• Line Out Treble (dB)—Select to adjust the higher frequencies in the sound range for the audio line output.
• Line Out Bass (dB)—Select to adjust the lower frequencies in the sound range for the audio line output.
• Ring Tone Volume—Select the volume level of the ring and busy tones .
• DTMF Tone Volume—Select the volume level of the DTMF and key click tones.
• Status Tone Volume—Select the volume level of status tones.
Associating Auxiliary Audio Input
If you are using LifeSize Room with auxiliary audio input devices, you can choose the video input to associate with the device by configuring Administrator Preferences :
Audio : Auxiliary Audio Input Association. By default, the auxiliary audio input is only heard when an auxiliary video input device is connected and the video image appears in the display. If you choose Any Input, the device attached to the auxiliary audio input is always audible. If you choose a specific video input from the preference options, the device attached to the auxiliary audio input is only audible when the video image from the selected video input appears in the display.
Configuring Video Behaviors
Administrators can adjust video behaviors to control cameras and video quality by configuring preferences in Administrator Preferences : Video.
Controlling Camera Use by Far End Users
To prevent far end users from controlling your near end camera, including configuring and controlling camera presets, choose Disabled for the Administrator Preferences : Video :
Video Control : Far Control of Near Camera preference. If you choose Enabled, you can still prevent far end users from configuring and using near end camera presets by choosing
Disabled for the Far Set of Camera Presets and Far Move to Camera Presets preferences.
Locking Camera Presets
By default, all users can configure pan, tilt, and zoom camera presets. To prevent all users
(near and far end) from configuring camera presets, select Locked for the Administrator
Preferences : Video : Video Control : Camera Presets Lock preference. To prevent only far end users from configuring camera presets, choose Disabled for the Far Control of Near
Camera or Far Set of Camera Presets preferences.
LifeSize Video Communications Systems Administrator Guide 41
Controlling Camera Pan Direction
You can define the pan direction of the camera relative to the physical arrangement of the camera by setting Administrator Preferences : Video : Video Control : Camera Pan
Direction. Select Perceived for the camera to pan left or right from the user’s perspective, when facing the camera. Select Reversed for the camera to pan to the camera’s actual left or right.
Controlling Digital Zoom
Digital zoom electronically crops an area of the video image that appears in the display using the same aspect ratio as the original image and then scales the cropped image to the dimensions of the original image. Digital zoom is available with LifeSize Focus and
LifeSize Camera connected to LifeSize Express, LifeSize Express 200, LifeSize Room 200,
LifeSize Room 220, LifeSize Team 200, and LifeSize Team 220.
Digital zoom is available with LifeSize Camera only after the camera’s longest focal length with optical zoom has been reached. Camera presets are not supported with
LifeSize Camera while using digital zoom. Using a camera preset while in digital zoom returns the camera to optical zoom.
Note: Image quality may degrade when using digital zoom.
By default, digital zoom is disabled. You can enable this feature by choosing Enabled for the
Digital Zoom preference in Administrator Preferences : Video : Video Control.
For information about using digital zoom, refer to the LifeSize Video Communications
System User Guide.
Controlling Video Snapshots in the Web Administration Interface
You can save video snapshots in .jpg format of video from the near and far cameras only from the Call Manager in the web administration interface. By default, video snapshots are enabled. To disable video snapshots select Disabled for the Video Snapshot preference in
Administrator Preferences : Video : Video Control. You can also disable or enable video snapshots in the Call Manager in the web administration interface. For more information
about video snapshots, refer to "Saving Video Snapshots" on page 58.
42 LifeSize Video Communications Systems Administrator Guide
Specifying Primary and Presentation Input Defaults
You can specify a default input for the primary input and the presentation input using the
Default Primary Input and Default Presentation Input preferences in Administrator
Preferences : Video : Video Control. The user interface resets to show the selected default input when a call is answered after the system was idle and when the call terminates.
This ensures that the default input is always selected when a call starts. Users can change the inputs before or during a call. If you choose Manual for these preferences, the user interface shows the last input selected by the user and does not automatically change the inputs.
If you choose Auto (the default) for the Default Presentation Input preference, the system chooses the device connected to the VGA or DVI-I input on the codec.
If you choose Auto (the default) for the Default Primary Input preference, the system chooses a default input device in the following order:
LifeSize Model
LifeSize Room
LifeSize Team MP
LifeSize Express 200
Input Priority
HD Camera (active camera)
Auxiliary video
HD Camera 1
Document Camera
HD Camera 1
LifeSize Express 220
LifeSize Team 200
LifeSize Team 220
LifeSize Express
LifeSize Room 200
LifeSize Room 220
HD Input 1
HD Input 1 (if connected to LifeSize Camera 200)
HD Camera 1 (LifeSize Camera or LifeSize Focus connected to the port labeled LifeSize Camera Only or
System Camera Only)
HD Input 1 (connected to a device other than a
LifeSize Camera 200)
HD Input 1 (if connected to LifeSize Camera 200)
HD Input 2 (if connected to LifeSize Camera 200)
HD Camera 1 (LifeSize Camera or LifeSize Focus connected to the port labeled System Camera Only)
HD Input 1 (connected to a device other than a
LifeSize Camera 200)
LifeSize Video Communications Systems Administrator Guide 43
Customizing Input Device Names
You can define custom input names by changing the default values for the following preferences in Administrator Preferences : Video : Video Control. Customized names for inputs are limited to 16 characters.
Preference Support Default
HD Camera 1 Name HD Camera 1
HD Camera 2 Name
Document Camera Name
HD Input 1 Name
HD Input 2 Name
Auxiliary Video Input Name
VGA Input Name
LifeSize Room
LifeSize Team MP
LifeSize Express
LifeSize Express 200
LifeSize Room 200
LifeSize Room 220
LifeSize Team 200
LifeSize Team 220
LifeSize Room
LifeSize Room
LifeSize Team MP
LifeSize Express
LifeSize Express 220
LifeSize Room 200
LifeSize Room 220
LifeSize Team 200
LifeSize Team 220
LifeSize Room 200
LifeSize Room 220
LifeSize Room
LifeSize Room 200
LifeSize Room 220
LifeSize Room
LifeSize Team MP
LifeSize Express
HD Camera 2
Doc Camera
HD 1
HD 2
44 LifeSize Video Communications Systems Administrator Guide
DVI-I Input Name
LifeSize Room 200
LifeSize Express 220
LifeSize Team 200
LifeSize Team 220
LifeSize Express 200
LifeSize Express 220
Configuring HD In and DVI-I In
If your LifeSize system has one or more HD inputs or a DVI-I input on the codec, you may need to adjust the HD Input Type and DVI-I Input Type preferences in Administrator
Preferences : Video : Video Control. The default option Auto works with most devices. If no video image or a solid colored image appears from the HD device attached to the HD input on the codec, choose the DVI option for this preference.
Note: Choosing the DVI option forces the LifeSize system to only use DVI video and ignore any audio input. To work around this issue, connect the audio from the attached HD device to the line in port on the back of the codec.
Controlling Video Stretch
You can ensure that users always see 4:3 aspect ratio presentation input or received presentation video in 16:9 aspect ratio by selecting Enabled for the Stretch Video preference in Administrator Preferences : Video : Video Control. The default is Disabled.
Note: Setting this preference to Enabled has no effect if the resolution of either display connected to the system is set to 1920x1080 on LifeSize systems that support this resolution.
The System Information screen shows the actual input size for the VGA Input status (or
DVI-I Input status on models that include a DVI-I input on the codec). The input selector shows a 16:9 or 4:3 window for the input depending on the aspect ratio.
LifeSize Video Communications Systems Administrator Guide 45
Choosing a VISCA Input with Supported Third Party Cameras
LifeSize Room 200 and LifeSize Room 220 include the VISCA Input preference in
Administrator Preferences : Video : Video Control for selecting the input on the codec to which a supported VISCA controlled camera is connected. For more information about using this preference, refer to the technical note Using the Sony EVI-HD1 Camera with
LifeSize Room 200 and LifeSize Room 220. The default is SDI Adapter. If you are using the
RS-232 serial port on LifeSize Room 200 or LifeSize Room 220 to control the system through the command line interface with a third party device, None appears as the setting for this preference.
Balancing Primary and Presentation Video Bandwidth
For video images sent to the far side during a presentation, you can allocate bandwidth to the primary and presentation video input streams as percentages of the total available bit rate for the video streams. Select the percentage to allocate in Administrator Preferences
: Video : Video Quality : Video Bandwidth Balance.
Note: Adjust this preference before placing a call. Adjusting this preference during a call has no effect.
The first percentage in each option applies to the primary video input stream, typically the high definition camera. The second percentage applies to the presentation video input stream, typically a laptop or personal computer connected to the codec. The system allocates the bandwidth based on the selected option when only the system sends video images during a presentation. Consider adjusting this preference when the video stream from the presentation video input includes motion, for example a slide show that includes several animations or video input from a DVD player.
46 LifeSize Video Communications Systems Administrator Guide
Selecting Priority of Quality Metrics for Source Video
You can favor sharpness or motion as a priority for the quality of primary and presentation video that the LifeSize system sends to the far end during a call. If you favor sharpness by selecting a smaller number for the Administrator Preferences : Video : Video Quality :
Primary Video Motion preference, in lower bandwidth calls the system sends the primary video at a lower frame rate and a higher resolution. The default value (10) favors motion.
Consider adjusting this preference if bandwidth is limited.
If you are sending a presentation, select the priority for the quality of the presentation video in Administrator Preferences : Video : Video Quality : Presentation Video Sharpness.
The default value (10) favors sharpness. Typically, presentation data does not include motion (for example, a spread sheet or slide show). When you favor motion for presentation video by selecting a smaller number for this preference, the system sends the video at a higher frame rate and a lower resolution.
Adjusting Video Encoder Quality
You can adjust the quality of the video image sent to the far end during a call by specifying a relative lower or higher resolution in the Administrator Preferences : Video : Video
Quality : Video Encoder Quality preference. Moving the slider to the right decreases the resolution of the video sent to the far end and improves the quality of the video image.
Consider using this preference to make minor adjustments to the quality of the video image sent to the far end.
Enabling H.241 MaxStaticMBPS
The ITU-T Recommendation H.241 includes definitions of optional parameters that decoders can support and communicate as their capabilities to other devices. When you set the H.241 MaxStaticMBPS preference in Administrator Preferences : Video : Video
Quality to Enabled, the LifeSize codec can send near end video at a higher resolution to third party far end devices that communicate support for the MaxStaticMBPS optional parameter.
Adjusting the MTU of Video Packets
Video packets that exceed the maximum transmission unit (MTU) size for any router or segment along the network path may be fragmented or dropped. This results in poor quality video at the receiving device. You can set the MTU of video packets that your LifeSize system sends. The default value is 1440 bytes. The allowed range is 900 -1500 bytes. To set the MTU for video packets, access Administrator Preferences : Video :
Video Quality : Video MTU.
LifeSize Video Communications Systems Administrator Guide 47