Device Status and Troubleshooting. Rockwell Automation Allen-Bradley 440GMZS20UNLJ, Allen-Bradley 440G-MZS20SNLJ, Allen-Bradley 440G-MZS20UNRJ, Allen-Bradley 440G-MZS20SNRJ
Device Status and Troubleshooting
Status Indicators during
Power-up Routine
When power is applied to the switch, the DEVICE status indicator is steady red for 2.5 seconds, then the DEVICE and LINK status indicators flash red/green for 1 second, and then the DEVICE status indicator is steady red for 3 seconds.
At the conclusion of the start-up sequence, the state of the status indicators is determined by whether there is a demand on the safety function and the status
of the lock signal. See Table 11 .
Status Indicators During
Run Mode
shows the status of the 440G-MZ safety switch during run mode.
Table 11 - Switch Status Indication During Run Mode
Steady green
Flashing green @ 1 Hz
Flashing amber @ 1 Hz
Steady red
Flashing red @ 1 Hz
Steady green
Steady red
The switch is in the operational state with no demand on the safety function (that is, closed and locked).
The switch is in the operational state with no demand on the safety function, but the link is in the safe state due to a demand on another device in the link.
The switch is ready to be locked, or attempting to lock. The lock command is set to LOCK but the door is in the open position or slightly ajar. Check that the door is closed.
The switch is in the safe state due to a demand on the safety function (that is, unlocked).
The switch is in the fault state.
Indicates no communication to the DG safety relay over the link.
The switch is wired directly to I/O and is not part of a GuardLink® system.
The link is in the operational state. This switch and all other devices on the link are in the operational state.
The link is in the safe state due to a demand or fault on this switch or another device in the link.
The link is faulted.
Flashing red @ 1 Hz
(1) This state occurs when connected to a GuardLink system only
(2) The Link status indicator is only used when the 440G-MZ safety switch is connected in a GuardLink system. It is OFF when the
440G-MZ safety switch is connected directly to an I/O device or safety relay (OSSD mode).
Rockwell Automation Publication 440G-UM004C-EN-P - August 2020 27
Chapter 6 Device Status and Troubleshooting
Diagnostic/Fault Codes
When connected in a GuardLink system, the 440G-MZ safety switch communicates information about its current state with diagnostic and fault codes.
Diagnostic codes ( Table 12 ) warn that a condition exists which prevents the
switch from transitioning to the operational state (for example, the switch is a unique coded switch that must be commissioned), or causes the switch to fault
(for example, the input voltage is approaching the minimum value) if not addressed.
Fault codes ( Table 13 on page 29 ) provide information about why the switch is
in the faulted state (as indicated by the DEVICE status indicator flashing red.)
When a fault is present, perform the recommended action, if stated. Issue a
RESET command to the 440G-MZ safety switch over the link to clear the fault.
IMPORTANT When a Power to Lock switch faults in the locked position, the bolt retracts and the switch unlocks.
Diagnostic Codes
Table 12 - Diagnostic Codes
00 (00)
Description Recommended Action
04 (04)
31 (1F)
32 (20)
33 (21)
38 (26)
40 (28)
No diagnostic No action required.
Input voltage is approaching minimum (20.4V DC)
Evaluate input voltage. Input voltage must be 20.4…26.4V under all electrical load conditions.
Ready to lock
A lock command has been sent to the device but the guard door is open or ajar. Check the actuator alignment or close the guard door.
Device is attempting to lock
Device is attempting to unlock
Actuator not paired
Guard door open
Check actuator alignment. Check the wiring for the lock feedback input.
Check for load on actuator or bolt. Check the wiring for the lock feedback input.
Unique coded switch has not been paired with an actuator yet. Insert a unique coded actuator (Cat. No. 440G-MZAU) to start the commissioning process.
The actuator is not detected (RFID is not present). Close the guard door to lock.
28 Rockwell Automation Publication 440G-UM004C-EN-P - August 2020
Chapter 6 Device Status and Troubleshooting
Fault Codes
Table 13 - Fault Codes
00 (00)
Description Recommended Action
05 (05)
No fault.
Power error
No action required.
Evaluate input voltage. Input voltage must be 20.4…26.4V under all electrical load conditions.
07 (07)
Failure to detect device type
(OSSD or GuardLink)
Check wiring and cycle power to the switch. If error persists, replace the switch.
08 (08) Internal memory (ROM) fault Internal memory fault. Reset the device. If error persists, replace it.
09 (09) Runtime memory (RAM) fault Internal memory fault. Reset the device. If error persists, replace it.
10 (0A) Internal memory (CPU) fault Internal memory fault. Reset the device. If error persists, replace it.
15 (0F) No response on GuardLink Check GuardLink wiring and connections.
31 (1F) GuardLink application fault GuardLink system fault. Reset the device. If error persists, replace it.
32 (20) Product application fault Product Application fault. Reset the device. If error persists, replace it.
40 (28)
Unique code actuator is locked
A new actuator cannot be learned because the current actuator is locked.
41 (29)
42 (2A)
43 (2B)
44 (2C)
56 (38)
Invalid actuator detected Cannot teach a standard actuator to a unique coded switch.
No learns left
Actuator relearn
Teaching is not possible. The switch has learned 8 actuators and cannot learn any more actuators.
Switch cannot learn a previously learned actuator. Use a new actuator.
Actuator teach fault
Bolt detection fault
Actuator moved out of range during teach process or the switch has detected an invalid RFID tag.
Keep actuator within sensing range during learn process.
During operational state, the device failed to detect the bolt. On escape release models, this fault can be caused by engaging the escape release. It can also occur if the auxiliary release was actuated.
Inspect the bolt. Disengage the escape release mechanism (if applicable). Reset the device if the fault is not cleared.
57 (39)
58 (3A)
59 (3B)
255 (FF)
Failure to lock
Failure to unlock
Actuator detection fault
Internal fault
Device attempted to lock for specified lock attempt length, but lock status input did not indicate that the device locked.
Check guard door and actuator alignment.
Device attempted to unlock for specified unlock attempt length, but lock status input did not indicate that the device unlocked.
Check the device. Verify that door is not applying a side load on the locking bolt.
During operational state, the device failed to detect the RFID tag in the actuator. Inspect the actuator and RFID tag for signs of damage. Fault reset the device. If the error persists, replace the actuator.
An internal device fault has occurred. Reset the device. If error persists, replace it.
Rockwell Automation Publication 440G-UM004C-EN-P - August 2020 29
Chapter 6 Device Status and Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Mounting Holes of the Switch Body Cracked or Broken
The mounting hole of the switch body can crack when washers are used to mount the switch or when an incompatible thread locking compound is used to secure the mounting hardware. Three M5 fasteners are required to mount the switch body properly. Do not over torque the screws.
IMPORTANT Do not use a washer with the screw at the base of the switch body. Using a washer causes the plastic to crack.
Loctite 242 thread-locking adhesive is known to cause stress cracks in the plastic housing of the 440G-MZ safety switch and should not be used. Lab tests have determined that Loctite 425, a cyanoacrylate adhesive, does not cause cracking and can be considered if the faster cure time is acceptable in the application.
Check the manufacturer specifications of any thread-locking compound used to secure the screws. It is recommended to use a cyanoacrylate-type compound. Other compounds can cause stress cracks in the plastic feet of the switch.
30 Rockwell Automation Publication 440G-UM004C-EN-P - August 2020

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