Prestige 100L IDSL Router
Chapter 4
Remote Node Setup
This chapter shows you how to configure a remote node.
A remote node is required for placing calls to a remote gateway. A remote node represents both the remote gateway and the network behind it across an IDSL connection. Note that when you use Menu 4 to set up
Internet access, you are actually configuring a remote node.
Even though you can configure up to four remote nodes, the first active remote node is used to connect to the remote LAN. It is good practice to keep only one active remote node for your Prestige.
In this chapter, we discuss the parameters that are protocol independent. The protocol dependent configuration is covered in subsequent chapters. You are also shown how to configure Menu 11.1 Remote
Node Profile, Menu 11.2 – Remote Node PPP Options, Menu 11.3 – Remote Node Network Layer
Options and Menu 11.5 – Remote Node Filter.
4.1 Remote Node Profile
From the Main Menu, select menu option 11 to open Menu 11.1 – Remote Node Profile.
Menu 11.1 - Remote Node Profile
Rem Node Name=
Active =Yes
Edit PPP Options= No
Rem IP Addr=
Edit IP= No
Rem Login=
Rem Password=
Session Options:
Edit Filter Sets= No
My Login=
My Password=
Authen= CHAP/PAP
Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:
Figure 4-1 Menu 11.1 – Remote Node Profile
Remote Node Setup 4-1
Prestige 100L IDSL Router
Rem Node Name
Rem Login
Incoming: Rem
Outgoing: My
Outgoing: My
Outgoing: Authen
Edit PPP Options
Rem IP Addr
Edit IP
Table 4-1 Fields in Menu 11.1
Enter a descriptive name for the remote node. This field can be up to eight characters.
Press the [space bar] to toggle between Yes and No and activate
(deactivate) the remote node.
Enter the Login name that this Remote Node uses when it calls into your Prestige. The login name in this field combined with the
Rem Node Password is used to authenticate the incoming calls from this node.
Enter the password used when this Remote Node calls into your
This is a required field if Call Direction is either Both or Out. Enter the login name for your Prestige when it calls this Remote Node.
This is a required field if Call Direction is either Both or Out. Enter the password for your Prestige when it calls this Remote Node.
This field sets the authentication protocol used for outgoing calls.
Your Prestige supports two authentication protocols: PAP
(Password Authentication Protocol) and CHAP (Challenge
Handshake Authentication Protocol).
PAP sends the user name and password in plain text.
CHAP scrambles the password before it is sent over the wire.
Generally speaking, CHAP is more secure than PAP, however,
PAP is readily available on more platforms. The recommendation is to use CHAP whenever possible. Turning off the authentication is STRONGLY discouraged.
Options for this field are:
CHAP/PAP – your Prestige tries CHAP when CHAP is requested by the Remote Node or PAP when PAP is requested by the Remote Node.
CHAP – use CHAP only.
PAP – use PAP only.
To edit the PPP options for this Remote Node, move the cursor to this field, use [space bar] to select Yes and press the [Enter] key.
This brings you to Menu 11.2 – Remote Node PPP Options for more information on configuring PPP options. See the section
Editing PPP Options.
This is a required field if Route is set to IP. Enter the IP address of this Remote Node.
To edit the parameters of the protocols, go to this field, select Yes and press the [Enter] key. This brings you to Menu 11.3 – Remote
Node Network Layer Options. For more information on filling out this screen, please refer to the chapter pertaining to your specific protocol.
Standard jim
4-2 Remote Node Setup
Prestige 100L IDSL Router
No/Yes Session Options:
Edit Filter Sets
In these fields, select which filter set(s) you would like to implement to filter the incoming and outgoing traffic between this
Remote Node and your Prestige. You can choose from 12 different filter sets. In addition, you can link up to 4 filter sets together for further customization (e.g., 1, 5, 9, 12). Note that spaces and “,” are accepted in this field.
For more information on customizing your filter sets, see Chapter
6. The default is blank, i.e., no filters defined.
4.1.1 Editing PPP Options
Menu 11.2 - Remote Node PPP Options
Encapsulation = Standard PPP
Compression = No
Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:
Press Space Bar to Toggle.
Figure 4-2 Menu 11.2 Remote Node PPP Options
Table 4-2 Fields in Menu 11.2 (PPP Options )
Select CCP (Compression Control Protocol) for the PPP or MP link. There are two options in this field:
Standard PPP – Standard PPP options is used.
• CISCO PPP – CISCO PPP options is used.
Turns on Stac Compression. The default for this field is
Once you have completed Menu 11.2 – Remote Node PPP Options, press the [Enter] key at the message
“Press ENTER to Confirm . . . to confirm your selections or press ESC to cancel your selections”.
4.2 Editing TCP/IP Options
Move the cursor to the Edit IP field in Menu 11.1, then press the [space bar] to toggle and set the value to
Yes. Press the [Enter] key to open Menu 11.3 – Remote Node Network Layer Options.
This section shows you how to configure your Prestige for TCP/IP. Depending on your particular applications, you need to configure different menus. For instance, Internet access is the most common application of TCP/IP. For this application, you should configure Menu 4. Configuration for other applications is shown in the following sections.
Remote Node Setup 4-3
Prestige 100L IDSL Router
LAN-to-LAN Application
A typical LAN-to-LAN application is to use your Prestige to call from a branch office to the headquarters, as depicted in the following diagram.
Figure 4-3 LAN-to-LAN Application
For the branch office, you need to configure a Remote Node in order to dial out to headquarters.
Additionally, you may also need to configure Static Routes if some services reside beyond the immediate remote LAN.
Remote Node Setup
Follow the procedure in the preceding Chapter to fill the protocol-independent parameters in Menu 11,
Remote Node Profile. For the protocol-dependent parameters, follow the instructions below.
Table 4-3
IP Address
Edit IP
Protocol-dependent Parameters for Remote Node Setup
Enter the IP address of the gateway at the remote site (in this case, headquarters). If the remote router is using a different IP address than the one entered here, your
Prestige drops the call.
Press [space bar] to change it to Yes and press the
[Enter] key to go to Menu 11.3 – Remote Node Network
Layer Options menu as shown in the following figure.
4-4 Remote Node Setup
Menu 11.3 - Remote Node Network Layer Options
Rem IP Addr:
Rem Subnet Mask =
My WAN Addr =
Single User Account = Yes
Metric = 2
Private = No
RIP Direction = Both
Version = RIP-2B
Enter here to CONFIRM or ESC to CANCEL:
Prestige 100L IDSL Router
Figure 4-4 Remote Node Network Layer Options
The next table gives you instructions about configuring remote node network layer options.
Rem IP Addr
Rem Subnet
My WAN Addr
Table 4-4 Remote Node Network Layer Options Menu Fields
This shows the IP address you entered for this Remote Node in the previous menu.
Enter the subnet mask for the remote network.
Single User
Some implementations, especially the UNIX derivatives, require hosts on both ends of the ISDN link to have separate addresses from the LAN, and that the addresses must have the same network number. If this is the case, enter the IP address assigned to the
This field set to Yes to enable the Single User Account (Network
Address Translation) feature for this site. Use [space bar] to toggle between Yes and No.
RIP Direction
Metric represents the “costs” of transmission for routing purposes. IP routing uses hop count as the measurement of cost, with a minimum of 1 for directly connected networks. Enter a number that approximates the cost for this link. The number need not be precise, but it must be between 1 and 16. In practice, 2 or 3 is usually a good number.
This parameter determines if your Prestige includes the route to this Remote Node in its RIP broadcasts. If set to Yes, this route is kept private and not included in RIP broadcast. If No, the route to this Remote Node is propagated to other hosts through RIP broadcasts.
This parameter determines how your Prestige handles RIP (Routing
Remote Node Setup 4-5
Prestige 100L IDSL Router
Information Protocol), and the default is Both. If set to Both, your
Prestige broadcasts its routing table on the WAN, and incorporate
RIP broadcasts by the other router into its routing table. If set to In
Only, your Prestige does not broadcast its routing table on the WAN; if set to Out Only, your Prestige broadcasts its routing table but ignores any RIP broadcast packets that it receives. If set to None, your Prestige does not participate in any RIP exchange with other routers. Usually, you should leave this parameter at its default of
Both and RIP propagates the routing information automatically.
Version Press [space bar] to select the RIP version from RIP-1, RIP-2B and
Once you have completed filling in the Remote Node Network Layer Options Menu, press the [Enter] key to return to Menu 11. Press the [Enter] key at the message [Press ENTER to Confirm . . .] to save your configuration, or press the [Esc] key at any time to cancel.
4-6 Remote Node Setup
Prestige 100L IDSL Router
4.3 Remote Node Filter
Move the cursor to the field Edit Filter Sets in Menu 11.1, then press [space bar] to toggle and set the value to Yes. Press the [Enter] key to open Menu 11.5 – Remote Node Filter.
Use Menu 11.5 to specify the filter set(s) to apply to the incoming and outgoing traffic between this remote node and the Prestige and to prevent certain packets from triggering calls. You can specify up to 4 filter sets separated by a comma, e.g., 1, 5, 9, 12, in each filter field. The default is no filters.
Note that spaces are accepted in this field.
Menu 11.5 - Remote Node Filter
Input Filter Sets:
protocol filters=
device filters=
Output Filter Sets:
protocol filters=
device filters=
Enter here to CONFIRM or ESC to CANCEL:
Figure 4-3 Remote Node Filter
Remote Node Setup 4-7