2-4 Expanded System Configurations. Omron C200HG-CPU43, C200HX-CPU64, C200HX-CPU65, C200HG-CPU53, C200HG-CPU33, C200HX-CPU34, C200HG-CPU63, C200HE-CPU32, C200HW-PA204S
Expanded System Configurations
2-4 Expanded System Configurations
Section 2-4
2-4-1 Required Mounting Conditions
High-speed Counter Units
Position Control Units
Analog I/O Units
ID Sensor Units
Fuzzy Logic Units
4 units max.
A maximum of 16 Special I/O Units including PC Link Units can be mounted to any slot of CPU, Expansion I/O, and Slave Racks. I/O word numbers 100 to 199,
400 to 459, and DM 1000 to DM 2599 are allocated to each Special I/O Unit.
High-density I/O Units can be mounted Remote I/O Slave Units only when the
Remote I/O Slave Units are connected to C200H-RM001-PV1 or
C200H-RM201 Remote I/O Master Units.
The number of Special I/O Units used with a Slave Rack is limited by data transmission considerations, as shown in the table below. The numbers in the table indicate the maximum number of Units of groups A, B, C, or D which can be used with a single Slave Rack.
High-density and Mixed I/O
Temperature Control Units
Cam Positioner Units
Heat/Cool Temperature
Control Unit
PID Control Unit
Temperature Sensor Units
Voice Units
Position Control Units
Motion Control Units
8 units max.
6 units max.
2 units max.
Note 1. When a combination of Units from groups A, B, C, and D is used, the number from each group must satisfy both the following equations:
3A + B + 2C + 6D
A + B + C + D
2. Other Units can be added until the total number of Units reaches ten. If PC
Link Units are used, the number of Units including the PC Link Units must not exceed ten.
2-4-2 Special I/O Units
It is possible to connect a variety of Special I/O Units to the C200HX/
C200HG/C200HE Racks.
High-density I/O Units
(Special I/O Units)
The TTL Input Unit, DC Input Unit, TTL Output Unit, Transistor Output Unit, TTL
I/O Unit, and DC Input/Transistor Output Unit are High-density I/O Units.
The C200H-ID501, C200H-OD501, and C200H-MD501 are I/O Units for the
TTL Unit.
Eight input points each of the C200H-ID501, C200H-ID215, C200H-MD501,
C200H-MD115, and C200H-MD215 can be set for pulse input.
A High-density I/O Unit can retrieve pulse input, which is shorter in length than that of the High-density I/O Unit cycle time, as an input signal when the Highdensity I/O Unit is set for pulse input.
Expanded System Configurations Section 2-4
The C200H-MD501, C200H-MD115, and C200H-MD215 can each be set for
128 dynamic input points (64 points x two circuits) and the C200H-OD501 and
C200H-OD215 can each be set for 128 dynamic output points (64 points x two circuits).
High-speed Counter Units The High-speed Counter Units have the following six operation modes.
Linear, circular, preset, gate, latch, and sampling operation modes
The High-speed Counter Units, which have a counting speed of 50 kcps, can be used for phase-difference pulse input, adding and subtracting pulse input, and pulse and direction input. The High-speed Counter Units have eight-point output per single axis.
Rotary Encoder
Position Control Units The Position Control Units have pulse-train output, thus enabling connection to stepping motor drivers or servomotor drivers.
The C200H-NC111 and C200H-NC112 are for a single axis, and the
C200H-NC211 is for two axes.
Stepping motor driver or servomotor driver with pulse-train input.
5-V power supply
Stepping motor or servomotor
Expanded System Configurations
Analog I/O Units
Section 2-4
The Analog Input (A/D) Units retrieve analog inputs and the Analog Output (D/A)
Unit sends analog outputs.
The following Analog I/O Units are available:
C200H-AD001 with 4-point analog input, C200H-AD002 with 8-point analog input, C200H-DA001 with 2-point analog output, and C200H-DA002 with
4-point analog output
The Analog Input (AD) Unit is used.
Analog input
Preamplifier transducer
Analog output
Servomotor controller variable adjuster
The Analog Output (DA) Unit is used.
Temperature Sensor Units The following table lists Temperature Sensor Unit models and available temperature sensors.
Only one kind of temperature sensor can be connected to the C200H-TS001 or
C200H-TS002. Each Temperature Sensor Unit connects to a maximum of four temperature sensor inputs.
Connectable temperature sensor
K (CA)/K (IC)
K (CA)/L (Fe-CuNi) (available for DIN)
JPt 100 Ω
Pt 100
(available for DIN/1989JIS)
Thermocouple: K (CA), J (IC), L (Fe-CuNi)
Platinum resistance thermometer: JPt100 Ω , Pt100 Ω
BASIC programs can be input to the ASCII Unit via its port 1 from any personal computer in terminal mode if the personal computer incorporates an RS-232C interface.
It is possible to write BASIC programs with an IBM PC/AT or compatible.
Port 1
Port 1/2
BASIC Program:
Personal computer
Input: Bar code reader
Output: Printer and plasma display
Expanded System Configurations
Voice Unit
Section 2-4
Voice messages can be input from dynamic microphones or cassette tape recorders and output from loudspeakers or headsets via the Voice Unit.
The Voice Unit incorporates a sentence function and word combination function, either of which can be selected to record voice messages for 64 seconds maximum.
Voice can be saved on floppy disks with an IBM PC/AT or compatible.
Voice input
Microphone or cassette tape player
ID Sensor Units
Voice output
Headset or speaker
Voice saving/Re-input
C200H-CN224 Connecting Cable (2 m long with
6- and 25-pin connectors)
Personal computer, or PROM Writer
The ID Sensor Units are used to construct non-contact information recognition systems.
By connecting a R/W Head or R/W Antenna to an ID Sensor Unit, data can be written to the Data Carrier attached to each moving object and the data of the
Data Carrier can be read by the C200HS.
The following models of ID Sensor Units are available.
Electromagnetic induction model: C200H-IDS01-V1
Microwave model: C200H-IDS21
Programming Console
Data Carrier
R/W Head
R/W Antenna
Expanded System Configurations
Fuzzy Logic Unit
Section 2-4
The C200H-FZ001 Fuzzy Logic Unit incorporates a high-functional fuzzy Logic processor and allows high-speed fuzzy logic.
A personal computer can be connected to the Fuzzy Logic Unit via RS-232C cables for software development and monitoring. Use the C500-SU981-E Fuzzy
Support Software for IBM PC/AT or compatible personal computers.
Temperature Control Units Thermocouples or platinum resistance thermometers connect to the Temperature Control Unit. With the built-in selector of the Temperature Control Unit, ten kinds of thermocouples or two kinds of platinum resistance thermometers can be selected.
Select the control output of the Temperature Control Unit from the following.
Temperature sensor input
Platinum resistance thermometer:
Control output
Transistor output
Voltage output
Current output
Transistor output
Voltage output
Current output
Temperature Control Unit Data Setting Console
Expanded System Configurations
Cam Positioner Unit
Section 2-4
A single C200H-CP114 Cam Positioner Unit is as powerful as 48 mechanical cams because it can complete jobs that normally require 48 mechanical cams.
It is possible to set 16-point external output and 32-point internal output as cam output. The 32-point internal output can be retrieved as data by the C200HS.
Cam Positioner Unit Data Setting Console
Heat/Cool Temperature
Control Units
The Heat/Cool Temperature Control Units measure the temperature of an object with a connected temperature sensor (thermocouple or platinum resistance thermometer), and heats and cools according to a preset control mode.
Select the control output of the Heat/Cool Temperature Control Unit from the following.
Temperature sensor input
Platinum resistance thermometer:
Control output
Transistor output
Voltage output
Current output
Transistor output
Voltage output
Current output
Heat/Cool Temperature Control Unit Data Setting Console
Expanded System Configurations
PID Control Unit
Section 2-4
The PID Control Unit scales inputs from connected sensors and then carries out
PID control according to preset control mode.
Select the control output of the PID Control Unit from the following.
Control output
Transistor output
Voltage output
Current output
PID Control Unit Data Setting Console
Expanded System Configurations Section 2-4
2-4-3 Link Systems and Networks
The C200HX/C200HG/C200HE can be included in an expanded system configuration including a Host Link System (SYSMAC WAY), a PC Link System, Optical or Wired Remote I/O Systems (SYSMAC BUS), CompoBus/S, Compo-
Bus/D, SYSMAC NET Link or SYSMAC LINK System. All of these can be used in common with the C200HX/C200HG/C200HE. In addition, the following Unit can be connected: B7A Interface Unit. Specifications for all of these Units are provided in Appendix B Specifications .
SYSMAC LINK Systems OMRON’s SYSMAC LINK System is a communications network that connects up to 62 nodes to provide data links, data transfers, and datagram services.
CPU Unit
(coaxial cable)
SYSMAC-series PC
• Data links provide automatic transfer of up to 2,966 words of data in the LR and/or DM Areas.
Data transfers of up to 256 words each can be implemented by programming the NETWORK READ (RECV(98)) and NETWORK WRITE (SEND(90)) instructions in the user program.
• Data transfers via datagrams are also available using a command/response format.
A C200HW-COM01 or C200HW-COM04-E Communications Board and a
C200HW-CE001 or C200HW-CE002 Bus Connection Unit are required to use a SYSMAC LINK Unit.
The C200H-APS03 Auxiliary Power Supply Unit is used as a backup power supply for optical SYSMAC LINK Systems.
Expanded System Configurations Section 2-4
SYSMAC NET Link Systems OMRON’s SYSMAC NET Link System is an FA-oriented limited-area network that connects up to 126 nodes to provide datagram services, data transfers, and data links.
CPU Unit
Line server
Central power supply
SYSMAC-series PC
FA computer
• Data transfers via datagrams are implemented using a command/response format.
• Data transfers can also be implemented for up to 990 words each by programming the NETWORK READ (RECV(98)) and NETWORK WRITE (SEND(90)) instructions in the user program.
Data links provide automatic transfer of up to 32 words of data in the LR Area and/or up to 99 words of data in other data areas.
• A C200HW-COM01 or C200HW-COM04-E Communications Board and a
C200HW-CE001 or C200HW-CE002 Bus Connection Unit are required to use a SYSMAC NET Link Unit.
The C200H-APS01 and C200H-APS02 Power Supply Adapters are used to connect to a central power supply (and must be mounted in the slot immediately to the left of the SYSMAC NET Link Unit).
Note Refer to the SYSMAC NET Link System Manual (W178) for further information.
Expanded System Configurations
Host Link Systems
Section 2-4
A maximum of two Host Link Units can be mounted to slots in either the CPU
Rack or an Expansion I/O Rack. The following Host Link Units are available:
C200H-LK101-PV1 (optical cable)
C200H-LK201-PV1 (RS-232C)
C200H-LK202-V1 (RS-422)
For details, refer to the SYSMAC C-series Rack PCs SYSMAC WAY - Host Link
Units System Manual (W143) .
Host Link Unit FA computer
PC Link System
PC Link Unit
A PC Link System can be used to transfer data between PCs by means of LR
0000 through LR 6315. A maximum of two C200H-LK401 PC Link Units can be mounted to slots in either the CPU Rack or an Expansion I/O Rack. For details, refer to the PC Link System Manual (W135) .
Note The PC Link Units must be counted as Special I/O Units.
Expanded System Configurations
CompoBus/S Systems
Section 2-4
The CompoBus/S is a high-speed I/O data communications system designed to meet the needs of time-critical FA applications.
I/O Terminal
CompoBus/S Master Unit
Sensor Terminal
Bit Chain Terminal
The CompoBus/S Master Unit is mounted to the CPU Rack or an Expansion
I/O Rack. The number of Master Units that can be mounted is indicated below.
Number of Mountable Master Units
C200HX/HE, C200HG-CPU3 j
/4 j
10 Units when used as 1 Special I/O Unit (i.e., 10 words allocated)
5 Units when used as 2 Special I/O Units (i.e., 20 words allocated)
C200HX, C200HG-CPU5 j /6 j /8 j (-Z)
16 Units when used as 1 Special I/O Unit (i.e., 10 words allocated)
5 Units when used as 2 Special I/O Units (i.e., 20 words allocated)
Note Unit numbers A to F can be set only with the following CPU Units.
For each Master Unit, up to 32 slaves can be connected for a maximum of 256 points of I/O data communications (8 input words and 8 output words).
• The Special I/O Area is used for data transmissions.
• A wide variety of slaves are available to support relay, sensor, and other I/O.
Bit Chain Terminals can also be used as slaves to send and receive small quantities of I/O points at greater distances.
Note The CompoBus/S Master Units must be counted as Special I/O Units.
Expanded System Configurations
CompoBus/D Systems
Section 2-4
The Compobus/D is an I/O data communications system conforming to the
CompoBus/D standard being developed to standardize device-level networks for FA.
CQM1 (I/O Link Unit)
CompoBus/D Master Unit
I/O Terminal
Sensor Terminal
Analog Input Terminal
Analog Output Terminal
The CompoBus/D Master Unit is mounted to the CPU Rack or an Expansion
I/O Rack. Only one Master Units can be mounted.
• Up to 50 slaves can be connected for a maximum of 1,600 points of I/O data communications (50 input words and 50 output words).
The IR Area is used for data transmissions (outputs: IR 50 to IR 99; inputs: IR
350 to IR 399).
• A wide variety of slaves are available to support relay, sensor, analog and other
Note 1. The CompoBus/D System cannot be used at the same time as a Remote I/O
2. The CompoBus/D Master Units must be counted as Special I/O Units.
3. Slaves made by other manufacturers can be connected as long as they conform to the CompoBus/D standard.
Expanded System Configurations
Remote I/O Systems
Section 2-4
A maximum of two Optical or Wired Remote I/O Master Units can be mounted to slots in either the CPU Rack or an Expansion I/O Rack. A maximum total of five
Slave Racks, each with a single Slave Unit, can be connected. C500 Slave
Racks can be used, but each C500 Slave Rack must be counted as two Racks in calculating the total. For details, refer to the SYSMAC C-series Rack PCs Wired
Remote I/O System Manual (W120) or SYSMAC C-series Optical Remote I/O
System Manual (W136) .
Remote I/O Slave Unit Remote I/O Slave Unit
C500 Remote I/O Slave Unit C500 Remote I/O Slave Unit
Optical I/O Units I/O Interface Terminal
I/O terminal
Optical Systems
A maximum total of 64 Optical I/O Units can be connected in an optical system
(32 words).
Note 1. The number of Slave Racks is not related to the number of Master Units.
2. If the number of Optical I/O Units exceeds 32, a B500-RPT01(-P) Repeater
Unit is required.
3. Optical and Wired Units cannot be mixed in the same system.
Wired Systems
A maximum total of 32 I/O Interface Terminals and I/O Terminals (32 words) can be connected in a wired system.
Expanded System Configurations
Controller Link Systems
Section 2-4
Controller Link Units can be mounted to C200HX/HG/HE CPU Racks to create automatic data links that can be freely set between C200HX/HG/HE, CVM1, and/or CV-series PCs. Controller Link Support Boards are also available so that
IBM PC/AT or compatibles can also be included in the Controller Link System.
Controller Link Systems support a message service that can be used as required for communications using the SEND and RECV instructions. An example configuration for C200HX/HG/HE PCs is shown below.
Controller Link Unit
Bus Connection Unit
Communications Board
• Controller Link Systems are wired using multidrop connections with twistedpair cable. Each System can include up to 32 nodes and can extend up to 1 km for 500-Kbps communications and up to 500 m for 2-Mbps communications.
For data links, each PC node can read/write up to 8,000 words and each computer node, up to 32,000 words. The data link words can be either set automatically or that can be set manually to more efficiently meet the needs of specific applications using Controller Link Support Software.
• The message service can be used to send up to 2,012 bytes of data at a time.
A Communications Board (C200HW-COM01/COM04-EV1) and a Bus Connection Unit (C200HW-CE001/CE002/CE012) are required to mount a Controller Link Unit to a C200HX/HG/HE PC.
• The Controller Link Unit cannot be used with the C200HE-CPU11-E/ZE.
Expanded System Configurations Section 2-4
PC Card Unit
PC Card Unit
The PC Card Units allows you to expand PC capabilities by adding a PC card.
The PC card can be used to save and retrieve CIO, DM, EM, and other data area contents between the CPU Unit and the PC card from the ladder-diagram program (using the CMCR instruction). An Ethernet card can also be used to connect to an Ethernet network so that data area or ladder-diagram program contents can be read or written from computers on the network. Examples of PC
Card Unit Applications are shown below.
PC Card Unit Ethernet Set
Bus Connection Unit
Memory card
(SRAM, flash, ATA)
Bus Connection Unit
Ethernet Card
Ethernet Unit
Note A media attachment unit (MAU) is required to connect twisted-pair cable to the CV-series Ethernet Unit.
• Program data read via a PC Card Unit cannot be edited on the Ladder Support
PCMCIA2.1 PC cards are used (except for 3.3V cards). Two PC card interface slots are provided. Up to two type I or type II cards can be mounted, or one type
III card can be mounted, enabling applications of standard SRAM, ATA, flash memory, and other PC cards.
• A Communications Board (C200HW-COM01/COM04-EV1) and a Bus Connection Unit (C200HW-CE001/CE002/CE012) are required to mount a PC
Card Unit to a C200HX/HG/HE PC.
Installation and Wiring
This section describes how to install a PC System, including mounting the various Units and wiring the System. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully during installing. Improper installation can cause the PC to malfunction, resulting in extremely dangerous situations.
3-1 Installation Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3-1-1 Installation and Wiring Precautions.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3-1-2 Installing Racks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3-1-3 Mounting Height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3-1-4 Mounting Dimensions (Units: mm) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3-1-5 DIN Track Mounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3-1-6 Mounting Units to the Backplane
3-1-7 I/O Connecting Cables
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3-1-8 Mounting Memory Cassettes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3-1-9 Mounting a Communications Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3-2 Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3-2-1 Power Supply Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3-2-2 Standard I/O Unit Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3-2-3 Electrical Noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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