PEERLESS-AV MOD-WP2 Installation instructions
MOD-WP2 Compatible with: Compatible con: Compatible avec: Kompatibel mit: MOD-P Geschikt: MOD-ASC2 Compatibile con: MOD-FPMS2 Kompatibilní s: MOD-FPMD2 Kompatibilný s: Compatível com: Ile uyumlu: 1 2014-02-04 #:120-9179-1 WARNING ENG - Before installing make sure the supporting surface will support the combined load of the equipment and hardware. Screws must be tightly secured. Do not overtighten screws or damage can occur and product may fail. Never exceed the Maximum Load Capacity. Always use an assistant or mechanical lifting equipment to safely lift and position equipment. This product is intended for indoor use only. Use of this product outdoors could lead to product failure or personal injury. For support please call customer care at 1-800-865-2112. 2 2014-02-04 #:120-9179-1 3 2014-02-04 #:120-9179-1 Symbols Símbolos Symboles Symbole Symbolen Simboli Symboly Symboly Símbolos Semboller Do not overtighten screws. No apriete de más los tornillos. Ne pas trop serrer les vis. Ziehen Sie die Schrauben nicht zu fest an. Draai de schroeven niet te strak aan. Non stringere troppo le viti. Šrouby neutahujte příliš silně. Skrutky neuťahujte príliš silno. Não apertar demasiado os parafusos. Vidaları gereğinden fazla sıkmayın. NEL ITL ČEŠ SLK POR TÜR WARNING ADVERTENCIA ADVERTISSEMENT ACHTUNG WAARSCHUWING AVVERTENZA VÝSTRAHA VÝSTRAHA AVISO UYARI # ENG Skip to step. ESP Continúe con el paso. FRN Passez à l’étape. DEU Weiter mit Schritt. NEL Ga door naar stap. ITL Vai al passo. ČEŠ Přeskočte na krok. SLK Preskočte na krok. POR Saltar para o passo. TÜR Su adıma geç. 4 x3 ENG Screws must get at least three full turns and fit snug. ESP Los tornillos tienen que dar, por lo menos, tres vueltas completas y quedar ajustados. FRN Il faut effectuer au moins trois tours de vis complets et bien serrer les vis. DEU Schrauben sind mindestens drei volle Umdrehungen einzudrehen und müssen fest anliegen. NEL De schroeven moeten ten minste drie hele slagen worden aangedraaid en stevig vastzitten. ITL Girare tre volte le viti che devono risultare aderenti. ČEŠ Šrouby se musí otočit minimálně tři plné otáčky a plně dosednout. SLK Skrutky sa musia otočiť aspoň tri celé otáčky a tesne dosadnúť. POR Os parafusos devem completar, no mínimo, três voltas completas e ajustar-se no local. TÜR Vidalar en az üç tam dönüş yapmalı ve sıkı oturmalıdır. 2014-02-04 #:120-9179-1 3/16" (5mm) ENG To properly tighten screws: Tighten until screw head makes contact, then tighten another 1/2 turn. Do not overtighten screws. ESP Apriete adecuado de los tornillos: Apriete hasta que la cabeza del tornillo haga contacto y luego apriete otra 1/2 vuelta. No apriete de más los tornillos. FRN Pour bien serrer les vis : Serrez jusqu’à ce que la tête de la vis entre en contact, puis serrez encore d’un 1/2 tour. Ne serrez pas trop les vis. DEU Korrektes Festziehen der Schrauben: Ziehen Sie die Schrauben fest, bis der Schraubenkopf Kontakt hat, und dann um eine weitere 1/2 Umdrehung. Ziehen Sie die Schrauben nicht zu fest an. NEL Ga als volgt te werk om de schroeven naar behoren aan te draaien: Draai de schroef aan totdat de kop het oppervlak raakt; maak daarna nog een halve slag. Draai de schroeven niet te strak aan. ITL Per stringere correttamente le viti: stringere fino a quando la testa della vite fa contatto, quindi stringere di un altro 1/2 giro. Non stringere eccessivamente. ČEŠ Správné utažení šroubů: Utahujte, dokud se šroub nedostane do kontaktu, poté utáhněte ještě půl otočky. Šrouby neutahujte příliš silně. SLK Správne utiahnutie skrutiek: Uťahujte, kým sa skrutka nedostane do kontaktu, potom utiahnite ešte pol otočky. Skrutky neuťahujte príliš silno. POR Para apertar correctamente os parafusos: aperte até que a cabeça do parafuso estabeleça contacto e, em seguida, aperte mais 1/2 volta. Não aperte demasiado os parafusos. TÜR Vidaları doğru bir şekilde sıkılamak için: Vida başı temas edene kadar döndürün, sonra yarım tur daha döndürün. Vidaları gereğinden fazla sıkılamayın. 11/64" (4.5mm) 1 3/8" (10mm) 2 3 (10mm) 7/16" (11mm) +1/2 4 5 2014-02-04 #:120-9179-1 Parts (Before beginning, make sure you have all parts shown below). Piezas (antes de iniciar, asegúrese de tener todas las piezas siguientes). Pièces (avant de commencer, assurez-vous d’avoir toutes les pièces illustrées ci-dessous). Teile (Achten Sie vor Beginn der Arbeiten darauf, dass alle unten abgebildeten Teile vorhanden sind). Onderdelen (hoort u zich ervan te overtuigen dat u alle onderdelen hebt, die hieronder te zien zijn). Parti (prima di iniziare, accertarsi di disporre tutte le parti sotto indicate). Díly (předtím, než začnete, připravte si všechny díly zobrazené níže). Diely (predtým, ako začnete, pripravte si všetky diely zobrazené nižšie). Peças (antes de iniciar, certifique-se de que tem todas as peças apresentadas em baixo). Parçalar (Başlamadan önce, aşağıda gösterilen bütün parçaların elinizde olduğundan emin olun). Description wall plate M5 x 10mm self tapping screw support clamp concrete anchor wood screw M6 x 80mm screw bolt M5 x 16mm self tapping screw M6 hex nut A (1) wall plate Qty 1 2 2 4 4 2 2 2 MOD-WP2 Part # 100-1097 520-9250 100-1088 590-0321 520-1243 520-1851 520-9515 530-1048 B (2) M5 x 10mm D (4) C (2) support clamp E (4 ) 10mm concrete anchor 3" wood screw F (2) M6 x 80mm G (2) H (2) M5 x 16mm M6 nut 6 2014-02-04 #:120-9179-1 1a-1 Concrete/Cinder block. Concreto/Bloque de hormigón. Béton/bloc de béton. Beton/Porenbetonstein. Beton/B2-blokken. Calcestruzzo solido/forato. Betonový/škvárový blok. Betónový/škvarový blok. Betão/bloco de cimento. Beton/Briket. 1b 1a-1 ENG Use stud finder to locate and mark stud center lines. ESP Marque las líneas centrales del montante. FRN Marquez la ligne médiane du montant. DEU Markieren Sie die Ständer-Mittellinien. NEL Markeer het midden van de balken. ITL Contrassegna le linee centrali dei montanti. ČEŠ Vyznačte střední linii stěny. SLK Vyznačte stredné čiary steny. POR Marque as linhas centrais da escora. TÜR Direk merkez hatlarını işaretleyin. 7 2014-02-04 #:120-9179-1 1a-2 Pole (MOD-P series) Caño (serie MOD-P) Tube (gamme de MOD-P) Rohr (MOD-P-Serie) Buis (MOD-P-serie) Tubo (serie MOD-P) Trubička (série MOD-P) Rúrka (série MOD-P) Tubo (série MOD-P) Boru (MOD-P serisi) 1a-3 A ENG Mark mounting holes on stud center lines. ESP Marque los orificios de montaje en las líneas centrales del montante. FRN Marquez les trous de fixation le long de la ligne médiane du montant. DEU Markieren Sie die Montagelöcher auf den NEL Ständer-Mittellinien. ITL Markeer montagegaten op het midden van de balken. ČEŠ Contrassegna i fori di montaggio sulle linee centrali dei montanti. SLK Na střední linii stěny vyznačte montážní otvory. POR Na stredné čiary steny vyznačte montážne otvory. TÜR Marque os furos de montagem nas linhas centrais da escora. Direk merkez hatları üzerinde montaj deliklerini işaretleyin. A 8 2014-02-04 #:120-9179-1 1a-4 3" (76mm) 3/16" (5mm) 3/16" (5mm) Drill hole must center on stud. El orificio debe quedar centrado en el montante. Le trou doit être centré sur le montant. Das Loch muss am Ständer zentriert sein. Boorgat moet midden op de balk liggen. Il foro trapanato deve centrarsi sul montante. Vyvrtaný otvor musí být v středě stěny. Vyvŕtaný otvor musí byť v strede steny. O furo tem de ser perfurado no centro da escora. Açılan delik direğin tam merkezinde olmalıdır. 1a-5 7/16" (11mm) ENG Level wallplate. Install using wood screws provided. ESP Nivele e instale. FRN Mettez à niveau et procédez au montage. DEU Waagerecht ausrichten und anbringen. NEL Installeer de schroeven waterpas. ITL Livella e installa. ČEŠ Vyrovnejte a namontujte. SLK Vyrovnajte a namontujte. POR Nivelar e instalar. TÜR Dengeleyin ve takın. A E (2) 2-1 9 2014-02-04 #:120-9179-1 1b WARNING ENG • When installing Peerless wall mounts on a concrete wall, the wall must be at least 8" thick with a minimum compressive strength of 2000 psi. • When installing Peerless wall mounts on a cinder block wall, the cinder blocks must meet ASTM C-90 specifications and have a minimum nominal width of 8". Do not drill into mortar joints! Be sure to mount in a solid part of the block, generally 1" (25 mm) minimum from the side of the block. It is suggested that a standard electric drill on slow setting is used to drill the hole instead of a hammer drill to avoid breaking out the back of the hole when entering a void or cavity. • Never attach expansion anchors to concrete or cinder block covered with plaster, drywall or other finishing material. 10 2014-02-04 #:120-9179-1 11 2014-02-04 #:120-9179-1 1b-1 Pole (MOD-P series) Caño (serie MOD-P) Tube (gamme de MOD-P) Rohr (MOD-P-Serie) Buis (MOD-P-serie) Tubo (serie MOD-P) Trubička (série MOD-P) Rúrka (série MOD-P) Tubo (série MOD-P) Boru (MOD-P serisi) 1b-2 A ENG ESP FRN DEU NEL ITL ČEŠ SLK POR TÜR Mark mounting holes. Marque los orificios de montaje. Marquez les trous de fixation. Markieren Sie die Montagelöcher. Markeer montagegaten. Contrassegna I fori di montaggio. Vyznačte montážní otvory. Vyznačte montážne otvory. Marque os furos de montagem. Montaj deliklerini işaretleyin. A 12 2014-02-04 #:120-9179-1 1b-3 3" (76mm) 3/8" (10mm) 3/8" (10mm) ENG Drill mounting holes into supporting surface (3" (76mm) minimum depth required). ESP Taladre los agujeros de montaje en la superficie de apoyo; se requiere una profundidad mínima de 3" (76mm). FRN Percez les trous de fixation dans la surface de support, une profondeur minimale de 3 po (76mm) est requise. DEU Bohren Sie Montagelöcher in die Montagefläche; Mindesttiefe von 76mm (3 Zoll) erforderlich. NEL Boor montagegaten in het ondersteunende oppervlak met een diepte van ten minste 76mm. ITL Trapanare I fori di sostegno nella superficie di supporto; profondità minima richiesta 76mm (3"). ČEŠ Vyvrtejte montážní otvory do nosné plochy, minimální požadovaná hloubka je 76mm (3"). SLK Navŕtajte montážne otvory do nosnej plochy, minimálna vyžadovaná hĺbka je 76mm (3"). POR Perfure os furos de montagem na superfície de apoio, 76mm de profundidade mínima necessária. TÜR Montaj deliklerini destekleyici yüzeye delin, 76mm (3 inç) minimum derinlik gereklidir. Do not drill into mortar joints No perfore en las juntas de mortero Ne percez pas dans les joints de mortier Bohren Sie nicht in Mörtelfugen Boor niet in de mortelvoegen Non trapanare nei giunti di malta Nevrtejte do nebezpečných spojů Nevŕtajte do nebezpečných spojov Não perfurar em juntas de argamassa Derz harcını delmeyin 1b-4 1b-3 D ENG Insert anchor flush to concrete. ESP Inserte el anclaje a ras con el concreto. FRN Insérez la cheville d’ancrage au ras du béton. DEU Setzen Sie den Dübel bündig mit dem Beton abschließend ein. NEL Breng anker aan gelijk met beton. ITL Inserire il fermo a paro col calcestruzzo. ČEŠ Přestrčte ukotvenia priamo do betónu. SLK Prestrčte ukotvenia priamo do betónu. POR Introduza a bucha encastrada no betão. TÜR Tespit demirini betona takın. D (4) 13 2014-02-04 #:120-9179-1 1b-5 7/16" (11mm) T ENG Level wallplate. Install using concrete anchors and wood screws provided. ESP Nivele e instale. FRN Mettez à niveau et procédez au montage. DEU Waagerecht ausrichten und anbringen. NEL Installeer de schroeven waterpas. ITL Livella e installa. ČEŠ Vyrovnejte a namontujte. SLK Vyrovnajte a namontujte. POR Nivelar e instalar. TÜR Dengeleyin ve takın. E (4) 14 MOD-P MOD-CPF2 2014-02-04 #:120-9179-1 3 1 C (10mm) 2 B (2) 3 C 4 F (2) H (2) 15 2014-02-04 #:120-9179-1 4 ENG Reference MOD-CPF2 instructions for additional information (sold separately) ESP Consulte las instrucciones de los MOD-CPF2 para obtener más información (vendidas por separado) FRN Reportez-vous aux instructions des modèles MOD-CPF2 pour plus de renseignements (vendue séparément) DEU Weitere Informationen können der Anleitung für die MODCPF2 entnommen werden (separat verkaufte) NEL Zie de instructies voor MOD-CPF2 voor verdere informatie (apart verkocht) ITL Per ulteriori informazioni, vedere le istruzioni della piastra adattatore universale per schermi MOD-CPF2 (venduta a parte) ČEŠ V případě potřeby dalších informací si projděte pokyny MOD-CPF2 (prodává se samostatně) SLK Ak potrebujete ďalšie informácie, pozrite si pokyny MODCPF2 (predáva sa samostatne) POR Consulte as instruções da MOD-CPF2 para obter informações adicionais (vendidas em separado) TÜR Daha fazla bilgi için MOD-CPF2 talimatlarına bkz (ayrıca satılır) 5 11/64" (4.5mm) 11/64" (4.5mm) G (2) 16 2014-02-04 #:120-9179-1 LIMITED FIVE-YEAR WARRANTY Peerless Industries, Inc. (“Peerless”) warrants to original end-users of Peerless® products will be free from defects in material and workmanship, under normal use, for a period of five years from the date of purchase by the original end-user (but in no case longer than six years after the date of the product's manufacture). At its option, Peerless will repair or replace, or refund the purchase price of, any product which fails to conform with this warranty. In no event shall the duration of any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose be longer than the period of the applicable express warranty set forth above. Some states do not allow limitations on how long a implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you. This warranty does not cover damage caused by (a) service or repairs by the customer or a person who is not authorized for such service or repairs by Peerless, (b) the failure to utilize proper packing when returning the product, (c) incorrect installation or the failure to follow Peerless' instructions or warnings when installing, using or storing the product, or (d) misuse or accident, in transit or otherwise, including in cases of third party actions and force majeure. In no event shall Peerless be liable for incidental or consequential damages or damages arising from the theft of any product, whether or not secured by a security device which may be included with the Peerless® product. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, and is the sole remedy with respect to product defects. No dealer, distributor, installer or other person is authorized to modify or extend this Limited Warranty or impose any obligation on Peerless in connection with the sale of any Peerless® product. This warranty gives specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. 17 2014-02-04 #:120-9179-1 18 2014-02-04 #:120-9179-1 19 2014-02-04 #:120-9179-1 Peerless-AV 2300 White Oak Circle Aurora, IL 60502 Email: [email protected] Ph: (800) 865-2112 Fax: (800) 359-6500 Peerless-AV Europe Unit 3 Watford Interchange, Colonial Way, Watford, Herts, WD24 4WP, United Kingdom Customer Care 44 (0) 1923 200 100 © 2014, Peerless Industries, Inc. © 2014, Peerless Industries, Inc. © 2014, Peerless Industries, Inc.">

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