The On Screen Display (OSD). Barco LCS-42, LC series R5976934, LCN-47, LCS-47, LC-42, LCN-42, LC-47, R5976934
Below you will find brief information for Monitor LCN-47, Monitor LCS-47, Monitor LCN-42, Monitor LCS-42. These monitors from the LC series offer Super MVA TFT LCD technology with HD resolution (1920x1080 pixels) and various interfaces for analog and digital video and data inputs. They feature an Infrared remote control unit and OnScreenDisplay for easy adjustments and settings. The document covers unpacking, installation, cabling, and controlling these monitors, including their technical specifications, maintenance, and troubleshooting tips.
5 The On Screen Display (OSD)
5. The On Screen Display (OSD)
Barco - LC series - R5976934 - user's manual - Revision 08 - April 2008
5. The On Screen Display (OSD)
5.1 General
The monitors feature an OSD which allows selecting the input, to adjust the sources, to modify OSD settings, etc.
When activating the OSD, the main menu is displayed.
Except for the function keys and the direct access keys, it is always the main menu which is the entry level for any modification.
The main menu is activated by pressing ADJ on the RCU or by pressing push button 7 (the bottom most push button the right rear side).
A selected menu item shows a blue background, an unselected menu item a gray background.
A selected menu entry looks like a button and it is indicated with a blue dot.
The current status of the menu entry shows a blue background.
If a value has been modified, it will definitely be applied when quitting the dialog (even when pressing EXIT!)
Therefore it is recommended to write down the values: there is no UNDO to a single operation, only the global factory reset.
Grayed out menus or items are not available with the current configuration.
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5. The On Screen Display (OSD)
5.1.1 Navigation and adjustment
• Press the ADJ key to activate the OSD
• Use the left and right cursor keys to navigate to a menu
Icon Push button (1: top most)
• Press 7 to activate the OSD
• Press 3 and 4 to navigate to a menu
Except for signal 1 and signal 2, the menus do not have a submenu.
Menus without a submenu display their settings dialog as soon as they are activated!
• Press Enter to select a menu with a sub menu: the menu icon will turn blue
• Press 2 to select a menu with a sub menu: the menu item will turn blue
• Use the left and right cursor keys to navigate to a submenu
• Press 3 and 4 to navigate to a sub menu
• Press Enter to select: the item will turn blue – or –
• Press the down cursor key:
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the entries of a dialog.
The entry will get a "button look" and a blue dot.
• In case an option is linked to a button: use the left and right cursor keys to select one of the options
• In case increase/decrease is linked to a
"slider": use the left and right cursor keys to decrease/increase a value – or –
• In case increase/decrease is linked to a button: use the Enter key to decrease/increase a value
• Press 2 to select: the item will turn blue – or –
• Press 5
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to the entries of a dialog
The entry will get a "button look" and a blue dot.
• In case an option is linked to a button: use the push buttons 3 / 4 to select one of the options
• In case increase/decrease is linked to a "slider": use the push buttons 3
/ 4 to decrease increase a value – or –
• In case increase/decrease is linked to a button: use the push button 2 to increase/decrease a value
As soon as a menu entry loses the focus, i.e. another entry is selected, the respective selection will be applied without any further action: even when quitting the dialog with Exit, the modification will be applied!
• Press Exit to deactivate the dialog • Press 7 to deactivate the dialog
• Press Exit to leave a sub menu
• Use the left and the right cursor key to navigate to another menu
• Press 7 to leave a sub menu
• Use 3 and 4 to navigate to another menu
• Press Exit to close the OSD • Press 7 to close the OSD
Closing a first level dialog (i.e. a dialog linked to a menu, not to a sub menu) by means of the Exit key / the push button 7 will close the OSD!
Barco - LC series - R5976934 - user's manual - Revision 08 - April 2008
5. The On Screen Display (OSD)
5.2 Activating the OSD
The OSD can be activated and operated by means of the IR remote control unit (RCU) or the push buttons at the right rear side of the monitor.
• Press the ADJ key to activate the OSD
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 7 to activate the OSD
Then the main menu is displayed (default: on the upper left corner of the monitor).
The OSD will be displayed at the position and size as defined in the OSD setting menu. If no modifications have been made via this menu, the OSD will pop up in the upper left corner of the monitor in normal mode (not Zoomed In, background opaque)
Icon description signal menu for the first input, to select and control the settings of a source
The currently assigned signal is indicated in the label beneath
Signal menu for the second input, to select and control the settings of a source
The currently assigned signal is indicated in the label beneath
OSD setting menu, to control the position, transparency and time out of the OSD
Audio setting menu, to adjust volume, balance, bass and treble
Parameter setting menu, to set display address, baud rate, light sensor, lower brightness level, ambient light threshold & auto source selection
Reset menu, to reset to factory defaults. It also shows runtime & serial number of the display
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5. The On Screen Display (OSD)
To activate a menu, proceed as follows:
• Use the left and right cursor key to select a menu
• Menus without a submenu will turn blue and display their settings dialog
• Menus with a sub menu will turn blue and require an additional key stroke to open the settings dialog:
Use Enter to open the signal setting submenu
Use the down cursor key to open the signal selection dialog
Push button (1: top most)
• Use the push buttons 3, 4 to select a menu
• Menus without a submenu will turn blue and display their settings dialog
• Menus with a sub menu will turn blue and require an additional key stroke to open the settings dialog:
Use 2 to open the signal setting submenu
Use 5 to open the signal selection dialog
Barco - LC series - R5976934 - user's manual - Revision 08 - April 2008
5. The On Screen Display (OSD)
5.3 The signal menu (first and second input)
The signal menu allows to control and adjust the settings of the source
The commands can be applied for the first input and for the second input, respectively.
Please note: the Image setting and Position setting is only available for the first (active) input!
In case more than one source is connected, the signal for input1 and input2 has to be assigned, cf.
5.8 Input Signal Selection The signal for input1 can also be selected via the
function key F1, 5.8.1 Input selection with the function key F1
• Press the ADJ key
• Use the left and right cursor keys to navigate to the signal menu
• Press Enter to select
Icon Push button (1: top most) input1 input2 • Press 7
• Press 3 and 4 to navigate to the
signal menu
• Press 2 to select
• Press 3 and 4 to navigate to Display • Use the left ad right cursor keys to navigate to Display
• Press Enter to select • Press 2 to select
The following sections will use the signal menu of the first input. For the second input, the same dialogs are displayed, however some items are deactivated (Image, Position)
Nevertheless the dialogs may look different: some commands depend on the type of the source. But this is independent from being input1 or input2!
The source menu button will turn blue. Subsequently the source sub menu opens with the items Display,
Position, PIP Control, Image, and Color
Image is only enabled for the source which is assigned to the first input!
The commands of Position are only enabled for the first input!
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5. The On Screen Display (OSD)
5.3.1 Display
On the Display dialog, brightness and contrast as well as hue, saturation, flesh tone can be adjusted (for VGA sources only: also black level adjustment)
To activate the Display dialog, proceed as follows:
• Press the ADJ key to activate the OSD
• Use the left and right cursor keys to navigate to the signal menu
• Press Enter to select
Icon Push button (1: top most)
• Press 7 to activate the OSD
• Press 3 and 4 to navigate to the
signal menu
• Press 2 to select
• Use the left and right cursor keys to navigate to Display
• Press Enter to select – or –
• Press the down key to activate the dialog
• Press 3 and 4 to navigate to Display
• Press 2 to select – or –
• Press 5 to activate the dialog
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5. The On Screen Display (OSD) Brightness
Brightness can be adjusted in the range between 0 and 100.
LCD panel screens are lit with built-in fluorescent tubes above, beside and sometimes behind the LCD (Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp, CCFL). This light is adjusted using the Brightness setting.
How brightness is perceived depends on the environment and on the content being viewed, which means that switching a source and/or the ambient light could require re-adjustment of brightness.
ow bright a pixel is perceived depends on both, brightness setting and contrast setting: brightness setting affects all levels from white to black at once. Contrast setting affects all but black.
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the Brightness
• Use the left and right cursor keys to increase/decrease the value in steps of 1
The current value is indicated.
The value is applied without any further action.
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to Brightness
• Use 3 and 4 to increase/decrease the value in steps of 1
The current value is indicated. Contrast
Contrast can be adjusted in the range between 0 and 100.
The information content of a picture is related to contrast, not to brightness. The ratio between the brightest white and the darkest black that a display can produce in a completely dark room is called the full field contrast ratio.
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to Contrast
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the Contrast
• Use the left and right cursor keys to increase/decrease the value in steps of 1
The current value is indicated.
The value is applied without any further action.
• Use 3 and 4 to increase/decrease the value in steps of 1
The current value is indicated.
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5. The On Screen Display (OSD) Hue
Hue can be adjusted in the range between -45 and +45.
The color = hue is most noticeable in areas of white.
There are multiple color models, one of them is the HSV model describing color as hue (color), saturation (the amount of white light in the color), and V (value, the amount of black/lightness/brightness).
With PAL, part of the color information on the video signal is reversed in phase with each line, which automatically corrects phase errors in the transmission of the signal.
With NTSC, the Hue control allows to perform the correction manually and to adjust the color
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the Hue
• Use the left and right cursor keys to increase/decrease the value in steps of 1
The current value is indicated.
The value is applied without any further action.
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to Hue
• Use 3 and 4 to increase/decrease the value in steps of 1
The current value is indicated. Saturation
Saturation can be adjusted in the range between 0 and 100.
Saturation adjusts the amount of white light in the color.
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the Saturation
• Use the left and right cursor keys to increase/decrease the value in steps of 1
The current value is indicated.
The value is applied without any further action.
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to Saturation
• Use 3 and 4 to increase/decrease the value in steps of 1
The current value is indicated. Flesh tone
Flesh tone can be switched off, or turned on weak, soft, or strong.
When in bright areas of the pictures the skin-tones show chalky white, the normal skin tone color can be restored.
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the Flesh tone
• Use the left and right cursor keys to select one of the options Off, Weak, Soft, Strong
The current selection is visualized by a white caption.
The selection is applied without any further action.
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to Flesh tone
• Use 3 and 4 to select one of the options Off,
Weak, Soft, Strong
The selection value is visualized by a white caption.
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5. The On Screen Display (OSD) Black level (only available for analog RGB)
Black level can be adjusted in the range between 0 and 100.
The black level is the deepest black of the monitor.
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the Black Level
• Use the left and right cursor keys to increase/decrease the value in steps of 1
The current value is indicated.
The value is applied without any further action.
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to Black Level
• Use 3 and 4 to increase/decrease the value in steps of 1
The current value is indicated.
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5. The On Screen Display (OSD)
5.3.2 Position
On the Position dialog, the vertical and horizontal position of the image can be set as well as an area for zooming defined.
• Press the ADJ key to activate the OSD
• Use the left and right cursor keys to navigate to the signal menu
• Press Enter to select
Icon Push button (1: top most)
• Press 7 to activate the OSD
• Press 3 and 4 to navigate to the
signal menu
• Press 2 to select
• Use the left and right cursor keys to navigate to Position
• Press Enter to select – or –
• Press the down key to activate the dialog
• Press 3 and 4 to navigate to
• Press 2 to select – or –
• Press 5 to activate the dialog
The entries of Position are only enabled for the signal assigned to input 1.
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5. The On Screen Display (OSD) Zoom
Zoom can be selected to In and Out.
Zoom In
means to magnify the displayed picture. The magnification factor is related to the number of times the
button is activated. (The reverse operation is
Zoom Out
which reduces the picture back to the previous size).
The center of the original picture content will be "fixed" in the center of the monitor.
Due to the magnification, no longer the entire frame of the picture is displayed. To select the part of the frame to be viewed, use the commands Zoom Horizontal Pan and Zoom Vertical Pan. Activating the Left/Right button and the Down/Up button respectively resembles using the horizontal and vertical scrollbar to move the desired portion of the picture content into the active window.
Each activation of the button means moving the picture 5 pixels in the selected direction.
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the Zoom
• Use the left and right cursor keys to select one of the options In, Out.
The current value is visualized by a white caption.
• Use the Enter to increase/decrease the zoom factor.
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to Zoom
• Use 3 and 4 to select one of the options In, Out.
The current value is visualized by a white caption.
• Use 2 to increase/decrease the zoom factor
Zoom Horizontal Pan and Zoom Vertical Pan is only available if the picture has been
Zoomed In, i.e. has been magnified and the display can no longer show the entire content of the picture frame. Zoom Horizontal Pan
Zoom Horizontal Pan can be selected to Left and Right
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the Zoom Horizontal Pan
• Use the left and right cursor keys to select one of the options Left, Right.
The current selection is visualized by a white caption.
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to Zoom Horizontal
• Use 3 and 4 to select one of the options Left,
The current selection is visualized by a white caption.
• Use the Enter to move the picture content in the desired direction.
• Use 2 to move the picture content in the desired direction.
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5. The On Screen Display (OSD) Zoom Vertical Pan
Zoom Vertical Pan can be set to Up and Down
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the Zoom Vertical Pan
• Use the left and right cursor keys to select one of the options Up, Down.
The current selection is visualized by a white caption.
• Use the Enter to move the picture content in the desired direction.
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to Zoom Vertical Pan
• Use 3 and 4 to select one of the options Up,
The current selection is visualized by a white caption.
• Use 2 to move the picture content in the desired direction. Vertical
Vertical can be adjusted in the range from 0 and 255.
Vertical and Horizontal moves the screen content within the allocated position ("centered window") of the monitor. It is not possible to move e.g. a PAL Video (720x540) with display mode 1:1 to the upper left corner of the monitor: the allocated position is in the range 600pixel to 1320pixel (horizontal, counting started on the top left corner) and in the range 270pixel to 810pixel (vertical, counting started on the top left corner).
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the Vertical.
• Use the left and right cursor keys to move the picture content in steps of 1
The current value is indicated.
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to Vertical.
• Use 3 and 4 to move the picture content in steps of 1
The current value is indicated.
The value is applied without any further action, e.g. the picture content is shifted in the desired direction. Horizontal
Horizontal can be adjusted in the range from 0 and 255.
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the Horizontal.
• Use the left and right cursor keys to move the picture content in steps of 1
The current value is indicated.
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to Horizontal.
• Use 3 and 4 to move the picture content in steps of 1
The current value is indicated.
The value is applied without any further action, e.g. the picture content is shifted in the desired direction.
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5. The On Screen Display (OSD)
5.3.3 PIP control
On the PIP CONTROL dialog, the vertical and horizontal position of the image can be set as well as an area for the embedded picture be defined.
PIP means picture-in-picture and displays dual moving images from two separate sources (e.g., PC and video) at the same time.
There are two different ways: one source is displayed in full size, and the other one is displayed in a small size overlaying the full screen picture. The full screen picture is called master source, and the other one PIP source.
Besides this display mode, the two sources can be displayed "side to side", which is called PAP mode (picture and picture).
The source selected on input 1 is always the master source, the source selected on input 2 is always the PIP source.
The master source and the PIP source can be switched by means of the function key F3 on the RCU (which in fact is changing sources at the inputs).
PIP settings made with input 2 are only applied when input 2 becomes the PIP master!
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5. The On Screen Display (OSD)
To activate the PIP CONTROL dialog, proceed as follows:
• Press the ADJ key to activate the OSD
• Use the left and right cursor keys to navigate to the signal menu
• Press Enter to select
• Use the left and right cursor keys to navigate to PIP control
• Press Enter to select – or –
• Press the down key to activate the dialog
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 7 to activate the OSD
• Press 3 and 4 to navigate to the
signal menu
• Press 2 to select
• Press 3 and 4 to navigate to PIP
• Press 2 to select – or –
• Press 5 to activate the dialog
Barco - LC series - R5976934 - user's manual - Revision 08 - April 2008
5. The On Screen Display (OSD) PIP Mode
PIP Mode can be set to off, single, PAP.
When PIP mode is Off, only one source is displayed.
When PIP mode is Single, the source connected to input 1 is the master source and displayed according its settings, whereas the source connected to input 2 is the PIP source and displayed either in Small, Medium or Large size according the PIP Size selections.
The position of the PIP source is set using the Vertical and Horizontal adjustment.
PIP Size, Vertical and Horizontal are only enabled if PIP Mode is selected Single.
In case no source is connected to input 2,
Single will result in an empty window with blue borders,
PAP will result in displaying source1 at the left half of the monitor (right half remains black).
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the PIP Mode
• Use the left and right cursor keys to select one of the options Off, Single, PAP
The current selection is visualized by a white caption.
The selection is applied without any further action.
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to PIP Mode
• Use 3 and 4 to select one of the options Off,
Single, PAP
The current selection is visualized by a white caption.
Using the direct access key F2, the selected PIP mode can be toggled between On and Off.
Using the direct access key F3, the PIP master and the PIP source can be toggled. PIP Size
PIP size can be set to small, medium, and large.
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the PIP Size
• Use the left and right cursor keys to select one of the options Small, Medium, Large.
The current selection is visualized by a white caption.
The selection is applied without any further action.
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to PIP Size
• Use 3 and 4 to select one of the options Small,
Medium, Large. The current selection is visualized by a white caption.
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5. The On Screen Display (OSD) Vertical
Vertical can be adjusted in the range from 0 to 255.
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the Vertical
• Use the left and right cursor keys to increase/decrease the value in steps of 1
The current value is indicated.
(increase: move down/decrease: move up)
The value is applied without any further action.
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to Vertical
• Use 3 and 4 to increase/decrease the value in steps of 1
The current value is indicated.
(increase: move down/decrease: move up) Horizontal
Horizontal can be adjusted in the range from 0 to 255.
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the Horizontal
• Use the left and right cursor keys to increase/decrease the value in steps of 1
The current value is indicated.
(increase: move right/decrease: move left)
The value is applied without any further action.
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to Horizontal
• Use 3 and 4 to increase/decrease the value in steps of 1
The current value is indicated.
(increase: move right/decrease: move left)
5.3.4 Combination of signals for main image and PiP/PaP
The following table lists the combination of signals for input 1 (main input) and input 2 (PiP/PaP). Not all combinations are possible; some cause disturbances or result in images which are not properly scaled.
Input 1
Input 2
HD-SDI 1 or HD-SDI 2
S-Video or Composite or Component
Comment only possible for low resolutions, higher resolutions cause an error message
(Pixel rate > 110MHz), not recommended with Barco Transform H system.
HD-SDI 1 or HD-SDI 2
S-Video or Composite or Component only possible for low resolutions, higher resolutions cause an error message
(Pixel rate > 110MHz), not recommended with Barco Transform H system.
Barco - LC series - R5976934 - user's manual - Revision 08 - April 2008
5. The On Screen Display (OSD)
Input 1
HD-SDI 1 or HD-SDI 2
S-Video or Composite or Component
Input 2
S-Video or Composite or Component
HD-SDI 1 or HD-SDI 2
Not possible
Not possible
5.3.5 Image
On the Image dialog, the settings of the signal can be optimized.
For best image results, use short cables between the source and the monitor!
The image dialog depends on the source:
In case of analog RGB, the image settings comprises Scaling, Auto adjust, Phase, and Clock.
In case of S-Video/Video, the image settings comprise Scaling, Noise Reduction, Angle Filter, Film Mode Detect,
In case of a DVI, due to the digital interface, no adjustment is required. Therefore the dialog only comprises Scaling-
Image is only enabled for the source assigned to input 1!
To do the image adjustment for the source of input 2, this source has to be assigned to input 1.
To activate the Image dialog, proceed as follows:
• Press the ADJ key to activate the OSD
• Use the left and right cursor keys to navigate to the signal menu
• Press Enter to select
Icon Push button (1: top most)
• Press 7 to activate the OSD
• Press 3 and 4 to navigate to the
signal menu
• Press 2 to select
• Use the left and right cursor keys to navigate to Image
• Press Enter to select – or –
• Press the down key to activate the dialog
• Press 3 and 4 to navigate to Image
• Press 2 to select – or –
• Press 5 to activate the dialog
5-18 __________________________________________________________Barco - LC series - R5976934 - user's manual - Revision 08 - April 2008 Analog RGB
5. The On Screen Display (OSD)
Scaling can be set to Native, Fill, Aspect, and 4:3.
Scaling means changing the resolution of an image.
Native is only enabled when the detected resolution of the source is lower than the resolution of the monitor.
'The monitor has a resolution of 1920x1080 pixel. In case the resolution of the source is lower (e.g. a PAL Video with 720x540 pixels), when displayed 1:1, there will be a black border around the content.
In case Fill is selected, the content is displayed on the entire screen which, in case the ratio of the source is different from the ratio of the screen (e.g. a PAL Video, 4:3), results in a distortion of the content: with PAL, in horizontal direction, the pixels would be multiplied by a factor of 2.6, whereas in vertical direction the factor would be 2.0.
With Aspect, the aspect ratio of the source is maintained: in the above mentioned example, the pixels both in horizontal and in vertical direction would be multiplied by a factor of two, thus the content would have a black border of 240 pixels both, on the left side and on the right side.
: if a PAL/NTSC source is connected to an input, the 4:3 setting displays the source without any distortion (e.g. a circle remains a circle).
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5. The On Screen Display (OSD)
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the Scaling
• Use the left and right cursor keys to select one of the options Native, Fill, Aspect, 4:3.
The current selection is visualized by a white caption.
The selection is applied without any further action.
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to Scaling
• Use 3 and 4 to select one of the options Native,
Fill, Aspect, 4:3.
The current selection is visualized by a white caption.
Auto Adjust
When Auto Adjust is selected, the monitor adjusts itself to the timing of the source which matches best one of the internal preset timings.
Use the key FREEZE on the remote control unit to immediately start Auto Adjust.
During the Auto Adjust process, the monitor displays an information "Auto Configuration".
In case Auto Adjust is not selected, or the results are not perfect, the timing of the source has to be manually adjusted to the timing of the monitor using the controls Phase and
Both controls are to minimize the interferences (noise). Clock is course adjustment whereas Phase is fine tuning of the setting.
To do the adjustment, use a test pattern (e.g. vertical stripes) of the connected source!
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the Auto Adjust
• Use the left and right cursor keys to select
The current selection is visualized by a white caption.
The selection is applied without any further action.
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to Auto Adjust
• Use 3 and 4 to select Select
The current selection is visualized by a white caption.
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5. The On Screen Display (OSD)
Phase can be adjusted in the range from 0 to 255.
It is recommended to have the monitor warmed up for about 5 minutes before adjusting phase.
Use the Phase adjustment to eliminate shimmering horizontal streaking.
If there are not only horizontal streaking but also vertical banding, start with Clock adjustment!
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the Phase
• Use the left and right cursor keys to increase/decrease the value in steps of 1
The current value is indicated.
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to Phase
• Use 3 and 4 to increase/decrease the value in steps of 1
The current value is indicated.
The value is applied without any further action. Check the test pattern!
Clock can be adjusted in the range from 0 to 255.
It is recommended to have the monitor warmed up for about 5 minutes before adjusting clock.
Use the Clock adjustment to eliminate broad vertical banding.
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the Clock
• Use the left and right cursor keys to increase/decrease the value in steps of 1
The current value is indicated.
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to Clock
• Use 3 and 4 to increase/decrease the value in steps of 1
The current value is indicated.
The value is applied without any further action. Check the test pattern!
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5. The On Screen Display (OSD) S-Video
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5. The On Screen Display (OSD)
Scaling can be set to Native, Fill, Aspect, and 4:3..
Scaling means changing the resolution of an image.
Native is only enabled when the detected resolution of the source is lower than the resolution of the monitor.
'The monitor has a resolution of 1920x1080 pixel. In case the resolution of the source is lower (e.g. a PAL Video with 720x540 pixels), when displayed 1:1, there will be a black border around the content.
In case Fill is selected, the content is displayed on the entire screen which, in case the ratio of the source is different from the ratio of the screen (e.g. a PAL Video, 4:3), results in a distortion of the content: with PAL, in horizontal direction, the pixels would be multiplied by a factor of 2.6, whereas in vertical direction the factor would be 2.0.
With Aspect, the aspect ratio of the source is maintained: in the above mentioned example, the pixels both in horizontal and in vertical direction would be multiplied by a factor of two, thus the content would have a black border of 240 pixels both, on the left side and on the right side.
: if a PAL/NTSC source is connected to an input, the 4:3 setting displays the source without any distortion (e.g. a circle remains a circle).
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the Scaling
• Use the left and right cursor keys to select one of the options Native, Fill, Aspect, 4:3.
The current selection is visualized by a white caption.
The selection is applied without any further action.
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to Scaling
• Use 3 and 4 to select one of the options Native,
Fill, Aspect, 4:3.
The current selection is visualized by a white caption.
Adaptive Deinterlacing
Adaptive deinterlacing can be selected to off, level 1, level 2, level 3.
Select the appropriate level of adaptive deinterlacing to optimize the quality of the video.
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the Adaptive Deinterlacing
• Use the left and right cursor keys to select one of the options Off, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3
The current selection is visualized by a white caption.
The selection is applied without any further action.
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to Adaptive
• Use 3 and 4 to select one of the options Off,
Level 1, Level 2, Level 3
The current selection is visualized by a white caption.
Barco - LC series - R5976934 - user's manual - Revision 08 - April 2008
5. The On Screen Display (OSD)
Noise Reduction
Noise reduction can be selected to off, low, medium, or high.
Noise is generally visible as "snow", or small dots that make the picture look fuzzy, With
Noise Reduction
the amount of noise attenuation can be specified.
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the Noise Reduction
• Use the left and right cursor keys to select one of the options Off, Low, Medium, High
The current selection is visualized by a white caption.
The selection is applied without any further action.
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to Noise Reduction
• Use 3 and 4 to select one of the options Off, Low,
Medium, High
The current selection is visualized by a white caption.
Angle Filtering
Angle filtering can be selected to on or off.
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the Angle Filtering
• Use the left and right cursor keys to select one of the options Off, On
The current selection is visualized by a white caption.
The selection is applied without any further action.
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to Angle Filtering
• Use 3 and 4 to select one of the options Off, On
The current selection is visualized by a white caption.
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5. The On Screen Display (OSD)
Film Mode Detect
Film Mode Detect can be selected to be on or off.
Film is usually recorded at 24 frames per second. When converting film to NTSC video (59.94 Hz field rate), 2 film frames generate 5 video fields (3:2 pull down). Film scenes with high-speed motion objects thus may show motion artifacts.
With Film Mode Detect on, the conversion to NTSC is detected and the original film frames are recreated by blending the fields back together.
(3:2 pull down is only one of the pull down techniques and used as an example)
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the Film Mode Detect
• Use the left and right cursor keys to select one of the options Off, On
The current selection is visualized by a white caption.
The selection is applied without any further action.
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to Film Mode Detect
• Use 3 and 4 to select one of the options Off, On
The current selection is visualized by a white caption.
This function may cause undesired effects on standard sources, therefore it can be disabled
(OFF) at any time.
Sharpness can be set in the range from -15 to +29
The edges are localized and the contrast between neighboring pixels enhanced.
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the Sharpness
• Use the left and right cursor keys to increase/decrease the value in steps of 1
The current value is indicated.
The value is applied without any further action.
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to Sharpness
• Use 3 and 4 to increase/decrease the value in steps of 1
The current value is indicated.
Barco - LC series - R5976934 - user's manual - Revision 08 - April 2008
5. The On Screen Display (OSD)
5.3.6 Color
On the Color dialog, the gamma correction factor can be selected as well as the color temperature.
To activate the Color dialog, proceed as follows:
• Press the ADJ key to activate the OSD
• Use the left and right cursor keys to navigate to the signal menu
• Press Enter to select
Icon Push button (1: top most)
• Press 7 to activate the OSD
• Press 3 and 4 to navigate to the
signal menu
• Press 2 to select
• Use the left and right cursor keys to navigate to Color
• Press Enter to select – or –
• Press the down key to activate the dialog
• Press 3 and 4 to navigate to Color
• Press 2 to select – or –
• Press 5 to activate the dialog
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5. The On Screen Display (OSD) Gamma Correction
The Gamma correction factor can be set to 2.2, 1.9, 2.5, and user.
Gamma is the relationship between the color values of the data and the color values displayed e.g. on a screen.
The Gamma coefficient makes it possible to adjust the brightness of the midtones only without affecting the very bright and very dark areas..
If gamma is set too high, middle tones appear too dark. If it's set too low, middle tones appear too light.
Using Barco’s DCMS software (display consistency management software), the monitor can be calibrated and the calibrated setting (look-up table, LUT) can be saved in the monitor. The gamma setting "user" activates the last calibrated value.
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the Gamma Correction
• Use the left and right cursor keys to select one of the options 2.2, 1.9, 2.5, user. The current selection is visualized by a white caption.
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to Gamma Correction
• Use 3 and 4 to select one of the options 2.2, 1.9,
2.5, user.
The current selection is visualized by a white caption.
The selection is applied without any further action. Color Temperature
Color temperature can be selected to be 3200K, 5400K, 6500K, 9300K or custom (User, requires to adjust the values for red, green, and blue).
Color temperature stands for the spectral properties of a light source.
Low color temperature implies warmer (more yellow/red) light while high color temperature implies a colder
(more blue) light.
The pictures of a monitor set to 9300K will look more bluish than if set to 3200K.
The following color temperature pre-sets can be selected:
Color temperature
User name / application
Computer custom
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to Color Temperature
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the Color Temperature
• Use the left and right cursor keys to select one of the options 3200K, 5400K, User, 6500K,
The current selection is visualized by a white caption.
The selection is applied without any further action.
• Use 3 and 4 to select one of the options 3200K,
5400K, User, 6500K, 9300K.
The current selection is visualized by a white caption.
Barco - LC series - R5976934 - user's manual - Revision 08 - April 2008
5. The On Screen Display (OSD)
When User is selected, the values for red, green, blue can be individually be adjusted:
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the Color Temperature
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to Color Temperature
• Use the left and right cursor keys to select User • Use the left and right cursor keys to select User
• Use the down and up cursor keys to select Red,
Green, Blue
• Use the 5 and 6 to select Red, Green, Blue
• Use the left and right cursor keys to increase/decrease the value in steps of 1
The current value is indicated.
• Use 3 and 4 to increase/decrease the value in steps of 1
The current value is indicated.
The selection is applied without any further action.
Manual modification of R, G, B requires some experience!
In case a VGA signal looks e.g. greenish, pressing the function key F4 (White balance) will probably correct this. Thus no sophisticated color adjustment will be required.
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5. The On Screen Display (OSD)
5.4 OSD setting menu
On the OSD dialog, the position of the OSD can be defined as well as zoom, blend and time out of the OSD.
To activate the OSD menu, proceed as follows:
• Press the ADJ key to activate the OSD
• Use the cursor keys to navigate to the OSD
setting menu
• The icon will turn blue, and the setting dialog will pop up
Icon Push button (1: top most)
• Press 7 to activate the OSD
• Press 3 and 4 to navigate to the
OSD setting menu
• The icon will turn blue, and the setting dialog will pop up
Each time the OSD opens, its position and behavior will be as set on this dialog.
Barco - LC series - R5976934 - user's manual - Revision 08 - April 2008
5. The On Screen Display (OSD)
5.4.1 Vertical
The value can be set in the range form 0 to 255 (zero: top of OSD is level with top of monitor, 255: bottom of
OSD is level with bottom of monitor).
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the Vertical
• Use the left and right cursor keys to increase/decrease the value in steps of 1
The current value is indicated.
(increase: move down)
The value is applied without any further action.
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to Vertical
• Use 3 and 4 to increase/decrease the value in steps of 1
The current value is indicated.
(increase: move down)
Vertical and Horizontal define the position of the OSD. Whenever the OSD is activated, it will be displayed at the position defined by the vertical and horizontal setting.
5.4.2 Horizontal
The value can be set in the range form 0 to 255 (zero: left of OSD is level with left of monitor, 255: right of OSD is level with right of monitor).
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the Horizontal
• Use the left and right cursor keys to increase/decrease the value in steps of 1
The current value is indicated.
(increase: move right)
The value is applied without any further action.
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to Horizontal
• Use 3 and 4 to increase/decrease the value in steps of 1
The current value is indicated.
(increase: move right)
5.4.3 Blend
The value can be set in the range form 0 to 15 (zero: opaque, 15: transparent)
Use Blend to set the transparency of the OSD: when it Blend is set to zero, the background of the OSD will be opaque thus entirely hiding the screen content at this position. To make the screen content visible in spite of the overlaying OSD, increase the Blend parameter!
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the Blend
• Use the left and right cursor keys to increase/decrease the value in steps of 1
The current value is indicated.
The value is applied without any further action.
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to Blend
• Use 3 and 4 to increase/decrease the value in steps of 1
The current value is indicated.
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5. The On Screen Display (OSD)
5.4.4 Time out
The value can be set between 0 and 60 seconds in steps of 5 seconds.
The OSD will close (disappear) automatically when no selections are made during a certain time. This period can be set by means of the Time out parameter.
The OSD stays active as long as it is in use.
Independent from the Time out setting, you can close the OSD at any time by using the Exit button the RCU or the push button 7 on the right rear side of the monitor.
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the Time out
• Use the left and right cursor keys to increase/decrease the value in steps of 5
The current value is indicated.
The value is applied without any further action.
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to Time out
• Use 3 and 4 to increase/decrease the value in steps of 5
The current value is indicated.
5.4.5 OSD Zoom
Zoom can be selected in or out.
This command will magnify the OSD window and the icons by approx. the factor of 2.
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the OSD Zoom
• Use the left and right cursor keys to select one of the options In, Out
The current selection is visualized by a white caption.
• Apply the selection with Enter.
This selection has to be confirmed to be applied.
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to OSD Zoom
• Use 3 and 4 to select one of the options In, OUt
The current selection is visualized by a white caption.
• Apply the selection with 2
Barco - LC series - R5976934 - user's manual - Revision 08 - April 2008
5. The On Screen Display (OSD)
5.5 Audio setting menu
On the Audio setting menu, the volume and the balance of the left/right speaker can be adjusted as well as bass and treble (low frequencies and high frequencies).
To activate the Audio setting menu, proceed as follows:
• Press the ADJ key to activate the OSD
• Use the cursor keys to navigate to the
Audio setting menu
• The icon will turn blue, and the setting dialog will pop up
Icon Push button (1: top most)
• Press 7 to activate the OSD
• Press 3 and 4 to navigate to the
Audio setting menu
• The icon will turn blue, and the setting dialog will pop up
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5. The On Screen Display (OSD)
5.5.1 Volume
Volume can be adjusted in the range from 0 to 79.
Use the push button 3 on the right rear side of the monitor to directly increase the volume, use the push button 4 to directly decrease the volume.
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the Volume
• Use the left and right cursor keys to increase/decrease the value in steps of 1
The current value is indicated.
The value is applied without any further action.
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to Volume
• Use 3 and 4 to increase/decrease the value in steps of 1
The current value is indicated.
5.5.2 Balance
Balance can be adjusted in the range from -15 to +15.
The zero position is in the center of the slider. In case the left and the right speaker are not balanced, i.e. one side is predominant, adjust the setting in negative direction to bring out the left speaker, in positive direction to bring out the right speaker.
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the Balance
• Use the left and right cursor keys to increase/decrease the value in steps of 1
The current value is indicated.
The value is applied without any further action.
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to Balance
• Use 3 and 4 to increase/decrease the value in steps of 1
The current value is indicated.
5.5.3 Bass
Bass can be adjusted in the range from -7 to +7.
The zero position is in the center of the slider. In case the low frequencies are predominant, adjust the slider to the left. In case they are rather faint or missing, adjust the slider to the right, iti i i th t f th lid I
Push button (1: top most)
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the Bass
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to Bass
• Use the left and right cursor keys to increase/decrease the value in steps of 1
The current value is indicated.
• Use 3 and 4 to increase/decrease the value in steps of 1
The current value is indicated.
The value is applied without any further action.
Barco - LC series - R5976934 - user's manual - Revision 08 - April 2008
5. The On Screen Display (OSD)
5.5.4 Treble
Treble can be adjusted in the range from -7 to +7.
The zero position is in the center of the slider. In case the high frequencies are predominant, adjust the slider to the left. In case they are rather faint or missing, adjust the slider to the right.
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the Treble
• Use the left and right cursor keys to increase/decrease the value in steps of 1
The current value is indicated.
The value is applied without any further action.
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to Treble
• Use 3 and 4 to increase/decrease the value in steps of 1
The current value is indicated.
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5. The On Screen Display (OSD)
5.6 Display parameter setting menu
On the Display parameter setting menu, setting of display address, baud rate, light sensor, lower brightness level, ambient light threshold & auto source selection can be done.
To activate the Display parameter setting menu, proceed as follows:
• Press the ADJ key to activate the OSD
• Use the cursor keys to navigate to the
Display parameter setting menu
• The icon will turn blue, and the setting dialog will pop up
Icon Push button (1: top most)
• Press 7 to activate the OSD
• Press 3 and 4 to navigate to the
Display parameter setting menu
• The icon will turn blue, and the setting dialog will pop up
Barco - LC series - R5976934 - user's manual - Revision 08 - April 2008
5. The On Screen Display (OSD)
To select a display parameter; proceed as follows:
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the desired parameter
• Use the left and right cursor keys to activate the desired value.
The current selection is visualized by a white caption.
The selection is applied without any further action.
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to the desired parameter
• Use 3 and 4 to activate the desired value
The current selection is visualized by a white caption.
5.6.1 Set display address
The value can be set in the range from 1 to 255.
If more than one monitor is installed, the monitors can independently be RS232 remote-controlled by means of their display address.
Default monitor address is "1". Allowed addresses are in the range from 1 to 255.
" is the common address.
A monitor will listen to the commands explicitly sent to his specific address and to commands sent to the common address.
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the Set display address
• Use the left and right cursor keys to increase/decrease the address in steps of 1
The current value is indicated.
The value is applied without any further action.
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to Set display address
• Use 3 and 4 to increase/decrease the address in steps of 1
The current value is indicated.
5.6.2 Baud rate
The value can be set to 115200, 38400, 19200, 9600.
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the Baud rates
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to Baud rate
• Use the left and right cursor keys to i select one of the options 115200, 38400, 19200, 9600.
The current selection is visualized by a white caption
• Use 3 and 4 to select one of the options 115200,
38400, 19200, 9600.
The current selection is visualized by a white caption
The value is applied without any further action.
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5. The On Screen Display (OSD)
5.6.3 Light Sensor
The light sensor can be set on or off.
When a room is dark, the picture content can be viewed at lower brightness (power saving, avoiding eye fatigue). If enabled, the light sensor measures the ambient light, and if the room gets dark enough, the monitor will be switched to the "dark mode" with a brightness set via the Light Sensor Value.
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the Light Sensor
• Use the left and right cursor keys to select one of the options Off, On
The current selection is visualized by a white caption.
The selection is applied without any further action.
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to Light Sensor
• Use 3 and 4 to select one of the options Off, On
The current selection is visualized by a white caption.
5.6.4 Lower brightness level
The lower brightness level value can be set in the range from 0 to 100.
This parameter defines the brightness the monitor is automatically switched to when the ambient light is below the threshold of the light sensor (dark mode, requires that the light sensor is set On!)
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the Lower brightness level
• Use the left and right cursor keys to increase/decrease the value in steps of 1
The current value is indicated.
The value is applied without any further action.
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to Lower brightness
• Use 3 and 4 to increase/decrease the value in steps of 1
The current value is indicated.
5.6.5 Ambient light threshold
The ambient light threshold can be set in the range from 0 to 100.
This parameter defines the ambient light level below which the monitor will switch to a low backlight mode.
(dark mode, requires that the light sensor is set On!)
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the Ambient light threshold
• Use the left and right cursor keys to increase/decrease the value in steps of 1
The current value is indicated.
The value is applied without any further action.
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to Ambient light
• Use 3 and 4 to increase/decrease the value in steps of 1
The current value is indicated.
Barco - LC series - R5976934 - user's manual - Revision 08 - April 2008
5. The On Screen Display (OSD)
5.6.6 Auto Source Selection
The Auto Source Selection can be set on or off.
When Auto Source Selection is on, the system searches for a valid input source signal.
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to
Auto Source Selection
• Use the left and right cursor keys to select one of the options Off, On
The current selection is visualized by a white caption.
The selection is applied without any further action.
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to Auto Source Selec-
• Use 3 and 4 to select one of the options Off, On
The current selection is visualized by a white caption.
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5. The On Screen Display (OSD)
5.7 Reset menu
On the Reset menu, the factory settings can be restored. It also shows runtime & serial number of the display.
To activate the Reset menu, proceed as follows:
• Press the ADJ key to activate the OSD
• Use the cursor keys to navigate to the
Reset menu
• The icon will turn blue, and the setting dialog will pop up
Icon Push button (1: top most)
• Press 7 to activate the OSD
• Press 3 and 4 to navigate to the
Reset menu
• The icon will turn blue, and the setting dialog will pop up
Barco - LC series - R5976934 - user's manual - Revision 08 - April 2008
5. The On Screen Display (OSD)
5.7.1 Factory Reset
Clicking the button Yes on the option Factory Reset will inevitable reset the monitor to its factory settings.
All former adjustment and modifications will be lost!
These are the factory settings which are applied after selecting Yes with Factory Reset:
Item default
Power switch Off
Brightness 80
Color temp.
Auto configuration
On adjust range
User, 3200K,5400K,6500K, 9300K
• Use the up and down cursor keys to navigate to the Factory Reset
• Use the left and right cursor keys to select one of the options Yes, No
The current selection is visualized by a white caption.
The selection is applied without any further action.
Push button (1: top most)
• Press 5 and 6 to navigate to Factory Reset
• Use 3 and 4 to select one of the options Yes, No
The current selection is visualized by a white caption.
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5. The On Screen Display (OSD)
5.8 Input Signal Selection
In case multiple sources are connected, the signal for the first input and the second input have to be defined.
To select the signal for the respective input, proceed as follows:
• Press the ADJ key to activate the OSD
• Use the left and right cursor keys to navigate to the signal menu (for the first input)
• Press Enter to select
Icon Push button (1: top most)
• Press 7 to activate the OSD
• Press 3 and 4 to navigate to the
signal (for the first menu input)
• Press 2 to select
• Use the down cursor keys to open the input signal selection dialog
• Press 4 to open the input signal selection dialog
After the source has been selected, its timing is displayed.
In case the timing of the source is not included in the presets of the monitor, the timing of the monitor which matches best the timing of the source is displayed!
Barco - LC series - R5976934 - user's manual - Revision 08 - April 2008
5. The On Screen Display (OSD)
The following sources can be connected to the monitor:
Video system input
RGB input
HD-SDI input
RGB Analog
RGB Digital
Serial Digital
S-VIDEO S-Video Mini Din 4pin NTSC/PAL
YUV (Y Pb/Cb Pr/Cr) Component Mini Din 8 pin NTSC/PAL
D-Sub 15 pin
DVI-D 24 pin
BNC signals
RGB analog
RGB digital
To select a signal, proceed as follows:
• Press the ADJ key to activate the OSD
• Use the left and right cursor keys to navigate to the signal menu
• Press Enter to select
Icon Push button (1: top most)
• Press 7 to activate the OSD
• Press 3 and 4 to navigate to the
signal menu
• Press 2 to select
• Use the down cursor keys to open the input signal selection dialog
• Use the left and right cursor keys to select the desired signal
• Press 4 to open the input signal selection dialog
• Press 3 and 4 to select the desired signal
In case the signal is assigned to input 1, it cannot be assigned to input 2!
To change the signal of input 1 and input 2, input 1 has to be assigned to the signal which up to then has been assigned to input 2.
In case of two valid signals, input 2 then will automatically be assigned to the signal which up to then has been assigned to input 1.
In case of more signals, input 2 has to be explicitely assigned to a signal (all but the one assigned to input 1).
To select HD-SDI input 1 or HD-SDI input 2, first select HD-SDI in the OSD. When it is highlighted, press 1 to select the signal connected to HD-SDI input 1, or press 2 to select the signal connected to HD-SDI input 2.
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In case no signal is applied, the monitor displays a "no sync" message.
5. The On Screen Display (OSD)
In case no cable is connected, the monitor displays a "no cable" message.
In case the timing of the connected source is not compliant to the monitor, the monitor displays a "invalid mode" message.
For a list of compliant timings, cf. chapter 9 Compliant timing
The monitor features autodetect. In case e.g. DVI is selected, but the only connected source is VGA, the monitor will display the no sync message, and after a while automatically switch to VGA.
Barco - LC series - R5976934 - user's manual - Revision 08 - April 2008
5. The On Screen Display (OSD)
If no source is connected (neither no sync, no cable, no valid signal), the monitor switches to standby and displays the respective information:
Whenever one of these messages pop up, check the respective item and fix it!
5.8.1 Input selection with the function key F1
For input 1, the input can be selected using the function key F1. Pressing F1 "scrolls" through the inputs and displays one after the other the respective icon.
Press Enter to directly select the desired input.
5-44 __________________________________________________________Barco - LC series - R5976934 - user's manual - Revision 08 - April 2008

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Key features
- Super MVA TFT LCD technology
- HD resolution (1920x1080)
- Multiple video input interfaces
- SDI/HD-SDI interface (LCS models)
- Infrared remote control
- OnScreenDisplay (OSD)
- RS232 remote control
- Available in 42" and 47" sizes