Events Tab
Use the Events tab to configure camera events and analytics.
Events are activated by user-defined event sources that tell the device how to react when an event occurs. Event handlers are the actions that the device takes when an event occurs. For example, a system source can be configured to send email to an operator if the system shuts-down and restarts.
Sources Settings
The camera supports an input alarm source, a system source, and a timer source. The Alarm source is the camera input for an external signaling device, such as a door contact or motion detector. The System source is activated when the camera restarts. The Timer source is a user-defined event that activates an event after a specified amount of time.
Handlers Settings
The device supports a Send Email handler and an “Upload JPEG to FTP Server handlers.” The Send Email handler sends an email to a defined email address when an event is activated. The “Upload JPEG to FTP Server” saves a JPEG of the activated event to a defined FTP server.
1. Place your mouse pointer over the Events tab.
2. Select Sources from the drop-down menu.
3. In the New Event Source section of the window, click the Name box and type a user-friendly name (2 to 23 alphanumeric characters).
4. Select System from the Type drop-down menu.
5. Select the Boot check box to activate an event when the camera reboots.
6. Click the Submit button to save the settings, or click the Reset button to clear all of the information you entered without saving it.
1. Place your mouse pointer over the Events tab.
2. Select Sources from the drop-down menu.
3. In the New Event Source section of the window, click the Name box and type a user-friendly name (2 to 23 alphanumeric characters).
4. Select Timer from the Type drop-down menu.
5. Configure the frequency: a.
Click the Frequency box and type a number.
Select the time interval from the drop-down menu. Time intervals include seconds, minutes, hours, or days. The default setting is seconds.
6. Click the Submit button to save the settings, or click the Reset button to clear all of the information you entered without saving it.
1. Place your mouse pointer over the Events tab.
2. Select Handlers from the drop-down menu.
3. Click the handler profile that you want to edit from the Handlers box located on the left side of the page.
4. Make your changes to the available fields in the Edit Event Handler section of the window.
5. Click the Submit button to save the settings, or click the Reset button to clear all of the information you entered without saving it.
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1. Place your mouse pointer over the Events tab.
2. Select Sources from the drop-down menu.
3. Click the source profile that you want to delete from the Sources box located on the left side of the page.
4. Click the Delete Source button. The source profile is deleted from the Sources box.
NOTE: To use email notification, the camera must be connected to a local area network (LAN) that maintains an SMTP mail server. Contact your network administrator for information on configuring email notification on your local network.
1. Configure the SMTP server to send email.
2. Place your mouse pointer over the Events tab.
3. Select Handlers from the drop-down menu.
4. In the New Event Handler section of the window, click the Name box and type a user-friendly name (2 to 23 alphanumeric characters).
5. Select Send Email from the Type drop-down menu.
6. Click the boxes (To, From, Subject, and Message), and then type the necessary information in each box.
7. Select the JPEG Snapshot box if you want to send a JPEG as an attachment.
8. Select the Attach Raw Event Data box if you want the email to include extra data about the event. For example, select this box if the event is triggered by an alarm and you want to receive data about the state, time, or type of alarm.
9. If you do not want the handler activated every time an event occurs, set filters for the handler: a.
Select the day(s) of the week on which you want emails to be sent.
Type times in the Start and End boxes for the days you have selected. Use time values in 24-hour notation (for example, use 0800 for
8:00 a.m., 1600 for 4:00 p.m.).
If required, click the plus button (+) to add another time range.
10. Select one or more event sources to send an email when those event sources are activated.
11. Click the Submit button to save the settings, or click the Reset button to clear all of the information you entered without saving it.
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1. Place your mouse pointer over the Events tab.
2. Select Handlers from the drop-down menu.
3. In the New Event Handler section of the window, click the Name box and type a user-friendly name (2 to 23 alphanumeric characters).
4. Select “Upload JPEG to FTP Server” in the Type drop-down menu.
5. Click the Server box and type the server address (1 to 32 alphanumeric characters).
6. Click the Username box and type the user’s name (1 to 32 alphanumeric characters).
7. Click the Password box and type a password (4 to 16 alphanumeric characters).
8. Click the Base Path box and type the base path (1 to 32 alphanumeric characters). The base path is the path to your root directory.
9. Select a time standard from the “File name” drop-down menu. The JPEG files uploaded to the FTP server are given file names that correspond to the date and time of the event.
10. If you do not want the handler activated every time an event occurs, set filters for the handler: a.
Select the day(s) of the week on which you want JPEGs saved to the FTP server.
Type times in the Start and End boxes for the days you have selected. Use time values in 24-hour notation (for example, use 0800 for
8:00 a.m., 1600 for 4:00 p.m.).
If required, click the plus button (+) to add another time range.
11. Select one or more sources to save a JPEG to the FTP server when those event sources are activated.
12. Click the Submit button to save the settings, or click the Reset button to clear all of the information you entered without saving it.
1. Place your mouse pointer over the Events tab.
2. Select Handlers from the drop-down menu.
3. Click the handler profile that you want to edit from the Handlers box located on the left side of the page.
4. Make your changes to the available fields in the Edit Event Handler section of the window.
5. Click the Submit button to save the settings, or click the Reset button to clear all of the information you entered without saving it.
1. Place your mouse pointer over the Events tab.
2. Select Handlers from the drop-down menu.
3. Click the handler profile that you want to delete from the Handlers box located on the left side of the page.
4. Click the Delete Handler button. The handler profile is deleted from the Handlers box.
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If you do not want a handler activated every time an event occurs, use the filter fields to limit handlers. In the following example, you only want a handler activated when an event occurs after business hours. Your business is open Monday through Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and it is closed on Sunday.
1. Create a handler for Monday through Saturday: a.
Select the day filter fields Monday through Saturday.
Type 0000 in the Start box and 0800 in the End box.
Click the plus button (+) to add another time range. Type 1800 in the second Start box and type 2400 in the second End box.
Select the source(s) that activates the handler.
Click the Submit button to save the handler.
2. Create a second handler for Sunday: a.
Select Sunday from the day filter fields.
Do not set a Start time or End time as this is a 24-hour event.
Select the source(s) that activates the handler.
Click the Submit button to save the second handler.
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