ELS10-26 MIB. Cabletron Systems ELS10 -26, ELS10-26, SmartSTACK 10 ELS10-26
Below you will find brief information for Network Switch ELS10 ELS10-26. This MIB Reference Guide helps system administrators configure, monitor, and maintain the ELS10-26 network switch using an SNMP-based network management station. It details SNMP MIB variables for configuration, monitoring, and management, complementing the ELS10-26 User Guide.
ELS10-26 MIB
The Cabletron MIB {enterprise 97} is divided into several groups of parameters. The individual groups are described in the subsections below.
The MIB tree prefix for reaching the private enterprise ELS10-26
MIB is:
sigma {enterprise 97} sys {sigma 1}
The System Group contains those parameters which are likely to be applicable to Fast Network product lines. A detailed description of the parameters follows.
Integer Read-Only
{sys 1}
An integer which serves to identify the type of hardware platform.
This document describes the es-1xe-bridge, which uses the value
(7) for sysID. Special third-party versions of the ELS10-26 may use different values (3, 4, or 5). sysReset
Time Ticks Read-Write
{sys 2}
The time, in centiseconds, before the ELS10-26 should reboot. A
GetResponse value of zero indicates that no reboot time has been specified.
ELS10-26 MIB sysTrapPort
Integer Read-Write
{sys 6} zero, or the UDP port number to which a second copy of SNMP traps should be sent. Valid values are 0 through 65535.
6.1.1 Hardware Configuration Group
Octet String Read-Only
{lxhw 1}
This variable is for Cabletron internal use only.
DisplayString Read-Only
{lxhw 2}
This is a 64-byte array which contains the part number, serial number, and hardware revision level of this unit. lxhwPortCount
Integer Read-Only
{lxhw 3}
The number of ports, including the out-of-band management port.
Not Accessible
{lxhw 4}
A table that includes information for each port.
Not Accessible
{lxhwPortTable 1}
An entry for an individual port, keyed by lxhwPortIndex.
Integer Read-Only
{lxhwPortEntry 1}
The port number. The value is from 1 to 25.
ELS10-26 MIB lxhwPortType
Integer Read-Only
{lxhwPortEntry 2}
A value indicating the type of port. The values are defined as:
• csma (1) - Ethernet or 802.3 port
• uart (6) - UART port lxhwPortSubType
Integer Read-Only
{lxhwPortEntry 3}
An integer representing port type. The following values have been defined:
• csmacd-tpx (13) – 10BASE-T with crossover
• uart-female-9pin (80)
• csmacd-100-tfx (17) – 100BASE-F
• csmacd-100-tpx (16) – 100BASE-T with crossover lxhwPortDiagPassed
Integer Read-Only
{lxhwPortEntry 4}
An integer representing the status of the port. The following values have been defined:
• diag-passed (1)
• diag-failed (2) lxhwAddr
Octet String Read-Only
{lxhwPortEntry 5}
The unique hard-wired 48 bit MAC address for the port. lxhwUpLink
Integer Read-Only
{lxhw 5}
An integer that specifies if the Fast Ethernet (FE) Up-Link module is installed. The following values have been defined:
ELS10-26 MIB
• true (1)
• false (2) lxhwUpLinkManufData
Octet String Read-Only
{lxhw 6}
A 32-byte array that contains the part number, serial number, and hardware revision level of the Up-Link I/O module. The array is valid only when the lxhwUpLink value is true. If lxhwUplink is false, it returns an error.
6.1.2 LXSW Configuration Group
Integer Read-Only
{lxsw 1}
The number of file sets. This number is fixed as 2. lxswFilesetTable
Not Accessible
{lxsw 2} lxswFileset
Not Accessible
{lxswFilesetTable 1}
A set of objects for each file set. The individual components are described below. lxswIndex
Integer Read-Only
{lxswFilesetEntry 1}
The file set number, beginning with 1 for the first file set. This number always matches the instance of the lxswFiles. For example,
{lxswIndex 2} contains the value “2”. lxswDesc
Octet String Read-Only
{lxswFilesetEntry 2}
The description (1-255 bytes) of the software file set.
ELS10-26 MIB lxswCount
Integer Read-Only
{lxswFilesetEntry 3}
The number of files in the file set. This number may range from 1 to 255. lxswType
Octet String Read-Only
{lxswFilesetEntry 4}
The types of files within the file set. The size of lxswType may be determined by lxswCount, since 1 octet is required for each file.
The possible file types are:
• file-nam (1) - the operational software for the ELS10-26’s NAM processor.
• file-powerup (10) - power-up diagnostics for the entire
• file-diagnostics (11) - manufacturing diagnostics for the entire
Octet String Read-Only
{lxswFilesetEntry 5}
An array (4 octets per file), containing the size of each of the files.
Each size is encoded as a series of 4 bytes, which should be converted into a 32-bit integer. lxswStarts
Octet String Read-Only
{lxswFilesetEntry 6}
An array (4 octets per file), containing the software’s execution starting address of each of the files. Each address is encoded as a series of 4 bytes, which should be converted into a 32-bit integer.
ELS10-26 MIB lxswBases
Octet String Read-Only
{lxswFilesetEntry 7}
An array (4 octets per file), containing the software’s base loading address of each of the files. Each address is encoded as a series of 4 bytes, which should be converted into a 32-bit integer. lxswFlashBank
Integer Read-Only
{lxswFilesetEntry 8}
The bank number where the software file set resides. The possible values are:
• first-bank (1)
• second-bank (2)
6.1.3 Administration Group
Octet String Read-Only
{lxadmin 1}
This is a 32-byte array which contains information about the cause of the previous system reset. This will describe the circumstances which forced the system software to perform a reboot. The values in the first byte have the following meanings:
• (0) - Power failure
• (1) - Watchdog Timeout
• (2) - NMS Requested Shutdown; next three bytes are not applicable; next four bytes contain the NMS’s IP address; remaining 24 bytes are not applicable)
• (3-255) - Fatal Error
ELS10-26 MIB lxadminAnyPass
Octet String Read-Write
{lxadmin 2}
The authentication password (0-24 bytes) which must match the community name in an SNMP Get, Getnext, or Set PDU, in order for the operation to be performed. A zero length password indicates that any community name is acceptable. lxadminGetPass
Octet String Read-Write
{lxadmin 3}
The authentication password (0-24 bytes) which must match the community name in an SNMP Get or Getnext PDU (except for debug or password parameters). A zero length password indicates that any community name is acceptable. Alternatively, it is acceptable if the community name matches lxsdminAnyPass, defined above.
1 lxadminNMSIPAddr
IP Address Read-Write
{lxadmin 4}
The address of the NMS to which Trap PDUs are to be sent. A value of zero indicates that Trap PDUs should be sent to the NMS last heard from. lxadminStorageFailure
Integer Read-Only
{lxadmin 7}
Whether the ELS10-26’s storage facility for its configuration parameters has failed during the last update operation (if the
ELS10-26 reboots after such a failure, it will use the factory specified defaults for all MIB parameters). Values include:
• true (1)
Certain SetRequest PDUs are used for read operations and using lxadminGetPass for the community name is sufficient. Those special conditions consist of SetRequest PDUs for lxaddrOperation (for read-random, read-next, and read-block only), and for all MIB variables in the lxaddr group described as
ELS10-26 MIB
• false (2) lxadminAuthenticationFailure
IP Address Read-Only
{lxadmin 8}
All nulls, or the IP source address within the last SNMP PDU which caused an SNMP authentication failure. lxadminNAMReceiveCongests
Counter Read-Only
{lxadmin 10}
Number of packets not received due to internal buffer congestion. lxadminArpEntries
Counter Read-Only
{lxadmin 11}
The number of ARP entries for all interfaces. lxadminArpStatics
Counter Read-Only
{lxadmin 12}
The number of statically defined ARP entries for all interfaces. lxadminArpOverflows
Counter Read-Only
{lxadmin 13}
The number of times an ARP entry could not be learned due to insufficient address table space. lxadminIpEntries
Counter Read-Only
{lxadmin 14}
The number of IP Routing Database entries. lxadminIpStatics
Counter Read-Only
{lxadmin 15}
The number of statically defined IP Routing Database entries.
ELS10-26 MIB lxadminStaticPreference
Integer Read-Write
{lxadmin 16}
The value to assign to ipRouteMetric2, when adding a statically-defined entry to the IP Routing Table. lxadminRipPreference
Integer Read-Write
{lxadmin 17}
The value to assign to ipRouteMetric2, when adding a RIP-learned entry to the IP Routing Table. lxadminRipRouteDiscards
Counter Read-Only
{lxadmin 18}
The number of times a route learned via RIP was not added to the
IP Routing Table due to insufficient Routing Table space. lxadminRebootConfig
Integer Read-Write
{lxadmin 19}
The configuration file that will be used when the ELS10-26 reboots.
This parameter is normally set by the ELS10-26 automatically; however, an NMS may explicitly set it to either no-change (1) or revert-to-defaults (3). The possible values include:
• no-change (1) – the ELS10-26 will not change its configuration parameters when it reboots.
• tftp-config (2) – the ELS10-26 will use a file that was sent via
TFTP when it reboots .
• revert-to-defaults (3) – the ELS10-26 will revert to its factory specified defaults when it reboots .
Setting this parameter to a value of 2 will result in an error condition.
If a value for ipRouteMetric2 is explicitly provided when an entry is created, then lxadminStaticPreference will be ignored.
ELS10-26 MIB lxadminDisableButton
Integer Read-Write
{lxadmin 21}
An integer that can be set to prevent the push button on the front of the ELS10-26 from controlling the LED display. Values include:
• true (1)
• false (2) lxadminButtonSelection
Integer Read-Write
{lxadmin 22}
An integer that indicates which statistic has been selected. Values include:
• led-any activity (1)
• led-rx-activity (2)
• led-tx-activity (3)
• led-any-collision (4)
• led-programmed (5)
• led-duplex (6)
When illuminated indicates Full Duplex, when dark indicates Half
• led-speed (7)
When illuminated indicates 100MB speed when dark indicates 10
MB speed.
• led-mirror (8)
Used to indicate which port is being mirrored by the Mirror port.
Both the MON port and the port being monitored are illuminated.
ELS10-26 MIB lxadminLEDProgramOption
Integer Read-Write
{lxadmin 23}
Meaning of the LED display when led-programmed has been selected for lxadminButtonSelection. Value is: program-led-any-error (1)
6.1.4 Software Distribution Group
Octet String Read-Only
{lxswdis 1}
The description (0-32 bytes) of the software set currently being downloaded, or a description of the software set last downloaded since the ELS10-26 booted. lxswdisAccess
Integer Read-Write
{lxswdis 2}
The version of software that may be downloaded. Attempts to download other versions of software will be rejected. The value for lxswdisAccess is embedded within the software files that are to be distributed via TFTP. Its value may be derived from the names of the software files. For example, file name dnld_hdr.10.2 indicates that the file contains Version 10.2 software. The corresponding value for lxswdisAccess would be 523, and can be determined by the following algorithm start with the number 1, add the first number, add 256 times the second number, add 256 times 256 times the third number (if present), and add 256 times 256 times 256 times the fourth number (if present). In addition, the NMS operator may wish to use the following special values:
• protected (1) - No software downloads will be accepted.
• any-software (2) - A software download of any version of new software will be accepted - this is the factory default.
ELS10-26 MIB lxswdisWriteStatus
Integer Read-Only
{lxswdis 3}
The status of the erase/write operation. The possible values are:
• in-progress (1) - An operation is currently in progress.
• success (2) - The last operation completed successfully.
• config-error (3) - Configuration EPROM encountered an error.
• flash-error (4) - Flash EPROM encountered an error.
• config-and-flash-errors (5) - Both Configuration EPROM and
Flash EPROM encountered errors.
IP Address Read-Write
{lxswdis 4}
The IP address of the NMS (i.e., any IP host) that is allowed to use
TFTP to send/retrieve the configuration file of the ELS10-26. A value of (which is the factory specified default) prevents any NMS from obtaining access, while a value of gives every NMS permission. lxswdisConfigRetryTime
Integer Read-Write
{lxswdis 5}
The number of seconds that the ELS10-26 will wait for an acknowledgment before it retransmits an unacknowledged TFTP data block. The factory specified default is 5 seconds. slxwdisConfigTotalTimeout
Integer Read-Write
{lxswdis 6}
The number of seconds that the ELS10-26 will wait for an acknowledgment to a data block before it cancels a TFTP session.
The factory specified default is 25 seconds.
ELS10-26 MIB
6.1.5 Addresses Configuration Group
The Addresses Configuration Group consists of the parameters described below.
Counter Read-Only
{lxaddr 1}
The number of static addresses which are currently stored in the
ELS10-26. lxaddrDynamics
Counter Read-Only
{lxaddr 2}
The number of learned addresses in the ELS10-26’s address table. lxaddrDynamicMax
Gauge Read-Write
{lxaddr 3}
The maximum number of spanning tree addresses which have been learned since the ELS10-26 was last booted (or this parameter was last reset by the NMS). lxaddrDynamicOverflows
Counter Read-Write
{lxaddr 4}
The number times an address was not learned due to insufficient address table space. lxaddrFlags
Integer Read-Write
{lxaddr 5}
Flags to describe the use and control of this address entry. Each bit has a different meaning. The NMS must always set either entry-static or entry-none; however, for GetRequests, the NMS will see either no bits set (if the entry does not exist), or exactly one of the following bits set:
• bit 29 is reserved.
• entry-static = 28, if set then this is a pre-defined customer address, e.g., an IEEE Spanning Tree static address.
ELS10-26 MIB
• entry-none = 26, or this address does not exist.
• bit 25 is reserved.
• bit 24 is reserved.
• bit 31 is reserved.
Any combination of the restriction bits (bits 23-21) may be set for any type of entry, except entry-other:
• Bit 21 is reserved.
• Bits 20-18 are reserved.
Exactly one of the special entry bits (bits 17-10) must be set for entry-other entries, and none of the bits may be set for other than entry-other entries:
• entry-lma = 15, reserved for future enhancements.
• Bits 11-10 are reserved for future expansion.
• Bits 9-0 are reserved. lxaddrMAC
MAC Address Read-Write
{lxaddr 6}
The MAC address for this address definition. lxaddrPort
Integer Write-Ignore
{lxaddr 7}
The port through which this address is connected to the ELS10-26
(only valid for entry-dynamic-local, entry-static and entry-port entries).
ELS10-26 MIB lxaddrOperation
Integer Read-Write
{lxaddr 8}
The operation to be performed upon the described address. The possibilities include:
• read-random (1)
• read-next (2)
• update (4)
• delete (5)
• read-block (6) lxaddrIndex
Integer Read-Write
{lxaddr 9}
The index number to be used for read-next and read-block operations. When the ELS10-26 boots, lxaddrIndex is initialized
to -1 lxaddrNext
Integer Write-Ignore
{lxaddr 10}
The next value to use for lxaddrIndex, when you use read-next or read-block operations to read the address table. When the
ELS10-26 boots, lxaddrNext is initialized to -1. lxaddrBlockSize
Integer Write-Ignore
{lxaddr 19}
The number of addresses contained by lxaddrBlock, defined below. This parameter is only used for dumping blocks of MAC addresses. lxaddrBlock
Octet String Write-Ignore
{lxaddr 20}
A series of 0-700 octets, which represents 0-100 addresses. Each address consists of a 6 octet MAC Address followed by a 1 byte
ELS10-26 MIB port number. If the port number is zero, then the address is that of a specially configured address; otherwise, the address is a dynamically learned address. This parameter is only used for dumping blocks of MAC addresses.
6.1.6 Cabletron Interfaces Group
Not Accessible
A list of interface entries; one per port.
{lxif 1} lxifEntry
Not Accessible
{lxifTable 1}
A set of objects for an interface entry. The individual components are described below. lxifIndex
Integer Read-Only
{lxifEntry 1}
The port number, beginning with 1 for the first port. lxifRxCnt
Integer Read-Only
{lxifEntry 2}
The number of data buffers for receiving packets. This value is the same for all Ethernet ports.
Integer Read-Only
{lxifEntry 3}
The maximum size of the port’s transmit queue, i.e., the number of packets that can be in the port’s transmit queue, waiting to be transmitted.
ELS10-26 MIB lxifThreshold
Integer Read-Write
{lxifEntry 4}
Reserved. Maximum number of combined receive and transmit packet hardware errors before an alarm should be generated. See ifInErrors. lxifThresholdTime
Integer Read-Write
{lxifEntry 5}
Reserved. The time period (in seconds) to which sifThreshold applies. A value of zero will disable the sifThreshold
alarm. lxifRxQueueThresh
Integer Read-Write
{lxifEntry 6}
Reserved. Maximum number of receive packet queue overflow errors before an alarm should be generated. lxifRxQueueThreshTime
Integer Read-Write
{lxifEntry 7}
Reserved. The time period (in seconds) to which sifRxQueueThresh applies. A value of zero will disable the sifRxQueueThresh
alarm. lxifTxStormCnt
Integer Read-Write
{lxifEntry 8}
The maximum number of multicasts to transmit with a certain period of time (not applicable for the UART port).
ELS10-26 MIB lxifTxStormTime
Time Ticks Read-Write
{lxifEntry 9}
The period of time, in centiseconds, which qualifies sifTxStormCnt
(not applicable for the UART port). llxifFunction
Integer Read-Only
{lxifEntry 16}
The current functional state (protocols which have been activated and are operational) of the port. The following values or combinations thereof are supported:
NMS - the port may be used for communicating with the NMS (see ifOperStatus).
TBRIDGE - use the port for Transparent IEEE 802.1d bridging (see lxsprotoBridge).
NO_BPDU - if TBRIDGE is set, this disables the sending of BPDUs (see lxsprotoSuppressBpdu) and keeps the port in forwarding state (this is to provide interoperability with non-compliant IEEE 802.1d implementations; however, if the physical topology has any loops, then LAN segments will most likely be flooded with duplicates of packets).
RIP_LISTENER - use RIP on the port for IP Routing
(see sprotoRip).
ARP - use the port for resolving ARP.
TRUNKING - use the port for Trunking Protocol.
These values can be configured through the lxsprotoTable.
Counter Read-Only
{lxifEntry 18}
Number of received packets discarded due to FCS errors.
ELS10-26 MIB lxifRxQueues
Counter Read-Only
{lxifEntry 19}
Number of received packets lost because of insufficient receive buffers.
Time Ticks Read-Only
{lxifEntry 27}
Length of time during which statistics were collected. In particular, the following statistics may be examined to determine the exact utilization rate of a port:
• ifInOctets
• ifInUcastPkts
• ifInNUcastPkts
• ifOutOctets
• ifOutUcastPkts
• ifOutNUcastPkts
• lxifForwardedChars
• lxifFilteredChars lxifIpAddr
IP Address Read-Write
{lxifEntry 28}
The IP address assigned to the port. If this is zero, then the port must learn its IP address via Reverse ARP or PPP’s IPCP. lxifIpGroupAddr
IP Address Read-Write
{lxifEntry 29}
Zero, or an IP group address assigned to the port.
ELS10-26 MIB lxifForwardedChars
Counter Read-Only
{lxifEntry 30}
Number of characters in the forwarded received packets.
lxifDesc lxifGoodRxFrames
Counter Read-Only
{lxifEntry 32}
{lxifEntry 33} lxifGoodTxFrames
Counter Read-Only
{lxifEntry 34}
6.1.7 Cabletron Dot3 Group
This group provides additional objects that are not part of the standard dot3 MIB.
Not Accessible
{lxdot3 1}
A list of dot3 interfaces entries, one per dot3 port.
Integer Read-Only
The port number that identifies the entry.
{lxdot3Entry 1} lxdot3TPLinkOK
Integer Read-Only
{lxdot3Entry 2}
An integer that indicates if the port’s 10BASE-T link is okay. It also indicates if the port’s Link LED is on. Values include:
• true (1)
• false (2)
ELS10-26 MIB lxdot3LedOn
Integer Read-Only
{lxdot3Entry 3}
An integer indicating whether the port’s programmable LED is on.
Values include:
• led-on (1)
• led-off (2) lxdot3RxCollisions
Counter Read-Only
{lxdot3Entry 4}
Counter indicating the number of receive collisions.
Note: 10BASE-T cannot count received collisions.
Counter Read-Only
{lxdot3Entry 5}
Counter indicating the number of runt packets received (and discarded).
Counter Read-Only
{lxdot3Entry 6}
Counter indicating the number of packets received with a late collision (and discarded).
Counter Read-Only
{lxdot3Entry 7}
Counter indicating the number of packets transmitted with jabber errors.
These statistics are only updated if the ELS10-26 has been configured to gather extended statistics (lxadminStatsExtended).
ELS10-26 MIB lxdot3TxBabbles
Counter Read-Only
{lxdot3Entry 8}
Counter indicating the number of packets transmitted with babble errors.
Counter Read-Only
{lxdot3Entry 9}
Counter indicating the total number of transmit collisions.
Integer Read-Write
{lxdot3Entry 13}
Speed may only be selected for the Fast Ethernet Ports. In addition, the speed -10 mbit option (2) may only be selected for Fast
Ethernet copper ports.
The returned value reflects what has been selected, not the actual speed value; e.g. the port may actually be 10 or 100 Mbps, but speed-auto will be the value returned if it was previously selected.
• speed - 10mbit (1)
• speed - 100mbit (2)
• speed - auto (3) lxdot3DuplexSelection
Integer Read-Write
{lxdot3Entry 14}
All duplex options are valid for all 10 and 100 Mbps ports. The returned value reflects what has been selected, not the actual duplex value; e.g. the port may actually be in half-duplex or full duplex mode, but duplex-auto will be the value returned if it was previously selected.
• duplex-auto (1)
These statistics are only updated if the ELS10-26 has been configured to gather extended statistics (lxadminStatsExtended).
ELS10-26 MIB
• duplex-half (2)
• duplex-full (3)
6.1.8 Cabletron UART Interface Group
Not Accessible
{lxuart 1}
A list of interface entries; one per UART port. lxuartEntry
Not Accessible
{lxuartTable 1}
A set of objects for an interface entry. The individual components are described below. lxuartIndex
Integer Read-Only
{lxuartEntry 1}
The ELS10-26’s port number of the port. This is always 25.
Integer Read-Write
{suartEntry 2}
This is the desired baud rate. Only 1200 baud through 19,200 baud are supported by the ELS10-26, but the complete set of possibilities is:
• external-clock (1)
• 1200-baud (2)
• 2400-baud (3)
• 4800-baud (4)
• 9600-baud (5)
• 19200-baud (6)
ELS10-26 MIB
• 38400-baud (7)
• 56-kilobits (8)
• 1.544-megabits (9)
• 2.048-megabits (10)
• 45-megabits (11) lxsuartAlignmentErrors
Counter Read-Only
{lxuartEntry 3}
Number of received packets with frame alignment errors, since the port was last enabled. lxsuartOverrunErrors
Counter Read-Only
{lxuartEntry 4}
Number of received packets with data overrun errors, since the port was last enabled.
6.1.9 Cabletron Protocol Group
This group specifies which protocols apply to each interface. lxprotoTable
Not Accessible
{lxsproto 1}
This table contains configuration information specifying the types of protocols used for each port. lxprotoEntry
Not Accessible
{lxsprotoTable 1}
Each entry in this table specifies which protocols are used by a particular port in the ELS10-26.
ELS10-26 MIB lxprotoIfIndex
Integer Read-Only
{lxsprotoEntry 1}
Identifies the interface (port) to which this entry’s information belongs. The value of this variable corresponds to lxifIndex, as well as to most of the other port identification values in related MIBs. lxprotoBridge
Integer Read-Write
{lxsprotoEntry 2}
Defines the bridging method to be applied to frames received at, or destined for this port. Ethernet and FDDI ports may be configured for transparent, srt, or none. Token Ring ports may be configured for any of the four options. The UART may only be configured to none. lxprotoSuppressBpdu
Integer Read-Write
{lxsprotoEntry 3}
Allows transmission of spanning tree protocol packets to be suppressed. Values include:
• normal (1) – 802.1d Spanning Tree protocol packets are transmitted as usual
• suppressed (2) – these packets are not transmitted. This option may be useful for interoperability with non-802.1d spanning tree protocols.
Integer Read-Write
{lxsprotoEntry 4}
Specifies whether the port should listen for internet RIP packets so the ELS10-26 can build a routing table for the unit. Values include:
• enabled (1)
• disabled (2)
ELS10-26 MIB lxprotoTrunking
Integer Read-Write
{lxsprotoEntry 5}
Specifies whether Cabletron’s trunking protocol (an extension to the standard Spanning Tree) is to be used over this port. Values include:
• enabled (1)
• disabled (2) lxprotoTransmitPacing
Integer Read-Write
{lxprotoEntry 6}
When enabled, introduces delays into normal transmission of frames to reduce the probability of collisions during heavy traffic.
• enabled (1)
• disabled (2)
6.1.10 Cabletron Trunking Group
Not Accessible
{lxtrunk 1}
This table describes the trunking status and attributes of the interfaces that are configured for bridge trunking.
Not Accessible
{lxtrunkTable 1}
An entry exists for every port that has trunking enabled.
Integer Read-Only
{lxtrunkEntry 1}
Identifies the port that is configured for trunking.
ELS10-26 MIB lxtrunkState
Integer Read-Only
{lxtrunkEntry 2}
Indicates the trunking condition for this port. Values include:
• off (1) – this link has not been enabled for trunking.
• closed (2) – this link has not yet received any PDUs.
• oneway (3) – incoming trunking PDUs do not indicate that the
ELS10-26’s PDUs are being successfully received by the far end.
• joined (4) – this link is actively participating in the trunk group.
• perturbed (5) – this link is actively participating in the trunk group; however, the transmission of data packets has been temporarily stopped due to a change in membership of the trunk group.
• helddown (6) – an error has been detected and this link is being held out of service until the error clears.
• broken (7) – this link has been configured for trunking but the port is physically non-operational.
Octet String Read-Only
{lxtrunkEntry 3}
The MAC address portion of the bridge ID of the remote bridge.
{lxtrunkEntry 4} lxtrunkRemoteIp
IP Address Read-Only
The IP address of the remote bridge.
Integer Read-Only
{lxtrunkEntry 5}
The reason for failure when the link is in the held-down state.
Values include:
ELS10-26 MIB
• none (1) – no error; the trunking protocol may re-start with no error conditions when trunking is turned on for a port, or when the MIB variable that controls extra trunk groups is modified.
• in-bpdu (2) – a Spanning Tree BPDU was received, indicating that the connection is not point-to-point, or the far end does not have trunking turned on.
• multiple-bridges (3) – a different bridge has been connected at the far end and the trunking protocol will re-start.
• ack-lost (4) – the far end has detected a problem, and the trunking protocol will re-start.
• standby (5) – this trunk group is filled to capacity using other ports; this port is now a hot standby.
• too-many-groups(6) – the maximum number of groups a
ELS10-26 can handle has been reached and a new group cannot be added. This port will not be used until the condition clears.
• no-ack (7) – this port has not received a valid trunking packet, and the trunking protocol will re-start.
• perturbed-threshold (8) – errors are preventing stabilization, and the trunking protocol will re-start.
• self-connect (9) – this port is connected to another port on the same ELS10-26 and cannot be used until this condition clears.
• port-moved (10) – a different port has been connected at the far end, and the trunking protocol will re-start.
Integer Read-Only
{lxtrunkEntry 6}
The position of this link within the trunk group.
ELS10-26 MIB lxtrunkLinkCount
Integer Read-Only
{lxtrunkEntry 7}
The number of links with the trunk group.
Integer Read-Only
{lxtrunkEntry 8}
The number of seconds since lxtrunkState changed.
6.1.11 Cabletron Workgroup Management Group
Integer Read-Only
{lxworkgroup 1}
The next available workgroup number to be used. When creating a new workgroup, it is recommended to read the value and use it as a workgroup table key.
Integer Read-Only
{lxworkgroup 2}
The total number of workgroups currently defined.
Integer Read-Only
{lxworkgroup 3}
The maximum number of workgroups allowed.
Not Accessible
{lxworkgroup 4}
This table contains workgroup definitions for the interfaces.
Not Accessible
{lxWorkGroupTable 1}
Each entry in this table contains a definition of a workgroup. The lxWorkGroupNumber serves as the table index. The sequence of elements in the table is as follows:
• lxWorkGroupNumber Integer Read-Write
ELS10-26 MIB
• lxWorkGroupName Display String Read-Write
• lxWorkGroupPorts Octet String Read-Write
• lxWorkGroupType Integer Read-Write
• lxWorkGroupIpAddress IP Address Read-Write
• lxWorkGroupIpMask IP Address Read-Write
• lxWorkGroupIpxNetwork Octet String Read-write lxWorkGroupNumber
Integer Read-Write
{lxWorkGroupEntry 1}
An integer that identifies the workgroup and is used as an index to this table.
{lxWorkGroupEntry 2} lxWorkGroupName
Display string Read-Write
A 1-16 character workgroup name.
Octet String Read-Write
{lxWorkGroupEntry 3}
A list of all ports within the group. The first octet specifies ports
1-8, the second 9-16, etc.
Integer Read-Write
{lxWorkGroupEntry 4}
The type of work group, as indicated by the following values: all (3)- all broadcast packets. invalid (4)- not a valid workgroup type.
ELS10-26 MIB
6.1.12 Cabletron Trap Management Group
This group presents the Cabletron MIB variables that are included as varbinds with the traps generated by the ELS10-26. Chapter 7 of this manual describes the traps generated by the ELS10-26.
Not Accessible
{lxtrapMgt 1}
This table contains information about the severity of each trap and whether the trap is currently enabled.
Not Accessible
{lxtrapControlTable 1}
The sequence of elements in the lxtrapControlTable are shown below:
• lxtrapIndex Integer Read-Only
• lxtrapEnabled Integer Read-Write
• lxtrapSeverity Integer Read-Write
• lxtrapTex Display String Read-Only
Integer Read-Only
Identifies the specific trap number.
Allows you to enable or disable the generation of this trap.
Integer Read-Write
A user-definable severity indicating the importance of the trap.
The severity levels are defined as follows:
ELS10-26 MIB
• informational (1)
• warning (2)
• minor (3)
• major (4)
• critical (5)
Display String Read-Only
Provides a description of the trap.
Not Accessible
{lxtrapMgt 2}
This table contains information about whether traps of a particular severity are enabled or disabled.
Not Accessible
The sequence of elements in the lxtrapSeverityControlTable are as follows: lxtrapSeverity Integer Read-Only lxtrapSeverityControl
Integer Read-Only
{lxtrapSeverityControl 1}
A user-definable severity indicating the importance of the trap.
The severity levels are defined as follows:
• informational (1)
• warning (2)
• minor (3)
• major (4)
ELS10-26 MIB
• critical (5)
Integer Read-Write
Allows you to enable or disable all traps of a given security level.
The values are as follows:
• enabled (1)
• disabled (2)
Integer Read-Write
Indicates whether or not a formatted text string is included in the trap PDU. Values include:
• true (1)
• false (2)
Time Ticks Read-Write
The time, in centiseconds, which should expire between the sending of traps. The default value is 100 centiseconds.
Note: This MIB variable (lxtrapTime) replaces sysTrapTime.
Integer Read-Write
The number of times any enterprise-specific trap is to be sent for a given event. PDUs are retried using a truncated exponential back off: 2 seconds, 4 seconds, 8 seconds, 16 seconds and then 32 seconds for all succeeding intervals. The default value is 1 retry.
Integer Read-Only
The number of traps that are in the lxtrapTable.
ELS10-26 MIB
Not Accessible
This table contains the latest traps that have been generated.
Integer Read-Only
{lxtrapEntry 1}
The sequence of elements in the lxtrapControlTable 1 are shown below.
A number representing the order (in time) in which the trap occurred. This 32-bit number can wrap.
Time Ticks Read-Only
The time the trap occurred.
Display String Read-Only
Provides a description of the trap.
{lxtrapEntry 3}
Integer Read-Only
The trap number specified in the trap PDU.
Integer Read-Only
A user-definable severity indicating the importance of the trap.
The severity levels are defined as follows:
• informational (1)
• warning (2)
• minor (3)
• major (4)
ELS10-26 MIB
• critical (5)
6.1.13 Ping Management MIB
lxpingDataTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
TimeTicks read-write
The time, in centiseconds, from the last ping activity (a send or receive of an ECHO_RESPONSE or ECHO_REQUEST message), to when the lxpingEntry information for that ping request will be deleted.
::={lxpingMgt 1} lxpingTable OBJECT-TYPE
SEQUENCE OF lxpingEntry not-accessible mandatory
The set of information describing the active ping requests and their results.
::={lxpingMgt2} lxpingEntry OBJECT-TYPE
STATUS lxpingEntry not-accessible mandatory
ELS10-26 MIB
The parameters, state, and results of a ping request.
::= {lxpingTable 1} lxpingEntry
{lxpingNMSAddr lxpingDestAddr lxpingState lxpingCount lxpingDataSize lxpingWait
TimeTicks, lxpingTimeOut lxpingOperation lxpingMin lxpingMax
TimeTicks, lxpingAvg TimeTicks, lxpingNumTransmitted INTEGER, lxpingNumReceived INTEGER} lxpingNMSAddr OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
DESCRIPTION read-only mandatory
The IP address of the NMS, used to determine on which ping request to return information.
ELS10-26 MIB
::= {lxpingEntry 1} lxpingDestAddr OBJECT-TYPE
IpAddress read-write mandatory
The IP address which is to be the destination of the ping
ECHO_REQUEST. This variable cannot be set while lxpingOperation is on.
::= {lxpingEntry 2} lxpingState OBJECT_TYPE
{not-started (1) active (2) timed-out (3) completed (3)} read-only mandatory
The current state of the ping request.
::= {lxpingEntry 3} lxcpingCount OBJECT -TYPE
INTEGER read-write mandatory
ELS10-26 MIB
The number of ping requests which are to be sent. This variable cannot be set while lxping-
Operation is on.
::= {lxpingEntry 4} lxpingDataSize OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-write
The datagram packet size which will be sent with the
ECHO_REQUEST in bytes. This variable cannot be set while lxpingOperation is on.
::= {lxpingEntry 5}
TimeTicks read-write mandatory
The time, in centiseconds, between the sending of each
ECHO_REQUESTmessage. This variable cannot be set while lxpingOperation is on.
::= {lxpingEntry 6} lxping TimeOut OBJECT-TYPE
TimeTicks read-write
ELS10-26 MIB
The time, in centiseconds, since the last ECHO-RESPONSE was received (or the last
ECHO-RESPONSE was sent, if there have been no responses) when the ping request will time out. This variable cannot be set while the lxpingOperation is on.
::= {lxpingEntry 7} lxpingOperation OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {on (1), off (2) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION Setting lxpingOperation to on will begin the ping request. Setting lxpingOperation to off will terminate the ping request.
::= {lxpingEntry 8}
TimeTicks read-only mandatory
The minimum round trip time for the ping requests and responses, in centiseconds.
ELS10-26 MIB
::= {lxpingEntry 9} lxpingMax OBJECT-TYPE
TimeTicks read-only mandatory
The maximum round trip time for the ping requests and responses, in centiseconds.
::= {lxpingEntry 10} lxpingAvg OBJECT-TYPE
TimeTicks read-only mandatory
The average round trip time for the ping requests and responses, in centiseconds.
::= {lxpingEntry 11} lxpingNumTransmitted OBJECT-TYPE
DESCRIPTION read-only mandatory
The number of ICMP
ECHO_REQUEST messages that have been transmitted during this ping request.
ELS10-26 MIB
::= {lxpingEntry 12} lxpingNumReceived OBJECT-TYPE
DESCRIPTION read-only mandatory
The number of ICMP
ECHO_RESPONSE messages that have been received as a result of this ping request.
::= {lxpingEntry 13}
6.1.14 Traceroute
An implementation of traceroute was added in order to add the ability to orginate a traceroute request from the ELS10-26. The request can be started from LCM, or from SNMP. If the request is originated from the LCM, the results are printed out on the LCM console.
The LCM command is as follows: traceroute [-m max_ttl] [-q nqueries] [-w wait] host_IP
The traceroute MIB has a variable which indicates the amount of time the results of a traceroute request is accessible from SNMP. It also has a table, indexed by NMS IP address, ping destination IP address, hop count, and probe count which is used to start the traceroute request and fetch the results. Each entry in the table will contain the round trip time and state of each particular probe in each hop.
ELS10-26 MIB
6.1.15 Traceroute Management MIB
lxtraceDataTimout OBJECT-TYPE
TimeTicks read-write
The time, in centiseconds, from the last traceroute activity, (the response to, or timeout of the last probe sent) to when the lxtraceEntry information for that traceroute request will be deleted.
::= {lxtraceMgt 1} lxtraceTable OBJECT-TYPE
SEQUENCE OF lxtraceEntry not accessible mandatory
The set of information describing the active traceroute request.
::= {lxtraceMgt 2} lxtraceEntry OBJECT-TYPE
INDEX lxtraceEntry not accessible mandatory
The parameters, state, and results of a traceroute request.
{lxtraceNMSAddr, lxtraceDestAddr, lxtraceHop, lxtraceProbe}
ELS10-26 MIB
::= {lxtraceTable 1} lxtraceEntry ::= SEQUENCE
{lxtraceNMSAddr lxtraceDsetAddr lxtraceMaxTTL lxtraceDataSize lxtraceNumProbes lxtraceWait lxtraceOperation lxtraceHop lxtraceHopAddr lxtraceProbe lxtraceState lxtraceTime
TimeTicks} traceNMSAddr OBJECT-TYPE
IpAddress read-only mandatory
The IP address of the NMS, used to determine on which traceroute request to return information.
::= {lxtraceEntry 1} lxtraceDsetAddr OBJECT-TYPE
IpAddress read-write mandatory
ELS10-26 MIB
DESCRIPTION The IP address which is to be the destination of the traceroute request. This variable cannot be set while traceOperation is on.
::= {lxtraceEntry 2} lxtraceMaxTTL OBJECT-TYPE
INTEGER read-write mandatory
The maximum time-to-live for outgoing traceroute probe packets. This determines the number of hops that can be in a traceroute. This variable cannot be set while lxtraceOperation is on.
::= {lxtraceEntry 3} lxtraceDataSize OBJECT-TYPE
INTEGER read-write mandatory
The size of the datagram sent with each probe. This variable cannot be set while lxtraceOperation is on.
::= {lxtraceEntry 4} lxtraceNumProbes OBJECT-TYPE
INTEGER read-write
ELS10-26 MIB
The number of probes which are sent for each hop. This variable cannot be set while lxtraceOperation is on.
::= {lxtraceEntry 5} lxtraceWait OBJECT-TYPE
::= {lxtraceEntry 7} lxtraceHop OBJECT-TYPE
TimeTicks read-write mandatory
The time to wait in response to a probe. This variable cannot be set while lxOperation is on.
::= {lxtraceEntry 6} lxtraceOperation OBJECT-TYPE
INTEGER {on (1), off (2) } read-write mandatory
Setting lxtraceOperation to on will begin the traceroute request.
Setting lxtraceOperation to off will terminate the traceroute request.
INTEGER read-only
ELS10-26 MIB
The hop count for a set of probes with a particular TTL.
::= {lxtraceEntry 8} lxtraceHopAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
DESCRIPTION read-only mandatory
The IP address of the host which responded for a probe with a particular TTL.
::= {lxtraceEntry 9}
INTEGER read-only mandatory
The probe instance for a particular hop.
::= {lxtraceEntry 10} lxtraceState OBJECT-TYPE
{not-started (0), active (1), time-exceeded (2) host-unreachable (3) net-reachable (4),
ELS10-26 MIB
DESCRIPTION completed (5)} read-only mandatory
The current state of the traceroute.
::={lxtraceEntry 11} lxtraceProbe OBJECT-TYPE
TimeTicks read-only mandatory
Round trip time of a probe for a particular hop.
::= {lxtraceEntry 12}
6.1.16 Port Mirroring
lxmirrorMode OBJECT-TYPE
{off (0), tx (1), rx (2) rx and tx (4) read-write mandatory
To turn off port mirroring, or turn on by specifying rx, tx or rxandtx, which is the type of data to be mirrored.
ELS10-26 MIB
::= {lxmirrorgroup 1} lxmirrorTargetPort OBJECT-TYPE
DESCRIPTION read-write mandatory
The number of the port whose data will be mirrored by the special mirror port.
::= {lxmirrorgroup 2}

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Key features
- SNMP-based management
- TCP/IP MIB-II support
- Ethernet MIB support
- Bridge MIB support
- PPP MIB support
- Cabletron enterprise MIB variables
- TFTP software distribution
- Detailed trap descriptions