Chapter 11 Transferring Files. ZyXEL Prestige 100L, 100L
Below you will find brief information for IDSL Router Prestige 100L. This guide helps you set up your new ZyXEL Prestige 100L IDSL router for internet access and networking. It covers hardware installation, initial setup, internet access configuration (including Single User Account), remote node setup, and advanced features like filtering and network management. Learn how to connect to your IDSL service, configure your LAN, and secure your network.
Prestige 100L IDSL Router
Chapter 11
Transferring Files
This chapter tells you how to back up and restore your configuration file as well as upload new firmware and a new configuration file.
11.1 Filename Conventions
The configuration file (sometimes called the romfile or romfile-0) contains the settings in the menus such as password, DHCP Setup defaults, TCP/IP Setup defaults, etc. The external (i.e., not on the Prestige) configuration filename is usually the router model name with a *.rom extension, e.g., P100L.rom. The RAS firmware file is the file that contains the ZyXEL Network Operating System firmware and the external firmware file is usually called the router model name with a *.bin extension, e.g., P100L.bin. Rename the configuration filename to “rom-0” and the firmware filename to “ras” when transferring files to the Prestige
(i.e., the internal filenames on the Prestige). Renaming the files is not necessary when you transfer files to the Prestige using the X-Modem protocol.
The following table is a summary. Please note that the internal filename refers to the filename on the
Prestige and the external filename refers to the filename not on the Prestige, i.e., on your workstation, local network or ftp site and so the name (but not the extension) varies. The AT command is the command you enter after you press “Y” when prompted in the SMT menu to go into debug mode. After uploading new firmware see the ZyNOS F/W Version field in Menu 24.2.1 to check if you have uploaded the correct firmware version.
Table 11-1 Filename Conventions
NAME rom-0
Firmware ras *.bin
This is the router configuration filename on the Prestige. Uploading the rom-0 file replaces the entire ROM file system, including your Prestige configurations, system-related data (including the baud rate and default password), the error log and the trace log.
This is the generic name for the RAS firmware on the Prestige.
Transferring Files 11-1
Prestige 100L IDSL Router
11.2 Backup Configuration
Option 5 from Menu 24 – System Maintenance allows you to backup the current Prestige configuration to your workstation. Backup is highly recommended once your Prestige is functioning properly. TFTP is the preferred method for backing up your current workstation configuration to your computer since TFTP is faster. You can also perform backup and restore using menu 24 through the console port. Any serial communications program should work fine; however, you must use XMODEM protocol to perform the download/upload and you do not have to rename the files (see Section 11.1).
Please note that terms “download” and “upload” are relative to the workstation. Download means to transfer from another machine to the your workstation, while upload means from your workstation to another machine.
Menu 24.5 - System Maintenance - Backup Configuration
Ready to backup Configuration via Xmodem.
Do you want to continue (y/n):
Figure 11-1 Menu 24.5 – System Maintenance – Backup Configuration
11.3 Restore Configuration
Menu 24.6 – System Maintenance – Restore Configuration allows you to restore the configuration via the console port. Note that this function erases the current configuration before restoring to the previous back up configuration; please do not attempt to restore unless you have a backup configuration stored on disk.
TFTP is the preferred methods for restoring your current workstation configuration to your Prestige since
TFTP is faster. Please note that the system reboots automatically after the file transfer is complete.
Menu 24.6 - System Maintenance - Restore Configuration
Ready to restore Configuration via Xmodem.
Do you want to continue (y/n):
Figure 11-2 Menu 24.6 – System Maintenance – Restore Configuration
Transferring Files
Prestige 100L IDSL Router
11.4 Upload Firmware
Menu 24.7 – System Maintenance – Upload Firmware allows you to upgrade the firmware and the configuration file via the console port. Note that this function erases the old data before installing the new one; please do not attempt to update unless you have the new firmware at hand. There are two components in the system: the router firmware and the configuration file, as shown in the following figure.
Menu 24.7 -- System Maintenance - Upload Firmware
1. Upload Router Firmware
2. Upload Router Configuration File
Enter Menu Selection Number:
Figure 11-3 Menu 24.7 – System Maintenance – Upload Firmware
11.4.1 Uploading the Router Firmware
Menu 24.7.1 shows you the instructions for uploading the router firmware. Follow the procedure below to upload the file:
Step 1. Enter y at the prompt to go into debug mode.
Step 2. Enter atur after the Enter Debug Mode message.
Step 3. Wait for the Starting XMODEM upload message before activating Xmodem upload on your terminal.
Step 4. After successful firmware upload, enter atgo to restart the Prestige.
Transferring Files 11-3
Prestige 100L IDSL Router
Menu 24.7.1 - System Maintenance - Upload Router Firmware
To upload router firmware:
1. Enter "y" at the prompt below to go into debug mode.
2. Enter "atur" after "Enter Debug Mode" message.
3. Wait for "Starting XMODEM upload" message before activating
Xmodem upload on your terminal.
4. After successful firmware upload, enter "atgo" to restart the
Warning: Proceeding with the upload will erase the current router
Do You Wish To Proceed:(Y/N)
Figure 11-4 Menu 24.7.1 – System Maintenance – Upload Router Firmware
11.4.2 Uploading Router Configuration File
The configuration data, system-related data, the error log and the trace log are all stored in the configuration file. Please be aware that uploading the configuration file replaces everything contained within.
Menu 24.7.2 shows you the instructions for uploading the Router Configuration file. Follow the procedure below to upload the configuration file:
Step 1. Enter y at the prompt to go into debug mode.
Step 2. Enter atur3 after the Enter Debug Mode message.
Step 3. Wait for the Starting XMODEM upload message before activating Xmodem upload on your terminal.
Step 4. After successful firmware upload, enter atgo to restart the Prestige.
If you replace the current configuration file with the default configuration file, i.e., P100L.rom, you loose all configurations that you had before and the speed of the console port is reset to the default of 9600 bps with 8 data bit, no parity, 1 stop bit (8n1) and no Flow Control. You need to change your serial communications software to the default before you can connect to the Prestige again. The password is reset to the default of 1234, also.
11-4 Transferring Files
Prestige 100L IDSL Router
Menu 24.7.2 - System Maintenance - Upload Router Configuration File
To upload router configuration file:
1. Enter "y" at the prompt below to go into debug mode.
2. Enter "atur3" after "Enter Debug Mode" message.
3. Wait for "Starting XMODEM upload" message before activating
Xmodem upload on your terminal.
4. After successful firmware upload, enter "atgo" to restart the
1. Proceeding with the upload will erase the current
configuration file.
2. The router's console port speed (Menu 24.2.2) may change
when it is restarted; please adjust your terminal's speed
accordingly. The password may change (menu 23), also.
3. When uploading the DEFAULT configuration file, the console
port speed will be reset to 9600 bps and the password to
Do You Wish To Proceed:(Y/N)
Figure 11-5 Menu 24.7.2 – System Maintenance – Upload Router Configuration File
11.5 TFTP File Transfer
In addition to the direct console port connection, the Prestige supports the up/downloading of the firmware and the configuration file using TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) over LAN. Although TFTP should work over WAN as well, it is not recommended.
To use TFTP, your workstation must have both telnet and TFTP clients. To transfer the firmware and the configuration file, follow the next procedure:
Step 1. Use telnet from your workstation to connect to the Prestige and log in. Because TFTP does not have any security checks, the Prestige records the IP address of the telnet client and accepts
TFTP requests only from this address.
Step 2. Put the SMT in command interpreter (CI) mode by entering 8 in Menu 24 – System
Step 3. Enter command sys stdio 0 to disable the SMT timeout, so the TFTP transfer is not interrupted. Enter command sys stdio 5 to restore the five-minute SMT timeout (default) when the file transfer is complete.
Step 4. Launch the TFTP client on your workstation and connect to the Prestige. Set the transfer mode to binary before starting data transfer.
Step 5. Use the TFTP client (see the example below) to transfer files between the Prestige and the workstation. The file name for the firmware is ras and for the configuration file, it is rom-0
(rom-zero, not capital o).
Transferring Files 11-5
Prestige 100L IDSL Router
NOTE: If you upload the firmware to the Prestige, it reboots automatically when the file transfer is completed (the SYS LED flashes).
Note that the telnet connection must be active and the SMT in CI mode before and during the TFTP transfer. For details on TFTP commands (see following example), please consult the documentation of your
TFTP client program. For UNIX, use get to transfer from the Prestige to the workstation, put the other way around, and binary to set binary transfer mode.
11.5.1 Using the FTP Command From the DOS Prompt
Step 1. Launch the FTP client on your workstation.
Step 2. Type open and the IP address of your Prestige.
Step 3. You may press the [Enter] key when prompted for a username.
Step 4. Type root and your SMT password as requested. The default is 1234.
Step 5. Type bin to set transfer mode to binary.
Step 6. Use put to transfer files from the workstation to the Prestige, e.g., put p100l.bin ras transfers the firmware on your computer (p100l.bin) to the Prestige and renames it “ras”.
put p100l.rom rom transfers the configuration file on your computer (p100l.rom) to the Prestige and renames it “rom”.
Step 7. Type quit to exit the ftp prompt.
Menu 24.7.2 - System Maintenance - Upload Router Configuration File
To upload router configuration file:
1. Enter "y" at the prompt below to go into debug mode.
2. Enter "atur3" after "Enter Debug Mode" message.
3. Wait for "Starting XMODEM upload" message before activating
Xmodem upload on your terminal.
4. After successful firmware upload, enter "atgo" to restart the
1. Proceeding with the upload will erase the current
configuration file.
2. The router's console port speed (Menu 24.2.2) may change
when it is restarted; please adjust your terminal's speed
accordingly. The password may change (menu 23), also.
3. When uploading the DEFAULT configuration file, the console
port speed will be reset to 9600 bps and the password to
Do You Wish To Proceed:(Y/N)
Figure 11-6 FTP Session Example
11-6 Transferring Files
Prestige 100L IDSL Router
The following table describes some of the fields that you may see in third party FTP clients.
Table 11-2 Third Party FTP Clients
Login Type
This is when a user I.D. and password is automatically supplied to the server for anonymous access. Anonymous logins works only if your ISP or service administrator has enabled this option.
The server requires a unique User ID and Password to login.
Transfer Type Transfer files in either ASCII (plain text format) or in binary mode.
Initial Remote Directory Specify the default remote directory (path).
Initial Local Directory Specify the default local directory (path).
The following is an example tftp command:
TFTP [-i] host put p100l.bin ras where “i” specifies binary image transfer mode (use this mode when transferring binary files), “host” is the
Prestige IP address, “put” transfers the file source on the workstation (p100l.bin – name of the firmware on the workstation) to the file destination on the remote host (ras – name of the firmware on the Prestige).
The following table describes some of the fields that you may see in third party TFTP clients.
Table 11-3 Third Party TFTP Clients – General Fields
Enter the IP address of the Prestige. is the Prestige default IP address when shipped.
Local File
Press Send to upload the file to the Prestige and Fetch to back up the file on your computer.
Enter the path and name of the firmware file (*.bin extension) or configuration file (*.rom
extension) on your computer.
Remote File This is the filename on the Prestige. The filename for the firmware is ras and for the configuration file, is rom-0.
Transfer the file in binary mode.
Stop transfer of the file.
Transferring Files 11-7
Prestige 100L IDSL Router
11.6 Command Interpreter Mode
This option allows you to enter command interpreter mode, a “DOS prompt” type command interface, which allows more advanced system diagnosis and troubleshooting (beyond the scope of this guide). See the ZyXEL web site at for more detailed information on CI commands. Enter 8 from
Menu 24 – System Maintenance. A list of valid commands can be found by typing [help] or [?] at the command prompt. Type “exit” to return to the SMT main menu when finished.
Enter Menu Selection Number: 8
Copyright (c) 1994 – 2000 ZyXEL Communications Corp.
ras> ?
Valid commands are: sys exit device ether isdn ip ppp hdap ras>
Figure 11-7 Command Mode
11-8 Transferring Files
Part IV:
Chapter 12 provides information about solving common problems, Appendices, as well as an

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Key features
- IDSL support (up to 128 kbps)
- Integrated 4-port Ethernet hub
- PPP security (PAP, CHAP)
- DHCP for automatic IP address assignment
- Data compression (Stac)
- Single User Account (SUA) for multiple users
- SNMP network management support
- Telnet configuration and capabilities
- Firmware upgrade via LAN