System Information and Diagnosis. ZyXEL Communications 623ME-T, Prestige 623ME-T
Prestige 623ME-T User’s Guide
Chapter 20
System Information and Diagnosis
This chapter covers the information and diagnostic tools in SMT menus 24.1 to 24.4 and menu
20.1 System Maintenance Overview
These tools include updates on system status, port status, log and trace capabilities and upgrades for the system software. This chapter describes how to use these tools in detail.
Type 24 in the main menu to open Menu 24 – System Maintenance, as shown in the following figure.
Menu 24 - System Maintenance
1. System Status
2. System Information and Console Port Speed
3. Log and Trace
4. Diagnostic
5. Backup Configuration
6. Restore Configuration
7. Upload Firmware
8. Command Interpreter Mode
9. Call Control
10. Time and Date Setting
11. Remote Management
Enter Menu Selection Number:
Figure 20-1 Menu 24 System Maintenance
20.2 System Status
The first selection, System Status gives you information on the status and statistics of the ports, as shown next. System Status is a tool that can be used to monitor your Prestige. Specifically, it gives you information on your ADSL telephone line status, number of packets sent and received.
To get to System Status, type 24 to go to Menu 24 — System Maintenance. From this menu, type 1.
System Status. There are two commands in Menu 24.1 — System Maintenance — Status. Entering 1 resets the counters; pressing [TAB] toggles between Ethernet and USB port status display and [ESC] takes you back to the previous screen.
System Information and Diagnosis 20-1
Prestige 623ME-T User’s Guide
The following table describes the fields present in Menu 24.1 — System Maintenance — Status which are read-only and meant for diagnostic purposes.
Menu 24.1 - System Maintenance - Status 07:05:39
Sat. Jan. 01, 2000
Node-Lnk Status TxPkts RxPkts Errors Tx B/s Rx B/s Up Time
1-PPPoE Idle 0 0 0 0 0 0:00:00
2 N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0:00:00
3 N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0:00:00
4 N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0:00:00
5 N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0:00:00
6 N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0:00:00
7 N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0:00:00
8 N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0:00:00
My WAN IP (from ISP):
Ethernet: WAN:
Status: 100M/Full Duplex Tx Pkts: 2074 Line Status: Down
Collisions: 0 Rx Pkts: 2665 Upstream Speed: 0 kbps
CPU Load = 16.44% Downstream Speed: 0 kbps
Press Command:
COMMANDS: 1-Reset Counters TAB-Next Page ESC-Exit
Figure 20-2 Menu 24.1 System Maintenance : Status
The following table describes the fields present in Menu 24.1 — System Maintenance — Status.
Table 20-1 Menu 24.1 System Maintenance : Status
Node-Lnk This is the node index number and link type.
Status This shows the status of the remote node.
Tx B/s
The number of transmitted packets to this remote node.
The number of received packets from this remote node.
The number of error packets on this connection.
This shows the transmission rate in bytes per second.
Rx B/s
Up Time
(from ISP)
This shows the receiving rate in bytes per second.
This is the time this channel has been connected to the current remote node.
This is the IP address of the ISP remote node.
This is the Ethernet or USB port. Press [TAB] to toggle between Ethernet and USB port status display.
20-2 System Information and Diagnosis
Prestige 623ME-T User’s Guide
Table 20-1 Menu 24.1 System Maintenance : Status
Status This shows the current status of the LAN.
Tx Pkts This is the number of transmitted packets to the LAN.
Rx Pkts This is the number of received packets from the LAN.
Collision This is the number of collisions.
This shows statistics for the WAN.
Line Status This shows the current status of the xDSL line which can be Up or Down.
This shows the upstream transfer rate in kbps.
This shows the downstream transfer rate in kbps.
CPU Load This specifies the percentage of CPU utilization.
20.3 System Information
To get to the System Information :
Step 1. Enter 24 in the main menu to display Menu 24 — System Maintenance.
Step 2. Enter 2 to display Menu 24.2 — System Information.
Step 3. From this menu you have two choices as shown in the next figure:
Menu 24.2 - System Information and Console Port Speed
1. System Information
2. Console Port Speed
Please enter selection:
Figure 20-3 Menu 24.2 System Information and Console Port Speed
20.3.1 System Information
Enter 1 in menu 24.2 to display the screen shown next.
System Information and Diagnosis 20-3
Prestige 623ME-T User’s Guide
Menu 24.2.1 - System Maintenance - Information
Name: p623me-t1
Routing: IP/BRIDGE
ZyNOS F/W Version: V3.40(QB.0)b1 | 12/18/2003
ADSL Chipset Vendor: TrendChip, Version 0.2.15. ASIC 1.1 +
Standard: Multi-Mode
Ethernet Address: 00:a0:c5:01:23:45
IP Address:
IP Mask:
DHCP: Server
Press ESC or RETURN to Exit:
Figure 20-4 Menu 24.2.1 System Maintenance : Information
The following table describes the fields in this menu.
Table 20-2 Menu 24.2.1 System Maintenance : Information
This displays the system name of your Prestige. This information can be changed in Menu 1 – General Setup.
This refers to the routing protocol used.
ZyNOS F/W Version
ADSL Chipset Vendor This displays the vendor of the ADSL chipset and DSL version.
Standard This refers to the operational protocol the Prestige and the DSLAM (Digital
Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer) are using.
This refers to the ZyNOS (ZyXEL Network Operating System) system firmware version. ZyNOS is a registered trademark of ZyXEL Communications
Ethernet Address This refers to the Ethernet MAC (Media Access Control) of your Prestige.
IP Address This is the IP address of the Prestige in dotted decimal notation.
IP Mask This shows the subnet mask of the Prestige.
DHCP This field shows the DHCP setting (None, Relay or Server) of the Prestige.
20-4 System Information and Diagnosis
Prestige 623ME-T User’s Guide
20.3.2 Console Port Speed
The Prestige has an internal console port for support personnel only. Do not open the Prestige as it will void your warranty.
You can set up different port speeds for the console port through Menu 24.2.2 – System Maintenance –
Console Port Speed. Your Prestige supports 9600 (default), 19200, 38400, 57600 and 115200 bps. Press
[SPACE BAR] and then [ENTER] to select the desired speed in menu 24.2.2, as shown in the following figure.
Menu 24.2.2 – System Maintenance – Change Console Port Speed
Console Port Speed: 9600
Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:
Figure 20-5 Menu 24.2.2 System Maintenance : Change Console Port Speed
Once you change the Prestige consol port speed, you must also set the speed parameter for the communication software you are using to connect to the
20.4 Log and Trace
There are two logging facilities in the Prestige. The first is the error logs and trace records that are stored locally. The second is the UNIX syslog facility for message logging.
20.4.1 Viewing Error Log
The first place you should look for clues when something goes wrong is the error log. Follow the procedures to view the local error/trace log:
Step 1. Type 24 in the main menu to display Menu 24 – System Maintenance.
Step 2. From menu 24, type 3 to display Menu 24.3 – System Maintenance – Log and Trace.
Menu 24.3 - System Maintenance - Log and Trace
1. View Error Log
2. UNIX Syslog
Please enter selection:
Figure 20-6 Menu 24.3 System Maintenance : Log and Trace
System Information and Diagnosis 20-5
Prestige 623ME-T User’s Guide
Step 3. Enter 1 from Menu 24.3 — System Maintenance — Log and Trace to display the error log in the system.
After the Prestige finishes displaying the error log, you will have the option to clear it. Samples of typical error and information messages are presented in the next figure.
59 Thu Jan 01 00:00:03 1970 PP0f INFO LAN promiscuous mode <0>
60 Thu Jan 01 00:00:03 1970 PP00 -WARN SNMP TRAP 0: cold start
61 Thu Jan 01 00:00:03 1970 PP00 INFO main: init completed
62 Thu Jan 01 00:00:19 1970 PP00 INFO SMT Session Begin
63 Thu Jan 01 00:00:24 1970 PP0a WARN MPOA Link Down
Clear Error Log (y/n):
Figure 20-7 Sample Error and Information Messages
20.4.2 Syslog and Accounting
The Prestige uses the UNIX syslog facility to log the CDR (Call Detail Record) and system messages to a syslog server. Syslog and accounting can be configured in Menu 24.3.2 — System Maintenance — UNIX
Syslog, as shown next.
Menu 24.3.2 - System Maintenance - UNIX Syslog
Active= No
Syslog IP Address=
Log Facility= Local 1
Packet Triggered= No
Filter Log= No
PPP Log= No
Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:
Figure 20-8 Menu 24.3.2 System Maintenance : UNIX Syslog
You need to configure the UNIX syslog parameters described in the following table to activate syslog then choose what you want to log.
Table 20-3 Menu 24.3.2 System Maintenance : UNIX Syslog
UNIX Syslog:
Active Use [SPACE BAR] and then [ENTER] to turn syslog on or off.
Syslog IP Address Type the IP address of your syslog server.
20-6 System Information and Diagnosis
Prestige 623ME-T User’s Guide
Table 20-3 Menu 24.3.2 System Maintenance : UNIX Syslog
Log Facility Use [SPACE BAR] and then [ENTER] to select one of seven different local options.
The log facility lets you log the message in different server files. Refer to your UNIX manual.
CDR Call Detail Record (CDR) logs all data phone line activity if set to Yes.
Packet triggered The first 48 bytes or octets and protocol type of the triggering packet is sent to the
UNIX syslog server when this field is set to Yes.
Filter log No filters are logged when this field is set to No. Filters with the individual filter Log
Filter field set to Yes are logged when this field is set to Yes.
PPP log PPP events are logged when this field is set to Yes.
Your Prestige sends four types of syslog messages. Some examples of these syslog messages with their message formats are shown next:
1. CDR
CDR Message Format
SdcmdSyslogSend( SYSLOG_CDR, SYSLOG_INFO, String );
String = board xx line xx channel xx, call xx, str board = the hardware board ID line = the WAN ID in a board
Channel = channel ID within the WAN call = the call reference number which starts from 1 and increments by 1 for each new call
Number) str = C01 Outgoing Call dev xx ch xx (dev:device No. ch:channel No.)
C02 OutCall Connected xxxx (means connected speed) xxxxx (means Remote Call
L02 Call Terminated
C02 Call Terminated
Jul 19 11:19:27 ZyXEL Communications Corp.: board 0 line 0 channel 0, call
1, C01 Outgoing Call dev=2 ch=0 40002
Jul 19 11:19:32 ZyXEL Communications Corp.: board 0 line 0 channel 0, call
1, C02 OutCall Connected 64000 40002
Jul 19 11:20:06 ZyXEL Communications Corp.: board 0 line 0 channel 0, call
1, C02 Call Terminated
2. Packet triggered
Packet triggered Message Format sdcmdSyslogSend( SYSLOG_PKTTRI, SYSLOG_NOTICE, String );
String = Packet trigger: Protocol=xx Data=xxxxxxxxxx…..x
Protocol: (1:IP 2:BPDU 3:ATALK 4:IPNG)
Data: We will send forty-eight Hex characters to the server
System Information and Diagnosis 20-7
Prestige 623ME-T User’s Guide
Jul 19 11:28:39 ZyXEL Communications Corp.: Packet Trigger: Protocol=1,
Data=4500003c100100001f010004c0a86614ca849a7b08004a5c020001006162636465666768696a6b6c6d6e6 f7071727374
Jul 19 11:28:56 ZyXEL Communications Corp.: Packet Trigger: Protocol=1,
Jul 19 11:29:06 ZyXEL Communications Corp.: Packet Trigger: Protocol=1,
3. Filter log
Filter log Message Format
String = IP[Src=xx.xx.xx.xx Dst=xx.xx.xx.xx prot spo=xxxx dpo=xxxx] S04>R01mD
IP[…] is the packet header and S04>R01mD means filter set 4 (S) and rule 1 (R), match (m) drop
Src: Source Address
Dst: Destination Address prot: Protocol (“TCP”,”UDP”,”ICMP”) spo: Source port dpo: Destination port
Jul 19 14:43:55 ZyXEL Communications Corp.: IP[Src=
Dst= UDP spo=0208 dpo=0208]}S03>R01mF
Jul 19 14:44:00 ZyXEL Communications Corp.: IP[Src=
Dst= UDP spo=05d4 dpo=0035]}S03>R01mF
Jul 19 14:44:04 ZyXEL Communications Corp.: IP[Src=
Dst= UDP spo=05d4 dpo=0035]}S03>R01mF
4. PPP log
PPP Log Message Format sdcmdSyslogSend( SYSLOG_PPPLOG, SYSLOG_NOTICE, String );
String = ppp:Proto Starting / ppp:Proto Opening / ppp:Proto Closing / ppp:Proto Shutdown
Jul 19 11:42:44 ZyXEL Communications Corp.: ppp:LCP Closing
Jul 19 11:42:49 ZyXEL Communications Corp.: ppp:IPCP Closing
Jul 19 11:42:54 ZyXEL Communications Corp.: ppp:CCP Closing
20.5 Diagnostic
The diagnostic facility allows you to test the different aspects of your Prestige to determine if it is working properly. Menu 24.4 allows you to choose among various types of diagnostic tests to evaluate your system, as shown in the following figure.
20-8 System Information and Diagnosis
Prestige 623ME-T User’s Guide
Follow the procedure next to get to Diagnostic:
Step 1. From the main menu, type 24 to open Menu 24 – System Maintenance.
Step 2. From this menu, type 4. Diagnostic to open Menu 24.4 – System Maintenance – Diagnostic.
Menu 24.4 - System Maintenance – Diagnostic xDSL
1. Reset xDSL
12. Ping Host
21. Reboot System
22. Command Mode
Enter Menu Selection Number:
Host IP Address= N/A
Figure 20-9 Menu 24.4 System Maintenance : Diagnostic
The following table describes the diagnostic tests available in menu 24.4 for and the connections.
Table 20-4 Menu 24.4 System Maintenance Menu : Diagnostic
Reset xDSL Re-initialize the xDSL link to the telephone company.
Ping Host Ping the host to see if the links and TCP/IP protocol on both systems are working.
Reboot System Reboot the Prestige.
Command Mode Type the mode to test and diagnose your Prestige using specified commands.
Host IP Address If you typed 12 to Ping Host, now type the address of the computer you want to ping.
System Information and Diagnosis 20-9

Public link updated
The public link to your chat has been updated.