Allen-Bradley Liquid Level Controls Installation Instructions

Allen-Bradley Liquid Level Controls Installation Instructions

Allen-Bradley Liquid Level Controls are high-sensitivity devices designed to detect the level of conductive liquids or solids. They feature a compact, all solid-state design for reliability and flexibility, offering DPDT EM relay and 12V DC solid-state outputs. They can handle a wide range of liquid resistivities, making them suitable for various industrial applications.


Installation Instructions
PHOTOSWITCH® Liquid Level and Resistance Sensing Control
Bulletin 13DJ3-3000
Product D ata
De sc ription
The PHOTOSWITCH Bulletin 13DJ3 S er i es 3000 i s a high sensi t i vi ty
Liquid Le vel Control designed to detect the level of conductive liqu ids
or solids with a moisture content as low as 5%.
Featu re s
Ver y high se nsitiv ityup to 60 megohms cm liquid resistivity
Compact, all solid state, plug-in, modular design for reliability
with flexibi lity
DPDT EM relay and 12V DC sol id state outputs. Opti onal sol id
st ate logic outputs
Low probe voltage isolated from line voltage
Fast response time
Wide selection of probe assemblies
All molded parts of rugged, impact resi st ant polyphenylene oxide
(PPO) and polystyrene (PS)
Heavy-duty easy to wire te r minals
High voltage connections isolated from low voltag e
Ambient temperature range: - 40 to 135°F (-40 to 57° C )
G e ne ra l
The Bulletin 13DJ3 S er ies 3000 Conduct i ve Liquid Level Control i s
designed to provide a reliable level detection of conductive liqu ids or
solids. No moving parts or flo ats are required. M etal probe rods are
placed in th e conductive liquid at the de sire d levels. The liquid or solid
conduc tive mate r ial completes the circuit between the probe rod or
rods to the metal mater ial container. If the container is non-conductive
(fiberglass, cement, etc.), an additio n al probe rod is used as a grounding
probe to complete th e elec tr ical circuit. Completion of the circuit will
cause the output relay to operate. The relay contacts may be used for
pump, valve, or motor control; audible and/or visual leve l in dication.
The controls will operate over a resistivity range of 0 to 60
Meg Ohms cm. This permits the sensing of liquid s or solids with very
low conductivity such as antibiotics, refr ig erants, or sand with a
moisture content as low as 5%.
In addition to high sen sitivity, the control has a fast response time and
can be wired for electronic control latching on certain applications,
allowing the use of both sets of relay contacts for ex ter n al lo ads.
A solid-state output sign al can be obtained from the control
sim ultane ously with a relay output. This sign al can be used for
electronic counting, data logging, or feeding infor mation to a
The control has protection against false operation due to lin e voltage
transients, line voltage dropouts of 1/2 second or less, or during initial
power up. These featu res allow the 13DJ3 Series 3000 Control to be used
in solv ing the more difficult in du strial level app lic ation s.
Resistan ce Sensing Control
PHOTOSWITCH Bulletin 13DJ3 is also designed to be used as a resistan ce
sensing control. In this application the control operates as an elec tronic
switch which converts the minute current flow through delicate
mech anisms or extremely light contacts into a switching output
capable of h andlin g relative ly heavy elec trical loads. The maximum
sen sitivity of the control when used for resistance sensing is 15
megoh ms.
Figure 1: Probes for Level Controls Series 61, 63, 64
Type 61LF1
probe fitting
with Type
64MR1 suspension
wire and tip
Type 61LJ2
probe fitting
Type 64CR1
probe rods
and tips
Type 63GH1
and 63GH2
sanitary probe
fitting and rod
Type 61BD1
probe fitting
Type 64CR1
probe rod
and tip
Type 61LF1
probe fitting
Type 64CR1
probe rod
and tip

Prob e Assemb lies
A selection of probe assemblies is available for a wide variety of
applications. The probe assembly consists of a probe fitting threaded for
convenient installatio n into a tank, vat, or other container; a stainless
ste el probe rod or insulated suspension wire which may be cut to the
desired length for the particular installation ; and a probe tip designed to
provide th e required sur face area at a point of contact with the liquid.
Figure 1 shows ty pical probe assemb lies.
Series 61 probe fittings are ceramic insulated with stainless steel trim
which may be used either alone or in one of a variety of metal enclosures.
S ingle and double probe fitting s are available. Series 63 sanitary probe
fittings are available for dairy and other food processing installations.
Sanitary p rob es do not require probe tips for satis fac tor y ope ration.
Series 64 probe tip assemblies are combinations of a probe rod or
suspension wire of the desired length with a suitable probe tip and are
u sed with all Series 61 probe fittings.
Table 1: Level and Resistance Control
S pe c if ic ations
Power Consump tion: 3 watts (includes control b ase)
Resistivity Range: Typ ical liquid resistivity 0--60 MegOhms ce ntimete r
(See Table 5)
Resistan ce Sensing S en sitivity : 0--15 MegOhms in six ranges. (See Table 6, Consult fac to r y for higher ranges.)
Maximum Prob e Voltage: 22.5VAC (Ranges 1, 2, & 3), 29 VAC (Ranges 4, 5, & 6) (See Table 6)
Maximum Prob e Current: 65 mA to 0.001 mA. (See Table 6)
Solid State Output Sign al: 12V DC open circuit limited to 30mA short circuit. Terminals #5 and #2 on Control Base.
Speed of Resp on se: 0 .003 sec. to 0.20 sec. (See Table 7)
Permissib le Lead Length: Up to 2,000 ft (609.6 m) (See Table 8) Use #16 AWG wire minimum
Ambient Temp erature: --40 to 135°F (--40 to 57°C)
Bulletin Number Control Base Output Voltage Supply
Output Characteristics
Response Time Resistivity RangeType Rating Leakage
Refer to Table 7 Refer to Table 6
60-1600B 120V AC
50/60 Hz
60-1601B 240V AC
50/60 Hz
supplied with
control base
5A, 120V AC
2.5A, 240V AC
1A, 120V DC

8-651 SPNO
1A, 265V AC
20mA min. 1mA
8-652 SPNO
120V AC/DC 10μA
63-116 Voltage
DC Output
24V DC
63-115 NPN Open
24V DC 1mA
Table 2: Probe Fi tti ngs
Table 3: Probe Rod Ass emblies
Table 4: Spare Par ts
Bulletin Number Description Rods or Wires Used Housing Material Fitting Pipe Thread
Maximum Pressure
61BD1-1000 Probe fitting with rubber cap 1 None 1/2 in.
250 (1,724 kPa)
Probe fitting in cast enclosure
2 Bronze
1 in. 200 (1,378 kPa)
61LF1-1000M 316 Stainless Steel
Two probe fittings in cast enclosure
Bronze 2 in. 250 (1,724 kPa)
61LJ2-1000 316 Stainless Steel 200 (1,378 kPa)
Special sanitary probe with 3 ft
(0.91 m) probe rod(s) supplied with
10 ft (3 m) cable and separable
Fits 1 1/2 in. LAMD 13H nut for
#15 Union Ferrule
63GH2-1000 2
63GJ1-1000 1 Fits 2 in. LAMD 13H nut for
#15 Union Ferrule
63GJ2-1000 2
Bulletin Number Description
64CR1- 1000 316 Stainless Steel Probe Tip and 1/4 in. dia. x 12 in. (0.3 m) Probe Rod
64CR1- 1001 316 Stainless Steel Probe Tip and 1/4 in. dia. x 24 in. (0.61 m) Probe Rod
64CR1- 1002 316 Stainless Steel Probe Tip and 1/4 in. dia. x 36 in. (0.91m) Probe Rod
64CR1- 1003 316 Stainless Steel Probe Tip and 1/4 in. dia. x 48 in. (1.22 m) Probe Rod
64CR1- 1004 316 Stainless Steel Probe Tip and 1/4 in. dia. x 72 in. (1.83 m) Probe Rod
64CR1- 1005 316 Stainless Steel Probe Tip and 1/4 in. dia. x 96 in. (2.44 m) Probe Rod
64CR1- 1006 316 Stainless Steel Probe Tip and 1/4 in. dia. x 120 in. (3 m) Probe Rod
Part Number Description Application
3 - 170 Rubber Cap For 61BD1
21 - 49 - 1 Connector and 10 ft (3 m) Cable Assembl y For 63GH2 -- 63GJ2
21 - 50 For 63GH1 -- 63GJ1
31 - 224 1 1/2 in. diameter Teflon Spacer Separates double probes when the long probe exceeds 30 in. (76.2 cm)
33 - 287 1/4--20 UNC Hex Nut Used with 64CR1 probe assembli es
58 - 66 Insulation Suspension Wire Used when the required probe length exceeds 10 ft ( 3 m)
61 - 3284 316 SS 5/8? diameter Suspension Wire Probe Ti p Used when the required probe length exceeds 10 ft ( 3 m)
61 - 3285 316 SS Adaptor Connects suspension wire to 61 Series probes
61 - 3288 316 SS 9/16 in. diameter Probe Ti p Required on all probe rods for rated sensi ti vi ty
61 - 3519 Resistor Package For 13DJ3 -- 3000
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Key Features

  • High sensitivity
  • Solid-state design
  • DPDT relay output
  • 12V DC solid-state output
  • Wide resistivity range
  • Various probe assemblies

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Frequently Answers and Questions

What is the maximum liquid resistivity that this control can handle?
This control can handle liquids with resistivities up to 60 megohms cm.
Can this device be used for resistance sensing applications?
Yes, this control can be used as a resistance sensing device, with a maximum sensitivity of 15 megohms.
What is the range of ambient temperatures this control can operate in?
The control can operate in ambient temperatures from -40 to 135°F (-40 to 57°C).
