Exclusive Web Administration Features
You can perform the same administrative configuration from the web administration interface that is available from the user interface. The web administration interface contains the following additional features that are not available in the user interface.
Note: Ensure that you are using a supported version of Adobe Flash Player and a supported browser when administering a LifeSize system in the web administration interface. Some features such as file uploads may fail to function properly with an unsupported web browser or version of the Flash Player. Refer to the Release
Notes for your LifeSize system model on the Support page of www.lifesize.com for supported web browsers and Flash Player versions.
Adding or Removing Custom Background Images and Colors
You can add or remove custom background images only from the web administration interface. Access Preferences : Appearance : Backgrounds and click Add at the bottom of the screen to add a new background image. To apply the new image, select it and then click the display to which to apply it. Images must be 1280 x 720, .jpg file type, and have unique display names.
Users and administrators can specify a background color instead of a background image to appear in the display. Choose None for the Display Background Image preference in
Administrator Preferences : Appearance : Backgrounds or in User Preferences :
Backgrounds and then select a color for the Display Background Color preference.
Only administrators can specify a custom background color in the web administration interface in Preferences : Appearance : Backgrounds. A color swatch appears next to the current background for each display. Click the color swatch. An eye dropper icon and a color wheel icon appear. Use these icons to do the following:
LifeSize Video Communications Systems Administrator Guide 57
Choose a Background Color from the Interface
1. Click the eye dropper to choose a color from the web administration interface.
2. Click the color you wish to apply from the interface.
3. Click the display to apply the color.
Specify a Custom Color
1. Click the color wheel to access the color editor.
2. Specify a custom color by supplying RGB values or a hexadecimal value. You can also choose a predefined color by clicking one of the color swatches that appears in the color editor.
3. Click Save Changes to save the selection.
4. Click the display to apply the color.
Saving Video Snapshots
You can save video snapshots in .jpg format of video from the near and far cameras only from the web administration interface. From the Call Manager in the web administration interface, click the Save Snapshot button to capture a video image from the near or far camera. By default, video snapshots are enabled. To disable video snapshots, navigate to
Preferences : Video : Video Control and select Disabled for the Video Snapshot preference. You can also use the button in the Call Manager to disable or enable video snapshots.
Note: A system does not generate video snapshots when it is asleep. If the web administration interface is showing the Call Manager screen, the system awakens if asleep and does not go to sleep. If you leave the Call Manager screen, or the web administration interface times out to the login screen, the system goes to sleep after the interval specified by the Screen Saver Timeout plus the Sleep Timeout preferences.
Video snapshots of the primary input camera are also available on the Diagnostics :
Cameras page in the web administration interface.
58 LifeSize Video Communications Systems Administrator Guide
Using Advanced Directory Features
Advanced usage of the directory is available only from the web administration interface. On the Directory tab, click the name of the directory you wish to access. List All retrieves the current directory data. Use Search to locate a specific entry in the directory.
When viewing the local or meetings directory, you can click Clear All to delete all entries;
Import to add multiple entries; Export to export the entries in CSV format; and Add New to add a single entry.
When viewing the corporate directory, you can click Export to export the entries in CSV format.
Note: When importing and exporting directory entries from the web administration interface, use a text editor that supports UTF-8 encoding to view or edit the data.
Double-byte characters are not supported in directory entries imported using the web administration interface.
Saving and Restoring a System Configuration
You can save and restore a system configuration only from the web administration interface.
The System Save feature creates a text file that contains command line interface commands to restore a saved configuration. The saved configuration includes all the preferences that can be set through the command line interface, except the command line interface password and the password for the default SNMP user. You can edit the file manually to customize the configuration. The System Restore feature restores a system configuration using the saved configuration file. For more information about editing commands in the configuration file and saving and restoring a system configuration using the command line interface, refer to LifeSize Automation Command Line Interface for
LifeSize Video Communications Systems.
Note: Configuration preferences and options vary across LifeSize system models and software releases. Restoring a system configuration using a file saved from a different model or software release may produce unexpected results. LifeSize recommends that you restore a configuration that was saved from the same system or the same system model and software release.
LifeSize Video Communications Systems Administrator Guide 59
To save a system configuration from the web administration interface, follow these steps:
1. In the web administration interface, navigate to Preferences : System : System Reset.
If you wish to save system passwords in the file, select Save passwords. Passwords saved with this option are not encrypted.
2. Click System Save.
3. In the Download file dialog box, click Yes.
4. When prompted, choose a location in which to save the configuration file and then click
To restore the system configuration from the web administration interface, follow these steps:
1. Ensure that a saved configuration file exists before performing a restore.
2. If you chose not to save passwords when you saved the configuration file, passwords appear in the file as tokens surrounded by ### characters and FIX: precedes the command in the configuration file, for example:
FIX: set admin password ###Password###
If you wish to replace these tokens with passwords before using the file to restore a system, delete FIX: and replace ###token### with the password. If you do not edit these lines, error 09 (invalid command) appears in the command output when you restore the system; the FIX: lines are ignored; and values previously set for the passwords remain unchanged.
3. Hang up all calls connected to the system. If calls are connected when you perform a restore, a dialog appears prompting you to continue or cancel the restore. If you continue, the system restore process terminates the calls.
4. In the web administration interface, navigate to Preferences : System : System Reset.
5. Click System Restore.
6. If an error dialog appears, examine the errors. You may wish to copy and paste the errors into a text editing program for analysis and troubleshooting. Errors due to the presence of FIX: lines identify commands with token passwords that were not manually edited. Other errors may indicate a problem with restoring a specified preference or restoring the entire configuration. For a description of the error codes that can appear, see “Standard Return Codes” in the LifeSize Automation Command Line Interface for
LifeSize Video Communications Systems.
60 LifeSize Video Communications Systems Administrator Guide
7. Click Continue. The LifeSize system reboots and a dialog appears indicating that the restore succeeded.
Copying Screen Text to the Clipboard
The web administration interface supports copying data from most screens to the operating system clipboard. This feature facilitates troubleshooting by enabling you to paste configuration information into an email or text editing application. If a screen supports this feature, a Copy button appears in the lower right corner of the screen. Click the Copy button to copy the data on the screen to the clipboard.
Downloading Call History
You can download call history as a comma separated value file (.csv file extension) from the
Diagnostics page in the web administration interface. Click Call History and then click
Download Call History. When prompted, choose a location to save the file. The call history file contains the same output that is produced when you execute the following command in the command line interface: status call history -f -?
Downloading call history from the web administration interface retrieves a maximum of 26 records. You can retrieve up to 1000 records using the command line interface. Restoring a system to default settings or executing the set system clean -C command from the command line interface deletes call history from the codec. For more information about retrieving and deleting call history from the command line interface, refer to LifeSize
Automation Command Line Interface for LifeSize Video Communications Systems. For
more information about restoring a system to default settings, refer to "Restoring Default
Settings" on page 30.
Upgrading System Software
You can upgrade your system software and manually install a license key only from the web
administration interface. For more information, refer to "Upgrading your System Software" on page 62.
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