Chapter 2 Hardware Installation and Initial Setup. ZyXEL Prestige 100L, 100L
Below you will find brief information for IDSL Router Prestige 100L. This guide helps you connect, install, and configure your ZyXEL Prestige 100L IDSL router for internet access and networking. Learn about features like IDSL support, Ethernet hub, security protocols (PAP, CHAP), and data compression. The manual covers basic setup, advanced applications (remote node setup, IP static routes), and troubleshooting.
Prestige 100L IDSL Router
Chapter 2
Hardware Installation and Initial Setup
This chapter shows you how to connect the hardware and perform the initial setup.
2.1 Front Panel LEDs and Back Panel Ports
2.1.1 Front Panel LEDs
The LEDs on the front panel indicate the operational status of the Prestige.
Figure 2-1
The following table describes the LED functions:
Front Panel
System Test TST
Table 2-1 LED Functions
The power is on.
The system is not ready or malfunctioning.
Hardware Installation and Initial Setup 2-1
Prestige 100L IDSL Router
1, 2, 3, 4
The system is ready and functioning properly.
IDSL link is not ready or failed.
IDSL link is functioning properly.
The Prestige is connected at 64K bps line speed.
The Prestige is connected at 128K bps line speed.
The Ethernet port is not connected, not ready or has failed.
The Ethernet port is connected and functioning properly.
Sending or receiving.
2.2 Prestige 100L Rear Panel and Connections
The following figure shows the rear panel of your Prestige 100L and the connection diagram.
Figure 2-2 Prestige 100L Rear Panel and Connections
Hardware Installation and Initial Setup
Prestige 100L IDSL Router
This section outlines how to connect your Prestige 100L to the LAN and the IDSL line. Refer to the above diagram to identify all of the ports on your device when you attempt to make the various connections.
NOTE: The IDSL line and Ethernet cable are very similar to each other. It is important that you use the correct cable for each connection; otherwise, your Prestige could be damaged.
Connecting Your Computer and Your Prestige
For the initial configuration of your Prestige, use the provided RS-232C cable and communications software to configure your Prestige. After your Prestige has been successfully installed, you can modify the configuration through a console port as well as a remote telnet connection.
Step 1. Connecting an IDSL Line to Your Prestige
Plug one end of the IDSL line included in your package into the socket on the rear panel of your Prestige labeled LINE, and the other end into the IDSL wall jack or another Prestige.
NOTE: The IDSL jack is for IDSL line connection only. Connecting it to a regular phone line may result in damage to your Prestige.
Step 2. Connecting the RS-232C Cable to Your Prestige
One 9-25 pin adapter is included with your Prestige. To connect an RS-232C cable, connect the 9-pin end of the cable to the console port on the back panel of the Prestige. Connect the other end to the RS-232C cable connected to the serial port (COM1, COM2, or any other COM port) of your computer.
Step 3. Connecting an Ethernet Cable to Your Prestige
The Prestige is equipped with a 4-port hub for you to build a 10Base-T Local Area Network (LAN).
10Base-T networks use UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) cable and RJ-45 connectors that look like a bigger telephone plug with 8 pins. Two types of Ethernet cables come with the package: l Straight through cable (white tag) — connect your computers to your Prestige.
l Crossover cable (red tag) — connect your Prestige to another 10Base-T hub.
Step 4. Connecting the Power Adapter to Your Prestige
Connect the power adapter to the port labeled POWER on the rear panel of your Prestige.
CAUTION: To prevent damage to the Prestige, first make sure you have the correct AC power adapter specifications (refer to the Appendix section) for your particular region.
At this point you should have connected the RS-232C cable, the ISDN phone line, the Ethernet cable, and the power supply.
Step 5. Powering On
You can now power on your Prestige.
2.3 Housing
Your Prestige's ventilated housing has clip-out legs that fit snugly into grooves, enabling compact, sturdy stacking with airflow between routers. You should not stack more than 4 routers for maximum stability.
Hardware Installation and Initial Setup 2-3
Prestige 100L IDSL Router
2.4 Power Up Your Prestige
When you power on your Prestige, it performs several internal tests and also does an IDSL line initialization. After this initialization, your Prestige asks you to press the [Enter] key to continue as shown on the initial screen.
Initial Screen
Copyright (c) 1994 - 2000 ZyXEL Communications Corp.
ethernet address: 00:a0:c5:01:23:45
Resetting IDSL Firmware.(2) IDSL Firmware Rev : V 09E
Press ENTER to continue...
Figure 2-3 Initial Screen
Entering Password
The login screen appears after you press the [Enter] key, prompting you to enter the password as shown on the next screen.
For your first login, enter the default password 1234. As you type the password, the screen displays an (X) for each character you type.
Please note that if there is no activity longer than 5 minutes after you log in, your Prestige automatically logs you out and displays a blank screen. If you see a blank screen, press the [Enter] key to bring up the login screen again.
Enter Password: XXXX
Figure 2-4 Password Screen
2.5 Navigating the SMT (System Management Terminal)
The SMT is the interface that you use to configure your Prestige.
Several operations that you should be familiar with before you attempt to modify the configuration are listed in the following table.
2-4 Hardware Installation and Initial Setup
Prestige 100L IDSL Router
Move down to another menu
Move up to a previous menu
Move to a
“hidden” menu
Press [space bar] to change No to
Yes then press the [Enter] key
Move the cursor [Enter] key or
[Up]/[Down] arrow keys
Enter information Fill in, or
Press [space bar] to toggle
Required fields
< ?
N/A fields
Save your configuration
Exit the SMT
Table 2-2
[Enter] key
[Esc] key
Main Menu Commands
To move forward to a submenu, type in the number of the desired submenu and press the [Enter] key.
Press the [Esc] key to move back to the previous menu.
[Enter] key
Type 99, then press the [Enter] key.
Fields beginning with “Edit” lead to hidden menus and have a default setting of No. Press [space bar] to change No to Yes, then press the [Enter] key to go to a “hidden” menu.
Within a menu, press the [Enter] key to move to the next field.
You can also use the [Up]/[Down] arrow keys to move to the previous and the next field, respectively.
You need to fill in two types of fields. The first requires you to type in the appropriate information. The second allows you to cycle through the available choices by pressing [space bar].
All fields with the symbol <?> must be filled in order to be able to save the new configuration.
Some of the fields in the SMT shows <N/A>. This symbol refers to an option that is Not Applicable.
Save your configuration by pressing the [Enter] key at the message [Press ENTER to confirm or ESC to cancel]. Saving the data on the screen takes you, in most cases to the previous menu.
Type “99” at the Main Menu prompt and press the [Enter] key to exit the SMT interface.
2.5.1 Main Menu
After you enter the password, the SMT displays the Prestige 100L Main Menu, as shown in the following figure.
Hardware Installation and Initial Setup 2-5
Prestige 100L IDSL Router
Copyright (c) 1994 - 2000 ZyXEL Communications Corp.
Prestige 100L Main Menu
Getting Started Advanced Management
1. General Setup
2. WAN Port Setup
3. Ethernet Setup
4. Internet Access Setup
21. Filter Set Configuration
22. SNMP Configuration
23. System Password
24. System Maintenance
Advanced Applications
11. Remote Node Setup
12. Static Routing Setup
15. SUA Server Setup 99. Exit
Enter Menu Selection Number:
Figure 2-5 Prestige 100L Main Menu
2.5.2 System Management Terminal Interface Summary
1 General Setup
2 WAN Port Setup
3 Ethernet Setup
4 Internet Access Setup
11 Remote Node Setup
12 Static Routing Setup
15 SUA Server Setup
21 Filter Set Configuration
23 System Security
24 System Maintenance
99 Exit
Table 2-3 Main Menu Summary
Use this menu to setup general information and enable routing of specific protocols.
Use this menu to setup the IDSL.
Use this menu to setup the Ethernet LAN.
A quick and easy way to setup Internet connection.
Use this menu to setup remote node for LAN-to-LAN connection including Internet connection. Your Prestige has only one remote node.
Use this menu to setup static route for different protocols. There are four static routes for each protocol .
Use this menu to specify inside servers when SUA is enabled.
Use this menu to setup filters to provide security.
Use this menu to setup SNMP-related parameters.
Use this menu to setup security-related parameters.
This menu provides system status, diagnostics, firmware upload, etc.
To exit from SMT and return to the blank (initial) screen.
2-6 Hardware Installation and Initial Setup
Prestige 100L IDSL Router
2.6 Changing the System Password
The first thing your should do before anything else is to change the default system password by following the steps below.
Step 1. Enter 23 in the Main Menu to open Menu 23 – System Password as shown below.
Menu 23 - System Password
Old Password= ?
New Password= ?
Retype to confirm= ?
Enter here to CONFIRM or ESC to CANCEL:
Figure 2-6 Menu 23 – System Security
Step 2. Enter your existing password and press the [Enter] key.
Step 3. Enter your new system password and press the [Enter] key.
Step 4. Re-type your new system password for confirmation and press the [Enter] key.
NOTE: As you type a password, the screen displays an (X) for each character you type.
2.6.1 Resetting the Prestige
You should already have downloaded the correct file from your nearest ZyXEL FTP server site. See
Chapter 11 for more information on how to transfer the configuration file to your Prestige.
If you have forgotten your password or for some reason cannot access the SMT menu then you need to reinstall the configuration file. Uploading the configuration file replaces the current configuration file with the default configuration file. You lost all configurations that you had before and the speed of the console port is reset to the default of 9600bps with 8 data bit, no parity, 1 stop bit (8n1), and no Flow Control. The password is reset to the default value of 1234, also.
Turn off the Prestige and begin a Terminal session with the current console port settings. Turn on the
Prestige again. When you see the message "Press Any key to enter Debug Mode within 3 seconds", press any key to enter debug mode.
Hardware Installation and Initial Setup 2-7
Prestige 100L IDSL Router
2.7 General Setup
Menu 1 – General Setup contains administrative and system-related information.
To enter Menu 1 and fill in the required information, follow these steps:
Step 1. Enter 1 in the Main Menu to open Menu 1 – General Setup.
Step 2. The Menu 1 – General Setup screen appears, as shown below. Fill in the required fields.
Menu 1 - General Setup
System Name= xxx
Contact Person’s Name=
Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:
Figure 2-7 Menu 1 – General Setup
The fields for General Setup are as shown below. System Name is for identification purposes. The
Location is used to enter the geographic location (up to 31 characters) of your Prestige, e.g., San Jose. The
Contact Person’s Name is used to enter the name (up to 30 characters) of the person in charge of your
Prestige, e.g., John Doe. Both the Location and Contact Person’s Name fields are optional.
Table 2-4 General Setup Menu Field
Choose a descriptive name, up to 30 alphanumeric characters long (no spaces, but dashes “–” and underscores "_" are accepted) for identification purposes.
Enter the geographic location (up to 31 characters) of your Prestige (optional field).
Enter the name (up to 30 characters) of the person-in-charge of your
Prestige (optional field).
San Jose
John Doe
2-8 Hardware Installation and Initial Setup
Prestige 100L IDSL Router
2.8 IDSL Setup
This section describes how to configure the IDSL using Menu 2 – IDSL Setup. From the Main Menu, enter 2 to open Menu 2.
Menu 2 – WAN Port Setup
Service Type: IDSL Client
B Channel Usage= Leased 128K
Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:
Press Space Bar to Toggle.
Figure 2-8 Menu 2 – IDSL Setup
The following table contains instructions on how to configure your IDSL setup.
B Channel
Table 2-5 IDSL Setup Menu Fields
Since the Prestige can only act as an IDSL Client, there is only one option available: IDSL Client.
There are three options available: Leased 128K and Leased 64K, which is used to decide the IDSL line’s speed; or Switch 64K for
Ascend MAX TNT IDSL-module. When the P100L is connected to the
P1600 as the Client router, then this option cannot be set by the user as it is set on the P1600.
IDSL Client
Leased 128K /
Leased 64K /
Switch 64K
2.9 Ethernet Setup
This section describes how to configure the Ethernet-related information using Menu 3 – Ethernet Setup.
From the Main Menu, enter 3 to open Menu 3.
Hardware Installation and Initial Setup 2-9
Prestige 100L IDSL Router
Menu 3 – Ethernet Setup
1. General Setup
2. TCP/IP and DHCP Setup
Enter Menu Selection Number:
Figure 2-9 Menu 3 – Ethernet Setup
2.9.1 General Setup
This menu allows you to specify the filter sets you wish to implement on your Ethernet traffic. From Menu
3 – Ethernet Setup, enter 1 to go to Menu 3.1 – General Ethernet Setup.
Menu 3.1 – General Ethernet Setup
Input Filter Sets:
protocol filters=
device filters=
Output Filter Sets:
protocol filters=
device filters=
Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:
Figure 2-10 Menu 3.1 – General Ethernet Setup
NOTE: You may apply up to four filter sets separated by commas.
Input and Output Filter Sets
Filter sets are used to block certain packets to reduce traffic and to prevent a security breach. Filtering is a very involved subject, so leave these fields blank for the time being. After you have studied filtering in
Chapter 6, come back and define the filter sets. Menu 3.2 is discussed in the next part of the manual. Please read on.
2-10 Hardware Installation and Initial Setup

Public link updated
The public link to your chat has been updated.
Key features
- IDSL support (up to 128 kbps)
- Integrated 4-port Ethernet hub
- PPP security (PAP, CHAP)
- DHCP for automatic IP address assignment
- Data compression (Stac)
- Single User Account (SUA) for multiple users
- SNMP network management support
- Telnet configuration and capabilities
- Firmware upgrade via LAN