Commands for Configuring Servers and Services. Extreme Networks Px Series, Px 1
Extreme Networks Px Px1 application switch provides a powerful platform for managing network traffic and load balancing. It offers features such as health checks, server grouping, virtual services, and more. This command reference guide provides detailed information on all the commands available in the ExtremeWarePx software, making it an essential resource for administrators managing these switches.
Commands for Configuring Servers and
This chapter describes the following commands:
¥ Commands for conÞguring servers
¥ Commands for creating and conÞguring server groups
¥ Commands for creating and conÞguring virtual services
The real servers are the actual web or application servers that fulÞll the client requests. Typically, one or more identical real servers run the same application and contain the exact same content. ConÞguring a
server makes a real server available to the switch, assigns the server a unique index, and sets properties of the server. The switch identiÞes servers by index. For each server index, the switch keeps track of the
IP address and port number of the corresponding real server. Once a server has been conÞgured, it can be identiÞed in commands either by its index number or by the combination of its IP address and port number.
The following commands conÞgure servers.
configure server default Configures the global default values for server properties.
unconfigure server Removes one or more servers from the system.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 109
Commands for Configuring Servers and Services
Server Groups
After servers are conÞgured, they must be organized into server groups. The ExtremeWarePx software selects a server to handle each connection to a particular server group.
The following commands create and conÞgure server groups.
configure server-group add-server
configure server-group delete-server
Creates a server group with the specified name and scheduling policy.
Adds one or more servers to a server group.
Deletes one or more servers from a server group.
Removes a server group from the system.
Virtual Services
A virtual service is the IP address and port to which clients on the Internet actually connect. The
Px-series application switch supports layer 4 and layer 7 virtual services:
¥ A layer 4 virtual service used one particular server group. Any connection to the service is directed to one of the servers in that group, based on the scheduling policy of the server group. The trafÞc is not examined.
¥ A layer 7 virtual service can use a number of different server groups. The switch examines a client request and applies pattern rules for the service to select a server group based on the domain, URL, or cookie in the request.
The following commands create and remove virtual services.
Creates a layer 4 virtual service.
Creates a layer 7 virtual service.
Removes a service from the system.
The following commands conÞgure a layer 7 virtual service.
configure pattern-rule default
configure pattern-rule default cookie-name
Creates a domain for the current layer 7 service.
Configures the default domain for the current layer 7 service.
Creates a pattern rule for the current domain of the current layer 7 service.
Configures the default pattern rule for the current domain of a current layer 7 service.
Configures the cookie persistence mode for the current layer 7 service.
Removes a domain from the current layer 7 service.
Removes a pattern rule from the current domain of the current layer 7 service.
110 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure domain
configure domain
configure domain name <name string>
Creates a domain for the current layer 7 service.
Syntax Description name string The domain name as specified in a client request, or the special domain name "*" if the server uses only the URL (and not the domain name) to select a server group.
The name string "*" matches any request with an unspecified domain name, that is, any request in which the domain name is not present in the HTTP header.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
This command applies to the service that was speciÞed in the most recently issued
command. That service is called the current service.
This command establishes the context for subsequent commands that conÞgure pattern rules for the domain. It is relevant only for a layer 7 service that uses HTTP.
You use this command as follows:
¥ If the current service uses the domain speciÞed in the client request to select a server group, you must: a Issue the
configure domain command to conÞgure a recognized domain name for the current
service; the domain speciÞed in this command is called the current domain.
b Issue the appropriate commands to conÞgure pattern rules for the current domain. c If more than one domain name is recognized for the current service, repeat steps a and b for each additional recognized domain name.
d Issue the
command to conÞgure a default domain for the current service.
e Issue the appropriate commands to conÞgure pattern rules for the default domain.
¥ If the current service uses only the URL (and not the domain) to select a server group, you must: a Issue the
configure domain command, specifying the special domain name
"*" .
b Issue the appropriate commands to conÞgure pattern rules for the current service.
For each conÞgured domain name, including the special domain name
, you must conÞgure zero or more non-default pattern rules (with the
command) and one default pattern
rule (with the configure pattern-rule
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 111
Commands for Configuring Servers and Services
If a layer 7 service was conÞgured with its class
parameter set to https
, you use the
command instead of this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example conÞgures domains for a service. Note that the service is conÞgured to recognizes domain names that begin with or omit the initial Ò www.
Ó (for example,
SummitPx1::12 # config service vip port 8080 proto tcp l7 class http
* SummitPx1::13 # config domain name
* SummitPx1::14 # config pattern-rule default server-group-name buystuff
* SummitPx1::15 # config domain name
* SummitPx1::16 # config pattern-rule default server-group-name buystuff
* SummitPx1::17 # config domain name
* SummitPx1::18 # config pattern-rule default server-group-name buythisnow
* SummitPx1::19 # config domain name
* SummitPx1::20 # config pattern-rule default server-group-name buythisnow
* SummitPx1::21 # config domain default
* SummitPx1::22 # config pattern-rule default server-group-name mainpage
* SummitPx1::23 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
112 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure domain default
configure domain default
configure domain default
ConÞgures the default domain for the current layer 7 service.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
This command applies to the service that was speciÞed in the most recently issued
command. That service is called the current service.
You must conÞgure a default domain for every layer 7 service that does not conÞgure the single special domain name
This command establishes the context for the subsequent commands that conÞgure pattern rules for the default domain.
You must conÞgure pattern rules for the default domain:
¥ For a service whose class is https , the default domain must contain only the default pattern rule
(created with the configure pattern-rule default command).
¥ The default domain of other services may contain zero or more non-default pattern rules (created with the
command) and must contain one default pattern rule. If the service uses cookies, you use the
configure pattern-rule default cookie-name
command to
conÞgure the default pattern rule; otherwise, you use the configure pattern-rule default
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example conÞgures two named domains and a default domain for a service. All domains for this service contain a default pattern rule only
SummitPx1::12 # config service vip port 8080 proto tcp l7 class http
* SummitPx1::13 # config domain name
* SummitPx1::14 # config pattern-rule default server-group-name group1
* SummitPx1::15 # config domain name
* SummitPx1::16 # config pattern-rule default server-group-name group1
* SummitPx1::17 # config domain default
* SummitPx1::18 # config pattern-rule default server-group-name mainpage
* SummitPx1::19 # build
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 113
Commands for Configuring Servers and Services
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
114 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure pattern-rule
configure pattern-rule
configure pattern-rule <pattern string> server-group-name <group name>
[noqos |
(dot1p-to-svr <dot1p-to-svr tag>
dot1p-to-net <dot1p-to-net tag>
diffserv-to-svr <diffserv-to-svr tag>
diffserv-to-net <diffserv-to-net tag>)]
Creates a pattern rule for the current domain of the current layer 7 service.
Syntax Description pattern string The pattern to be matched against the URL in the client request.
The pattern string can include a single wildcard character ( * ), which may be placed before or after any of the following delimiters:
/ . ? & #
The wildcard matches any string from zero to 32 characters long.
The name of the server group to select if the pattern is matched.
group name noqos dot1p-to-svr tag
Indicates that the service does not tag traffic based on the application or transaction type
Specifies whether to apply a tag to the 802.1p header for packets directed to the server; one of the following values:
• The keyword preserve indicates that no tag is applied to this type of traffic.
• A hexadecimal number from 0x00 to 0x07, inclusive, is the tag to be applied to this type of traffic.
dot1p-to-net tag Specifies whether to apply a tag to the 802.1p header for packets directed to the network; one of the following values:
• The keyword preserve indicates that no tag is applied to this type of traffic.
• A hexadecimal number from 0x00 to 0x07, inclusive, is the tag to be applied to this type of traffic.
diffserv-to-svr tag Specifies whether to apply a tag to the DiffServ code point for packets directed to the server; one of the following values:
• The keyword preserve indicates that no tag is applied to this type of traffic.
• A hexadecimal number from 0x00 to 0x3F, inclusive, is the tag to be applied to this type of traffic.
diffserv-to-net tag Specifies whether to apply a tag to the DiffServ code point for packets directed to the network; one of the following values:
• The keyword preserve indicates that no tag is applied to this type of traffic.
• A hexadecimal number from 0x00 to 0x3F, inclusive, is the tag to be applied to this type of traffic.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 115
Commands for Configuring Servers and Services
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
This command applies to the current domain of the current service. The current service is the service that was speciÞed in the most recently issued
command. The current domain is the
domain that was speciÞed in the most recently issued configure domain
The conÞgured pattern rule speciÞes the server group that the current service should use when a client request includes the current domain and a URL that matches the speciÞed pattern string.
If you end the command with the noqos
keyword, the headers are left unchanged in the incoming trafÞc that matches the conÞgured pattern rule. If you do not specify this keyword, you can specify tags for incoming trafÞc. You can specify different tags for two Þelds: the 802.1p header and the DiffServ code point (DSCP) in the TCP header. For either Þeld, you can specify different tags for trafÞc towards the server and trafÞc towards the network. You must specify values for all four parameters dot1p-to-svr
, dot1p-to-net
, diffserv-to-svr
, and diffserv-to-net
. If the value of one of these parameters is a hexadecimal number, that number is used as a tag, overwriting any tag that is used on the trafÞc; if the value is the keyword preserve
, any existing tag in the incoming trafÞc is left unchanged.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example conÞgures a service to use the images
server group for Þles with the extensions gif
or jpg
, the media
server group for Þles with the extensions mov
or mp3
, and the mydomain
server group for all other Þles.
SummitPx1::14 # config service vip port 80 protocol tcp L7 class http
* SummitPx1::15 # config domain name *
* SummitPx1::16 # config pattern-rule "*.gif" server-group-name images noqos
* SummitPx1::17 # config pattern-rule "*.jpg" server-group-name images noqos
* SummitPx1::18 # config pattern-rule "*.mov" server-group-name media noqos
* SummitPx1::19 # config pattern-rule "*.mp3" server-group-name media noqos
* SummitPx1::20 # config pattern-rule default server-group-name mydomain noqos
* SummitPx1::21 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
116 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure pattern-rule default
configure pattern-rule default
configure pattern-rule default server-group-name <group name>
[noqos |
(dot1p-to-svr <dot1p-to-svr tag>
dot1p-to-net <dot1p-to-net tag>
diffserv-to-svr <diffserv-to-svr tag>
diffserv-to-net <diffserv-to-net tag>)]
ConÞgures the default pattern rule for the current domain of a current layer 7 service.
Syntax Description group name noqos dot1p-to-svr tag
The name of the server group to select if the URL in the client request does not match any pattern rule of the current domain of the current service.
Indicates that the service does not tag traffic based on the application or transaction type
Specifies whether to apply a tag to the 802.1p header for packets directed to the server; one of the following values:
• The keyword preserve indicates that no tag is applied to this type of traffic.
• A hexadecimal number from 0x00 to 0x07, inclusive, is the tag to be applied to this type of traffic.
dot1p-to-net tag Specifies whether to apply a tag to the 802.1p header for packets directed to the network; one of the following values:
• The keyword preserve indicates that no tag is applied to this type of traffic.
• A hexadecimal number from 0x00 to 0x07, inclusive, is the tag to be applied to this type of traffic.
diffserv-to-svr tag Specifies whether to apply a tag to the DiffServ code point for packets directed to the server; one of the following values:
• The keyword preserve indicates that no tag is applied to this type of traffic.
• A hexadecimal number from 0x00 to 0x3F, inclusive, is the tag to be applied to this type of traffic.
diffserv-to-net tag Specifies whether to apply a tag to the DiffServ code point for packets directed to the network; one of the following values:
• The keyword preserve indicates that no tag is applied to this type of traffic.
• A hexadecimal number from 0x00 to 0x3F, inclusive, is the tag to be applied to this type of traffic.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
This command applies to the current domain of the current service. The current service is the service that was speciÞed in the most recently issued
configure service L7 command. The current domain is the
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 117
Commands for Configuring Servers and Services
domain that was speciÞed in the most recently issued configure domain
The conÞgured pattern rule speciÞes the server group to be used when no other pattern rule in the current domain is applicable.
If you end the command with the noqos
keyword, the headers are left unchanged in the incoming trafÞc that matches the conÞgured pattern rule. If you do not specify this keyword, you can specify tags for incoming trafÞc. You can specify different tags for two Þelds: the 802.1p header and the DiffServ code point (DSCP) in the TCP header. For either Þeld, you can specify different tags for trafÞc towards the server and trafÞc towards the network. You must specify values for all four parameters dot1p-to-svr
, dot1p-to-net
, diffserv-to-svr
, and diffserv-to-net
. If the value of one of these parameters is a hexadecimal number, that number is used as a tag, overwriting any tag that is used on the trafÞc; if the value is the keyword preserve
, any existing tag in the incoming trafÞc is left unchanged.
For the default domain of a service that uses cookies, you create the default pattern rule with the
configure pattern-rule default cookie-name
command instead of this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example conÞgures a default pattern rule for Þles with the gif
extension and a default rule
SummitPx1::12 # config service vip port 8080 proto tcp l7 class http
* SummitPx1::13 # config domain name
* SummitPx1::14 # config pattern-rule "*.gif" server-group-name group2 dot1p-to-svr 0x07 dot1p-to-net 0x07 diffserv-to-srv 0x3f diffserv-to-net 0x3f
* SummitPx1::15 # config pattern-rule default server-group-name group1 noqos
* SummitPx1::16 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
118 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure pattern-rule default cookie-name
configure pattern-rule default cookie-name
configure pattern-rule default server-group-name <group name> cookie-name <cookie string> cookie-type [ self | hash | learning]}
[noqos |
(dot1p-to-svr <dot1p-to-svr tag>
dot1p-to-net <dot1p-to-net tag>
diffserv-to-svr <diffserv-to-svr tag>
diffserv-to-net <diffserv-to-net tag>)]
ConÞgures the cookie persistence mode for the current layer 7 service.
Syntax Description group name cookie string self hash learning noqos dot1p-to-svr tag
The name of the server group to select whenever a client request for the current service includes a cookie.
The ASCII name of the cookie. The current service responds only to cookies with this name.
Specifies that the current service uses self-identifying cookie persistence mode. In this mode, the server cookie should contain a unique string of 7 to 15 characters to identify the real IP web server of the specified server group.
Specifies that the current service uses hashed cookie persistence mode. In this mode, the cookie contains unique information about the client. The switch computes a hash value from this information and uses the hash value to select the appropriate server from the specified server group.
Specifies that the current service uses learned cookie persistence mode. In this mode, the switch creates a database that stores historical information about each session and uses the stored information to match the incoming cookie with the previous connection made by the same client and value to select the appropriate server from the specified server group.
Indicates that the service does not tag traffic based on the application or transaction type
Specifies whether to apply a tag to the 802.1p header for packets directed to the server; one of the following values:
• The keyword preserve indicates that no tag is applied to this type of traffic.
• A hexadecimal number from 0x00 to 0x07, inclusive, is the tag to be applied to this type of traffic.
dot1p-to-net tag Specifies whether to apply a tag to the 802.1p header for packets directed to the network; one of the following values:
• The keyword preserve indicates that no tag is applied to this type of traffic.
• A hexadecimal number from 0x00 to 0x07, inclusive, is the tag to be applied to this type of traffic.
diffserv-to-svr tag Specifies whether to apply a tag to the DiffServ code point for packets directed to the server; one of the following values:
• The keyword preserve indicates that no tag is applied to this type of traffic.
• A hexadecimal number from 0x00 to 0x3F, inclusive, is the tag to be applied to this type of traffic.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 119
Commands for Configuring Servers and Services diffserv-to-net tag Specifies whether to apply a tag to the DiffServ code point for packets directed to the network; one of the following values:
• The keyword preserve indicates that no tag is applied to this type of traffic.
• A hexadecimal number from 0x00 to 0x3F, inclusive, is the tag to be applied to this type of traffic.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
This command applies to the default domain of the current service. The current service is the service that was speciÞed in the most recently issued
configure service L7 command. The
class of the current service must be http .
The current domain must be the default domain. That is, the
must have been issues after any configure domain command for the current service.
The conÞgured pattern rule speciÞes the server group to be used whenever the service gets a client request that includes a cookie with the speciÞed nameÑregardless of the domain name or URL speciÞed in the request. The contents of the cookie is used to select the speciÞc server within the server group, according to the cookie persistence mode speciÞed by the cookie-type parameter.
If you end the command with the noqos keyword, the headers are left unchanged in the incoming trafÞc that include cookies. If you do not specify this keyword, you can specify tags for incoming trafÞc. You can specify different tags for two Þelds: the 802.1p header and the DiffServ code point (DSCP) in the
TCP header. For either Þeld, you can specify different tags for trafÞc towards the server and trafÞc towards the network. You must specify values for all four parameters dot1p-to-svr , dot1p-to-net , diffserv-to-svr , and diffserv-to-net . If the value of one of these parameters is a hexadecimal number, that number is used as a tag, overwriting any tag that is used on the trafÞc; if the value is the keyword preserve , any existing tag in the incoming trafÞc is left unchanged.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example conÞgures a service to use learned cookie persistence.
SummitPx1::12 # config service vip port 8080 proto tcp l7 class http
* SummitPx1::13 # config domain name
* SummitPx1::14 # config pattern-rule default server-group-name group1
* SummitPx1::15 # config domain name default
* SummitPx1::16 # config pattern-rule default server-group-name group1 cookie-name
"session-id" cookie-type self
* SummitPx1::17 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
120 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. configure pattern-rule default cookie-name
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 121
Commands for Configuring Servers and Services
configure server
configure server index <index number> ipaddress <IP address> port <port number>
{max-connections <max number>}
{weight <weight number>}
{cookie <cookie string>} configure server index <index number> ipaddress <IP address> - <IP address> port <port number>
{max-connections <max number>}
{weight <weight number>}
ConÞgures one or more servers, establishing a correspondence between each serverÕs index and the IP address and port number of the corresponding real server.
Syntax Description index number
IP address port number max number weight number cookie string
A unique index number that identifies the server to the switch.
An actual IP address of a real server. Two IP addresses separated by a hyphen indicate a range of addresses; the command configures all servers with addresses in the specified range.
The port the real server uses to answer requests. Real servers can share an IP address, but the port must be unique for each server.
The maximum number of concurrent connections that the server can handle. After that number is reached, no more connections are sent to that particular server until some of the open connections have been close.
If this parameter is not specified, the global default maximum number of connections is used.
The weight factor to be used for weighted load-balancing algorithms.
If this parameter is not specified, the global default weight is used.
An ASCII string between 7 and 15 characters long that uniquely identifies the server. This string will be used by service pattern rules of cookie-type self .
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
To conÞgure a server, you must specify:
¥ The index that identiÞes the server to the switch
¥ A unique combination of IP address and port number that identiÞes the real server
122 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure server
You can conÞgure a number of servers at contiguous IP addresses, all of which use the same port. When you specify a range of IP addresses, the speciÞed index is used for the Þrst server and incremented for each conÞgured server.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
Adding a Server. The Þrst time you conÞgure a particular combination of index, IP address, and port number, you add the speciÞed server to the system. The switch associates the server index with the real server that has the indicated IP address and port number.
If a given real server has already been added to the system, you may not assign that same server to a different index. An error will be reported if you attempt to do so. For examples:
SummitPx1::2 # config server index 100 ipaddress port 80
* SummitPx1::3 # config server index 102 ipaddress port 80
ERROR: server ip and port have already been configured in server index 100
Command Failed
Setting Server Properties. Adding a server to the system initializes the serverÕs properties:
¥ The maximum number of connections for the server
¥ The serverÕs weight for use by weighted load-balancing algorithms
¥ A cookie string that uniquely identiÞes the server (relevant only for servers that will be used in a layer 7 virtual service that uses the self-identifying cookie persistence mode)
When you conÞgure a single server, you can specify values for any of these properties. When you conÞgure a number of servers in a single command, you can specify values for the Þrst two properties, but not the cookie string.
When the number of connections to a particular server equals its maximum number of connections, no more connections are sent to that server until some of its open connections have been closed.
If the configure server
command does not specify the value for a serverÕs maximum number of connections or weight, the global default value is used. The global default value for the maximum number of connections is initially 10,000; the global default for weight is initially 1. You can change the global default values with the
If the
command does not specify the value for a serverÕs cookie string, and that server is used in a layer 7 virtual service that uses the self-identifying cookie persistence mode, a default cookie string is constructed. A serverÕs default cookie string is a 7-character ASCII string containing the serverÕs index with leading zeros. For example, a server with index 25 has the default cookie string of "0000025".
Changing the Real Server at an Index. Once you have added a server to the system, if you later issue the configure server command, specifying the serverÕs index number but a different IP address and port number, you replace the real server associated with that server index. The real server previously associated with the speciÞed index is removed from the system (because it no longer has an associated index number).
Changing Server Properties. You can change the properties of an existing server by issuing the
command, specifying the index number, IP address, and port number of the server,
and a new value for the any of the serverÕs properties.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 123
Commands for Configuring Servers and Services
This example creates servers with indexes 3 through 10, all using port 80, with a maximum of 4000 connections, and all with equal weight:
SummitPx1:11 # configure server index 3 ipaddress - port 80 max-connections 4000 weight 1
* SummitPx1:12 # build
This form of this command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.2. A form of the command without the cookie parameter was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
124 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure server default
configure server default
configure server default
[(max-connections <max number>) |
(weight <weight number>)]
ConÞgures the global default values for server properties.
Syntax Description max number weight number
The global default value for the maximum number of concurrent connections a server can handle. When a server has its maximum number of connections, no more connections are sent to that particular server until some of its open connections have been closed.
The global default value for the weight factor for servers. Weight factors are used by weighted load-balancing algorithms.
If this command is never used, the global default value for maximum number of connections is 10,000 and the global default value for weight is 1.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You can use this command to change the global default values for server properties. When you conÞgure servers without specifying the maximum number of connections, the global default for that property is used. When you conÞgure servers without specifying the weight, the global default for that property is used.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example sets the global default maximum number of connections to 6,000 (command 8), then conÞgures 3 servers using this default (command 9), and conÞgures a fourth server with a maximum of
4,000 connections (command 10). These changes do not take effect until the build
command (number
11) commits them.
SummitPx1:8 # configure server default max-connections 6000
* SummitPx1:9 # configure server index 3 ipaddress - port 80
* SummitPx1:10 # configure server index 6 ipaddress port 80 max-connections 4000
* SummitPx1:11 # configure server index 7ipaddress port 80 cookie "myserver1"
* SummitPx1:12 # build
This form command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 125
Commands for Configuring Servers and Services
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
126 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure server-group
configure server-group
configure server-group name <name string> policy [rr | round-robin |wrr | weighted-round-robin |
lc | least-connections | wlc | weighted-least-connections |
{server-last-resort index <index>}
Creates a server group with the speciÞed name and scheduling policy.
Syntax Description name string rr round-robin wrr weighted-round-robin lc least-connections wlc weighted-least-connections hash index
A unique name for the new server group.
Specifies the round-robin scheduling policy. ( rr is an abbreviation for round-robin ; either the abbreviation or the full policy name may be used in this command.)
Specifies the weighted round-robin scheduling policy. ( wrr is an abbreviation for weighted-round-robin ; either the abbreviation or the full policy name may be used in this command
Specifies the least-connections scheduling policy. ( lc is an abbreviation for least-connections ; either the abbreviation or the full policy name may be used in this command.)
Specifies the weighted least-connections scheduling policy. ( wlc is an abbreviation for weighted-least-connections ; either the abbreviation or the full policy name may be used in this command.)
Specifies the hash scheduling policy.
The index for the server of last resort.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
When you create a server group, you must specify a unique name and a scheduling policy
A serverÕs scheduling policy, also called its load-balancing policy, is the method by which a server is selected from the server group for a particular connection. Any service that uses a speciÞc server group uses the policy deÞned for that group.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 127
Commands for Configuring Servers and Services
The Px-series application switch supports the following scheduling policies:
Policy round robin weighted round robin least connections weighted least connections hash
Distributes clients evenly across the web server group by passing each new connection request to the next server in line. The first client connection is sent to the first server, the second to the second server, and so on, until each server has a connection. When each server has its first connection, the next client connection is sent to the first server, the next to the second, and so on.
Round robin is the simplest way of balancing web traffic, and is best suited for environments in which the performance level of all servers is about equal, and all servers provide the same content.
Similar to round robin, except that you can apply a weight to each server. For example, if server A has a weight of two, and server B has a weight of one, server A receives two connections for each connection given to server B.
Weighted round robin is useful if all servers provide the same content, but some are faster than others.
Passes a new connection to the server having the fewest active sessions. It distributes clients based on the server with fewest connections currently open.
The least connections policy provides the best performance under most conditions.
As in weighted round robin, assigns a weight to each server. The weight can be based on a number of things, including:
• Processor speed
• Network connection speed
Connections are distributed using the server with the fewest connections by weight. As in weighted round robin, weighted least connections can be used if servers have very different connection-handling capacities.
Weighted least connections has the advantage of not overloading older, slower servers with too many connections.
Selects a server from the group based on a hash value computed from the client IP address and the service IP address (VIP).
You may optionally specify a server of last resort for the group. This is a server to which trafÞc is sent if all the servers in a server-group are down. It could be a server that simply replies to the client with a
"SYSTEM DOWN" message, or a server that can service the request under emergency circumstances
(perhaps a development machine or a system in another geographical location). To specify the server of last resort, use the optional server-last-resort parameter.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example creates a server group named group1 , giving it the weighted least-connections scheduling policy:
SummitPx1:25 # configure server-group name group1 policy wlc
* SummitPx1:26 # build
This example creates a server group named group2 with round-robin scheduling policy that uses server with index 9 as its server of last resort:
SummitPx1:27 # configure server-group name group2 policy rr server-last-resort index 9
* SummitPx1:28 # build
128 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. configure server-group
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 129
Commands for Configuring Servers and Services
configure server-group add-server
configure server-group name <name string> add-server
[(index <index number> {- <index number>}) |
(ipaddress <IP address> {- <IP address>} port <port number>)]
Adds one or more servers to a server group.
Syntax Description name string index number
IP address port number
The name of the server group to which the servers should be added.
The unique index number of a server to be added.
The IP address of a server to be added. The IP address plus the port number uniquely identify a server.
The port number of the servers to be added. The port number plus the IP address uniquely identify a server.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
After you have created a server group with the
command and added servers to the system with the
configure server command, you can add the servers to the server group.
You can identify a server to be added either by its index number or by its IP address and port number.
This command allows you to add a number of servers with consecutive index numbers or a number of servers with consecutive IP addresses, all of which use the same port.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example adds three servers to the system, creates a server group, and adds the three servers to the server group:
SummitPx1:5 # configure server index 1 ip - port 80
* SummitPx1:6 # configure server-group name group1 policy rr
* SummitPx1:7 # configure server-group name group1 add-server index 1 - 3
* SummitPx1:8 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
130 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. configure server-group add-server
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 131
Commands for Configuring Servers and Services
configure server-group delete-server
configure server-group name <name string> delete-server
[(index <index number> {- <index number>}) |
(ipaddress <IP address> {- <IP address>} port <port number>)]
Deletes one or more servers from a server group.
Syntax Description name string index number
IP address port number
The name of the server group from which the servers should be deleted.
The unique index number of a server to be deleted.
The IP address of a server to be deleted. The IP address plus the port number uniquely identify a server.
The port number of the servers to be deleted. The port number plus the IP address uniquely identify a server.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
After you have created a server group with the
command, and added servers to the group with the
configure server-group add-server command, you can delete selected servers
from the server group.
You can identify a server to be deleted either by its index number or by its IP address and port number.
This command allows you to delete a number of servers with consecutive index numbers or a number of servers with consecutive IP addresses, all of which use the same port.
This command removes each speciÞed server from the named server group, but leaves the server conÞgured in the system, so that it can be added to a different group. To remove a server from the system altogether, use the
command instead of this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example delete the server with index number 2 from the server group named group1
SummitPx1:7 # configure server-group name group1 delete-server index 2
* SummitPx1:8 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
132 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. configure server-group delete-server
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 133
Commands for Configuring Servers and Services
configure service L4
configure service vip <IP address>
{vrid <VRID number>}
{vlan <vlan tag number>} port <port number> protocol [tcp | udp]
L4 server-group-name <group name>
[noqos |
(dot1p-to-svr <dot1p-to-svr tag>
dot1p-to-net <dot1p-to-net tag>
diffserv-to-svr <diffserv-to-svr tag>
diffserv-to-net <diffserv-to-net tag>)]
Creates a layer 4 virtual service.
Syntax Description
IP address
VRID number vlan tag number port number tcp udp group name
The virtual IP address of the service.
The VRID of the VRRP class for the service; a number between 1 and 255.
The VLAN tag for the service.
The port the service uses to answer requests.
Specifies the TCP protocol.
Specifies the UDP protocol.
The name of the server group for this service.
noqos dot1p-to-svr tag
Indicates that the service does not tag traffic based on the application or transaction type
Specifies whether to apply a tag to the 802.1p header for packets directed to the server; one of the following values:
• The keyword preserve indicates that no tag is applied to this type of traffic.
• A hexadecimal number from 0x00 to 0x07, inclusive, is the tag to be applied to this type of traffic.
dot1p-to-net tag Specifies whether to apply a tag to the 802.1p header for packets directed to the network; one of the following values:
• The keyword preserve indicates that no tag is applied to this type of traffic.
• A hexadecimal number from 0x00 to 0x07, inclusive, is the tag to be applied to this type of traffic.
diffserv-to-svr tag Specifies whether to apply a tag to the DiffServ code point for packets directed to the server; one of the following values:
• The keyword preserve indicates that no tag is applied to this type of traffic.
• A hexadecimal number from 0x00 to 0x3F, inclusive, is the tag to be applied to this type of traffic.
diffserv-to-net tag Specifies whether to apply a tag to the DiffServ code point for packets directed to the network; one of the following values:
• The keyword preserve indicates that no tag is applied to this type of traffic.
• A hexadecimal number from 0x00 to 0x3F, inclusive, is the tag to be applied to this type of traffic.
134 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure service L4
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
To create any virtual service, you must specify the IP address and port to which Internet clients connect and the protocol (TCP or UDP) to be used. For a layer 4 service, you also specify the server group to be used for this service. You may optionally specify any of the following:
¥ A virtual router ID (VRID) for the VRRP class for this service
¥ A VLAN for this service
¥ Tags to be applied to packets
If you enable VRRP (with the
¥ You must assign every virtual service to a VRRP class. You specify the class for a service with the vrid
¥ Every unique VIP must belong to a single VRRP class. Thus, if you use the same VIP for different services (each with a different combination of port and protocol), all those services must be assigned the same VRID.
¥ If gateway mode is also enabled, you must ensure sure every server responds to VIPs in a single
VRRP class. That is, all services that use a particular server must be in the same VRRP class.
For more information about VRRP, see Chapter 5; for a description of the commands to gateway mode,
If you end the configure service command with the noqos keyword, the headers in the incoming trafÞc to this service are left unchanged. If you do not specify this keyword, you can specify tags for incoming trafÞc. You can specify different tags for two Þelds: the 802.1p header and the DiffServ code point (DSCP) in the TCP header. For either Þeld, you can specify different tags for trafÞc towards the server and trafÞc towards the network. You must specify values for all four parameters dot1p-to-svr , dot1p-to-net , diffserv-to-svr , and diffserv-to-net . If the value of one of these parameters is a hexadecimal number, that number is used as a tag, overwriting any tag that is used on the trafÞc; if the value is the keyword preserve , any existing tag in the incoming trafÞc is left unchanged.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example creates a layer 4 service. Clients connect to this service using IP address, port 80, and TCP protocol. The switch directs the connection to one of the servers in the server group named group1
SummitPx1:5 # configure server index 1 ip - port 80
* SummitPx1:6 # configure server-group name group1 policy rr
* SummitPx1:7 # configure server-group name group1 add-server index 1 - 3
* SummitPx1:8 # configure service vip port 80 protocol tcp
L4 server-group-name group1 noqos
* SummitPx1:9 # build
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 135
Commands for Configuring Servers and Services
This form of this command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.2.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
136 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure service L7
configure service L7
configure service vip <IP address>
{vrid <VRID number>}
{vlan <vlan tag number>} port <port number> protocol [tcp | udp]
L7 class [http | https]
Creates a layer 7 virtual service.
Syntax Description
IP address
VRID number vlan tag number port number tcp udp http https
The virtual IP address of the service.
The VRID of the VRRP class for the service; a number between 1 and 255.
The VLAN tag for the service.
The port the service uses to answer requests.
Specifies the TCP protocol.
Specifies the UDP protocol.
Specifies that the service supports regular web traffic.
Specifies that the service supports SSL session persistence.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
To create any virtual service, you must specify the IP address and port to which Internet clients connect and the protocol (TCP or UDP) to be used. For a layer 7 service, you also specify the class of application that the VIP supports, either http for regular web trafÞc, or https for SSL session persistence.
You may optionally specify either of the following:
¥ A virtual router ID (VRID) for the VRRP class for this service
¥ A VLAN for this service
If you enable VRRP (with the
¥ You must assign every virtual service to a VRRP class. You specify the class for a service with the vrid
¥ Every unique VIP must belong to a single VRRP class. Thus, if you use the same VIP for different services (each with a different combination of port and protocol), all those services must be assigned the same VRID.
¥ If gateway mode is also enabled, you must ensure sure every server responds to VIPs in a single
VRRP class. That is, all services that use a particular server must be in the same VRRP class.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 137
Commands for Configuring Servers and Services
For more information about VRRP, see Chapter 5; for a description of the commands to gateway mode,
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
After you create a layer 7 virtual service, you must conÞgure domains for the service.
Configuring an HTTP Service. If the class of a service is http , the switch can examine the HTTP header in a client request and select a server group based on the domain name, URL, or both. In addition, it can examine any cookie with the client request to identify the server to be used.
You can conÞgure domains for an HTTP service. Each domain is a DNS domain that is used at the service. If the service uses the domain speciÞed in the client request to select a server group, you must use the
command to conÞgure each recognized domain name. In addition, you must use the
configure domain default command to conÞgure a default domain.
If the service uses only the URL (and not the domain) to select a server group, you use the
command to conÞgure a single domain with the special domain name "*" .
For each conÞgured domain (including the default), you must conÞgure pattern rules that select a sever group based on the URL in the client request.
If the service uses cookies to maintain a session between a client and a particular web server, the service must include a default domain whose default pattern rule is created by
configure pattern-rule default cookie-name
command. This default patter rule identiÞes the cookie name to be matched, the cookie persistence mode used by the service, and the server group to be used for client requests that include cookies.
Configuring an HTTPS Service. If the class
of a service is https
, the header is encrypted, so the switch cannot identify the domain name or URL. To conÞgure an HTTPS service, you must use the
command to conÞgure a default domain and the
configure pattern-rule default
command to conÞgure a default pattern rule. This pattern rule speciÞes the server group to be
used by the service. SSL session identiÞer persistence is used to maintain a session between a client and a particular web server.
This example creates an HTTP service that uses only the URL in a client request to select a server group.
SummitPx1:5 # config service vip port 80 protocol tcp L7 class http
* SummitPx1:6 # configure domain name *
* SummitPx1:10 # build
This example creates an HTTPS service.
SummitPx1:18 # config service vip port 80 protocol tcp L7 class https
* SummitPx1:19 # config domain default
* SummitPx1:20 # config pattern-rule default server-group-name group1
* SummitPx1:21 # build
This form of this command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.2.
138 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. configure service L7
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 139
Commands for Configuring Servers and Services
unconfigure domain
unconfigure domain name <name string>
Removes a domain from the current layer 7 service.
Syntax Description name string The domain name to be removed.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
This command applies to the service that was speciÞed in the most recently issued
command. That service is called the current service. The speciÞed domain name must be one that was added to the current service with the
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example removes a domains from a service. It Þrst sets the context to the correct service, then unconÞgures the domain.
SummitPx1::47 # config service vip port 8080 proto tcp l7 class http
* SummitPx1::48 # unconfig domain name
* SummitPx1::49 # unconfig domain name
* SummitPx1::50 # build
This form of the command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
140 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
unconfigure pattern-rule
unconfigure pattern-rule
unconfigure pattern-rule <pattern string>
Removes a pattern rule from the current domain of the current layer 7 service.
Syntax Description pattern string The pattern string of the patter rule to be removed.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
This command applies to the current domain of the current service. The current service is the service that was speciÞed in the most recently issued
command. The current domain is the
domain that was speciÞed in the most recently issued configure domain
command. The speciÞed pattern string must be the pattern string of a pattern rule that was added to the current domain of the current service with the
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example removes a pattern rule. It Þrst sets the context to the correct service and domain, then unconÞgures the rule.
SummitPx1::34 # config service vip port 80 protocol tcp L7 class http
* SummitPx1::35 # config domain name *
* SummitPx1::36 # unconfig pattern-rule "*.mp3"
* SummitPx1::37 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 141
Commands for Configuring Servers and Services
unconfigure server
unconfigure server
[(index <index number> {- <index number>}) |
(ipaddress <IP address> {- <IP address>} port <port number>)]
Removes one or more servers from the system.
Syntax Description index number
IP address port number
The unique index number of a server to be removed.
The IP address of a server to be removed. The IP address plus the port number uniquely identify a server.
The port number of the servers to be removed. The port number plus the IP address uniquely identify a server.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You can identify a server to be removed either by its index number or by its IP address and port number. This command allows you to remove a number of servers with consecutive index numbers or a number of servers with consecutive IP addresses, all of which use the same port.
To remove a server from a server group but leave it conÞgured in the system so that it can be added to a different group, use the
configure server-group delete-server
command instead of this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example removes servers with indexes 3 through 5:
SummitPx1:21 # unconfigure server index 3 - 5
* SummitPx1:22 # build
This form of the command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
142 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
unconfigure server-group
unconfigure server-group
unconfigure server-group name <name string>
Removes a server group from the system.
Syntax Description name string The name of the server group to be deleted.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example removes the server group named group1 :
SummitPx1:25 # unconfigure server-group name group1
* SummitPx1:26 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 143
Commands for Configuring Servers and Services
unconfigure service
unconfigure service vip <IP address> port <port number> protocol [tcp | udp]
Removes a service from the system.
Syntax Description
IP address port number tcp udp
The virtual IP address of the service to be removed.
The port for the service to be removed.
Specifies the TCP protocol.
Specifies the UDP protocol.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You identify the service to be removed by the IP address and port to which Internet clients connect and the protocol (TCP or UDP) used by the service.
Removing a layer 7 service with this command also removes all domains and pattern rules that were conÞgured for the speciÞed service.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example removes the service to which clients connected using IP address, port 80, and
TCP protocol.
SummitPx1:8 # unconfigure service vip port 80 protocol tcp
* SummitPx1:9 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
144 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide

Public link updated
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Key features
- Health Checks
- Server Grouping
- Virtual Services
- Load Balancing
- Traffic Management