Firmware and Configuration File Maintenance. ZyXEL Communications 623ME-T, Prestige 623ME-T
Prestige 623ME-T User’s Guide
Chapter 21
Firmware and Configuration File
This chapter tells you how to backup and restore your configuration file as well as upload new firmware and configuration files.
21.1 Filename Conventions
The configuration file (often called the romfile or rom-0) contains the factory default settings in the menus such as password, DHCP Setup, TCP/IP Setup, etc. It arrives from ZyXEL with a “rom” filename extension. Once you have customized the Prestige's settings, they can be saved back to your computer under a filename of your choosing.
ZyNOS (ZyXEL Network Operating System sometimes referred to as the “ras” file) is the system firmware and has a “bin” filename extension. With many FTP and TFTP clients, the filenames are similar to those seen next.
Only use firmware for your Prestige’s specific model. Refer to the label on the bottom of your Prestige. ftp> put firmware.bin ras
This is a sample FTP session showing the transfer of the computer file " firmware.bin" to the Prestige. ftp> get rom-0 config.cfg
This is a sample FTP session saving the current configuration to the computer file “config.cfg”.
If your (T)FTP client does not allow you to have a destination filename different than the source, you will need to rename them as the Prestige only recognizes “rom-0” and “ras”. Be sure you keep unaltered copies of both files for later use.
The following table is a summary. Please note that the internal filename refers to the filename on the
Prestige and the external filename refers to the filename not on the Prestige, that is, on your computer, local network or FTP site and so the name (but not the extension) may vary. After uploading new firmware, see the ZyNOS F/W Version field in Menu 24.2.1 – System Maintenance – Information to confirm that you have uploaded the correct firmware version. The AT command is the command you enter after you press
“y” when prompted in the SMT menu to go into debug mode.
Firmware and Configuration File Maintenance 21-1
Prestige 623ME-T User’s Guide
Table 21-1 Filename Conventions
This is the configuration filename on the Prestige.
Uploading the rom-0 file replaces the entire ROM file system, including your Prestige configurations, system-related data (including the default password), the error log and the trace log.
This is the generic name for the ZyNOS firmware on the Prestige.
21.2 Backup Configuration
The Prestige displays different messages explaining different ways to backup, restore and upload files in menus 24.5, 24.6, 24. 7.1 and 24.7.2; depending on whether you use the console port or Telnet.
Option 5 from Menu 24 – System Maintenance allows you to backup the current Prestige configuration to your computer. Backup is highly recommended once your Prestige is functioning properly. FTP is the preferred methods for backing up your current configuration to your computer since they are faster.
Please note that terms “download” and “upload” are relative to the computer. Download means to transfer from the Prestige to the computer, while upload means from your computer to the Prestige.
21-2 Firmware and Configuration File Maintenance
Prestige 623ME-T User’s Guide
21.2.1 Backup Configuration
Follow the instructions as shown in the next screen.
Menu 24.5 - Backup Configuration
To transfer the configuration file to your computer, follow the procedure
1. Launch the FTP client on your computer.
2. Type "open" and the IP address of your system. Then type "root" and
SMT password as requested.
3. Locate the 'rom-0' file.
4. Type 'get rom-0' to back up the current system configuration to your
For details on FTP commands, please consult the documentation of your FTP
client program. For details on backup using TFTP (note that you must remain
in this menu to back up using TFTP), please see your user manual.
Press ENTER to Exit:
Figure 21-1 Telnet in Menu 24.5
21.2.2 Using the FTP Command from the Command Line
Step 1. Launch the FTP client on your computer.
Step 2. Enter “open”, followed by a space and the IP address of your Prestige.
Step 3. Press [ENTER] when prompted for a username.
Step 4. Enter your password as requested (the default is “1234”).
Step 5. Enter “bin” to set transfer mode to binary.
Step 6. Use “get” to transfer files from the Prestige to the computer, for example, “get rom-0 config.rom” transfers the configuration file on the Prestige to your computer and renames it
“config.rom”. See earlier in this chapter for more information on filename conventions.
Step 7. Enter “quit” to exit the ftp prompt.
21.2.3 Example of FTP Commands from the Command Line
Firmware and Configuration File Maintenance 21-3
Prestige 623ME-T User’s Guide
331 Enter PASS command
230 Logged in ftp> bin
200 Type I OK ftp> get rom-0 zyxel.rom
200 Port command okay
150 Opening data connection for STOR ras
226 File received OK ftp: 16384 bytes sent in 1.10Seconds 297.89Kbytes/sec. ftp> quit
Figure 21-2 FTP Session Example
21.2.4 GUI-based FTP Clients
The following table describes some of the commands that you may see in GUI-based FTP clients.
Table 21-2 General Commands for GUI-based FTP Clients
Host Address Enter the address of the host server.
Login Type Anonymous.
This is when a user I.D. and password is automatically supplied to the server for anonymous access. Anonymous logins will work only if your
ISP or service administrator has enabled this option.
The server requires a unique User ID and Password to login.
Transfer Type You must use binary mode when uploading the configuration or firmware file.
Transfer files in either ASCII (plain text format) or in binary mode.
Initial Remote Directory Specify the default remote directory (path).
Initial Local Directory Specify the default local directory (path).
21.2.5 TFTP and FTP over WAN Will Not Work When
TFTP, FTP and Telnet over WAN will not work when:
1. You have applied a filter in menu 3.1 (LAN) or in menu 11.5 (WAN) to block Telnet service.
2. You have an SMT console session running.
21-4 Firmware and Configuration File Maintenance
Prestige 623ME-T User’s Guide
21.2.6 Backup Configuration Using TFTP
The Prestige supports the up/downloading of the firmware and the configuration file using TFTP (Trivial
File Transfer Protocol) over LAN. Although TFTP should work over WAN as well, it is not recommended.
To use TFTP, your computer must have both telnet and TFTP clients. To backup the configuration file, follow the procedure shown next.
Step 1. Use telnet from your computer to connect to the Prestige and log in. Because TFTP does not have any security checks, the Prestige records the IP address of the telnet client and accepts
TFTP requests only from this address.
Step 2. Put the SMT in command interpreter (CI) mode by entering 8 in Menu 24 – System
Step 3. Enter command “sys stdio 0” to disable the SMT timeout, so the TFTP transfer will not be interrupted. Enter command “sys stdio 5” to restore the five-minute SMT timeout (default) when the file transfer is complete.
Step 4. Launch the TFTP client on your computer and connect to the Prestige. Set the transfer mode to binary before starting data transfer.
Step 5. Use the TFTP client (see the example below) to transfer files between the Prestige and the computer. The file name for the configuration file is “rom-0” (rom-zero, not capital o).
Note that the telnet connection must be active and the SMT in CI mode before and during the TFTP transfer. For details on TFTP commands (see following example), please consult the documentation of your
TFTP client program. For UNIX, use “get” to transfer from the Prestige to the computer and “binary” to set binary transfer mode.
21.2.7 TFTP Command Example
The following is an example TFTP command: tftp [-i] host get rom-0 config.rom where “i” specifies binary image transfer mode (use this mode when transferring binary files), “host” is the
Prestige IP address, “get” transfers the file source on the Prestige (rom-0, name of the configuration file on the Prestige) to the file destination on the computer and renames it config.rom.
21.2.8 GUI-based TFTP Clients
The following table describes some of the fields that you may see in GUI-based TFTP clients.
Firmware and Configuration File Maintenance 21-5
Prestige 623ME-T User’s Guide
Table 21-3 General Commands for GUI-based TFTP Clients
Host Enter the IP address of the Prestige. is the Prestige’s default IP address when shipped.
Send/Fetch Use “Send” to upload the file to the Prestige and “Fetch” to back up the file on your computer.
Local File Enter the path and name of the firmware file (*.bin extension) or configuration file (*.rom extension) on your computer.
Remote File This is the filename on the Prestige. The filename for the firmware is “ras” and for the configuration file, is “rom-0”.
Transfer the file in binary mode.
Stop transfer of the file.
Refer to section 21.2.5 to read about configurations that disallow TFTP and FTP over WAN.
21.3 Restore Configuration
This section shows you how to restore a previously saved configuration. Note that this function erases the current configuration before restoring a previous back up configuration; please do not attempt to restore unless you have a backup configuration file stored on disk.
FTP is the preferred method for restoring your current computer configuration to your Prestige since FTP is faster. Please note that you must wait for the system to automatically restart after the file transfer is complete.
21-6 Firmware and Configuration File Maintenance
Prestige 623ME-T User’s Guide
21.3.1 Restore Using FTP
For details about backup using (T)FTP please refer to earlier sections on FTP and TFTP file upload in this chapter.
Menu 24.6 - Restore Configuration
To transfer the firmware and the configuration file, follow the procedure
1. Launch the FTP client on your computer.
2. Type "open" and the IP address of your system. Then type "root" and
SMT password as requested.
3. Type "put backupfilename rom-0" where backupfilename is the name of
your backup configuration file on your computer and rom-0 is the
remote file name on the system. This restores the configuration to
your system.
4. The system reboots automatically after a successful file transfer.
For details on FTP commands, please consult the documentation of your FTP
client program. For details on restoring using TFTP (note that you must
remain on this menu to restore using TFTP), please see your user manual.
Press ENTER to Exit:
Figure 21-3 Telnet into Menu 24.6
Step 1. Launch the FTP client on your computer.
Step 2. Enter “open”, followed by a space and the IP address of your Prestige.
Step 3. Press [ENTER] when prompted for a username.
Step 4. Enter your password as requested (the default is “1234”).
Step 5. Enter “bin” to set transfer mode to binary.
Step 6. Find the “rom” file (on your computer) that you want to restore to your Prestige.
Step 7. Use “put” to transfer files from the Prestige to the computer, for example, “put config.rom rom-
0” transfers the configuration file “config.rom” on your computer to the Prestige. See earlier in this chapter for more information on filename conventions.
Step 8. Enter “quit” to exit the ftp prompt. The Prestige will automatically restart after a successful restore process.
Firmware and Configuration File Maintenance 21-7
Prestige 623ME-T User’s Guide
21.3.2 Restore Using FTP Session Example
ftp> put config.rom rom-0
200 Port command okay
150 Opening data connection for STOR rom-0
226 File received OK
221 Goodbye for writing flash ftp: 16384 bytes sent in 0.06Seconds 273.07Kbytes/sec. ftp>quit
Figure 21-4 Restore Using FTP Session Example
Refer to section 21.2.5 to read about configurations that disallow TFTP and FTP over WAN.
21.4 Uploading Firmware and Configuration Files
This section shows you how to upload firmware and configuration files. You can upload configuration files by following the procedure in the previous Restore Configuration section or by following the instructions in
Menu 24.7.2 – System Maintenance – Upload System Configuration File (for console port).
21.4.1 Firmware File Upload
FTP is the preferred method for uploading the firmware and configuration. To use this feature, your computer must have an FTP client.
When you telnet into the Prestige, you will see the following screens for uploading firmware and the configuration file using FTP.
21-8 Firmware and Configuration File Maintenance
Prestige 623ME-T User’s Guide
Menu 24.7.1 - System Maintenance - Upload System Firmware
To upload the system firmware, follow the procedure below:
1. Launch the FTP client on your workstation.
2. Type "open" and the IP address of your system. Then type "root" and
SMT password as requested.
3. Type "put firmwarefilename ras" where "firmwarefilename" is the name
of your firmware upgrade file on your workstation and "ras" is the
remote file name on the system.
4. The system reboots automatically after a successful firmware upload.
For details on FTP commands, please consult the documentation of your FTP
client program. For details on uploading system firmware using TFTP (note
that you must remain on this menu to upload system firmware using TFTP),
please see your manual.
Press ENTER to Exit:
Figure 21-5 Telnet Into Menu 24.7.1 Upload System Firmware
21.4.2 Configuration File Upload
You see the following screen when you telnet into menu 24.7.2.
Menu 24.7.2 - System Maintenance - Upload System Configuration File
To upload the system configuration file, follow the procedure below:
1. Launch the FTP client on your workstation.
2. Type "open" and the IP address of your system. Then type "root" and
SMT password as requested.
3. Type "put configurationfilename rom-0" where "configurationfilename"
is the name of your system configuration file on your workstation, which
will be transferred to the "rom-0" file on the system.
4. The system reboots automatically after the upload system configuration
file process is complete.
For details on FTP commands, please consult the documentation of your FTP
client program. For details on uploading system firmware using TFTP (note
that you must remain on this menu to upload system firmware using TFTP),
please see your manual.
Press ENTER to Exit:
Figure 21-6 Telnet Into Menu 24.7.2 System Maintenance
To upload the firmware and the configuration file, follow these examples
21.4.3 FTP File Upload Command from the DOS Prompt Example
Step 1. Launch the FTP client on your computer.
Firmware and Configuration File Maintenance 21-9
Prestige 623ME-T User’s Guide
Step 2. Enter “open”, followed by a space and the IP address of your Prestige.
Step 3. Press [ENTER] when prompted for a username.
Step 4. Enter your password as requested (the default is “1234”).
Step 5. Enter “bin” to set transfer mode to binary.
Step 6. Use “put” to transfer files from the computer to the Prestige, for example, “put firmware.bin ras” transfers the firmware on your computer (firmware.bin) to the Prestige and renames it “ras”.
Similarly, “put config.rom rom-0” transfers the configuration file on your computer
(config.rom) to the Prestige and renames it “rom-0”. Likewise “get rom-0 config.rom” transfers the configuration file on the Prestige to your computer and renames it “config.rom.” See earlier in this chapter for more information on filename conventions.
Step 7. Enter “quit” to exit the ftp prompt.
The Prestige automatically restarts after a successful file upload.
21.4.4 FTP Session Example of Firmware File Upload
331 Enter PASS command
230 Logged in ftp> bin
200 Type I OK ftp> put firmware.bin ras
200 Port command okay
150 Opening data connection for STOR ras
226 File received OK ftp: 1103936 bytes sent in 1.10Seconds 297.89Kbytes/sec. ftp> quit
Figure 21-7 FTP Session Example of Firmware File Upload
More commands (found in GUI-based FTP clients) are listed earlier in this chapter.
Refer to section 21.2.5 to read about configurations that disallow TFTP and FTP over WAN.
21.4.5 TFTP File Upload
The Prestige also supports the uploading of firmware files using TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) over
LAN. Although TFTP should work over WAN as well, it is not recommended.
To use TFTP, your computer must have both telnet and TFTP clients. To transfer the firmware and the configuration file, follow the procedure shown next.
21-10 Firmware and Configuration File Maintenance
Prestige 623ME-T User’s Guide
Step 1. Use telnet from your computer to connect to the Prestige and log in. Because TFTP does not have any security checks, the Prestige records the IP address of the telnet client and accepts
TFTP requests only from this address.
Step 2. Put the SMT in command interpreter (CI) mode by entering 8 in Menu 24 – System
Step 3. Enter the command “sys stdio 0” to disable the console timeout, so the TFTP transfer will not be interrupted. Enter “command sys stdio 5” to restore the five-minute console timeout (default) when the file transfer is complete.
Step 4. Launch the TFTP client on your computer and connect to the Prestige. Set the transfer mode to binary before starting data transfer.
Step 5. Use the TFTP client (see the example below) to transfer files between the Prestige and the computer. The file name for the firmware is “ras”.
Note that the telnet connection must be active and the Prestige in CI mode before and during the TFTP transfer. For details on TFTP commands (see following example), please consult the documentation of your
TFTP client program. For UNIX, use “get” to transfer from the Prestige to the computer, “put” the other way around, and “binary” to set binary transfer mode.
21.4.6 TFTP Upload Command Example
The following is an example TFTP command: tftp [-i] host put firmware.bin ras where “i” specifies binary image transfer mode (use this mode when transferring binary files), “host” is the
Prestige’s IP address and “put” transfers the file source on the computer (firmware.bin – name of the firmware on the computer) to the file destination on the remote host (ras - name of the firmware on the
Commands that you may see in GUI-based TFTP clients are listed earlier in this chapter.
Firmware and Configuration File Maintenance 21-11

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