Commands for Configuring Redundancy. Extreme Networks Px Series, Px 1
Extreme Networks Px Px1 application switch provides a powerful platform for managing network traffic and load balancing. It offers features such as health checks, server grouping, virtual services, and more. This command reference guide provides detailed information on all the commands available in the ExtremeWarePx software, making it an essential resource for administrators managing these switches.
Commands for Configuring Redundancy
This chapter describes the following commands:
¥ Commands for using VRRP
¥ Commands for conÞguring a default gateway
To reduce downtime, you can deploy two Px-series application switches that provide redundancy using
Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP), an industry standard failover mechanism (RFC 2338).
VRRP classes are used to classify virtual services into groups for fail-over. Up to 16 VRRP classes are allowed. Each VRRP class is identiÞed by a unique virtual router ID (VRID).
When VRRP is enabled:
¥ The same services must be conÞgured on both application switches.
¥ Each service must be assigned to a particular VRRP class.
¥ When you conÞgure a given service on the two switches, you must use the same VRID for the service on both switches.
Each Px-series application switch in the pair can be in either active or backup state on a particular
VRRP class. The active switch is the one that handles virtual services in that VRRP class. In the event of failure of the active switch, the backup switch automatically takes over. At any given time, a particular
VIP will be active on one application switch onlyÑthe switch on which the corresponding VRRP class is active.
The two switches operating in this mode are called VRRP peers.
In the simplest case (called active-passive VRRP), a single VRRP class is used for all services and one switch is active on that VRRP class while the other switch is the backup. In the more general case
(called active-active VRRP), you conÞgure the switches so that the Þrst switch is active on one set of
VRRP classes and the other switch is active on a different, disjoint sets of VRRP classes.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 165
Commands for Configuring Redundancy
VRRP Properties
Each application switch maintains three properties for each conÞgured VRRP class.
¥ The switchÕs priority for that VRRP class
The switch with the higher priority for a given VRRP class is the primary device for that class; the switch with the lower priority is the secondary device for the class. The primary device will initially be active for the VRRP class (handling the virtual services in that class); the secondary device will initially be the backup. If the active switch fails, the backup switch takes over automatically.
The default value for this property is 100; the value can be changed with the
The priority 255 is called master priority. Whenever a switch with master priority is available, that switch handles the VRRP class.
¥ Whether the switch should preempt the active system when it has higher priority for the VRRP class
If a transition occurs because the primary device goes down, this property determines what happens when the primary device comes back up. This property is relevant only on the primary switch for the VRRP class and only if that switch does not have master priority. (A switch with master priority
always preempts the active system when it comes back up.)
This property can be set to either preempt or dont-preempt .
Value preempt dont-preempt
When the primary device comes back up, it automatically takes over as active and the secondary device becomes the backup once again
The secondary device continues being active after the primary device comes up; the primary device is then the backup
The default value for this property is dont-preempt ; the value can be changed with the
configure vrrp preempt|dont-preempt command.
¥ The frequency of advertisement intervals for the VRRP class
Each switch periodically sends VRRP advertisements to the other switch via the Gigabit port, thus checking to see whether the other switch is in operation. This property controls the frequency of these checks; the lower the value, the faster failover occurs when the active switch goes down. The default value for this property is 1 second. The value can be changed with the
configure vrrp advertisement-interval
VRRP Automatic Synchronization
VRRP automatic synchronization (auto-sync) allows you to designate one Px-series application switch as the master switch and the other as the backup. Automatic synchronization ensures that both switches have the same conÞguration for servers, server groups, services, domains, and pattern rules.
Synchronization is performed by copying conÞguration from the master switch to the backup switch.
When automatic synchronization is enabled:
ConÞguration commands for servers, server groups, services, domains, and pattern rules are sent
166 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Serial-Cable Failover from the master to the backup, replacing the corresponding commands on the backup. After all the commands have been replaced, the conÞguration is saved and the backup switch is rebooted.
¥ Whenever a relevant conÞguration command is issued on the master switch, the command is automatically send to the backup switch, where it is stored in local memory. When a
command is issued on the master switch, the backup executes the stored commands in sequence and
issues its own build command. The backup switch does not save the result. If you do not explicitly
issue the
save configuration command on the backup switch before the next boot, the
conÞguration is lost.
Serial-Cable Failover
Serial-cable failover provides faster (sub-second) failover between the VRRP peers. When this feature is enabled, in addition to sending and receiving VRRP advertisements via the Gigabit port, the VRRP peers also exchange heartbeat messages by using the second serial port on each switch. A null-modem serial cable is used. If the either switch does not receive heartbeats from its VRRP peer, it initiates a failover. The failover latency is currently set to approximately one second.
The heartbeat interval property controls the frequency at which the switch sends heartbeat messages.
The lower the value, the faster failover occurs when the active switch goes down. The default value for this property is 500 millisecond. The value can be changed with the
configure vrrp serial-failover interval
If you enable serial-cable failover on one switch and do not enable serial-cable failover on its VRRP peer, there will be a temporary glitch because all the VRRP classes will attempt to become active on the switch where serial-cable failover is enabled. This is an install issue when serial-cable failover is Þrst enabled. The following messages that will be logged when VRRP serial-cable failover is deployed:
0 days:INFO: Enable VRRP serial failover
0 days:INFO: Disable VRRP serial failover
0 days:INFO:VRRP serial cable CTS asserted
0 days:INFO:VRRP serial cable CTS desserted
0 days:WARNING:VRRP serial heartbeats from peer missing!
0 days:WARNING:Received serial cable heartbeat msg when serial failover is not enabled!"
These messages may be logged whenever you change the conÞguration of VRRP serial-cable failover, or in response to changes on the serial link that joins the two VRRP peers.
Server-Health Failover
You can conÞgure an application switch so that one of the failover criteria for a VRRP class is the number of servers in that class that are down (as per health check) on the other switch. To use this feature for a particular class, you issue the
configure vrrp add track-servers-delta
command speciÞes a limit on the difference between the number of servers for that class on the two switches. The backup switch attempts to become active if sees that many more servers than the other switch sees.
The limit for each VRRP class must conÞgured the same on both switches.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 167
Commands for Configuring Redundancy
For example, suppose that:
¥ VRRP class 201 contains a total of 100 servers.
¥ Switches A and B are VRRP peers.
¥ Both switches sets the track-servers-delta limit for class 201 to 10.
¥ Switch B is active for class 201.
¥ Switch A sees 90 healthy servers
As long as machine B see 81 or more healthy servers, it remains active. If switch B sees 80 or fewer healthy servers, then the switch A will attempt to preempt switch B and become active for VRRP class
Tracking Failure Between VRRP Classes
By default, each VRRP class will failover independently of the other classes. If desired, you can conÞgure one VRRP class to track another VRRP class for failover. If the tracked class fails, the tracking class will also failover. To make one switch a complete standby for the other, you can conÞgure every classes to failover when any other class fails. You conÞgure tracking between VRRP classes with the
The tracking conÞguration must be the same on both switches.
168 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure default-gateway
configure default-gateway
configure default-gateway {add} <IP address>
Adds the speciÞed IP address as a default gateway.
Syntax Description
IP address The IP address of the default gateway to be added.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You can have only two default gateways at a time. The Þrst default gateway you conÞgure is used by
default. If you want to use the second default gateway, issue the configure default-gateway switch
command. You can later change back to the Þrst default gateway by issuing the
configure default-gateway switch
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example adds a default gateway with the IP address
SummitPx1::12 # configure default-gateway add
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 169
Commands for Configuring Redundancy
configure default-gateway delete
configure default-gateway delete <IP address>
Removes the speciÞed IP address as a default gateway.
Syntax Description
IP address The IP address of the default gateway to be removed.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example removes the default gateway with the IP address
SummitPx1::12 # configure default-gateway delete
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
170 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure default-gateway switch
configure default-gateway switch
configure default-gateway switch
Switches from the default gateway currently being used to the other default gateway (assuming that two default gateways have been conÞgured).
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command switches default gateways.
configure default-gateway switch
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 171
Commands for Configuring Redundancy
configure vrrp add master vrid
configure vrrp add master vrid <VRID number>
Adds a VRRP class to the application switch, giving the switch master priority for this class.
Syntax Description
VRID number The VRID of the VRRP class to be added; a number between 1 and 255.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
A switch can have a total of 16 different VRRP classes.
The new VRRP class is conÞgured to have a priority of 255. ItÕs advertisement interval is 1 second. The preempt property is irrelevant for the new class because a switch with master priority always preempts the active switch.
To add a VRRP class with the default priority, use the configure vrrp add vrid
this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command adds a VRRP class with the VRID 2 and priority 255.
configure vrrp add master vrid 2
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
172 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure vrrp add track-servers-delta
configure vrrp add track-servers-delta
configure vrrp vrid
[<VRID number> | all] add track-servers-delta <number>
Enables server-health failover for the speciÞed VRRP class(es).
Syntax Description
VRID number all number
The VRID of the VRRP class; a number between 1 and 255.
Specifies all VRRP classes.
Limit on the difference between the number of healthy servers of the class that this switch sees and the number that the active switch sees; the number may not be less than 5.
Server-health failover is disabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You can use this command to enable server-health failover for one particular VRRP class or for all currently conÞgured VRRP classes. For each speciÞed class:
¥ Neither switch should have master priority (255) for the class.
¥ Both switchesÕ preemption behavior for the class must be dont-preempt
¥ You must conÞgure the same track-servers-delta limit for the class on both switches.
¥ If the speciÞed track-servers-delta
limit is higher than the number of servers in the class, the limit is set to the actual number of servers in the class.
You should not specify too low a number for the track-servers-delta
limit. Too low a number may cause ßappingÑan unstable state in which neither switch is active for a signiÞcant period of time.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command enables server-health failover for VRRP class 201, setting the track-servers-delta limit to 10.
configure vrrp vrid 201 add track-servers-delta 10
If class 201 contains a total of 100 servers, this switch is the backup for class 201, and this switch sees 90 healthy servers in class 201, then this switch will attempt to become active for class 201 if its VRRP peer sees 80 or fewer healthy servers.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 173
Commands for Configuring Redundancy
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.2.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
174 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure vrrp add track-vrid
configure vrrp add track-vrid
configure vrrp vrid
[<tracking VRID number> | all] add track-vrid [<tracked VRID number> | all]
Adds failure tracking between the speciÞed VRRP classes.
Syntax Description tracking VRID number tracked VRID number all
The VRID of the VRRP class that tracks failure; a number between 1 and 255.
The VRID of the VRRP class whose failure is tracked; a number between 1 and 255.
Specifies all VRRP classes.
By default, each VRRP class will failover independently of the other classes; that is, no class tracks any other class.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You can specify one particular VRRP class or all currently conÞgured VRRP classes as either the tracking class or the tracked class. For each speciÞed tracked class and each speciÞed tracking class:
¥ Neither switch should have master priority (255) for the class.
¥ Both switchesÕ preemption behavior for the class must be dont-preempt
You must configure the identical tracking behavior on both switches.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command causes VRRP class 101 to track class 100; if class 100 fails, class 101 should also failover: configure vrrp vrid 101 add track-vrid 100
The following command causes VRRP class 101 to track all other classes; if any class besides 101 fails, class 101 should also failover: configure vrrp vrid 101 add track-vrid all
The following command causes all classes besides class 100 to track class 100; if class 100 fails, all other classes should also failover: configure vrrp vrid all add track-vrid 100
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 175
Commands for Configuring Redundancy
The following command causes every class to track every other class; if any class fails, all other classes should also failover: configure vrrp vrid all add track-vrid all
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.2.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
176 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure vrrp add vrid
configure vrrp add vrid
configure vrrp add {backup} vrid <VRID number>
Adds a VRRP class to the application switch.
Syntax Description
VRID number The VRID of the VRRP class to be added; a number between 1 and 255.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
A switch can have a total of 16 different VRRP classes. The new VRRP class is conÞgured to have a priority of 100. It does not preempt. ItÕs advertisement interval is 1 second.
To add a VRRP class with the master priority, use the
configure vrrp add master vrid
command instead of this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command adds a VRRP class with the VRID 1.
configure vrrp add vrid 1
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 177
Commands for Configuring Redundancy
configure vrrp advertisement-interval
configure vrrp vrid
[<VRID number> | all] advertisement-interval <seconds>
Sets this switchÕs advertisement interval for the speciÞed VRRP class(es).
Syntax Description
VRID number all seconds
The VRID of the VRRP class to be configured; a number between 1 and 255.
Specifies all VRRP classes.
The number of seconds in the interval between sending VRRP advertisements to the other switch.
The default advertisement interval is 1 second.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
The smaller the advertisement interval, the faster this switch takes over when the other switch fails. You cannot set this property to less than 1 second.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command sets the switchÕs advertisement interval to 2 seconds for all VRRP classes.
configure vrrp vrid all advertisement-interval 2
This form of this command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.2.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
178 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure vrrp auto-sync backup
configure vrrp auto-sync backup
configure vrrp auto-sync backup partner-ip <IP address>
Sets the IP address for the backup switch for automatic synchronization.
Syntax Description
IP address The IP address of the other switch.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You issue this command on the master switch for automatic synchronization. This command establishes the switch as the master switch and identiÞes the corresponding backup switch. You can specify the system IP address of the backup switch (as set by the
management IP address (as set by the
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command establishes the switch as the master switch for automatic synchronization and identiÞes the backup switch as the switch with IP address
configure vrrp auto-sync backup partner-ip
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 179
Commands for Configuring Redundancy
configure vrrp auto-sync forcesync
configure vrrp auto-sync forcesync
Forces automatic synchronization from the master switch to the backup switch.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
When automatic synchronization is enabled, you can issue this command on the master switch. The result is that conÞguration commands for servers, server groups, services, domains, and pattern rules
command. The copied commands replace the corresponding commands on the backup switch.
After all the commands have been replaced, the conÞguration is saved and the backup switch is rebooted.
If you issue this command on the backup switch, an error is reported.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command forces automatic synchronization.
configure vrrp auto-sync forcesync
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
180 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure vrrp auto-sync master
configure vrrp auto-sync master
configure vrrp auto-sync master partner-ip <IP address>
Sets the IP address for the master switch for automatic synchronization.
Syntax Description
IP address The IP address of the other switch.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You issue this command on the backup switch for automatic synchronization. This command establishes the switch as the backup switch and identiÞes the corresponding master switch. You can specify the
system IP address of the master switch (as set by the configure system-ip
management IP address (as set by the
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command establishes the switch as the backup switch for automatic synchronization and identiÞes the master switch as the switch with IP address
configure vrrp auto-sync backup partner-ip
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 181
Commands for Configuring Redundancy
configure vrrp change vrid
configure vrrp change vrid
[<source VRID number> | all] to <destination VRID number>
Changes the VRRP class for services.
Syntax Description source VRID number The VRID of the VRRP class containing the services to be moved; a number between 1 and 255.
all Specifies that all services should be moved to the destination VRRP class.
destination VRID number The VRID for the destination VRRP class to which the services should be moved; a number between 1 and 255.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
This command moves services to a destination VRRP class. You can move just those services in a particular source VRRP class or all conÞgured services.
¥ If you specify a particular source VRRP class, this command moves all the services in that source class to the destination class and then deletes the source class.
¥ If you specify the keyword all , this command moves all services to the destination classÑeven services that were conÞgured with no VRID (because they were conÞgured before VRRP was enabled). This form of the command deletes all previously existing VRRP classes, except the destination class.
If the speciÞed destination class does not already exist, this command adds that class as if you had issued the command: configure vrrp add vrid <destination VRID number>
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command moves the services in the VRRP class 3 into the VRRP class 4, adding VRRP class 4 if necessary. It also deletes VRRP class 3.
configure vrrp change vrid 3 to 4
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.2.
182 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. configure vrrp change vrid
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 183
Commands for Configuring Redundancy
configure vrrp delete track-servers-delta
configure vrrp vrid
[<VRID number> | all] delete track-servers-delta
Disables server-health failover for the speciÞed VRRP class(es).
Syntax Description
VRID number all
The VRID of the VRRP class; a number between 1 and 255.
Specifies all VRRP classes.
Server-health failover is disabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You can use this command to disable server-health failover for one particular VRRP class or for all currently conÞgured VRRP classes.
You must configure the identical tracking behavior on both switches.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command disables server-health failover for VRRP class 201.
configure vrrp vrid 201 delete track-servers-delta
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.2.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
184 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure vrrp delete track-vrid
configure vrrp delete track-vrid
configure vrrp vrid
[<tracking VRID number> | all] delete track-vrid [<tracked VRID number> | all]
Removes failure tracking between the speciÞed VRRP classes.
Syntax Description tracking VRID number tracked VRID number all
The VRID of the VRRP class that tracks failure; a number between 1 and 255.
The VRID of the VRRP class whose failure is tracked; a number between 1 and 255.
Specifies all VRRP classes.
By default, each VRRP class will failover independently of the other classes; that is, no class tracks any other class.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must configure the identical tracking behavior on both switches.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command causes VRRP class 101 to stop tracking class 100: configure vrrp vrid 101 delete track-vrid 100
The following command causes VRRP class 101 to stop tracking any class that it is currently tracking: configure vrrp vrid 101 delete track-vrid all
The following command causes any class that is currently tracking class 100 to stop tracking class 100: configure vrrp vrid all delete track-vrid 100
The following command causes every class to stop track any class that it is currently tracking: configure vrrp vrid all delete track-vrid all
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.2.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 185
Commands for Configuring Redundancy
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
186 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure vrrp delete vrid
configure vrrp delete vrid
configure vrrp delete vrid
[<VRID number> | all]
Deletes VRRP classes from the application switch.
Syntax Description
VRID number all
The VRID of the VRRP class to be deleted; a number between 1 and 255.
Specifies that all VRRP classes should be deleted.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You can use this command to delete a particular VRRP class or all currently conÞgured VRRP classes.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command deletes the VRRP class with the VRID 1.
configure vrrp delete vrid 1
The following command deletes all VRRP classes.
configure vrrp delete all
This form of this command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.2.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 187
Commands for Configuring Redundancy
configure vrrp force-slave
configure vrrp vrid
[<VRID number> | all] force-slave
Forces the application switch to attempt to become the backup device for the speciÞed VRRP class(es).
Syntax Description
VRID number all
The VRID of the VRRP class; a number between 1 and 255.
Specifies all VRRP classes.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
When the switch is active, you can issue this command to force the switch to become the backup device.
You can make the switch the backup for one particular VRRP class or for all currently conÞgured VRRP classes. For each speciÞed class, the switchÕs preemption behavior for the class must be dont-preempt .
If this switch is already the backup for a speciÞed class, no addition action is required.
After the switch is made the backup for a speciÞed class, it can become active again following the normal VRRP behavior. For example, the switch becomes active again if its VRRP peer is unavailable.
The following command forces the switch to attempt to become the backup device for VRRP class 100.
configure vrrp vrid 100 force-slave
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.2.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
188 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure vrrp preempt|dont-preempt
configure vrrp preempt|dont-preempt
configure vrrp vrid
[<VRID number> | all]
[preempt | dont-preempt]
ConÞgures the switchÕs preemption behavior for the speciÞed VRRP class(es).
Syntax Description
VRID number all preempt dont-preempt
The VRID of the VRRP class to be configured; a number between 1 and 255.
Specifies all VRRP classes.
Specifies that this switch should preempt the secondary switch.
Specifies that this switch should not preempt the secondary switch.
The default value for this property is dont-preempt .
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
This command is relevant only if this switch is the primary device for the speciÞed VRRP class(es), that is if its priority for those classes is higher than the other switchÕs priority for the classes.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command causes this switch to preempt the secondary switch for VRRP class 2.
configure vrrp vrid 2 preempt
This form of this command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.2.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 189
Commands for Configuring Redundancy
configure vrrp priority
configure vrrp vrid
[<VRID number> | all] priority <priority number>
Sets this switchÕs priority for the speciÞed VRRP class(es).
Syntax Description
VRID number all priority number
The VRID of the VRRP class whose priority is to be set; a number between 1 and 255.
Specifies all VRRP classes.
The switch’s priority for the specified VRRP class(es); a number in between 1 and 255, inclusive.
The default priority is 100. A VRRP class added with the
command has the priority value 100; a class added with the
configure vrrp add master vrid
value 255.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
The two switches should have different priorities for each VRRP class. The switch with the higher priority for a given class is the primary device for that class; the switch with the lower priority is the secondary device for that class.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command sets the switchÕs priority to 200 for the VRRP class with VRID 1.
configure vrrp vrid 1 priority 200
The following command makes this switch the master device for all VRRP classes by setting the switchÕs priority to 255 for all classes.
configure vrrp vrid all priority 255
This form of this command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.2.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
190 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure vrrp serial-failover interval
configure vrrp serial-failover interval
configure vrrp serial-failover interval <milliseconds>
ConÞgures the heartbeat interval for VRRP serial-cable failover.
Syntax Description milliseconds The number of milliseconds in the interval between sending heartbeat messages to other switch; a number between 100 and 1000, inclusive.
By default, the heartbeat interval is 500 ms.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
The serial-failover mechanism waits for approximately twice the heartbeat interval before it assumes that the other switch is dead and initiates failover.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command sets the heartbeat interval to 200 milliseconds.
configure vrrp serial-failover interval 200
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.2.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 191
Commands for Configuring Redundancy
disable vrrp
disable vrrp
Disables VRRP on the application switch.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
VRRP is disabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
If VRRP is enabled on two Px-series application switches and you need to disable VRRP on one switch, you should Þrst make sure that the other switch is either powered down or off the network. Network issues may arise if you fail to remove the other switch, because both switches will be active on the same services or gateway-mode IP addresses.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command disables VRRP.
disable vrrp
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
192 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
disable vrrp auto-sync
disable vrrp auto-sync
disable vrrp auto-sync
Disables VRRP automatic synchronization on the application switch.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
VRRP automatic synchronization is disabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This command disables VRRP automatic synchronization.
disable vrrp auto-sync
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 193
Commands for Configuring Redundancy
disable vrrp serial-failover
disable vrrp serial-failover
Disables VRRP serial failover on the application switch.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
VRRP serial failover is disabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This command disables VRRP serial failover.
disable vrrp serial-failover
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.2.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
194 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
enable vrrp
enable vrrp
enable vrrp
Enables VRRP on the application switch.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
VRRP is disabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
Before you enable VRRP on a switch, you must ensure that each conÞgured service has been assigned a
VRID number. You can assign a VRID number to a service when you create it (with the
command). If you did not initially assign VRID number to
services, you can use the configure vrrp change vrid
command to assign a particular VRID number to all services.
If gateway mode must be enabled, you must specify at least one gateway-mode IP address for each active VRRP class before you enable gateway mode. An active VRRP class is one that contains at least one service. When you add a gateway-mode IP address with the
configure gateway-mode add ipaddress
command, you can specify the VRID of a VRRP class. A given VRRP class can have multiple gateway-mode IP addresses.
When gateway mode and VRRP are both enabled, you must also make sure every server responds to
VIPs in a single VRRP class. That is, all services that use a particular server must be in the same VRRP class.
The commands relevant to gateway mode are described in Chapter 4.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This command enables VRRP.
enable vrrp
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 195
Commands for Configuring Redundancy
enable vrrp auto-sync
enable vrrp auto-sync
Enables VRRP automatic synchronization on the application switch.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
VRRP automatic synchronization is disabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
If this switch is to be the master switch, you must issue to configure vrrp auto-sync backup
identify the corresponding backup switch. If this switch is to be the backup switch, you must issue to
configure vrrp auto-sync master
to identify the corresponding master switch.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This command enables VRRP automatic synchronization.
enable vrrp auto-sync
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
196 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
enable vrrp serial-failover
enable vrrp serial-failover
enable vrrp serial-failover
Enables VRRP serial failover on the application switch.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
VRRP serial failover is disabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This command enables VRRP serial failover.
enable vrrp serial-failover
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.2.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 197
Commands for Configuring Redundancy
unconfigure vrrp auto-sync backup
unconfigure vrrp auto-sync backup partner-ip <IP address>
UnconÞgures the backup switch for automatic synchronization.
Syntax Description
IP address The system IP address of the current backup switch, as set by the
configure vrrp auto-sync backup command
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You issue this command on the master switch for automatic synchronization. You use this command when you want to change the switch from being master to being backup.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command unconÞgures the backup switch with IP address
unconfigure vrrp auto-sync backup partner-ip
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.2.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
198 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
unconfigure vrrp auto-sync master
unconfigure vrrp auto-sync master
unconfigure vrrp auto-sync master partner-ip <IP address>
UnconÞgures the master switch for automatic synchronization.
Syntax Description
IP address The system IP address of the current master switch, as set by the
configure vrrp auto-sync master command
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You issue this command on the backup switch for automatic synchronization. You use this command when you want to change the switch from being backup to being master.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command unconÞgures the master switch with IP address
unconfigure vrrp auto-sync master partner-ip
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.2.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 199
Commands for Configuring Redundancy
200 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide

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Key features
- Health Checks
- Server Grouping
- Virtual Services
- Load Balancing
- Traffic Management