Prestige 623ME-T User’s Guide
Chapter 14
Remote Node Configuration
This chapter covers remote node configuration.
14.1 Remote Node Setup Overview
This section describes the protocol-independent parameters for a remote node. A remote node is required for placing calls to a remote gateway. A remote node represents both the remote gateway and the network behind it across a WAN connection. When you use menu 4 to set up Internet access, you are configuring one of the remote nodes.
You first choose a remote node in Menu 11- Remote Node Setup. You can then edit that node’s profile in menu 11.1, as well as configure specific settings in three submenus: edit IP and bridge options in menu
11.3; edit ATM options in menu 11.6; and edit filter sets in menu 11.5.
14.2 Remote Node Setup
This section describes the protocol-independent parameters for a remote node.
14.2.1 Remote Node Profile
To configure a remote node, follow these steps:
Step 1. From the main menu, enter 11 to display Menu 11 - Remote Node Setup.
Step 2. When menu 11 appears, as shown in the following figure, type the number of the remote node that you want to configure.
Remote Node Configuration 14-1
Prestige 623ME-T User’s Guide
Menu 11 - Remote Node Setup
1. My ISP (ISP, SUA)
2. ________
3. ________
4. ________
5. ________
6. ________
7. ________
8. ________
Enter Node # to Edit:
Figure 14-1 Menu 11 Remote Node Setup
14.2.2 Encapsulation and Multiplexing Scenarios
For Internet access you should use the encapsulation and multiplexing methods used by your ISP. Consult your ISP for information on encapsulation and multiplexing methods for LAN-to-LAN applications, for example between a branch office and corporate headquarters. There must be prior agreement on encapsulation and multiplexing methods because they cannot be automatically determined. What method(s) you use also depends on how many VCs you have and how many different network protocols you need.
The extra overhead that ENET ENCAP encapsulation entails makes it a poor choice in a LAN-to-LAN application.
Prestige 623ME-T User’s Guide
Menu 11.1 - Remote Node Profile
Rem Node Name= MyISP Route= IP
Active= Yes Bridge= No
Encapsulation= PPPoE Edit IP/Bridge= No
Multiplexing= LLC-based Edit ATM Options= No
Service Name= N/A
Incoming: Telco Option:
Rem Login= N/A Allocated Budget(min)= N/A
Rem Password= N/A Period(hr)= N/A
Outgoing: Schedule Sets= N/A
My Login= N/A Nailed-Up Connection= N/A
My Password= N/A Session Options:
Authen= N/A Edit Filter Sets= No
Idle Timeout(sec)= N/A
Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:
Edit IP/Bridge Options in menu 11.3.
Edit ATM Options in menu 11.6
Edit Filter Sets in menu 11.5.
Figure 14-2 Menu 11.1 Remote Node Profile
In Menu 11.1 – Remote Node Profile, fill in the fields as described in the following table.
Table 14-1 Menu 11.1 Remote Node Profile
Rem Node Name Type a unique, descriptive name of up to eight characters for this node.
Active Press [SPACE BAR] and then [ENTER] to select Yes to activate or
No to deactivate this node. Inactive nodes are displayed with a minus sign “–“ in SMT menu 11.
Encapsulation Select the encapsulation type your ISP uses
PPPoE - A dial up connection that uses PPPoE encapsulation and requires a username and password.
RFC 1483 - An always up connection that uses the RFC1483 protocol.
Service Name
Press [SPACE BAR] and then [ENTER] to select the method of multiplexing that your ISP uses, either VC-based or LLC-based.
When using PPPoE encapsulation, type the name of your PPPoE service here.
Remote Node Configuration 14-3
Prestige 623ME-T User’s Guide
Table 14-1 Menu 11.1 Remote Node Profile
Rem Login Type the login name that this remote node will use to call your
Prestige. The login name and the Rem Password will be used to authenticate this node.
Rem Password Type the password used when this remote node calls your Prestige.
My Login Type the login name assigned by your ISP when the Prestige calls this remote node.
My Password Type the password assigned by your ISP when the Prestige calls this remote node.
Authen This field sets the authentication protocol used for outgoing calls.
Options for this field are:
CHAP/PAP – Your Prestige will accept either CHAP or PAP when requested by this remote node.
CHAP – accept CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication
Protocol) only.
PAP – accept PAP (Password Authentication Protocol) only.
This field determines the protocol used in routing. Options are IP and
When bridging is enabled, your Prestige will forward any packet that it does not route to this remote node; otherwise, the packets are discarded. Select Yes to enable and No to disable.
Edit IP/Bridge
Edit ATM Options Press [SPACE BAR] to select Yes and press [ENTER] to display
Menu 11.6 – Remote Node ATM Layer Options.
Telco Option
Press [SPACE BAR] to select Yes and press [ENTER] to display
Menu 11.3 – Remote Node Network Layer Options.
Allocated Budget
This sets a ceiling for outgoing call time for this remote node. The default for this field is 0 meaning no budget control.
Period (hr) This field is the time period that the budget should be reset. For example, if we are allowed to call this remote node for a maximum of
10 minutes every hour, then the Allocated Budget is (10 minutes) and the Period (hr) is 1 (hour).
Prestige 623ME-T User’s Guide
Table 14-1 Menu 11.1 Remote Node Profile
Schedule Sets This field is only applicable for PPPoE and PPPoA encapsulation.
You can apply up to four schedule sets here. For more details please refer to the Call Scheduling chapter.
Nailed up
This field is only applicable for PPPoE encapsulation. This field specifies if you want to make the connection to this remote node a nailed-up connection.
Session Options
Edit Filter Sets Use [SPACE BAR] to choose Yes and press [ENTER] to open menu
11.5 to edit the filter sets. See the Remote Node Filter section for more details.
Idle Timeout (sec) Type the number of seconds (0-9999) that can elapse when the
Prestige is idle (there is no traffic going to the remote node), before the Prestige automatically disconnects the remote node. 0 means that the session will not timeout.
When you have completed this menu, press [ENTER] at the prompt “Press ENTER to confirm or ESC to cancel” to save your configuration or press [ESC] to cancel and go back to the previous screen.
14.2.3 Outgoing Authentication Protocol
For obvious reasons, you should employ the strongest authentication protocol possible. However, some vendors’ implementation includes specific authentication protocol in the user profile. It will disconnect if the negotiated protocol is different from that in the user profile, even when the negotiated protocol is stronger than specified. If the peer disconnects right after a successful authentication, make sure that you specify the correct authentication protocol when connecting to such an implementation.
14.3 Metric
The metric represents the "cost of transmission". A router determines the best route for transmission by choosing a path with the lowest "cost". RIP routing uses hop count as the measurement of cost, with a minimum of "1" for directly connected networks. The number must be between "1" and "15"; a number greater than "15" means the link is down. The smaller the number, the lower the "cost".
Remote Node Configuration 14-5
Prestige 623ME-T User’s Guide
The metric sets the priority for the Prestige’s routes to the Internet. If any two of the default routes have the same metric, the Prestige uses the following pre-defined priorities:
2. Traffic-redirect route
IP Policy Routing overrides the default routing behavior and takes priority over all of the routes mentioned above (see the IP Policy Routing chapter).
For example, if the normal route has a metric of "1" and the traffic-redirect route has a metric of "2", then the normal route acts as the primary default route. If the normal route fails to connect to the Internet, the
Prestige tries the traffic-redirect route next.
14.4 Remote Node Network Layer Options
For the TCP/IP parameters, perform the following steps to edit Menu 11.3 – Remote Node Network
Layer Options as shown next.
Step 1. In menu 11.1, make sure IP is among the protocols in the Route field.
Step 2. Move the cursor to the Edit IP/Bridge field, press [SPACE BAR] to select Yes, then press
[ENTER] to display Menu 11.3 – Remote Node Network Layer Options.
Menu 11.3 - Remote Node Network Layer Options
IP Options: Bridge Options:
IP Address Assignment= Dynamic Ethernet Addr Timeout (min)= N/A
Rem IP Addr:
Rem Subnet Mask=
My WAN Addr=
NAT= Full Feature
Address Mapping Set= 2
Metric= 2
Private= No
RIP Direction= None
Version= RIP-1
Multicast= None
IP Policies= 3,4,5,6
Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:
Figure 14-3 Menu 11.3 Remote Node Network Layer Options
Prestige 623ME-T User’s Guide
The next table explains fields in Menu 11.3 – Remote Node Network Layer Options.
Table 14-2 Menu 11.3 Remote Node Network Layer Options
IP Address
Press [SPACE BAR] and then [ENTER] to select Dynamic if the remote node is using a dynamically assigned IP address or Static if it is using a static (fixed) IP address. You will only be able to configure this in the ISP node (also the one you configure in menu 4). All other nodes are set to
Rem IP Addr This is the IP address you entered in the previous menu.
Rem Subnet
Type the subnet mask assigned to the remote node.
Some implementations, especially UNIX derivatives, require separate IP network numbers for the WAN and LAN links and each end to have a unique address within the WAN network number. In that case, type the IP address assigned to the WAN port of your Prestige.
Refers to local Prestige address, not the remote router address.
Mapping Set
Press [SPACE BAR] and then [ENTER] to select Full Feature if you have multiple public WAN IP addresses for your Prestige.
Select SUA Only if you have just one public WAN IP address for your
Prestige. The SMT uses Address Mapping Set 255 (menu 15.1 - see section Error! Reference source not found.).
Select None to disable NAT.
When SUA Only is selected in the NAT field, the SMT uses NAT server set 1 in menu 15.2 (see the NAT chapter for details).
The metric represents the “cost” of transmission for routing purposes. IP routing uses hop count as the cost measurement, with a minimum of 1 for directly connected networks. Type a number that approximates the cost for this link. The number need not be precise, but it must be between 1 and
15. In practice, 2 or 3 is usually a good number.
This determines if the Prestige will include the route to this remote node in its RIP broadcasts. If set to Yes, this route is kept private and not included in RIP broadcast. If No, the route to this remote node will be propagated to other hosts through RIP broadcasts.
Press [SPACE BAR] and then [ENTER] to select the RIP Direction.
Options are Both, In Only, Out Only or None.
SUA Only
Remote Node Configuration 14-7
Prestige 623ME-T User’s Guide
Table 14-2 Menu 11.3 Remote Node Network Layer Options
Version Press [SPACE BAR] and then [ENTER] to select the RIP version. Options are RIP-1, RIP-2B or RIP-2M.
Multicast IGMP-v1 sets IGMP to version 1, IGMP-v2 sets IGMP to version 2 and
None disables IGMP.
IP Policies You can apply up to four IP Policy sets (from 12) by typing in their numbers separated by commas. Configure the filter sets in menu 25 first (see the IP
Policy Routing chapter) and then apply them here.
3, 4, 5, 6
When you have completed this menu, press [ENTER] at the prompt “Press ENTER to confirm or ESC to cancel” to save your configuration or press [ESC] to cancel and go back to the previous screen.
14.4.1 My WAN Addr Sample IP Addresses
The following figure uses sample IP addresses to help you understand the field of My WAN Addr in menu
11.3. Refer to the previous LAN and WAN IP Addresses figure in the web configurator chapter on LAN setup for a brief review of what a WAN IP is. My WAN Addr indicates the local Prestige WAN IP
( in the following figure) while Rem IP Addr indicates the peer WAN IP ( in the following figure).
Figure 14-4 Sample IP Addresses for a TCP/IP LAN-to-LAN Connection
Prestige 623ME-T User’s Guide
14.5 Remote Node Filter
Move the cursor to the Edit Filter Sets field in menu 11.1, then press [SPACE BAR] to select Yes. Press
[ENTER] to display Menu 11.5 – Remote Node Filter.
Use Menu 11.5 – Remote Node Filter to specify the filter set(s) to apply to the incoming and outgoing traffic between this remote node and the Prestige and also to prevent certain packets from triggering calls.
You can specify up to 4 filter sets separated by comma, for example, 1, 5, 9, 12, in each filter field.
Note that spaces are accepted in this field. The Prestige has a prepackaged filter set, NetBIOS_WAN, that blocks NetBIOS packets (call protocol filter = 1). Include this in the call filter sets if you want to prevent
NetBIOS packets from triggering calls to a remote node.
Menu 11.5 - Remote Node Filter
Input Filter Sets:
protocol filters= 11, 12
device filters=
Output Filter Sets:
protocol filters=
device filters=
Enter here to CONFIRM or ESC to CANCEL:
Figure 14-5 Menu 11.5 Remote Node Filter (RFC 1483 Encapsulation)
Menu 11.5 - Remote Node Filter
Input Filter Sets:
protocol filters= 11, 12
device filters=
Output Filter Sets:
protocol filters=
device filters=
Call Filter Sets:
Protocol filters=
Device filters=
Enter here to CONFIRM or ESC to CANCEL:
Figure 14-6 Menu 11.5 Remote Node Filter (PPPoE Encapsulation)
Remote Node Configuration 14-9
Prestige 623ME-T User’s Guide
14.5.1 Web Configurator Internet Security Filter Rules
In the web configurator, open the Security screen as shown next. Select the predefined filter rules and click
Figure 14-7 Internet Security
Once you apply the filter rules in the web configurator, filter sets 11 and 12 are automatically applied in the
protocol filters field under Input Filter Sets in SMT menu 11.5.
SMT input protocol filter set numbers that were previously applied are erased
after you apply the Internet Security filter rules in the web configurator. To reapply them or apply new filter sets, you need to enter the filter set numbers again along with filter sets 11 and 12. For example, to apply filter sets 1 and 2, you enter “1, 2,
11, 12”.
14.5.2 Web Configurator Filter Sets
When you apply filter rules using the web configurator, filter sets 11 and 12 are automatically generated in
SMT menu 21.
Prestige 623ME-T User’s Guide
Menu 21 - Filter Set Configuration
Filter Filter
Set # Comments Set # Comments
------ ----------------- ------ -----------------
1 NetBIOS_WAN 7 _______________
2 NetBIOS_LAN 8 _______________
3 PPPoE 9 _______________
4 10 _______________
5 11 WebSet1
6 _______________ 12 WebSet2
Enter Filter Set Number to Configure= 0
Edit Comments= N/A
Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:
Figure 14-8 Menu 21- Filer Set Configuration
The following figures display the filter rules in filter sets 11 and 12.
Menu 21.11 - Filter Rules Summary
# A Type Filter Rules M m n
- - ---- --------------------------------------------------------------- - - -
1 Y IP Pr=17, SA=, DA=, DP=161 N D N
2 Y IP Pr=17, SA=, DA=, DP=162 N D F
3 N
4 N
5 N
6 N
Enter Filter Rule Number (1-6) to Configure:
Figure 14-9 Menu 21.11- WebSet 11
Menu 21.12 - Filter Rules Summary
# A Type Filter Rules M m n
- - ---- --------------------------------------------------------------- - - -
1 Y IP Pr=6, SA=, DA=, DP=23 N D N
2 Y IP Pr=6, SA=, DA=, DP=21 N D N
3 Y IP Pr=17, SA=, DA=, DP=69 N D N
4 Y IP Pr=6, SA=, DA=, DP=80 N D N
5 Y IP Pr=1, SA=, DA=, DP=0 N D N
6 N
Enter Filter Rule Number (1-6) to Configure
Figure 14-10 Menu 21.12- WebSet 12
Remote Node Configuration 14-11
Prestige 623ME-T User’s Guide
Do not edit filter sets 11 and 12. They are used exclusively by the web configurator. Any rules you configured in sets 11 and 12 will be erased and replaced when you apply the web configurator-generated filter rules.
14.6 Editing ATM Layer Options
Follow the steps shown next to edit Menu 11.6 – Remote Node ATM Layer Options.
In menu 11.1, move the cursor to the Edit ATM Options field and then press [SPACE BAR] to select
Yes. Press [ENTER] to display Menu 11.6 – Remote Node ATM Layer Options.
There are two versions of menu 11.6 for the Prestige, depending on whether you chose VC-based/LLC-
based multiplexing and PPP encapsulation in menu 11.1.
14.6.1 VC-based Multiplexing (non-PPP Encapsulation)
For VC-based multiplexing, by prior agreement, a protocol is assigned a specific virtual circuit, for example, VC1 will carry IP. Separate VPI and VCI numbers must be specified for each protocol.
Menu 11.6 - Remote Node ATM Layer Options
VPI/VCI (VC-Multiplexing)
VC Options for IP:
VPI #= 8
VCI #= 35
Peak Cell Rate (PCR)= 0
Sustain Cell Rate (SCR)= 0
Maximum Burst Size (MBS)= 0
VC Options for Bridge:
VPI #= 1
VCI #= 36
ATM QoS Type= N/A
Peak Cell Rate (PCR)= N/A
Sustain Cell Rate (SCR)= N/A
Maximum Burst Size (MBR)= N/A
Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:
Separate VPI and
VCI numbers must be specified.
Figure 14-11 Menu 11.6 for VC-based Multiplexing
14.6.2 LLC-based Multiplexing or PPP Encapsulation
For LLC-based multiplexing or PPP encapsulation, one VC carries multiple protocols with protocol identifying information being contained in each packet header.
Prestige 623ME-T User’s Guide
Menu 11.6 - Remote Node ATM Layer Options
VPI/VCI (LLC-Multiplexing or PPP-Encapsulation)
VPI #= 8
VCI #= 35
Peak Cell Rate (PCR)= 0
Sustain Cell Rate (SCR)= 0
Maximum Burst Size (MBS)= 0
Only one set of VPI and VCI numbers needs to be specified.
Figure 14-12 Menu 11.6 for LLC-based Multiplexing or PPP Encapsulation
In this case, only one set of VPI and VCI numbers need be specified for all protocols. The valid range for the VPI is 0 to 255 and for the VCI is 32 to 65535 (1 to 31 is reserved for local management of ATM traffic).
Remote Node Configuration 14-13

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