Chapter 4 System Configuration
There are many different aspects to the setup and configuration of the MX1-IS. Many of the setup and configuration settings are dependent upon the optional features, such as hardware and software, installed on the unit. The examples found in this chapter are to be used as samples only, the configuration of your specific MX1-IS computer may vary. The following sections provide a general reference for the configuration of the MX1-IS and some of it’s optional features.
Installed Software
When you order an MX1-IS you receive the software files required by the separate programs needed for operation and communication. The files are loaded by LXE and stored in subdirectories in the MX1-IS.
This section lists the contents of the subdirectories and the general function of the files. Files installed in each MX1-IS are specific to the intended function of the MX1-IS -- an MX1-IS using
ANSI Plus and a 2.4GHz radio driver software will have a different file structure than that of an
MX1-IS being used for DOS batch functions.
Files installed in each MX1-IS configured for an RF environment contain PCMCIA card radio specific drivers – the drivers for each brand of radio are specific to the radios installed in the RF environment and are not interchangeable.
Drive C Internal Flash Array
The on-board Internal Flash Array (IFA) is 8MB, and it is configured as the C: drive - i.e., the equivalent of a disk drive in a PC. One inherent difference between Flash technology and a rotating media disk drive is the fact that it is solid-state, therefore it is much more rugged than a rotating media would be. Another difference is that its write (but not read) time can be slower than a rotating media.
Depending on which software configuration is ordered, the following sections list the files that may be stored on the Flash or C drive.
ATTENTION Powering off the MX1-IS before a write (to disk) function has completed, may result in the corruption of the flash drive. If the flash drive becomes corrupted, the unit must be returned to LXE for repair.
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34 Installed Software
Software Loaded on Drive C
The software loaded on the MX1-IS computer consists of BIOS, Card and Socket Services,
PCMCIA card drivers, utilities, DOS 6.22, a protocol stack for 2.4 GHz radio support, radio drivers, and an LXE terminal emulator.
The software supported by the MX1-IS is summarized below:
LXE Terminal Emulations
The following Terminal Emulators are available:
ANSI Plus 2.4 GHz Terminal Emulator
ANSI Plus 900 MHz Terminal Emulator (Obsolete)
DOS LDS Plus 900 MHz Terminal Emulator (Obsolete)
DOS LDS Plus 2.4 GHz Terminal Emulator
DOS IBM 3270 900 MHz Terminal Emulator (Obsolete)
DOS IBM 5250 900 MHz Terminal Emulator (Obsolete)
TN3270 2.4 GHz Terminal Emulator
TN5250 2.4 GHz Terminal Emulator
LDS and ANSI 900 MHz Terminal Emulators (Obsolete)
LDS and either 3270 or 5250 900MHz Terminal Emulators (Obsolete)
LDS Plus and TN3270 or TN5250 2.4GHz Terminal Emulators
LDS Plus and ANSI Plus 2.4GHz Terminal Emulator
ANSI Plus and either 3270 or 5250 900MHz Terminal Emulators (Obsolete)
ANSI Plus and either TN3270 or TN5250 2.4GHz Terminal Emulators
Note: The 900MHz radio is obsolete. Terminal emulators requiring 900MHz radios are obsolete as of June 2005 (e.g. 3270 DOS TE, 5250 DOS TE).
Datalight Sockets TCP/IP Stack
Used for Communication protocol in 2.4 GHz environments.
ROM-DOS Version 6.22
DOS Version 6.22 files are loaded in the DOS subdirectory. Only those DOS files required for optimum performance are loaded on the MX1-IS.
Used for PCMCIA card management. The following file types are resident in the MX1-IS.
Socket Services
Card Services
Radio Drivers
Only one radio is installed in the MX1-IS at any one time. The radio resident on the MX1-IS determines the radio card drivers (900 MHz or 2.4 GHz) installed in the MX1-IS.
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Installed Software 35
The SNMP DOS agent executable resides in the \AGENT directory for 2.4GHz radio installations.
For information on enabling/disabling the SNMP Agent, please refer to the “DOS
Autoconfigurator Instructions”. For details on Agent operation, please refer to the “SNMP Agent
Reference Guide”. Both manuals are available in electronic format on the LXE Manuals CD.
Please refer to the following section titled “Avalanche” when Avalanche is installed on the MX1-
See Chapter 5 “Utilities.”
Directory Listing
C Root Directory
The AUTOEXEC.BAT file is not essential to the operation of the
MX1-IS. The MX1-IS will boot without it. The AUTOEXEC.BAT file is a batch file that contains a series of DOS commands. The MX1-
IS reads the AUTOEXEC.BAT file and executes the commands in the order in which they appear. The information in this file may be altered and some software applications will automatically alter it during their installation process.
A DOS file that runs programs, manages files, controls information processing, directs input and output, among other functions.
The CONFIG.SYS file is not essential to the operation of the MX1-IS, but it is essential to the operation of certain software programs. The information in this file may be altered, some software applications will automatically alter it during their installation process.
Counts number of TE programs.
NOT USED . File Transfer Utility. Transfer files using serial port or
IR ports.
Radio configuration file.
Radio configuration file.
Displays current revision identifier.
System group file.
Launches the selected terminal emulator.
Identifies the computer type for SNMP agent.
Places TE selection menu on screen.
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36 Installed Software
\DOS Files
The SNMP agent files are loaded on mobile devices with a 2.4GHz radio only.
Please refer to the “SNMP Agent Reference Guide” and “Client Configuration
Manager Reference Guide” for more details on the SNMP agent. See section
“Avalanche” for devices using Wavelink Avalanche.
AGENT.EXE Diagnostic agent. Provides limited access to the LXE Private MIB.
CFGAGENT.EXE Configuration agent. Provides full access to the LXE Private MIB.
REV.BAT Displays current revision identifier.
Interprets ANSI escape sequences.
Displays or modifies the attributes associated with a file.
CHKDSK.EXE Checks the status of a disk and displays a report. Can also fix disk errors.
COMMAND.COM A DOS file that runs programs, manages files, controls information processing, directs input and output, among other functions.
DELTREE.EXE Deletes one or more directory trees or individual files.
Formats a read-write disk drive (flash and RAM drives only) removing all data.
Extended memory manager.
Displays the amount of used and free memory on a computer.
Configures system devices.
Displays 25 lines of output at a time.
Configuration file for NED.EXE ASCII text editor.
This program is used when editing ASCII text files.
Prints a list of files, up to ten files.
NOT USED. Companion file to REMSERV.EXE. Each computer must use the same baud rate and packet or non-packet-style transmission.
This file runs on one computer and REMSERV.EXE runs on the other.
NOT USED. Companion file to REMDISK.EXE. This file runs on one computer and REMDISK.EXE runs on the other. Used for manipulating files on two computers’ hard disks. Use a null modem cable connecting both serial ports.
Displays the version number of ROM-DOS in use.
NOT USED. Adds system files to disks.
Displays the current version identity of DOS. This command is run at the DOS prompt.
NOT USED. Copies multiple files and, optionally, subdirectories from one disk to another.
Note: Files that are loaded on the MX1-IS and NOT USED may be deleted at a later date to increase available disk space.
MX1 I-Safe Reference Guide E-EQ-MX1ISRG-F
Installed Software
Please refer to Appendix C “Commands” for complete instructions or troubleshooting when using these files.
CISDUMP Permits user to list and interpret contents of a PC Card’s Card
Information Structure (CIS) for debug use.
CNFIGNAM.EXE Driver that specifies which PC configuration should be accessed from the PCM.INI file. This file is added to the CONFIG.SYS file.
Novell driver that provides memory management services.
DOS-based utility for reviewing, modifying, or creating PC Card configurations.
Note: May or may not be present .
Stores PCMCIA configuration parameters.
Device driver for ATA–IDE hard disk emulation. Used with SRAM cards, rotating disk cards, or solid-state mass storage cards. This file is added to the CONFIG.SYS file.
Card Services (driver), the operating-system–level program that manages all PCMCIA cards. This file is added to the CONFIG.SYS file.
PCMFDISK.EXE Edits partition table for ATA PC Cards.
PCMRMAN.SYS Device driver that reads Card Services resources, passes data to Card
Services which then makes device allocations. This file is added to the
Device driver for FAX/Modem and LAN cards. This file is added to the
Socket Services (driver), the BIOS–level program that functions as the interface between the card socket and the Card Services program.
Displays current revision identifier.
E-EQ-MX1ISRG-F MX1 I-Safe Reference Guide
Installed Software
NOT USED. Battery Discharge Utility. Condition the 50 mAh NiCd
Backup Battery mounted on the system board. The battery discharge starts and when discharged switches to backup battery charge mode.
NOT USED. Backup Battery Test Utility. Indicates the current status of the backup battery and the voltage.
BCWEDGE.EXE NOT USED. Barcode Wedge utility. Interprets data from barcode scanner as keyboard data..
BEEP35.EXE Beeper Utility. Changes the volume of the beeper using the up and down arrow keys on the keypad/keyboard.
COMTST35.EXE NOT USED. Communication Port Utility. To diagnose the serial communication port, a simple loop back test routine is included in this file. The figure showing how to build a loop back plug is included in this chapter. The test results will read PASS or FAIL. A failure is identified and described.
Display Utility. Activates every pixel on the display to verify functionality.
Keyboard Utility. This utility performs a contact functional test of each key on the keyboard. When activated, the key labels appear on the screen and then each key, when initialized, clears the key label from the screen.
NOT USED. File Transfer Utility. Transfer files using serial port or IR ports.
PARAM35.EXE Parameter Dump Utility. This utility collects the setup configurable parameters and lists them in a text file.
SETAPI_4.EXE Set An API Function. Runs an API call to set a mode or change a parameter.
REV.BAT Displays current revision identifier.
Note: Files that are loaded on the MX1-IS and NOT USED may be deleted at a later date to increase available disk space.
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Installed Software 39
Terminal Emulation Directories
Please refer to the specific Terminal Emulation’s reference guide for complete instructions.
Batch MX1-IS’s do not have terminal emulation (TE) files and do not have a radio card. When a need exists to convert a batch MX1-IS to a TE unit or a different radio card, contact LXE
Customer Services for assistance.
Note: 900 MHz radio files are loaded in the Terminal Emulation subdirectories, i.e. /APLUS,
/LDSPLUS, /IBM (for both 3270 and 5250). LXE’s 900MHz radio is obsolete as of June
The terminal emulator resident on the MX1-IS determines the radio card type (900 MHz or 2.4
GHz) installed in the MX1-IS. Following are the directory names containing the TE program files:
/APLUS ANSI Plus with 2.4 GHz radio
/APLUS ANSI Plus with 900 MHz radio
/LDSPLUS DOS LDS Plus with 900 MHz radio
DOS LDS Plus with 2.4GHz radio
DOS IBM 3270 with 900 MHz radio
DOS IBM 5250 with 900 MHz radio
TN3270 with 2.4 GHz radio
TN5250 with 2.4 GHz radio
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40 Installed Software
Radio-Specific Subdirectory
\PCTCP (2.4GHz Radio Specific
The PCTCP files are included with MX1-IS’s that have a 2.4 GHz radio installed.
Radio driver file.
Gives statistics on IP and memory.
Link Support Layer driver.
Contains radio parameters.
ODI Packet driver.
Test or diagnose the packet driver.
Manage host names and IP addresses.
Contains options for SOCKETP.EXE
Sockets TCP/IP kernel for use with packet drivers.
Manipulate or view TCP parameters and status.
Lucent radio driver files.
Test installation with a continuous ping.
LXE 900MHz Radio Files
The LXE 900MHz radio files are installed in the Terminal Emulation subdirectories.
Spread spectrum radio driver.
Modem control codes.
Interface between the radio driver and the terminal emulator.
Used by PCRFLIB to obtain configuration settings.
MX1 I-Safe Reference Guide E-EQ-MX1ISRG-F
Installed Software
For 900MHz Radio
Command Explanation
@ECHO OFF Do not display batch command text during AUTOEXEC.BAT file run
SET TEMP=C:\TEMP Place temporary files/data here
*/ When the computer starts up, the operating system will look in these directories for the files it needs prompt $p$g
C: cd \aplus
Move DOS pointer to the C drive
Move DOS pointer to the LXE Terminal Emulation (e.g. ANSI lxe900ss pcrflib
Plus) subdirectory
Load the radio driver
Load the keyboard driver (for ANSI Plus only)
Load the interface between the radio driver and the terminal emulator w84nsync aplus Run the TE interface program (e.g. ANSI Plus)
For 2.4GHz Radio (with ANSI Plus)
Command Explanation
SET TEMP=C:\TEMP set sockets =c:\pctcp
Do not display batch command text during AUTOEXEC.BAT file run
*/ When the computer starts up, the operating system will look in these directories for the files it needs
Place temporary files/data here c:\pctcp\
C:\pctcp\XXXXXX c:\pctcp\ 0 0x69
C: cd \aplus
Load the 2.4GHz radio driver here:
WVLAN43 for Lucent radio c:\pctcp\socketp.exe c:\pctcp\socket.cfg
Look in this file for TCP/IP parameters
Move DOS pointer to the C drive
Move DOS pointer to the LXE Terminal Emulation (e.g. ANSI
Plus) subdirectory aplus
Load the keyboard driver (for ANSI Plus loads only)
Run the TE interface program (e.g. ANSI Plus)
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42 Installed Software
Sample CONFIG.SYS File
Note: Do not use these examples for your operation as each computer configuration is different.
Please refer to commercially available ROM-DOS User’s Guides for complete instructions or troubleshooting when using these DOS files.
Rem Card and Card Socket Services
MX1 I-Safe Reference Guide E-EQ-MX1ISRG-F
Installed Software 43
Radio NET.CFG Files
Note: Hex values are indicated with a leading 0x. NET.CFG values do not use the 0x.
Note: If the unit is configured to use Avalanche for network settings, manual changes made to
NET.CFG and SOCKET.CFG may be overwritten.
See Chapter 6 "RF Network Configuration" for explanations of NET.CFG parameters.
Lucent Radio NET.CFG File
Link Support
buffers 4 1550
Protocol ODIPKT
Bind WVLAN43
Link Driver WVLAN43
WaveLAN_Network_Name ANY
Station_Name "station_name"
AP_Distance 1
Microwave_Robustness = N
Transmit_Rate 3
Medium_Reservation 2347
Card_Power_Management 1
Maximum_Sleep_Duration 100
Receive_All_Multicasts N
Enable_Encryption N
Proxim Radio NET.CFG File
Link Support
BUFFERS 2 1550
Protocol ODIPKT
;IP address is maintained in the socket.cfg file
Link Driver RL2PCM
Socket A
Initialize_365 N
Int 3
Mem #1 C100
Port 300
Inactivity_Min 0
Inactivity_Sec 1
Sniff_Time 0
Domain 0 ; set per customer settings
Station_Type 0
Peer_To_Peer N
Roam_Config 1
Mac_Optimize 1
Channel 1
SubChannel 1
Frame Ethernet_II
; Frame Ethernet_802.2
; Frame Ethernet_802.3
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44 Installed Software
Sample SOCKET.CFG File
See Chapter 6, “RF Network Configuration”, for explanations of SOCKET.CFG parameters.
Note: If the unit is configured to use Avalanche for network settings, manual changes made to
NET.CFG and SOCKET.CFG may be overwritten.
Note: The values for some parameters are dependent on the type of radio card installed.
Please refer to Chapter 6, “RF Network Configuration” for appropriate values for a specific radio card.
# Socket.cfg sets the options for Data Light socketp.exe
# The section is for this machines IP
# The net mask is specified as part of the ip address.
# In the ip address command an optional /net_bits can be
# used to indicate the number of bits in the network ID.
# Net Bits Net Mask Class IP address range
# 8 A 0.x.x.x to 127.x.x.x
# 16 B 128.x.x.x to 191.x.x.x
# 24 C 192.x.x.x or higher
# The network can be subdivided by two for every net bit added.
# Net Bits Net Mask Net Bits
# 1 128 5 248
# 2 192 6 252
Net Mask
# 3 224 7 254
# 4 240 8 255
# To enable DHCP set the IP address to
IP address
# The ARP INIT parameter makes this stack the same as
# before. The stack will not send a DHCP ARP (DEFAULT) when
# booting up. For added IP address checking you may comment
# this line out if you are NOT using proxy ARP.
# Interface sets the physical interfaces
# pdr=packet driver
# if0=interface_card
# dix=frame type
# 1500=MTU
# 10=Buffers
# 0x69=ioaddr
Interface pdr if0 dix 1500 10 0x69
# When using a gateway (IP router) to the rest of the world,
# replace "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX" with your gateway ip and
# remove the # at the beginning of the line.
# route add default if0 XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
# When using a domain name server (DNS),
# replace XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX with the IP address of the DNS,
# and remove the # at the beginning
# of the line
# domain server XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
MX1 I-Safe Reference Guide E-EQ-MX1ISRG-F
Installed Software
# domain suffix # example
# Redisplay IP information
IP address
# options, refer to documentation to change ip ttl 15 tcp mss 1360 tcp window 2920 tcp retry 8 tcp irtt 500ms
E-EQ-MX1ISRG-F MX1 I-Safe Reference Guide

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