Appendix. Western Digital LIVEWIRE, WD Livewire, WDBACB0020HBK - Elements Play, WDBACB0010HBK - Elements Play, WDBACC0020HBK - Elements Play
Western Digital WD Livewire lets you create a high-speed home network using your home's electrical wiring. It's easy to set up – just plug one adapter into your router and an electrical outlet, and plug the other adapter into an outlet in any room where you want a wired high-speed connection. WD Livewire is faster and more reliable than Wi-Fi, and it's secure with 128-bit encryption. With four Ethernet ports on each adapter, you can connect up to 8 devices to your network.
Regulatory Compliance
FCC Class B Information
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruction manual, may cause interference with radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, you are encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
Consult the retailer or an experienced radio/television technician for help.
ICES-003/NMB-003 Statement
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du
This device complies with Canadian ICES-003 Class B.
Safety Compliance
Approved for US and Canada. CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60950-1, UL 60950-1: Safety of Information Technology Equipment.
Approuvé pour les Etats-Unis et le Canada. CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60950-1 : Sûreté d'équipement de technologie de l'information.
CE Compliance for Europe
Marking by the CE symbol indicates compliance of this system to the applicable
Council Directives of the European Union, including the EMC Directive (2004/108/
EC) and the Low Voltage Directive (2006/95/EC). A “Declaration of Conformity” in accordance with the applicable directives has been made and is on file at Western
Digital Europe.
Die Markierung mit dem CE-Symbol zeigt an, dass dieses Gerät mit den anwendbaren Richtlinien der Europäischen Union übereinstimmt. Hierzu zählen auch die EMV-Richtlinie (2004/108/EG) sowie die Niederspannungsrichtlinie (2006/95/
EG). Eine "Konformitätserklärung" in Übereinstimmung mit den anwendbaren
Richtlinien ist erstellt worden und kann bei Western Digital Europe eingesehen werden.
Le symbole CE indique que ce système est conforme aux directives du Conseil de l'Union Européenne, notamment à la Directive CEM (2004/108/CE) et la Directive
Basse tension (2006/95/CE). Une " déclaration de conformité " aux directives applicables a été déposée auprès de Western Digital Europe.
I marchi con il simbolo CE denotano la conformità di questo sistema alle direttive del
Consiglio dell'Unione europea, ivi compresa la Direttiva EMC (2004/108/CE) e la
Direttiva Bassa Tensione (2006/95/CE). In adempimento con le vigenti direttive è stata rilasciata una "Dichiarazione di conformità", depositata presso Western Digital
La marca con el símbolo CE indica el cumplimiento de este sistema con las correspondientes directivas del Consejo de la Unión Europea, que incluye la
Directiva CEM (2004/108/CE) y la Directiva de bajo voltaje (2006/95/CE). Se ha realizado una "Declaración de conformidad" de acuerdo con las directivas correspondientes y se encuentra documentada en las instalaciones de Western
Digital en Europa.
Märkning av CE-symbolen anger att detta systemet uppfyller kraven enligt det
Europeiska Parlamentet och Rådets direktiv, inklusive EMC-direktivet (2004/108/EC) och Direktivet om Lågspänning (2006/95/EC). En "Försäkran om
Överensstämmelse" har gjorts enligt de gällande direktiven och har registrerats hos
Western Digital Europa.
Merking med CE-symbolet indikerer dette systemets overholdelse av gjeldende direktiver for EU, inkludert EMC-direktivet (2004/108/EC) og lavspenningsdirektivet
(2006/95/EC). En "samsvarserklæring" i henhold til gjeldende direktiver har blitt skrevet og finnes arkivert hos Western Digital Europe.
CE-merkintä osoittaa tämän järjestelmän yhdenmukaisuuden sovellettavissa olevien
Euroopan unionin neuvoston direktiivien kanssa, mukaan lukien EMC-direktiivi
(2004/108/EC), sekä alijännitedirektiivi (2006/95/EC). "Yhdenmukaisuusvakuutus" sovellettavien direktiivien kanssa on tehty ja se on arkistoituna Western Digital
Маркировка символом CE свидетельствует о соответствии настоящей системы положениям применимых директив Совета Европейского Союза, в том числе Директивы об электромагнитной совместимости (2004/108/EC) и
Директивы о низковольтном оборудовании (2006/95/EC). Заявление о соответствии положениям применимых директив, сделанное компанией
Western Digital, находится в архиве её европейского подразделения
GS Mark (Germany only)
Machine noise - regulation 3. GPSGV: Unless declared otherwise, the highest level of sound pressure from this product is 70db(A) or less, per EN ISO 7779.
Maschinenlärminformations-Verordnung 3. GPSGV: Der höchste Schalldruckpegel beträgt 70 db(A) oder weniger gemäß EN ISO 7779, falls nicht anders gekennzeichnet oder spezifiziert.
Warranty Information
Obtaining Service
WD values your business and always attempts to provide you the very best of service. If this
Product requires maintenance, either contact the dealer from whom you originally purchased the Product or visit our product support Web site at for information on how to obtain service or a Return Material Authorization (RMA). If it is determined that the Product may be defective, you will be given an RMA number and instructions for Product return. An unauthorized return (i.e., one for which an RMA number has not been issued) will be returned to you at your expense. Authorized returns must be shipped in an approved shipping container, prepaid and insured, to the address provided on your return paperwork. Your original box and packaging materials should be kept for storing or shipping your WD product. To conclusively establish the period of warranty, check the warranty expiration (serial number required) via WD shall have no liability for lost data regardless of the cause, recovery of lost data, or data contained in any
Product placed in its possession.
Limited Warranty
WD warrants that the Product, in the course of its normal use, will for the term defined below, be free from defects in material and workmanship and will conform to WD’s specification therefor. The term of your limited warranty depends on the country in which your Product was purchased. The term of your limited warranty is for 1 year in the North,
South and Central America region and 2 years in the Europe, the Middle East and Africa region, unless otherwise required by law. The term of your limited warranty period shall commence on the purchase date appearing on your purchase receipt. WD shall have no liability for any Product returned if WD determines that the Product was stolen from WD or that the asserted defect a) is not present, b) cannot reasonably be rectified because of damage occurring before WD receives the Product, or c) is attributable to misuse, improper installation, alteration (including removing or obliterating labels and opening or removing external enclosures, unless the product is on the list of limited user-serviceable products and the specific alteration is within the scope of the applicable instructions, as found at http://, accident or mishandling while in the possession of someone other than
WD. Subject to the limitations specified above, your sole and exclusive warranty shall be, during the period of warranty specified above and at WD’s option, the repair or replacement of the Product. The foregoing warranty of WD shall extend to repaired or replaced Products for the balance of the applicable period of the original warranty or ninety (90) days from the date of shipment of a repaired or replaced Product, whichever is longer.
The foregoing limited warranty is WD’s sole warranty and is applicable only to products sold as new. The remedies provided herein are in lieu of a) any and all other remedies and warranties, whether expressed, implied or statutory, including but not limited to, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and b) any and all obligations and liabilities of WD for damages including, but not limited to accidental, consequential, or special damages, or any financial loss, lost profits or expenses, or lost data arising out of or in connection with the purchase, use, or performance of the Product, even if WD has been advised of the possibility of such damages. In the United States, some states do not allow exclusion or limitations of incidental or consequential damages, so the limitations above may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
Information furnished by WD is believed to be accurate and reliable; however, no responsibility is assumed by WD for its use nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of WD. WD reserves the right to change specifications at any time without notice.
Western Digital, WD, the WD logo, and WD TV are registered trademarks in the U.S. and other countries; and
WD Livewire is a trademark of Western Digital Technologies, Inc. Other marks may be mentioned herein that belong to other companies.
© 2010 Western Digital Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Western Digital
20511 Lake Forest Drive
Lake Forest, California 92630 U.S.A.
4779-705041-A00 Jun 2010

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