Application Notes
General Application Notes
Internet Connection
P-2024 Support Notes
The following figures show a typical Internet access application using the P-2024. Before accessing the Internet in an office environment, you must configure the P-2024 as outlined below.
Before you begin
Setting up Your Windows Computer
Setting up the P-2024
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
P-2024 Support Notes
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
P-2024 Support Notes
• Before you begin
The following lists the default settings on the P-2024.
1. IP address =, subnet mask = (24 bits)
2. Default SMT menu password = 1234
• Setting up your Windows computer(s)
1. Ethernet connection
Your computer(s) must have an Ethernet card installed.
If you have only one computer, connect the computer to the LAN port on the P-2024 using a crossover Ethernet cable (red).
If you have more than one computer, you must use a hub or switch to connect the computers to the
LAN port on the P-2024 using a straight-though Ethernet cable.
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
2. TCP/IP Installation
P-2024 Support Notes
You must first install TCP/IP software on each computer before you can use it for Internet access. If you have already installed TCP/IP, go to the next section to configure it; otherwise, follow these steps to install the software:
In the Control Panel/Network window, click Add button.
In the Select Network Component Type window, select Protocol and click Add .
In the Select Network Protocol window, select Microsoft and then select TCP/IP from the
Network Protocols field and click OK .
3. TCP/IP Configuration
Follow these steps to configure Windows TCP/IP:
In the Control Panel/Network window, select TCP/IP and click Properties .
In the TCP/IP Properties window, select obtain an IP address automatically .
Note: Do not assign arbitrary IP address and subnet mask to your computer(s). Otherwise, you will not be able to access the Internet.
Click the WINS configuration tab and select Disable WINS Resolution.
Click the Gateway tab. Select any installed gateways and click the Remove button until there is none listed.
Click the DNS Configuration tab and select Disable DNS .
Click OK to save and close the TCP/IP properties window
Click OK to close the Network window. You will be prompted to insert your Windows CD or disk.
When the drivers are updated, you will be asked if you want to restart the computer. Make sure your P-2024 is turned on before clicking Yes. Repeat the above steps for each Windows computer on your network.
• Setting up the P-2024
If you have a Single User Account (SUA), follow the procedure to configure the P-2024. You can use a web browser (such as IE) to access the embedded web server on the P-2024 for device management. Before you can log into the web management interface, make sure that there is no one logging into the P-2024 through Telnet or the console port.
1. Accessing the P-2024 Web Management Interface
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
P-2024 Support Notes
Open your web browser (such as IE) and enter the LAN IP address of the P-2024 in the Address field. The default LAN IP of the P-2024 is Note that you can either enter
(for secure login).
2. First Login
A login screen displays. Enter the password and press Login. The default password is '1234' which is the same as the one you use to log into the SMT.
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
P-2024 Support Notes
3. Use the WIZARD SETUP screens to configure Internet access settings on the P-2024.
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
P-2024 Support Notes
The Internet access configuration screen varies depending on the Internet connection type you select. The following figure shows an example screen for PPPoE connection type.
In the next wizard screen, select Get dynamically from your ISP if the ISP assigns you an IP address dynamically, otherwise select Use Fixed IP address and enter the static IP address given by ISP in the MY
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
WAN IP Address field.
P-2024 Support Notes
Using Dynamic DNS (DDNS)
1. What is DDNS?
A DNS (Domain Name Service) server stores the mappings of IP address and domain names. For example, when users enters a web site address (the domain name), the DNS server automatically maps the web site address to a public IP address and redirects the request to the intended web server.
Without DNS, users have to enter the IP address of the web server in order to access the web sites. This is very inconvenient and not user-friendly as users have to remember the IP addresses of the web sites.
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
P-2024 Support Notes
However, if the web server is located behind the P-2024 which is using a dynamic WAN IP address, a fixed mapping cannot be stored in the DNS server database since the WAN IP address changes. Thus Dynamic DNS
(DDNS) is used to solve this problem. For example, if you have hosted a web site (say on a server behind the P-2024 which is assigned a dynamic WAN IP address from the ISP, users can still access the web site from the WAN when you have set up the DDNS settings. With DDNS, users can always access a web site regardless of the WAN IP address on the P-2024.
When the ISP assigns the P-2024 a new WAN IP address, the P-2024 sends this information to the DDNS server which updates the IP-to-DNS mapping. Once the mapping is updated, outside users can still access the web site hosted on an internal server behind the P-2024.
You must register an account with a DDNS service provider. The DDNS server saves the password-protected e-mail address with the IP addresses and host names. Queries are serviced based on the e-mail addresses. Thus you must set the same e-mail address you used for DDNS in the P-2024 SMT menu 1.
Currently, the P-2024 supports WWW.DYNDNS.ORG
for the DDNS service. The following describes the setup procedure.
Register an access with WWW.DYNDNS.ORG
DDNS service provider. You will be provided with a hostname for the internal server and a password for the IP address update on the DDNS server.
Configure the DDNS settings on the P-2024. Log into the WEB GUI on the P-2024 and click
Maintenance > System > Dynamic DNS to display the configuration screen as shown.
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
P-2024 Support Notes
Field Settings for DDNS:
Service Provider
Enable Wildcard
Enter the DDNS server in this field. Currently the P-2024 supports
Enter the hostname given by the DDNS service provider. For example,
Enter the user name that the DDNS service provider gives to your.
Enter the password that the DDNS service provider gives to you.
Enter the hostname for the wildcard function that the WWW.DYNDNS.ORG
supports. Note that the Wildcard option is available from the
DDNS service provider.
Using syslog
4. P-2024 Setup
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
P-2024 Support Notes
1. Active: Select this check box to enable syslog logging.
2. Syslog IP Address: Enter the IP address of the syslog server that you wish to send the syslog.
3. Log Facility: Select a log location (numbered 1 to 7).
• UNIX Setup
1. Make sure that you start syslogd with the
allows the syslog facility to receive messages from the network using an Internet domain socket with the syslog services. The default setting is NOT enabled.
2.Add the following commands at the end of the /etc/syslog.conf
file. local1.* /var/log/zyxel.log
Where /var/log/zyxel.log is the full path of the log file.
3. Restart syslogd.
• CDR log(call messages)
Format: sdcmdSyslogSend( SYSLOG_CDR, SYSLOG_INFO, String );
String = board xx line xx channel xx, call xx, str board = the hardware board ID line = the WAN ID in a board channel = channel ID within the WAN call = the call reference number which starts from 1 and increments by 1 for each new call str = C01 Outgoing Call dev xx ch xx (dev:device No. ch:channel No.)
C01 Incoming Call xxxxBps xxxxx (L2TP,xxxxx is the Remote Call ID)
C01 Incoming Call xxxx (the connected speed) xxxxx (the Remote Call ID)
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
L02 Tunnel Connected(L2TP)
P-2024 Support Notes
C02 OutCall Connected xxxx (the connected speed) xxxxx (the Remote Call ID)
C02 CLID call refused
L02 Call Terminated
C02 Call Terminated
Feb 14 16:57:17 ZyXEL Communications Corp.: board 0 line 0 channel 0, call 18, C01 Incoming
Call OK
Feb 14 17:07:18 ZyXEL Communications Corp.: board 0 line 0 channel 0, call 18, C02 Call Terminated
• Packet triggered log
Format: sdcmdSyslogSend( SYSLOG_PKTTRI, SYSLOG_NOTICE, String );
String = Packet trigger: Protocol=xx Data=xxxxxxxxxx
Protocol: (1:IP 2:IPX 3:IPXHC 4:BPDU 5:ATALK 6:IPNG)
Data: We will send48 hexadecimal characters to the server
Jul 19 11:28:39 ZyXEL Communications Corp.: Packet Trigger: Protocol=1,
Jul 19 11:28:56 ZyXEL Communications Corp.: Packet Trigger: Protocol=1,
• Filter log
This message is available when the 'Log' is enabled in the filter rule setting. The message consists of the packet header and the filter rules log contents.
Format: sdcmdSyslogSend(SYSLOG_FILLOG, SYSLOG_NOTICE, String );
String = IP[Src=xx.xx.xx.xx Dst=xx.xx.xx.xx prot spo=xxxx dpo=xxxx]S04>R01mD
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.