Getting Started. McQuay MicroTech II
McQuay MicroTech II is an advanced rooftop unit controller designed to provide precise and efficient control of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. With its user-friendly interface, flexible scheduling options, and comprehensive alarm monitoring capabilities, the MicroTech II empowers users to optimize comfort and energy efficiency in their buildings.
Getting Started
The MicroTech II Applied Rooftop Unit Controller is a selfcontained device that is capable of complete, stand-alone operation. Information in the controller can be displayed and modified by using the keypad/display in the unit main control panel.
The following sections describe how to use the keypad/display.
Using the Keypad/Display
The keypad/display, shown in Figure 1, is provided with all
MicroTech II Applied Rooftop Unit Controllers on these units. With the keypad/display, operating conditions, system alarms, control parameters, and schedules can be monitored.
After password entry, set points, parameters, and schedules can be edited.
Menu Structure
The keypad accessible information in the MicroTech II controller is organized in a menu structure to provide quick
access. As shown in Figure 2 on page 7, this structure con-
tains 1 main menu and a string of 47 sub-menus. Each submenu is made up of one or more menu items. The string of
47 sub-menus is divided into 8 “categories.” The main menu has eight items within it that “point” or provide a “bookmark” to the first sub-menu within the respective category.
The eight categories in the main menu are “System Summary”, “Airflow”, “Temperature”, “Humidity”, “Schedules”,
“Setup/Service”, “Active Alarms” and “Previous Alarms.”
The name of each category generally describes the basic purpose of the menus in the particular group. Complete information regarding the contents of each sub-menu is included
in “Keypad/Display Menu Reference” on page 13.
Figure 1: Keypad/display
Discharge Cooling
Disch Air= 55.0°F
Clg Capacity= 50%
Eff Clg Spt= 55°F
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Figure 2: Keypad Accessible Menu Structure
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Sub Menus
Figure2: Keypad Accessible Menu Structure (Continued)
Sub Menus (Continued)
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Figure2: Keypad Accessible Menu Structure (Continued)
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Sub Menus (Continued)
Display Format
The information stored in the MicroTech II controller menu structure can be viewed on the 4-line by 20-character LCD display. The current menu is displayed on the top line and up to three menu items are displayed on the next three lines
(refer to Figure 3). The item lines contain one or more data
fields that convey varying information. A blinking cursor indicates the current item. There is a “navigation” indicator on the right side of the top line while in navigation mode.
A symbol indicates there are more items in the menu
“above” the current display window. A symbol indicates there are more items in the menu “below” the current display window. A symbol indicates there are more items in the menu “above” and “below” the current display window.
Figure 3: LCD Display Format
Navigation Indicator word to 4545 and enter the new value, the following procedure is used:
1. Pressing the Down Arrow (-) key one time decrements the first field (blinking) to a value of 4.
2. Pressing the Right Arrow key one time moves the blinking cursor to the second field.
3. Again pressing the Right Arrow key one time (the second field will not be changed in this example) moves the blinking cursor to the third field.
Menu Line
Item Line
Item Line
Item Line
Disch Air=55.0°F
Return Air=73.5°F
Space Temp=74.5F
4. Pressing the Down Arrow (-) key one time decrements the third field (now blinking) to a value of 4.
Blinking Cusor
Data Field
Password Protection
The MicroTech II controller includes password protection to guard against inadvertent control parameter changes. When an attempt is made to change the value of an adjustable parameter with the keypad, the controller prompts the user to enter either the level 2 (L-2) or level 1 (L-1) password depending on the level required for that particular parameter.
The L-2 password is 4545. The L-1 password is 6555.
Note: L-2 has a “higher” level of authority than L-1. The controller prompts for the password by displaying the following:
Figure 4: Password Protection
**Enter L-2 Password
Blinking Data Field
The password fields initially has values off 5555 in them.
The first field is blinking. For example, to change the pass-
5. Now the four fields should be 4545, the desired password. Pressing the Enter/Save key enters the password.
If the correct password is entered, the display returns to the item to be changed and the changeable item field is blinking waiting to be modified.
Password Timeout
Once the password is entered, the controller allows further changes without prompting the user to enter a password until either the password timer expires or a different password level is required for the particular parameter to be changed.
The password timer is adjustable from 2-60 minutes using the Timeout= parameter in the Passwords menu.
Clear Alarm Password
Normally clearing an active alarm does not require a password entry. This is true if the Clear Alarm= item in the Passwords menu is set to “None.” However, if this parameter is set to “L-1” the controller prompts the user to enter the level
1 password before an alarm can be cleared. If this parameter is set to “L-2” the controller prompts the user to enter the level 2 password before an alarm can be cleared. For details
regarding alarm clearing, refer to “Keypad/Display Exercises” on page 11.
10 OM 138
Keypad Functions
The MicroTech II controller keypad consists of 8 pressure
sensitive membrane switches. Refer to Figure 1 on page 6.
The following are descriptions of these keys and their functions.
this key while at the main menu causes a manual password log off and resets the password timer.
Left Arrow Key:
Pressing this key changes the displayed menu one menu to the left while navigating within the menu structure. It also changes the field to be edited one field to the left while editing a parameter value.
Enter/Save Key:
Pressing this key while viewing a menu on the main menu changes the displayed menu to the first menu of the menu group or category associated with that menu. Pressing this key while viewing a changeable menu item places the keypad into “edit” mode. The first changeable field for that parameter begins blinking and the top line of the display is replaced with **Edit Mode, indicating the “edit” mode is activated. Once a parameter is changed in “edit” mode, pressing this key “saves” the new parameter value into memory. When the new parameter value is saved, the changeable field or field stops blinking and the **Edit Mode message disappears from the top line of the display, indicating the keypad is no longer in “edit” mode.
Right Arrow Key:
Pressing this key changes the displayed menu one menu to the right while navigating within the menu structure. It also changes the field to be edited one field to the right while editing a parameter value.
Up Arrow (+) Key:
Pressing this key changes the displayed menu or menu item up one menu or menu item while navigating within the menu structure. It also increments a changeable parameter one value while editing.
Alarm Key:
Pressing this key while the red LED above it on the keypad is blinking changes the displayed menu to the Active Alarm
1 menu.
Down Arrow (-) Key:
Pressing this key changes the displayed menu or menu item down one menu or menu item while navigating within the menu structure. It also decrements a changeable parameter one value while editing.
Clear Alarm Key:
Pressing this key while any of the active alarm menus are being displayed sends a clear command to clear the alarm.
Keypad/Display Exercises
The following are three exercises that serve as a guide through some typical keypad operations. Note that often there is more than one way to perform an operation.
Changing Set Points
In this exercise, assume that the current minimum outdoor air damper position set point is 15%. Using the following procedure, the set point is changed to 10%.
Back/Cancel Key:
Pressing this key while navigating within the menu structure changes the displayed menu back to the main menu. While editing a changeable parameter, pressing this key causes the edit session to be terminated and the parameter value reverts to the value it had before beginning the editing session.
Pressing this key after having pressed the Alarm key to view an active alarm causes the display to revert to the menu that was in the display prior to pressing the Alarm key. Pressing
1. Pressing the Back/Cancel key changes the display back to the main menu if not already there.
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2. Assuming the blinking cursor is positioned on the System Summary menu, pressing the Down Arrow (-) key twice changes the cursor position to the Temperature menu.
holding the Down Arrow (-) causes the value to decrement rapidly.
3. Pressing the Enter/Save key changes the display to the
Zone Cooling menu, the first menu in the Temperatures group of menus.
4. Pressing the Right Arrow key three times changes the display to the OA Damper menu. The cursor is positioned on the first item within this menu which is the OA
Damper Pos= item.
8. When the MinOA Pos= parameter is at the desired value
(10% in this example), pressing the Enter/Save key stores the new setting and terminates the edit session.
Note: The data field stops blinking when the new value is recorded and the display leaves the “edit” mode.
Clearing Alarms
In this exercise, assume that a “fault” alarm exists. This type of alarm shuts down the unit and keeps it off until the alarm is manually cleared. If the conditions that caused the alarm have been corrected, the following procedure is used to clear a fault.
5. Pressing the Down Arrow (-) key six times moves the display down six items in the menu and positions the cursor on the MinOA Pos= item.
1. Pressing the Alarm key while the red LED on the keypad is blinking (indicating an active alarm condition) changes the displayed menu to the Active Alarm 1 menu which displays the current highest priority alarm.
6. When the Enter/Save key is pressed and if the password timer has expired since the last time the password was entered, the controller prompts the user to enter a password at this point. The procedure outlined above in
“Password Protection” on page 10 must be followed to
enter the password. Once the password has been successfully entered, the display enters the “edit” mode as show below.
When the Enter/Save key is pressed and if a password entry is not required, the display simply enters the “edit” mode as shown below.
Menu Line
Item Line Being Edited
**Edit Mode
MinOA Type= None
DesignFlow= No
MinOA Pos= 15%
Blinking Data Field
2. Pressing the Clear Alarm key sends a clear command to the controller. This clears the alarm and returns the unit to normal operation.
Modifying Schedules
In this exercise, assume that a change in building occupancy requires the rooftop unit to run from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Sunday. The current schedule has the unit shut down on
Sunday. Using the following procedure, this schedule is changed accordingly. This procedure assumes that the password has previously been entered and the password timer has not expired.
Note: The time schedule and time clock in the MicroTech
II controller use “military” time. In this case 5:30 p.m. is equivalent to 17:30 in “military” time.
Note: The Menu Line has been replaced by the “**Edit
Mode” indication message, the cursor has disappeared and the date field to be edited is blinking.
1. Pressing the Back/Cancel key changes the display to back to the main menu if not already there.
7. Pressing the Down Arrow (-) key once decrements the current MinOA Pos= value by one percent. Pressing and
12 OM 138
2. Assuming the blinking cursor is positioned on the System Summary menu, pressing the Down Arrow (-) key three times changes the cursor position to the Schedules menu.
10. Pressing the Up Arrow (+) key once increments the current “stop hour” value by one hour. Pressing and holding the Up Arrow (+) causes the value to increment rapidly.
3. Pressing the Enter/Save key changes the display to the
Daily Schedule menu, the first menu in the Schedules group of menus.
11. When the “stop hour” is at the desired value (17 in this example), pressing the Right Arrow key moves the blinking cursor to the “stop minute” field.
4. Pressing the Down Arrow (-) key six times moves the display down six items in the menu and positions the cursor on the Sun= item.
12. Pressing the Up Arrow (+) key once increments the current “stop minute” value by one minute. Pressing and holding the Up Arrow (+) causes the value to increment rapidly.
5. When the Enter/Save key is pressed (and if a password entry is not required) the display enters the “edit” mode with the “start hour” data field blinking.
6. Pressing the Up Arrow (+) key once increments the current “start hour” value by one hour. Pressing and holding the Up Arrow (+) causes the value to increment rapidly.
7. When the “start hour” is at the desired value (08 in this example), pressing the Right Arrow key moves the blinking cursor to the “start minute” field.
8. Pressing the Up Arrow (+) key once increments the current “start minute” value by one minute. Pressing and holding the Up Arrow (+) causes the value to increment rapidly.
9. When the “start minute” is at the desired value (30 in this example), pressing the Right Arrow key moves the blinking cursor to the “stop hour” field.
13. When the “stop minute” is at the desired value (30 in this example), pressing the Enter/Save key stores the new Sun= start/stop setting and terminates the edit session.
Note: The data field stops blinking when the new value is recorded and the display leaves the “edit” mode.
Keypad/Display Menu Reference
The following is a brief description of each menu and menu item within the rooftop MicroTech II menu structure. Tables are included which show every menu, item, and field in the menu structure of the program. These menus and items can all be displayed with the keypad/display.
Note: There are a number of instances where the same menu item appears under more that one menu.
System Summary
Menus in the System Summary category contain basic unit
group or category. The “Range” column in the table lists all possible values for each item. The factory settings for the adjustable parameters are shown in the “Factory Default
Value” column. The following are brief descriptions of the
System Summary category menus and items.
The System menu provides a summary of basic unit status and control items.
UnitStatus. UnitStatus= is a status only item which indicates the state in which the unit is currently operating. For detailed information regarding this parameter, refer to
“Determining Unit Status” on page 43.
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Clg Capacity. Clg Capacity= is a status only item which indicates the percentage of the unit maximum cooling capacity currently operating.
Htg Capacity. Htg Capacity= is a status only item which indicates the percentage of the unit maximum heating capacity currently operating.
Clg Status. Clg Status= is a status only item which indicates whether or not cooling (economizer and/or mechanical) is currently allowed. If cooling is disabled, the reason is indicated. For detailed information regarding this parameter,
refer to “Determining Unit Status” on page 43.
Htg Status. Htg Status= is a status only item which indicates whether or not heating is currently allowed. If heating is disabled, the reason is indicated. For detailed information
regarding this parameter, refer to “Determining Unit Status” on page 43.
Ctrl Mode. Ctrl Mode= is an adjustable item which allows the unit to be set for manual off, cooling only, heating only, fan only or auto heating/cooling operation. For detailed
information regarding this parameter, refer to “Auto/Manual
Note: If this item is set to “Auto”, then cooling only, heating only, fan only or auto heating/cooling operation is determined by a network signal as indicated by the Appl Mode= item.
Appl Mode. Appl Mode= is a network adjustable item which indicates that the unit is set for network off, cooling only, heating only, fan only or auto heating/cooling operation via a network signal. For detailed information regarding this
parameter, refer to “Auto/Manual Operation” on page 45.
Note: This item has no affect on the unit operation unless the Ctrl Mode= item is set to “Auto.”
Menus in the Occupancy menu contain status and control items that relate to unit occupied/unoccupied operation.
Occupancy. Occupancy= is a status only item which indicates whether the unit is currently in an occupied, unoccupied, or bypass mode of operation. For detailed information
regarding this parameter, refer to “Determining Unit Status” on page 43.
Occ Mode. Occ Mode= is an adjustable item which allows the unit to be set for manual occupied or unoccupied operation, automatic operation based on a time schedule input or manual bypass operation. For detailed information regarding
this parameter, refer to “Auto/Manual Operation” on page 45.
Occ Src. Occ Src= is status only item which indicates the input source or function that is responsible for setting the
Occupancy= parameter to “Occ.” For detailed information
regarding this parameter, refer to “Auto/Manual Operation” on page 45.
Bypass Time. Bypass Time= is an adjustable item which indicates the bypass time remaining when the unit is operating due to bypass operation. For detailed information regard-
ing this parameter, refer to “Auto/Manual Operation” on page 45.
Emerg Override . Emerg Override= is an adjustable item which provides a means off completely shutting off a unit via a network signal. If this parameter is set to “Off” the unit can not start based on a time clock or any other means. The only way the unit can be started is to change this parameter to “Norm.” For detailed information regarding this parame-
ter, refer to “Auto/Manual Operation” on page 45.
Menus in the Temperatures menu contain unit temperature status information.
Control Temp. Control Temp= is a status only item which displays the current value of the “Control Temperature.” The
“Control Temperature” is defined as the temperature input selected by the CtrlTemp Src= parameter in the Zone Cooling or Zone Heating menu. For example, if the CtrlTemp
Src= parameter is set to “Return”, then the Control Temp= parameter reads the same value as the Return Air= parameter. For detailed information regarding this parameter, refer
to “Heat/Cool Changeover” on page 65.
Disch Air. Disch Air = is a status only item which displays the current temperature reading from the unit discharge air temperature sensor. This sensor is standard on all units.
Return Air. Return Air= is a status only item which displays the current temperature reading from the unit return air temperature sensor. This sensor is standard on all units with return air.
Space Temp. Space Temp= is a status only item which displays the current space (or zone) temperature reading from the optional unit space air temperature sensor input. Refer to
“Zone (Space) Temperature Sensor” on page 56.
Note: If an optional space temperature sensor is not installed, the Space Sensor= item in the Unit Configuration menu should be set to “No” to disable the alarm function associated with an open circuit at the space temperature sensor input.
OA Temp. OA Temp= is a status only item which displays the current temperature reading from the unit mounted outdoor air temperature sensor. This sensor is standard on all units.
Ent Fan. Ent Fan= is a status only item which displays the current temperature reading from the unit entering fan air temperature sensor. This sensor is standard on all units equipped with gas or electric heat.
14 OM 138
Table 2: System Summary Menus
Menu Name Menu Item Name Factory Default Value Field Number
Clg Capacity
Htg Capacity
Clg Status
Htg Status
Ctrl Mode
Appl Mode
Man Ctrl
All Clg
Mech Clg
Off Amb
Off Alm
Off None
Off Sw
Off Net
Off Man
Htg Ena
Off Amb
Off Alm
Off Unoc
Off Man
Off Net
Off Sw
Off Alm
Fan Only
Off None
Off Sw
Off Net
Off Man
Heat Only
Cool Only
Fan Only
Heat Only
Cool Only
Fan Only
OM 138 15
Table 2: System Summary Menus (Continued)
Menu Name Menu Item Name Factory Default Value
Occupancy -
Occ Mode
Occ Src
Bypass Time
Emerg Override
Control Temp
Disch Air
Return Air
Space Temp
OA Temp
Ent Fan
Menus in the Airflow category contain status and control set point parameters that define the airflow control setup of the
unit. Table 3 on page 17 lists all menus and items in the Air-
flow group or category. The “Range” column in the table lists all possible values for each item. The factory settings for the adjustable parameters are shown in the “Factory
Default Value” column. The following are brief descriptions of the Airflow category menus and items.
Airflow Summary
The Airflow Summary menu contains status information related to unit airflow, static pressure and fan operation.
Flow Status. Flow Status= is a status only item that indicates whether or not discharge airflow is detected. Airflow status is sensed by a binary input delivered to the controller by a differential pressure switch (PC7).
Disch Fan. Disch Fan= is a status only item which indicates whether or not the controller is commanding the unit discharge fan on.
RF/EF Fan. RF/EF Fan= is a status only item which indicates whether or not the controller is commanding the unit return or exhaust on.
Fan Operation. Fan Operation= is a status only item which indicates the on/off status of the Fan Operation Output
(MCB-BO3). For details regarding the Fan Operation Output, refer to the “Field Output Signals” section of IM 696,
MicroTech Applied Rooftop Unit Controller .
0 min
Field Number
Bldg Pressure
The Bldg Pressure menu contains parameters for controlling building static pressure when a unit is equipped with a building static pressure sensor. For detailed information regarding
building static pressure control, refer to “Direct Building
Static Pressure Control” on page 88 or “Exhaust Fan Control” on page 87.
Bldg Press. Bldg Press= is a status only item which indicates the current pressure at the building static pressure sensor location.
BldgSP Spt. BldgSP Spt= is an adjustable item which sets the building static pressure set point used for controlling the return air or exhaust fan inlet vanes or VFD. The inlet vanes or VFD is modulated to maintain the building static pressure sensor input at this set point.
BSP Db. BSP Db= is an adjustable item which sets a dead band around the BldgSP Spt= parameter in the Bldg Static
Pressure menu. No building static pressure control action is taken when the current building static pressure input is within this dead band.
RF/EF Fan Cap. RF/EF Fan Cap= is a status only item which indicates the current return or exhaust fan capacity. 0-
100% inlet vane position is indicated if the unit is equipped with return or exhaust fan variable inlet vanes. 0-100% of
VFD maximum speed is indicated if the unit is equipped with a return or exhaust fan VFD
Int Sched
Net Sched
Occ Mode
Remote Sw
0 -300 min
-50 - 250.0 °F
-50 - 250.0 °F
-50 - 250.0 °F
-50 - 250.0 °F
-50 - 250.0 °F
-50 - 250.0 °F
16 OM 138
Table 3: Airflow Menus
Menu Name Menu Item Name Factory Default Value Field Number Range
Airflow Summary
Bldg Pressure a
Flow Status
Disch Fan
Fan Operation
Bldg Press
BldgSP Spt
RF/EF Fan Cap
0.050 “WC
0.010 “WC
-0.250 - 0.250 “WC
-0.250 - 0.250 “WC
0.001-0.100 “WC
0 - 100% a.
The items in this menu apply to units configured for direct building pressure control of return air fan inlet vanes or VFD or units equipped with an energy recovery wheel option.
Menus in the Temperature category contain status and control set point parameters that define the temperature control
setup of the unit. Table 4 on page 22 lists all menus and
items in the Temperature group or category. The “Range” column in the table lists all possible values for each item.
The factory settings for the adjustable parameters are shown in the “Factory Default Value” column. The following are brief descriptions of the Temperature category menus and items.
Zone Cooling
The Zone Cooling menu primarily contains basic status and control parameters that relate to or affect the unit changeover into cooling operation and control of the space or zone temperature while in cooling operation. For detailed information regarding unit heating/cooling changeover, refer to
“Heat/Cool Changeover” on page 65.
Control Temp. Control Temp= is a status only item which displays the current value of the “Control Temperature.” The
“Control Temperature” is defined as the temperature input selected by the CtrlTemp Src= parameter in the Zone Cooling or Zone Heating menu. For example, if the CtrlTemp
Src= parameter is set to “Return”, then the Control Temp= parameter reads the same value as the Return Air= parameter. For more information regarding this parameter, refer
to“Heat/Cool Changeover” on page 65.
Clg Capacity. Clg Capacity= is a status only item which indicates the percentage of the unit maximum cooling capacity currently operating.
Eff Clg Spt. Eff Clg Spt= is a status only item which indicates the cooling changeover or zone cooling control set point currently in effect. When the current value of the Control Temp= parameter rises above this parameter by more than half the Clg Deadband= parameter, cooling capacity is increased. When the current value of the Control Temp= parameter drops below this parameter by more than half the
Clg Deadband= parameter cooling capacity is decreased.
This parameter is either set by the controller to same value as the Occ Clg Spt= parameter or based on a signal from an optional space temperature sensor with set point adjustment capability. For details regarding the use of thermostat sup-
plied set points, refer to “Tstat Source Set Points” on page 66.
Occ Clg Spt. Occ Clg Spt= is an adjustable item used by the controller to set the Eff Clg Spt= parameter. The Eff Clg
Spt= is set to this value when it is not being set based on a signal from an optional space temperature sensor with set point adjustment capability. For details regarding the use of
thermostat supplied set points, refer to “Tstat Source Set
Clg Deadband. Clg Deadband= is an adjustable item which sets a dead band around the Eff Clg Spt= parameter.
For example, if the Eff Clg Spt= parameter is set to 75ºF and the Clg Deadband= parameter is set to 2ºF the dead band around the set point would be from 76.0ºF to 74.0ºF.
CtrlTemp Src. CtrlTemp Src= is an adjustable item which selects the temperature sensor input to be used for the unit heating/cooling changeover or zone cooling and heating capacity change decisions. For example, if the CtrlTemp
Src= parameter is set to “Return”, then the Control Temp= parameter reads the same value as the Return Air= parameter. For detailed information regarding this parameter, refer
to “Heat/Cool Changeover” on page 65.
Space Temp. Space Temp= is a status only item which displays the current space (or zone) temperature reading from
OM 138 17
the optional unit space air temperature sensor input. Refer to
“Zone (Space) Temperature Sensor” on page 56.
Note: If an optional space temperature sensor is not installed, the Space Sensor= item in the Unit Configuration menu should be set to “No” to disable the alarm function associated with an open circuit at the space temperature sensor input.
UnoccClg Spt. UnoccClg Spt= is an adjustable item which sets the point at which the unit starts up and provides unoccupied cooling (night setup) during unoccupied periods.
For detailed information regarding unoccupied cooling oper-
ation, refer to “Unoccupied Cooling (Night Setup)” on page 90.
Note: An optional space temperature sensor is required for unoccupied cooling operation.
UnoccClgDiff. UnoccClgDiff= is an adjustable item which sets a differential above the UnoccClg Spt= parameter. Once activated, unoccupied cooling operation is terminated when the Space Temp= value falls below the UnoccClg Spt= setting by more than this differential.
Clg Status. Clg Status= is a status only item which indicates whether or not cooling (economizer and/or mechanical) is currently allowed. If cooling is disabled, the reason is indicated. For detailed information regarding this parameter,
refer to “Determining Unit Status” on page 43.
OATComp Lock. OATComp Lock= is an adjustable item which sets the low outdoor air temperature mechanical cooling lockout point. Compressor operation is disabled when the outdoor air temperature sensor input falls below this set point.
OATLock Diff. OATLock Diff= is an adjustable item which sets a differential above the OATComp Lock= parameter.
Compressor operation is re-enabled when the outdoor air temperature sensor input rises above the OATComp Lock= value by more than this differential.
Zone Heating
The Zone Heating menu primarily contains basic status and control parameters that relate to or affect the unit changeover into heating operation and control of the space or zone temperature while in heating operation. For detailed information regarding unit heating/cooling changeover, refer to
“Heat/Cool Changeover” on page 65.
Control Temp. Control Temp= is a status only item which displays the current value of the “Control Temperature.” The
“Control Temperature” is defined as the temperature input selected by the CtrlTemp Src= parameter in the Zone Cooling or Zone Heating menu. For example, if the CtrlTemp
Src= parameter is set to “Return”, then the Control Temp= parameter reads the same value as the Return Air= parameter. For detailed information regarding this parameter, refer
to “Heat/Cool Changeover” on page 65.
Htg Capacity. Htg Capacity= is a status only item which indicates the percentage of the unit maximum heating capacity currently operating.
Eff Htg Spt. Eff Htg Spt= is a status only item which indicates the heating changeover or zone heating control set point currently in effect. When the current value of the Control Temp= parameter, falls below this parameter by more than half the Htg Deadband= parameter, heating capacity is increased. When the current value of the Control Temp= parameter rises above this parameter by more than half the
Htg Deadband= parameter heating capacity is decreased.
This parameter is either set by the controller to same value as the Occ Htg Spt= parameter or based on a signal from an optional space temperature sensor with set point adjustment capability. For details regarding the use of thermostat sup-
plied set points, refer to “Tstat Source Set Points” on page 66.
Occ HtgSpt. Occ Htg Spt= is an adjustable item used by the controller to set the Eff Htg Spt= parameter. The Eff Htg
Spt= is set to this value when it is not being set based on a signal from an optional space temperature sensor with set point adjustment capability. For details regarding the use of
thermostat supplied set points, refer to “Tstat Source Set
Htg Deadband. Htg Deadband= is an adjustable item which sets a dead band around the Eff Htg Spt= parameter.
For example, if the Eff Htg Spt= parameter is set to 70ºF and the Htg Deadband= parameter is set to 2ºF the dead band around the set point would be from 68.0ºF to 72.0ºF.
CtrlTemp Src. CtrlTemp Src= is an adjustable item which selects the temperature sensor input to be used for the unit heating/cooling changeover or zone cooling and heating capacity change decisions. For example, if the CtrlTemp
Src= parameter is set to “Return”, then the Control Temp= parameter reads the same value as the Return Air= parameter. For detailed information regarding this parameter, refer
to “Heat/Cool Changeover” on page 65.
Space Temp. Space Temp= is a status only item which displays the current space (or zone) temperature reading from the optional unit space air temperature sensor input. Refer to
“Zone (Space) Temperature Sensor” on page 56.
Note: If an optional space temperature sensor is not installed, the Space Sensor= item in the Unit Configuration menu should be set to “No” to disable the alarm function associated with an open circuit at the space temperature sensor input.
UnoccHtg Spt. UnoccHtg Spt= is an adjustable item which sets the point at which the unit starts up and provides unoccupied heating (night setback) during unoccupied periods. For detailed information regarding unoccupied heating
operation, refer to “Unoccupied Heating (Night Setback)” on page 89.
18 OM 138
Note: An optional space temperature sensor is required for unoccupied heating operation.
UnoccHtgDiff. UnoccHtgDiff= is an adjustable item which sets a differential above the UnoccHtg Spt= parameter. Once activated, unoccupied heating operation is terminated when the Space Temp= value rises above the UnoccHtg Spt= setting by more than this differential.
Htg Status. Htg Status= is a status only item which indicates whether or not heating is currently allowed. If heating is disabled, the reason is indicated.
OATHtg Lock. OATHtg Lock= is an adjustable item which sets the high outdoor air temperature heating lockout point.
Heating operation is disabled when the outdoor air temperature sensor input rises above this set point.
OATLock Diff. OATLock Diff= is an adjustable item which sets a differential below the OATHtg Lock= parameter. Heating operation is re-enabled when the outdoor air temperature sensor input below the OATHtg Lock= value by more than this differential.
Discharge Cooling
The Discharge Cooling menu contains parameters that relate to or are used to maintain the discharge temperature when the unit is changed over into cooling operation. For detailed
information regarding cooling operation, refer to “Heat/Cool
Changeover” on page 65, “Economizer” on page 68, “Cool-
ing: Multistage” on page 72, and “Cooling: Modulating” on page 77, as applicable.
Disch Air. Disch Air = is a status only item which displays the current temperature reading from the unit discharge air temperature sensor. This sensor is standard on all units.
Clg Capacity. Clg Capacity= is a status only item which indicates the percentage of the unit maximum cooling capacity currently operating.
Eff Clg Spt. Eff Clg Spt= is a status only item which indicates the cooling discharge air temperature set point currently in effect during the Econo operating state or during the
Cooling operating state when the unit is equipped with chilled water cooling. Economizer dampers or the chilled water valve is modulated to maintain the unit discharge air temperature at this set point. This Eff Clg Spt= parameter is raised and lowered by the controller as necessary to maintain the Eff Clg Spt= in the Zone Cooling menu. For detailed information regarding economizer and chilled water cooling
operation, refer to“Economizer” on page 68 or “Cooling:
Clg Db. Clg Db= is an adjustable item which sets a dead band around the Eff Clg Spt= parameter. For example, if the
Eff Clg Spt= parameter is set to 55ºF and the Clg Db= parameter is set to 1ºF the dead band around the set point would be from 55.5ºF to 54.5ºF.
Min Clg Spt. Min Clg Spt= is an adjustable item which sets a minimum cooling discharge temperature set point used by the controller to limit the discharge air temperature while controlling the space or zone conditions. For detailed infor-
mation on discharge air temperature control, refer to “Econo-
mizer” on page 68, “Cooling: Multistage” on page 72 or
“Cooling: Modulating” on page 77 as applicable.
Max Clg Spt. Min Clg Spt= is an adjustable item which sets a maximum cooling discharge temperature set point used by the controller to limit the discharge air temperature while controlling the space or zone conditions. For detailed information on discharge air temperature control, refer to
“Economizer” on page 68, “Cooling: Multistage” on page 72
or “Cooling: Modulating” on page 77 as applicable.
OA Damper
The OA Damper menu contains parameters that relate to or are used to control the unit outdoor air dampers. For detailed information regarding outdoor air damper control, refer to
“0-30% Outdoor Air Damper Control” on page 68, “100%
Outdoor Air Damper Control” on page 68, or “Economizer” on page 68, as applicable.
OA Damper Pos. OA Damper Pos= is a status only item which indicates the current outdoor air damper position.
Eff Min OA Pos. Eff Min OA Pos= is a status only item which indicates the minimum outdoor air minimum position set point currently in effect. Economizer dampers are controlled to maintain this position whenever minimum ventilation is required. For detailed information regarding
minimum ventilation control, refer to “Minimum Ventilation
Control” on page 68 (0-30% outdoor air units) or “Minimum
Ventilation Control” on page 70 (economizer units) as
OA Flow. OA Flow= is a status only item which indicates the current outdoor airflow based on an optional OA airflow sensor input used when the unit is equipped the DesignFlow
OA control feature.
OA Ambient. OA Ambient= is a status only item which indicates whether or not the outdoor air is suitable for free cooling. If it is, “Low” is displayed. If not, “High” is displayed. The free cooling decision can be based on either an enthalpy switch input to the controller or on a dry bulb OA temperature set point. This decision is made via the EconChgovr= parameter. For detailed information regarding econo-
mizer changeover operation refer to “Economizer
Changeover Method” on page 69.
MinOA Type. MinOA Type= is an adjustable item used to select between a fixed damper position and one of three available methods of automatically resetting the Eff Min OA
Pos= parameter.
Note: If the unit is equipped with the DesignFlow outdoor air measuring system and the DesignFlow= parameter is set to “Yes”, the MinOA Type= parameter automatically reverts to “None”.
For detailed information regarding minimum ventilation
control, refer to “Minimum Ventilation Control” on page 68
OM 138 19
DesignFlow. DesignFlow= is an adjustable item used to turn the optional DesignFlow outdoor airflow measuring reset function on and off. This is one of several available methods of automatically resetting the Eff Min OA Pos= parameter. For detailed information regarding minimum
ventilation control, refer to “Minimum Ventilation Control” on page 70.
MinOA Pos. MinOA Pos= is an adjustable item used by the controller to set the Eff Min OA Pos= parameter. When the
Eff Min OA Pos= parameter is not being set based on one of the possible outdoor damper position reset functions, it is set to the MinOA Pos= value. For detailed information regard-
“Minimum Ventilation Control” on page 70 (economizer
units) as applicable.
MinOA Flow. MinOA Flow= is an adjustable item used by the controller to set the Eff Min OA Pos= parameter when the unit is equipped with the optional DesignFlow OA control feature. When the DesignFlow= parameter is set to
“Yes”, the Eff Min OA Pos= is reset to maintain the OA
Flow= value at the MinOA Flow= setting. For detailed information regarding minimum ventilation control, refer to
“Minimum Ventilation Control” on page 70.
MinOA @Max Sig. MinOA @Max Sig= is an adjustable item used to set the Eff Min OA Pos= when the MinOA
Type= is set to “Ext mA” or “Ext V.” When either “Ext mA” or “Ext V” is selected, the Eff Min OA Pos= is reset between the MinOA Pos= value and the MinOA @Max Sig= value as a field supplied external current or voltage signal varies between a minimum and maximum value. For detailed information regarding minimum ventilation control, refer to
“Minimum Ventilation Control” on page 68 (0-30% outdoor
air units) or “Minimum Ventilation Control” on page 70
(economizer units) as applicable.
Min Signal. Min Signal= is an adjustable item used to define the minimum value of the field supplied current or voltage signal used to adjust the Eff Min OA Pos= when the
MinOA Type= is set to “Ext mA” or “Ext V.” Min Signal= is adjustable from 0-100%. When “Ext mA” is selected, 0-
100% refers to 0-100% of 20mA. When “Ext V” is selected,
0-100% refers to 0-100% of 10VDC. For detailed informa-
units) or “Minimum Ventilation Control” on page 70 (econo-
mizer units) as applicable.
Max Signal. Max Signal= is an adjustable item used to define the maximum value of the field supplied current or voltage signal used to adjust the Eff Min OA Pos= when the
MinOA Type= is set to “Ext mA” or “Ext V.” Max Signal= is adjustable from 0-100%. When “Ext mA” is selected, 0-
100% refers to 0-100% of 20mA. When “Ext V” is selected,
0-100% refers to 0-100% of 10VDC. For detailed informa-
units) or “Minimum Ventilation Control” on page 70 (econo-
mizer units) as applicable.
MinOA ResetMax. MinOA ResetMax= is an adjustable item which sets a maximum value to which the Eff Min OA
Pos= parameter can be set. When reset by any of the possible methods, the Eff Min OA Pos= parameter varies between the Min OA Pos= and the MinOA ResetMax= value. For detailed information regarding minimum ventilation control,
refer to “Minimum Ventilation Control” on page 68 (0-30%
outdoor air units) or “Minimum Ventilation Control” on page 70 (economizer units) as applicable.
Max Fan Diff. Max Fan Diff= is an adjustable item which sets a differential between the discharge and return fan capacities above which the Eff Min OA Pos= parameter is reset to the MinOA ResetMax= value. As the difference between the discharge and return fan capacities varies between the Min Fan Diff= and Max Fan Diff= values, the
Eff Min OA Pos= parameter varies between the MinOA
Pos= and the MinOA ResetMax= value. For detailed information regarding minimum ventilation control, refer to
“Minimum Ventilation Control” on page 70.
Min Fan Diff. Min Fan Diff= is an adjustable item which sets a differential between the discharge and return fan capacities above which the Eff Min OA Pos= parameter begins to be reset from the MinOA Pos= value toward the
MinOA ResetMax= value. As the difference between the discharge and return fan capacities varies between the Min Fan
Diff= and Max Fan Diff= values, the Eff Min OA Pos= parameter varies between the MinOA Pos= and the MinOA
ResetMax= value. For detailed information regarding mini-
mum ventilation control, refer to “Minimum Ventilation
Reset T Limit. Reset T Limit= is an adjustable item which sets a discharge air temperature low limit which overrides functions that reset the Eff Min OA Pos= parameter if the discharge air temperature gets too cold. For detailed information regarding minimum ventilation control, refer to
“Minimum Ventilation Control” on page 70.
EconChgovr. EconChgovr= is an adjustable item which defines the method used to make the economizer changeover decision. When EconChgovr= is set to “Enthalpy”, the economizer changeover decision is based on the enthalpy switch input to the controller. When the switch is closed, the OA
Ambient= item indicates “Low” and economizer operation is enabled. When the switch is open, the OA Ambient= item indicates “High” and economizer operation is disabled.
When EconChgover= is set to “Dry Bulb”, the economizer changeover decision is based on the outdoor air temperature compared to the EconChgovrT= item. When the outdoor air temperature is below the EconChgovr T= value, the OA
Ambient= item indicates “Low” and economizer operation is enabled. When the outdoor air temperature is above the
20 OM 138
EconChgovr T= value, the OA Ambient= item indicates
“High” and economizer operation is disabled. For detailed information regarding economizer changeover operation
refer to “Economizer Changeover Method” on page 69.
EconChgovrT. EconChgovrT= is an adjustable item used to make the economizer changeover decision when the
EconChgovr= parameter is set to “Dry Bulb.” It sets the point below or above which the outdoor air temperature enables or disables economizer operation. If the EconChgovr= parameter is set to “Enthalpy”, this parameter has no effect on the unit operation. For detailed information regard-
ing economizer changeover operation refer to “Economizer
Changeover Method” on page 69.
EconChgovrDiff. EconChgovrDiff= is an adjustable item which sets a differential above the EconChgovrT= parameter. When the EconChgovr= parameter is set to “Dry Bulb”, economizer operation is disabled when the OA Temp= parameter indicates a value above the EconChgovrT= parameter by more than this differential. If the EconChgovr= parameter is set to “Enthalpy”, this parameter has no effect on the unit operation. For detailed information regarding
economizer changeover operation refer to “Economizer
Changeover Method” on page 69.
Max Purge. Max Purge= is an adjustable item which sets the maximum time prior to occupancy that the units purge feature can be activated. This feature functions only when an optional space (or zone) temperature sensor is installed and when a unit internal time schedule is being used. For detailed
information regarding the purge feature, refer to “Purge” on page 90.
OA Temp. OA Temp= displays the current temperature reading from the unit mounted outdoor air temperature sensor. This sensor is standard on all units.
Discharge Heating
The Discharge Heating menu contains parameters that relate to or are used to maintain the discharge temperature when the unit is changed over into heating operation. For detailed
information regarding heating operation, refer to “Heat/Cool
Changeover” on page 65, “Heating: Multistage” on page 78,
and “Heating: Modulating” on page 80, as applicable.
Disch Air. Disch Air= is a status only item which displays the current temperature reading from the unit discharge air temperature sensor. This sensor is standard on all units.
Htg Capacity. Htg Capacity= is a status only item which indicates the percentage of the unit maximum heating capacity currently operating.
Eff Htg Spt. Eff Htg Spt= is a status only item which indicates the heating discharge air temperature set point currently in effect during heating operation when the unit is equipped with modulating heating. The heating valve is modulated to maintain the unit discharge air temperature at this set point. This Eff Htg Spt= parameter is raised and lowered by the controller as necessary to maintain the Eff Htg
Spt= in the Zone Heating menu. For detailed information
regarding modulating heating operation, refer to“Heating:
Htg Db. Htg Db= is an adjustable item which sets a dead band around the Eff Htg Spt= parameter. For example, if the
Eff Htg Spt= parameter is set to 100ºF and the Htg Db= parameter is set to 1ºF the dead band around the set point would be from 100.5ºF to 99.5ºF.
Min DAT Ctrl. Min DAT Ctrl= is an adjustable item used to activate or deactivate the low discharge temperature limit function available on units equipped with modulating or multistage heat. For detailed information regarding the low
discharge temperature limit function, refer to “Discharge Air
heat) as applicable.
MinDAT Limit. MinDAT Limit= is an adjustable item which sets the low discharge temperature limit used in the low discharge temperature limit function available on units equipped with modulating or multistage heat. For detailed information regarding the low discharge temperature limit
function, refer to “Discharge Air Low Limit Control” on
Min Htg Spt. Min Htg Spt= is an adjustable item which sets a minimum heating discharge temperature set point used by the controller to limit the discharge air temperature while controlling the space or zone conditions. For detailed infor-
mation on discharge air temperature control, refer to “Heat-
ing: Multistage” on page 78 or “Heating: Modulating” on page 80 as applicable.
Max Htg Spt. Max Htg Spt= is an adjustable item which sets a maximum heating discharge temperature set point used by the controller to limit the discharge air temperature while controlling the space or zone conditions. For detailed information on discharge air temperature control, refer to
“Heating: Multistage” on page 78 or “Heating: Modulating” on page 80 as applicable.
Energy Recovery
The Energy Recovery menu contains parameters that relate to or are used to control the enthalpy wheel and exhaust fan when a unit is equipped with an optional energy recovery wheel system. For detailed information regarding the energy
recovery control, refer to “Energy Recovery” on page 86.
RF/EF Fan Cap. RF/EF Fan Cap= is a status only item which indicates the current return or exhaust fan capacity. 0-
100% inlet vane position is indicated if the unit is equipped with return or exhaust fan variable inlet vanes. 0-100% of
VFD maximum speed is indicated if the unit is equipped with a return or exhaust fan VFD.
EF Min Cap. EF Min Cap= is an adjustable item which sets a minimum exhaust fan capacity limit used to start and
OM 138 21
stop the exhaust fan when a unit is equipped with an optional energy recovery system.
Energy Rec. Energy Rec= is an adjustable item which turns the optional energy recovery system on and off.
Table 4: Temperature Menus
Menu Name Menu Item Name
Control Temp
Clg Capacity
Eff Clg Spt
Occ Clg Spt
Clg Deadband
CtrlTemp Src
Space Temp
UnoccClg Spt
Zone Cooling
Zone Heating
Discharge Cooling
Clg Status
OATComp Lock
OATLock Diff
Control Temp
Htg Capacity
Eff Htg Spt
Occ Htg Spt
Htg Deadband
CtrlTemp Src
Space Temp
UnoccHtg Spt
Htg Status
OATHtg Lock
OATLock Diff
Disch Air
Clg Capacity
Eff Clg Spt
Clg Db
Min Clg Spt
Max Clg Spt
Factory Default Value
75.0 °F
1.0 °F
85.0 °F
3.0 °F
55 °F
1 °F
70.0 °F
1.0 °F
55.0 °F
3.0 °F
55 °F
1 °F
1.0 °F
55.0 °F
65.0 °F
Field Number
Off None
Off Sw
Off Net
Off Man
0 - 100 °F
0 - 10 °F
-50 - 250.0 °F
0.0 - 99.0 °F
0.0 - 99.0 °F
0.1 - 9.9 °F
-50 - 250.0 °F
0.0 - 99.0 °F
-50 - 250.0 °F
0.0 - 99.0 °F
0.0 - 99.0 °F
0.1 - 9.9 °F
-50 - 250.0 °F
55.0 - 99.0 °F
1.0 - 10.0 °F
All Clg
Mech Clg
Off Amb
Off Alm
1.0 - 10.0 °F
Htg Ena
Off Amb
Off Alm
Off None
Off Sw
Off Net
Off Man
0 - 100 °F
0 - 10 °F
-50 - 250.0 °F
40.0 - 100.0 °F
0.1 - 10.0 °F
40.0 - 100.0 °F
40.0 - 100.0 °F
22 OM 138
Table 4: Temperature Menus (Continued)
Menu Name Menu Item Name
OA Damper Pos
Eff Min OA Pos
OA Flow
OA Ambient
OA Damper
Discharge Heating
Energy Recovery
MinOA Type
MinOA Pos
MinOA Flow
MinOA @Max Sig
Min Signal
Max Signal
MinOA ResetMax
Max Fan Diff
Min Fan Diff
Reset T Limit
Max Purge
OA Temp
Disch Air
Htg Capacity
Eff Htg Spt
Htg Db
Min DAT Ctrl
MinDAT Limit
Min Htg Spt
Max Htg Spt
RF/EF Fan Cap
EF Min Cap
Energy Rec=
Menus in the Humidity category contain status and control set point parameters that define the dehumidification control
setup of the unit. Table 5 on page 24 lists all menus and
items in the Humidity group or category. The “Range” column in the table lists all possible values for each item. The factory settings for the adjustable parameters are shown in the “Factory Default Value” column. For detailed informa-
descriptions of the Humidity category menus and items.
Factory Default Value
55.0 °F
60.0 °F
120.0 °F
60 °F
1 °F
60 min
1.0 °F
2000 CFM
Field Number
Dry Bulb
0 - 99 °F
0 - 10 °F
0-240 min
-50 - 250.0 °F
-50 - 250.0 °F
40.0 - 100.0 °F
0.1 - 10.0 °F
0-50000 CFM
Ext mA
Ext V
0-50000 CFM
0.0 - 70.0 °F
40.0 - 100.0 °F
40.0 - 100.0 °F
The Dehumidification menu contains status information related to unit dehumidification operation.
Dehum Status. Dehum Status= is a status only item that indicates whether or not dehumidification operation is active.
Rel Humidity. Rel Humidity= is a status only item that displays the current reading from the optional relative humidity sensor.
Dew Point. Dew Point= is a status only item that indicates the current dew point reading calculated based on the current reading from the optional relative humidity sensor.
OM 138 23
Table 5: Humidity Menus
Menu Name Menu Item Name
Dehumid Status
Rel Humidity
Dew Point
Factory Default Value
Field Number
Dehumid Method
RH Setpoint
DewPoint Spt
DewPnt Db
Dehum Method. Dehum Method= is an adjustable item used to turn the de humid if action function on and off and to select whether dehumidification operation is based on relative humidity or dew point.
RH Setpoint. RH Setpoint= is an adjustable item that sets the relative humidity set point used when the Dehum
Method= parameter is set to “RH”.
DewPoint Spt. DewPoint Spt= is an adjustable item that sets the dew point set point used when the Dehum Method= parameter is set to “DewPnt”.
RH Db. RH Db= is an adjustable item that sets a dead band around the relative humidity set point. For example, if the
RH Setpoint= parameter is set to 50% and the RH Db= parameter is set to 2% the dead band around the set point would be from 48% to 52%.
DewPnt Db. DewPnt Db= is an adjustable item that sets a dead band around the dew point set point. For example, if the
DewPoint Spt= parameter is set to 50ºF and the DewPnt
Db= parameter is set to 2ºF the dead band around the set point would be from 48ºF to 52ºF.
Menus in the Schedules category contain status and control set point parameters that relate to scheduling the start stop of
the unit. Table 6 on page 25 lists all menus and items in the
Schedules group or category. The “Range” column in the table lists all possible values for each item. The factory settings for the adjustable parameters are shown in the “Factory
Default Value” column. The following are brief descriptions of the Schedules category menus and items. For detailed information regarding scheduling the start/stop of the unit,
refer to “Auto/Manual Operation” on page 45 and “Schedul-
ing” on page 48.
Daily Schedule
The Daily Schedule menu contains parameters for setting the daily internal start stop schedule for the unit.
Mon. Mon= is an adjustable item which sets one start and one stop time for Monday.
Tue. Tue= is an adjustable item which sets one start and one stop time for Tuesday.
Wed. Wed= is an adjustable item which sets one start and one stop time for Wednesday.
Thu. Thu= is an adjustable item which sets one start and one stop time for Thursday.
Fri. Fri= is an adjustable item which sets one start and one stop time for Friday.
Sat. Sat= is an adjustable item which sets one start and one stop time for Saturday.
Sun. Sun= is an adjustable item which sets one start and one stop time for Sunday.
Hol. Hol= is an adjustable item which sets one start and one stop time for Holidays.
One Event Schedule
The One Event Schedule menu contains parameters for setting a beginning and ending date and time for a one event schedule which overrides the daily internal start stop schedule for that period.
Beg. Beg= is an adjustable item which sets the start date and time for a one event schedule which overrides the daily internal start stop schedule for the period defined by it and the End= parameter.
End. End= is an adjustable item which sets the stop date and time for a one event schedule which overrides the daily internal start stop schedule for the period defined by it and the Beg= parameter.
Holiday Schedule
The Holiday Schedule menu contains parameters for defining up to 16 holiday periods throughout the year. A beginning and ending date is assigned to each holiday period. On
24 OM 138
each day of the holiday period, the holiday schedule entered in the Daily Schedules menu is used.
Hol 1 through Hol 16. Hol 1= through Hol 16= are adjustable items which are used to define up to 16 holiday periods throughout the calendar year.
Optimal Start
The Optimal Start menu contains parameters for adjusting the action of the optimal start function. For detailed informa-
tion regarding the optimal start function, refer to “Optimal
Space Temp. Space Temp= is a status only item which displays the current space (or zone) temperature reading from the optional unit space air temperature sensor input. Refer to
“Zone (Space) Temperature Sensor” on page 56.
Note: If an optional space temperature sensor is not installed, the Space Sensor= item in the Unit Configuration menu should be set to “No” to disable the alarm function associated with an open circuit at the space temperature sensor input.
Optimal Start. Optimal Start= is an adjustable item used to turn the optimal start function on and off.
Auto Update. Auto Update= is an adjustable item used to turn on and off a feature included in the optimal start func-
Table 6: Schedules Menus
Menu Name Menu Item Name
Daily Schedule
Factory Default Value
Same As Monday
Same As Monday
Same As Monday
Same As Monday
Same As Monday
Same As Monday
Same As Monday
One Event Schedule
N/A tion where the controller “learns” and updates the optimal start parameters automatically based on previous results.
Htg Rate. Htg Rate= is an adjustable item used by the controller in determining the amount time before occupancy to start when the Optimal Start= parameter is set to “On.”
Htg OAT. Htg OAT= is an adjustable item used by the controller in determining the amount time before occupancy to start when the Optimal Start= parameter is set to “On.”
Htg Zero OAT. Htg Zero OAT= is an adjustable item used by the controller in determining the amount time before occupancy to start when the Optimal Start= parameter is set to “On.”
Clg Rate. Clg Rate= is an adjustable item used by the controller in determining the amount time before occupancy to start when the Optimal Start= parameter is set to “On.”
Clg OAT. Clg OAT= is an adjustable item used by the controller in determining the amount time before occupancy to start when the Optimal Start= parameter is set to “On.”
Clg Zero OAT. Clg Zero OAT= is an adjustable item used by the controller in determining the amount time before occupancy to start when the Optimal Start= parameter is set to “On.”
Field Number
Same As Monday
Same As Monday
Same As Monday
Same As Monday
Same As Monday
Same As Monday
Same As Monday
00 - 23
00 - 59
00 - 23
00 - 59
Same As Monday
Same As Monday
Same As Monday
Same As Monday
Same As Monday
Same As Monday
Same As Monday
OM 138 25
Table 6: Schedules Menus (Continued)
Menu Name Menu Item Name
Holiday Schedule
Hol 1
Hol 2
Hol 3
Hol 4
Hol 5
Hol 6
Hol 7
Hol 8
Hol 9
Hol 10
Hol 11
Hol 12
Hol 13
Hol 14
Hol 15
Hol 16
Space Temp
Optimal Start
Factory Default Value
Optimal Start
Auto Update
Htg Rate
Htg Zero OAT
Clg Rate
Clg Zero OAT
Menus in the Setup/Service category contain status and control parameters that relate to the setup and service of the unit.
Parameters in these menus are generally the type that are set at the factory and might be adjusted when the equipment is started up and generally do not required further adjustment.
Table 7 on page 35 lists all menus and items in the
Setup/Service group or category. The “Range” column in the table lists all possible values for each item. The factory settings for the adjustable parameters are shown in the “Factory
Default Value” column. The following are brief descriptions of the Setup/Service category menus and items.
Unit Configuration
The Unit Configuration menu contains parameters that define various basic unit configuration attributes.
AHU ID. AHU ID= is a status only item which identifies the version of application software loaded into the unit main
control board (MCB) Refer to “Software Identification and
0.4 °F/min
35 °F
0 °F
0.4 °F/min
85 °F
100 °F
Same As Hol 1
Same As Hol 1
Same As Hol 1
Same As Hol 1
Same As Hol 1
Same As Hol 1
Same As Hol 1
Same As Hol 1
Same As Hol 1
Same As Hol 1
Same As Hol 1
Same As Hol 1
Same As Hol 1
Same As Hol 1
Same As Hol 1
Field Number
Same As Hol 1
Same As Hol 1
Same As Hol 1
Same As Hol 1
Same As Hol 1
Same As Hol 1
Same As Hol 1
Same As Hol 1
Same As Hol 1
Same As Hol 1
Same As Hol 1
Same As Hol 1
Same As Hol 1
Same As Hol 1
Same As Hol 1
Same As Hol 1
Same As Hol 1
Same As Hol 1
Same As Hol 1
Same As Hol 1
Same As Hol 1
Same As Hol 1
Same As Hol 1
Same As Hol 1
Same As Hol 1
Same As Hol 1
Same As Hol 1
Same As Hol 1
Same As Hol 1
Same As Hol 1
-50 - 250.0 °F
0-1 °F/min
0 - 255 °F
-40 - 60 °F
0-1 °F/min
0 - 255 °F
60 - 140 °F
CompB1 ID. CompB1 ID= is a status only item which identifies the version of the application software loaded into compressor control board #1 (CCB1) on a unit equipped
with compressorized cooling. Refer to “Software Identification and Configuration” on page 102.
CompB2 ID. CompB2 ID= is a status only item which identifies the version of the application software loaded into compressor control board #2 (CCB2) on a unit equipped
with compressorized cooling. Refer to “Software Identification and Configuration” on page 102.
GenCB ID. GenCB ID= is a status only item which identifies the version of the application software loaded into the generic condenser control board (CCB1) on a unit equipped with a DX cooling coil and interfaced with a field supplied
condensing unit. Refer to “Software Identification and Configuration” on page 102.
HtgB ID. HtgB ID= is a status only item which identifies the version of the application software loaded into the electric heat control board (EHB1) on a unit equipped with mul-
26 OM 138
tistage electric heat. Refer to “Software Identification and
ERecB ID. ERecB ID= is a status only item which identifies the version of application software loaded into the energy recovery control board (ERB1) on a unit equipped
with an energy recovery wheel system. Refer to “Software
Identification and Configuration” on page 102
KP ID. KP ID= is a status only item which identifies the version of the keypad object loaded into the unit main con-
trol board (MCB). Refer to “Keypad/Display Objects” on page 103.
Calibrate Mode. Calibrate Mode= is an adjustable item used to place the unit into the Calib operating state. In this state the unit is shut off and all the unit actuator feedback signals are calibrated. The unit static pressure sensor input signals are also zeroed during this state. For detailed infor-
mation regarding calibration, refer to “Calibrate Mode” on page 56.
Space Sensor. Space Sensor= is an adjustable item used to indicate whether or not an optional space air temperature sensor is installed. Setting this parameter to “No” disables the alarm function associated with an open circuit at the space temperature sensor input. Also, if “No” is selected, the
Cntl Temp Src= parameter cannot be set to “Space” and the
Clg Reset= and the Htg Reset= parameters cannot be set to
“Space.” For more information regarding the optional space
temperature sensor, refer to “Zone (Space) Temperature Sensor” on page 56
EFT Sensor. EFT Sensor= is an adjustable item used to indicate whether or not an optional entering fan air temperature sensor is installed. Setting this parameter to “No” disables the alarm function associated with an open circuit at the EFT temperature sensor input. This sensor is installed only on units equipped with either gas or electric heat and is used by the controller to calculate the heat rise across the heat exchanger by comparing it to the discharge air temperature input. The controller uses this information to protect the heat exchanger against overheating.
2nd P Sensor. 2nd P Sensor= is an adjustable item used to indicate whether or not an optional building static pressure sensor is installed in a unit. When this parameter is set to
“Bldg”, the controller assumes there is a building static pressure sensor wired to the “second sensor” location.
Note: One a zone (or space comfort) control unit, there is not “first sensor” location.
In this case the unit return inlet vanes or VFD are controlled to maintain the building pressure at a building pressure set point. When this parameter is set to “None”, the controller assumes there is not a second static pressure sensor installed and ignores the associated analog input. For detailed infor-
mation regarding return fan capacity control, “Return Fan
RF/EF Ctrl. RF/EF Ctrl= is an adjustable item used to select the type of return or exhaust fan airflow control to be used. If the unit is equipped with return fan inlets vanes or a
VFD and this parameter is set to “Tracking”, then the return fan airflow is controlled based on an adjustable tracking relationship between the discharge fan and return fan airflow. If this parameter is set to “Bldg”, then the return or exhaust fan airflow is controlled independently of the discharge fan airflow to maintain the building static pressure at a building static pressure set point. If this parameter is set to “Position”, then the return or exhaust fan airflow is controlled to an inlet vane position or VFD speed set point set via a network signal. For detailed information regarding return or exhaust fan
capacity control, refer to “Return Fan Capacity Control” on
page 88 or “Energy Recovery” on page 86.
Rem RF/EF Cap. Rem RF/EF Cap= is an adjustable item which adjusts the return/exhaust air vane position or VFD speed when the RF/EF Ctrl= parameter is set to “Position.”
This parameter can be manually adjusted if it is not being set via a network signal. It is also used when the Fan Balance= parameter is set to “On” to manually position the return fan vanes of VFD during the fan balance procedure. For detailed information regarding return or exhaust fan capacity control,
refer to “Return Fan Capacity Control” on page 88 or
Eng Units. Eng Units= is an adjustable item used to select the system of engineering units used for displaying data on the keypad. If this parameter is set to “English”, the keypad data is displayed in inch-pound (I-P) units of measurement.
If this parameter is set to “SI Canada”, the keypad data is displayed in the International System of Units (SI) used in
Canada. If this parameter is set to “SI Europe”, the keypad data is displayed in the International System of Units (SI) used in Europe.
The “Passwords” menu contains parameters that relate to the keypad passwords. For detailed information regarding pass-
words, refer to “Password Protection” on page 10.
Timeout. Timeout= is an adjustable item used to set the duration of a timer which is set whenever the keypad password is entered. Once the password is entered, set points can be changed and alarms can be cleared without reentering the password.
Clear Alarm. Clear Alarm= is an adjustable item used to set which password level is required to allow the user to clear alarms. If this parameter is set to “Lvl 1” then at least the level 1 password must be entered to allow alarms to be cleared. If this parameter is set to “Lvl 2” then the level 2 password must be entered to allow alarms to be cleared. If this parameter is set to “None” then a password entry is not required to allow alarms to be cleared.
Operating Hours
The Operating Hours menu contains items that indicate how many hours the fans, cooling and heating, override and
OM 138 27
energy recover have been operating. This information can be used for scheduling maintenance and monitoring unit operation.
Fan. Fan= is a status item which indicates the hours that the unit fans have operated. This value accumulates to 50,000 hours before rolling over. This status item can be reset or adjusted manually from the keypad.
Mech Cool. Mech Cool= is a status item which indicates the hours that the unit mechanical cooling has operated. This value accumulates to 50,000 hours before rolling over. This status item can be reset or adjusted manually from the keypad.
Comp 1. Comp 1= is a status item which indicates the hours compressor #1 has operated on units equipped with compressorized cooling. This value accumulates to 50,000 hours before rolling over. This status item can be reset or adjusted manually from the keypad.
Comp 2. Comp 2= is a status item which indicates the hours compressor #2 has operated on units equipped with compressorized cooling. This value accumulates to 50,000 hours before rolling over. This status item can be reset or adjusted manually from the keypad.
Comp 3. Comp 3= is a status item which indicates the hours compressor #3 has operated on units equipped with compressorized cooling. This value accumulates to 50,000 hours before rolling over. This status item can be reset or adjusted manually from the keypad.
Comp 4. Comp 4= is a status item which indicates the hours compressor #4 has operated on units equipped with compressorized cooling. This value accumulates to 50,000 hours before rolling over. This status item can be reset or adjusted manually from the keypad.
Heating. Heating= is a status item which indicates the hours that the unit heating has operated. This value accumulates to 50,000 hours before rolling over. This status item can be reset or adjusted manually from the keypad.
Economizer. Economizer= is a status item which indicates the hours that the unit has been in the Econo operating state.
This value accumulates to 50,000 hours before rolling over.
This status item can be reset or adjusted manually from the keypad.
Bypass. Bypass= is a status item which indicates the hours that the unit has operated in the schedule bypass mode of operation. This value accumulates to 50,000 hours before rolling over. This status item can be reset or adjusted manually from the keypad.
Dehumidify. Dehumidify= is a status item which indicates the hours that the dehumidification function has operated.
This value accumulates to 50,000 hours before rolling over.
This status item can be reset or adjusted manually from the keypad.
ERecovery. ERecovery= is a status item which indicates the hours that the optional energy recovery system has been in operation. This value accumulates to 50,000 hours before rolling over. This status item can be reset or adjusted manually from the keypad.
Timer Settings
The Timer Settings menu contains several parameters for setting the controller process timers. For detailed informa-
tion regarding these timers, refer to “Control Timer Settings” on page 58.
Service. Service= is an adjustable item which sets a time period during which many of the controller process timers, such as the cooling and heating interstage timers, are sped up. Once this parameter is set to a none-zero time value the fast timers are used until this timer expires.
Recirculate. Recirculate= is an adjustable item which defines the duration of the Recirc operating state.
Low DAT. Low DAT= is an adjustable item which sets the duration of a time period after unit start up during which the
Lo Disch Tmp fault ignored.
Max MWU. Max MWU= is an adjustable item which sets a maximum duration for the MWU (morning warm up) operating state.
Bypass. Bypass= is an adjustable item which sets the time period during which the unit operates each time the tenant override button on the optional space temperature sensor is pressed or the Occ Mode= parameter is switched to
“Bypass.” For detailed information regarding bypass opera-
tion refer to “Bypass Time (Tenant Override)” on page 48.
Start Init. Start Init= is an adjustable item which sets the duration of the Startup operating state.
Min Exh On. Min Exh On= is an adjustable item which sets a minimum on time for the exhaust fan when a unit is equipped with an optional energy recovery system. For detailed information regarding the optional energy recovery
system, refer to “Energy Recovery” on page 86.
Min Exh Off. Min Exh Off= is an adjustable item which sets a minimum off time for the exhaust fan when a unit is equipped with an optional energy recovery system. For detailed information regarding the optional energy recovery
system, refer to “Energy Recovery” on page 86.
The Time/Date menu contains three parameters for setting the controller current date and time. For detailed information
regarding these parameters, refer to “Setting Controller Date and Time” on page 49.
Time. Time= is an adjustable item which sets the controller current time.
Note: The time must be entered and is displayed in “military” time (hh:mm:ss).
28 OM 138
Day. Day= is a status only item which displays the current day of the week based on the value of the Date= parameter.
Date. Date= is an adjustable item which sets the current date including date, month and year.
Bldg Static P Setup
The Bldg Static P Setup menu contains several adjustable parameters which affect the response timing for the PID control action used by the controller when modulating the return or exhaust fan inlet vanes or VFD to maintain building static pressure. These parameters apply only when the RF/EF
Ctrl= parameter in the Unit Configuration menu is set to
“BldgPres.” For detailed information regarding these control
parameters, refer to “MicroTech II DDC Features” on page 99.
BSP Propbd. BSP Propbd= is an adjustable item which sets the “proportional band” used in the PID control function that modulates the return air or exhaust fan inlet vanes or
VFD in response to building static pressure. In general, increasing this value has a slowing effect and decreasing this value has a speeding effect on the control of the return or exhaust fan inlet vanes or VFD.
BSP IntTime. BSP IntTime= is an adjustable item which varies the “integral time” used in the PID control function that modulates the return air or exhaust fan inlet vanes or
VFD in response to building static pressure. In general, increasing this value has a slowing effect and decreasing this value has a speeding effect on the control of the return or exhaust fan inlet vanes or VFD.
BSP Period. BSP Period= is an adjustable item which sets the “sampling period” used in the PID control function that modulates the return air or exhaust fan inlet vanes or VFD.
In general, increasing this value has a slowing effect and decreasing this value has a speeding effect on the control of the return or exhaust fan inlet vanes or VFD.
Zone Temp Setup
The Zone Temp Setup menu contains several adjustable parameters which affect the response timing for the PID control action used by the controller when adjusting the Eff Clg
Spt= and Eff Htg Spt= parameters in the Discharge Cooling and Discharge Heating menus to maintain the Eff Clg Spt= and Eff Htg Spt= set points in the Zone Cooling and Zone
Heating menus. For detailed information regarding PID con-
trol parameters, refer to “MicroTech II DDC Features” on page 99.
Spt Source. Spt Source= is an adjustable item which determines the source for setting the Eff Clg Spt= and Eff
Htg Spt= set points in the Zone Cooling and Zone Heating menu. When this parameter is set “Keypad”, the Eff Clg
Spt= and Eff Htg Spt= set points in the Zone Cooling and
Zone Heating menus are set to the Occ Clg Spt= and Occ
Htg Spt= values respectively. When this parameter is set
“Tstat”, the Eff Clg Spt= and Eff Htg Spt= set points in the
Zone Cooling and Zone Heating menus are set based on an analog set point adjustment input from a optional remotely mounted space temperature sensor. For details regarding the
use of thermostat supplied set points, refer to “Tstat Source
Clg Propbd. Clg Propbd= is an adjustable item which sets the “proportional band” used in the PID control function that adjusts the Eff Clg Spt= parameter in the Discharge Cooling menu to maintain the Eff Clg Spt= set point in the Zone
Cooling menu. In general, increasing this value has a slowing effect and decreasing this value has a speeding effect on this control action.
Htg Propbd. Htg Propbd= is an adjustable item which sets the “proportional band” used in the PID control function that adjusts the Eff Htg Spt= parameter in the Discharge Heating menu to maintain the Eff Htg Spt= set point in the Zone
Heating menu. In general, increasing this value has a slowing effect and decreasing this value has a speeding effect on this control action.
Clg IntTime. Clg IntTime= is an adjustable item which sets the “integral time” used in the PID control function that adjusts the Eff Clg Spt= parameter in the Discharge Cooling menu to maintain the Eff Clg Spt= set point in the Zone
Cooling menu. In general, increasing this value has a slowing effect and decreasing this value has a speeding effect on this control action.
Htg IntTime. Htg IntTime= is an adjustable item which sets the “integral time” used in the PID control function that adjusts the Eff Htg Spt= parameter in the Discharge Heating menu to maintain the Eff Htg Spt= set point in the Zone
Heating menu. In general, increasing this value has a slowing effect and decreasing this value has a speeding effect on this control action.
Period. Period= is an adjustable item which sets the
“period” used in the PID control function that adjusts the Eff
Clg Spt= and Eff Htg Spt= parameters in the Discharge
Cooling and Discharge Heating menus to maintain the Eff
Clg Spt= and Eff Htg Spt= set points in the Zone Cooling and Zone Heating menus. In general, increasing this value has a slowing effect and decreasing this value has a speeding effect on this control action.
Compressor Setup
The Compressor Setup menu contains several adjustable parameters than affect the compressor and condenser fan staging on units equipped with compressorized cooling. For detailed information regarding compressorized cooling stag-
ing operation, refer to “Cooling: Multistage” on page 72.
Lead Circuit. Lead Circuit= is an adjustable item used to select the lead cooling circuit or to select automatic lead/lag of the cooling circuits. For detailed information regarding
cooling circuit lead/lag operation, refer to “Compressor
CompCtrl. CompCtrl= is an adjustable item used to select the circuit staging method to be use during cooling opera-
OM 138 29
tion. When this parameter is set to “Cross Circ”, cooling is staged up and down alternating between cooling circuit #1 and #2. When this parameter is set to “Lead Load”, the
“lead” cooling circuit is first staged up completely before the second cooling circuit is staged up. For detailed information
regarding circuit staging operation, refer to “Compressor
Cond Fan1 Spt. Cond Fan1 Spt= is an adjustable item used to set the outdoor air temperature point above which the first condenser fan in each cooling circuit is turned on.
Cond Fan2 Spt. Cond Fan2 Spt= is an adjustable item used to set the outdoor air temperature point above which the second condenser fan in each cooling circuit is turned on.
Cond Fan3 Spt. Cond Fan3 Spt= is an adjustable item used to set the outdoor air temperature point above which the third condenser fan in each cooling circuit is turned on.
Cond Fan4 Spt. Cond Fan4 Spt= is an adjustable item used to set the outdoor air temperature point above which the fourth condenser fan in each cooling circuit is turned on.
Stage Time. Stage Time= is an adjustable item used to set the minimum time between consecutive cooling staging actions.
Chilled Water Setup
The Chilled Water Setup menu contains several adjustable parameters that affect the response timing for the PID control action used by the controller when modulating the chilled water valve to maintain the Eff Clg Spt= parameter in the Discharge Cooling menu. For detailed information
regarding these control parameters, refer to “MicroTech II
Clg Propbd. Clg Propbd= is an adjustable item which sets the “proportional band” used in the PID control function that modulates the chilled water valve to maintain the Eff Clg
Spt= parameter in the Discharge Cooling menu. In general, increasing this value has a slowing effect and decreasing this value has a speeding effect on the control of the chilled water valve.
Clg IntTime. Clg IntTime= is an adjustable item which sets the “integral time” used in the PID control function that modulates the chilled water valve to maintain the Eff Clg
Spt= parameter in the Discharge Cooling menu. In general, increasing this value has a slowing effect and decreasing this value has a speeding effect on the control of the chilled water valve.
Clg Period. Clg Period= is an adjustable item which sets the “sampling period” used in the PID control function that modulates the chilled water valve to maintain the Eff Clg
Spt= parameter in the Discharge Cooling menu. In general, increasing this value has a slowing effect and decreasing this value has a speeding effect on the control of the chilled water valve.
Stage Time. Stage Time= is an adjustable item used to set a minimum cooling time period. Once a unit enters the Cooling operating state, the chilled water valve must be closed for this time period before the unit leaves the Cooling operating state
Economizer Setup
The Economizer Setup menu contains several adjustable parameters that affect the response timing for the PID control action used by the controller when modulating the economizer dampers to maintain the Eff Clg Spt= parameter in the Discharge Cooling menu. For detailed information
regarding these control parameters, refer to “MicroTech II
Clg Propbd. Clg Propbd= is an adjustable item which sets the “proportional band” used in the PID control function that modulates the economizer dampers to maintain the Eff Clg
Spt= parameter in the Discharge Cooling menu. In general, increasing this value has a slowing effect and decreasing this value has a speeding effect on the control of the dampers.
Clg IntTime. Clg IntTime= is an adjustable item which sets the “integral time” used in the PID control function that modulates economizer dampers to maintain the Eff Clg Spt= parameter in the Discharge Cooling menu. In general, increasing this value has a slowing effect and decreasing this value has a speeding effect on the control of the dampers.
Clg Period. Clg Period= is an adjustable item which sets the “sampling period” used in the PID control function that modulates economizer dampers to maintain the Eff Clg Spt= parameter in the Discharge Cooling menu. In general, increasing this value has a slowing effect and decreasing this value has a speeding effect on the control of the dampers.
DesignFlow Setup
The DesignFlow Setup menu contains several adjustable parameters that affect the response timing for the control action used by the controller when modulating the outdoor air dampers to maintain the MinOA Flow= setting. For detailed information regarding these control parameters,
refer to “DesignFlow OA Airflow Measurement Reset” on page 71.
Wait Time. Wait Time= is an adjustable item which sets the
“wait time” used in the control function that modulates the
Eff Min OA Pos= parameter to maintain the OA Flow= parameter at the MinOA Flow= set point when a unit is equipped with the optional DesignFlow outdoor airflow measuring feature. For details regarding the DesignFlow
option, refer to “Minimum Ventilation Control” on page 68.
Modband. Modband= is an adjustable item which sets the
“modulation band” used in the control function that modulates the Eff Min OA Pos= parameter to maintain the OA
Flow= parameter at the MinOA Flow= set point when a unit is equipped with the optional DesignFlow outdoor airflow measuring feature. For details regarding the DesignFlow
option, refer to “Minimum Ventilation Control” on page 70
30 OM 138
Wait Time. Wait Time= is an adjustable item which sets the
“wait time” used in the control function that modulates the
Eff Min OA Pos= parameter to maintain the OA Flow= parameter at the MinOA Flow= set point when a unit is equipped with the optional DesignFlow outdoor airflow measuring feature.
Max Step. Max Step= is an adjustable item which sets the
“maximum step” used in the control function that modulates the Eff Min OA Pos= parameter to maintain the OA Flow= parameter at the MinOA Flow= set point when a unit is equipped with the optional DesignFlow outdoor airflow measuring feature.
Deadband. Deadband= is an adjustable item which sets the “deadband” used in the control function that modulates
Eff Min OA Pos= parameter to maintain the OA Flow= parameter at the MinOA Flow= set point when a unit is equipped with the optional DesignFlow outdoor airflow measuring feature.
LH Lvl Pos. LH Lvl Pos= is a status item which is used calibrate the left-hand side (unit opposite drive side) of the optional DesignFlow outdoor measuring apparatus. For details regarding calibration of the DesignFlow apparatus, refer to the applicable model-specific installation and main-
tenance manual (refer to Table 1 on page 4).
RH Lvl Pos. RH Lvl Pos= is a status item which is used calibrate the right-hand side (unit drive side) of the optional
DesignFlow outdoor measuring apparatus. For details regarding calibration of the DesignFlow apparatus, refer to the applicable model-specific installation and maintenance
manual (refer to Table 1 on page 4).
Heating Setup
The Heating Setup menu contains several adjustable parameters that affect the control action used by the controller to modulate the heating and/or face and bypass damper control actuator to maintain the Eff Htg Spt= parameter in the Discharge Heating menu.
Stage Time. Stage Time= is an adjustable item used to set a minimum time period between heating staging actions.
F&BP Ctrl. F&BP Ctrl= is an adjustable item used to determine the type of heating valve control to be used on units equipped with face and bypass heating. For detailed information regarding heating face and bypass operation,
refer to “Steam or Hot Water Heat: Face and Bypass Damper
Control-Open Valve Method” on page 81.
F&BP Chgovr. F&BP Chgovr= is an adjustable item used to determine when the heating valve is driven fully open when the F&BP Ctrl= parameter is set to “ModValve.” For detailed information regarding heating face and bypass oper-
ation, refer to “Steam or Hot Water Heat: Face and Bypass
Damper Control-Open Valve Method” on page 81.
Htg Propbd. Htg Propbd= is an adjustable item which sets the “proportional band” used in the PID control function that modulates the heating valve or face and bypass dampers to maintain the Eff Htg Spt= parameter in the Discharge Heating menu. In general, increasing this value has a slowing effect and decreasing this value has a speeding effect on the heating or face and bypass damper control actuator. For detailed information on this PID control parameter, refer to
“MicroTech II DDC Features” on page 99.
Htg IntTime. Htg IntTime= is an adjustable item which sets the “integral time” used in the PID control function that modulates the heating valve or face and bypass dampers to maintain the Eff Htg Spt= parameter in the Discharge Heating menu. In general, increasing this value has a slowing effect and decreasing this value has a speeding effect on the heating or face and bypass damper control actuator. For detailed information on this PID control parameter, refer to
“MicroTech II DDC Features” on page 99.
Htg Period. Htg Period= is an adjustable item which sets the “sampling period” used in the PID control function that modulates the heating valve or face and bypass dampers to maintain the Eff Htg Spt= parameter in the Discharge Heating menu. In general, increasing this value has a slowing effect and decreasing this value has a speeding effect on the control of the heating or face and bypass damper control actuator. For detailed information on this PID control param-
eter, refer to “MicroTech II DDC Features” on page 99.
Energy Rec Setup
The Energy Rec Setup menu contains several adjustable parameters that affect the response timing for the PID control action used by the controller on units equipped with an energy recovery system when modulating the enthalpy wheel to prevent wheel frosting. For detailed information
regarding these control parameters, refer to “MicroTech II
EWhl Propbd. EWhl Propbd= is an adjustable item which sets the “proportional band” used in the PID control function that modulates the enthalpy wheel to prevent wheel frosting.
In general, increasing this value has a slowing effect and decreasing this value has a speeding effect on the modulation of the enthalpy wheel.
EWhl IntTime. EWhl IntTime= is an adjustable item which sets the “integral time” used in the PID control function that modulates the enthalpy wheel to prevent wheel frosting. In general, increasing this value has a slowing effect and decreasing this value has a speeding effect on the modulation of the enthalpy wheel.
EWhl Period. EWhl Period= is an adjustable item which sets the “sampling period” used in the PID control function that modulates the enthalpy wheel to prevent wheel frosting.
In general, increasing this value has a slowing effect and decreasing this value has a speeding effect on the modulation of the enthalpy wheel.
Dehum Setup
The Dehum Setup menu contains several adjustable parameters that affect the control action of the dehumidification
OM 138 31
function. For detailed information regarding the dehumidification control function, for detailed information regarding
the dehumidification function, refer to “Dehumidification” on page 85.
Dehum Ctrl. Dehum Ctrl= is an adjustable item which determines when the dehumidification function is allowed to operate. If this parameter is set to “Occupied”, the dehumidification function is only allowed to operate during occupied time periods. If this parameter is set to “Always”, the dehumidification is allowed to operate during occupied and unoccupied time periods.
Minimum Stages. Minimum Stages= is an adjustable item which sets the number of cooling stages that are immediately activated upon a call for dehumidification operation.
Maximum Stages. Maximum Stages= is an adjustable item which sets the maximum number of cooling stages that are activated during dehumidification operation.
DH Stage Time. DH Stage Time= is an adjustable item which sets a stage time period between the minimum and maximum cooling stages during dehumidification operation.
When the controller initially activates dehumidification operation, cooling is staged up to the Minimum Stages= value and this timer beings to time out. After this timer expires, cooling is staged up to the Maximum Stages= value if there is still a call for dehumidification.
Sensor Loc. Sensor Loc= is an adjustable item which determines which temperature sensor is used in combination with the relative humidity sensor input to calculate the dew point value. This parameter can either be set to “Space” or
Manual Control
The Manual Control menu contains parameters used to control the outputs from the controller (MCB) in a manual mode. This can be used to test the operation of the various devices controlled by the outputs. For detailed information
regarding manual operation, refer to “Manual Output Control” on page 59.
Manual Control. Manual Control= is an adjustable item used to turn the manual control mode of operation on and off. When this parameter is set to “No” the unit operates normally. When this parameter is set to “Yes” normal control of the control outputs is overridden and the condition of each output is defined by setting the remaining items within the
Manual Control menu.
Discharge Fan. Discharge Fan= is an adjustable item used to manually turn the discharge air fan on and off.
RF/EF Fan. RF/EF Fan= is an adjustable item used to manually turn the return air or exhaust fan on and off.
Fan Operation. Fan Operation= is an adjustable item used to manually turn the Fan Operation Output (MCB-
BO3) on and off.
Alarm. Alarm= is an adjustable item used to manually turn the Remote Alarm Output (MCB-BO4) on and off.
OA Damper. OA Damper= is an adjustable item used to manually drive the outdoor air dampers open and closed.
Mod Cooling. Mod Cooling= is an adjustable item used to manually drive the modulating cooling valve open and closed.
Mod Heating. Mod Heating= is an adjustable item used to manually drive the modulating heating valve open and closed.
RF/EF Vanes. RF/EF Vanes= is an adjustable item used to manually drive the return air or exhaust fan inlet vanes open and closed.
RF/EF VFD. RF/EF VFD= is an adjustable item used to manually increase and decrease the return air or exhaust fan
VFD speed.
Alarm Out Faults
The Alarm Out Faults menu contains parameters for determining the action of the Remote Alarm Output (MCB-BO4) when “fault” alarms occur. The Remote Alarm Output is on continuously when there are no active alarms within the controller. Each alarm can be set up to cause the Remote Alarm
Output to turn off, blink quickly, blink slowly or remain on continuously when the alarm occurs. For detailed informa-
tion on configuring the Remote Alarm Output, refer to “Configuring Remote Alarm Output” on page 54.
Freeze. Freeze= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the Freeze fault occurs.
Smoke. Smoke= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the Smoke fault occurs.
Space Sensor. Space Sensor= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the Space Sensor fault occurs.
Return Sensor. Return Sensor= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the Return Sensor fault occurs.
Disch Sensor. Disch Sensor= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the
Disch Sensor fault occurs.
Hi Return Tmp. Hi Return Tmp= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the Hi Return Tmp fault occurs.
Hi Disch Tmp. Hi Disch Tmp= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the Hi Disch Tmp fault occurs.
Lo Disch Tmp. Lo Disch Tmp= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the Lo Disch Tmp fault occurs.
32 OM 138
Fan Fail. Fan Fail= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the Fan Fail fault occurs.
OA Dmpr Stuck. OA Dmpr Stuck= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the OA Dmpr Stuck fault occurs
Alarm Out Problems
The Alarm Out Problems menu contains parameters for determining the action of the Remote Alarm Output (MCB-
BO4) when “problem” alarms occur. The Remote Alarm
Output is on continuously when there are no active alarms within the controller. Each alarm can be set up to cause the
Remote Alarm Output to turn off, blink quickly, blink slowly or remain on continuously when the alarm occurs. For detailed information regarding configuring the Remote
Alarm Output, refer to “Configuring Remote Alarm Output” on page 54.
Freeze. Freeze= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the Freeze problem occurs.
OAT Sensor. OAT Sensor= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the
OAT Sensor problem occurs.
Space Sensor. Space Sensor= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the Space Sensor problem occurs.
Return Sensor. Return Sensor= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the Return Sensor problem occurs.
Ent Fan Sens. Ent Fan Sens= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the
Ent Fan Sens problem occurs.
Heat Fail. Heat Fail= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the Heat
Fail problem occurs.
Hi Pres-Ckt1. Hi Pres-Ckt1= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the
Hi Pres-Ckt1 problem occurs.
Hi Pres-Ckt2. Hi Pres-Ckt2= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the
Hi Pres-Ckt2 problem occurs.
Lo Pres-Ckt1. Lo Pres-Ckt1= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the
Lo Pres-Ckt1 problem occurs.
Lo Pres-Ckt2. Lo Pres-Ckt2= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the
Lo Pres-Ckt2 problem occurs.
Frost-Ckt1. Frost-Ckt1= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the
Frost-Ckt1 problem occurs.
Frost-Ckt2. Frost-Ckt2= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the
Frost-Ckt2 problem occurs.
Comp #1 Alm. Comp #1 Alm= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the Comp #1 Alm problem occurs.
Comp #2 Alm. Comp #2 Alm= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the Comp #2 Alm problem occurs.
Comp #3 Alm. Comp #3 Alm= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the Comp #3 Alm problem occurs.
Comp #4 Alm. Comp #4 Alm= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the Comp #4 Alm problem occurs.
PumpDown-Ckt1. PumpDown-Ckt1= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the PumpDown-Ckt1 problem occurs.
PumpDown-Ckt2. PumpDown-Ckt2= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the PumpDown-Ckt2 problem occurs.
Ckt1 Clg Ena. Ckt1 Clg Ena= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the
Ckt1 Clg Ena problem occurs.
Ckt2 Clg Ena. Ckt2 Clg Ena= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the
Ckt2 Clg Ena problem occurs.
GenC Clg Ena. GenC Clg Ena= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the GenC Clg Ena problem occurs.
HtgB Htg Ena. HtgB Htg Ena= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the HtgB Htg Ena problem occurs.
Ckt1 Comm Fail. Ckt1 Comm Fail= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the Ckt1 Comm Fail problem occurs.
Ckt2 Comm Fail. Ckt2 Comm Fail= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the Ckt2 Comm Fail problem occurs.
GenC Comm Fail. GenC Comm Fail= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the GenC Comm Fail problem occurs.
HtgB Comm Fail. HtgB Comm Fail= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the HtgB Comm Fail problem occurs.
ERecB Comm Fail. ERecB Comm Fail= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the ERecB Comm Fail problem occurs.
OM 138 33
Alarm Out Warnings
The Alarm Out Warnings menu contains parameters for determining the action of the Remote Alarm Output (MCB-
BO4) when “warning” alarms occur. The Remote Alarm
Output is on continuously when there are no active alarms within the controller. Each alarm can be set up to cause the
Remote Alarm Output to turn off, blink quickly, blink slowly or remain on continuously when the alarm occurs. For detailed information regarding configuring the Remote
Alarm Output, refer to “Configuring Remote Alarm Output” on page 54.
OA Dmpr Stuck. OA Dmpr Stuck= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the OA Dmpr Stuck warning occurs.
Airflow Switch. Airflow Switch= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the Airflow Switch warning occurs.
Dirty Filter. Dirty Filter= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the
Dirty Filter warning occurs.
Dirty FnlFltr. Dirty FnlFltr= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the
Dirty FnlFltr warning occurs.
Ckt1 H/W. Ckt1 H/W= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the Ckt1
H/W warning occurs.
Ckt2 H/W. Ckt2 H/W= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the Ckt2
H/W warning occurs.
GenC H/W. GenC H/W= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the
GenC H/W warning occurs.
HtgB H/W. HtgB H/W= is an adjustable item used to determine the action of the Remote Alarm Output when the HtgB
H/W warning occurs.
Alarm Limits
The Alarm Limits menu contains parameters for setting three miscellaneous temperature alarm limits.
Hi Disch Alm. Hi Disch Alm= is an adjustable item which sets a high discharge air temperature alarm limit. If the discharge air temperature input exceeds this setting, the unit shuts down completely on the Hi Disch Tmp fault.
Lo Disch Alm. Lo Disch Alm= is an adjustable item which sets a low discharge air temperature alarm limit. If the discharge air temperature input falls below this setting while mechanical cooling is not operating, the unit shuts down completely on the Lo Disch Tmp fault.
Hi Return Alm. Hi Return Alm= is an adjustable item which sets a high return air temperature alarm limit. If the return air temperature input exceeds this setting, the unit shuts down completely on the Hi Return Tmp fault.
34 OM 138
Table 7: Setup/Services Menus
Menu Name Menu Item Name
CompB1 ID
CompB2 ID
Calibrate Mode
Unit Configuration
Space Sensor
EFT Sensor
2nd P Sensor
Factory Default Value
Field Number
Operating Hours
Timer Settings
RF/EF Ctrl
Rem RF/EF Cap
Eng Units
Clear Alarm
Mech Cool
Comp 1
Comp 2
Comp 3
Comp 4
Start Init
Min Exh On
Min Exh Off
15 min
0 min
3 min
3 min
90 min
120 min
180 sec
120 sec
120 sec
OM 138
SI Canada
SI Europe
2-60 min
0-50000 hr
0-50000 hr
0-50000 hr
0-50000 hr xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx
0-50000 hr
0-50000 hr
0-50000 hr
0-50000 hr
0-50000 hr
0-50000 hr
0-50000 hr
0 - 240 min
2 - 60 min
2 - 60 min
0 - 240 min
0 - 300 min
0 - 240 sec
60 - 300 sec
60 - 300 sec
Table 7: Setup/Services Menus (Continued)
Menu Name Menu Item Name
Bldg Static P Setup
Zone Temp Setup
BSP Propbd
BSP IntTime
BSP Period
Spt Source
Clg Propbd
Htg Propbd
Clg IntTime
Htg IntTime
Lead Circuit
Factory Default Value hh mm ss
dt mon year
1.0 “WC
10 sec
5 sec
8.0 °F
12.0 °F
700 sec
500 sec
60 sec
Compressor Setup
Chilled Water Setup
Economizer Setup
DesignFlow Setup
Heating Setup
Cond Fan1 Spt
Cond Fan2 Spt
Cond Fan3 Spt
Cond Fan4 Spt
Cond Fan Diff
Stage Time
Clg Propbd
Clg IntTime
Clg Period
Stage Time
Clg Propbd
Clg IntTime
Clg Period
Wait Time
Max Step
LH Lvl Pos
RH Lvl Pos
Stage Time
F&BP Ctrl
F&BP Chgovr
Htg Propbd
Htg IntTime
Htg Period
Cross Circ
30 sec
5 min
30 °F
60 sec
30 sec
30 sec
0 °F
55 °F
65 °F
75 °F
10 °F
5 min
30 °F
60 sec
5 min
37 °F
20 °F
120 sec
60 sec
Field Number
1-3600 sec
Cross Circ
Lead Load
0-105 °F
30-105 °F
50-105 °F
50-105 °F
5-20 °F
5-60 min
1-100 °F
0-3600 sec
1-3600 sec
5-60 min
00 - 23
00 -59
00 - 59
Mon - Sun
Jan - Dec
0.1-30.0 “WC
0-3600 sec
1-3600 sec
1.0-99.0 °F
1.0 99.0 °F
0-3600 sec
0-3600 sec
1-100 °F
0-3600 sec
1-3600 sec
5-180 sec
2-60 min
Mod Valve
0-60 °F
1-100 °F
0-3600 sec
1-3600 sec
36 OM 138
Table 7: Setup/Services Menus (Continued)
Menu Name
Energy Rec Setup
Menu Item Name
EWhl Propbd
EWhl IntTime
EWhl Period
Dehum Setup
Dehum Ctrl
Minimum Stages
Maximum Stages
DH Stage Time
Sensor Loc
Manual Control
Discharge Fan
Fan Operation
Factory Default Value
30 °F
100 sec
30 sec
10 min
OA Damper Auto
Manual Control
Mod Cooling Auto
Mod Heating Auto
RF/EF Vanes
Field Number
Alarm Out Faults
Space Sensor
Return Sensor
Disch Sensor
Hi Return Tmp
Hi Disch Tmp
Lo Disch Tmp
Fan Fail
OA Dmpr Stuck
1-100 °F
0-3600 sec
1-3600 sec
0-60 min
Same As Freeze
Same As Freeze
Same As Freeze
Same As Freeze
Same As Freeze
Same As Freeze
Same As Freeze
Same As Freeze
Same As Freeze
OM 138 37
Table 7: Setup/Services Menus (Continued)
Menu Name Menu Item Name
Alarm Out Problems
OAT Sensor
Space Sensor
Return Sensor
Ent Fan Sens
Lo Airflow
Heat Fail
Hi Pres-Ckt1
Hi Pres-Ckt2
Lo Pres-Ckt1
Lo Pres-Ckt2
Comp #1 Alm
Comp #2 Alm
Comp #3 Alm
Comp #4 Alm
Ckt1 Clg Ena
Ckt2 Clg Ena
GenC Clg Ena
HtgB Htg Ena
Ckt1 Comm Fail
Ckt2 Comm Fail
GenC Comm Fail
HtgB Comm Fail
ERecB Comm Fail
OA Dmpr Stuck
Factory Default Value
Alarm Out Warnings
Alarm Limits
Airflow Switch
Dirty Filter
Dirty FnlFltr
Ckt1 H/W
Ckt2 H/W
GenC H/W
HtgB H/W
Hi Discharge Alm
Lo Discharge Alm
Hi Return Alm
Active Alarms
Menus in the Active Alarms category contain alarm informa-
tion for up to 4 active alarms. Table 8 on page 40 lists all
menus and items in the Active Alarms group or category.
170 °F
40 °F
120 °F
Field Number
Same As Freeze
Same As Freeze
Same As Freeze
Same As Freeze
Same As Freeze
Same As Freeze
Same As Freeze
Same As Freeze
Same As Freeze
Same As Freeze
Same As Freeze
Same As Freeze
Same As Freeze
Same As Freeze
Same As Freeze
Same As Freeze
Same As Freeze
Same As Freeze
Same As Freeze
Same As Freeze
Same As Freeze
Same As Freeze
Same As Freeze
Same As Freeze
Same As Freeze
Same As Freeze
Same As Freeze
Same As OA Dmpr Stuck
Same As OA Dmpr Stuck
Same As OA Dmpr Stuck
Same As OA Dmpr Stuck
Same As OA Dmpr Stuck
Same As OA Dmpr Stuck
Same As OA Dmpr Stuck
90 - 250 °F
20 - 50 °F
90 - 150 °F
The “Range” column in the table lists all possible values for each item. The factory settings for the adjustable parameters are shown in the “Factory Default Value” column. The following are brief descriptions of the Active Alarms category
38 OM 138
menus and items. For detailed information regarding alarm
handling, refer to “Alarm Monitoring” on page 51 and
Active Alarm 1
The Active Alarm 1 menu provides details regarding the highest priority active alarm.
Alarm Name. Alarm Name= is a status only item that identifies the name of Active Alarm 1.
Alarm Type. Alarm Type= is a status only item that identifies the alarm type (fault, problem or warning) of Active
Alarm 1.
Alarm Date and Time. This is a status only item that indicates the date and time of occurrence of Active Alarm 1.
Active Alarm 2
The Active Alarm 2 menu provides details regarding the second highest priority active alarm.
Alarm Name. Alarm Name= is a status only item that identifies the name of Active Alarm 2.
Alarm Type. Alarm Type= is a status only item that identifies the alarm type (fault, problem or warning) of Active
Alarm 2.
Alarm Date and Time. This is a status only item that indicates the date and time of occurrence of Active Alarm 2.
Active Alarm 3
The Active Alarm 3 menu provides details regarding the third highest priority active alarm.
Alarm Name. Alarm Name= is a status only item that identifies the name of Active Alarm 3.
Alarm Type. Alarm Type= is a status only item that identifies the alarm type (fault, problem or warning) of Active
Alarm 3.
Alarm Date and Time. This is a status only item that indicates the date and time of occurrence of Active Alarm 3.
Active Alarm 4
The Active Alarm 4 menu provides details regarding the fourth highest priority active alarm.
Alarm Name. Alarm Name= is a status only item that identifies the name of Active Alarm 4.
Alarm Type. Alarm Type= is a status only item that identifies the alarm type (fault, problem or warning) of Active
Alarm 4.
Alarm Date and Time. This is a status only item that indicates the date and time of occurrence of Active Alarm 4.
OM 138 39
Table 8: Active Alarm Menus
Menu Name Menu Item Name Factory Default Value Field Number
Active Alarm 1
Alarm Name
Alarm Type
Alarm Date and Time
Freeze (Fault)
Smoke (Fault)
Space Sensor (Fault)
Return Sensor (Fault)
Disch Sensor (Fault)
Hi Return Tmp (Fault)
Hi Disch Tmp (Fault)
Lo Disch Tmp (Fault)
Fan Fail (Fault)
OA Dmpr Stuck (Fault)
Freeze (Problem)
OAT Sensor (Problem)
Space Sensor (Problem)
Return Sensor (Problem)
Ent Fan Sens (Problem)
Lo Airflow (Problem)
Heat Fail (Problem)
Hi Pres-Ckt1 (Problem)
Hi Pres-Ckt2 (Problem)
Lo Pres-Ckt1 (Problem)
Lo Pres-Ckt2 (Problem)
Frost-Ckt1 (Problem)
Frost-Ckt2 (Problem)
Comp #1 Alm (Problem)
Comp #2 Alm (Problem)
Comp #3 Alm (Problem)
Comp #4 Alm (Problem)
PumpDown-Ckt1 (Problem)
PumpDown-Ckt2 (Problem)
Ckt1 Clg Ena (Problem)
Ckt2 Clg Ena (Problem)
GenC Clg Ena (Problem)
HtgB Htg Ena (Problem)
Ckt1 Comm Fail (Problem)
Ckt2 Comm Fail (Problem)
GenC Comm Fail (Problem)
HtgB Comm Fail (Problem)
ERecB Comm Fail (Problem)
OA Dmpr Stuck (Warning)
Airflow Switch (Warning)
Dirty Filter (Warning)
Drty FnlFltr (Warning)
Ckt1 H/W (Warning)
Ckt2 H/W (Warning)
GenC H/W (Warning)
HtgB H/W (Warning)
Warning-Active dd-mmm-yy/hh:mm:ss
40 OM 138
Table 8: Active Alarm Menus (Continued)
Menu Name Menu Item Name
Alarm Name
Factory Default Value
Active Alarm 2 Alarm Type -
Active Alarm 3
Alarm Date and Time
Alarm Name
Alarm Type
Alarm Date and Time
Alarm Name
Active Alarm 4 Alarm Type
Alarm Date and Time
Field Number
Same As Active Alm 1
Problem- Active
Warning- Active dd-mmm-yy/hh:mm:ss
Same As Active Alm 1
Fault- Active
Problem- Active
Warning- Active dd-mmm-yy/hh:mm:ss
Same As Active Alm 1
Fault- Active
Problem- Active
Warning- Active dd-mmm-yy/hh:mm:ss
OM 138 41
Previous Alarms
Menus in the Previous Alarms category contain alarm infor-
mation for up to 4 previous alarms. Table 9 lists all menus
and items in the Previous Alarms group or category. The
“Range” column in the table lists all possible values for each item. The factory settings for the adjustable parameters are shown in the “Factory Default Value” column. The following are brief descriptions of the Previous Alarms category menus and items. For detailed information regarding alarm
handling, refer to “Alarm Monitoring” on page 51 and
Previous Alarm 1
The Previous Alarm 1 menu provides details regarding the most recently cleared previous alarm.
Table 9: Previous Alarm Menus
Menu Name Menu Item Name
Alarm Name
Factory Default Value
Alarm Name. Alarm Name= is a status only item that identifies the name of Previous Alarm 1.
Alarm Type. Alarm Type= is a status only item that identifies the alarm type (fault, problem or warning) of Previous
Alarm 1.
Alarm Date and Time. This is a status only item that indicates the date and time of occurrence of Previous Alarm 1.
Previous Alarm 2 through Previous Alarm 8
The Previous Alarm 2 through the Previous Alarm 8 menus provide details regarding the second through eighth most recently cleared previous alarm. The description of these menus is identical to Previous Alarm 1.
Field Number
Previous Alarm 1
Previous Alarm 2
Previous Alarm 3
Previous Alarm 4
Previous Alarm 5
Previous Alarm 6
Previous Alarm 7
Previous Alarm 8
Alarm Type
Alarm Date and Time
Alarm Name
Alarm Type
Alarm Date and Time
Alarm Name
Alarm Type
Alarm Date and Time
Alarm Name
Alarm Type
Alarm Date and Time
Alarm Name
Alarm Type
Alarm Date and Time
Alarm Name
Alarm Type
Alarm Date and Time
Alarm Name
Alarm Type
Alarm Date and Time
Alarm Name
Alarm Type
Alarm Date and Time
Same As Active Alm 1
Fault- Clear
Problem- Clear
Warning- Clear dd-mmm-yy/hh:mm:ss
Same As Active Alm 1
Same As Previous Alm 1 dd-mmm-yy/hh:mm:ss
Same As Active Alm 1
Same As Previous Alm 1 dd-mmm-yy/hh:mm:ss
Same As Active Alm 1
Same As Previous Alm 1 dd-mmm-yy/hh:mm:ss
Same As Active Alm 1
Same As Previous Alm 1 dd-mmm-yy/hh:mm:ss
Same As Active Alm 1
Same As Previous Alm 1 dd-mmm-yy/hh:mm:ss
Same As Active Alm 1
Same As Previous Alm 1 dd-mmm-yy/hh:mm:ss
Same As Active Alm 1
Same As Previous Alm 1 dd-mmm-yy/hh:mm:ss
42 OM 138
Key Features
- Controls heating, cooling, and ventilation systems
- User-friendly interface with keypad and display
- Flexible scheduling options for optimal comfort and energy efficiency
- Comprehensive alarm monitoring for quick troubleshooting
- Remote alarm indication for timely response
- Calibrate mode for accurate temperature readings
- Control timer settings for precise operation
- Manual output control for maintenance and testing