User Manual of LaView Premium HD Digital Video Recorder
Chapter 3 Basic Operations Guide
User Manual of LaView Premium HD Digital Video Recorder
3.1 Power on and Off
3.1.1 Power On
Correctly install and power on the DVR. When the power indicator lit up, The DVR will automatically detect hardware state of the device during the starting. The booting process will continue for about 30 seconds. After boot, the equipment sounds and then enters the state of multi-screen real-time video surveillance.
3.1.2 Power Off
There are two proper ways to shutdown the DVR. To shutdown the DVR:
OPTION 1: Standard shutdown
1. Enter the Shutdown menu.
Menu > Shutdown
Figure 3. 1 Shutdown menu
2. Select the Shutdown button.
3. Click the Yes button.
4. Turn off the power switch on the rear panel when the note appears.
OPTION 2: By operating the front panel
1. Press and hold the POWER button on the front panel for 3 seconds.
2. Enter the administrator’s username and password in the dialog box for authentication.
3. Select the Shutdown button and Click the Yes button.
User Manual of LaView Premium HD Digital Video Recorder
3.2 Preview and Login in
3.2.1 Preview
After the device is turned on, you will enter the real-time monitoring interface. Right click and the interface will pop up.
Figure 3. 2 Live view
3.2.2 Login In
Click the image above with [main menu], and then input the user name and the password of the
DVRto complete the login.
Note: default user name and password admin, 123456
Figure 3. 3 Login
3.3 Mode Switching
The DVR can work in mixed mode or DVR mode. Mixed-mode can be connected with both analog cameras and network cameras while DVR mode can only support IP cameras.
1. Enter [configuration] – [system]-[channel mode] to select the mode.
2. Restart to complete the setting.
User Manual of LaView Premium HD Digital Video Recorder
Figure 3. 4 Basic interface
3.4 IP Camera
3.4.1 Add IP Camera
Network channels are used to display remote IPCs. The addition of IPCs shows as the following interface.
1. Enter video interface
2. Select Net Channel tab.
Figure 3. 5 Video interface
3. Check the checkbox after Enable Open.
User Manual of LaView Premium HD Digital Video Recorder
Index Item
1 [Channels]
2 [Protocol]
Table 3. 1 Description of Rear Panel
Choose a local channel to display
It is selected according to the type that the IPC supports
Input the IPC’s IP address
Fill in the ONVIF port of the IPC.
[Username] Fill in the user name of the IPC
[Password] Fill in the password of the IPC
[Remote Detect] After completing the above parameters, click the detect button to return the connection status
4. Select the appropriate protocol and click search button. Double click the results and it will add the IPC automatically and return to the previous page. Fill in the user name and password to complete.
Figure 3. 6 Search Device
Note: The IPCs and the device should in the same LAN.
3.4.2 Status Display
Right click in the real-time monitoring screen and select [net channel] to view the status of the network channels.
Figure 3. 7 Net Channel
User Manual of LaView Premium HD Digital Video Recorder
3.5 PTZ Control
When connect with a network ball, right click the corresponding network channel and select [PTZ] to enter into the PTZ interface. If access to a simulated ball machine, enter [Main Menu] - [PTZ] to modify the PTZ protocol, the baud rate and address bits. Then right click in the corresponding channel and select [PTZ].The PTZ control interface is shown as the following interface.
Figure 3. 8 PTZ Control interface
5. Click to enter the PTZ configuration page.
Figure 3. 9 PTZ Configuration
Refer to 4.2 about more details.
3.5.1 PTZ configuration
The direction of PTZ, steps, zoom, focusing, iris, preset points, cruising between points, patrols, sweeping the boundary, calling an auxiliary switch, light switch, horizontal rotation are controlled with the usage of the arrow keys.
The [Step] is mainly used to control directions. The figure can be set from 1 to 8.
Directly click or to adjust zooming, sharpness and brightness adjustment.
PTZ supports eight directions.
User Manual of LaView Premium HD Digital Video Recorder
3.5.2 Quick location
Quick location: <SIT>is in the middle of the direction arrows. Make sure that the protocol supports this function. PTZ will turn to the clicked point and move it to the centre of screen. It also supports zooming. Drag the mouse in the quick location page. The dragged box supports 4 to
16 times zooming. Hold the mouse and drag it up to complete zoom of the box. Drag it down to narrow the box.
Refer to 7.1.5 about more details.
3.6 Search
In real-time monitoring screen, right click and select【search】to enter the searching interface.
3 6
Figure 3. 10 Search interface
Table 3. 2 Description of Rear Panel
Choose the time
Playback control
Recoding mode
Date and time
Input the date and time of records searched.
It can achieve a full screen, circle playback, stopping / playing, pausing, fast playing, slow playing and the previous/next frame on a suspended state .
There are alarm recording and regular recording for selecting.
Select channels to query
Choose the channels for querying.
User Manual of LaView Premium HD Digital Video Recorder
Playback controls It can achieve a full screen and circle playback.
Search Click the button to search.
Choose files and click “ ”to backup. Then select a storage device and recording files.
The list of records
128 video records are shown in the list.
Type: R—normal record, A—alarm record, M—motion detection record.
The channel for
Choose a channel in which the record plays back. playback
3.7 Record
In real-time monitoring screen, right click and select【record】to enter the interface.
Figure 3. 11 Record interface
【Manual】It has the highest priority and corresponding channels will record for whole days after chosen.
【Schedule】Record according to recoding configuration.
【Stop】Stop recording.
3.8 Alarm
User Manual of LaView Premium HD Digital Video Recorder
3.8.1 Alarm Configuration
Enter [main menu]-[detect].
Figure 3. 12 Alarm Detect interface
Index Item
1 [Channel]
2 [Alarm type]
[Set area]
Table 3. 3 Description of Alarm Detect
Select the channel
Dynamic monitoring, video loss and video blind can be selected
Open the enable switch
Set sensitivity of the network channels
It should be set in the IPC
Click the button to set the alarming time, linkage and the handling method.
Figure 3. 13 Record interface
User Manual of LaView Premium HD Digital Video Recorder
[Linkage Set]When produce an alarm, you can activate the linkage of records, PTZ, touring and capturing.
Figure 3. 14 Motion Detect-Link interface
3.8.2 Alarm Input
Enter [main menu]-[alarm]-[alarm input].
Figure 3. 15 Alarm input interface
Index Item
【Alarm input channel no.】 Select a channel
2 【Enable】
Table 3. 4 Description of Rear Panel
Select the enable switch
It can be normal open or close
Click the button to set the alarming time, linkage and the handling method.
User Manual of LaView Premium HD Digital Video Recorder
3.8.3 Alarm Output
This menu manages alarm output parameters and displays the current state of alarm.
Figure 3. 16 Alarm output interface
Index Item
Table 3. 5 Description of Alarm output
The number of channels that are in alarm status
Alarm output is in control of alarm configuration
Alarm output is on and the status is active
Alarm output is off and the status is inactive
The current status of alarm output
Note : Some models don’t have the local alarm; please refer to the products descriptions.
3.8.4 Alarm Status
If you select [Show Message] in linkage settings, the following message will pop up when the alarm occurs.
Figure 3. 17 Alarm status interface
User Manual of LaView Premium HD Digital Video Recorder
3.9 Color Setting
Adjust the specified screen (single screen) image color hue, brightness, contrast, saturation, gain and white-level parameters set two time periods according to the local environment difference between day and night for each adjustment period set, the device will automatically switch to the best video quality.
Figure 3. 18 Color Settings interface
Index Item
Table 3. 6 Description of Color Settings
Two periods can be set according to ambient light during the day and night; device will automatically switch configuration time.
Need to select the Enable box
【Hue】 Adjust according to color cast of image
【Brightness】 Visual image brightness, according to the environment, reduces or
7 increases the brightness of the image brightness to make the image relatively clear
【Contrast】 Adjust image of black and white in proportion, the greater ratio, the brighter image
【Saturation】 Image color purity, the greater value, the more colorful images.
【Gain】 Enlarge the image signal to improve signal quality
【White Level】 Change the white level reference value, to improve the brightness of the image display
Note: Only analog channels support the function.
User Manual of LaView Premium HD Digital Video Recorder
3.10 The Input Method
In the input box, you can select figures, symbols, English capitalization and the input of Chinese.
Click the mouse to complete the input.”
← “represents the backspace and “_ “represents a space.
Figure 3. 19 English figures interface
Figure 3. 20 Chinese figures interface