Commands for Managing the Switch. Extreme Networks Px Series, Px 1
Extreme Networks Px Px1 application switch provides a powerful platform for managing network traffic and load balancing. It offers features such as health checks, server grouping, virtual services, and more. This command reference guide provides detailed information on all the commands available in the ExtremeWarePx software, making it an essential resource for administrators managing these switches.
Commands for Managing the Switch
This chapter describes the following commands:
¥ Commands for creating and managing accounts
¥ Commands for conÞguring VLANs, SNMP, and DNS client servers
¥ Commands for using Secure Shell 2 (SSH2)
¥ Miscellaneous utility command for:
Ñ Checking basic connectivity
Ñ Logging
Ñ ConÞguring a startup banner
Ñ Using the GlobalPx Content Director
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 17
Commands for Managing the Switch
Executes all pending commands issued since the last build.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
Most commands are not executed immediately, but are deferred until you issue a build
command. After making any conÞguration changes, you must issue the build
command to commit those changes.
In this example, the Þrst three commands (numbered 11 through 13) change the SNMP conÞguration.
These changes do not take effect until the build
command (number 14) commits them.
SummitPx1:11 # configure snmp sysName "balancer"
* SummitPx1:12 # configure snmp sysLocation "Exodus Colo"
* SummitPx1:13 # configure snmp sysContact "Web Admin"
* SummitPx1:14 # build
** Configuring proxy-ip
** Configuring server table
** Configuring server-group table
** Configuring service table
** Updating Health List tables
** Updating self audit parameters.
** Updating Snmp Parameters.
** Gigabit port enabled
** Updating VRRP parameters.
** Updating autosync parameters.
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
18 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. build
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 19
Commands for Managing the Switch
clear log
clear log {static}
Clears the application-switch internal log.
Syntax Description static If static is specified, the critical log messages are also cleared.
Usage Guidelines
The application-switch log tracks all conÞguration and fault information pertaining to the device. The switch maintains 200 messages in its internal log. By default, log entries that are assigned a critical or warning level remain in the log after a switch reboot. Issuing a clear log
command does not remove these static entries. To remove log entries of all levels (including warning or critical), use the clear log static
This example clears all log messages, including critical and warning log messages, from the application switchÕs internal log:
SummitPx1:8 # clear log static
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
20 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
clear session
clear session
clear session <number>
Forces a speciÞc Telnet or ssh session to close.
Syntax Description number The number of the session to be closed.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You can issue the
command to see what sessions are active and Þnd the session number of the session to close.
This example display session information to Þnd the number for the Telnet session, then closes that session.
station2:32 # show session
# Time since Login User Type Auth Location
* 0 02:11:13 0 days 0 yrs admin console local serial
6 00:00:03 0 days 0 yrs station2:33 # clear session 6 admin telnet local
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 21
Commands for Managing the Switch
clear stats
clear stats
Clears all the statistics counters
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
The following command clears all the statistics counters: clear stats
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
22 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Clear the console screen.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
The following command clears the console screen.
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. cls
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 23
Commands for Managing the Switch
configure account
configure account <user account> {encrypted} {<password>}
ConÞgures a user account password.
Syntax Description user account encrypted password
An existing user account name.
Specifies that the password should be encrypted when the configuration is uploaded to a file. Should not be used through the command-line interface.
This option is for use only by the switch when generating an ASCII configuration file.
A user password, which can be up to 31 characters in length and is case sensitive. If you omit the password, the switch will prompt for interactive entry of the password.
Usage Guidelines
You must create a user account (with the
create account command) before you can conÞgure a user
You must have administrator privileges to change passwords for accounts other than your own.
You should not use the encrypted option when you enter a command interactively. This option is used by the switch when generating an ASCII conÞguration Þle (using the
upload configuration command),
and parsing a switch-generated conÞguration Þle (using the download configuration command).
If you do not specify the password on the command line, the switch will prompt you to enter the password, and will then prompt you to reenter the password to verify that you have entered it correctly.
Your keystrokes are not echoed as you enter and reenter the new password. Assuming you enter the same password in response to both prompts, the password is changed.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command deÞnes a new password for the account admin
SummitPx1:3 # configure account "admin" password:
Reenter password:
The following command deÞnes a new password,
, for the account user
SummitPx1:4 # configure account "user" Extreme1
A conÞguration Þle may contain the following command: configure account "foo" encrypted "eo2JTd$WKJ2FUOwZzRhCbjFxn2U3/"
24 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. configure account
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 25
Commands for Managing the Switch
configure banner
configure banner
ConÞgures the banner string that is displayed display after each reboot.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You will be prompted for the banner; at the prompt, type the banner message. You can enter up to 24 lines of up to 79 characters each. For a banner consisting of multiple lines of text, type [Return] to end one line and begin the next. To terminate banner input, type [Return][Return] .
If you want to clear the existing banner without entering a new one, type
when prompted for the banner.
The following command conÞgures the banner to be Welcome to the switch.
config banner [Return]
Welcome to the switch
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
26 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure dns-client add
configure dns-client add
configure dns-client add <IP address>
Adds a DNS name server to the available server list for the DNS client.
Syntax Description
IP address The IP address of the DNS name server to be added.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command speciÞes that the switch use the DNS server configure dns-client add
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 27
Commands for Managing the Switch
configure dns-client default-domain
configure dns-client default-domain <domain_name>
ConÞgures the domain that the DNS client uses if a fully qualiÞed domain name is not entered.
Syntax Description domain_name A default domain name.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
Sets the DNS client default domain name to the speciÞed domain name. The default domain name will be used to create a fully qualiÞed host name when a domain name is not speciÞed. For example, if the default domain name is set to Òfood.comÓ then when a command like Ò ping dog Ó is entered, the ping will actually be executed as Ò ping
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command conÞgures the default domain name for the server: configure dns-client default-domain
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
28 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure dns-client delete
configure dns-client delete
configure dns-client delete <IP address>
Removes a DNS name server from the available server list for the DNS client.
Syntax Description
IP address The IP address of the DNS name server to be removed.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command removes a DNS server from the list: configure dns-client delete
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 29
Commands for Managing the Switch
configure gslb
configure gslb ipaddress <IP address> service <string>
ConÞgures a virtual service to be used by the GlobalPx Content Director scheduler.
Syntax Description
IP address string
The VIP of the virtual service to be used by the GlobalPx Content Director scheduler.
The virtual host name used for this VIP; this virtual host name must also be set the scheduler.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
Extreme Networks GlobalPx Content Director ª is a DNS-based Internet trafÞc-management system.
This system allows you to take advantage of network and server resources regardless of their location on the Internet or your Intranet. As you add points of presence (POPs, clusters of one or more Px-series switches) to a network, GlobalPx Content Director monitors server loads and network response latencies, distributing client requests to the POP that it determines will deliver the best performance.
GlobalPx Content Director improves client access performance and reliability by leveraging dispersed network resources.
The GlobalPx Content Director transparently directs clients and client DNS servers to the most appropriate POP to satisfy client requests. Typically, the physically closest POP is the one that gives the fastest response. However, this is not always the case. The GlobalPx Content Director scheduler routes requests to the optimal POP. The scheduler is a separate program that runs on a Windows or Solaris machine. When the scheduler is in use, virtual services are not automatically used by the scheduler. You must issue this command for any virtual service that you want to be used by the scheduler. You must also conÞgure the service in the scheduler itself. For more information, see the GlobalPx Content Director
Installation and User Guide.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example conÞgures a virtual service to be used by the scheduler.
SummitPx1::12 # config gslb ip service
SummitPx1::13 # enable gslb
SummitPx1::14 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
30 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. configure gslb
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 31
Commands for Managing the Switch
configure iparp delete
configure iparp delete <IP address>
Updates a serverÕs entry in the IP Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) table.
Syntax Description
IP address The IP address of the server.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
This command:
1 Removes the MAC address of the speciÞed server from the ARP table.
2 Forces an ARP to the server to Þnd the serverÕs current MAC address.
3 Adds a new entry to the table with the serverÕs IP address and the correct MAC address.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command updates the ARP entry for the server with IP address configure iparp delete
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
32 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure log display
configure log display
configure log display {fatal | errors | warning | info}
ConÞgures the severity level of log messages that are recorded in the internal log and logged by the remote syslog
Syntax Description fatal errors warning info
Log fatal messages only.
Log messages at the error level and higher (non-fatal and fatal error messages)
Log messages at the warning level and higher (warnings, non-fatal error messages, and fatal error messages)
Log messages at the informational level and higher (non-fatal error messages, and fatal error messages)
This option produces a very large number of messages; it is recommended only while you are debugging certain problems.
By default, messages at the warning level and higher are logged.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
This command speciÞes the minimum severity level for messages to be logged. Messages at and above the indicated level are recorded in the internal log. To enable displaying log messages on the console, use the
command. To enable remote logging, use the enable syslog
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example enables the display of non-fatal and fatal error messages to the console.
SummitPx1::12 # enable log display
* SummitPx1::12 # configure log display error
* SummitPx1::12 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 33
Commands for Managing the Switch
configure mgmt ipaddress
configure mgmt ipaddress <IP address>
[(/ <mask length>) | (network-mask <netmask>)}
Assigns an IP address to the switchÕs 10/100BT Ethernet management port.
Syntax Description
IP address mask length netmask
IP address for the management port.
The number of bits set in the subnetwork mask.
The subnetwork mask.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
The 10/100BT Ethernet management port provides dedicated remote access to the application switch using TCP/IP. It supports Telnet using the command-line interface. The 10/100BT port is designed to be used as an out-of-band management port only. It does not function as a load balancing port.
If you want to use the management interface, you must issue this command assign the port an IP address and subnetwork mask. You can specify the subnetwork mask by giving either the number of bits set in the mask or the mask itself. For example, the following two commands are identical: configure mgmt ipaddress / 24 configure mgmt ipaddress network-mask
The conÞguration of management-port information is executed immediately; you do not need to issue the
command for this command to take effect.
The following command conÞgures the management port.
configure mgmt ipaddress / 24
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
34 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure mgmt iproute
configure mgmt iproute
configure mgmt iproute dest-ip <destination IP address> gateway <gateway IP address>
Installs a host route in the routing table for the switchÕs 10/100BT port.
Syntax Description destination IP address gateway IP address
The destination IP address.
The gateway IP address.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
The 10/100BT port has a separate routing table. By default, no routes are installed in the routing table.
You must explicitly conÞgure routes using this command. After you conÞgure the IP address for the
management port with the configure mgmt ipaddress command, you can issue this command to install
a host route. You can add as many routes as you need.
This command adds an entry to the routing table indicating that trafÞc for destination IP address should be directed to gateway IP address .
The gateway IP address much be on the management port subnet.
The conÞguration of management-port information is executed immediately; you do not need to issue the
build command for this command to take effect.
This example conÞgures an IP address for the management port and installs two host routes: station1:4 # config mgmt ipaddress / 24
* station1:5 # config mgmt iproute dest-ip gateway
* station1:6 # config mgmt iproute dest-ip gateway
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 35
Commands for Managing the Switch
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
36 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure port gigabit auto
configure port gigabit auto
configure port gigabit auto [on | off]
ConÞgures auto-negotiation on the Gigabit port.
Syntax Description on off
Specifies that auto-negotiation should be enabled.
Specifies that auto-negotiation should be disabled.
Auto-negotiation on the Gigabit port is disabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command disables auto-negotiation: configure port gigabit auto off
The following command enables auto-negotiation: configure port gigabit auto on
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 37
Commands for Managing the Switch
configure snmp add community
configure snmp add community
[readonly | readwrite]
<alphanumeric string>
Adds an SNMP read or read/write community string.
Syntax Description readonly readwrite alphanumeric string
Specifies read-only access to the system.
Specifies read and write access to the system.
The SNMP community string to be added. An SNMP community string can contain up to 127 characters.
The default read-only community string is public
. The default read/write community string is private
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
Community strings provide a simple method of authentication between the application switch and a remote network manager.
There are two types of community strings on the application switch.
¥ Read community strings provide read-only access to the application switch. The default read-only community string is public .
¥ Read-write community strings provide read and write access to the application switch. The default read-write community string is private
You can conÞgure up to 14 read-only strings and up to 14 read-write strings on the application switch.
This command allows you to add community strings in addition to the two default community strings.
An authorized trap receiver must be conÞgured to use the correct community strings on the switch for the trap receiver to receive switch-generated traps. You can conÞgure the community string for a trap receiver with the
configure snmp add trapreceiver
Changes made by this command are executed immediately and do not require the
The following command adds a read/write community string with the value extreme : configure snmp add community readwrite "extreme"
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
38 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. configure snmp add community
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 39
Commands for Managing the Switch
configure snmp add trapreceiver
configure snmp add trapreceiver <IP address>
{community <community string>}
{port <udp_port>}
Adds a trap receiver to the trap receiver list.
Syntax Description
IP address community string udp_port
The IP address of the SNMP trap receiver to add. The IP address can be unicast, multicast, or broadcast.
The community string of the trap receiver.
A UDP port to which the trap should be sent. Default is 162.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
An authorized trap receiver can be one or more network management stations on your network.
Authorized trap receivers must be conÞgured on the switch for the trap receiver to receive switch-generated traps. The switch sends SNMP traps to all trap receivers.
Changes made by this command are executed immediately and do not require the
The following command adds the IP address as a trap receiver with community string purple : configure snmp add trapreceiver community "purple"
The following command adds the IP address as a trap receiver with community string
green, using port 3003: configure snmp add trapreceiver community "green" port 3003
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
40 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure snmp delete community
configure snmp delete community
configure snmp delete community
[readonly | readwrite]
<alphanumeric string>
Deletes an SNMP read or read/write community string.
Syntax Description readonly readwrite alphanumeric string
Specifies read-only access to the system.
Specifies read and write access to the system.
The SNMP community string to be deleted.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You can use this command to remove a community string that was added with the
Changes made by this command are executed immediately and do not require the
The following command deletes the read/write community string extreme : configure snmp delete community readwrite "extreme"
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 41
Commands for Managing the Switch
configure snmp delete trapreceiver
configure snmp delete trapreceiver <IP address>
Deletes a trap receiver from the trap receiver list.
Syntax Description
IP address The IP address of the SNMP trap receiver to delete.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You can use this command to remove a trap receiver that was added with the
configure snmp add trapreceiver
Changes made by this command are executed immediately and do not require the
The following command removes the trap receiver with IP address configure snmp delete trapreceiver
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
42 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure snmp syscontact
configure snmp syscontact
configure snmp syscontact <alphanumeric string>
ConÞgures the name of the system contact.
Syntax Description alphanumeric string A system contact name. A maximum of 255 characters is allowed.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
The system contact is a text Þeld that enables you to enter the name of the person(s) responsible for managing the application switch.
Changes made by this command are executed immediately and do not require the
The following command deÞnes Fred Jones as the system contact: configure snmp syscontact "Fred Jones"
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 43
Commands for Managing the Switch
configure snmp syslocation
configure snmp syslocation <alphanumeric string>
ConÞgures the location of the switch.
Syntax Description alphanumeric string The switch location. A maximum of 255 characters is allowed.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
Use this command to indicate the location of the switch.
Changes made by this command are executed immediately and do not require the
The following command conÞgures a switch location name on the system: configure snmp syslocation "Engineering Lab"
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
44 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure snmp sysname
configure snmp sysname
configure snmp sysname <alphanumeric string>
ConÞgures the system name of the application switch.
Syntax Description alphanumeric string A device name. A maximum of 32 characters is allowed.
The default system name is the model name of the application switch (for example,
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You can use this command to change the name of the switch. The system name appears in the prompt for the command-line interface .
Changes made by this command are executed immediately and do not require the
The following command names the switch: configure snmp sysname "Engineering-Lab"
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 45
Commands for Managing the Switch
configure ssh2 key
configure ssh2 key
Generates an authentication key for SSH2 sessions from character that you enter interactively.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
Before the switch can accept incoming SSH2 sessions, it must have an authentication key. This command causes the switch to generate its authentication key from a sequence of characters that you enter.
Generating an authentication key takes a long time! The key-generation process cannot be cancelled; your console may be unavailable for 10 to 40 minutes after you issue this command.
When you issue this command, you will be asked to conÞrm that you want to generate the key in spite of the delay. If you conÞrm, you will be prompted to enter a random sequence of characters. You type
[ Return ][ Return ] to end input.
When the key has been generated, the characters you entered are stored in the conÞguration. You should save your conÞguration to a Þle with the
command instead of this command.
Changes made by this command are executed immediately and do not require the
46 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure ssh2 key
This example generates an authentication key.
SummitPx1::3 # config ssh2 key
WARNING: Generating new server host key
This will take from 10-40 minutes and cannot be canceled. Continue? (y/n)y
Enter some random characters. End with a newline
MIICWwIBAAKBgQCoH4QkIDU+4zyNXRDE2xrdfQ19vTG3/UR2s1QisbuDI82cbeJ c5FmT+yOhxlqgKoKKm65YMY9hFqA4Ri7NT6FU62uBxquQsyqey7/M0cI45GyWe/ sw6GtXmIIIT3/SOPmQbPpAdx4DD2S3ZiYGOpCfkDBCumGHn8rGd1lCBRCQIBIwK gFtETwxL/6XL0Gn/Uj76mY4t8WGD9msxt3OjLaxvHKZGotFC90pUrgRXReb44el ygWEv8O4MRoUpii0tad0rOhpcIfGU1tCutDwy1J7pxyNisQp/wHwBvV4cNVnWNM wJRZ1WpRqJ0GYNMRWqqgpwsCAA2bWrU9iYP4X+PwuSlbAkEA0BonV3bG1sJeYqS
JcLMtQJBAM7RtP7vZ7s45icT4s2463D+GGmnwxfF1UZQSKxe34uQ4WN0OMPexK+ b5v7F0gE0+pwLvM/zSLGtduvK7Lte4UCQQCgiTRKyVePuoNTaQLb1Z50TTLz3XO
Stirred in 800 bytes.
Generating 1024-bit dsa key pair
2 Oo..oOo.oOo.
Key generated.
Extreme Networks SSH Key
SummitPx1::3 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 47
Commands for Managing the Switch
configure ssh2 key pregenerated
configure ssh2 key pregenerated
Sets the sessionÕs authentication key for SSH2 sessions to a pregenerated key.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
Before the switch can accept incoming SSH2 sessions, it must have an authentication key. This command set the authentication key to a key that was generated previously.
Typically you do not issue this command interactively. Instead, you generate a key with the
command to write your conÞguration to a
Þle. The resulting conÞguration Þle contains a configure ssh2 key pregenerated
command that speciÞes the sequence of characters from which the key was generated. When you later load the conÞguration Þle (using the
configure ssh2 key pregenerated
command is executed.
If you do issue this command interactively, you will be prompted to enter the sequence of characters from which the key was generated. Typically, you paste in text that you copied from a conÞguration Þle that you saved after generating the key initially.
Changes made by this command are executed immediately and do not require the
A conÞguration Þle contains the following commands:
# SSH configuration
#---------------------------------------------------------------configure ssh2 key pregenerated
3tvdwCaeUKC6SOZ6t1YTcTpukf6xQwAABAC0biSqDVP8ygZynBjwR4OWhYrUrEaDiNgThIsb4yVo/VWf8GotiY5b kpZGOIOheNuX78uSMHiI/U9hssvNjzr/X8k/rQb2rbVj+ZP+D30TPLFzrml49zdnzTnZIZhdnVE21Wwz
3XAcKWq89e7iDcEToO0vP+Ie9HdX7kR04olYuxHa1eoJrvFYotLnnsSI6DTmKQrRPgHtXKAeXTGCGNiu iQydg4KHgrGO1QAAAKCJGtuwT9jt9Jo9uUyGoDV9/pHArQ==
48 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
enable ssh2
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. configure ssh2 key pregenerated
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 49
Commands for Managing the Switch
configure syslog
configure syslog ipaddress <IP address>
ConÞgures the syslog
host address.
Syntax Description
IP address The IP address of the syslog host.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
A log maintained remotely on a syslog
host can preserve log messages that would be lost from the internal log, which contains only the 200 most recent messages.
To enable remote logging, you must issue the
By default, warnings and more serious messages are logged. To log messages of a different severity level, use the
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example enables logging to a remote syslog host:
SummitPx1::12 # enable syslog
* SummitPx1::13 # configure syslog ipaddress
* SummitPx1::13 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
50 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure system-ip
configure system-ip
configure system-ip <IP address>
[(/ <mask length>) | (network-mask <netmask>)]
{vlan <vlan tag number>}
ConÞgures the system IP address.
Syntax Description
IP address mask length netmask vlan tag number
IP address for the switch
The number of bits set in the network mask.
The network mask.
The VLAN tag for the switch.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
To conÞgure the switch, you must specify its IP address and network mask. You can specify the network mask by giving either the number of bits set in the mask or the network mask itself. For example, the following two commands are identical: configure system-ip / 24 configure system-ip network-mask
You may optionally specify a VLAN for the switch. The Px series application switch supports up to
4,096 VLANs. The system IP and proxy IPs must reside in the same VLAN; VIPs and servers can be on any VLAN. The application switch identiÞes VLANs with 802.1q VLAN ID numbers rather than names.
If you plan to conÞgure the system VLAN on the application switch, you must enable VLANs on the
conÞguration switch with the enable vlan
command before you issue the conÞgure system-ip
For the SummitPx1, before conÞguring the VLAN for the application switch, you must enable VLAN tagging on the switch port connected to the application switch, and add the VLANs you need to the port, using the manufacturerÕs instructions.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 51
Commands for Managing the Switch
This example enables VLANs on the application switch then conÞgures the IP address, network mask, and system VLAN.
SummitPx1:1 # enable vlan
* SummitPx1:2 # config system-ip / 24 vlan 100
* SummitPx1:3 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
52 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
create account
create account
create account [admin | user] <username> {encrypted} {<password>}
Creates a new user account.
Syntax Description admin user username encrypted password
Specifies administrator-level privileges for the account. An administrator-level account can:
• View and change all switch parameters
• Add and delete users
• Change the password associated with any account
Specifies user-level privileges for the account. A user-level account can:
• View (but not change) all manageable parameters except the user account database and the SNMP community strings
• Issue the ping command.
• Change the password assigned to the account
A new user account name, which can be up to 31 characters in length and is case sensitive.
Specifies that the password should be encrypted when the configuration is uploaded to a file. Should not be used through the command-line interface.
This option is for use only by the switch when generating an ASCII configuration file.
A user password, which can be up to 31 characters in length and is case sensitive.
By default, the switch is conÞgured with two accounts, admin has administrator-level privileges and cannot be deleted; user has user-level privileges.
You can use this command to create additional accounts.
You should not use the encrypted option when you enter a command interactively. This option is used by the switch when generating an ASCII conÞguration Þle (using the
upload configuration command),
and parsing a switch-generated conÞguration Þle (using the download configuration command).
Default accounts do not have passwords assigned to them; you can change an accountÕs password with the
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
The application switch can have a total of 16 management accounts.
You must have administrator privileges to change passwords for accounts other than your own. User names and passwords are case-sensitive.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 53
Commands for Managing the Switch
If you do not specify the password on the command line, the switch will prompt you to enter the password, and will then prompt you to reenter the password to verify that you have entered it correctly.
Your keystrokes are not echoed as you enter and reenter the new password. Assuming you enter the same password in response to both prompts, the password is changed.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command creates a new account named John2 with administrator privileges: create account admin "john2"
The conÞguration Þle can contain the following command: create account admin "chuck" encrypted "eo2JTd$WKJ2FUOwZzRhCbjFxn2U3/"
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
54 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
delete account
delete account
delete account <username>
Deletes a user account.
Syntax Description username The user account to be deleted.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You may not delete the admin
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command deletes account john2 : delete account john2
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 55
Commands for Managing the Switch
disable clipaging
disable clipaging
Disables pausing at the end of each show screen.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Command-line interface (CLI) paging is enabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
The command-line interface is designed for use in a VT100 environment. Most show
command output will pause when the display reaches the end of a page. This command disables the pause mechanism and allows the display to print continuously to the screen.
Press [q] and then press [Return] to force a pause when command-line interface paging is disabled.
The follow command disables command-line interface paging and allows you to print continuously to the screen: disable clipaging
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
56 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
disable gslb
disable gslb
disable gslb
Stops the GlobalPx Content Director agent on the Px series application switch.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
By default, the GlobalPx Content Director agent does not run.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
Extreme Networks GlobalPx Content Director ª is a DNS-based Internet trafÞc-management system.
This system allows you to take advantage of network and server resources regardless of their location on the Internet or your Intranet. As you add points of presence (POPs, clusters of one or more Px-series switches) to a network, GlobalPx Content Director monitors server loads and network response latencies, distributing client requests to the POP that it determines will deliver the best performance.
GlobalPx Content Director improves client access performance and reliability by leveraging dispersed network resources. For more information, see the GlobalPx Content Director Installation and User Guide.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
disable gslb
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 57
Commands for Managing the Switch
disable log display
disable log display
Disables display of log message to the console.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Display of log messages is disabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
Although log messages are not displayed, they are still recorded in the internal log of the application switch.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example disables the display log messages to the console.
SummitPx1::12 # disable log display
* SummitPx1::13 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
58 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
disable port gigabit
disable port gigabit
disable port gigabit
Disables the Gigabit port.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
The Gigabit port is disabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command disables the Gigabit port.
disable port gigabit
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 59
Commands for Managing the Switch
disable self-audit
disable self-audit
Disables the internal self-audit.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Internal self-audit is enabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
Internal self-audit is the internal hardware-check mechanism. To see whether internal self-audit is enabled, use the
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command disables internal self-audit: disable self-audit
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
60 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
disable snmp access
disable snmp access
disable snmp access
Disables SNMP on the switch.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
SNMP access is enabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
Disabling SNMP access does not affect the SNMP conÞguration (for example, community strings).
However, if you disable SNMP access, you will be unable to access the switch using SNMP.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command disables SNMP access on the switch: disable snmp access
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 61
Commands for Managing the Switch
disable snmp traps
disable snmp traps
Prevents SNMP traps from being sent from the switch.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
SNMP trap support is enabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
This command does not clear the SNMP trap receivers that have been conÞgured. The command prevents SNMP traps from being sent from the switch even if trap receivers are conÞgured.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command prevents SNMP traps from being sent from the switch to the trap receivers: disable snmp traps
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
62 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
disable ssh2
disable ssh2
disable ssh2
Disables incoming SSH2 Telnet sessions.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
The SSH2 feature is disabled until you obtain a valid security license. If a valid security license is in effect, SSH2 is enabled with no access proÞle and uses TCP port number 22.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
SSH2 session options (access proÞle and non-default port setting) are not saved when SSH2 is disabled.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command disables the SSH2 feature: disable ssh2
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 63
Commands for Managing the Switch
disable syslog
disable syslog
Disables logging to a remote logging by way of the UNIX syslog
host facility.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Remote logging is disabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example disables logging to a remote syslog host:
SummitPx1::12 # disable syslog
* SummitPx1::13 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. \
64 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
disable telnet
disable telnet
Disables Telnet services on the switch.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Telnet services are enabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command disables Telnet services on the switch: disable telnet
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. disable telnet
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 65
Commands for Managing the Switch
disable vlan
disable vlan
Disables VLANs on the application switch.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
On SummitPx1, VLANs are disabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command disables VLANs on the application switch disable vlan
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
66 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
download configuration
download configuration
download configuration
[<IP address> | <hostname>]
{primary | secondary}
Downloads a previously saved ASCII conÞguration Þle from a speciÞc TFTP server host.
Syntax Description
IP address hostname filename primary secondary
The IP address of the TFTP server from which the configuration should be obtained.
The host name of the TFTP server from which the configuration should be obtained.
The path and filename of a saved ASCII configuration.
Specifies that the new configuration should be stored as the primary configuration.
Specifies that the new configuration should be stored as the secondary configuration.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
This command does a complete download, resetting the current switch conÞguration and replacing it with the new downloaded conÞguration. You will be prompted to reboot the switch after the download is complete.
The switch can store up to two conÞgurations: a primary conÞguration and a secondary conÞguration.
When you download a new conÞguration, you can select into which conÞguration space (primary or secondary) you want the new conÞguration to be placed. If you do not specify a conÞguration space,
the switch uses the one that was selected with the previous use configuration
command. To see which conÞguration is currently selected, use the
The new conÞguration information is stored in switch runtime memory, and is not retained if the switch has a power failure. After the switch has rebooted, you should save the conÞguration to the primary or secondary conÞguration area to retain it through a power cycle. You can include a save
command at the end of the conÞguration Þle to have the save done at the end of the download.
The Þle on the server is assumed to be located relative to the TFTP server base directory. You can specify a path as part of the Þlename.
Use of the hostname
parameter requires that DNS be enabled.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 67
Commands for Managing the Switch
The following command clears the current switch conÞguration, and downloads a new full conÞguration from the tftp server tftphost
. It uses the conÞguration from the Þle stdconfigs.txt
residing in the subdirectory configs\archive
of the TFTP server base directory on the server: download configuration tftphost configs\archive\stdconfig.txt primary
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
68 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
download image
download image
download image
[<IP address> | <hostname>]
{primary | secondary}
Downloads a new version of the ExtremeWarePx software image.
Syntax Description
IP address hostname filename primary secondary
The IP address of TFTP server from which the image should be obtained.
The host name of the TFTP server from which the image should be obtained.
The filename of the new image.
Specifies that the new image should be stored as the primary image.
Specifies that the new image should be stored as the secondary image.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
Prior to downloading an image, you must place the new image in a Þle on a TFTP server on your network. Unless you include a path with the Þlename, this command assumes that the Þle resides in the same directory as the TFTP server itself.
The switch can store up to two images: a primary image and a secondary image. When you download a new image, you can select into which image space (primary or secondary) you want the new image to be placed. If you do not specify an image space, the switch uses the one that was selected with the previous
Use of the hostname
parameter requires that DNS be enabled.
The following command downloads the switch software image from the TFTP server named tftphost , from the file named file.ext
, to the secondary image store: download image tftphost ExtremewarePx_ssh_1.2.0b13 primary
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 69
Commands for Managing the Switch
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
70 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
enable clipaging
enable clipaging
enable clipaging
Enables the pause mechanism and does not allow the display to print continuously to the screen.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Command-line interface (CLI) paging is enabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
The command-line interface is designed for use in a VT100 environment. Most show
command output will pause when the display reaches the end of a page.
Even if command-line interface paging is enabled, when you use the
diagnose system technical problems, the command-line interface paging feature is disabled during execution of that command.
The following command enables command-line interface paging and does not allow the display to print continuously to the screen: enable clipaging
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 71
Commands for Managing the Switch
enable gslb
enable gslb
{port <port number>}
Starts the GlobalPx Content Director agent on the Px series application switch.
Syntax Description port number The port to be used by the GlobalPx Content Director agent. If no port is specified, the agent listens on the default port, which is 2103.
By default, the GlobalPx Content Director agent does not run.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
Extreme Networks GlobalPx Content Director ª is a DNS-based Internet trafÞc-management system.
This system allows you to take advantage of network and server resources regardless of their location on the Internet or your Intranet. As you add points of presence (POPs, clusters of one or more Px-series switches) to a network, GlobalPx Content Director monitors server loads and network response latencies, distributing client requests to the POP that it determines will deliver the best performance.
GlobalPx Content Director improves client access performance and reliability by leveraging dispersed network resources. For more information, see the GlobalPx Content Director Installation and User Guide.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example starts the GlobalPx Content Director agent, listening on the default port (2103).
SummitPx1::12 # enable gslb
* SummitPx1::13 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
72 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
enable log display
enable log display
enable log display
Enables display of log message to the console.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Display of log messages is disabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
By default, warnings and more serious messages are logged. To log messages of a different severity level, use the
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example enables the display of non-fatal and fatal error messages to the console.
SummitPx1::12 # enable log display
* SummitPx1::13 # configure log display error
* SummitPx1::14 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 73
Commands for Managing the Switch
enable port gigabit
enable port gigabit
Enables the Gigabit port.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
The Gigabit port is disabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You will be warned if you attempt to issue the build
command when the Gigabit port is disabled.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example enables the Gigabit port, commit changes, and save your conÞguration changes to ßash memory, so that they are in effect after the next reboot.
SummitPx1:8 # enable port gigabit
SummitPx1:11 # build
SummitPx1:17 # save
Do you want to save to the primary configuration database? (y/n) y
Writing data to Flash...
Saved 16107 bytes to flash.
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
74 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
enable self-audit
enable self-audit
enable self-audit
Enables the internal self-audit.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Internal self-audit is enabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
Internal self-audit is the internal hardware-check mechanism. To see whether internal self-audit is enabled, use the
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command enables internal self-audit: enable self-audit
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 75
Commands for Managing the Switch
enable snmp access
enable snmp access
Turns on SNMP support for the switch.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
SNMP access is enabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
To have access to the SNMP agent residing in the switch, at least one VLAN must have an IP address assigned to it.
Any network manager running SNMP can manage the switch, provided the MIB is installed correctly on the management station. Each network manager provides its own user interface to the management facilities.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command enables SNMP support for the switch: enable snmp access
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
76 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
enable snmp traps
enable snmp traps
enable snmp traps
Turns on SNMP trap support.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
SNMP trap support is enabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
An authorized trap receiver can be one or more network management stations on your network. The switch sends SNMP traps to all trap receivers.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command enables SNMP trap support on the switch: enable snmp trap
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 77
Commands for Managing the Switch
enable ssh2
enable ssh2
{port <tcp_port_number>}
Enables incoming SSH2 Telnet sessions.
Syntax Description port The TCP port number to be used for SSH2 communication. The default is port 22.
The SSH2 feature is disabled until you obtain a valid security license. If a valid security license is in effect, SSH2 is enabled with no access proÞle and uses TCP port number 22.
Usage Guidelines
You must enable SSH2 on the switch before you can connect to it using an external SSH2 client.
Because SSH2 is currently under U.S. export restrictions, you must Þrst obtain a security-enabled version of the ExtremeWare software from Extreme Networks before you can enable SSH2. The procedure for obtaining a security-enabled version of the ExtremeWare software is described in the
ExtremeWare Software User Guide.
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
Using SSH2 requires an authentication key.
Before you issue this command, you should generates an SSH2 authentication key using the
configure ssh2 key command. If an authentication key has not already been conÞgured, the
enable ssh2 command will automatically start the dialog for generating an authentication key (which can take up to
40 minutes).
Use the port option to specify a TCP port number other than the default.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command enables the SSH2 feature, with access allowed based on the access proÞle
management: enable ssh2 management
78 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. enable ssh2
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 79
Commands for Managing the Switch
enable syslog
enable syslog
Enables logging to a remote logging by way of the UNIX syslog
host facility.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Remote logging is disabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
In order to enable remote logging, you must do the following:
¥ ConÞgure the syslog host to accept and log messages.
¥ Enable remote logging by using the enable syslog
¥ ConÞgure remote logging by using the
By default, warnings and more serious messages are logged. To log messages of a different severity level, use the
configure log display command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example enables logging to a remote syslog host:
SummitPx1::12 # enable syslog
* SummitPx1::13 # configure syslog ipaddress
* SummitPx1::14 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
80 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
enable telnet
enable telnet
Enables Telnet access to the switch.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Telnet services are enabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command enables Telnet services on the switch: enable telnet
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. enable telnet
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 81
Commands for Managing the Switch
enable vlan
enable vlan
Enables VLANs on the application switch.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
On SummitPx1, VLANs are disabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example enables VLANs on the application switch then conÞgures the IP address, network mask, and system VLAN.
SummitPx1:1 # enable vlan
* SummitPx1:2 # config system-ip / 24 vlan 100
* SummitPx1:3 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
82 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Logs out of the console.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
You can also log out with the logout
and quit
The following command logs out: exit
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. exit
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 83
Commands for Managing the Switch
Displays a list of the previous 49 commands entered on the switch.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
ExtremeWarePx ÒremembersÓ the last 49 commands you entered on the switch. Use the history command to display a list of these commands.
The following command displays the previous 49 commands entered on the switch: history
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
84 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
load configuration
load configuration
load configuration
[<IP address> | <hostname>]
Loads a previously saved ASCII conÞguration Þle from a speciÞc TFTP server host into the switch's runtime memory.
Syntax Description
IP address hostname filename
The IP address of the TFTP server from which the configuration should be obtained.
The host name of the TFTP server from which the configuration should be obtained.
The path and filename of a saved ASCII configuration.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
This command loads the conÞguration from the speciÞed Þle, adding to the current conÞguration.
The Þle on the server is assumed to be located relative to the TFTP server base directory. You can specify a path as part of the Þlename.
Use of the hostname
parameter requires that DNS be enabled.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes loaded by this command. You must use the
command to store the new conÞguration in permanent memory.
To download a complete new conÞguration into permanent memory, use the
command instead of this command.
The following command loads a conÞguration Þle into runtime memory.
load configuration tftphost myDir\myConfig.txt
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 85
Commands for Managing the Switch
Logs out of the console.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
You can also log out with the exit
and quit
The following command logs out: logout
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
86 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
nslookup <hostname>
Displays the IP address of the requested host.
Syntax Description hostname A host name.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
The following command looks up the IP address of a computer with the name of nslookup
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 87
Commands for Managing the Switch
[<IP address> | <hostname>]
Enables you to send Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo messages or to a remote IP device.
Syntax Description continuous
IP address hostname
Specifies that ICMP echo messages are to be sent continuously. This option can be interrupted by pressing any key.
The IP address of the host.
The name of the host.
Usage Guidelines
The ping
command is used to test for connectivity to a speciÞc host; it is available for both the user and administrator privilege level.
If a ping
request fails, the switch continues to send ping
messages until interrupted.
You can press any key to interrupt a ping
Use of the hostname
parameter requires that DNS be enabled.
This example identiÞes the remote device by its host name; the ping is successful.
SummitPx1:13 # ping is alive
This example causes continuous ICMP echo messages to be sent to a remote host.
SummitPx1:15 # ping continuous
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0. time=0 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1. time=0 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2. time=0 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3. time=0 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4. time=0 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5. time=0 ms PING Statistics----
6 packets transmitted, 6 packets received, 0% packet loss round-trip (ms) min/avg/max = 0/0/0
88 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
This example identiÞes the remote device by its IP address; the ping
SummitPx1:14 # ping no answer from
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 89
Commands for Managing the Switch
Logs out of the console.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
You can also log out with the exit
and logout
The following command logs out: quit
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
90 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Reboots the switch.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
After downloading a conÞguration with the
command, you need to reboot the
switch for the new conÞguration to take effect.
The following command reboots the switch: reboot
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 91
Commands for Managing the Switch
save configuration
save configuration [primary | secondary]
Saves the current conÞguration from the switchÕs runtime memory to non-volatile memory.
Syntax Description primary secondary
Specifies that the configuration should be stored as the primary configuration.
Specifies that the configuration should be stored as the secondary configuration.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
The saved conÞguration takes effect on the next reboot.
If you omit the primary or secondary keyword, the switch uses the one that was selected with the previous
command. To see which conÞguration is currently selected, use the
If you have made changes to the conÞguration which have not yet been committed by the build
command, you will be asked whether you want to commit those changes (build) before saving the conÞguration.
This example saves the current conÞguration to the primary conÞguration database:
SummitPx1:1 # save primary
Writing data to Flash...
Saved 16107 bytes to flash.
This example saves the conÞguration after Þrst committing changes:
* Alpha-Px:3 # save primary
Build configuration before saving (y/n)? y
** Configuring proxy-ip
** Configuring server table
** Configuring server-group table
** Configuring service table
92 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
** Updating Health List tables
** Updating self audit parameters.
** Updating Snmp Parameters.
** Gigabit port enabled
** Updating VRRP parameters.
** Updating autosync parameters.
Writing data to Flash...
Saved 16151 bytes to flash.
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. save configuration
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 93
Commands for Managing the Switch
{cipher [3des | blowfish]}
{port <port number>}
{debug <debug_level>}
<user>@ [<hostname> | <IP address>] :<remote_file>
[(configuration {incremental} | image [primary | secondary]]
Copies a Þle from a remote system to the switch using SCP2.
Syntax Description
3des blowfish port number debug_level user hostname
IP address remote file configuration incremental image primary secondary
Specifies that the 3des cipher should be used for encryption. This is the default.
Specifies that the blowfish cipher should be used for encryption.
The TCP port number to be used for communicating with the SSH2 client.
Default is port 22.
A debug level. Default is 0.
A login name for the remote host.
The name of the remote host.
The IP address of the remote host.
The name of the remote file to be copied to the switch.
Specifies that the copied file is a switch configuration file. It the incremental option is not specified, it replaces the current switch configuration.
Specifies that the copied file should be handled like an incremental configuration download (only the commands in the file are executed).
Specifies that the copied file is an software image.
Specifies that the image should be placed in the primary image area.
Specifies that the image should be placed in the secondary image area.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must be running a security-enabled version of ExtremeWare 6.2.1 (which is under Export Control) in order to use the scp2
SSH2 does not need to be enabled on the switch in order to use this command. (SSH2 is enabled by default if you are running a security-enabled version of ExtremeWare).
This command logs into the remote host as
and accesses the Þle
. You will be prompted for a password from the remote host, if required.
94 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
The following command copies a conÞguration Þle from the Þle
on host system1
to the switch, replacing the current switch conÞguration: scp2 configuration
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 95
Commands for Managing the Switch
{cipher [3des | blowfish]}
{port <port number>}
{compression [on | off]}
{user <username>}
{debug <debug_level>}
{<login_name>@} [<host> | <IP address>]
{<remote command>}
Transmits a command to a remote system using an SSH2 connection.
Syntax Description
3des blowfish port number on off username debug_level login_name host
IP address remote command
Specifies that the 3des cipher should be used for encryption. This is the default.
Specifies that the blowfish cipher should be used for encryption.
The TCP port number to be used for communicating with the SSH2 client.
Default is port 22.
Specifies that data is to be compressed.
Specifies that compression is not to be used. This is the default.
A login name for the remote host, as an alternate to the user@host parameter.
A debug level. Default is 0.
A login name for the remote host. May be omitted if it is the same as the user name on the switch.
The name of the remote host.
The IP address of the remote host.
A command to be passed to the remote system for execution. Remote commands are not supported on switches. This option is only valid if the remote system is a system, such as a UNIX workstation, that can accept remote commands.
Usage Guidelines
You must be running a security-enabled version of ExtremeWare 6.2.1 (which is under Export Control) in order to use the SSH2 client command.
SSH2 does not need to be enabled on the switch in order to use this command. (SSH2 is enabled by default if you are running a security-enabled version of ExtremeWare).
Typically this command is used to establish a secure session to a remote switch. You will be prompted for your password. Once you have logged in successfully, all ExtremeWare commands you enter will be
96 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
ssh2 executed on the remote switch. When you terminate the remote session, commands will then resume being executed on the original switch.
The remote command option cannot be used with Extreme Networks switches. If you include a remote command, you will receive an error message.
The following command establishes an SSH2 session on switch engineering1: ssh2 admin@engineering1
The following command establishes an SSH2 session with the switch summit48i over TCP port 2050 with compression enabled: ssh2 port 2050 compression on admin@summit48i
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 97
Commands for Managing the Switch
[<IP address> | <hostname>]
{<port number>}
Allows you to Telnet from the current command-line interface session to another host.
Syntax Description
IP address hostname port number
The IP address of the host.
The name of the host.
A TCP port number. The default port is 23.
Usage Guidelines
Only VT100 emulation is supported.
Any workstation with a Telnet facility should be able to communicate with the switch over a TCP/IP network.
You need to conÞgure the switch IP parameters.
You can press the escape character [Ctrl] + ] (hexadecimal 0x1d) to get out of the Telnet session.
Up to eight active Telnet sessions can access the switch concurrently. If idletimeouts
are enabled, the
Telnet connection will time out after 20 minutes of inactivity. If a connection to a Telnet session is lost inadvertently, the switch terminates the session within two hours.
Before you can start a Telnet session, you need to conÞgure the switch IP parameters. To open a Telnet connection, you must specify the host IP address or the host name of the device you wish to manage.
Check the user manual supplied with the Telnet facility if you are unsure of how to do this.
Use of the hostname
parameter requires that DNS be enabled.
This example conÞgures Telnet communication with a host at IP address
SummitPx1:13 # telnet chein-bsd
Type '^]' to exit.
FreeBSD/i386 (chein-bsd.cnd.extremenetworks.c) (ttyq1) login:
98 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. telnet
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 99
Commands for Managing the Switch
traceroute [<IP address> | <hostname>]
Enables you to trace the routed path between the switch and a destination endstation.
Syntax Description
IP address hostname
The IP address of the destination endstation.
The host name of the destination endstation.
Usage Guidelines
To use the hostname parameter, you must Þrst conÞgure DNS.
Each router along the path is displayed.
The following command enables the traceroute function to a destination of traceroute
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
100 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
unconfigure gslb
unconfigure gslb
unconfigure gslb ipaddress <IP address> service <string>
Removes a virtual service from use by the GlobalPx Content Director scheduler.
Syntax Description
IP address string
The VIP of the virtual service to be removed from use by the GlobalPx Content Director scheduler.
The virtual host name used for the specified VIP; this virtual host name must also be set the scheduler.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
Extreme Networks GlobalPx Content Director ª is a DNS-based Internet trafÞc-management system.
This system allows you to take advantage of network and server resources regardless of their location on the Internet or your Intranet. As you add points of presence (POPs, clusters of one or more Px-series switches) to a network, GlobalPx Content Director monitors server loads and network response latencies, distributing client requests to the POP that it determines will deliver the best performance.
GlobalPx Content Director improves client access performance and reliability by leveraging dispersed network resources.
The GlobalPx Content Director transparently directs clients and client DNS servers to the most appropriate POP to satisfy client requests. Typically, the physically closest POP is the one that gives the fastest response. However, this is not always the case. The GlobalPx Content Director scheduler routes requests to the optimal POP. The scheduler is a separate program that runs on a Windows or Solaris machine. When the scheduler is in use, virtual services are not automatically used by the scheduler. You must issue the
configure gslb command for any virtual service that you want to be used by the
scheduler. If you later decide to remove a virtual service from the scheduler, you issue this command.
For more information, see the GlobalPx Content Director Installation and User Guide.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example removes a virtual service from use by the scheduler.
SummitPx1::12 # unconfig gslb ip service
SummitPx1::13 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 101
Commands for Managing the Switch
unconfigure mgmt iproute
unconfigure mgmt iproute dest-ip <destination IP address> gateway <gateway IP address>
Removes a route from the routing table for the switchÕs 10/100BT port.
Syntax Description destination IP address gateway IP address
The destination IP address.
The gateway IP address.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
The 10/100BT port has a separate routing table. By default, no routes are installed in the routing table; add routes to the table with the
This command removes the routing-table entry indicating that trafÞc for destination IP address should be directed to gateway IP address .
The conÞguration of management-port information is executed immediately; you do not need to issue the
build command for this command to take effect.
This example removes a route: station1:4 # unconfig mgmt iproute dest-ip gateway
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
102 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
unconfigure switch
unconfigure switch
unconfigure switch {all}
Removes the switch conÞguration, restoring factory defaults.
Syntax Description all Specifies that user accounts should be removed.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
This command removes the current conÞguration and restores the servers, services and system conÞguration to factory defaults. If you specify the all
keyword, conÞguration of user accounts is also removed.
The default conÞguration takes effect when you reboot the switch.
This example removes the conÞguration but keeps user accounts.
* station2:7 # unconfig switch
Restore factory defaults (except user accounts) and reboot? (yes or no): y
This example removes the conÞguration including user accounts:
* station2:6 # unconfig switch all
Restore factory defaults and reboot? (yes or no): y
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 103
Commands for Managing the Switch
upload configuration
upload configuration
[<IP address> | <hostname>]
{primary | secondary}
Uploads the current conÞguration to a TFTP server on your network.
Syntax Description
IP address hostname filename primary secondary
The IP address of the TFTP server.
The host name of the TFTP server.
A name for the file where the configuration is to be saved.
The filename can be up to 255 characters long, and cannot include any spaces, commas, quotation marks, or special characters. Unless you include a path with the filename, this command places the file in the same directory as the TFTP server itself.
Specifies that the primary configuration should be uploaded.
Specifies that the secondary configuration should be uploaded.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
The uploaded ASCII Þle retains the command-line interface (CLI) format. This allows you to do the following:
¥ Modify the conÞguration using a text editor, and later download a copy of the Þle (using the
command) to the same switch, or to one or more different switches.
¥ Send a copy of the conÞguration Þle to Extreme Networks Technical Support for problem-solving purposes.
Use of the hostname parameter requires that DNS be enabled.
The following command uploads the current primary conÞguration to the Þle configbackup.txt
on the
TFTP server named tftphost
: upload configuration tftphost configbackup.txt primary
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
104 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. upload configuration
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 105
Commands for Managing the Switch
use configuration
use configuration [primary | secondary]
ConÞgures the switch to use a previously saved conÞguration on the next reboot.
Syntax Description primary secondary
Specifies the primary saved configuration.
Specifies the secondary saved configuration.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You can issue the
show switch command to see which conÞguration is currently being used.
The following command speciÞes that the next reboot should use the primary saved conÞguration: use configuration primary
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
106 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
use image
use image [primary | secondary]
ConÞgures the switch to use a saved image on the next reboot.
Syntax Description primary secondary
Specifies the primary saved software image.
Specifies the secondary saved software image.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You can issue the
show switch command to see which image is currently being used.
The following command conÞgures the switch to use the primary image on the next reboot: use image primary
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. use image
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 107
Commands for Managing the Switch
108 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide

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Key features
- Health Checks
- Server Grouping
- Virtual Services
- Load Balancing
- Traffic Management