4 Using the LUN Manager GUI. HP XP24000/20000
HP XP24000/20000 LUN Manager is a software that allows you to configure and manage Logical Unit Numbers (LUNs) on XP24000 and XP20000 Disk Arrays. You can use it to define I/O paths from hosts to logical volumes, reconfigure LUs while the storage system is online to accommodate system configuration changes and optimize storage system performance, and apply security policies to logical volumes to protect data from unauthorized access.
4 Using the LUN Manager GUI
This chapter describes the windows in the LUN Manager GUI.
LUN Manager window
“LUN Manager window” (page 12)
Port window
Authentication window, Fibre folder selected
“Authentication window—Fibre folder selected”
Authentication window, Fibre port selected
“Authentication window—Fibre port selected”
LUN Manager window
When you launch LUN Manager, the LUN Manager window opens. Use this window to define
LU paths and apply LUN security to logical volumes.
Storage partition administrators can view information or perform the operation within only the allocated SLPR (storage management logical partition). For information on SLPR, see the Cache
Partition User Guide.
Figure 4 LUN Manager window (Selecting icon under Fibre folder)
LU Path tree
LU Path list
WWN List
12 Using the LUN Manager GUI
Select a host group from this tree on the left to see information in the table on the right about LU paths associated with the selected host group. For details, see
This table provides LU path information about the host group specified in the tree. For details, see
The WWN list is available when you select an item related to a fibre channel port from the tree. For details, see
LDEV list
This table provides information about the logical volumes in the storage system. For details, see
“Volume security for mainframe list” (page 15)
Applies settings made in the window to the storage system.
Cancels settings made in the window.
LU Path tree
Use this tree to find information about LU paths. When you select a host group from this tree, the table on the right displays information about LU paths associated with the selected host group.
If you double-click the Fibre folder in the tree, fibre channel ports in the storage system appear as icons. On the right side of each icon appear the port name, the port address, LUN security status, and the port attribute (that is, whether the port is an initiator port, a target port, an RCU target port, or an external port).
The Fibre folder is available only if the storage system contains a fibre channel adapter.
Figure 5 Fibre folder
Icon Description
Indicates a port in Standard mode. LUN security is disabled on the port.
Indicates a port in Standard mode. LUN security is enabled on the port.
Indicates a port in High Speed mode. LUN security is disabled on the port.
Indicates a port in High Speed mode. LUN security is enabled on the port.
Indicates a port in Initiator/External MIX mode. LUN security is disabled on the port.
Indicates a port in Initiator/External MIX mode. LUN security is enabled on the port.
When you double-click a fibre channel port in the tree, a list of host groups appears. On the right of this icon appear the group number (G-ID) of host group, the host group name, and the host mode. For details of host modes, see Table 5.1.
When you double-click a host group in the tree, a list of host bus adapters appears. On the right of this icon appear the nickname and the worldwide name (WWN) of the host bus adapter.
Host bus adapters are adapters contained in host computers and are used as ports for connecting hosts and the storage system.
When you double-click a port for which LUN security is disabled to display a list of host groups, the host groups except for the first host group (that is, the host group 0) are unavailable.
LUN Manager window 13
LU Path list
On the right, the LU path list shows information about the host group specified in the tree.
Figure 6 LU Path list
Disk Array
14 Using the LUN Manager GUI
LUNs assigned to logical volumes. LUNs (logical unit numbers) are address numbers assigned to logical units (LUs), which are logical volumes that can be accessed by open-system hosts. If no paths are defined, the other columns on the right are blank.
indicates a logical volume to which an LU path is defined.
indicates an expanded LU.
indicates a command device.
indicates command device security.
indicates a remote command device.
indicates a LUN to which no LU path is defined.
LDKC number, CU image number, and LDEV number of a logical volume. These numbers are delimited by a colon (:).
If an LDEV number ends with #, the logical volume is an external volume.
If an LDEV number ends with V, the logical volume is a virtual volume for Snapshot.
If an LDEV number ends with X, the logical volume is a virtual volume for Thin Provisioning.
Identifier of a logical volume from the host. If a UUID is not specified, this column is blank.
When you set a UUID from a host, any character not contained in the ASCII character set is automatically converted to a blank space.
N/A is displayed if you assign a logical volume, which is assigned to an OpenVMS server host, to a server host other than OpenVMS, or if you assign a logical volume, which is assigned to a server host other than OpenVMS, to an OpenVMS server host.
When N/A is displayed, the UUID you set cannot be guaranteed. If you want to display a UUID instead of N/A, clear the UUID setting, and then set the proper UUID for a server host.
Emulation types for each logical volume (or logical device).
For LUSE volumes, an asterisk (*) and a number appear on the right of the emulation type. For example, OPEN-9*3 indicates that three OPEN-9 volumes are combined.
Size of each logical volume.
Disk array level for each logical volume.
If the logical volume is an external volume or a virtual volume, the Disk array column does not show the level, but shows a hyphen (-) instead.
When the parity groups are combined, an asterisk (*) and a number appear to the right of the Disk array level. For example, 5(7D+1P)*2 indicates that two parity groups are combined.
Access Attribute
Number of alternate paths, if any.
Access attribute of each logical volume.
The following statistics appear below the table:
Selected LUNs
Remaining LUNs (Port)
Remaining LUNs (GRP)
Add LU Path
Number of LUNs selected in the table.
Number of LUNs to which no LU path has been defined.
Indicates the number of LU paths that you can add to the port specified in the tree.
Number of LUNs to which no LU path has been defined.
Indicates the number of LU paths that you can add to the host group specified in the tree.
Registers host bus adapters in a host group. Before using this button, select a host group in the LU Path tree and also select host bus adapters (WWNs) in the WWN list.
Defines LU paths to logical volumes. Before using this button, select LUNs in the LU Path list and also select logical volumes in the LDEV list.
WWN list
At the lower left of the LUN Manager window, the WWN list appears when you select an item related to a fibre channel port from the tree. The WWN list provides information on host bus adapters that are connected to fibre channel ports of the storage system.
Figure 7 WWN List
Host Group
A list of ports. The fibre address of a port appears to the right of the port name.
Host groups, which are used to classify server hosts connected to the storage system.
You need to create host groups in the LUN Manager window.
Nicknames of host bus adapters. Nicknames can be specified in the LUN Manager window.
Worldwide names of host bus adapters.
Volume security for mainframe list
The Volume security for mainframe list provides information about the logical volumes in the storage system. Below the table appears the number of logical volumes selected in the table.
The LDEV list does not contain any volume reserved by Auto LUN.
LUN Manager window 15
Figure 8 Volume security for maintenance list
Disk Array
Parity Group
Column Head
Column Head
The LDKC number “00”. This number is unavailable.
CU images.
LDKC number, CU image number, and LDEV number of a logical volume. These numbers are delimited by a colon (:).
indicates a normal logical volume.
indicates an expanded LU (that is, an LUSE volume).
indicates a command device.
indicates command device security.
If an LDEV number ends with #, the logical volume is an external volume.
If an LDEV number ends with V, the logical volume is a virtual volume for Snapshot.
If an LDEV number ends with X, the logical volume is a virtual volume for Thin
Identifier of a logical volume from the host. If a UUID is not specified, this column is blank.
When you set a UUID from a host, any character not contained in the ASCII character set is automatically converted to a blank space.
Emulation types for each logical volume (or logical device).
For LUSE volumes, an asterisk (*) and a number appear on the right of emulation types. For example, OPEN-9*3 indicates that three OPEN-9 volumes are combined.
Size of each logical volume.
Disk array level for each logical volume.
If the logical volume is an external volume or a virtual volume, the Disk array column does not show the level, but shows a hyphen (-) instead.
When the parity groups are combined, an asterisk (*) and a number appear to the right of the Disk array level. For example, 5(7D+1P)*2 indicates that two parity groups are combined.
Names of parity groups. If the name begins with E, the group is an external volume group consisting of one or more external volumes.
If the name begins with V, the group is a V-VOL group consisting of one or more virtual volumes for Snapshot.
If the name begins with X, the group is a V-VOL group consisting of one or more virtual volumes for Thin Provisioning.
When the parity groups are combined, a combined parity group appears in the square brackets ([ ]). For example, 9-7[9-8] indicates that 9-8 is combined with 9-7.
16 Using the LUN Manager GUI
Column Head
Access Attribute
Column Head
Number of alternate paths, if any.
Access attribute of each logical volume.
Port window
When you launch LUN Manager and click the Port tab, the Port window opens. Use this window to make settings for fibre channel ports.
Storage partition administrators can display ports or perform the operation within only the allocated
Figure 9 Port window (when selecting icon under fibre folder)
Package tree
Port list
Change Port Mode box
Select a port to be operated in this tree. For details, see
The Port list shows all ports on a channel adapter if you select a channel adapter in the tree or all ports in a port block if you select a port block. Use the options in the Change Port Mode group box to change information in this list. For details, see
Use this box to change information in the Port list. For details, see
Applies settings made in the window to the storage system.
Cancels settings made in the window.
Package tree
Use this tree to select the port to be operated. The Fibre folder appears under the Subsystem folder.
Port window 17
Figure 10 Package tree
When you double-click the Fibre folder, the folder opens and lists fibre channel adapters (CHAs).
When you double-click a channel adapter, port blocks appear below the channel adapter. The meaning of the icons of the channel adapters and the port blocks is shown as follows:
Icon Description
Indicates a channel adapter package.
All ports in this channel adapter package are in Standard mode.
Indicates a channel adapter package.
All or some ports in this channel adapter package are in High Speed mode.
Indicates a channel adapter package.
All or some ports in this channel adapter package are in Initiator/External MIX mode.
Indicates a port block in a channel adapter package. Ports in this port block are in Standard mode
Indicates a port block in a channel adapter package. Ports in this port block are in High Speed mode.
Indicates a port block in a channel adapter package. Ports in this port block are in Initiator/External
MIX mode.
Port list
The Port list shows all ports on a channel adapter if you select a channel adapter in the tree or all ports in a port block if you select a port block. Use the options in the Change Port Mode group box to change information in this list.
Figure 11 Port list displaying information about fibre channel ports
Port name
Host speed
Addr. (Loop ID)
18 Using the LUN Manager GUI
Port names.
Types of ports. Fibre indicates a fibre channel port, which is used for connecting open-system hosts.
Host speed in Gbps (gigabits per second). You can specify the data transfer speed for fibre channel ports.
Addresses of ports.
Indicates whether a fabric switch is used.
Topology, indicating how devices are connected to each other. The default is FC-AL. However, you must be aware that some fabric switches require you to specify the point-to-point topology. If your system uses a fabric switch, you must check the documentation for the fabric switch to determine whether your switch requires the point-to-point topology.
Indicates whether the port is an initiator port, a target port, an RCU target port, or an external port.
WWN of the disk array port.
Mode box
Use this box to change information in the Port list.
Figure 12 Change port mode box showing information about fibre channel ports
Select a Port
Host Speed
Fibre Addr.
If you want to change settings for a port, select the port from this list.
The text box on the left shows the current data transfer speed for the selected port.
Use the list on the right to specify the data transfer speed for the selected port. If Auto is selected, the storage system automatically sets the data transfer speed to 1 Gbps,
2 Gbps, 4 Gbps, or 8 Gbps (Gigabits per second).
NOTE: If you are using 2 Gbps HBA and switch, set the transfer speed of the CHF port as 2 Gbps. If you are using 1 Gbps HBA and switch, set the transfer speed of the CHF port as 1 Gbps. If you are using 4 Gbps HBA and switch, set the transfer speed of the CHF port as 4 Gbps. If you are using 8 Gbps HBA and switch, set the transfer speed of the CHF port as 8 Gbps. However, the transfer speed of the CHF port cannot be set as 1 Gbps when the CHF is 8US. Therefore, 1 Gbps HBA and switch cannot be connected. If the Auto Negotiation setting is required, the linkup may become improper at server reboot. Check a channel lamp, and if it is blinking, remove and re-insert the cable to perform the signal synchronization and linkup.
When the transfer speed of the CHF port is set to Auto, the data might not be transferred at the maximum speed depending on the connected device. Confirm the transfer speed at the Host Speed displayed in the Port list when you start up the storage system, HBA or switch. When the transfer speed is not the maximum speed, select the maximum speed from the list on the right or remove and re-insert the cable.
The text box on the left shows the current address of the selected port.
Use the list on the right to specify the address of the selected port.
Port window 19
The text box on the left indicates whether a fabric switch is used. This option must be set to ON if a fabric switch is used. This option must be set to OFF if a fabric switch is not used.
Use the list on the right to specify whether a fabric switch is used.
The text box on the left indicates the current topology. This text box can display FC-AL or P-to-P (point-to-point).
Use the list on the right to specify the topology.
CAUTION: Some fabric switches require you to specify the point-to-point topology.
If your system uses a fabric switch, you must check the documentation for the fabric switch to determine whether your switch requires the point-to-point topology.
Applies settings in the Change Port Mode box to the Port list.
Cancels settings in the Change Port Mode box.
Authentication window—Fibre folder selected
When you launch LUN Manager and click the Authentication tab, the Authentication window opens. Use this window to make settings for user authentication. The storage partition administrators can display information or perform the operation within only the allocated SLPR.
Figure 13 Authentication window (when selecting fibre folder)
Port tree
Port information list
FC Switch information list
Use this tree to find information about user authentication on each port on the subsystem.
For details, see
Provides port information about the item selected in the tree. For details, see
“Port information list” (page 21) .
Provides information about the item selected in the tree. For details, see
“FC Switch information list” (page 22) .
20 Using the LUN Manager GUI
Applies settings made in the window to the storage system.
Cancels settings made in the window.
Port tree
Use this tree to find information about the user authentication on each port.
If you double-click the Fibre folder, fibre channel ports in the storage system appear as icons. If you select the Fibre folder, information about ports and fibre channel switches is displayed to the right of the tree.
The Fibre folder is available only if the storage system contains a fibre channel adapter. The icon indicates a fibre channel port.
Figure 14 Fibre folder
Port information list
The Port Information list provides port information about the item selected in the tree.
Figure 15 Port information list
Port Name
Time out
Fibre channel port names.
Period of time between authentication sessions to a same port. If the previous authentication session to a port failed, the next authentication session starts after the specified period of time elapses. The unit is seconds.
Authentication window—Fibre folder selected 21
Refusal Intvl.
Refusal Freq.
If authentication fails for the number of times specified in Refusal Freq., connection to the port fails. Refusal Intvl. shows the interval (in minutes) from when connection to a port fails to when the next authentication session starts.
Number of times of authentication allowable for connection to a port. If authentication fails for the displayed number of times, connection to the port fails.
FC Switch information list
The FC Switch Information list provides information about the item selected in the tree.
Figure 16 FC Switch information list
Port Name
User Name
Fibre channel port names.
User names of fibre channel switches.
Mode of authentication between ports and fibre channel switches. If the authentication mode is mutual, bi-directional appears. If the authentication mode is not mutual, unidirectional appears.
Indicates whether to perform authentication for the fibre channel switch. If the fibre channel switch is a target of user authentication, Enable appears. If the host is not a target of user authentication, Disable appears.
Authentication window—Fibre port selected
When you launch LUN Manager and click the Authentication tab, the Authentication window opens. Use this window to make settings for user authentication. The storage partition administrators can display information or perform the operation within only the allocated SLPR.
22 Using the LUN Manager GUI
Figure 17 Authentication window (when selecting port icon under fibre folder)
Port tree
Authentication information (Target) list
Authentication information (Host) list
Use this tree to find information about user authentication for each port. For details, see
This list provides user information of host groups that are allowed to connect to the port or host group specified in the tree. For details, see
“Authentication information (Target) list” (page 24)
Below the User Information (Target) list appears a list that provides user information of the host selected in the port or host group in the tree. In this list, you can register up to 64 user information items. For details, see
“Authentication information (Host) list” (page 24) .
Applies settings made in the window to the storage system.
Cancels settings made in the window.
Port tree
Use this tree to find information about user authentication on each port. When you select a port from this tree, the Authentication Information (Target) list on the right displays user information of hosts registered on the port. In addition, the Authentication Information (Host) list below the
Authentication Information (Target) list displays the user information of the selected port.
If you double-click the Fibre folder, fibre channel ports in the storage system appear as icons.
Moreover, if you double-click the fibre channel ports, host group appear as icons. On the right of each icon appears the host group name. When appears on the icon, the host group performs authentication of hosts. When appears on the icon, the host group does not perform that authentication. The icon is displayed by default for all of the host group icons.
The Fibre folder is available only if the storage system contains a fibre channel adapter.
Authentication window—Fibre port selected 23
Figure 18 Fibre folder
Column Head
CLX-Y host group name host group name
Column Head
Indicates a fibre channel port.
Indicates that the host group performs authentication of hosts.
Indicates that the host group does not perform authentication of hosts.
Authentication information (Target) list
On the right side, a list provides user information of host groups that are allowed to connect to the port or host group specified in the tree.
Figure 19 Authentication information (Target) list
Group Name
User Name
Names of the host groups.
User name of the host group. When the user name is not defined for a host group, this column becomes blank.
Indicates whether to perform authentication for the host. If the host is a target of user authentication, Enable appears. If the host is not a target of user authentication, Disable appears.
Authentication information (Host) list
Below the User Information (Target) list appears a list that provides user information of the host selected in the port or host group in the tree. In this list, you can register up to 64 user information items.
24 Using the LUN Manager GUI
Figure 20 Authentication information (Host) list
Group Name
User Name
Names of the host groups.
User name of the host group. When the user name is not defined for a host group, this column becomes blank.
Indicates the protocol used in the user authentication.
Authentication window—Fibre port selected 25

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Key features
- Configure and manage LUNs
- Define I/O paths
- Reconfigure LUs online
- Apply security policies
- Support alternative path failover
- Support path load balancing
- Support clustered systems