibly short, straight, horizontal or positioned a little uphill. The connections must be tight. Before installing the appliance, carry out the following checks: • UPPER smoke output - REAR - LATERAL • verify if your structure can support the weight of the appliance. In case of insufficient carrying capacity it is necessary to adopt appropriate measures, La NORDICA responsibility is limited to the supply of the appliance (See chapter TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION). • Make sure that the floor can support the weight of the appliance (for ex. distributing weight plate), and if it is made of flammable material, provide suitable insulation (DIMENSIONS ACCORDING TO REGIONAL REGULATIONS). • Make sure that there is adequate ventilation in the room where the appliance is to be installed, with particular attention to windows and doors with tight closing (seal ropes). • Do not install the appliance in rooms containing collective ventilation ducts, hoods with or without extractor, type B gas appliances, heat pumps, or other appliances that, operating at the same time, can put the room in depression (ref. UNI 10683 standard). • Make sure that the flue and the pipes to which the appliance will be connected are suitable for its operation. It is NOT allowed the connection of various appliances to the same chimney. • The diameter of the opening for connection to the chimney must at least correspond to the diameter of the flue gas pipe. The opening must be equipped with a wall connection for the insertion of the exhaust pipe and a rosette. • The installation must be appropriate and has to allow the cleaning and maintenance of the product and the flue. La NORDICA S.p.A. declines all responsibility for damage to things and/or persons caused by the system. In addition, it is not responsible for any product modified without authorisation and even less for the use of non original spare parts. Your regular local chimney sweep must be informed about the installation of the appliance so that he can check the correct connection to the chimney. When installing the product, the following safety measures must be observed: a) In order to ensure sufficient thermal insulation, respect the minimum safety distance from objects or furnishing components flammable and sensitive to heat (furniture, wood sheathings, fabrics. etc.) and from materials with flammable structure (see Picture 4 - A). All the minimum safety distances are shown on the product data plate and lower values must not be used. b) In front of the furnace door, in the radiation area there must be no flammable or heat-sensitive objects or material at a distance of less than 100 cm. This distance can be reduced to 40 cm where a rear-ventilated, heat-resistant protection device is installed in front of the whole component to protect. c) If the product is installed on a non totally refractory floor, one must foresee a fireproof background. The floors made of inflammable material, such as moquette, parquet or cork etc., must be covered by a layer of no-inflammable material, for instance ceramic, stone, glass or steel etc. (size according to regional law). The base must extend at least 50 cm at the front and at least 30 cm at the sides, in addition to the opening of the loading door (see Picture 4 - B). d) No flammable components (e.g. wall units) must be present above the product. The Product must always operate exclusively with the ash drawer inserted. The solid combustion residues (ash) must be collected in a sealed, fire resistant container. The Product must never be on in the presence of gaseous emissions or vapours (for example glue for linoleum, petrol etc.). Never deposit flammable materials near the Product. During combustion, thermal energy is released which leads to considerable heating of the surfaces, doors, handles, controls, glass parts, the flue gas pipe and possibly the front part of the appliance. Avoid contact with these elements unless using suitable protective clothing or accessories (heat resistant gloves, control devices). Ensure children are aware of these dangers and keep them away from the furnace when it is on. When using the wrong fuel or one which is too damp, due to deposits present in the flue, a flue fire is possible. IN A EMERGENCY If there is a fire in the flue connection : a) Close the loading door and the ash drawer door b) Close the comburent air registers c) Use carbon dioxide ( CO2 powder ) extinguishers to put out the fire d) Request the immediate intervention of the Fire Brigade DO NOT PUT OUT THE FIRE WITH WATER. When the flue stops burning, have it checked by a specialist to identify any cracks or permeable points. 20 The chimney stoves of La NORDICA are suitable to heat living spaces for some periods. As fuel, wood logs are used. The appliance works as an intermittent operating appliance. The stove is made of sheets in galvanized and painted steel, of cast iron (grate and grate holder of the hearth, exhaust pipe). The hearth is totally sheathed with cast-iron single sheets and refractory material. Inside there are a easy extractable thick flat grate and its holder. The combustion chamber is hermetic welded and is sheathed with a painted steel carter. The inside smoke plate made of vermiculite, reflects the fire radiation and increases the internal temperature of the combustion chamber. This process together with the exhaust gases flows, makes optimal the combustion and improves the efficiency. The hearth is equipped with a panoramic door with ceramic glass (resistant up to 700 °C). This allows a wonderful view on the burning flames. Furthermore, it is thus avoided the output of sparks and smoke. Below the hearth door will be found an extractable ash-drawer with a closing door (Picture 8). ACCESSORIES POKER GLOVE The heating of the environment is made by irradiation: through the panoramic glass and the external hot surfaces of the stove, the heat is radiated into the environment. The stove is equipped with controls of primary and secondary air by which it is adjusted the combustion air. 1A - PRIMARY air register (Picture 6) With the primary air control (movable valve), which is found below the hearth door it is adjusted the passage of air through the ash drawer and the grate in the fuel direction. The primary air is necessary for the combustion process. The ash drawer must be regularly emptied, so that the ash does not obstruct the primary air entry. Through the primary air the fire is also kept alive. Primary air is also necessary to keep fire live. During the combustion of wood, the primary air register must be opened only a few, since otherwise the wood burns quickly and the device can overheat (see chapter NORMAL OPERATION). 2A - SECONDARY air register (Picture 6) On the over part of the door there is the secondary air control. Also this register must be opened (then moved to the right), especially for wood combustion. The adjustment of the registers necessary to reach the rated calorific yield is the following one: Hourly consumption in kg/h PRIMARY air SECONDARY air TERTIARY AIR 1,8 5 mm OPEN Picture 6 - B OPEN PRE-ADJUSTED FLUE Essential requirements for correct appliance operation: • the internal section must preferably be circular; • the appliance must be thermally insulated and impermeable and built with suitable materials which are resistant to heat, combustion products and any condensation; • there must be no narrowing and vertical passages with deviations must not be greater than 45°; • if already used, it must be clean; • the technical data from the instruction manual must be respected; If the flues are of a square or rectangular section, the internal edges must be rounded with a radius of not less than 20 mm. For the rectangular section, the maximum ratio between the sides must be ≤ 1.5. A section which is too small causes a reduction in draught. A minimum height of 4 m is advisable. The following materials are forbidden and compromise the good operation of the appliance: asbestos cement, galvanised steel, rough and porous internal surfaces. Picture 1 shows some example solutions. The minimum section must be 4 dm2 (for example 20x20 cm) for appliances whose pipe dimensions are less than 200 mm, or 6.25 dm2 (for example 25x25 cm) for appliances with a diameter of more than 200 mm. The draught created by your flue must be sufficient but not excessive. A section of the flue which is too large can present a volume which is too large to heat and therefore cause operating difficulties for the appliance; to avoid this, it is necessary to intubate the appliance for its entire height. A section which is too small causes a reduction in draught. ATTENTION: as far as concern the realisation of the flue connection and flammable materials please follow the requirements provided by UNI 10683 standard. The flue must be at a suitably distance from flammable or combustible material using suitable insulation or an air space. It is FORBIDDEN to pass system piping or air ducts inside the flue. It is also forbidden to create moveable or fixed openings on the flue itself, for the connection of further different appliances (See chapter CONNECTING A FIREPLACE OR OPEN HEARTH TO THE FLUE). CHIMNEY POT The flue draught depends on the suitability of the chimney pot. It is therefore essential that, if built in a handcrafted way, the exit section is more than twice the internal section of the flue (Picture 2) . 21 As it must always go past the ridge of the roof, the chimney pot must ensure exhaust even in the presence of wind (Picture 3). The chimney pot must meet the following requirements: • Have an internal section equivalent to that of the chimney. • Have a useful exit section of double the internal section of the flue. • Be built so as to prevent rain, snow or any foreign body entering the flue. • Be easy to inspect, for any maintenance and cleaning operations. CONNECTION TO THE CHIMNEY Products with automatic door closing (type 1) must operate, for safety reasons, with the furnace door closed (except during the fuel loading or ash removal phases). Products with non-automatic door closing (type 2) must be connected to their own flue. Operation with doors open is only allowed when supervised. The connection pipe to the flue must be as short as possible, straight horizontal and positioned slightly in ascent, and watertight. Connection must be carried out with stable and robust pipes,comply with all current Standards and Regulations and to those envisioned by the law, and be hermetically secured to the flue. The internal diameter of the connection pipe must correspond to the external diameter of the appliance flue gas exhaust stub pipe (DIN 1298). ATTENTION: as far as concern the realisation of the flue connection and flammable materials please follow the requirements provided by UNI 10683 standard. The flue must be properly spaced from any flammable materials or fuels through a proper insulation or an air cavity. Minimum distance safety 25 cm. The chimney pressure (DRAUGHT) must be at least 12 Pa Pascal (=1.2 mm of water column). The measurement must always be carried out when the appliance is hot (nominal calorific power). When the pressure exceeds 17 Pascal, it is necessary to reduce it through the installation of an additional draught regulator (false air valve) on the exhaust pipe or in the chimney, according to the regulations in force. For correct appliance operation, it is essential that sufficient air for combustion is introduced into the place of installation (see paragraph AIR FLOW IN THE PLACE OF INSTALLATION DURING COMBUSTION). CONNECTING A FIREPLACE OR OPEN HEARTH TO THE FLUE The flue gas channel is the stretch of piping which connects the product to the flue. In the connection, these simple but extremely important principles must be respected: • under no circumstances use a flue gas channel with a diameter less than that of the exhaust clamp with which the product is equipped; • each metre of the horizontal stretch of the flue gas channel causes a slight loss of head which must be compensated if necessary by elevating the flue; • the horizontal stretch must never exceed 2 metres (UNI 10683); • each bend of the flue gas channel slightly reduces the flue draught which must be compensated if necessary by elevating it suitably; • The UNI 10683 – ITALY regulation requires that under no circumstances must there be more than 2 bends or variations in direction including the intake into the flue. If the user wishes to use the flue as a fireplace or open hearth, it is necessary to seal the hood below the entrance point of the flue gas channel pos. A Picture 5. If the flue is then too big (e.g. 30x40cm or 40x50cm), it is necessary to intubate it with a stainless steel tube with a diameter of at least 200mm, pos. B, taking care to close the remaining spaces between the pipe and the flue immediately under the chimney pot pos. C. AIR FLOW IN THE PLACE OF INSTALLATION DURING COMBUSTION As the product draw their combustion air from the place of installation, it is MANDATORY that in the place itself, a sufficient quantity of air is introduced. If windows and doors are airtight (e.g. built according to energy saving criteria), it is possible that the fresh air intake is no longer guaranteed and this jeopardises the draught of the appliance and your health and safety. It is therefore necessary to guarantee a supply of fresh air through an external air inlet placed near the appliance or by placing piping for combustion air which leads outside or to a nearby airy place, with the exception of the boiler room or garage (FORBIDDEN). The intake of air for combustion in the place of installation must not be obstructed during operation of the product. It is absolutely essential that in environments in which products are operated with a natural chimney draught, as much air as is necessary for combustion is introduced, i.e. up to 20 (<11kW) m³/hour. The natural recirculation of air must be guaranteed by some fixed openings to the outside. Their size is established by regulations regarding the subject. Ask for information from a chimneys weep. The openings must be protected with grills and must never be blocked up. An extractor hood (suction) installed in the same room or in a neighbouring one causes a depression in the environment. This causes the leakage of burnt gas (dense smoke, smell); it is therefore necessary to ensure a greater flow of fresh air. The depression of an extractor hood can, in the worst case scenario, transform the flue of the product into an external air inlet, re sucking the flue gases into the environment with very serious consequences for persons. 22 ALLOWED / NOT ALLOWED FUELS Allowed fuels are logs. Use exclusively dry logs (max. content of water 20%). Maximum 3 logs should be loaded. The pieces of wood should have a length of ca. 20-30 cm and a maximum circumference of 30-35 cm. Compressed not worked-out wood briquettes must be used carefully to avoid overheating that may damage the device, since these have a very high calorific value. The wood used as fuel must have a humidity content lower than the 20% and must be stored in a dry place. Humid wood tends to burn less easily, since it is necessary a greater quantity of energy to let the existing water evaporate. Moreover, humid content involves the disadvantage that, when temperature decreases, the water condensates earlier in the hearth and therefore in the stack causing a remarkable deposit of soot with following possible risk of fire of the same. Fresh wood contains about 60% of H2O, therefore it is not suitable to be burnt. It is necessary to place this wood in a dry and ventilated place (for example under a roofing) for at least two years before using it. Besides others, it is not possible to burn: carbon, cuttings, waste of bark and panels, humid wood or wood treated with paints, plastic materials; in this case, the warranty on the device becomes void. Paper and cardboard must be used only to light the fire. The combustion of waste is FORBIDDEN and would even damage the appliance and the flue, causing health damages and claims by the neighborhood owing to the bad smell. The wood is not a fuel which allows a continuous operation of the appliance, as consequence the heating all over the night is not possible. Variety Beech Oak Elm Poplar Larch* Spruce* Scots pine * kg/mc 750 900 640 470 660 450 550 kWh/kg moistness 20% 4,0 4,2 4,1 4,1 4,4 4,5 4,4 * RESINOUS WOOD NOT SUITABLE FOR THE BURNING ATTENTION : the continuous and protracted use of aromatic wood (eucalyptus, myrtle etc.) quickly damages the cast iron parts (cleavage) of the product. The declared technical data have been achieved by burning beech wood class “A1” according to the requirement UNI EN ISO 172255 and wood moisture content less than 20%. By burning a different kind of wood the efficiency of the product itself could change and some specific adjustments on the appliance could be needed. LIGHTING WARNING: After the first ignition you can smell bad odours (owing to the drying of the glue used in the garnitures or of the paint) which disappear after a brief using of the appliance. It must be ensured, in any case, a good ventilation of the environment. Upon the first ignition we suggest loading a reduced quantity of fuel and slightly increasing the calorific value of the equipment. It is FORBIDDEN to use any liquid substance as for ex. alcohol, gasoline, oil and similar. Never switch on the device when there are combustible gases in the room. To perform a correct first lighting of the products treated with paints for high temperature, it is necessary to know the following information: • the construction materials of the involved products are not homogeneous, in fact there are simultaneously parts in cast iron, steel, refractory material and majolica; • the temperature to which the body of the product is subject is not homogeneous: from area to area, variable temperatures within the range of 300°C - 500°C are detected; • during its life, the product is subject to alternated lighting and extinguishing cycles in the same day, as well as to cycles of intense use or of absolute standstill when season changes; • the new appliance, before being considered seasoned has to be subject to many start cycles to allow all materials and paints to complete the various elastic stresses; • in detail, initially it is possible to remark the emission of smells typical of metals subject to great thermal stress, as well as of wet paint. This paint, although during the manufacture it is backed at 250 °C for some hours, must exceed many times and for a given period of time the temperature of 350 °C before becoming completely embedded in the metallic surfaces. Therefore, it is extremely relevant to take these easy steps during the lighting: 1. Make sure that a strong air change is assured in the room where the appliance is installed. 2. During the first starts, do not load excessively the combustion chamber (about half the quantity indicated in the instructions manual) and keep the product continuously ON for at least 6-10 hours with the registers less open than the value indicated in the instructions manual. 3. Repeat this operation for at least 4-5 or more times, according to your possibilities. 4. Then load more and more fuel (following in any case the provisions contained in the installation booklet concerning maximum load) and, if possible, keep the lighting periods long avoiding, at least in this initial phase, short ON/OFF cycles. 23 5. During the first starts, no object should be leaned on the appliance and in detail on enameled surfaces. Enameled surfaces must not be touched during heating. 6. Once the «break-in» has been completed, it is possible to use the product as the motor of a car, avoiding abrupt heating with excessive loads. To light the fire, it is suggested to use small wood pieces together with paper or other traded lighting means. The openings for air (primary and secondary) must be opened together (you must open the eventual Ignition control, and butterfly valve placed on the pipe of smokes exhaust). When the wood starts burning, you may load other fuels and adjust the air for combustion according to the instructions on paragraph TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION. Please always be present during this phase. Never overload the appliance (see the technical table - max quantity of fuel that can be loaded / hourly consumption). Too much fuel and too much air for combustion can cause overheating and therefore damage the appliance. The warranty does not cover the damages due to overheating of the equipment. LOW EMISSION fire lighting Smokeless combustion is a way of lighting a fire able to significantly reduce the emission of harmful substances. The wood burns gradually from the top downwards, so combustion is slower and more controlled. Burnt gases pass through the high temperatures of the flame and therefore burn almost completely. Place the logs in the hearth a certain distance apart as shown in the Picture 7. Arrange the largest at the bottom and the smallest at the top, or vertically in the case of tall narrow combustion chambers. Place the fire starter module on top of the pile, arranging the first logs in the module at right angles to the pile of wood. Fire STARTER MODULE. This fire starter module replaces a paper or cardboard starter. Prepare four logs, 20 cm long with a cross section of 3 cm by 3 cm Picture 7. Cross the four logs and place them on top of the pile of wood at right angles, with the fire lighter (wax impregnated wood fibre for example) in the middle. The fire can be lit with a match. If you want, you can use thinner pieces of wood. In this case, you will need a larger quantity. Keep the flue gas exhaust valve and combustion air regulator open. After lighting the fire, leave the combustion air regulator open in the position shown in according to the instructions on paragraph TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION FUEL Wood PRIMARY Air CLOSED SECONDARY Air 1/2 OPEN TERTIARY air PRE-ADJUSTED IMPORTANT: • do not add further wood between one complete load and the next; • do not suffocate the fire by closing the air intakes; • regular cleaning by a chimney sweep reduces fine particle emissions. • These instructions are backed by ENERGIA Legno SVIZZERA NORMAL OPERATION After having positioned the registers correctly, insert the indicated hourly wood load avoiding overloads that cause anomalous stresses and deformations (according to the instructions on paragraph TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION). You should always use the product with the door closed in order to avoid damages due to overheating (forge effect). The inobservance of this rule makes the warranty expire. For safety reasons the door of the appliances with constructive system 1, must be opened only for the loading of the fuel or for removing the ashes, while during the operation and the rest, the door of the hearth must remain closed. The appliances with constructive system 2 must be connected to their own flue. The operating with open door is allowed under supervision. IMPORTANT: For safety reasons the door of the hearth can be opened only for the loading of the fuel. The hearth door must always remain closed during operation or rest. With the controls positioned on the front of the appliance it is possible to adjust the heat emission of the hearth. They have to be opened according to the calorific need. The best combustion (with minimum emissions) is reached when, by loading the wood, most part of the air for combustion flows through the secondary air register. Never overload the appliance (see the hourly wood load in the table here below). Too much fuel and too much air for the combustion may cause overheating and then damage the stove. You should always use the appliance with the door closed in order to avoid damages due to overheating (forge effect). The inobservance of this rule makes the warranty expire. The adjustment of the registers necessary to reach the rated calorific yield with a depression at the stack of 12 Pa 1,2mm of column of water) is the following one: see chapter TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION. The appliance works as an intermittent operating appliance. Besides the adjustment of the air for the combustion, the intensity of the combustion and consequently the thermal performance of the device is influenced by the stack. A good draught of the stack requires a stricter adjustment of air for combustion, while a poor draught requires a more precise adjustment of air for combustion. To verify the good combustion, check whether the smoke coming out from the stack is transparent. If it is white, it means that the device is not properly adjusted or the wood is too wet; if instead the smoke is gray or black, it signals that the combustion is not complete (it is necessary a greater quantity of secondary air). WARNING: When fuel is added onto the embers in the absence of a flame, a considerable amount of fumes may develop. Should this happen, an explosive mixture of gas and air may form, and in extreme cases an explosion may occur. For safety reasons it is advisable to perform a new lighting procedure with the use of small strips. 24 USE OF THE OVEN (If present) Thanks to the air flow for the combustion, the temperature of the oven may become remarkably affected. A sufficient flue of the chimney and of the channels, well cleaned for the flow of burning smokes around the oven are fundamental for a good cooking result. Thick cakes and big roasts must be introduced in the lowest level. Flat cakes and biscuits must reach the medium level. The upper level may be used to heat or grill. The oven pan and the chrome plated oven grille may be located on different plans (see chapter Technical Description - ACCESSORIES). When cooking food with high humidity, cakes with fruit or fruit itself, water of condensation will be produced. During the cooking process some water vapour in the form of drops of condensed water can deposit onto the top and the side of the door. It is a physical phenomenon. By opening the door briefly and carefully (1 or 2 times, or even often in case of longer cooking times) you can let out the steam from the cooking compartment and reduce condensation significantly. OPERATION IN TRANSITION PERIODS During transition periods when the external temperatures are higher, if there is a sudden increase of temperature it can happen that the combustion gases inside the flue cannot be completely sucked up. The exhaust gases do not come out completely (intense smell of gas). In this case, shake the grating more frequently and increase the air for the combustion. Then, load a reduced quantity of fuel in order to permit a rapid burning (growing up of the flames) and the stabilization of the draught. Then, check that all openings for the cleaning and the connections to the stack are air-tigh. In case of doubt, DO NOT operate the product. MAINTENANCE AND CARE Check the external air intake, by cleaning it, at least once a year. The stack must be regularly swept by the chimney sweeper. Let your chimney sweeper in charge of your area check the regular installation of the device, the connection to the stack and the aeration. IMPORTANT: THE MAINTENANCE MUST BE CARRIED OUT ONLY AND EXCLUSIVELY WITH COLD DEVICE. You should only use spare parts approved and supplied by La NORDICA. Please contact your specialized retailer if you require spare parts. YOU MUST NOT MAKE ANY CHANGES TO THE DEVICE!!! GLASS CLEANING Thanks to a specific inlet of secondary air, the accumulation of dirty sediments on the glass-door is reduced with efficacy. Nevertheless this can never be avoided by using solid fuels ( particularly wet wood ) and it has not to be understood as a defect of the appliance. IMPORTANT: The cleaning of the sight glass must be carried out only and exclusively with cold device to avoid the explosion of the same. For the cleaning, it is possible to use specific products or a wet newspaper paper ball passed in the ash to rub it. Do not use cloths, abrasive or chemically aggressive products by cleaning the hearth glass. The correct lighting phase, the use of proper quantities and types of fuels, the correct position of the secondary air regulator, enough draught of the chimney-flue and the presence of combustion air are the essential elements for the optimal functioning of the appliance and for the cleaning of the glass. BREAK OF GLASSES: Given that the glass-ceramic glasses resist up to a heat shock of 750°C, they are not subject to thermal shocks. Their break can be caused only by mechanic shocks (bumps or violent closure of the door, etc.). Therefore, their replacement is not included in the warranty. CLEANING OUT THE ASHES All the devices are equipped with a hearth grating and an ash drawer for the collection of the ashes Picture 8. It is suggested to empty periodically the ash drawer and to avoid it fills completely in order not to overheat the grating. Moreover, it is suggested to leave always 3-4 cm of ash in the hearth. CAUTION: The ashes removed from the hearth have to be stored in a container made of fire-resistant material equipped with an air-tight cover. The container has to be placed on a fire-resistant floor, far from flammable materials up to the switching off and complete cooling. CLEANING THE FLUE The correct lighting phase, the use of proper quantities and types of fuels, the correct position of the secondary air regulator, enough draught of the chimney-flue and the presence of combustion air are the essential elements for the optimal functioning of the appliance. The device should be completely cleaned at least once a year or every time it is needed (in case of bad working and low yield). An excessive deposit of soot can cause problems in the discharge of smokes and fire in the flue. The cleaning must be carried out exclusively with cold equipment. This operation should be carried out by a chimney sweeper who can simultaneously perform an audit of the flue (checking of possible deposits). During the cleaning, it is necessary to remove the ash drawer, the grating, and the smoke deflectors from the device in order to ease the fall of the soot. The deflectors can be easily extracted from their seats since they are not fastened using screws. Once the clearing has been carried out, place them back in their seats (Picture 9). CAUTION: The lack of the deflectors causes a strong depression, with a too fast combustion, an excessive consumption of wood with related overheating of the device. 25 After cleaning the hearth, chimney and hood, totally eliminating the ash and other eventual residues, close all the doors of the hearth and the relevant registers; in case you disconnect the appliance from the chimney you must close its openings in order to let work others possible appliances connected to the same flue. We suggest performing the cleaning operation of the flue at least once per year; verifying in the meantime the actual status of the rope seals, which cannot ensure the good operation of the equipment if they are not in good condition and are not making a good seal! In this case the seals must be replaced. In presence of dampness in the room where the stove has been placed, we advise you to put absorbent salts into the hearth. If you want to keep for long the aesthetic look of the cooker it is important to protect its internal walls in row cast iron with neutral Vaseline. MAJOLICAS (If present) La NORDICA has chosen majolica tiles, which are the result of high-quality artisan work. As they are completely carried out by hand, the majolica may present crackles, speckles, and shadings. These characteristics certify their precious origin. Enamel and majolica, due to their different coefficient of dilatation, produce microcrackles, which show their authentic feature. For the cleaning of the majolica we suggest you to use a soft and dry cloth; if you use a detergent or liquid, the latter might soak in and highlight the crackles permanently. PRODUCTS MADE OF NATURAL STONE (If present) Natural stone has to be cleaned with very thin abrasive paper or with an abrasive sponge. Do NOT use any cleanser or fluid. VARNISHED PRODUCTS (If present) After some years of product use a change in the varnished details colour is totally normal. This is due to the considerable temperature range the product is subject to whenever in use and to the varnish ageing of time passing by. ATTENTION: before any possible application of the new varnish, do clean and remove all the traces from the surface which has to be varnished. ENAMELLED PRODUCTS (If present) For the cleaning of enamelled surfaces use soap water or not aggressive and not chemically abrasive detergents. After the cleaning do NOT let soapy water or any cleanser dry but remove them immediately. DO NOT use sandpaper or steel wool. CHROMIUM-COMPONENTS (If present) If the components become bluish due to overheating, this can be solved with a suitable product for cleaning. DO NOT use abrasives or solvents. CALCULATION OF THE THERMAL POWER There is not an absolute rule for calculating the correct necessary power. This power is given according to the space to be heated, but it depends also largely on the insulation. On an average, the calorific value necessary for a properly insulated room is 30 kcal/h per m3 (for an external temperature of 0°C). Given that 1 kW corresponds to 860 kcal/h, it is possible to adopt a value of 35 W/m3. Let’s suppose one wishes to heat a room of 150 m3 (10 x 6 x 2.5 m) in an insulated apartment. In this case, it is necessary to have 150 m3 x 35 W/m3 = 5250 W or 5,25 kW. As main heating, a 8 kW device is therefore sufficient. Approximate combustion value Fuel Required quantity in relation to 1 kg of dry wood Unit kcal/h kW Dry wood (15% humidity) kg 3600 4.2 1,00 Wet wood (50% humidity) Wood briquettes Brown coal briquettes Normal anthracite Coke Natural gas Naphtha Electricity kg kg kg kg kg m3 L kW/h 1850 4000 4800 7700 6780 7800 8500 860 2.2 5.0 5.6 8.9 7.9 9.1 9.9 1.0 1,95 0,84 0,75 0,47 0,53 0,46 0,42 4,19 26 GUARANTEE TERMS 1. La Nordica S.p.A. products are guaranteed, within the European community, for 24 months from the date of purchase. Purchase has to be proved by means of a valid fiscal document issued by the seller (receipt, invoice or shipment document) identifying the purchased product and its purchase and/or delivery date. Warning: This conventional guarantee does not replace the guarantee regulated by the European legislation on consumer rights. The conventional guarantee is only applicable to the Italian region and to those areas, within the European Community, where the Authorised Technical Assistance Centres are active (see the website) It is also limited to the state of residence of the consumer, which must coincide with the premises and/or registered office of the seller of the La Nordica S.p.A. product These regulations do not apply if the product is purchased within commercial, entrepreneurial, or professional circumstances. In these cases the product guarantee will be limited to a period of 12 months from the date of purchase. ITALIAN GUARANTEE What must be done if there is a product malfunction: Consult the instructions manual to make sure the malfunction cannot be solved by using the product correctly. Make sure the malfunction is included in those covered by the guarantee; otherwise the cost of the intervention will be borne entirely by the consumer. When requesting the intervention of the Assistance service at the Authorised Assistance Centre, always specify: - type of malfunction - model of the appliance - complete address - phone number EUROPEAN GUARANTEE What must be done if there is a product malfunction: Consult the instructions manual to make sure the malfunction cannot be solved by using the product correctly. Make sure the malfunction is included in those covered by the guarantee; otherwise the cost of the intervention will be borne entirely by the consumer. Request the intervention of the Assistance service or the address of the Authorised Technical Assistance Centre to the seller; always specify: type of malfunction, model of the appliance, complete address and phone number If the malfunction arises in the first 6 months of the product’s life, the consumer has the right to have the product repaired with no expense. From the seventh to the twenty-fourth month, if a malfunction arises, the consumer will bear the cost of the call, while the seller will pay for the manpower and for any spare parts used. 2. If the malfunction is linked to external events and/or conditions such as, including but not limited to, insufficient capacity of the systems; wrong installation and/or maintenance by the personnel which hasn’t got the skills prescribed by the laws of the country of residence of the consumer; negligence; inability to use the product and wrong maintenance by the consumer, with respect to what is reported and recommended by the instructions manual of the product, which is part of the sales contract, this guarantee will be void. Damage to the product that cannot be related to manufacturing defects are also not included in this guarantee. Similarly are excluded defects related to incorrect operation of the flue, according to the legislation in force in the country at the moment of purchase. Other exclusions include all product defects due to carelessness, accidental breakdown, tampering and/or damage during transport (scratches, dents, etc.), interventions carried out by unauthorised personnel and further damage caused by incorrect interventions by the consumer trying to arrange the initial malfunction. The following consumables are excluded by the guarantee: gaskets, ceramic or tempered glasses, cast iron grilles or coatings, refractory materials (e.g. Nordiker or others), painted, chrome-plated or golden parts, majolica ware, handles, the brazier and its related components. For Idro products the heat exchanger is not covered by the guarantee if a suitable condensation-proof circuit is not set up to ensure a return temperature of the device of at least 55°C. The guarantee excludes all the external components on which the consumer can directly operate during use and/or maintenance or that can be subject to wear and/or rust and stains on steel due to aggressive detergents. If malfunctions are signalled which are not later confirmed during check by an authorised technician, the cost of the intervention will be borne entirely by the consumer. 3. If it is not possible to restore product conformity by repairing it, the product/component will be replaced, the guarantee expiration date and conditions will remain the same established when the product/component to be replaced has been purchased. 4. La Nordica S.p.A. cannot be held liable for injury or damage which may - either directly or indirectly - be caused to persons, animals and property ensuing from failure to observe all the instructions provided in the relevant instruction manual and the warnings regarding installation, use and maintenance of the product, that can also be downloaded on the website. 5. Interventions for adjusting and/or regulating the product for the type of fuel or other reasons are excluded by the guarantee. 27 6. If the product is repaired in one of the Authorised Technical Assistance Centres indicated by La Nordica S.p.A. and if the product is replaced, transport will be free of charge. If the technician can repair the product at the user’s place of residence and they refuse, transport to the workshop and redelivery will be paid by the consumer. 7. After the 24 months of the guarantee have elapsed any repair intervention cost will be completely borne by the consumer. 8. In the case of disputes the only competent court is that of the La Nordica S.p.A. registered office - (Vicenza-Italy) Additional warnings • Only use the fuel recommended by the manufacturer. The product must not be used as an incinerator. • Do not use the product as a ladder or supporting structure. • Do not place laundry on the product to dry it. Any clothes-horse or similar objects must be kept at due distance from the product. Danger of fire or damage to the coating. • The user is fully liable for any incorrect use of the product. The manufacturer bears no civil or criminal liability for incorrect use. • Unauthorised tampering of any nature or replacement of spare parts of the product with non-original parts may endanger the operator and the manufacturer bears no civil or criminal liability for this. • Large parts of the surface of the product can get very hot (door, handle, glass, smoke outlet pipes, etc.). Please therefore avoid coming into contact with these parts without wearing suitable protective clothing or using appropriate measures, such as heat protective gloves. • DO NOT use the product with the door open or if the glass is broken. • The product must be electrically connected to a system equipped with an operational earthing system. • Turn off the product in the event of a failure or malfunctioning. • Do not wash the product with water. Water may penetrate into the unit and cause faults in the electrical insulation. This can cause electric shocks. • Installations not complying with the regulations in force, as well as incorrect use and failure to comply with the maintenance scheduled by the manufacturer, will invalidate the guarantee. 28 29 31 TECHNISCHE DATEN TEA EN 13240 1 6,6 82 120 4 - 200x200 Ø200 12 ( 1,2 mm H2O) 1,8 0,07 % - mg/m3 5,1 258 120 220 x 215 228 x 365 x 278 / Rosttyp Höhe in mm 832 414 419 77 Masse in kg 190 ALLGEMEINE HINWEISE INSTALLATIONSVORSCHRIFTEN 32 33 HANDSCHUH PRIMÄRLUFT TERTIARY AIR 1,8 5 mm AUF Abbildung 6 - B AUF 34 LUFTZUSTROM AM INSTALLATIONSORT WÄHREND DER VERBRENNUNG 35 kg/mc 750 4,0 900 4,2 Ulme 640 4,1 470 4,1 660 4,4 Rottanne * 450 4,5 550 4,4 * ANFEUERUNG 36 PRIMÄRLUFT ZU SEKUNDÄRLUFT 1/2 AUF 37 38 KACHELN (wenn anwesend) 39 Einheit kg kg kg kg kg kg m3 L kW/h kcal/h 3600 1850 4000 4800 7700 6780 7800 8500 860 kW 4.2 2.2 5.0 5.6 8.9 7.9 9.1 9.9 1.0 1,00 1,95 0,84 0,75 0,47 0,53 0,46 0,42 4,19 40 41 INTERVENTION RAPIDE........................................................................................................................................................................................46 DESCRIPTION TECHNIQUE.................................................................................................................................................................47 CONDUIT DE LA CHEMINÉE...............................................................................................................................................................47 POSITION DU POT DE LA CHEMINÉE...................................................................................................................................................................47 CONNEXION AVEC LA CHEMINÉE........................................................................................................................................................................48 CONNEXION AU CONDUIT DE FUMÉE D’UNE CHEMINÉE OU D’UN FOYER OUVERT....................................................................................48 FONCTIONNEMENT NORMAL.............................................................................................................................................................50 42 43 • LE GÉNÉRATEUR A ÉTÉ CONÇU POUR ÊTRE UTILISÉ DANS N’IMPORTE QUELLE CONDITION CLIMATIQUE. CEPENDANT, EN CAS DE CLIMAT PARTICULIÈREMENT DÉFAVORABLE (VENT FORT, GEL), LES SYSTÈMES DE SÉCURITÉ POURRAIENT SE DÉCLENCHER, PROVOQUANT AINSI L’ARRÊT DU GÉNÉRATEUR. SI CELA SE VÉRIFIE, CONTACTER LE SERVICE D’ASSISTANCE TECHNIQUE ET SURTOUT NE PAS DÉSACTIVER LES SYSTÈMES DE SÉCURITÉ. • EN CAS D'INCENDIE DU CONDUIT DE FUMÉE, SE MUNIR D'EXTINCTEURS POUR ÉTOUFFER LES FLAMMES OU APPELER LES POMPIERS. • CET APPAREIL NE DOIT PAS ÊTRE UTILISÉ COMME INCINÉRATEUR DE DÉCHETS. • N'UTILISER AUCUN LIQUIDE INFLAMMABLE POUR L'ALLUMAGE • LES FAÏENCES SONT DES PRODUITS ARTISANAUX ET EN TANT QUE TELS, ELLES PEUVENT PRÉSENTER DES MICRO-GRUMEAUX, DES CRAQUELURES ET DES IMPERFECTIONS CHROMATIQUES. CES CARACTÉRISTIQUES EN DÉMONTRENT LA VALEUR. ÉTANT DONNÉ LEUR COEFFICIENT DE DILATATION DIFFÉRENT, L'ÉMAIL ET LA FAÏENCE PRODUISENT DES MICRO-FISSURES (CRAQUELURES) QUI TÉMOIGNENT DE LEUR AUTHENTICITÉ. POUR NETTOYER LES FAÏENCES, NOUS CONSEILLONS D'UTILISER UN CHIFFON DOUX ET SEC. SI UN DÉTERGENT OU DU LIQUIDE EST UTILISÉ, CE DERNIER POURRAIT PÉNÉTRER À L'INTÉRIEUR DES FISSURES ET LES METTRE EN ÉVIDENCE. 44 TEA EN 13240 Type 1 6,6 Rendement en % 82 120 4 - 200x200 Ø200 12 ( 1,2 mm H2O) 1,8 0,07 % - mg/m3 5,1 258 120 220 x 215 228 x 365 x 278 / Type de grille 832 414 419 Poids en kg 77 189 DÉCLARATION DE CONFORMITÉ DU CONSTRUCTEUR 45 SÉCURITÉ CONTRE LES INCENDIES 46 TISONNIER GANT Air PRIMAIRE Air SECONDAIRE Air TERTIAIRE 1,8 5 mm OUVERTE Figure 6 - B OUVERTE PRÉ TARÉE CONDUIT DE LA CHEMINÉE POSITION DU POT DE LA CHEMINÉE 47 48 COMBUSTIBLES ADMIS / NON ADMIS kg/mc kWh/kg Humidité 20% Hêtre 750 4,0 Chêne 900 4,2 Orme 640 4,1 470 4,1 Mélèze* 660 4,4 Sapin rouge* 450 4,5 Pin Silvestre* 550 4,4 * ALLUMAGE 49 Air PRIMAIRE FERME Air SECONDAIRE 1/2 OUVERT Air TERTIAIRE PRÉ CALIBRE FONCTIONNEMENT NORMAL 50 NETTOYAGE TIROIR DES CENDRES 51 DÉTERMINATION DE LA PUISSANCE THERMIQUE Unità kcal/h kW kg kg kg kg kg kg m3 L kW/h 3600 1850 4000 4800 7700 6780 7800 8500 860 4.2 2.2 5.0 5.6 8.9 7.9 9.1 9.9 1.0 52 53 54 INTERVENCIÓN RÁPIDA........................................................................................................................................................................................59 DESCRIPCIÓN TÉCNICA......................................................................................................................................................................60 CONDUCTO DE HUMO . ......................................................................................................................................................................60 POSICIÓN DEL CAPUCHÓN..................................................................................................................................................................................60 CONEXIÓN CON LA CHIMENEA............................................................................................................................................................................61 CONEXIÓN CON EL CONDUCTO DE HUMO DE UNA CHIMENEA O DE UN HOGAR ABIERTO ......................................................................61 FLUJO DE AIRE EN EL LUGAR DE INSTALACIÓN DURANTE LA COMBUSTIÓN.......................................................................... 61 COMBUSTIBLES ADMITIDOS / NO ADMITIDOS................................................................................................................................62 ENCENDIDO..........................................................................................................................................................................................62 Encendido de BAJAS EMISIONES..........................................................................................................................................................................63 FUNCIONAMIENTO NORMAL..............................................................................................................................................................63 USO DEL HORNO (donde esté presente)...............................................................................................................................................................64 FUNCIONAMIENTO EN LOS PERÍODOS DE TRANSICIÓN.................................................................................................................................64 MANTENIMIENTO Y CUIDADO............................................................................................................................................................64 LIMPIEZA DEL CRISTAL..........................................................................................................................................................................................64 LIMPIEZA DEL CENICERO.....................................................................................................................................................................................64 LIMPIEZA DEL CONDUCTO DE SALIDA DE HUMOS............................................................................................................................................64 PARADA DE VERANO.............................................................................................................................................................................................65 LAS MAYÓLICAS (donde esté presente).................................................................................................................................................................65 PRODUCTOS EN PIEDRA OLLAR (donde esté presente).....................................................................................................................................65 PRODUCTOS BARNIZADOS (donde esté presente)..............................................................................................................................................65 PRODUCTOS ESMALTADOS (donde esté presente).............................................................................................................................................65 COMPONENTES CROMADOS (donde esté presente)...........................................................................................................................................65 55 Seguridad • EL APARATO PUEDE SER USADO POR NIÑOS DE EDAD NO INFERIOR A 8 AÑOS Y POR PERSONAS CON REDUCIDAS CAPACIDADES FÍSICAS, SENSORIALES O MENTALES, O SIN EXPERIENCIA O SIN EL NECESARIO CONOCIMIENTO, SIEMPRE QUE ESTÉN BAJO VIGILANCIA O DESPUÉS QUE LAS MISMAS HAYAN RECIBIDO INSTRUCCIONES RELATIVAS AL USO SEGURO DEL APARATO Y A LA COMPRENSIÓN DE LOS PELIGROS INHERENTES AL MISMO. • SE PROHÍBE EL USO DEL GENERADOR POR PARTE DE PERSONAS (INCLUIDOS LOS NIÑOS) CON CAPACIDADES FÍSICAS, SENSORIALES Y MENTALES REDUCIDAS, O A PERSONAS INEXPERTAS, A MENOS QUE NO SEAN SUPERVISADAS Y CAPACITADAS EN EL USO DEL APARATO POR UNA PERSONA RESPONSABLE DE SU SEGURIDAD . • LA LIMPIEZA Y EL MANTENIMIENTO QUE DEBE REALIZAR EL USUARIO NO DEBE SER EFECTUADO POR NIÑOS SIN VIGILANCIA. • CONTROLE A LOS NIÑOS PARA ASEGURARSE DE QUE NO JUEGUEN CON EL EQUIPO. • NO TOQUE EL GENERADOR CON LOS PIES DESCALZOS Y CON PARTES DEL CUERPO MOJADAS O HÚMEDAS. • SE PROHÍBE MODIFICAR LOS DISPOSITIVOS DE SEGURIDAD O DE REGULACIÓN SIN LA AUTORIZACIÓN O LAS INDICACIONES DEL FABRICANTE. • NO HALE, DESCONECTE O TUERZA LOS CABLES ELÉCTRICOS QUE SALEN DE LA ESTUFA AUNQUE ESTÉ DESCONECTADA DE LA RED DE ALIMENTACIÓN ELÉCTRICA. • SE RECOMIENDA COLOCAR EL CABLE DE ALIMENTACIÓN DE MODO TAL QUE NO ENTRE EN CONTACTO CON PARTES CALIENTES DEL EQUIPO. • EVITE TAPAR O REDUCIR LAS DIMENSIONES DE LAS ABERTURAS DE VENTILACIÓN DEL LOCAL DE INSTALACIÓN, LAS ABERTURAS DE VENTILACIÓN SON INDISPENSABLES PARA UNA COMBUSTIÓN CORRECTA. • NO DEJE LOS ELEMENTOS DEL EMBALAJE AL ALCANCE DE LOS NIÑOS Y DE PERSONAS INCAPACITADAS SIN SUPERVISIÓN. • DURANTE EL FUNCIONAMIENTO NORMAL DEL PRODUCTO LA PUERTA DEL HOGAR DEBE PERMANECER SIEMPRE CERRADA. • TENGA CUIDADO SOBRE TODO CON LAS SUPERFICIES EXTERNAS DEL EQUIPO, YA QUE ÉSTE SE CALIENTA CUANDO ESTÁ EN FUNCIONAMIENTO. • CONTROLE LA PRESENCIA DE POSIBLES OBSTRUCCIONES ANTES DE ENCENDER EL EQUIPO, DESPUÉS DE UN PERÍODO PROLONGADO DE INUTILIZACIÓN. 56 • EL GENERADOR SE HA DISEÑADO PARA FUNCIONAR EN CUALQUIER CONDICIÓN CLIMÁTICA, EN CASO DE CONDICIONES PARTICULARMENTE DIFÍCILES (VIENTO FUERTE, HIELO) PODRÍAN INTERVENIR SISTEMAS DE SEGURIDAD QUE APAGAN EL GENERADOR. SI ESTO SUCEDE, CONTACTE CON EL SERVICIO DE ASISTENCIA TÉCNICA Y, EN CUALQUIER CASO, NO DESHABILITE LOS SISTEMAS DE SEGURIDAD. • EN CASO DE INCENDIO DEL CONDUCTO DE SALIDA DE HUMOS, USE LOS SISTEMAS ADECUADOS PARA ELIMINAR LAS LLAMAS O REQUIERA LA INTERVENCIÓN DE LOS BOMBEROS. • ESTE EQUIPO NO SE DEBE UTILIZAR COMO INCINERADOR DE RESIDUOS. • NO UTILICE LÍQUIDOS INFLAMABLES PARA EL ENCENDIDO • LAS MAYÓLICAS SON PRODUCTOS DE ALTA FACTURA ARTESANAL Y POR TANTO PUEDEN ENCONTRARSE EN LAS MISMAS MICRO-PICADURAS, GRIETAS E IMPERFECCIONES CROMÁTICAS. ESTAS CARACTERÍSTICAS DEMUESTRAN SU ELEVADA CALIDAD. EL ESMALTE Y LA MAYÓLICA PRODUCEN, DEBIDO A SU DIFERENTE COEFICIENTE DE DILATACIÓN, MICROGRIETAS (CRAQUELADO) QUE DEMUESTRAN SU AUTENTICIDAD. PARA LA LIMPIEZA DE LAS MAYÓLICAS, ES RECOMENDABLE UTILIZAR UN PAÑO SUAVE Y SECO; SI SE UTILIZAN DETERGENTES O LÍQUIDOS, ESTOS PODRÍAN PENETRAR EN EL INTERIOR DE LAS GRIETAS, PONIÉNDOLAS EN EVIDENCIA. 57 TEA EN 13240 Sistema constructivo 1 6,6 82 Diámetro tubo salida humo in mm 120 4 - 200x200 Ø200 12 ( 1,2 mm H2O) 1,8 0,07 % - 888 mg/m3 5,1 258 Toma de aire exterior en mm (Ø) 120 220 x 215 228 x 365 x 278 / 832 414 419 Peso en kg 77 Capítulo 4 (#) 189 NORMAS PARA LA INSTALACIÓN 58 59 ATIZADOR Aire PRIMARIO Aire SECUNDARIO Aire TERZIARIO 1,8 5 mm ABIERTO Figura 6 - B ABIERTO PRE-REGULADO CONDUCTO DE HUMO POSICIÓN DEL CAPUCHÓN 60 FLUJO DE AIRE EN EL LUGAR DE INSTALACIÓN DURANTE LA COMBUSTIÓN 61 COMBUSTIBLES ADMITIDOS / NO ADMITIDOS kg/mc kWh/kg Humedad 20% Haya 750 4,0 Rebollo 900 4,2 Olmo 640 4,1 Álamo 470 4,1 660 4,4 Abeto rojo* 450 4,5 Pino albar* 550 4,4 62 Aire PRIMARIO CERRADO Aire SECUNDARIO 1/2 ABIERTO Aire TERZIARIO PRECALIBRADO FUNCIONAMIENTO NORMAL 63 MANTENIMIENTO Y CUIDADO 64 PRODUCTOS EN PIEDRA OLLAR (donde esté presente) kg 1850 2.2 1,95 kg 4000 5.0 0,84 kg 4800 5.6 0,75 kg 7700 8.9 0,47 Coke Gas natural kg 6780 7.9 0,53 m3 7800 9.1 0,46 L 8500 9.9 0,42 kW/h 860 1.0 4,19 65 66 67 1 Figura 1 Max. A+1/2A Picture 1 A+1/2A Abbildung 1 A Figure 1 Silka 1 2 1 3 4 1* 2* Canna fumaria in refrattario con doppia camera isolata e rivestimento esterno in calcestruzzo alleggerito. Efficienza 100% ottima. Refractory flue with double insulated chamber and external coating in lightweight concrete. Efficiency 100% excellent. Schornsteinrohr aus feuerfestem Material mit doppelter isolierter Kammer und Außenverkleidung aus Halbdichtbeton. Wirkungsgrad 100 % ausgezeichnet. Conduit de fumée en réfractaire avec double chambre isolée et revêtement externe en béton allégé. Efficience 100% excellente. Conducto de salida de humos de refractario con doble cámara aislada y revestimiento exterior de hormigón alivianado. Eficiencia 100% óptima. 3* Canna fumaria tradizionale in argilla sezione quadrata con intercapedini. Efficienza 80% buona. 2 1 section with cavities. Efficiency Traditional clay flue square 80% good. 3 Traditionelles Schornsteinrohr aus Ton - viereckiger Querschnitt mit Spalten. Wirkungsgrad 80 % gut. > _ Conduit de fumée traditionnel en argile section carrée avec séparations. Efficience 80% bonne. >A Conducto de salida de humos tradicional de arcilla de sección cuadrada con crujías. Eficiencia 80% buena. 2m 4 A 10 m Evitare canne fumarie con sezione rettangolare interna il cui rapporto sia diverso dal disegno. Efficienza 40% mediocre. Avoid flues with rectangular internal section whose ratio differs from the drawing. Efficiency 40% poor. 0,5 m 40 % Max. A+1/2A abweicht. Wirkungsgrad Schornsteinrohre mit rechteckigem Innenquerschnitt sind zu vermeiden, dessen Verhältnis von der Zeichnung 1m Éviter conduits de cheminée avec section rectangulaire interne dont le rapport soit différent du dessin. Efficience 40% médiocre. A+1/2A No utilizar conductos de salida de humos con sección rectangular interior cuya H relación min. sea diferente de la del dibujo. Eficiencia 40% mediocre. A (2) 4 (1) - Material comply with all current Standards and Regulations and to those envisioned by the Law. α - Material sämtlichen geltenden und vom Gesetz vorgesehenen Normen und Vorschriften entsprechen. - Matériau conforme à toutes les Normes et aux Réglementations actuelles prévues par la Loi. - Material cumplir con las normas y reglamentos vigentes y con todas las disposiciones establecidas por la ley. 1 2 Figura 2 2 5 3 4 M 50 cm 1 1 2 3 4 68 2 3 4 ITALIANO 2 1 3 >A 3 2m 10 m 1m Figura 3 H min. Picture 3 Abbildung 3 α Figure 3 Silka 3 5 Il comignolo non deve avere ostacoli entro i 10 m da muri, falde ed alberi. In caso contrario innalzarlo almeno di 1 m sopra l’ostacolo. Il comignolo deve oltrepassare il colmo del tetto almeno di 1 m. The chimney cap must not show hindrances within 10 m from walls, pitches and trees. Otherwise raise it of at least 1 m over the hindrance. The chimney cap must exceed the ridge of the roof of at least 1 m. 5 COMIGNOLI DISTANZE E POSIZIONAMENTO UNI 10683 CHIMNEY CAPS - DISTANCES AND POSITIONING UNI 10683 SCHORNSTEINE ABSTÄNDE UND STELLUNG UNI 10683 TETES DE CHEMINEE ET POSITIONNEMENT UNI 10683 SOMBRERETES DISTANCIAS Y UBICACIÓN UNI 10683 a 500 mm 13 00 mm 90° 130 0m m a a >10° 90° 500 mm Inclinazione del tetto Inclination of the roof Dachneigung Inclinaison du toit Inclinación del techo ITALIANO 69 4 Figura 4 Picture 4 Abbildung 4 Figure 4 Silka 4 30 30 50 A B Tutte le distanze minime di sicurezza (cm) sono indicate sulla targhetta tecnica del prodotto e NON si deve scendere al di sotto dei valori indicati (Vedi DICHIARAZIONE DI PRESTAZIONE - INFORMAZIONI MARCATURA CE). All the minimum safety distances (cm) are shown on the product data plate and lower values must not be used (See DECLARATION OF PERFORMANCE - CE MARKING INFORMATION). Alle Sicherheitsabstände (cm) sind auf der Typenschild des Produktes gezeigt und dürfen nicht unter der angegebenen Werte liegen (siehe LEISTUNGSERKLÄRUNG - CE AUSZEICHNUNGSINFORMATIONEN). Toutes les distances minimales de (cm) sécurité sont indiquées dans l’étiquette du produit et on il NE FAUT PAS descendre au-dessous des valeurs indiqués (voir DÉCLARATION DE PERFORMANCE - INFORMATIONS MARQUAGE CE). Todas las distancias mínimas de seguridad (cm) se muestran en la placa técnica del producto y NO deben ser empleadas medidas inferiores a estas (véase DECLARACIÓN DE PRESTACIÓN - INFORMACIÓN DE LA MARCA CE). 5 A B Figura 5 Picture 5 Chiusura Abbildung Hermetic 5 closure ermetica Acciaio Inox Silka 5 C Tamponamento D 70 C Stainless steel Stainless steel Acier Inox Plugging Inspection hatch Inspektionsklappe Porte inspection ITALIANO B A D 6 Figura 7 7 Figura 6 MODULO DI ACCENSIONE FIRE STARTER MODULE ANFEUERMODUL MODE D’ALLUMAGE MÓDULO DE ENCENDIDO Picture 7 Picture 6 Abbildung 7 2A 1A 2A - ON 1A - Off B 8 9 CASSETTO RACCOLTA CENERE ASCHENKASTEN Picture 8 DES CENDRES TIROIR CENICERO Figura 9 Picture 9 Abbildung 8 Abbildung 9 B 71 72 INFORMAZIONI MARCATURA CE - CE MARKING INFORMATION CE AUSZEICHNUNGSINFORMATIONEN - INFORMATIONS MARQUAGE CE INFORMACIÓN DE LA MARCA CE IT-UK-DE-FR-ES | 13 DOP nr. 142 Distancia mínima a material inflamable Retro / back / Rückseite / Arrière / Revés Lato / Side / Seite / Côté / Lado Fronte / Front / Vorderseite / Avant / Frente Soffitto / Bottom / Unterseite / Fond / Fondo Suolo / Ground / Boden / Sol / Suelo 200 mm 300 mm 1000 mm - mm - mm Emissione di CO (13 % O2 ) Emission of CO (13 % O2 ) CO-Ausstoss bez.auf (13 % O2 ) Émission de CO (13 % O2 ) Emisión de CO (13 % O2 ) 0,07 % - 888 mg/Nm3 Emissioni polveri (13 % O2) Dust emissions (13 % O2) Staubemissionen (13 % O2) Émission de poudres (13 % O2) Emisión de polvos (13 % O2) 10,5 mg/Nm3 Massima pressione idrica di esercizio ammessa Maximum operating pressure Maximale Betriebsdruck Pression hydrique de service maximum autorisée Máxima presión hídrica de funcionamiento admitida - bar Temperatura gas di scarico Flue gas temperature Abgastemperatur Température gaz d’échappement Temperatura del gas de escape 258 °C Potenza termica nominale Thermal output Nennheizleistung Puissance thermique nominale Potencia térmica nominal 6,6 kW 82 % Tipi di combustibile Fuel types Brennstoffarten Types de combustible Tipos de combustible VKF - AEAI Nr. Nr.25965 SINTEF Nr. 15a B-VG Nr. TUV-K9432013S2 La NORDICA S.p.A. Via Summano, 104 36030 - MONTECCHIO PRECALCINO (VI) - ITALY +39.0445.804000 - +39.0445.804040 - [email protected] - MADE IN ITALY PER CONOSCERE IL CENTRO ASSISTENZA PIU’ VICINO CONTATTARE IL PROPRIO RIVENDITORE O CONSULTARE IL SITO WWW.LANORDICA-EXTRAFLAME.COM TO FIND THE SERVICE CENTRE NEAREST TO YOU CONTACT YOUR DEALER OR CONSULT THE SITE WWW.LANORDICA-EXTRAFLAME.COM POUR CONNAÎTRE LE CENTRE D’ASSISTANCE LE PLUS PROCHE CONTACTER VOTRE REVENDEUR OU CONSULTER LE SITE WWW.LANORDICA-EXTRAFLAME.COM NEHMEN SIE, UM IHR NÄCHSTLIEGENDES KUNDENDIENSTZENTRUM ZU KENNEN, KONTAKT MIT IHREM HÄNDLER AUF ODER KONSULTIEREN SIE DIE WEBSEITE WWW.LANORDICA-EXTRAFLAME.COM PARA CONOCER EL CENTRO DE ASISTENCIA MÁS CERCANO CONTACTAR A SU REVENDEDOR O CONSULTAR EL SITIO WWW.LANORDICA-EXTRAFLAME.COM Il fabbricante si riserva di variare le caratteristiche e i dati riportate nel presente fascicolo in qualunque momento e senza preavviso, al fine di migliorare i propri prodotti. Questo manuale, pertanto, non può essere considerato come un contratto nei confronti di terzi. The manufacturer reserves the right to vary the characteristics and the data reported in this pamphlet at any moment and without notice, in order to improve its products. This manual, therefore, cannot be regarded as a contract towards other parties. Le fabricant se réserve le droit de modifier les caractéristiques et les données reportées dans ce manuel à tout moment et sans préavis, dans le but d’améliorer ses produits. Par conséquent, ce manuel ne peut pas être considéré comme un contrat vis-à-vis de tiers. Der Hersteller behält sich vor, die in den vorliegenden Unterlagen wiedergegebenen Eigenschaften und Daten zu jedem beliebigen Zeitpunkt und ohne Vorankündigung zu ändern, um seine Produkte zu verbessern. Diese Anleitung kann daher nicht als Vertrag Dritten gegenüber angesehen werden. El fabricante se reserva el derecho a modificar las características y los datos contenidos en el presente manual y sin previo aviso, con el objetivo de mejorar sus productos. Por lo tanto este manual no se puede considerar como un contrato respecto a terceros. 05/04/2016 7191800 - Rev.02">

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