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Chapter 3 Using PhotoDésirée to Print Your Photos
After you have successfully set up the printer and installed the printer driver, let's print an image from HiTi
PhotoDésirée where you can customize digital images into calendars, poster or greeting cards. The PhotoDésirée’s ease-of-use user interface lets you easily adjust the saturation, contrast, sharpness, brightness or hues of your photos in any way you like. With PhotoDésirée, creating a photo with studio quality right at your home is not a dream anymore.
In this section, you will learn basic operations using PhotoDésirée, including:
• Installing PhotoDésirée MiniLab Edition
• Opening PhotoDésirée MiniLab Edition
• Opening Photos
• Editing Photos
• Choosing Print Formats and Amounts
• Printing Your Photos
• Sending Print Jobs to Multiple Printers
• Pricing Your Photos
• Adding/Editing Customer Data
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HiTi 640 DL Photo Printer User Manual
Working Flow
Working Flow
The following figure illustrates basic working flows of using PhotoDésirée software to print your digital images.
Open PhotoDésirée
MiniLab edition
Edit images
(Invoke ImagEnhancer)
Open images
Set prices
Apply templates Enter texts Choose calendars
Set paper type
Adjust color settings
Modify layouts
Set print amounts
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Setting Display Resolution
Before running PhotoDésirée, make sure the monitor display resolution is set to 1024 x 768 pixels or higher, and the color setting is set to the Hi Color (16 bit) or True Color (24 bit) mode.
To set the display resolution:
Select Start > Settings > Control Panel from Windows start menu. Select Display from the Control Panel. The
Display Properties window is then appeared on the screen.
Choose High Color from the Colors drop-down menu.
Move the Screen area slider to 1024 by 768 pixels or higher. Then click OK.
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Application in a View
Open Images
Open images for print
Print Formats
Show print formats and amounts
Image Index Area
Place images that are opened
Price Calculation Area
Show prices of a printing job
Image Index
Choose and print image indexes in vary formats
Show printers connected. Up to 8 printers can be installed.
Application in a View
Customer Data
Show customer name and photo number and job ID number
Special Handling Area
List the images that are edited. The editing levels are: low, medium and high, defined by price.
Print images
Print Queue
Show printing jobs in the queue.
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HiTi 640 DL Photo Printer User Manual
Installing PhotoDésirée MiniLab Edition
PhotoDésirée is the application where you can edit photos for print.
Insert "Software CD" into CD-ROM drive. The Software
CD can be found in the package that is shipped with the printer.
The HiTi Welcome window appears on the screen.
Choose Install HiTi PhotoDésirée MiniLab Edition.
Windows starts to copy files from the CD-ROM to the machine. On the message box that pops up on the screen, click Yes to place the "PhotoDésirée MiniLab
Edition" icon to be placed on the Windows Desktop.
Otherwise, click No to ignore this option.
To this step, the HiTi PhotoDésirée MiniLab Edition application is installed successfully.
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Opening PhotoDésirée MiniLab Edition
Opening PhotoDésirée MiniLab Edition
Select Start > Programs > HiTi > MiniLab > MiniLab from
Windows start menu.
The main window of PhotoDésirée MiniLab edition opens on the screen.
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Opening Photos
Click the Add Image button.
On the Add Images window that opens, select the image(s) you want to print.
• Select All: Choose this when you want to select all images in the folder. If there is any sub-folder under this folder, check the Include Subfolder selection item.
• Select Multiple: Choose this if you only want to add certain images in this folder.
• Preview: Check this if you want to preview the images before adding.
• Append to Image Holders: Leave the image in the index area after printing.
Click OK. The images you select will appear in the index area (left-hand side of the window). To select more images, repeat the above steps.
Opening Photos
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Editing Photos
Editing Photos
To edit a photo you add into the PhotoDésirée application, do the following:
Double-click the image you want to edit. The
ImagEnhancer opens on the screen.
Edit the image in the ImagEnhancer. For detailed descriptions, see
Introducing ImagEnhancer starting on
Page 27.
Once the editing is done, the Send Special Area Dialog
Box displays on the screen, asking you which price level the editing should be charged for. An editing job can set to three different pricing levels: Low, Medium and High.
For more information about pricing, see Pricing Your
Photos starting on Page 25.
Click OK. The image edited will show in the Special
Handling area on the right side of the window.
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Choosing Print Formats and Amounts
You can choose to print your digital photos in different formats and specify the amounts you want to print for each type. The available print formats are:
• 4 x 6 inch photo
• 4 x 4 sticker
• 4 x 2 x 4 sticker
• 1 inch ID photo
• 2 inch ID photo
To choose a print type:
Move your mouse over the image you want to specify.
The print formats and amounts drop-down lists appears.
Choose a format from the format pull-down menu.
Specify the amount of prints for this format. PhotoDésirée allows you to print 99 prints in maximum.
Repeat the above steps for another format if needed. To reset to default settings, click the right button on the mouse while mouse over an image. Select Reset on the pop-up menu.
Choosing Print Formats and Amounts
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Printing Your Photos
Printing Your Photos
Printing Index Card for Selected Photos
Select the format of the index card you want to print.
Click the Index Print button.
Printing Photos
Click to select the image you want to print.
If you want to print multiple images at a time, hold the shift key while keep clicking other images to select them.
Click the Print button.
HiTi 640 DL Photo Printer User Manual index card format print index button
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Sending Print Jobs to Multiple Printers
Sending Print Jobs to Multiple Printers
Hi-Ti 640 DL Photo Printer User Manual
HiTi 640 DL printer now enables you to work more efficientlly by allowing you to send print jobs to multiple printers at the same time. When you hit the Print button, the printer automatically detects what type the photo paper is required and sends the print job right to the printer with correct paper type/size installed.
At most, four printers can be connected to the PhotoDésirée MiniLab edition application. If any of the installed printer is disconnected, a warning sign will be shown on the printer in the applcation, asking you to check the connection status.
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HiTi 640 DL Photo Printer User Manual
Pricing Your Photos
Sending Print Jobs to Multiple Printers
One of the functions that empowers the PhotoDésirée MiniLab edition to be your best business partner is its embedded price and customer database system. The pricing system in the PhotoDésirée MiniLab edition is able to automatically calculate the price of all printing jobs in your store, letting you hassle-free from all those calculation works.
PhotoDésirée MiniLab edition also includes a built-in database system, allowing you to easily manage your customer data. The PhotoDésirée MiniLab edition is definitely the only one application you need to run your digital-photo processing business.
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Viewing Prices
Viewing Prices
Hi-Ti 640 DL Photo Printer User Manual
Once you have selected and edited the photos for print, PhotoDésirée MiniLab edition automatically calculates how much these photos should be charged for right away.
To view the price, check the Price Area located at the bottom of the PhotoDésirée window.
price for photos without editing price for photos with editing price for index card printed photo sticker 4x4 sticker 4x4x2
1 inch ID photo
2 inch ID photo total amount open Valuation System open Data System
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Modifying Prices
Modifying Prices
You can always modify the price of how you will charge for processing digital photos. For instance, you can assign different prices for processing different types or sizes of photos, e.g., stickers, 4 x 6 photos or ID photos. For those which require editing efforts, like adding texts or calendars, assign prices for Low/Middle/High levels.
Click the Valuation System button to open the Valuation
System dialog box.
To modify a print job:
You can modify the number of prints of a specific print job when the volumn of prints after processing turns to be different from the the volumn specified before processing.
To edit or delete a print job, click a Job ID in the list and click the Edit or Delete button. To query a print job, enter the Job ID or customer name you want to query and click the Query button. The jobs that match your query criteria will display in the dialog box.
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Click the OK button to apply the changes and close the dialog box.
To modify the prices:
Click the Price Setting button.
The options available are:
• Normal Price: Modify the price for original prints without editing efforts
• Special Process Price: Modify the price for prints with editing efforts
Modify the fields you want to change.
Click OK to apply the changes and close the window.
Modifying Prices
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Adding/Editing Customer Data
Adding/Editing Customer Data
You can always add, edit or delete a customer’s data entry from the Valuation and Data System window. You can also query a customer’s information by his/her telephone number or his first/last names.
Click the Data System button to open the Data System window. The contact information of the customer displays.
Do the options by clicking the appropriate buttons. Click
OK when you’re done with the changes.
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