Set up the scanner. HP Digital Sender Flow 8500 fn2 Document Capture Workstation, ScanJet Enterprise Flow N9120 fn2 Document Scanner
Set up the scanner
18 Chapter 2 Use the scanner ENWW
Set up Scan to Email
Step one: Access the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS)
Step two: Configure the Network Identification settings
Step three: Configure the Send to Email feature
Step four: Configure the Quick Sets (optional)
Step five: Set up Send to Email to use Office 365 Outlook (optional)
The product has a feature that enables it to scan a document and send it to one or more email addresses. To use this scan feature, the product must be connected to a network; however, the feature is not available until it has been configured. There are two methods for configuring Scan to Email, the Scan to Email Setup Wizard for basic and Email Setup for advanced. Use the following information to set up the Scan to Email feature.
Before you begin
To set up the Scan to Email feature, the product must have an active network connection.
Administrators need the following information before beginning the configuration process.
● Administrative access to the product
● DNS suffix (e.g.,
● SMTP server (e.g.,
NOTE: If you do not know the SMTP server name, SMTP port number, or authentication information, contact the email/Internet service provider or system administrator for the information. SMTP server names and port names are typically found by doing an Internet search. For example, use terms like "Gmail smtp server name" or "Yahoo smtp server name" to search.
● SMTP server authentication requirements for outgoing email messages, including the user name and password used for authentication, if applicable.
NOTE: Consult your email service provider's documentation for information on digital sending limits for your email account. Some providers may temporarily lock your account if you exceed your sending limit.
Set up the scanner 19
Step one: Access the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS)
From the Home screen on the product control panel, select the Information icon, and then select the
Network icon to display the IP address or host name.
Open a web browser, and in the address line, type the IP address or host name exactly as it displays on the product control panel. Press the Enter key on the computer keyboard. The EWS opens.
NOTE: If the web browser displays a message indicating that accessing the website might not be safe, select the option to continue to the website. Accessing this website will not harm the computer.
Step two: Configure the Network Identification settings
NOTE: Configuring email setup on the Networking tab is an advanced process and might require the assistance of a system administrator.
Using the EWS top navigation tabs, click Networking.
For configuring the network settings for use with Office 365, Step five: Set up Send to Email to use
Office 365 Outlook (optional) on page 29
On the TCP/IP Settings dialog, click the Network Identification tab.
20 Chapter 2 Use the scanner ENWW
If DNS is required on the network, in the TCP/IP Domain Suffix area, verify that the DNS suffix for the email client being used is listed. DNS suffixes have this format:
,, etc.
NOTE: If the Domain Name suffix is not set up, use the IP address.
Click Apply.
Click OK.
Step three: Configure the Send to Email feature
The two options for configuring Send to Email are the Email Setup Wizard for basic configuration and Email
Setup for advanced configuration. Use the following options to configure the Send to Email feature:
Method one: Basic configuration using the Email Setup Wizard
Method two: Advanced configuration using the Email Setup
Method one: Basic configuration using the Email Setup Wizard
This option opens the Email Setup Wizard in the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) for basic configuration.
Using the EWS top navigation tabs, click Scan/Digital Send.
In the left-navigation pane, click Email and Scan to Network Folder Quick Setup Wizards.
ENWW Set up the scanner 21
In the Email and Scan to Network Folder Quick Setup Wizards dialog, click the Email Setup link.
NOTE: If a message displays indicating that the Scan to Email feature is disabled, click Continue to proceed with the configuration and enable the Scan to Email feature upon completion.
On the Configure Email Servers (SMTP) dialog, select one of the following options and complete the steps:
Search network for outgoing email server
NOTE: This option finds outgoing SMTP servers inside your firewall only.
Select Search network for outgoing email server, and then click Next.
Select the appropriate server from the Configure Email Server (SMTP) list, and then click Next.
Select the option that describes the server’s authentication requirements:
– Server does not require authentication: Select Server does not require authentication, and then click Next.
– Server requires authentication: From the drop-down list, select an authentication option:
○ Use credentials of user to connect after Sign In at the control panel: Select Use credentials of user to connect after Sign In at the control panel, and then click Next.
○ Always use these credentials: Select Always use these credentials, enter the User name and Password, and then click Next.
22 Chapter 2 Use the scanner ENWW
Option three: Add SMTP server a.
Select Add SMTP server b.
Enter the Server Name and Port Number, and then click Next.
NOTE: In most cases, the default port number does not need to be changed.
NOTE: If you are using a hosted SMTP service such as Gmail, verify the SMTP address, port number, and SSL settings from the service provider’s website or other sources. Typically, for Gmail, the SMTP address is, port number 465, and the SSL should be enabled.
Please refer to online sources to confirm these server settings are current and valid at the time of configuration.
Select the appropriate server authentication option:
– Server does not require authentication: Select Server does not require authentication, and then click Next.
– Server requires authentication: Select an option from the Server requires authentication dropdown list:
○ Use credentials of user to connect after Sign In at the control panel: Select Use credentials of user to connect after Sign In at the control panel, and then click Next.
○ Always use these credentials: Select Always use these credentials, enter the User name and Password, and then click Next.
NOTE: When setting up the From, Subject, and Message fields, if the User editable check box is unchecked, users will not be able to edit those fields at the product control panel when sending an email.
Select one of the following options from the From drop-down list:
● User’s address (sign-in required)
● Default From: Enter a default email address and display name in the Default From Email
Address and Default Display Name fields
NOTE: Create an email account for the product, and use this address for the default email address.
NOTE: Configure the email feature so that users must sign in before using it. This prevents users from sending an email from an address that is not their own.
Provide a default subject line for the email messages.
Create a custom message.
To use this message for all emails sent from the product, clear the User editable check box for Message.
In the Configure File Scan Settings area, set the default scanning preferences, and then click Next.
Set up the scanner 23
File Type
Quality and File Size
Select the default file type for the scanned document:
Select the default color setting for the scanned document:
● Color
● Gray
● Halftone
● Black/White
● Auto Detect Color
Select the default output quality for the scanned document:
● Low (small file)
● Medium
● High (large file)
Select the default scan resolution for the scanned document:
● 75 dpi
● 150 dpi
● 200 dpi
● 300 dpi
● 400 dpi
● 600 dpi
Review the Summary area, and then click Finish to complete the setup.
Method two: Advanced configuration using the Email Setup
Using the EWS top navigation tabs, click Scan/Digital Send, and then click Email Setup in the left navigation pane.
NOTE: By default, the Email Setup page displays the basic settings for Scan to Email setup. To access additional settings, click Advanced Settings at the bottom of the page.
24 Chapter 2 Use the scanner ENWW
On the Email Setup dialog, select the Enable Send to Email check box. If this check box is not selected, the feature is unavailable at the product control panel.
In the Outgoing Email Servers (SMTP) area, complete the steps for one of the following options:
● Select one of the displayed servers
● Click Add to start the SMTP wizard.
▲ In the SMTP wizard, select one of the following options:
○ Option one: I know my SMTP server address or host name: Enter the address of an SMTP server, and then click Next
○ Option two: If you do not know the address of the SMTP server, select Search network for outgoing email server, and then click Next. Select the server, and then click Next.
NOTE: If an SMTP server was already created for another product function, the Use a server already in use by another function option displays. Select this option, and then configure it to be used for the email function.
NOTE: Some servers have problems sending or receiving emails that are larger than 5 megabytes (MB). These problems can be prevented by entering a number in Split emails if larger than (MB).
NOTE: In most cases, the default port number does not need to be changed. However, when using the Enable SMTP SSL Protocol option, port 587 must be used.
Set up the scanner 25
NOTE: If you are using Google™ Gmail for email service, select the Enable SMTP SSL Protocol check box. Typically, for gmail, the SMTP address is, port number 465, and the
SSL should be enabled.
Please refer to online sources to confirm these server settings are current and valid at the time of configuration.
In the Address and Message Field Control area, enter a From: setting and any of the other optional settings.
Address and Message Field Control settings:
Specify whether users must select an email address from an address book or whether users are allowed to enter in an email address manually.
CAUTION: If Users must select from address book is selected, and any of the address fields are also set as User editable, changes to those editable fields also change the corresponding values in the address book.
To prevent users from changing contacts in the Address Book at the product control panel, go to the Access Control page on the Security tab, and deny Device Guest access to address book modifications.
Select to allow an invalid email address format.
Allow invalid email address formats
User editable
Default From: and Default
Display Name:
To use the Default From address and Default Display Name for all emails sent from this product
(unless a user is signed in), do not select the User editable check box.
When setting up the address fields, if the User editable check box is unchecked, users will not be able to edit those fields at the product control panel when sending an email. For send-to-me functionality, clear the User editable check boxes for all of the address fields, including the From:
To: CC:, and BCC: fields, and then set that user's send email From: their own email address and To: their own email address.
Provide an email address and name to use for the From: address for the email message.
NOTE: Create an email account for the product, and use this address for the default email address.
NOTE: Configure the email feature so that users must sign in before using it. This prevents users from sending an email from an address that is not their own.
Provide a To (recipient) email address for emails.
Provide a CC email address for emails.
Provide a BCC email address for emails.
Subject: Provide a default subject line for the email messages.
Message: Create a custom message. To use this message for all emails sent from the product, clear or do not select the User editable check box for Message:.
This setting is available only on the Advanced Settings page.
In the Signing and Encryption area, set the signing and encryption preferences.
NOTE: These settings are available only on the Advanced Settings page.
Signing and Encryption settings:
26 Chapter 2 Use the scanner ENWW
Hashing Algorithm
Select whether to sign the security certificate.
Select the User editable check box to make this setting editable at the product control panel.
Select the algorithm to use for signing the certificate.
Select whether to encrypt the email.
Select the User editable check box to make this setting editable at the product control panel.
Select the algorithm to use for encrypting the email.
Enter which attribute to use to retrieve the recipient’s public key certificate from LDAP.
Encryption Algorithm
Attribute for Recipient Public
Use the recipient public key certificate to verify the recipient
Select this setting to use the recipient’s public key certificate to verify the recipient.
In the Notification Settings area, select when users will receive notifications about sent emails. The default setting is using the signed in user's email address. If the recipient email address is blank, no notification is sent.
In the Scan Settings area, set the default scanning preferences.
NOTE: These settings are available only on the Advanced Settings page.
Scan settings:
Original Size
Original Sides
Optimize Text/Picture
Content Orientation
Background Cleanup
Image Preview
Cropping Options
Erase Edges
Select the page size of the original document.
Select whether the original document is single-sided or double-sided.
Select to optimize for the output of a particular type of content.
Select the way the content of the original document is placed on the page: Portrait or Landscape.
Select a value to remove faint images from the background or to remove a light background color.
Select a value to adjust the darkness of the file.
Select a value to adjust the contrast of the file.
Select a value to adjust the sharpness of the file.
Select whether to require or make optional a displayed preview of the job or to disable a preview.
Select whether or not to allow a job to be cropped and the type of cropping option.
Select this setting to specify the width of edge margins to be erased, in either inches or millimeters, for the front side and back side of a job.
In the File Settings area, set the default file settings preferences.
File settings:
Set the default file name prefix used for files saved to a network folder.
Set up the scanner 27
File Name
Default file name for the file to be saved.
Select the User editable check box to make this setting editable at the product control panel.
Set the default file name suffix used for files saved to a network folder.
File Name Suffix
File Numbering Format
File Type
Add numbering when job has just one file (ex. _1–1)
Duplicate filename suffix default [filename]_YYYYMMDDT
Enter a file name, and then click Update Preview.
Select a file name format for when the job is divided into multiple files.
Select this setting to add numbering to a file name when the job is only one file instead of multiple files.
Select the file format for the saved file.
Select the User editable check box to make this setting editable at the product control panel.
High Compression (smaller file)
PDF encryption
Select this setting to compress the scanned file, which reduces the file size. However, the scanning process for a High compression file might take longer than for a Normal compression file.
If the file type is PDF, then this option encrypts the output PDF file. A password must be specified as part of the encryption. The same password must be used to open the file. The user will be prompted to enter a password prior to scanning their job if one has not been set prior to pressing start.
Quality and File Size
Set the resolution for the file. Higher resolution images have more dots per inch (dpi), so they show more detail. Lower resolution images have fewer dots per inch and show less detail, but the file size is smaller.
Select the quality for the file. Higher-quality images require a larger file size than lower-quality images, and they take more time to send.
Specify whether copies are to be scanned in color, black and gray, or black only.
If the Suppress blank pages option is enabled, blank pages will be ignored.
Create Multiple Files
Select this setting to scan pages into separate files based on a predetermined maximum number of pages per file.
This setting is available only on the Advanced Settings page.
Review the selected options to verify that they are accurate, and then click Apply to complete the setup.
Step four: Configure the Quick Sets (optional)
Quick Sets are optional short-cut jobs that can be accessed on the main Home screen or within the Quick Sets application at the product.
In the Email Setup area of the left navigation pane, click Quick Sets.
Select one of the following options:
● Select an existing Quick Set under Quick Sets Application in the table.
● Click Add to start the Quick Set Wizard.
If you selected Add, the Quick Sets Setup page opens. Complete the following information:
28 Chapter 2 Use the scanner ENWW
● Quick Set Name: Enter a title for the new Quick Set.
● Quick Set Description: Enter a description of the Quick Set.
● Quick Set Start Option: To set how the Quick Set starts, click either Enter application, then user presses Start or Start instantly when selected from the Home Screen.
Define the following settings for the Quick Set: Address and Message Field Control, Signing and Encryption,
Notification Settings, Scan Settings, File Settings.
Click Finish to save the Quick Set.
Step five: Set up Send to Email to use Office 365 Outlook (optional)
Microsoft Office 365 Outlook is a cloud-based email system provided by Microsoft which uses Microsoft's Simple
Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server to send or receive emails. Complete the following to enable the product to send an email with an Office 365 Outlook account from the control panel.
NOTE: You must have an email address account with Office 365 Outlook to configure the settings in the EWS.
Configure the outgoing email server (SMTP) to send an email from an Office 365 Outlook account
Using the EWS top navigation tabs, click Networking.
In the left navigation pane, click TCP/IP Settings.
In the TCP/IP Settings area, click the Network Identification tab.
ENWW Set up the scanner 29
If DNS is required on the network, in the TCP/IP Domain Suffix area, verify that the DNS suffix for the email client being used is listed. DNS suffixes have this format:
,, etc.
NOTE: If the Domain Name suffix is not set up, use the IP address.
Click Apply.
Click the Scan/Digital Send tab.
On the left navigation pane, click Email Setup.
30 Chapter 2 Use the scanner ENWW
On the Email Setup page, select the Enable Send to Email check box. If this check box is not available, the feature is unavailable at the product control panel.
In the Outgoing Email Servers (SMTP) area, click Add to start the SMTP wizard.
In the I know my SMTP server address or host name field, type
, and then click Next.
On the Set the basic information necessary to connect to the server dialog, in the Port Number field, type
587 .
NOTE: Some servers have problems sending or receiving emails that are larger than 5 megabytes (MB).
These problems can be prevented by entering a number in Split emails if larger than (MB).
Select the Enable SMTP SSL Protocol check box, and then click Next.
On the Server Authentication Requirements dialog, complete the following information: a.
Select Server requires authentication.
From the drop-down list, select Always use these credentials c.
In the Username field, type the Office 365 Outlook email address.
In the Password field, type the Office 365 Outlook account password, and then click Next.
On the Server Usage dialog, choose the product functions that will send email through this SMTP server, and then click Next.
Set up the scanner 31
On the Summary and Test dialog, enter a valid email address in the Send a test email to: field, and then click
Verify that all of the settings are correct, and then click Finish to complete the outgoing email server set up.
Set up Scan to Fax
Step one: Access the HP Embedded Web Server
From the Home screen on the product control panel, select the Information icon, and then select the
Network icon to display the IP address or host name.
Open a web browser, and in the address line, type the IP address or host name exactly as it displays on the product control panel. Press the Enter key on the computer keyboard. The EWS opens.
NOTE: If the web browser displays a message indicating that accessing the website might not be safe, select the option to continue to the website. Accessing this website will not harm the computer.
Step two: Set up Scan to Fax
Method one: LAN Fax Setup
Using the EWS top navigation tabs, click the Fax tab.
Navigate to LAN Fax Setup.
Select the Enable Fax Send checkbox.
Fill out appropriate Folder Settings information.
NOTE: You may need to set up the network share folder prior to LAN fax set up.
Method two: Internet Fax Setup
Using the EWS top navigation tabs, click the Fax tab.
Navigate to Internet Fax Setup.
32 Chapter 2 Use the scanner ENWW
Select the Enable Fax Send checkbox.
In the Outgoing Email Servers (SMTP) section, click Add to add an outgoing email server.
In the Internet Fax Service Settings section, click Add to add an Internet Fax Provider Domain.
Enter the appropriate information for all following fields, and then click Apply.
Set up Scan to Network Folder
Step one: Access the HP Embedded Web Server
Step two: Set up Scan to Network Folder
This document explains how to enable and configure the Scan to Network Folder function. The product has a feature that enables it to scan a document and save it to a network folder. To use this scan feature, the product must be connected to a network; however, the feature is not available until it has been configured. There are two methods for configuring Scan to Network Folder, the Save to Network Folder Setup Wizard for basic setup and
Save to Network Folder Setup for advanced setup.
Before you begin
NOTE: To set up the Scan to Network Folder feature, the product must have an active network connection.
Administrators need the following items before beginning the configuration process.
● Administrative access to the product
● The fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) (e.g., \\\scans) of the destination folder OR the IP address of the server (e.g., \\\scans).
NOTE: The use of the term "server" in this context refers to the computer where the shared folder resides.
Step one: Access the HP Embedded Web Server
From the Home screen on the product control panel, select the Information icon, and then select the
Network icon to display the IP address or host name.
Open a web browser, and in the address line, type the IP address or host name exactly as it displays on the product control panel. Press the Enter key on the computer keyboard. The EWS opens.
NOTE: If the web browser displays a message indicating that accessing the website might not be safe, select the option to continue to the website. Accessing this website will not harm the computer.
ENWW Set up the scanner 33
Step two: Set up Scan to Network Folder
Method one: Use the Scan to Network Folder Wizard
This option opens the setup wizard that is in the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS) for the product. The setup wizard includes the options for basic configuration.
NOTE: Before you begin: To display the product's IP address or host name, select the Information icon, and then select the Network icon on the product's control panel.
Using the EWS top navigation tabs, click Scan/Digital Send tab.
In the left-navigation pane, click Email and Scan to Network Folder Quick Setup Wizards.
Click the Save to Network Folder Quick Set Wizard link.
On the Add or Remove a Save to Network Folder Quick Set dialog, click Add.
NOTE: Quick Sets are short-cut jobs that can be accessed on the product Home screen or within the Quick
Sets application.
NOTE: The Save to Network Folder feature can be minimally configured without creating a quick set.
However, without the quick set, users must enter the destination folder information at the control panel for each scan job. A quick set is required to include Save to Network Folder metadata.
On the Add Folder Quick Set dialog, complete the following information: a.
In the Quick Set Title field, type a title.
NOTE: Name the Quick Set something that users can understand quickly (e.g., "Scan and save to a folder").
In the Quick Set Description field, type a description explaining what the Quick Set will save.
Click Next.
On the Configure Destination Folder dialog, complete the following information:
34 Chapter 2 Use the scanner ENWW
In the UNC Folder Path field, type a folder path where the scan will go.
The folder path can either be the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) (e.g., \
\\scans) or the IP address of the server (e.g., \\\scans).
Be sure that the folder path (e.g., \scans) follows the FQDN or IP address.
NOTE: The FQDN can be more reliable than the IP address. If the server gets its IP address via DHCP, the IP address can change. However, the connection with an IP address might be faster because the product does not need to use DNS to find the destination server.
From the Authentication Settings drop-down, select one of the following options:
● Use credentials of user to connect after Sign In at the control panel
● Always use these credentials
NOTE: If Always use these credentials is selected, a user name and password must be entered in the corresponding fields, and the product’s access to the folder must be verified by clicking
Verify Access.
In the Windows Domain field, type the Windows domain.
TIP: To find the Windows domain in Windows 7, click Start, click Control Panel, click System.
To find the Windows domain in Windows 8, click Search, enter System in the search box, and then click
The domain is listed under Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings.
Click Next.
On the Configure File Scan Settings dialog, set the default scanning preferences for the Quick Set, and then click Next.
Review the Summary dialog, and then click Finish.
Method two: Use Scan to Network Folder Setup
This option enables advanced configuration of the Save to Network Folder feature using the HP Embedded Web
Server (EWS) for the product.
NOTE: Before you begin: To display the product's IP address or host name, select the Information icon, and then select the Network icon on the product's control panel.
Step one: Begin the configuration
Click the Scan/Digital Send tab.
On the left navigation menu, click the Scan to Network Folder Setup link.
Step two: Configure the Scan to Network Folder settings
On the Scan to Network Folder Setup page, select the Enable Scan to Network Folder check box. If this box is not selected, the feature is unavailable at the product control panel.
In the Scan to Network Folder area of the left navigation pane, click Quick Sets. Click Add to open the Quick
Sets Setup dialog.
ENWW Set up the scanner 35
NOTE: Quick Sets are short-cut jobs that can be accessed on the product Home screen or within the Quick
Sets application.
NOTE: The Scan to Network Folder feature can be minimally configured without creating a quick set.
However, without the quick set, users must enter the destination folder information at the control panel for each scan job. A quick set is required to include Scan to Network Folder metadata.
Complete all of the settings in the Quick Set Setup to fully configure the Scan to Network Folder feature.
Dialog one: Set the Quick Set name, description, and options for user interaction at the control panel
Use the Set the location for the Quick Set and options for user interaction at the control panel dialog to configure where Quick Set will display on the product control panel and to configure the level of user interaction at the product control panel.
In the Quick Set Name field, type a title.
NOTE: Name the Quick Set something that users can understand quickly (e.g., "Scan and save to a folder").
In the Quick Set Description field, type a description explaining what the Quick Set will save.
From the Quick Set Start Option list, select one of the following options:
● Option one: Enter application, then user presses Start
● Option two: Start instantly upon selection
Select one of the following prompt options :
○ Prompt for original sides
○ Prompt for additional pages
○ Require Preview
NOTE: If Start instantly upon selection is selected, the destination folder must be entered in the next step.
Click Next.
Dialog two: Folder Settings
Use the Folder Settings dialog to configure the types of folders where the scanned documents are sent.
There are two types of destination folders to select from:
● Shared folders or FTP folders
● Personal shared folders
There are two types of folder permissions to select from:
● Read and write access
● Write access only
The following information describes how to configure the folder settings.
36 Chapter 2 Use the scanner ENWW
Configure the destination folder for scanned documents
Option 1: Shared folders or FTP folders
To save scanned documents to a standard shared folder or an FTP folder, complete the following steps:
If it is not already selected, select Save to shared folders or FTP folders.
Click Add.... The Add Network Folder Path dialog opens.
On the Add Network Folder Path dialog, select one of the following options:
● Option one: Save to a standard shared network folder
ENWW Set up the scanner 37
NOTE: For more information about creating shared network folders, see Set up a shared folder
If it is not already selected, select Save to a standard shared network folder.
In the UNC Folder Path field, type a folder path.
The folder path can either be the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) (e.g., \
\\scans) or the IP address of the server (e.g., \
\\scans). Be sure that the folder path (e.g., \scans) follows the FQDN or IP address.
NOTE: The FQDN can be more reliable than the IP address. If the server gets its IP address via
DHCP, the IP address can change. However, the connection with an IP address might be faster because the product does not need to use DNS to find the destination server.
To automatically create a subfolder for scanned documents in the destination folder, select a format for the subfolder name from the Custom Subfolder list.
To restrict the subfolder access to the user who creates the scan job, select Restrict subfolder access to user.
To view the complete folder path for scanned documents, click Update Preview.
From the Authentication Settings list, select one of the following options:
○ Use credentials of user to connect after Sign In at the control panel
○ Always use these credentials
NOTE: If Always use these credentials is selected, a user name and password must be entered in the corresponding fields.
38 Chapter 2 Use the scanner ENWW
In the Windows Domain field, type the Windows domain.
NOTE: To find the Windows domain in Windows 7, click Start, click Control Panel, click System.
To find the Windows domain in Windows 8, click Search, enter System in the search box, and then click System.
The domain is listed under Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings.
NOTE: If a shared folder is set to be accessed by everyone, values for a workgroup name
(default is “Workgroup”), a user name and password must be entered in the corresponding fields. However, if the folder is within a particular user’s folders and not Public, the user name and password of that user must be used.
NOTE: An IP address might be necessary instead of a computer name. Many home routers do not handle computer names well, and there is no Domain Name Server (DNS). In this case, it is best to set up a static IP address on the shared PC to alleviate the problem of DHCP assigning a new IP address. On a typical home router, this is done by setting a static IP address that is on the same subnet, but outside the DHCP address range.
Click OK.
● Option two: Save to an FTP Server
NOTE: If an FTP site is outside the firewall, a proxy server must be specified under the network settings These settings are located in the EWS Networking tab, under the Advanced options.
Select Save to an FTP Server.
In the FTP Server field, type the FTP server name or IP address.
In the Port field, type the port number.
NOTE: In most cases, the default port number does not need to be changed.
Set up the scanner 39
To automatically create a subfolder for scanned documents in the destination folder, select a format for the subfolder name from the Custom Subfolder list.
To view the complete folder path for scanned documents, click Update Preview.
From the FTP Transfer Mode list, select one of the following options:
○ Passive
○ Active
In the Username field, type the user name.
In the Password field, type the password.
Click Verify Access to confirm the destination can be accessed.
10. Click OK.
Option 2: Personal shared folders
To save scanned documents to a personal shared folder, complete the following steps:
NOTE: This option is used in domain environments where the administrator configures a shared folder for each user. If the Save to a personal shared folder feature is configured, users will be required to sign in at the product control panel using Windows credentials or LDAP authentication.
Select Save to a personal shared folder.
In the Retrieve the device user’s home folder using this attribute field, type the user’s home folder in the
Microsoft Active Directory.
NOTE: Verify that the user knows where this home folder is located on the network.
To add a user name subfolder at the end of the folder path, select Create subfolder based on user name.
To restrict the subfolder access to the user who creates the scan job, select Restrict subfolder access to user.
Select the destination folder permissions
Option 1: Read and write access
To send scanned documents to a folder configured for read and write access, complete the following steps:
NOTE: Send only to folders with read and write access supports folder verification and job notification
If it is not already selected, select Send only to folders with read and write access.
To require the product to verify folder access before starting a scan job, select Verify folder access prior to job start.
NOTE: Scan jobs can complete more quickly if Verify folder access prior to job start is not selected; however, if the folder is unavailable, the scan job will fail.
Click Next.
Option 2: Write access only
40 Chapter 2 Use the scanner ENWW
To send scanned documents to a folder configured for write access only, complete the following steps:
NOTE: Allow sending to folders with write access only does not support folder verification or job notification
NOTE: If this option is selected, the product cannot increment the scan filename. It sends the same filename for all scans.
Select a time-related filename prefix or suffix for the scan filename, so that each scan is saved as a unique file, and does not overwrite a previous file. This filename is determined by the information in the File Settings dialog in the Quick Set Wizard.
Select Allow sending to folders with write access only.
Click Next.
Dialog three: Notification settings
▲ On the Notification Settings dialog, complete one of the following tasks:
NOTE: In order to send notification emails, the product must be set up to use an SMTP server for sending email jobs. For more information about setting up the SMTP server for sending emails see Set up Scan to
Email (c05173714).
● Option one: Do not notify
Select Do not notify.
To prompt the user to review their notification settings, select Prompt user prior to job start, and then click Next.
● Option two: Notify when job completes
Select Notify when job completes.
Select the method for delivering the notification from the Method Used to Deliver Notification list.
If the method of notification selected is Email, type the email address in the Notification Email
Address field.
To include a thumbnail of the first scanned page in the notification, select Include Thumbnail.
To prompt the user to review their notification settings, select Prompt user prior to job start, and then click Next.
● Option three: Notify only if job fails
Select Notify only if job fails.
Select the method for delivering the notification from the Method Used to Deliver Notification list.
If the method of notification selected is Email, type the email address in the Notification Email
Address field.
To include a thumbnail of the first scanned page in the notification, select Include Thumbnail.
To prompt the user to review their notification settings, select Prompt user prior to job start, and then click Next.
ENWW Set up the scanner 41
Dialog four: Scan Settings
On the Scan Settings dialog, set the default scanning preferences for the Quick Set, and then click Next.
Scan settings:
Original Size
Original Sides
Optimize Text/Picture
Content Orientation
Background Cleanup
Image Preview
Cropping Options
Erase Edges
Select the page size of the original document.
Select whether the original document is single-sided or double-sided.
Select to optimize for the output of a particular type of content.
Select the way the content of the original document is placed on the page: Portrait or Landscape.
Select a value to remove faint images from the background or to remove a light background color.
Select a value to adjust the darkness of the file.
Select a value to adjust the contrast of the file.
Select a value to adjust the sharpness of the file.
Select whether to require or make optional a displayed preview of the job or to disable a preview.
Select whether or not to allow a job to be cropped and the type of cropping option.
Select this setting to specify the width of edge margins to be erased, in either inches or millimeters, for the front side and back side of a job.
Dialog five: File Settings
On the File Settings dialog, set the default file settings for the Quick Set, and then click Next.
File settings:
File Name Prefix
File Name
Set the default file name prefix used for files saved to a network folder.
Default file name for the file to be saved.
File Name Suffix
File Name Preview
File Numbering Format
Add numbering when job has just one file (ex. _1–1)
File Type
Select the User editable check box to make this setting editable at the product control panel.
Set the default file name suffix used for files saved to a network folder.
Enter a file name, and then click Update Preview.
Select a file name format for when the job is divided into multiple files.
Select this setting to add numbering to a file name when the job is only one file instead of multiple files.
Select the file format for the saved file.
Select the User editable check box to make this setting editable at the product control panel.
High Compression (smaller file) Select this setting to compress the scanned file, which reduces the file size. However, the scanning process for a High compression file might take longer than for a Normal compression file.
PDF encryption If the file type is PDF, then this option encrypts the output PDF file. A password must be specified as part of the encryption. The same password must be used to open the file. The user will be prompted to enter a password prior to scanning their job if one has not been set prior to pressing start.
42 Chapter 2 Use the scanner ENWW
Quality and File Size
Suppress blank pages
Meta Data File Format
Create Multiple Files
Set the resolution for the file. Higher resolution images have more dots per inch (dpi), so they show more detail. Lower resolution images have fewer dots per inch and show less detail, but the file size is smaller.
Select the quality for the file. Higher-quality images require a larger file size than lower-quality images, and they take more time to send.
Specify whether copies are to be scanned in color, black and gray, or black only.
If the Suppress blank pages option is enabled, blank pages will be ignored.
Use the drop-down list to select the file format for meta-data information.
Select this setting to scan pages into separate files based on a predetermined maximum number of pages per file.
Dialog six: Summary
On the Summary dialog, review the Summary dialog, and then click Finish.
Step three: Complete the configuration
In the left-navigation pane, click Scan to Network Folder.
On the Scan to Network Folder page, review the selected settings, and then click Apply to complete the setup.
Set up Scan to USB Drive
Step one: Access the HP Embedded Web Server
Step two: Enable Scan to USB Drive
Step three: Configure the Quick Sets (optional)
Default scan settings for Scan to USB Drive setup
Default file settings for Save to USB Setup
The product has a feature that enables it to scan a document and save it to a USB flash drive. The feature is not available until it has been configured through the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS).
Step one: Access the HP Embedded Web Server
From the Home screen on the product control panel, select the Information icon, and then select the
Network icon to display the IP address or host name.
ENWW Set up the scanner 43
Open a web browser, and in the address line, type the IP address or host name exactly as it displays on the product control panel. Press the Enter key on the computer keyboard. The EWS opens.
NOTE: If the web browser displays a message indicating that accessing the website might not be safe, select the option to continue to the website. Accessing this website will not harm the computer.
Step two: Enable Scan to USB Drive
Select the Security tab.
Scroll to Hardware Ports and make sure that Enable Host USB plug and play is enabled.
Select the Scan/Digital Send tab and the select Default Job Options from the left menu.
Select the Enable Scan to USB check box.
NOTE: Most devices ship with Hard disk drives (HDDs) already installed. In some cases, additional storage devices can be added via USB. Verify whether the Save to USB feature needs to be expanded to USB and Hard drive
Step three: Configure the Quick Sets (optional)
NOTE: Quick Sets are short-cut jobs that can be accessed on the product Home screen or within the Quick Sets application.
In the Scan to USB Drive area of the left navigation pane, click Quick Sets.
Select one of the following options:
● Select an existing Quick Set under Quick Sets Application in the table.
● Click Add to start the Quick Set Wizard.
If you selected Add, the Quick Sets Setup page opens. Complete the following information:
44 Chapter 2 Use the scanner ENWW
● Quick Set Name: Enter a title for the new Quick Set.
● Quick Set Description: Enter a description of the Quick Set.
● Quick Set Start Option: To set how the Quick Set starts, click either Enter application, then user presses Start or Start instantly when selected from the Home Screen.
Select a default location where scanned files are saved on USB storage devices inserted into the USB port near the control panel, and then click Next. The default location options are:
● Save at root directory of the USB storage device
● Create or place in this folder on the USB Storage Device — The path to the folder on the USB storage device must be specified when using this file location option. A backslash \ must be used to separate folder\subfolder names in the path.
Select an option from the Condition on Which to Notify: drop-down list, and then click Next.
This setting determines if, or how, users are notified when a Save To USB Quick Set job completes or fails.
The options for the Condition on Which to Notify: setting are:
● Do not notify
● Notify when job completes
● Notify only if job fails
Choose the Scan Settings for the Quick Set, and then click Next.
For more information on the available scan settings, see Default scan settings for Scan to USB
Choose the File Settings for the Quick Set, and then click Next.
Review the summary of settings, and then click Finish to save the Quick Set, or click Previous to edit the settings.
Default scan settings for Scan to USB Drive setup
Table 2-1 Scan settings for Scan to USB Drive Setup:
Feature Description
Original Size
Original Sides
Optimize Text/Picture
Content Orientation
Background Cleanup
Select the page size of the original document.
Select whether the original document is single-sided or double-sided.
Select to optimize for the output of a particular type of content.
Select the way the content of the original document is placed on the page: Portrait or Landscape.
Select a value to remove faint images from the background or to remove a light background color.
Select a value to adjust the darkness of the file.
Select a value to adjust the contrast of the file.
ENWW Set up the scanner 45
Table 2-1 Scan settings for Scan to USB Drive Setup: (continued)
Feature Description
Image Preview
Cropping Options
Erase Edges
Select a value to adjust the sharpness of the file.
Select whether to require or make optional a displayed preview of the job or to disable a preview.
Select whether or not to allow a job to be cropped and the type of cropping option.
Select this setting to specify the width of edge margins to be erased, in either inches or millimeters, for the front side and back side of a job.
Default file settings for Save to USB Setup
Table 2-2 File settings for Save to USB Setup:
Option name Description
File Name Prefix
File Name
File Name Suffix
Set the default file name prefix used for files saved to a network folder.
Default file name for the file to be saved.
Select the User editable check box to make this setting editable at the product control panel.
Set the default file name suffix used for files saved to a network folder.
File Name Preview
File Numbering Format
Add numbering when job has just one file (ex. _1–1)
File Type
Duplicate filename suffix default [filename]_YYYYMMDDT
High Compression (smaller file) Select this setting to compress the scanned file, which reduces the file size. However, the scanning process for a High compression file might take longer than for a Normal compression file.
PDF encryption
If the file type is PDF, then this option encrypts the output PDF file. A password must be specified as part of the encryption. The same password must be used to open the file. The user will be prompted to enter a password prior to scanning their job if one has not been set prior to pressing start.
Set the resolution for the file. Higher resolution images have more dots per inch (dpi), so they show more detail. Lower resolution images have fewer dots per inch and show less detail, but the file size is smaller.
Quality and File Size
Select the file format for the saved file.
Select the User editable check box to make this setting editable at the product control panel.
Suppress blank pages
Create Multiple Files
Enter a file name, and then click Update Preview.
Select a file name format for when the job is divided into multiple files.
Select this setting to add numbering to a file name when the job is only one file instead of multiple files.
Select the quality for the file. Higher-quality images require a larger file size than lower-quality images, and they take more time to send.
Specify whether copies are to be scanned in color, black and gray, or black only.
If the Suppress blank pages option is enabled, blank pages will be ignored.
Select this setting to scan pages into separate files based on a predetermined maximum number of pages per file.
46 Chapter 2 Use the scanner ENWW
Set up Scan to SharePoint
Step one: Access the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS)
Step two: Enable Scan to SharePoint® and create a Scan to SharePoint Quick Set
Scan and save a file directly to a Microsoft® SharePoint site
Quick set scan settings and options for Save to SharePoint®
Use Save the SharePoint ® to scan documents directly to a Microsoft the files to the SharePoint site.
® SharePoint site. This feature eliminates the need to scan the documents to a network folder, USB flash drive, or email message, and then manually upload
Save to SharePoint ® supports all scanning options, including the ability to scan documents as images or use the
OCR features to create text files or searchable PDFs.
The feature is disabled by default. Enable Save to Sharepoint ® in the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS).
Before you begin
Before this procedure can be completed, the destination folder that the scanned files will be saved to must exist on the SharePoint site, and write access must be enabled to the destination folder. Save to SharePoint disabled by default.
® is
Step one: Access the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS)
From the Home screen on the product control panel, select the Information icon, and then select the
Network icon to display the IP address or host name.
Open a web browser, and in the address line, type the IP address or host name exactly as it displays on the product control panel. Press the Enter key on the computer keyboard. The EWS opens.
NOTE: If the web browser displays a message indicating that accessing the website might not be safe, select the option to continue to the website. Accessing this website will not harm the computer.
ENWW Set up the scanner 47
Step two: Enable Scan to SharePoint
and create a Scan to SharePoint Quick Set
Follow these steps to enable the feature Scan to SharePoint feature and create a Save to SharePoint Quick Set:
Using the top navigation tabs, click Scan/Digital Send.
In the left navigation pane, click Scan to SharePoint®.
NOTE: Quick Sets are short-cut jobs that can be accessed on the product Home screen or within the Quick
Sets application.
Select Enable Scan to SharePoint®, and then click Apply.
In the Quick Sets List area, click Add to launch the Quick Set Wizard.
Enter a Quick Set Name (for example, “Scan to Sharepoint”) and a Quick Set Description.
Select a Quick Set Start Option to determine what occurs after selecting a Quick Set on the product control panel, and then click Next.
Use the following steps to add the path to the SharePoint folder.
Click Add on the SharePoint® Settings page to open the Add SharePoint® Path page.
Open another browser window, navigate to the SharePoint folder to use, and then copy the folder path for the SharePoint folder from that browser window.
Paste the SharePoint folder path into the SharePoint® Path: field.
By default, the product overwrites an existing file that has the same file name as the new file. Clear
Overwrite existing files so that a new file with the same name as an existing file is given an updated time/date stamp.
Select an option from the Authentication Settings drop-down menu. Select whether it is necessary to sign in to the SharePoint site with credentials, or store the credentials within the Quick Set.
NOTE: Use credentials of user to connect after Sign In at the control panel is selected in the
Authentication Settings drop-down menu, the logged-in user must have permissions to write to the specified SharePoint site.
48 Chapter 2 Use the scanner ENWW
NOTE: For security purposes, the product does not display credentials entered in the Quick Set
Click OK to complete the SharePoint path setup and navigate back to the SharePoint Destination
Settings page.
Select Verify folder access prior to job start to ensure that the SharePoint folder specified as the destination folder is accessible each time the Quick Set is used. If this option is not selected, jobs can be saved to the
SharePoint folder more quickly. However, if this option is not selected and the SharePoint folder is inaccessible the job will fail.
Click Next.
Set a Condition on Which to Notify: on the Notification Settings page. This setting configures the Quick Set to either not notify, or to send email messages if a job either completes successfully or fails. Select one of the following options from the Condition on Which to Notify: drop-down menu:
● Select Do not notify for the Quick Set to not perform any notification action when a job completes successfully or fails.
● Select Notify when job completes for the Quick Set to send a notification when a job completes successfully.
● Select Notify only if job fails for the Quick Set to send a notification only when a job fails.
Selecting either Notify when job completes or Notify only if job fails requires the Method Used to Deliver
Notification: to be set. Select from the following options:
● Email: Use this option to send an email when the selected notification condition occurs. This option requires a valid email address in the Notification Email Address: field.
NOTE: To use the email notification feature, first configure the email feature on the product.
NOTE: Select Include Thumbnail for either notification option to include a thumbnail image of the first page of the scanned page of the job.
Click Next.
Select options from the Scan Settings page, and then click Next. For more information, see
Table 2-3 Scan settings for Save to SharePoint ® on page 51 .
Review the summary of settings, and then click Finish to save the Quick Set, or click Previous to edit the settings.
Scan and save a file directly to a Microsoft
SharePoint site
Place the document face-down on the scanner glass, or place it face-up in the document feeder and adjust the paper guides to fit the size of the document.
From the Home screen on the product control panel, select Scan , and then select Scan to SharePoint® .
NOTE: It might be necessary to sign in to the product to use this feature.
To select a Quick Set, in the Quick Sets and Defaults area select Load . Select a Quick Set, and then select
Load .
ENWW Set up the scanner 49
Select the File Name: text field to open a keyboard, and then type the name for the file using either the onscreen keyboard or the physical keyboard. Select Enter .
Select Options to view and configure settings for the document.
Select the right pane of the screen to preview the document. In the preview screen, use the options on the right of the screen to adjust the preview options and to rearrange, rotate, insert, or remove pages.
Use these options to toggle between single-page view and thumbnail view. More options are available in thumbnail view than in single-page view.
Use these options to zoom in or out on the selected page.
NOTE: Select only one page at a time to use these options.
Use this option to rotate the page 180 degrees.
NOTE: This option is available only in the thumbnail view.
Use this option to delete the selected pages.
NOTE: This option is available only in the thumbnail view.
Use these options to rearrange the pages within the document. Select one or more pages and move them to the left or right.
NOTE: These options are available only in the thumbnail view.
Use this option to add a page to the document. The product prompts to scan additional pages.
Use this option to clear the changes made in the preview and start over.
Select this option to collapse the preview screen and return to the Copy screen.
Select Start to save the file.
Quick set scan settings and options for Save to SharePoint
The following tables list the settings and options available in the Quick Set Wizard when adding, editing, or copying a Save to SharePoint ® Quick Set.
50 Chapter 2 Use the scanner ENWW
Table 2-3 Scan settings for Save to SharePoint ®
Feature Description
Original Size
Original Sides
Optimize Text/Picture
Content Orientation
Background Cleanup
Image Preview
Cropping Options
Erase Edges
Select the page size of the original document.
Select whether the original document is single-sided or double-sided.
Select to optimize for the output of a particular type of content.
Select the way the content of the original document is placed on the page: Portrait or Landscape.
Select a value to remove faint images from the background or to remove a light background color.
Select a value to adjust the darkness of the file.
Select a value to adjust the contrast of the file.
Select a value to adjust the sharpness of the file.
Select whether to require or make optional a displayed preview of the job or to disable a preview.
Select whether or not to allow a job to be cropped and the type of cropping option.
Select this setting to specify the width of edge margins to be erased, in either inches or millimeters, for the front side and back side of a job.
Table 2-4 File settings for Save to SharePoint
Feature Description
File Name Prefix
File Name
Set the default file name prefix used for files saved to a network folder.
Default file name for the file to be saved.
File Name Suffix
File Name Preview
File Numbering Format
Add numbering when job has just one file (ex. _1–1)
File Type
Select the User editable check box to make this setting editable at the product control panel.
Set the default file name suffix used for files saved to a network folder.
Duplicate filename suffix default [filename]_YYYYMMDDT
Enter a file name, and then click Update Preview.
Select a file name format for when the job is divided into multiple files.
Select this setting to add numbering to a file name when the job is only one file instead of multiple files.
Select the file format for the saved file.
Select the User editable check box to make this setting editable at the product control panel.
High Compression (smaller file) Select this setting to compress the scanned file, which reduces the file size. However, the scanning process for a High compression file might take longer than for a Normal compression file.
PDF encryption
Quality and File Size
If the file type is PDF, then this option encrypts the output PDF file. A password must be specified as part of the encryption. The same password must be used to open the file. The user will be prompted to enter a password prior to scanning their job if one has not been set prior to pressing start.
Set the resolution for the file. Higher resolution images have more dots per inch (dpi), so they show more detail. Lower resolution images have fewer dots per inch and show less detail, but the file size is smaller.
Select the quality for the file. Higher-quality images require a larger file size than lower-quality images, and they take more time to send.
Set up the scanner 51
Table 2-4 File settings for Save to SharePoint (continued)
Feature Description
Suppress blank pages
Create Multiple Files
Specify whether copies are to be scanned in color, black and gray, or black only
If the Suppress blank pages option is enabled, blank pages will be ignored.
Select this setting to scan pages into separate files based on a predetermined maximum number of pages per file.
Create a Quick Set
Step one: Access the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS)
Step two: Add and manage Quick Sets
Quick Sets are short-cut jobs that are available from the Home screen or within the Quick Sets feature on the product control panel and do not impact the defaults set for the base application. To use a Quick Set on the product control panel, enable the base application.
Create Quick Sets for the following base applications to improve job accuracy and decrease the time to complete a job:
● Email — Use email Quick Sets to configure and save commonly used settings for sending jobs from the product via email as email attachments.
● Scan to Network Folder — Use Save to Network Folder Quick Sets to configure and save commonly used settings for saving jobs to a network folder.
● Scan to USB — Use Save to USB Quick Sets to configure and save commonly used settings for saving jobs to a USB device.
● Scan to SharePoint® — Use Save to SharePoint Quick Sets to configure and save commonly used settings for saving jobs to a SharePoint site.
Select from various job options, such as starting a job immediately upon selection of a quick set or requiring an image preview before starting a job.
Step one: Access the HP Embedded Web Server (EWS)
From the Home screen on the product control panel, select the Information icon, and then select the
Network icon to display the IP address or host name.
Open a web browser, and in the address line, type the IP address or host name exactly as it displays on the product control panel. Press the Enter key on the computer keyboard. The EWS opens.
NOTE: If the web browser displays a message indicating that accessing the website might not be safe, select the option to continue to the website. Accessing this website will not harm the computer.
52 Chapter 2 Use the scanner ENWW
Step two: Add and manage Quick Sets
Add a Quick Set
Use the following steps to add a new Quick Set.
Using the top navigation tabs, click General.
In the left navigation pane, click Quick Sets.
Click Add. The Quick Sets Setup page opens.
NOTE: Click Cancel on any page of Quick Sets Setup to cancel the current changes, exit Quick Sets Setup, and return to the Quick Sets page.
Select a Quick Set Type, and then click Next. The following Quick Set types are available for selection, depending on your product:
NOTE: A Quick Set Type only needs to be determined when a quick set is created by using the General
EWS tab.
● Scan to Email
● Scan to Fax
● Scan to Network Folder
● Scan to USB Drive
● Scan to SharePoint®
Enter a title for the Quick Set in the Quick Set Name (required) field.
Enter a description of the Quick Set in the Quick Set Description field.
Select a Quick Set Start Option to determine what occurs after selecting a Quick Set on the product control panel, and then click Next.
Select settings and complete tasks in Quick Sets Setup. Click Next to proceed to the next page of available options until reaching the Summary page.
ENWW Set up the scanner 53
NOTE: The settings available in Quick Sets Setup vary by the type of Quick Set being added. Refer to the
tables in Quick Set settings and options on page 55
to see the available settings and options for each type of Quick Set.
Review the summary of settings, and then click Finish to save the Quick Set, or click Previous to edit the settings.
Edit a Quick Set
Use the following steps to edit the settings of an existing Quick Set.
Using the top navigation tabs, click General.
In the left navigation pane, click Quick Sets.
In the Quick Sets List area, click the check box next to the appropriate Quick Set, and then click Edit. The
Quick Sets Setup page opens.
NOTE: Click Cancel on any page of Quick Sets Setup to cancel the current changes, exit Quick Sets Setup, and return to the Quick Sets page.
If necessary, modify the following settings, and then click Next:
● Quick Set Name
● Quick Set Description
● Quick Set Start Option
Select settings and complete tasks in Quick Sets Setup. Click Next to proceed to the next page of available options until reaching the Summary page.
NOTE: The settings available in Quick Sets Setup vary by the type of Quick Set being edited. Refer to the
tables in Quick Set settings and options on page 55
to see the available settings and options for each type of Quick Set.
Review the Summary page, and then click Finish to save changes made to the Quick Set.
Copy a Quick Set
Using the top navigation tabs, click General.
In the left navigation pane, click Quick Sets.
In the Quick Sets List area, click the check box next to the appropriate Quick Set, and then click Copy. The
Quick Sets Setup page opens.
NOTE: Click Cancel on any page of Quick Sets Setup to cancel the current changes, exit Quick Sets Setup, and return to the Quick Sets page.
If necessary, modify the following settings, and then click Next:
● Quick Set Name
● Quick Set Description
● Quick Set Start Option
54 Chapter 2 Use the scanner ENWW
Select settings and complete tasks in Quick Sets Setup. Click Next to proceed to the next page of available options until reaching the Summary page.
NOTE: The settings available in Quick Sets Setup vary by the type of Quick Set being copied. Refer to the tables in
Quick Set settings and options on page 55 to see the available settings and options for each type
of Quick Set.
Review the Summary page, and then click Finish to save the Quick Set.
Remove a Quick Set
Use the following steps to remove a Quick Set.
Using the top navigation tabs, click General.
In the left navigation pane, click Quick Sets.
In the Quick Sets List area, click the check box next to the appropriate Quick Set, and then click Remove.
When the Confirmation Page opens, click Remove to finish removing the Quick Set.
Quick Set settings and options
The following tables list the settings and options available in the Quick Set Wizard when adding, editing, or copying a Quick Set.
Table 2-5 Address and Message Field Control — Scan to Email Quick Sets
Address Field Restrictions
Use the Address Field Restrictions drop-down list to specify whether users can type an email address or select an email address from an address book
Use the From: drop-down list to set the email address that displays in the From: field of the email.
Default From:
Default Display Name:
If Default From: is selected, the email address listed in the Default From: field is used.
If User's address (sign-in required) is selected, the user is required to sign in to the product with their email address when using the Quick Set.
This field can be set to be user-editable.
The Default From: field is used to define the email address used when Default From: is selected in the
From: drop-down list.
Use this field to set the name displayed on the product's control panel. If this field is not set, the value in the Default From: displays on the product's control panel.
This field is optional.
Use these drop-down lists to set the email recipient, CC (carbon copy) and BCC (blind carbon copy) values.
The options for each of these fields are:
● User's address (sign-in required)
● Blank
● Specify address
These fields can be set to be user-editable
ENWW Set up the scanner 55
Table 2-5 Address and Message Field Control — Scan to Email Quick Sets (continued)
Option Description
Use this field to set the value that appears in the subject line of the email.
This field can be set to be user-editable.
Use this field to set the value for the body of the email.
This field can be set to be user-editable.
Table 2-6 Signing and Encryption — Scan to Email Quick Sets
Option Description
Hashing Algorithm
Use the Signing drop-down list to specify whether the email sent using the Quick Set is digitally signed.
This field can be set to be user-editable.
Use the Hashing Algorithm drop-down list to set the type hashing algorithm used with signed emails.
The following hashing algorithms are available:
● SHA-1
● SHA-256 (recommended)
● SHA-384
● SHA-512
Use the Encryption drop-down list to specify whether the email sent using the Quick Set is encrypted.
Use the recipient public key certificate to verify the recipient
This field can be set to be user-editable.
Encryption Algorithm Use the Encryption Algorithm drop-down list to set the encryption algorithm used for encrypted emails sent using the Quick Set.
Attribute for Recipient Public Key The Attribute for Recipient Public Key field is used to set the attribute used for retrieving the email recipient's public key from LDAP for signed or encrypted emails.
Select this setting to use the recipient’s public key certificate to verify the recipient.
Table 2-7 Scan settings — Scan to Email, Scan to Fax, Scan to Network Folder, Scan to SharePoint ® , and Scan to USB Quick
Option Description
Original Size
Original Sides
Specify the size for the original document.
Select whether the original document is single-sided or double-sided.
56 Chapter 2 Use the scanner ENWW
Table 2-7 Scan settings — Scan to Email, Scan to Fax, Scan to Network Folder, Scan to SharePoint ®
Sets (continued)
, and Scan to USB Quick
Option Description
Optimize Text/Picture
Content Orientation
Background Cleanup
Image Preview
Cropping options (not available for Scan to Fax)
Erase Edges (not available for
Scan to Fax)
Resolution (Scan to Fax only)
Suppress blank pages (Scan to
Fax only)
Optimize the job for the type of image being scanned: text, graphics, or photos.
Select from the following options:
● Text: Use for documents that contain mostly text
● Mixed: Use for documents with a mix of text and pictures
● Printed picture: Use for line drawings and preprinted images, such as magazine clippings or pages from books
NOTE: If bands of irregular intensity print on the copies, try selecting Printed picture to improve the quality.
● Photograph: Use for photographic prints
Select the way the content of the original document is placed on the page:
● Portrait: The short edge of the page is along the top.
● Landscape: The long edge of the page is along the top.
Select a value to remove faint images from the background or to remove a light background color.
Select a value to adjust the darkness of the file.
Select a value to adjust the contrast of the file.
Select a value to adjust the sharpness of the file.
Select whether to require or make optional a displayed preview of the job or to disable a preview.
Select whether or not to allow a job to be cropped and the type of cropping option.
Select this setting to specify the width of edge margins to be erased, in either inches or millimeters, for the front side and back side of a job.
Set the resolution for the file. Higher resolution images have more dots per inch (dpi), so they show more detail. Lower resolution images have fewer dots per inch and show less detail, but the file size is smaller.
If the Suppress blank pages option is enabled, blank pages will be ignored.
Table 2-8 File settings — Scan to Email, Scan to Network Folder, Scan to SharePoint ® , and Scan to USB Quick Sets
Feature Description
File Name Prefix
File Name
File Name Suffix
File Name Preview
Set the default file name prefix used for files saved to a network folder.
Default file name for the file to be saved.
Select the User editable check box to make this setting editable at the product control panel.
Set the default file name suffix used for files saved to a network folder.
Duplicate filename suffix default [filename]_YYYYMMDDT
Enter a file name, and then click Update Preview.
Set up the scanner 57

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