Input, Output and Configuration Files for the Analog I/O Modules on the
ControlNet Network
What This Chapter Contains
Read this chapter to familiarize yourself with input, output and configuration files for analog I/O modules on the ControlNet network.
For Information On
Use Programming Software in Your FLEX I/O
Communication Over the FLEX I/O
See Page
In this chapter, you will learn about:
• using software to configure the FLEX I/O modules.
• the ControlNet Adapter.
• I/O structure.
• fault state data.
• communication fault data.
• idle state behavior.
• input data behavior upon module removal.
This chapter provides a brief description of the steps you must take in your programming software to configure
FLEX I/O modules and an overview of what occurs during configuration.
For a full explanation of how to use your programming software to perform module configuration, use the software online help.
1794-UM063A-EN-P - March 2006
4-2 Input, Output and Configuration Files for the Analog I/O Modules on the ControlNet Network
Use Programming Software in Your FLEX I/O Application
When using FLEX I/O analog modules, you must perform I/O mapping and configure the ControlNet network before generating configuration data for your I/O modules.
For example, you may use RSNetWorx software to connect FLEX I/O modules to a ControlNet processor or scanner through a FLEX I/O
ControlNet adapter (cat. no. 1794-ACNR15). The I/O configuration portion of another programming software, for example RSLogix5 software, could be used to generate the configuration data for each I/O module in the control system.
Configuration data is transferred from the controller to the I/O modules when communication to the modules is first established.
Follow these general guidelines when configuring I/O modules.
1. Perform I/O mapping.
2. Configure all I/O modules.
3. Change to Run mode to initiate communication.
4. Download module configuration.
About the ControlNet
The FLEX I/O ControlNet adapter interfaces up to 8 FLEX I/O modules to a ControlNet processor or scanner. The adapter can support ControlNet real-time data connections to individual modules or module groups. Each connection is independent of the others and can be from different processors or scanners.
Publication 1794-UM063A-EN-P - March 2006
Input, Output and Configuration Files for the Analog I/O Modules on the ControlNet Network 4-3
Communication Over the
FLEX I/O Backplane
One 1794-ACNR15/B ControlNet adapter can interface up to eight terminal base units with installed FLEX I/O modules, forming a FLEX I/O system of up to eight slots.
The adapter communicates to other network system components (typically one or more controllers, scanners, or programming terminals) over the
ControlNet network. The adapter communicates with its I/O modules over the FLEX I/O backplane.
I/O Module
I/O Module
I/O Module
Outputs Outputs Outputs
Configuration Configuration Configuration
Slot 0
Slot 1
Configuration data is not continuously updated to the module.
Slot 7
Scheduled Data Transfer
Scheduled data transfer:
• is continuous.
• is asynchronous to the controller program scan.
• occurs at the actual rate displayed in the Actual Packet Interval field on the programming software ControlNet I/O mapping (monitor) screen.
Publication 1794-UM063A-EN-P - March 2006
4-4 Input, Output and Configuration Files for the Analog I/O Modules on the ControlNet Network
Unscheduled Data Transfer
Unscheduled operations include:
• unscheduled nondiscrete I/O data transfers–through ControlNet I/O
Transfer (CIO) instructions.
• peer-to-peer messaging–through message (MSG) instructions.
• messaging from programming devices.
Unscheduled messaging on a ControlNet network is nondeterministic. Your application and your configuration (for example, number of nodes, application program, NUT, and amount of scheduled bandwidth used), determine how much time there is for unscheduled messaging.
Module I/O Mapping
The I/O map for a module is divided into read words and write words. Read words consist of input and status words, and write words consist of output and configuration words. The number of read words or write words can be 0 or more.
The length of each I/O module’s read words and write words vary in size depending on module complexity. Each I/O module will support at least 1 input word or 1 output word. Status and configuration are optional, depending on the module.
I/O Structure
Output data is received by the adapter in the order of the installed I/O modules. The output data for slot 0 is received first, followed by the output data for slot 1, and so on up to slot 7.
Input data is sent by the adapter. The first word is the Adapter status word.
This is followed by the input data from each slot, in the order of the installed
I/O modules. The input data from slot 0 is first after the status word, followed by input data from slot 1, and so on up to slot 7.
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Input, Output and Configuration Files for the Analog I/O Modules on the ControlNet Network 4-5
Network READ
Network WRITE
ControlNet Adapter
Read Data
Adapter Status
Slot 0 Input Data
Slot 1 Input Data
Slot 7 Input Data
Slot 0 Output Data
Slot 1 Output Data
Slot 7 Input Data
Slot 0
Slot 1
Slot 7
Adapter Status Word
The status word consists of:
• I/O module fault bits – 1 status bit for each slot
Additionally, in the case of a PLC-5 controller, it adds:
• Node address changed – 1 bit (created by PLC-5 controller)
• I/O status – 1 bit (created by PLC-5 controller)
The following FLEX I/O adapter status word for a PLC-5 controller results.
15 10…15
I/O Module Fault Bits
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Created by PLC-5 controller
I/O Status Bit
Node Address Changed Bit 41629
Publication 1794-UM063A-EN-P - March 2006
4-6 Input, Output and Configuration Files for the Analog I/O Modules on the ControlNet Network
As an example, in a PLC-5 system, the adapter status word bit descriptions are shown in the following table.
Bit Description
I/O Module Fault
Table 4.1 Adapter Status Word Bit Descriptions
Node Address Changed
(Created by PLC-5
I/O State (Created by
PLC-5 Controller.)
This bit is set (1) when an error is detected in slot position 0.
This bit is set (1) when an error is detected in slot position 1.
This bit is set (1) when an error is detected in slot position 2.
This bit is set (1) when an error is detected in slot position 3.
This bit is set (1) when an error is detected in slot position 4.
This bit is set (1) when an error is detected in slot position 5.
This bit is set (1) when an error is detected in slot position 6.
This bit is set (1) when an error is detected in slot position 7.
This bit is set (1) when the node address switch setting has been changed since power-up.
Bit = 0 -idle
Bit = 1 - run
Not used – set to 0
Possible causes for an I/O module fault are:
• Transmission errors on the FLEX I/O backplane
• Failed module
• Module removed from its terminal base
• Incorrect module inserted in a slot position
• Slot is empty
• Slot contains a non-digital module
Fault State Data
The FLEX I/O HART modules provides storage for alternate module output data during communication faults or processor idle state. This fault state data assures that a known output will be applied to the output devices during the previously mentioned modes.
The processor or scanner software must include the means to specify this fault state data for each module. If applicable, this data is sent in the configuration
block, see Image Table Mapping on page 2-12.
Publication 1794-UM063A-EN-P - March 2006
Device Actions
Input, Output and Configuration Files for the Analog I/O Modules on the ControlNet Network 4-7
Device actions include:
• Communication fault behavior
• Idle state behavior
• Input data behavior upon module removal
Communication Fault Behavior
You can configure the response to a communication fault for each I/O module in its system. Upon detection of a communication fault, the module can:
• Leave the module output data in its last state (hold last state)
• Reset the module output data to zero (reset)
• Apply fault state data to the module output
Idle State Behavior
The FLEX I/O HART module can detect the state of the controlling processor or scanner. Only 2 states can be detected: Run mode, or Program mode (idle).
When Run mode is detected, the adapter copies the output data received from the processor to the corresponding module output. When Program mode is detected, the I/O module can be configured to:
• Leave the module output data in its last state (hold last state)
• Reset the module output data to zero (reset)
• Apply fault state data to the module output
Publication 1794-UM063A-EN-P - March 2006
4-8 Input, Output and Configuration Files for the Analog I/O Modules on the ControlNet Network
Chapter Summary
In this chapter you learned about input, output and configuration files for the analog I/O modules on ControlNet. Move to Chapter 5 to learn how to calibrate your module.
Publication 1794-UM063A-EN-P - March 2006

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