Detroit Diesel Series 60 EGR Technician Manual

The information in this document is accurate as of June 2005 and is subject to change
without notice. This manual is to be used in conjunction with the DDEC III/IV Single ECM
Troubleshooting Guide and the DDEC V Single ECU Troubleshooting Guide.
Series 60®, Detroit Diesel®, DDC®, DDEC® and the spinning arrows design are registered
trademarks of Detroit Diesel Corporation. Diagnostic Link® is a registered trademarks of the
Detroit Diesel Corporation.
The information in this document is accurate as of June 2005 and is subject to change
without notice. This manual is to be used in conjunction with the DDEC III/IV Single ECM
Troubleshooting Guide and the DDEC V Single ECU Troubleshooting Guide.
Series 60®, Detroit Diesel®, DDC®, DDEC® and the spinning arrows design are registered
trademarks of Detroit Diesel Corporation. Diagnostic Link® is a registered trademarks of the
Detroit Diesel Corporation.

The Series 60 engine is entering its 18th year!
Since its introduction in 1987, over 729,000 Series 60 engines have been introduced in the market.
The technological changes that have occurred during those 14 years have resulted in a different
type of engine, requiring a different class of technicians. Today’s technician is required to have
computer skills, excellent comprehension of the written word and possess an extensive diagnostic
understanding of the various technological systems and components. Today’s technician must
perform at a higher level of efficiency and competency than their predecessors and at the same
time furnish professional quality support.
As the leader in engine computer systems and technology, Detroit Diesel Corporation remains
focused on providing excellence in products, service support and training. As products become
more and more advanced, today’s technicians must become specialized in multiple areas. This
manual is designed with that thought in mind. This Series 60 EGR Technician’s Guide will
provide you with concentrated information that will allow you to excel in EGR technology.
The Series 60 EGR Technician’s Guide supports the October 2002 through current production
Series 60 EGR engines. Acronyms are used throughout this guide, acronyms which support both
the DDEC IV and DDEC V system. To avoid any confusion, please refer to the acronym chart
listed in Table A-1 to better understand the meaning and intended use of each acronym.
After completing this guide you will:
Ƒ Understand the function of the Series 60 EGR engine components and their interdependence
Ƒ Understand Series 60 EGR operating modes
Ƒ Recognize the logic, component, and protection codes logged within the ECM/ECU
Ƒ Learn the acceptable pressure output values from a Variable Pressure Output Device
Ƒ Be able to record, playback, save, and e-mail a DDDL snapshot
Ƒ Apply your understanding of the EGR system logic to review DDDL diagnostic snapshots
All information subject to change without notice. (Rev. June 2005) i
7SE60 0506 Copyright © 2005 DETROIT DIESEL CORPORATION
The Series 60 engine is entering its 18th year!
Since its introduction in 1987, over 729,000 Series 60 engines have been introduced in the market.
The technological changes that have occurred during those 14 years have resulted in a different
type of engine, requiring a different class of technicians. Today’s technician is required to have
computer skills, excellent comprehension of the written word and possess an extensive diagnostic
understanding of the various technological systems and components. Today’s technician must
perform at a higher level of efficiency and competency than their predecessors and at the same
time furnish professional quality support.
As the leader in engine computer systems and technology, Detroit Diesel Corporation remains
focused on providing excellence in products, service support and training. As products become
more and more advanced, today’s technicians must become specialized in multiple areas. This
manual is designed with that thought in mind. This Series 60 EGR Technician’s Guide will
provide you with concentrated information that will allow you to excel in EGR technology.
The Series 60 EGR Technician’s Guide supports the October 2002 through current production
Series 60 EGR engines. Acronyms are used throughout this guide, acronyms which support both
the DDEC IV and DDEC V system. To avoid any confusion, please refer to the acronym chart
listed in Table A-1 to better understand the meaning and intended use of each acronym.
After completing this guide you will:
Ƒ Understand the function of the Series 60 EGR engine components and their interdependence
Ƒ Understand Series 60 EGR operating modes
Ƒ Recognize the logic, component, and protection codes logged within the ECM/ECU
Ƒ Learn the acceptable pressure output values from a Variable Pressure Output Device
Ƒ Be able to record, playback, save, and e-mail a DDDL snapshot
Ƒ Apply your understanding of the EGR system logic to review DDDL diagnostic snapshots
All information subject to change without notice. (Rev. June 2005) i
7SE60 0506 Copyright © 2005 DETROIT DIESEL CORPORATION

ii All information subject to change without notice. (Rev. June 2005)
7SE60 0506 Copyright © 2005 DETROIT DIESEL CORPORATION
7SE60 0506 Copyright © 2005 DETROIT DIESEL CORPORATION

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