Heat recovery for pRack pR300T Operation and configuration THR1I T F FHW T THR1O THR2I 3WHRI F FHW T THR2O 3WHR2 T T 3WGC T HR1 TGC T HR2 T TGC by passed T GAS cooler Manuale d’uso User manual Mode d’emploi Technisches Handbuch Manual del usuario Integrated Control Solutions & Energy Savings ITA Indice 1. INTRODUZIONE 5 2. CONFIGURAZIONE 8 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 3. AZIONI SUPPLEMENTARI 3.1 3.2 3.3 14 17 5. CONFIGURAZIONE DI INGRESSI E USCITE 3 20 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 ITA 1. THR1I T F FHW T THR1O THR2I T 3WHRI F FHW T THR2O 3WHR2 T INTRODUZIONE 3WGC T HR1 TGC T HR2 T TGC by passed PGC T HPV P ExV GAS cooler Fig. 1.a Tipo AI AI AI AI AI DI DO/AO DO/AO DO/AO DI Nome THR[1-2]I THR[1-2]O TGC TGC by-passed PGC FHW 3WHR[1-2] PHR[1-2] 3WGC --- Tab. 1.a 5 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 0% Min set-point HPV (barg) 85.0 barg Max HPV set-point (recupero calore ON) 75.0 barg Min HPV set-point (recupero calore ON) 40.0 barg Min HPV set-point (recupero calore OFF) Fig. 1.b +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 6 7 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 ITA 2. CONFIGURAZIONE Tab. 2.a +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 8 9 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 Fig. 2.a +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 10 11 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 100 Set-point +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 12 13 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 ITA 3. AZIONI SUPPLEMENTARI Setp.100% (barg) Tempo a min setp (s) Passo incr. (barg) Tempo tra incr. (s) +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 14 100% Min. richiesta RC 15 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 Valore del set-point del Gas Cooler Fig. 3.c +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 16 ITA 4. Min. richiesta RC Fig. 4.a 17 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 18 Disattiv. by pass Disattiv. by pass Disattiv. by pass Tempo Tempo Set point Temperatura dopo il by pass Fig. 4.c 19 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 ITA 5. CONFIGURAZIONE DI INGRESSI E USCITE +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 20 ITA 21 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 22 ENG Heat recovery for pRack pR300T Operation and configuration Index 1. INTRODUCTION 5 2. CONFIGURATION 8 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 Control: water temperature ................................................................................................................................................................ 9 Control: digital input ............................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Control: external signal ....................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Activation of heat recovery .............................................................................................................................................................. 10 Pump management ............................................................................................................................................................................. 11 High water temperature alarm ...................................................................................................................................................... 13 Analogue input filter ............................................................................................................................................................................ 13 Second heat recovery module ...................................................................................................................................................... 13 3. SUPPLEMENTARY ACTIONS 3.1 3.2 3.3 14 Sequential mode with thresholds ............................................................................................................................................... 14 Simultaneous mode ............................................................................................................................................................................. 16 Set point reset .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 16 17 Conditions for enabling ..................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Conditions for activation ................................................................................................................................................................... 18 5. INPUT AND OUTPUT CONFIGURATION 20 3 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 ENG 1. THR1I T F FHW T THR1O THR2I T 3WHRI F FHW T THR2O 3WHR2 T INTRODUCTION 3WGC T HR1 TGC T HR2 T TGC by passed T PGC HPV P ExV GAS cooler Fig. 1.a Type AI AI AI AI AI DI DO/AO DO/AO DO/AO DI Name THR[1-2]I THR[1-2]O TGC TGC by-passed PGC FHW 3WHR[1-2] PHR[1-2] 3WGC --- Description Water inlet temperature Water outlet temperature Outlet temperature to the gas cooler Temperature after the gas cooler bypass Pressure in the gas cooler Flow sensor 3-way valve for heat recovery Pump control 3-way valve for gas cooler bypass Preliminary function enabling Tab. 1.a In a CO2 Booster system, the heat recovery function (or heat reclaim, hereinafter HR) exploits the heat normally dissipated by the gas cooler for domestic hot water production or space heating. pRack pR300T can manage two heat recovery functions at the same time. Each heat recovery function is activated and controlled based on the percentage of heat demand, which can be calculated based on: • a digital input • a temperature probe • an external analogue signal An additional digital input can be used to preliminarily enable the function. Once activated, heat recovery can, if required, act on the HPV valve set point and the effective gas cooler set point, either simultaneously (both at the same time) or sequentially, based on thresholds (first the HPV and then the gas cooler, when exceeding a certain heat demand threshold). 5 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 ENG If acting on the HPV valve set point, the heat recovery function modifies the “minimum HPV valve control set point” parameter (screen Eib28) and is used as the lower limit for calculating the dynamic high pressure valve pressure control set point. The increase in this minimum set point from its default value (40.0 barg) to a new minimum set point (e.g. 75 barg) means the system will operate in transcritical conditions even when the gas cooler outlet temperature is initially lower than the critical value. This minimum set point can further increased (screen Eeab28) proportional to the heat recovery request, up to a maximum allowed limit value (e.g. 85 barg). If the HPV valve set point, calculated based on the gas cooler temperature, exceeds the minimum set point modified by the heat recovery function, the controller will use this newly calculated set point. Heat recovery request (%) 100% Min. request for activation 0% Heat recovery status 1 0 Min set-point HPV (barg) 85.0 barg Max HPV set-point (heat recovery ON) 75.0 barg Min HPV set-point (heat recovery ON) 40.0 barg Min HPV set-point (heat recovery OFF) Time Nota: Activation delay are not consider in this graphic Fig. 1.b +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 6 ENG If acting on the gas cooler set point, the gas cooler fan temperature set point can be gradually increased until reaching the maximum allowed limit. This limit is equal to the maximum allowable set point (screen Dab06) in simultaneous mode, or the value set on screen Eeab29 in sequential mode. In simultaneous mode, the increase will begin at the same time as the action on the HPV valve set point, while in sequential mode the increase will begin after having exceeded a settable heat demand percentage threshold (Eeab29). If the floating condensing function is active (branch D.a.d), this can be disabled when heat recovery is active (Eeab04), while if this function is not disabled when heat recovery is active, the increase in the gas cooler set point can be added directly to the outside temperature. Floating condensing without heat recovery: SP = Text + ΔT (screen Dad06). Floating condensing during heat recovery (with action on GC): SP=Text + Offset GC, where Offset GC > ΔT. One final action to maximise heat recovery involves bypassing the gas cooler when the following conditions are true: • bypass is enabled (screen Eeab); • percentage of heat demand exceeds a settable threshold (e.g. 90%); • the bypassed gas cooler temperature is below a settable threshold (e.g. 20°C). When these conditions are true, the bypass valve will start modulating according to the calculated bypassed gas cooler temperature set point, until totally bypassing the gas cooler when this temperature makes it possible. When heat recovery is deactivated, the HPV valve set point gradually returns to the calculated value in a set time. The same is true for the gas cooler fan set point. 7 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 ENG 2. CONFIGURATION The function can be configured using the screens accessible in branches Eea-- and Eeb--. Screen Eeab01 is used to choose how many heat recovery modules are to be activated, up to two, and how the demand percentage should be calculated for the supplementary actions. The options for calculating the demand percentage for the supplementary actions, are shown in the following table: Value NONE HR1+HR2 HR1 ONLY HR2 ONLY Description No additional contribution to heat recovery Contribution from both modules: HR1req+HR2req, limited to 100% Contribution from HR1 only Contribution from HR2 only Tab. 2.a In order for heat recovery to be activated, certain conditions need be verified. The thresholds can be set on screen Eeab02: The following are required for heat recovery activation: • the pressure in the gas cooler is above a threshold; • a minimum OFF time has elapsed since the previous activation. The user can choose whether to disable the floating condensing function when heat recovery is active: if setting YES on screen Eeab04, floating condensing will be disabled when at least one heat recovery module is active. The function can be enabled based on time bands, which preliminarily enable the function; effective activation depends on the calculated heat demand. Similarly, the activation trigger can be independent from the closing time bands. These settings are accessible on screen Eeab05. +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 8 ENG The scheduler inside the controller can be used to specify the activation time bands. If required, the heat recovery function can also be active in the closing time bands. This screen is used to configure the scheduler. The function can be activated based on: • the heat exchanger water outlet temperature • a digital input • an external signal. 2.1 Control: water temperature If control is based on the heat exchanger water outlet temperature, the value THRnO is compared against the specified set point, applying PI control. Screen Eeeab07 can be used to set the proportional coefficient Kp, expressed as a percentage of demand for each degree difference from the set point, and the value of the integral factor in seconds. This PI control thus generates a demand output between 0 and 100%. 2.2 Control: digital input If control is set to be managed via digital input: The status of the input associated with the function on screen Eeaa02 will determine either 0% or 100% demand. 9 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 ENG 2.3 Control: external signal An input signal to pRack can also be used to generate a modulating demand output, from 0% to 100%. Note: whichever of the three modes is selected, heat recovery will be based on the percentage of demand generated, as described in the following paragraphs. 2.4 Activation of heat recovery The heat recovery function can be implemented either via a digital output or a 0-10V analogue output. In both cases, the behaviour will be ON/OFF, and thus 0% or 100% for the analogue output. Activation is based on the following three parameters, modifiable on screen Eeab08: • activation threshold as a % • deactivation threshold as a % • activation delay in seconds. The configured thresholds are compared against the activation demand percentage calculated as described in the previous paragraphs. When this demand reaches (from below) the activation threshold, the output assigned to the heat recovery function is activated, following the defined activation delay. Heat recovery active Deactivation threshold Activation threshold Fig. 2.c +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 10 HR request (%) ENG 2.5 Pump management For each heat recovery module, the function can also manage a water circulation pump. This can be controlled via digital output or 0-10V modulating analogue signal. Following deactivation of heat recovery, the pump is also stopped, after the set delay. Screen Eeab09 can be used to specify: • whether to enable circulating pump management • the type of pump, ON/OFF or modulating • the activation delay in seconds Pump activation can be based on two mutually exclusive conditions: the heat recovery demand or the difference between heat exchanger water outlet and inlet temperature. If selecting pump management based on heat recovery demand, the pump will be activated as soon as the heat recovery demand activation threshold is reached. The pump will be deactivated, after the set delay, when reaching the heat recovery demand deactivation threshold. If on the other hand the pump is set as being activated according to the difference between the heat exchanger water inlet and outlet temperature, the activation percentage will be calculated using PI control, which compares this difference against the set point. Screen Eeab11 can be used to specify: • the activation set point as a difference in water temperature • the PI control proportional gain • the PI control integral time. In relation to set point, this type of control is direct: if the difference between the water inlet and outlet temperature is greater than the set point, the pump will be activated. 11 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 ENG Pump modulating output (%) 100 Set-point Set-point +100/Kp Fig. 2.d Parameter Min.speed HR on can be used to specify a minimum operating percentage when heat recovery is active. The pump can also be started when heat recovery is not active. The user can specify duty cycles based on an ON time and an OFF time. During the ON time, the pump will operate at the set percentage (if modulating). Screen Eeab12 can be used to enable the pump duty cycles when heat recovery is not active, and the corresponding ON and OFF times. If a flow switch is available for measuring water circulation, this can be connected to the pRack and configured on screen Eeaa10. If the pump is active and the flow switch measures no flow, an alarm will be signalled. +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 12 ENG 2.6 High water temperature alarm A maximum allowed water temperature value can be specified for safety reasons. If the heat exchanger outlet temperature exceeds the set threshold, heat recovery will be deactivated. The differential represents a hysteresis for resetting the alarm. 2.7 Analogue input filter Screen Eeab13 can be used to specify whether to apply a filter (average of the samples) to the probe used to calculate the heat recovery demand THRnO. 2.8 Second heat recovery module Screens Eeab15 to Eeab21 can be used to configure the second heat recovery module. The settings are similar to those for the first module. 13 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 ENG 3. SUPPLEMENTARY ACTIONS As well as the activation of heat recovery, other actions are implemented to increase the availability of heat that can be recovered: • increase the minimum set point for HPV valve control (pressure in the GC); • increase the minimum gas cooler set point (reduce fan speed); • complete or partial bypass of the gas cooler. These supplementary actions can be implemented in sequential mode independently, or simultaneously, giving priority to gas cooler pressure. The actions are performed after a settable delay from activation of heat recovery. 3.1 Sequential mode with thresholds If choosing to activate the supplementary actions sequentially, each action can be configured separately using a specific set of parameters. The actions are applied prior to increasing the minimum set point for the HPV valve; subsequently, the gas cooler set point is increased. The minimum set point for the HPV valve is increased based on the parameters configured on screen Eeab28 and described in the table below. Setp.Min% (barg) Setp.100% (barg) Time at min setp (s) Incr. step (barg) Time betw. incr. (s) +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 14 Minimum HPV valve set point con with minimum heat recovery demand Minimum HPV valve set point con with maximum heat recovery demand Tim to increase set point from current value to new minimum Step value to increase set point by Time between successive set point increases ENG Set-point 100% Incr. step Set-point min.% Set-point current Activation threshold for heat recovery 100% Fig. 3.a The gas cooler set point is increased based on the parameters configured on screen Eeab29 and described in the table below. Incr. step (°C) Time betw. incr. (s) Offset max. (°C) Min.HR request (%) Diff.OFF (%) Step value to increase set point by Time between successive increases Maximum applicable set point increase Minimum demand to apply increase Differential to reset set point increase set point of active GC Fig. 3.b When the new minimum HPV valve set point has been reached or the current set point is greater than this minimum value, the action to increase the gas cooler set point is started. It should be noted that this is not linked to the percentage of heat recovery demand, but rather is applied once a minimum demand threshold is exceeded. 15 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 ENG 3.2 Simultaneous mode If simultaneous mode is selected, the action to increase the minimum HPV valve set point is performed in the same way as in sequential mode, and is configured on screen Eeab28. The action to increase the gas cooler fan set point, on the other hand, is calculated automatically based on the following diagram: Increase the minimum set point for HPV The largest value Set-point HPV for the COP maximum value The new minimum HPV valve set point Inverse Formula for COP Set-point value of Gas Cooler Direct formula to calculate COP maximum Fig. 3.c The new gas cooler set point will respect the limits defined on screen Dab02. 3.3 Set point reset To avoid abrupt variations to the set point, a maximum decrease time can be specified in relation to application of the maximum allowed offset. +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 16 ENG 4. Gas cooler bypass is activated based on two sets of conditions: the first enables the bypass function, and second activates it. Three types of configurations are available for managing the bypass function: 1. digital output, ON/OFF; 2. 0-10V analogue output with ON/OFF behaviour; 3. modulating 0-10V analogue output. 4.1 Conditions for enabling Below are the conditions required to enable gas cooler bypass: 1. the bypass function must be set to enabled, screen Eeab26; 2. heat recovery demand must be greater than, screen Eeab27; 3. the receiver pressure must be lower than, screen Eeab26; 4. the new minimum HPV valve set point must have been reached, screen Eeab28; 5. the gas cooler set point must have been increased by the maximum applicable offset, screen Eeab29; 6. an output, either analogue or digital, must have been configured for activating the bypass, screens Eeaa21 and Eeaa22. The second condition for enabling the gas cooler bypass function is based on heat recovery demand, as illustrated in the following figure. Condition for enabling is satisfied Fig. 4.a 17 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 ENG 4.2 Conditions for activation If the conditions for enabling the function are all true, the gas cooler will be bypassed depending on the gas temperature measured downstream of the bypass. Screen Eeaa27 is used to configure the temperature probe located downstream of the gas cooler bypass. Gas cooler bypass is activated if the temperature downstream of the bypass is lower than the specified threshold for the set time (screen Eeab26). It is disabled for safety reasons when reaching the limit set point. These values can be configured on screen Eeab32. Within the activation interval, the bypass function can be controlled either using a set point and a differential, or with modulating control. In the first case, the analogue or digital output will operate in ON/OFF mode, in the second case a 0-10V analogue output will be used for modulation. Screen Eeab31 is used to configure the type of control. Configuration with digital output +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 Configuration with modulating output 18 ENG If gas cooler bypass is managed using a digital output (or ON/OFF analogue output), the bypass function will reflect the trend shown in Figure 8. Temperature measured of the bypass Max. deactivation threshold Differential Set-point Set-point Min. activation threshold Start of the set Deactivat. bypass Activation by bypass if the set time is elapsed Deactivat. bypass Activation by bypass Start of the set Deactivat. by bypass Deactivat. by pass Time Activation by bypass if the set time is elapsed By pass status 1 0 Time Fig. 4.b If gas cooler bypass is managed using a modulating analogue output, P+I control is applied, and the related parameters are configured on screen Eeab31: • set point (°C) • proportional coefficient Kp (%/°C) • integral time (s) The resulting modulation, for the proportional contribution only, is illustrated in Figure 9. Analogic output value by bypass (%) 100 0 Set point Temperature after bypass Fig. 4.c 19 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 ENG 5. INPUT AND OUTPUT CONFIGURATION Below are the screens used to configure the inputs and outputs relating to the heat recovery function. These are accessed in branch Eea-. Digital input used to preliminarily enable heat recovery. In the event of activation via digital input only, demand will be equal to 100%. Screen for configuring the type of probe and input associated with heat recovery control: heat exchanger water outlet temperature. The position of this probe is nonetheless at the user’s discretion, despite maintaining the specified nomenclature. The heat exchanger water inlet temperature can be used for monitoring purposes or alternatively together with the outlet temperature to modulate pump operation. If heat recovery is controlled based on an external signal, screen Eeaa05 is used to assign the position of the related input and the associated demand interval. Digital output for controlling the 3-way valve used for heat recovery. +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 20 ENG Screen for configuring the digital actuator for the water pump. Screen for configuring the analogue output associated with the modulating pump. If a flow switch is available for measuring water circulation, this can be connected to the pRack and configured on screen Eeaa10. If the pump is active and the flow switch measures no flow, an alarm will be signalled.. Input associated with the gas cooler inlet temperature probe, which can be used for monitoring purposes. Digital output for implementation of the gas cooler bypass function. If the gas cooler is bypassed using a modulating valve, screen Eeaa22 is used to assign the associated analogue output. 21 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 ENG Screen for assigning the type and the position of the probe used to measure the temperature downstream of the gas cooler bypass. This probe is necessary if using the bypass. +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 22 FRE Index 1. INTRODUCTION 5 2. CONFIGURATION 8 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 14 17 3 20 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 FRE 1. THR1I T F FHW T THR1O THR2I T 3WHRI F FHW T THR2O 3WHR2 T INTRODUCTION 3WGC T HR1 TGC T HR2 TING GC T TGC by passed T PGC HPV P ExV GAS cooler Fig. 1.a Type AI AI AI AI AI DI DO/AO DO/AO DO/AO DI Nom THR[1-2]I THR[1-2]O TGC TGC by-passed PGC FHW 3WHR[1-2] PHR[1-2] 3WGC --- Tab. 1.a 5 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 Heat recovery request (%) 100% Min. request for activation 0% Heat recovery status 1 0 Min set-point HPV (barg) 85.0 barg Max HPV set-point (heat recovery ON) 75.0 barg Min HPV set-point (heat recovery ON) 40.0 barg Min HPV set-point (heat recovery OFF) Time Nota: Activation delay are not consider in this graphic Fig. 1.b +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 6 7 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 FRE 2. CONFIGURATION Tab. 2.a +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 8 9 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 Heat recovery active Deactivation threshold Activation threshold Fig. 2.a +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 10 11 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 FRE Pump modulating output (%) 100 Set-point +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 12 13 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 FRE 3. Setp.100% (barg) Temps a min setp (s) Pas incr. (barg) Temps entre incr. (s) +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 14 Incr. step Set-point min.% Set-point current Activation threshold for heat recovery 100% increase set point of active GC 15 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 The largest value Set-point HPV for the COP maximum value The new minimum HPV valve set point Inverse Formula for COP Set-point value of Gas Cooler Direct formula to calculate COP maximum Fig. 3.c +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 16 FRE 4. Min. HR request - Diff OFF HR request (%) Fig. 4.a 17 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 18 Set-point Min. activation threshold Start of the set Deactivat. bypass Activation by bypass if the set time is elapsed Deactivat. bypass Activation by bypass Deactivat. by bypass Start of the set Deactivat. by pass Time Activation by bypass if the set time is elapsed By pass status 1 0 Time 0 Set point Temperature after bypass Fig. 4.c 19 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 FRE 5. +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 20 FRE 21 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 22 GER Index 1. EINFÜHRUNG 5 2. KONFIGURATION 8 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 14 17 3 20 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 GER 1. THR1I T F FHW T THR1O THR2I T 3WHRI F FHW T THR2O 3WHR2 T 3WGC T HR1 TGC T HR2 TGC by passed T T PGC HPV P ExV GAS cooler Fig. 1.a Typ AI AI AI AI AI DI DO/AO DO/AO DO/AO DI Name THR[1-2]I THR[1-2]O TGC TGC by-passed PGC FHW 3WHR[1-2] PHR[1-2] 3WGC --- Tab. 1.a 5 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 0% Min set-point HPV (barg) 85.0 barg Max HPV set-point (recupero calore ON) 75.0 barg Min HPV set-point (recupero calore ON) 40.0 barg Min HPV set-point (recupero calore OFF) Fig. 1.a +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 6 7 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 GER 2. KONFIGURATION Tab. 2.a +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 8 9 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 Fig. 2.a +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 10 11 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 100 Set-point +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 12 13 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 GER 3. Setp.100% (barg) Time at min setp (s) Incr. step (barg) Time betw. incr. (s) +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 14 100% Min. richiesta RC 15 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 Valore del set-point del Gas Cooler Fig. 3.c +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 16 GER 4. Fig. 4.a 17 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 18 Disattiv. by pass Disattiv. by pass Disattiv. by pass Tempo Tempo Set point Fig. 4.c 19 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 GER 5. +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 20 für die GER 21 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 22 SPA 5 2. CONFIGURACIÓN 8 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 14 17 5. CONFIGURACIÓN DE ENTRADAS Y SALIDAS 3 20 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 SPA 1. THR1I T F FHW T THR1O THR2I T 3WHRI F FHW T THR2O 3WHR2 T INTRODUCCIÓN 3WGC T HR1 TGC T HR2 T TGC by passed T PGC HPV P ExV GAS cooler Fig. 1.a Tipo AI AI AI AI AI DI DO/AO DO/AO DO/AO DI Nombre THR[1-2]I THR[1-2]O TGC TGC by-passed PGC FHW 3WHR[1-2] PHR[1-2] 3WGC --- Tab. 1.a 5 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 0% Min set-point HPV (barg) 85.0 barg Max HPV set-point (recupero calore ON) 75.0 barg Min HPV set-point (recupero calore ON) 40.0 barg Min HPV set-point (recupero calore OFF) Fig. 1.b +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 6 7 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 SPA 2. CONFIGURACIÓN Tab. 2.a +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 8 9 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 Fig. 2.a +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 10 Richiesta RC (%) 11 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 100 Set-point Set-point +100/Kp +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 12 13 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 SPA 3. Setp.100% (barg) Tiempo a min setp (s) Paso incr. (barg) Tiempo entre incr. (s) +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 14 SPA Set-point 100% 100% Min. richiesta RC 15 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 Fig. 3.c +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 16 SPA 4. La segunda condición para la habilitación del bypass del Gas Cooler se basa en la demanda de Recuperación de calor, como se ilustra en la figura siguiente. La condizione per l’abitazione è soddisfatta Fig. 4.a 17 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 18 SPA En el caso de exclusión del Gas Cooler por medio de salida digital (o analógica de tipo ON/OFF), el comportamiento del bypass sigue la tendencia ilustrada en la Figura 8. Temperatura misurata del by pass Soglia massima di disattivazione Set-point differenziale Disattiv. by pass Disattiv. by pass Disattiv. by pass Tempo Stato del by pass 1 0 Tempo Set point Fig. 4.c 19 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 SPA 5. CONFIGURACIÓN DE ENTRADAS Y SALIDAS +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 20 SPA 21 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 +030220595 - 1.0 - 27.01.2016 22 CAREL INDUSTRIES HQs Via dell’Industria, 11 - 35020 Brugine - Padova (Italy) Tel. (+39) 049.9716611 - Fax (+39) 049.9716600 e-mail: [email protected] - +030220595- 1.0 - 27.01.2016 Agenzia / Agency:">

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