HYTROL DCEZ-60, DCEZ 60 Owner's manual
Below you will find brief information for Drag Chain Conveyor DCEZ 60. The Drag Chain Conveyor DCEZ 60 is a series of accumulation zones, each zone having an EZLogic® accumulation kit, and an accumulation lift module to lift the load up off the constantly moving drag chain. The sequence of "loading" and "unloading" the conveyor is as follows:
IMPORTANT! ¡IMPORTANTE! DO NOT DESTROY NO DESTRUIR Manual Installation de Instalación and y Maintenance Mantenimiento Manual with Safety Information and Parts List RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTS HIGHLIGHTED IN GRAY LAS PARTES DE REPUESTO RECOMENDADAS SE RESALTAN EN GRIS Model DCEZ-60 Drag Chain Conveyor Effective November 2006 (Supercedes June 2003) Bulletin # 580 HYTROL CONVEYOR CO., INC. © COPYRIGHT 2006–HYTROL CONVEYOR CO., INC. Jonesboro, Arkansas • Table of Contents 2 Warning Signs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 INTRODUCTION Receiving and Uncrating . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 INSTALLATION Installation Safety Precautions . . . . . . . .5 Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Conveyor Set-Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Electrical Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 OPERATION Operation Safety Precautions . . . . . . . .11 Conveyor Start-Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Sequence of Operations . . . . . . . . . . . .12 EZLogic System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Loading Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Unloading Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 MAINTENANCE Maintenance Safety Precautions . . . . .19 Lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Drag Chain Alignment and Tension . . .20 Trouble Shooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Planned Maintenance Checklist . . . . . .22 How To Order Replacement Parts . . . .22 DRAWINGS AND PARTS LISTS DCEZ-60 Parts Drawing . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Accumulation Lift Assembly Drawings: Intermediate/Tail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Accumulation Kit Drawings Non-Drive Zones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Drive Zones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Filter - Regulator Assembly . . . . . . . .28 Final Assembly - Retro-Reflective . . . . .29 Mounting Kit - Retro-Reflective Accumulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Reflector Mounting Kit . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Retro-Reflective Drawing . . . . . . . . .32 DCEZ-60 Parts List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 ● Warning Signs In an effort to reduce the possibility of injury to personnel working around HYTROL conveying equipment, warning signs are placed at various points on the equipment to alert them of potential dangers. Please check equipment and note all warning signs. Make certain your personnel are alerted to and obey these warnings. Shown below are typical signs that are attached to this equipment. PLACED ON ALL POWERED CONVEYORS NEAR DRIVE AND/OR CONTROLS. COLOCADA EN TODOS LOS TRANSPORTADORES MOTORIZADOS CERCA AL MOTOR Y/O LOS CONTROLES PLACED ON ALL CHAIN GUARDS. COLOCADA EN TODAS LAS GUARDA CADENAS. PLACED NEXT TO DRIVE, BOTH SIDES. COLOCADA JUNTO A LA UNIDAD MOTRIZ, EN AMBOS LADOS. PLACED ON 20 FT. INTERVALS,BOTH SIDES. COLOCADA EN INTERVALOS DE 20 PIES, A AMBOS LADOS. PLACED ON TERMINATING ENDS. COLOCADA EN LOS EXTREMOS. PLACED AT DRIVE OF ALL POWERED CONVEYORS. COLOCADA EN LA UNIDAD MOTRIZ DE TODOS LOS TRANSPORTADORES MOTORIZADOS. PLACED NEXT TO DRIVE, BOTH SIDES. COLOCADA EN EL LADO DEL EJE. NOTE: BILINGUAL (SPANISH) LABELS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. NOTA: ETIQUETAS BILINGÜES (ESPAÑOL) SERÁN PROVEÍDAS BAJO PETICIÓN. 3 INTRODUCTION INTRODUCCION This manual provides guidelines and procedures for installing, operating, and maintaining your conveyor. A complete parts list is provided with recommended spare parts highlighted in gray. Important safety information is also provided throughout the manual. For safety to personnel and for proper operation of your conveyor, it is recommended that you read and follow the instructions provided in this manual. • Receiving and Uncrating 4 1. . . Check the number of items received against the bill of lading. 2. . . Examine condition of equipment to determine if any damage occurred during shipment. 3. . . Move all crates to area of installation. 4. . . Remove crating and check for optional equipment that may be fastened to the conveyor. Make sure these parts (or any foreign pieces) are removed. NOTE: If damage has occurred or freight is missing, see the “Important Notice” attached to the crate. INSTALLATION INSTALACION • Installation Safety Precautions for Conveyors and Related Equipment GUARDS AND GUARDING Interfacing of Equipment. When two or more pieces of equipment are interfaced, special attention shall be given to the interfaced area to insure the presence of adequate guarding and safety devices. Guarding Exceptions. Wherever conditions prevail that would require guarding under these standards, but such guarding would render the conveyor unusable, prominent warning means shall be provided in the area or on the equipment in lieu of guarding. Guarded by Location or Position. Where necessary for the protection of employees from hazards, all exposed moving machinery parts that present a hazard to employees at their work station shall be mechanically or electrically guarded, or guarded by location or position. When a conveyor passes over a walkway, roadway, or work station, it is considered guarded solely by location or position if all moving parts are at least 8 ft. (2.44 m) above the floor or walking surface or are otherwise located so that the employee cannot inadvertently come in contact with hazardous moving parts. Although overhead conveyors may be guarded by location, spill guard, pan guards, or equivalent shall be provided if the product may fall off the conveyor for any reason and if personnel would be endangered. HEADROOM When conveyors are installed above exit passageways, aisles, or corridors, there shall be provided a minimum clearance of 6 ft. 8 in. (2.032 m) measured vertically from the floor or walking surface to the lowest part of the conveyor or guards. Where system function will be impaired by providing the minimum clearance of 6 ft. 8 in. (2.032 m) through an emergency exit, alternate passageways shall be provided. It is permissible to allow passage under conveyors with less than 6 ft. 8 in. (2.032 m) clearance from the floor for other than emergency exits if a suitable warning indicates low headroom. 5 • Location 1. . . Refer to building layout for obstructions such as machines, columns, walls, openings, etc. Check to see that conveyor layout drawings correspond with building layout. 2. . . Determine direction of product flow. Figure 6A indicates the flow as related to the drive. 3. . . Refer to “Match-Mark” numbers on ends of conveyor sections (Figure 6A). Position them in this sequence near area of installation. FIGURE 6A 6 • Conveyor Set-Up 1 . . .Mark a chalk line on floor to locate centerline of the conveyor. 2 . . .Attach open tail to infeed and discharge sections, if not already attached, and place in position. 3 . . .Place remaining sections on extended support of previous section. (see Fig. 7A for Intermediate supports and Fig. 7B for drive support. 4. . . .Fasten sections together at coupling channels and support frames (Fig. 7A). Hand tighten bolts at this time. 5. . . .Check to see that conveyor is level across width and length of unit. Adjust foot pads as necessary. 6 . . .Tighten all coupling channels and support frame bolts as necessary. 7 . . .Check for proper alignment of chain guide wearstrips. Install drag chains using connector links provided. NOTE: Drag chain tension has been pre-determined at the factory. Refer to "Maintenance" section for periodic chain tension adjustment procedures. 8 . . .Connect air lines and EZLogic cables at section joints as shown in Fig. 8A. 9 . . .Connect 110 VAC power to power supply and connect 27 VDC power from the power supply to the conveyor. NOTE: See the EZLogic Component Manual for more information on power supply connections. 10 . .Connect main air supply line to FR (filter/regulator) and set to 75 psi. (Fig. 8B). Supplied pressure switch shall be wired to turn off drive motor if air pressure to lift modules falls below 60 psi. (Minimum pressure may need to be set higher on 18" strand centers due to fewer air bags.) NOTE: See Packing List for maintenance instructions and how to adjust the FR. 11 . . .Install electrical controls and wire motor. See Page 9. FIGURE 7A FIGURE 7B 7 FIGURE 8A FIGURE 8B 8 WARNING! Electrical controls shall be installed and wired by a qualified electrician. Wiring information for the motor and controls are furnished by the equipment manufacturer. CONTROLS CONTROLES Electrical Code: All motor controls and wiring shall conform to the National Electrical Code (Article 670 or other applicable articles) as published by the National Fire Protection Association and as approved by the American Standards Institute, Inc. CONTROL STATIONS ESTACIONES DE CONTROL A) Control stations should be so arranged and located that the operation of the equipment is visible from them, and shall be clearly marked or labeled to indicate the function controlled. B) A conveyor which would cause injury when started shall not be started until employees in the area are alerted by a signal or by a designated person that the conveyor is about to start. When a conveyor would cause injury when started and is automatically controlled or must be controlled from a remote location, an audible device shall be provided which can be clearly heard at all points along the conveyor where personnel may be present. The warning device shall be actuated by the controller device starting the conveyor and shall continue for a required period of time before the conveyor starts. A flashing light or similar visual warning may be used in conjunction with or in place of the audible device if more effective in particular circumstances. Where system function would be seriously hindered or adversely affected by the required time delay or where the intent of the warning may be misinterpreted (i.e., a work area with many different conveyors and allied devices), clear, concise, and legible warning shall be provided. The warning shall indicate that conveyors and allied equipment may be started at any time, that danger exists, and that personnel must keep clear. The warnings shall be provided along the conveyor at areas not guarded by position or location. C) Remotely and automatically controlled conveyors, and conveyors where operator stations are not manned or are beyond voice and visual contact from drive areas, loading areas, transfer points, and other potentially hazardous locations on the conveyor path not guarded by location, position, or guards, shall be furnished with emergency stop buttons, pull cords, limit switches, or similar emergency stop devices. All such emergency stop devices shall be easily identifiable in the immediate vicinity of such locations unless guarded by location, position, or guards. Where the design, function, and operation of such conveyor clearly is not hazardous to personnel, an emergency stop device is not required. The emergency stop device shall act directly on the control of the conveyor concerned and shall not depend on the stopping of any other equipment. The emergency stop devices shall be installed so that they cannot be overridden from other locations. D) Inactive and unused actuators, controllers, and wiring should be removed from control stations and panel boards, together with obsolete diagrams, indicators, control labels, and other material which serve to confuse the operator. SAFETY DEVICES A) All safety devices, including wiring of electrical safety devices, shall be arranged to operate in a “Fail-Safe” manner, that is, if power failure or failure of the device itself would occur, a hazardous condition must not result. B) Emergency Stops and Restarts. Conveyor controls shall be so arranged that, in case of emergency stop, manual reset or start at the location where the emergency stop was initiated, shall be required of the conveyor(s) and associated equipment to resume operation. C) Before restarting a conveyor which has been stopped because of an emergency, an inspection of the conveyor shall be made and the cause of the stoppage determined. The starting device shall be locked out before any attempt is made to remove the cause of stoppage, unless operation is necessary to determine the cause or to safely remove the stoppage. Refer to ANSI Z244.1-1982, American National Standard for Personnel Protection – Lockout/Tagout of Energy Sources – Minimum Safety Requirements and OSHA Standard Number 29 CFR 1910.147 “The Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout).” 10 Refiérase a ANSI Z244.1-1982, “American National Standard for Personnel Protection” - Lockout/Tagout of Energy Sources - Minimum Safety Requirements and OSHA Standard Number 29 CFR 1910.147 “The Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout).” OPERATION OPERACION • Operation Safety Precautions • Medidas de Seguridad A) Only trained employees shall be permitted to operate conveyors. Training shall include instruction in operation under normal conditions and emergency situations. B) Where employee safety is dependent upon stopping and/or starting devices, they shall be kept free of obstructions to permit ready access. C) The area around loading and unloading points shall be kept clear of obstructions which could endanger personnel. D) No person shall ride the load-carrying element of a conveyor under any circumstances unless that person is specifically authorized by the owner or employer to do so. Under those circumstances, such employee shall only ride a conveyor which incorporates within its supporting structure, platforms or control stations specifically designed for carrying personnel. Under no circumstances shall any person ride on any element of conveyor. Owners of conveyors should affix warning devices to the conveyor reading Do Not Ride Conveyor. E) Personnel working on or near a conveyor shall be instructed as to the location and operation of pertinent stopping devices. F) A conveyor shall be used to transport only material it is capable of handling safely. G) Under no circumstances shall the safety characteristics of the conveyor be altered if such alterations would endanger personnel. H) Routine inspections and preventive and corrective maintenance programs shall be conducted to insure that all safety features and devices are retained and function properly. I) Personnel should be alerted to the potential hazard of entanglement in conveyors caused by items such as long hair, loose clothing, and jewelry. J) As a general rule, conveyors should not be cleaned while in operation. Where proper cleaning requires the conveyor to be in motion and a hazard exists, personnel should be made aware of the associated hazard. • Conveyor Start-Up Before conveyor is turned on, check for foreign objects that may have been left inside conveyor during installation. These objects could cause serious damage during start-up. After conveyor has been turned on and is operating, check motors, reducers, and moving parts to make sure they are working freely. CAUTION! Because of the many moving parts on the conveyor, all personnel in the area of the conveyor need to be warned that the conveyor is about to be started. • Sequence of Operation The Model DCEZ-60 is made up of a series of accumulation zones, each zone having an EZLogic® accumulation kit, and an accumulation lift module to lift the load up off the constantly moving drag chain. The sequence of "loading" and "unloading" the conveyor is as follows: LOADING THE CONVEYOR (Figure 12A) 1. . . Beginning with the conveyor "empty," and the zone stop signal to the discharge zone controller "active," a load placed on the conveyor continues forward until it reaches the discharge zone (Zone #1). If two or more loads are placed on the conveyor with a space of less than one zone length between them, the loads will singulate (separate) during the first few feet of travel on the conveyor, until a space approximately equal to one zone length exists between all loads. 2. . . When load #1 activates controller "A", Zone #1 stops driving. A signal is sent to Zone #2 indicating that Zone #1 is occupied (Figure 12A). 3. . . When load #2 activates controller "B", Zone #2 stops driving. A signal is sent to Zone #3 indicating that Zone #2 is occupied. 4. . . The above sequences are repeated until the conveyor is fully loaded. UNLOADING THE CONVEYOR 1. . . Releasing load #1 is accomplished by "de-activating" the zone stop signal to the discharge zone (Refer to the "Auxiliary Connections" section on page 13). This causes the lift module to move the load back down onto the chain in Zone #1. Load #1 will then move forward, causing a gap between itself and load #2 (Figure 12B). 2. . . When load #1 clears controller "A", load #2 will then move forward, creating a gap between itself and load #3. 3. . . This sequence will continue as long as the preceding load continues to move forward. FIGURE 12A 12 ® • EZLogic System EZLogic® Accumulation System Connections The Model DCEZ-60 is equipped with the EZLogic® accumulation system. The following basic information may be used as a guide during the installation and initial setup of the conveyor. For detailed information about EZLogic® system components, options, functions, and programming, please refer to the EZLogic® Component Manual. Each EZLogic® zone controller is equipped with sealed connectors for zone-to-zone communication, solenoid output, and zone stop connections (figure 14A &14B). These connections are described in the following sections. ZONE CONNECTIONS Each zone has a cordset terminated with a female microconnector and a male micro-connector. This cordset provides power to all the controllers on the conveyor as well as communication between controllers (Figure. 14A). All controllers are mounted and connected at the factory within each conveyor section. Connections between sections are made at installation. (See Conveyor Set-Up, page 8). The cordset from one controller is always connected to the module on the upstream side of it. This is the way the controllers know which direction product is flowing. The cordset on the infeed end of the conveyor is simply bundled and tied in the accumulation channel and is not connected. The infeed cordset may be replaced with an infeed zone terminator (P/N 032.550). Protective caps are provided to seal unused connectors. An optional conveyor-to-conveyor connector is required when two conveyors are joined end-to-end. Please refer to the EZLogic® Component Manual for more information. SOLENOID CONNECTIONS Each zone controller has a built-in cable to provide a zone drive/no drive output to the solenoid air valve operating the zone. This cable is terminated with a female Pico-style sealed snap-lock connector. Connection is made by pushing the cable connector onto the corresponding male connector of the valve until it snaps in. Please note that this output is only to be used to operate the zone mechanism of the conveyor. It is not to be used as an output signal to other control devices. If a control output is needed, an optional auxiliary module with I/O should be used. Please refer to the EZLogic® Component Manual for more information. AUXILIARY CONNECTIONS Every EZLogic® zone controller is equipped with an auxiliary port. This connector can be used to accept either a zone stop signal, a slug input signal, or a zone wake-up signal by simply connecting an auxiliary input cable to the auxiliary port and then wiring the two wires of the cable to any “dry contact” type switching device, such as a toggle switch or relay. No other components are required. The default setting is for a zone stop signal. Note: Do not apply a voltage to these wires, or wire more than one controller to any one contact. Closing the auxiliary contacts will place the EZLogic® module into "accumulate" mode. The next carton to activate the controller will be stopped and held in the "stop zone" until the contact is opened. The zone stop feature is used on all conveyors to control the release of product from the discharge zone. Other zones may be wired for this feature at any time. NOTE 1: DCEZ-60 conveyors are not intended for use with slug mode to prevent overloading the drive. See EZLogic® component manual. NOTE 2: DCEZ-60 conveyors are shipped with sleep mode disabled and are not recommended for use with sleep mode due to the air on accumulation feature. FIGURE 14A FIGURE 14B 14 • Loading Applications (Aplicaciones de Carga) 1 END LOADING FROM ANOTHER CONVEYOR 3 END LOADING FROM TURNTABLE (ALIMENTACION DESDE UNA MESA GIRATORIA) (ALIMENTACION DESDE OTRO TRANSPORTADOR) 2 END LOADING FROM CHAIN TRANSFER (ALIMENTACION DESDE UNA TRANSFERENCIA DE CADENA) CONTROLS REQUIRED: Same as Item #1. CONTROLES REQUERIDOS: Igual al #1 4 END LOADING FROM TRANSFER CART (ALIMENTACION DESDE UN CARRO DE TRANSFERENCIA) CONTROLS REQUIRED: Same as Item #1. CONTROLS REQUIRED: Same as Item #1. CONTROLES REQUERIDOS: Igual al #1 CONTROLES REQUERIDOS: Igual al #1 15 • Loading Applications END/SIDE LOADING FROM FORK TRUCK ALIMENTACION LATERAL / EXTREMO POR UN MONTACARGAS 6 SIDE LOADING INTERMEDIATE ZONE (MUST BE DESIGNATED LOADING ZONE) 6 ALIMENTACION LATERAL EN UNA ZONA INTERMEDIA (DEBE DESIGNARSE COMO ZONA DE CARGA) CONTROLS REQUIRED: When loading an intermediate zone, the designated loading zone and the preceding zone must be controlled. A zone stop signal to both zones will do this. A photo cell to detect the fork truck or a pull switch activated by the driver may be used to activate the zone stop. EZLogic® zone controller in the loading zone may need to be relocated to detect product before setting product in zone, otherwise the lift module will not operate. This may also be accomplished without the use of a zone stop by using the EZLogic® loading zone feature. See EZLogic® component manual for details. CONTROLES REQUERIDOS: Cuando se carga sección intermedia, la zona de carga designada y la zona precedente deben ser controladas. Una señal de paro de zona en las dos zonas puede hacer esta función. Se puede utilizar una fotocelada que detecte el montacargas o un interruptor controlado por el conductor para activar la señal de para de zona. El módulo EZLogic® en la zona de alimentación puede necesitar ser reubicado para detectar el producto antes de poner el producto en la zona, de lo contario, el sistema de levantamieno no operá. Esto se puede lograr sin usar un paro de zona mediante el uso de la función “Carga de Zona EZLogic®”. Ver el manual de componentes de EZLogic® para mayor información. 16 • Unloading Applications (Aplicaciones de Descarga) 1 UNLOADING ONTO ANOTHER CONVEYOR 3 DESCARGA EN OTRO TRANSPORTADOR 2 UNLOADING ONTO CHAIN TRANSFER DESCARGA EN UNA TRANSFERENCIA DE CADENA UNLOADING ONTO TURNTABLE DESCARGA EN UNA MESA GIRATORIA CONTROLS REQUIRED: Same as Item #1. CONTROLES REQUERIDOS: Igual al #1 4 UNLOADING ONTO TRANSFER CART DESCARGA EN UN CARRO DE TRANSFERENCIA CONTROLS REQUIRED: Same as Item #1. CONTROLS REQUIRED: Same as Item #1. CONTROLES REQUERIDOS: Igual al #1 CONTROLES REQUERIDOS: Igual al #1 17 • Unloading Applications 5 END UNLOADING FROM FORK TRUCK CONTROLS REQUIRED: The zone stop control in the end zone may be wired to stop any load entering the zone. The unloading zone feature may be used to delay the restart of zone #2 until the fork truck is clear. 6 UNLOADING FROM INTERMEDIATE ZONE CONTROLS REQUIRED: A zone stop signal may be used to stop the product. The unloading zone feature may be used to delay the restart of the upstream zone until the fork truck is clear. 18 5 DESCARGA POR EXTREMO CON MONTACARGAS 6 DESCARGA DESDE UNA SECCION INTERMEDIA MAINTENANCE • Maintenance Safety Precautions A) Maintenance, such as lubrication and adjustments, shall be performed only by qualified and trained personnel. B) It is Important that a maintenance program be established to insure that all conveyor components are maintained in a condition which does not constitute a hazard to personnel. C) When a conveyor is stopped for maintenance purposes, starting devices or powered accessories shall be locked or tagged out in accordance with a formalized procedure designed to protect all person or groups involved with the conveyor against an unexpected start. D) Replace all safety devices and guards before starting equipment for normal operation. E) Whenever practical, DO NOT lubricate conveyors while they are in motion. Only trained personnel who are aware of the hazard of the conveyor in motion shall be allowed to lubricate. SAFETY GUARDS Maintain all guards and safety devices IN POSITION and IN SAFE REPAIR. WARNING SIGNS Maintain all warning signs in a legible condition and obey all warnings. See Page 3 of this manual for examples of warning signs. • Lubrication The drive chain is pre-lubricated from the manufacturer by a hot dipping process that ensures total lubrication of all components. However, continued proper lubrication will greatly extend the useful life of every drive chain. Drive Chain lubrication serves several purposes including: • Protecting against wear of the pin-bushing joint • Lubricating chain-sprocket contact surfaces • Preventing rust or corrosion For normal operating environments, lubricate every 2080 hours of operation or every 6 months, whichever comes first. Lubricate with a good grade of non-detergent petroleum or synthetic lubricant (i.e., Mobile 1 Synthetic). For best results, always use a brush to generously lubricate the chain. The proper viscosity of lubricant greatly affects its ability to flow into the internal areas of the chain. Refer to the table below for the proper viscosity of lubricant for your application. Ambient Temperature Degrees F 20-40 40-100 100-120 SAE ISO 20 30 40 46 or 68 100 150 The drive chain’s lubrication requirement is greatly affected by the operating conditions. For harsh conditions such as damp environments, dusty environments, excessive speeds, or elevated temperatures, it is best to lubricate more frequently. It may be best, under these conditions, to develop a custom lubrication schedule for your specific application. A custom lubrication schedule may be developed by inspecting the drive chain on regular time intervals for sufficient lubrication. Once the time interval is determined at which the chain is not sufficiently lubricated, lubricate it and schedule the future lubrication intervals accordingly. SAE ISO 20 30 40 46 o 68 100 150 • Drag Chain Tension Adjustment NOTE: Chain tension should be pre-set at factory. However, during normal operation, chain may stretch enough to require adjustment. 1. . . . . .Remove chain guard. 2. . . . . .To adjust chain tension, loosen four (4) bolts that fasten takeup plate to drive frame. Tighten take-up bolts until desired tension is reached. (Fig. 20A.) Make sure both sides are adjusted the same amount. Re-tighten mounting bolts. 3. . . . . .Lubricate chain per lubrication instructions. 4. . . . . .Replace chain guard. FIGURE 20A CAUTION! NEVER remove chain guards while the conveyor is running. Always replace guards after adjustments are made. 20 The following charts list possible problems that may occur in the operation of a powered conveyor. • Trouble Shooting TROUBLE SHOOTING DRIVES TROUBLE CAUSE SOLUTION Conveyor will not start or motor quits frequently. 1) Motor is overloaded. 2) Model is drawing too much current. 1) Check for overloading of conveyor. 2) Check heater or circuit breaker and change if necessary. Drag chain and sprockets wear excessively. 1) Lack of lubrication on chain may have caused chain to stretch and created an improper chain to sprocket mesh. 2) Sprockets are out of alignment. 3) Loose chain. 1) Replace chain and sprockets. NOTE: If problem reoccurs, a chain take-up may be required. Loud popping or grinding noise. 1) Defective bearing. 2) Loose set screws in bearing. 3) Loose drive chain. 1) Replace bearing. 2) Tighten set screw. 3) Tighten chain. Motor or reducer overheating. 1) Conveyor is overloaded. 2) Low voltage to motor. 3) Low lubricant level in reducer. 1) Check capacity of conveyor and reduce load to recommended level. 2) Have electrician check and correct as necessary. 3) Relubricate per manufacturer’s recommendations. For HYTROL reducer, refer to separate manual. 2) Align drive sprockets with fixed idlers. 3) Tighten chain. TROUBLE SHOOTING ACCUMULATION TROUBLE CAUSE SOLUTION Product will not accumulate on one or more zones. 1) 2) 3) 4) Product will not accumulate from discharge zone back. 1) No zone stop signal to discharge end. 1) Check auxiliary input cable and signal source. Product will not restart after accumulation. 1) Air line is kinked. 2) Controller lens is dirty. 1) Unkink air line. 2) Clean lens. Cordset cable disconnected. Controller not working. Pneumatic lift not properly connected. Low air pressure. 1) 2) 3) 4) Reconnect cable. Replace module. Check all pneumatic connections. Check regulator and main air pressure. RESOLVIENDO PROBLEMAS DE TRANSMISION PROBLEMA CAUSA SOLUCION RESOLVIENDO PROBLEMAS DE ACUMULACION PROBLEMA CAUSA SOLUCION 21 • Planned Maintenance Checklist The following is a general maintenance checklist which covers the major components of your conveyor. This will be helpful in establishing a standard maintenance schedule. COMPONENT SUGGESTED ACTION SCHEDULE Weekly Monthly COMPONENTE NOTE: Check Set Screws after the first 24 Hours of operation. • How to Order Replacement Parts HORARIO ACCION SUGERIDA Quarterly Check Noise MOTOR Check Temperature Check Mounting Bolts Check Noise REDUCER Check Temperature Check Oil Level Check Noise BEARINGS Check Mounting Bolts DRIVE CHAIN Check Tension Lubricate Check for wear SPROCKETS Check for wear Check Set Screws & Keys STRUCTURAL General Check: All loose Bolts, etc., tightened Semanal MOTOR REDUCTOR RODAMIENTOS CADENA MOTRIZ CATARINAS ESTRUCTURA Mensual Trimestral Included in this manual are parts drawings with complete replacement parts lists. Minor fasteners, such as nuts and bolts, are not included. When ordering replacement parts: 1. . . Contact Dealer from whom conveyor was purchased or nearest HYTROL Distributor. 2. . . Give Conveyor Model Number and Serial Number or HYTROL Factory Order Number. 3. . . Give Part Number and complete description from Parts List. 4. . . Give type of drive. Example—8” End Drive, 8” Center Drive, etc. 5. . . If you are in a breakdown situation, tell us. HYTROL Serial Number (Located near Drive on Powered Models). 22 23 • Model DCEZ-60 Parts Drawing Dibujo de Partes del Modelo DCEZ-60 ACCUMULATION LIFT ASSEMBLY INTERMEDIATE / TAIL (ENSAMBLE DEL LEVANTADOR ACUMULADOR INTERMEDIO / EXTREMO) 24 ACCUMULATION LIFT ASSEMBLY - DRIVE (ENSAMBLE DEL LEVANTADOR ACUMULADOR - MOTRIZ) 25 ACCUMULATION KITS (NON-DRIVE ZONES) (KITS DE ACUMULACION) [EN ZONAS NO-MOTRICES] 26 ACCUMULATION KITS - DRIVE ZONES (KITS DE ACUMULACION - ZONAS MOTRICES) 27 • Model DCEZ-60 Parts Drawing Dibujo de Partes del Modelo DCEZ-60 FILTER - REGULATOR ASSEMBLY (ENSAMBLE FILTRO-REGULADOR) 28 • Model DCEZ-60 Parts Drawing Dibujo de Partes del Modelo DCEZ-60 DCEZ FINAL ASSEMBLY (RETRO-REFLECTIVE TYPE) (ENSAMBLE FINAL DEL DCEZ) [TIPO RETRO-REFLECTIVO] 29 • Model DCEZ-60 Parts Drawing Dibujo de Partes del Modelo DCEZ-60 MOUNTING KIT RETRO-REFLECTIVE ACCUMULATION KIT (KIT DE MONTAJE KIT DE ACUMULACION RETRO-REFLECTIVO) 30 • Model DCEZ-60 Parts Drawing Dibujo de Partes del Modelo DCEZ-60 REFLECTOR MOUNTING KIT (KIT DE MONTAJE DEL REFLECTOR) 31 • Model DCEZ-60 Parts Drawing Dibujo de Partes del Modelo DCEZ-60 ACCUMULATION KITS - RETRO-REFLECTIVE (KIT DE ACUMULACION - RETRO-REFLECTIVO) 32 ACCUMULATION KITS - RETRO-REFLECTIVE (KIT DE ACUMULACION - RETRO-REFLECTIVO) 33 3 Recommended Spare Parts Highlighted In Gray 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 PART NO 055.09745 028.6383 028.2003 028.638 028.6385 010.2028 B-23697 B-22510 B-22509 B-22511 B-22512 029.104 029.1025 029.204 029.213 B-22513 099.456 B-22516 040.407 041.201 090.2037 B-22562 B-22522 B-22532-L B-22532-R B-22819 B-19000 B-22820 B-12672 041.202 DESCRIPTION Eurodrive Gearmotor - 1-1/2 HP, 230/460/3 Drive Sprocket - 2060B15H x 1-3/8 in. Bore Drive Sprocket (SINGLE PITCH) - 60B15H x 1-3/8 in. Bore Idler Sprocket - 2060B15 x 1/2 in. Bore Idler Sprocket (SINGLE PITCH) - 60B15 x 1/2 in. Bore Bearing - 4-Bolt - 1-3/8 in. Bore Bearing Plate Drive Shaft (Specify Strand Centers) Drive Frame Weldment (Specify Strand Centers) Take-up Bracket Sprocket Tension Plate C-2060H Double Pitch Chain 60F Single Pitch Chain C-2060H Double Pitch Connector Link 60F Single Pitch Connector Link Outboard Strand Guard 2060B Wearstrip (Specify Length in Feet) Spacer Plate for Gearbox Take-up Bolt - 1/2-13 x 4 in. Long Hex Jam Nut - 1/2-13 Shaft Key – 5/16 sq. x 1 in. Long Intermediate Frame Weldment (Specify Strand Centers and Section Length) 12 in. Long Tail Module Weldment (Specify Strand Centers) Tail Stiffener - LH Tail Stiffener - RH Drive Support Weldment 17 in. - 31 in. T.O.C. (Specify Strand Centers and Elevation) Drive Support Weldment 15 in. - 17 in. T.O.C. (Specify Strand Centers and Elevation) Inter/Tail Support Weld't 11 in. - 31 in. T.O.C. (Specify Strand Centers and Elevation) Foot Pad Hex Jam Nut - 5/8-11 Optional Closed Tail Module 26 27 28 B-22812 B-23699-L B-23699-R Tail Frame Weldment Closed (Specify Strand Centers and Section Length) Tail Stiffener - LH Tail Stiffener - RH Accumulation Lift Module (Drive And Int./Tail) 29 34 30 31 – – – – – – – 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 B-22542 B-22557 B-22543 – 093.3301 093.3302 093.3303 093.3305 093.3306 093.3308 093.3311 B-22547 B-23052 B-16315 098.1645 099.527 B-22604 B-21210 010.0021 019.234 019.224 B-22560 094.1072 094.10863 094.14093 094.14099 094.1149 042.635 041.916 043.1055 049.504514 041.2005 043.2017 042.557 Air Bag Mounting Weldment- Int./tail (Specify Strand Centers) Air Bag Mounting Weldment- Drive (Specify Strand Centers) Accumulation Lift Weldment (Specify Strand Centers And Section Length) Ruff Top Belt Pad (Specify Section Length) 36” Section Length (32-1/2 in. Length Pad) 42” Section Length (38-1/2 in. Length Pad) 48” Section Length (44-1/2 in. Length Pad) 54” Section Length (50-1/2 in. Length Pad) 60” Section Length (56-1/2 in. Length Pad) 72” Section Length (68-1/2 in. Length Pad) 90” Section Length (86-1/2 in. Length Pad) Treadplate Weldment (Specify Strand Centers And Section Length) Mounting Angle (Specify Strand Width) Guide Block Stop Block Felt Lubricating Washer Cam Shaft Weldment (Specify Section Length) Link Rod (Specify Length) Bearing – 2-Bolt - 1 in. Bore Rod End - Male Rod End - Female Hex Adapter Air Actuator (Airbag) Quick Exhaust Valve/ Muffler (1/4 in. NPT) Brass Union Tee (3/8 in. PLST-3/8 in. PLST) Brass Reducer- Female To Male (1/4 in. NPTF) Plastic Tubing – 3/8 in. OD (Specify Length) Socket Head Cap Screw - 3/4-10 x 6 1/2 in. Long Hex Jam Lock Nut - 3/4-10 Flat Washer - 3/4 in. ID Hardened Hex Bolt - 7/16-14 x 1 1/2 in. Long Hex Jam Nut - 7/16-20 Split Lock Washer - 7/16 in. I.D. Carriage Bolt - 5/16-18 x 1-1/4 in. Long • Model DCEZ-60 Parts List Lista de Partes del Modelo DCEZ-60 Accumulation Kit (Diffuse) Recommended Spare Parts Highlighted In Gray Partes de Repuesto Recomendadas se Resaltan en Gris REF NO. 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 64 65 – – 66 – – 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 PART NO 032.582 PT-071524 PT-071988 PT-071989 B-23065 032.502 032.517 – 032.551 032.552 032.553 032.554 032.555 032.556 032.557 032.558 032.559 _ 032.560 032.564 – 032.563 032.564 032.010 032.011 094.11496 092.03715 094.1082 094.108031 094.190 094.1912 094.1971 094.1464 094.1465 094.14089 094.1408 094.14082 092.079 094.14045 091.109 094.1141 042.300 090.108 DESCRIPTION IOP - Power Supply Power Supply Mounting Angle Drive Accumulation Channel Intermediate Accumulation Channel (Specify Section Length) Filter Regulator Mounting Bracket Unitized Zone Controller - Diffuse Transducer Base for Zone Controller Cordset (Specify Length) 12 in. Zone Length 18 in. Zone Length 24 in. Zone Length 30 in. Zone Length 36 in. Zone Length 48 in. Zone Length 60 in. Zone Length 72 in. Zone Length Power Supply T-Cable Extension Cable (Specify Length) 3 ft. Length 10 ft. Length Auxiliary Input Cable (Specify Length) 3 ft. Length 10 ft. Length Upstream Connector Cover Downstream Connector Cover Plastic Tubing - 1/2 in. O.D. (Specify Length) Brass Pipe Plug - 1/4 in. NPTF Speed Control Muffler - 1/4 in. NPTF Air Valve Filter Regulator with Bracket Pressure Sensor Vented Lockout Reducer- 3/8 In. Plastic to 1/4 in. Push-In Reducer- 3/8 In. Plastic to 1/2 in. Push-In Brass Union Tee - 1/2 in. Plastic to 1/2 in. Plastic Plastic Elbow - Male - 3/8 in. Plastic to 1/4 in. NPTF Plastic Elbow - 1/2 in. Plastic to 1/4 in. NPTF Hex Nipple - Male 1/2 in. NPT Brass Connector - Male 1/2 in. NPT to 1/2 in. Plastic Cable Tie Cable Tie Push Mount Truss Head Screw - 1/4-20 x 1/2 In. Long Pop Rivet - 5/32 In. Dia. X 1/4 In. Long Accumulation Kit (Retro-Reflective) 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 B-24179 B-24755 B-24756 B-24711 B-24175 B-24173 B-21949-047 032.218 032.501 Angle Angle For Mounting Wiring Angle Angle For Cable And Air Line (Specify Section Length) Accumulation Channel Mounting Bracket Weldmet Reflector Weldment Guard Rail Support Arm Reflector 2.18 In. Dia. Unitized Zone Controller - Retro-Reflective 35 www.hytrol.com HYTROL CONVEYOR COMPANY, INC. 2020 Hytrol Drive Jonesboro, Arkansas 72401 U.S.A. Phone: (870) 935-3700 EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 2006 Printed in the USA 11/06 by Master Printing">

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Key features
- EZLogic® accumulation system
- Accumulation Lift module to lift loads
- Sequence of loading and unloading
- Zone stop signal
- Slug input signal
- Zone wake-up signal
Frequently asked questions
The EZLogic® accumulation system is a control system that allows the conveyor to accumulate loads in defined zones.
Loads are placed on the conveyor and move forward until they reach the discharge zone. The discharge zone is deactivated, causing the lift module to move the load back down onto the chain and the load then moves forward, creating a gap between itself and the next load. This sequence continues as long as the preceding load continues to move forward.
The auxiliary connections can be used to accept either a zone stop signal, a slug input signal, or a zone wake-up signal by simply connecting an auxiliary input cable to the auxiliary port and then wiring the two wires of the cable to any "dry contact" type switching device, such as a toggle switch or relay.