VoIP Application Notes
SIP Account Setup
P-2024 Support Notes
VoIP is the sending of voice signals over the Internet Protocol. This allows you to make phone calls and send faxes over the Internet at a fraction of the cost of using the traditional circuit-switched telephone network.
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is an application-layer control (signaling) protocol that handles the setting up, altering and tearing down of voice and multimedia sessions over the Internet. SIP signaling is separate from the media for which it handles sessions. The media that is exchanged during the session can use a different path from that of the signaling. SIP handles telephone calls and can interface with traditional circuit-switched telephone networks.
The P-2024 supports up to two SIP accounts simultaneously. Follow the procedure below to configure SIP accounts on the device.
Note: You should have a voice account already set up and have VoIP information from your VoIP service provider prior to configuring a SIP account on the P-2024.
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
P-2024 Support Notes
After you have obtained the account information your ITSP provider provided, you can start configuring the
SIP account.
Step 1. Log into the web configurator on the P-2024. Open a web browser and enter the management IP address
(the default is as the URL.
Step 2. A login screen displays. Enter the administrative login password (the default is 1234).
Step 3. In the main menu, click VoIP > SIP to display the SIP Settings screen. In the SIP Account drop-down list box, select a SIP account you want to configure.
Step 4. Select Activate SIP Account to enable this account and set the account information (such as SIP number,
SIP local port, SIP server address, SIP server port, Register server port, Register server address, SIP service domain) in the fields below. Your ISP should provide you with the account information.
Step 5. Under Authentication, enter the account user name and password exactly as given by your ISP.
Step 6. Under SIP Settings, select Send Caller ID if you want to send the caller ID. Otherwise, clear the check box.
Step 7. You associate the SIP account to a specified phone port on the ZyXEL device. This allows you to set which phone(s) to use (ring) when an incoming call is received. In the WEB GUI, click VoIP > Phone to display the Analog Phone screen. Select a phone index number in the Phone Port Settings field and select which
SIP account to use in the Outgoing Call Use section.
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
P-2024 Support Notes
Step 8. Click on Apply to save the changes and make the settings take effect. If you want to configure the second SIP account, select SIP2 in the SIP Account field and follow steps 1 – 7.
Note: If you associate both phone ports are associated with both SIP accounts, you cannot identify which account's incoming call is received.
The following table describes the screen labels.
Label Description
SIP Account You can configure the P-2024 to use multiple SIP accounts. Select one to configure its settings on the P-2024.
SIP Number A SIP account's Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) identifies the SIP account in a way similar to the way an e-mail address identifies an e-mail account. It is also known as a SIP identity or address. The format of a SIP identity is SIP-Number@SIP-Srevice-Domain.
A SIP number is the part of the SIP URI that comes before the "@" symbol.
Enter your SIP number in this field. You can use up to 31 ASCII characters.
SIP Local Port Use this field to configure the P-2024’s listening port for SIP. Leave this
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
P-2024 Support Notes field set to the default if you were not given a local port number for SIP.
SIP Server
Type the IP address of the SIP server in this field.
Server Port to the default if your VoIP service provider did not give you a local port number for SIP.
A SIP register server maintains a database of SIP identity-to-IP address
(or domain name) mapping. The register server checks your user name and password when you register.
Enter the SIP register server’s address in this field.
If you were not given a register server address, then enter the
address from the SIP Server Address field again here.
Enter the SIP register server’s listening port for SIP in this field.
If you were not given a register server port, then enter the port from
the SIP Server Port field again here.
Domain in a full SIP URI.
Enter the SIP service domain name in this field. You can use up to 127
ASCII Extended set characters.
Authentication This is the user name for registering this SIP account with the SIP register
User ID server. Type the user name exactly as it was given to you. Use ASCII characters.
Authentication Type the password associated with the user name above. Use ASCII
Password Extended set characters.
Apply to
VoIP calls. Clear this check box to show identification information when you make VoIP calls.
Phone 1 and Phone 2 correspond to the P-2024’s physical PHONE 1 and
2 ports, respectively. Select whether you want to receive calls for this SIP account on Phone 1, Phone 2 or both. If you select both, you will not know
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
P-2024 Support Notes
Reset which SIP account a call is coming in on.
Click Settings to open a screen where you can configure the P-2024’s advanced VoIP settings like SIP server settings, the RTP port range and the coding type.
Click Apply to save your changes back to the P-2024.
Click Reset to begin configuring this screen afresh.
Advanced Phone port settings
You can configure the ring/speaker volume and the echo cancellation settings for each phone port on the
To configure advanced phone port setting, follow the steps below.
Step 1. Access the web configurator on the P-2024. In a web browser, enter the management IP address (the default is of the P-2024 in the address bar.
Step 2. A login screen displays, enter the administrative login password (the default is 1234).
Step 3. In the navigation panel, click VoIP > Phone > Analog Phone.
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
P-2024 Support Notes
Step 4. In the Phone Port Settings field, select which phone port you want to configure and click Advanced
Step 5. Set the phone port parameters and click Apply to save the settings and make the changes take effect. If you want to configure the second phone port, select SIP2 in the SIP Account field and follow steps 1 – 5.
The table below describes the related fields.
Label Description
Use this field to set the loudness that the P-2024 uses for the speech signal that it sends to the peer device. -1 is the quietest and 1 is the loudest.
Use this field to set the loudness that the P-2024 uses for the speech signal that it receives from the peer device and sends to your phone. -1 is the quietest and 1 is the loudest.
Call use
SIP 1 and SIP 2 correspond to the P-2024’s SIP accounts. Select whether you want the phone(s) attached to this phone port to use SIP account 1, 2 or both when you make a call. If you select both SIP accounts, the P-2024 will first try to use SIP account 2 and then SIP account 1 when you make a call.
G.168 Active Select this check box to cancel the echo caused by the sound of your voice reverberating in the telephone receiver while you talk.
Select this check box to use Voice Activity Detection (VAD) to reduce the bandwidth that a call uses. The P-2024 will generate and send comfort noise when you are not talking.
When you are dialing a telephone number the P-2024 waits this long after you stop pressing the buttons before initiating the call. Select how many seconds you want the P-2024 to wait after the last input on the telephone’s keypad before dialing (making) a call.
Click Apply to save your changes back to the P-2024.
Click Reset to begin configuring this screen afresh.
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
Step 6. Click Add to save the entry to the phone book.
Each field's detail description of the page is listed below.
Label Description
P-2024 Support Notes
Entry phone book entries.
Speed Dial Select a speed dial key combination from the drop-down list box.
SIP Number Enter the SIP number of the party that you will call (use the number or text that comes before the @ symbol in a full SIP URI). You can use up to 127
ASCII characters.
Name Enter a descriptive name to identify the party that you will use this entry to call. You can use up to 127 ASCII characters.
Type Select Use Proxy if calls to this party use your SIP account configured in the
VoIP screen.
Select Non-Proxy (Use IP or URL) if calls to this party use a different SIP server or go directly to the callee’s VoIP phone (IP-to-IP). Enter the SIP server’s or the party’s IP address or domain name (up to 127 ASCII
Extended set characters).
Click this button to save the entry in the speed dial phone book. The speed dial entry displays in the Speed Dial Phone Book section of the screen.
Phone Book You can configure up to 10 entries and use them to make calls.
Speed Dial
This is the entry’s speed dial key combination. Press this key combination on a telephone attached to the P-2024 in order to call the party named in this entry.
This is the descriptive name of the party that you will use this speed dial entry to call.
SIP Number This is the SIP number of the party that you will call.
This field displays Use Proxy if calls to this party use one of your SIP accounts. This field displays the SIP server’s or the party’s IP address or domain name if calls to this party do not use one of your SIP accounts.
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.