Key Definitions. Calculated Industries ElectriCalc Pro 5060, ElectriCalc Pro 68 Pages
Key Definitions. Calculated Industries ElectriCalc Pro 5060, ElectriCalc Pro
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Below you will find brief information for ElectriCalc Pro 5060. The ElectriCalc Pro 5060 makes quick work of complicated electrical calculations, helping you meet NEC requirements and complete your projects safely and efficiently. It features a user-friendly interface with easy-to-understand labels, and it’s pre-programmed with the 2002 National Electrical Code. It also includes the ability to update for future NEC revisions, giving you a tool designed to keep up with the times.
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Key Definitions
Standard Calculator Functions
[On/C] — On/Clear
Turns on power. Pressing once clears the last entry and the display. Pressing twice clears all non-permanent values.
[Off] — Off
Turns all power off. Clears the memory and most internal registers.
[+] [–] [x] [÷] [=]
Arithmetic operation keys.
[0] – [9] & [•]
Used for keying in numbers.
[%] — Percent
Four function percent key.
[ ] Back Space Function
Used to delete entries one keystroke at a time (unlike the On/C function, which deletes the entire entry).
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[Set] — Second Function
Accesses the secondary functions shown above the keys when pressed prior to selection.
[Stor] — Store
Used to store values when pressed just before a storage register (i.e., M+,
Displays: STOR.
[Rcl] — Recall
Recalls a value stored in a register
(e.g., to recall voltage drop % press
[Rcl] [VD%]). Displays: RCL.
[Set] [ + ] — Pi (
Constant = 3.141593
[Set] [–] — Change Sign (+/–)
Toggles the sign of the displayed value
(from positive to negative or from negative to positive).
[Set] [%] — x 2
Squares the displayed value.
[Set] [ ] — Square Root ( x )
Square root function.
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[Stor] [0] — Cumulative Memory
Adds displayed value to Memory (e.g.,
10 [M+], 20 [M+], [Rcl] [M+] = 30).
Clears when the calculator is shut off.
[Rcl] [0] — Memory Recall
Displays the value saved in (M+).
[Rcl] [Rcl] — Display/Clear Memory
Displays and clears the value saved in
[Set] [Rcl] — Clear Memory
Clears the value saved in (M+) without changing displayed value.
Mode Set-up Functions
[Set] [x] — All-Clear (AC)
Resets all settings and values to their default settings.
[Set] [÷] — Preferences
Use to set default settings or modes
(see “Preference Settings” page 26)
[Set] [1] — Single-Phase (1Ø)
Sets calculator to single-phase mode.
Displays: 1Ø.
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[Set] [3] — Three-Phase (3Ø)
Sets calculator to three-phase mode.
Displays: 3Ø.
[Set] [2]
— Ambient Temperature (Amb°)
Permanently enters ambient temperature for determining ampacity derived wire sizes. Ambient temperature will only change when entering a new value or by resetting the calculator ([Set] [x]).
Defaults to 30°C (86°F). Amb° will display when the ambient temperature is other than 30°C (86°F). Displays:
NOTE: The temperature units can be displayed in Celsius (°C) or Fahrenheit
(°F) by using the preference function
[Set] [4] — Copper/Aluminum
Used to toggle between copper (default) and aluminum wire types. When the wire type is revised, any calculated wire size will be re-calculated automatically. If a wire size is entered with the wrong wire type, pressing [Set] [4] will change the material type without changing the size.
Displays: Al or Cu.
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[Set] [5] — Free Air (FrAir)
Sets calculator into Free Air mode, which refers to NEC Table 310-17 for wire size calculations. Displays: FrAir.
[Set] [6] — 60°C Wire Insulation
Sets calculator to 60°C wire insulation type for wire size calculations. This is the default setting. Displays: 60.
[Set] [7] — 75°C Wire Insulation
Sets calculator to 75°C insulation type for wire size calculations.
Displays: 75.
[Set] [9] — 90°C Wire Insulation
Sets calculator to 90°C insulation type for wire size calculations.
Displays: 90.
Electrical Functions
[kilo-] — Kilo-
This key is used with watts, amps, volts, and volt-amps to identify “kilo-” values.
[Set] [kilo-] — Milli-
This key sequence is used with other keys watts, amps, volts, and volt-amps to identify “milli-” values.
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[Amps] — Amps
Enters or calculates amps (using volts and VA or watts). Displays: AMPS,
[Volts] — Volts
Enters or calculates volts (using amps,
HPth, and VA or watts). Default value is
240 volts. Displays: VOLT, KV, or mV.
[Set] [Volts] — DC Resistance
Calculates and displays DC resistance.
Displays: OHMS.
[VA] — Volt-Amps
Enters or calculates volt-amps (using amps, volts and horsepower or watts).
Displays: VA, KVA, or mVA.
[Watts] — Watts
Enters or calculates watts (using amps, volts, and VA or horsepower).
Displays: WATT, KW, or mW.
[Set] [Watts] —Power Factor
Enters or calculates power factor percentage (based on watts and VA). Defaults to 100%. Entered or calculated power factors greater than 100% will result in an error. Displays: PF%.
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[HPth] — Horsepower (Theoretical)
Enters or calculates theoretical horsepower (based on Amps, VA, watts, efficiency%, PF%, and/or volts). 1.0
HPth correlates to 746 watts at 100% efficiency. Displays: HPth.
[Set] [HPth] — Efficiency
Enters or calculates the percent ratio between real power (watts) and theoretical horsepower. Default: 100%.
Entered or calculated efficiencies greater than 100% will result in an error. Displays: EFF%.
Motor Horsepower Functions
The ElectriCalc Pro can be used to determine motor full-load current
(amps) based on entries for motor horsepower (HP), phase and voltage.
You can also find an equivalent motor horsepower if you have entered voltage and full load current values. Only HP and voltage entries as defined by NEC
Tables 430-148 and 430-150 can be used to determine motor loads.
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[Set] [8] — Induction/
Synchronous Motor Toggle
Toggles between induction and synchronous motor types. Displays: SYNC
(synchronous) or IND (induction - default).
[HPmotor] — Motor Horsepower
Enters or calculates motor horsepower.
Displays: SYNC HP (synchronous) or
HP IND (induction - default).
Ampacity Tables
The ElectriCalc Pro uses NEC Table
310-16 (310-17 for Free Air) to find wire sizes and ampacity ratings of wires.
The calculator uses the following data to calculate wire size: 1) insulation temperature rating (60°C, 75°C and
90°C); 2) wire material (copper or aluminum); and 3) ambient temperature.
Only standard AWG wire sizes are used by the ElectriCalc Pro.
NOTE: 1/0, 2/0, 3/0 and 4/0 wires are entered using the [0] key (i.e., 0, 00,
000 and 0000).
[WireSz] — Wire Size/Ampacity
Enters or calculates wire size based on ampacity and voltage drop, if a voltage drop length has been entered.
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♦ First Press
If a wire length has been entered, the first press will show the larger of the ampacity or voltage drop derived wire size. The calculator will use the larger value when calculations require a wire size. If no voltage drop length has been entered, the calculator will display the calculated ampacity rated wire size.
♦ Second Press
If a wire length has been entered, the second press displays the smaller of the two wire sizes. If not solving for voltage drop wire size, then displays the maximum ampacity.
♦ Third Press
If a wire length has been entered, displays the minimum wire ampacity rating.
[Set] [WireSz] — 125% Ampacity
Used for motor wire sizing when the wire must not exceed 80% of its rated ampacity (125%A). This keystroke calculates wire size based on 125% of the entered or calculated amps value.
Displays: 125%.
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[ParSz] — Parallel Size
Used to find the size of parallel conductors using amperage and an entered quantity of wires. Parallel wire size computations smaller than 1/0 are displayed as “none” (display shows
“nonE”) as the NEC does not allow parallel wire runs smaller than 1/0.
♦ First Press
When preceded by a number, calculates the applicable wire size for that quantity of wires in parallel.
Displays: PAR WIRE SIZE.
♦ Second Press
Displays the maximum adjusted ampacity of the calculated parallel wire size. Displays: WIRE A.
NOTE: No adjustments are made for deration.
[Set] [ParSz] — Derated Wire Size
Used to calculate derated wire sizes and allowable ampacity based on the entered quantity of wires, NEC Table
310-16 and NEC Table 310-15(b)(2)(a).
Derated wire sizes are not calculated when there are less than 4 wires, or when the unit is in Free Air mode.
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♦ First Press
Calculates the derated wire size, if you have entered the number of wires, for example, 4 [Set] [ParSz]).
Displays: D/R WIRE SIZE.
♦ Second Press
Displays the maximum adjusted ampacity of the derated wire size.
Displays: D/R WIRE A.
♦ Third Press
Displays the derated adjustment factor per the NEC Table 310-15(b)(2)(a).
Displays: ADJ %.
Voltage Drop Solutions
The ElectriCalc Pro will calculate maximum lengths, minimum wire sizes or actual voltage drops given the other two values. Voltage drop solutions are based on the DC resistance values found in NEC Chapter 9, Table 8.
NOTE: Voltage drop solutions may vary slightly from actual AC circuit values as the calculator does not incorporate factors such as inductive reactance, skin effect, raceway material, etc.
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[VD%] — Percent Voltage Drop
Used to enter or calculate voltage drop.
The default voltage drop is 3%. If wire size or wire length values are not available, “nonE” will display since the voltage drop cannot be found.
♦ First Press
Enters a maximum allowable voltage drop percentage (Displays: V DROP
%) or calculates actual voltage drop
(Displays: V DROP).
♦ Second Press
Calculates actual percent voltage drop.
Displays: V DROP %.
[Length] — Length
Enters or calculates the length of a run for voltage drop computation.
Displays: FEET or MET.
NOTE: Units of length can be set to
Feet or Meters by use of the Preference function ([Set] [÷]).
[Set] [Length] — Wire Resistance
Displays the actual resistance per
1,000 feet of the wire size in [WireSz] based on NEC Chapter 9, Table 8.
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Ground Function Keys
[Grnd] — Ground
An output-only key used to find the grounding electrode conductor size for
AC systems based on NEC Table
250-66 and an entered or calculated service-entrance conductor (largest size). Only actual wire sizes are considered valid entries.
♦ First Press
Calculates the copper grounding electrode conductor size if you have entered a valid wire size.
♦ Second Press
Displays the aluminum grounding electrode conductor size.
♦ Third Press
Displays the circular mil area used to calculate the grounding electrode conductor size. Displays: CMIL WIRE.
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[Set] [Grnd]
— Equipment Ground (EqGrnd)
This function uses NEC Table 250-122 to compute the minimum equipment grounding conductor size, given an entered amperage rating or setting for a over-current device up line (i.e., 300
[Set] [Grnd]).
NOTE: This function deviates from the
NEC Table 250-122 in that 1250 MCM
AL is used instead of 1200 as specified in NEC Table 250-122.
♦ First Press
Displays the copper grounding conductor size for the entered amp rating.
♦ Second Press
Displays the aluminum grounding conductor size.
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Fuse/Breaker Keys
The ElectriCalc Pro has special keys that automatically calculate the Amp ratings of the following over-current protection devices: Dual Element Fuses
(Time Delay), Single Element Fuses
(Non-Time Delay), Instantaneous Trip
Breakers (Type 1), Inverse Time
Breakers (Type 2), and Overload
Protection Devices.
These fuse and circuit breaker sizes are derived using the “Percent of Full-
Load Current” multipliers listed in NEC
Table 430-152.
You can also calculate the full voltage starter size for non-plugging and nonjogging duty motors based on phase, voltage, motor HP and NEMA table specifications.
If a parameter is missing or invalid, the calculator will display “nonE.”
[Set] [O-Load] — Motor Type
Based on NEC Table 430-152, this key selects the motor type used to define the percent factors for breakers/fuses.
Once set, the motor type remains fixed until you change it or perform an all clear ([Set] [x]).
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♦ First Press
Displays the current motor type. Note there is no motor type in single-phase mode.
♦ Second Press
In three-phase mode only, subsequent presses of [O-Load] will select and display the next motor type from this list: SQ-C non-E (Squirrel Cage, non-
Design E), SQ-C E (Squirrel Cage,
Design E), SYNC no codE (Synchronous), WND no codE (Wound Rotor).
[DEFuse] — Dual Element Fuse
♦ First Press
Calculates the minimum amp rating for a Dual Element Fuse.
Displays: AMPS dE.
♦ Second Press
Displays the full-load current percent multiplier used to determine fuse size.
Displays: %FLC.
[Set] [DEFuse]
— Single Element Fuse (SEFuse)
♦ First Press
Displays the minimum amp rating based on phase, motor type, and amperage. Displays: AMPS SE.
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♦ Second Press
Displays the full-load current percent multiplier value used to determine fuse size. Subsequent presses repeat this cycle. Displays: %FLC.
[Set] [InvTime] — Instantaneous
Trip Circuit Breaker
♦ First Press
Displays the minimum amp rating for an Instantaneous Trip Circuit Breaker, based on the phase, motor type, and amperage. Displays: AMPS b1.
♦ Second Press
Displays the full-load current percent multiplier value used to determine breaker size. Displays: %FLC.
[InvTime] — Inverse Time Breaker
♦ First Press
Calculates the minimum amp rating for an Inverse Time Breaker, based on the phase, motor type, and amperage.
Displays: AMPS b2.
♦ Second Press
Displays the full-load current percent multiplier value used to determine breaker size. Displays: %FLC.
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[O-Load] — Overload Protection
♦ First Press
Displays the overload amperage requirement based on the full-load current shown on the motor nameplate.
Multiplies the entered motor nameplate full-load current (stored in the [Amps] registers) by 115% or the value you enter. Conforms to NEC Section 430-
32 (a)(1) value of 115% unless you enter another value. For example, entering 125 [O-Load] would calculate overload protection based on 125% of the entered amperage. Displays:
AMPS ol.
♦ Second Press
Displays the full-load current percent multiplier value used to determine the overload current protection size. Subsequent presses of [O-Load] repeat the cycle. Displays: %FLC.
[Set] [HPmotor] — Starter Size
Displays the starter size (from NEMA publication ICS 2-1988 Tables 2-327-1 and 2-327-2) based on the phase, voltage, and motor horsepower settings.
Displays: STAR SIZE.
NOTE: Horsepower values not identified in NEMA tables will cause the calculator to round up to the next larger starter size in the table.
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Conduit Sizing Keys
The ElectriCalc Pro calculates conduit size using NEC Tables 1, 3, 4, and 5 of
Chapter 9 (given insulation type, wire size, and quantity of wires). It will also calculate the number of wires of a specified insulation type and wire size that will fit in a defined conduit size.
Acceptable conduit sizes (depending on the type of conduit used) are as follows: 1/2”, 3/4”, 1”, 1-1/4”, 1-1/2”, 2”,
2-1/2”, 3”, 3-1/2”, 4” 5” and 6”. Conduit sizes are entered using decimal equivalents (i.e., 1-1/2” is entered as 1.5, 3/4” is entered as .75, etc.).
[#THW], [#XHHW], [#THHN]
— Number of Wires
Used to enter or calculate the number of wires in a raceway and calculate cross-sectional wire area.
♦ First Press
Enters number of wires or calculates maximum number of wires in conduit.
Displays: TTL WIRES (calculated) or
WIRES (entered).
♦ Second Press
Shows total cross-sectional area for all entered wires. Displays: WIRE AREA
(entered) or TTL WIRE AREA (calculated).
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♦ Third Press
Shows total cross-sectional area of all entered wires of the selected wire insulation. Displays: TTL WIRE AREA.
[CondSz] — Conduit Size
Used to find conduit sizes based on the total area of the entered wire types and sizes (up to 15 at one time). If the quantity and insulation type has not been entered, the calculator will assume 2 THHN wires for single-phase or
3 THHN wires for three-phase calculations.
♦ First Press
Enters or calculates conduit size.
Displays: COND SIZE.
NOTE: If a wire size has not been entered or calculated, or an invalid conduit size is entered, the calculator will display “nonE.”
♦ Second Press
Shows total number of wires in the conduit for calculated conduit size.
Shows the conduit internal area for an entered conduit. Displays: TTL WIRES
(calculated) or CONDAREA (entered).
NOTE: Third through fifth presses display only for calculated conduit sizes.
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♦ Third Press
Shows fill percentage for the calculated conduit size as determined by Table 1,
Chapter 9. Displays: COND FILL %.
♦ Fourth Press
Shows the total wire area for all entered wires. Displays: FILL TTL WIRE AREA.
♦ Fifth Press
Shows remaining fill area. This value may be negative if all wires are the same size due to Note 7 in NEC Chapter 9, Table 1.
Displays: REM WIRE AREA.
[Set] [CondSz] — Conduit Type
♦ First Press
Displays the currently selected conduit type.
♦ Second Press
Subsequent presses will display and select the next conduit type from this list: 1) EMT 2) ENT 3) FMC 4) IMC
5) LFNB 6) LFNA 7) LFMC 8) RMC
9) P-80 10) P-40 11) P-A 12) P- EB.
To select a specific conduit type, enter the corresponding number of the conduit and then press [Set] [CondSz]. If you press this keystroke without entering a number, the calculator will switch to the next conduit type on the list.
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Key Features
- NEC-Updateable
- Solves for volts, amps, VA, watts, kVA, kW, PF%, EFF%, and DC resistance
- Determines copper or aluminum wire sizes
- Calculates parallel and derated wire sizes
- Calculates voltage drop wire sizes, % and actual voltage drops
- Finds grounding conductors sizes
- Calculates motor full-load amps
- Calculates overload protection sizes
- Calculates NEMA starter sizes
- Calculates conduit sizes
Frequently Answers and Questions
How do I install the NEC update chip?
How do I set the ambient temperature?
How do I calculate the voltage drop?
Related manuals
Table of contents
- 6 Installing NEC Updates
- 7 Key Definitions
- 28 Preference Settings
- 29 Default Settings
- 30 Basic Math Operations
- 30 Percent Calculations
- 31 Memory Functions
- 32 Kerchoff’s Law
- 36 Motor Horsepower
- 38 Ampacity Wire Sizing
- 44 Voltage Drop
- 50 Ground Conductor Wire Size
- 51 Equip. Grounding Conductor Wire Size
- 52 Fuse and Circuit Breaker Size
- 53 Starter Size
- 53 Overload Protection Size
- 54 Conduit Size
- 59 Error Codes
- 59 Battery Information
- 60 2002 NEC References
- 60 Updating Future Code Revisions
- 61 Settings
- 62 Warranty
- 66 Legal Notices