Introduction. Keysight M9506A
M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis
User Guide
This chapter provides a brief introduction to the AXIe chassis.
M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis Description 12
The M9506A is shipped with bumpers and two carry handles installed for benchtop use (these remove for rack mounting).
The front panel is shown below: AXIe Embedded System
Module (ESM) at a Glance 13
M9506A AXIe System Block Diagram 17
M9506A AXIe System Block Diagram (Graphic) 19
Introduction M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis Description
M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis Description
The Keysight M9506A AXIe chassis is a modular instrument chassis fully compatible with the AXIe Wide PCIe specification. It allows multiple application-specific instrument modules to share a common chassis frame, power supply, cooling system, PCI Express (PCIe) x16 Generation 3 (Gen 3) backplane, Gigabit LAN hub, local bus for module-to-module signaling, and host
PC connections. The full rack chassis provides five general purpose peripheral slots that accept 1U AXIe instrument modules.
Additional features include:
– Up to 300 W per slot power
– Five AXIe Wide compliant slots
– PCIe x16 Gen 3 Backplane allows module to module communication
– Default PCIe configuration merges both cable ports to one Gen 3 x16 PCIe
Cable Port.
– Open AXIe Zone 3 for custom use (cable access, analog backplane, etc.)
– Thunderbolt 3 Connection Port *
– Cascaded PCIe for multiple chassis systems
– Parallel and Star Triggering
– Push-pull fan system for quieter operation
The chassis includes a half-height Embedded System Module (ESM) which manages chassis functions. The ESM provides all shelf manager functions, plus these AXIe extensions:
– host PC connectivity (Gen 3 PCIe x8/x16, Thunderbolt 3, Ethernet)
– sources timing signals (CLK100, SYNC and FCLK)
– routes STRIG (Star Trigger) to instruments through the backplane
– two bi-directional trigger front panel access ports route trigger signals through to the backplane parallel trigger bus and Star Triggers to each slot
– provides backplane PCIe and Ethernet communication between modules
Other than a power button/status light (on the ESM), all monitoring, control and communication with the chassis requires a host PC . This can be an embedded PC specifically designed for use in an AXIe chassis (such as the Keysight M9537A
Embedded Controller) or remote (a rackmount, desktop, or laptop) PC.
The Gen 3 PCIe Cable Interface ports provides up to a 8GB/s (theoretical) for Gen
3 x8, and 16 GB/s (theoretical) for Gen 3 x16. The Thunderbolt
Gen 3 x4 link with up to 4 GB/s (theoretical) bandwidth.
3 port
provides a
* Thunderbolt
is the brand name of an interface standard developed by Intel (in conjunction with Apple) that allows connection of external peripherals to a computer. Thunderbolt 3 specification provides Gen 3 PCI
Express (PCIe), DisplayPort, and DC power in one USB-C compatible cable; only PCIe is supported on the
M9506A. Charging devices such as laptop computers over Thunderbolt 3 is not supported on the M9506A.
12 Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide
M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis Description Introduction
M9506A at a Glance
The M9506A is shipped with bumpers and two carry handles installed for benchtop use (these remove for rack mounting). The front panel is shown below:
Left Fan
The Embedded System Module (ESM) is in the bottom slot;
the other five slots are for instrument modules.
AXIe Zone 3
Chassis Backplane
Provides PCIe and GbE interfaces, clock and synchronization signals, and power to installed modules
On-Standby switch with
Status LED
Right Fan
AXIe Embedded System Module (ESM) at a Glance
The ESM is installed in a half-height slot at the base of the chassis. It:
tracks inserted modules and manages power requirements
monitors chassis temperature and controls variable-speed chassis fans
monitors module sensors and reports component failures to a system log
acts as a Gigabit Ethernet switch; forwards frames along the backplane
connects an external host PC to the chassis
provides trigger routing between front panel trigger ports and backplane parallel and star trigger lines to all modules.
provides a 100 MHz clock reference to all modules, which can be locked to an external 10 MHz clock source.
provides two Gen 3 x8 PCIe cable ports, one Thunderbolt 3, & one LAN port.
The M9506A chassis is not compatible with the M9502A or
M9505A AXIe chassis ESM module. Nor is the M9506A ESM compatible with the M9502A or M9505A AXIe Chassis.
Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide 13
Introduction M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis Description
ESM Front Panel
Reserved for future use.
Power Switch Turns the chassis power on or off. The status indicator light is a bi-color LED.
Flashing green indicates the chassis is powered on and booting. Solid green indicates normal operation. Red indicates a power-up error.
LAN Port RJ45 connector. Connects the host PC to the chassis, auto crossover.
Amber Link/Activity LED,
Bicolor Speed LED (Amber = 1Gbps, Green = 100Mbps, Off = 10Mbps).
An embedded controller module does not use this port; for direct communication with the ESM.
10 MHz Clock
10 MHz Clock
External clock connections. SMB connectors with ESD suppression.
Extends the internal clock source to external instruments. 3.3V CMOS, 50 line drive, 3-state, AC Coupled.
Accepts an external 10 MHz clock. Input range: 5Vpk-pk, AC coupled, 50 ohm terminated, 250mV minimum swing
Bi-directional, external trigger connections. Extends backplane parallel & star trigger to external instruments. SMB connectors with ESD suppression.
Output: 3.3V CMOS, 50 output impedance (push-pull) open drain capable.
Input: Adjustable threshold input range -5V to +5V, 250 mV minimum swing.
External GPS Antenna Port, requires M9506A-GPS Option.
Thunderbolt 3 port with USB-C connector.
9 PCIe Cable Port Used to create a x16 link to Host Adapter or connect Cascaded chassis
Gen 3 compliant PCIe x8 connector.
10 PCIe Cable Port Connects a remote host PC to the chassis via PCIe.
Gen 3 compliant PCIe x8 connector.
(Link speed between
ESM and backplane)
(left port for x8 mode or both ports x16 mode)
(right port)
Host or
Target Mode
(right port)
No connection present
Gen 1 connection
Gen 2 connection
Gen 3 connection
No link present
Gen 1 connection
Gen 2 connection
Gen 3 connection
No link present in x8 mode or if in merged x16 mode
Gen 1 connection
Gen 2 connection
Gen 3 connection
Right cable port is merged with left port to form X16
Host more (default) Right port is Downstream facing
Target Mode Right port is Upstream facing
The M9506A chassis is not compatible with the M9502A/M9505A AXIe chassis ESM module. Nor is the M9506A ESM compatible with the
M9502A/M9505A AXIe Chassis.
Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide
M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis Description Introduction
What is Thunderbolt 3?
Thunderbolt 3 provides PCI Express (PCIe) connectivity with data transfer rates at up to 40 Gbps * . There are no Upstream or Downstream ports with Thunderbolt 3.
Thunderbolt 3 uses USB-C and requires Thunderbolt
3 certified cables for correct operation. To quickly check whether the port you have on a host PC is a
USB-C or Thunderbolt 3 version, look next to or just above the port for a Thunderbolt icon (a lightning bolt).
† Your host PC must have a Thunderbolt 3 port. Even though they use the same cables, Thunderbolt 3 is not USB-C compatible. Thunderbolt 3 cables have no polarity and are reversible – connect either end to the PC or chassis.
Plugging a Thunderbolt 3 device into a Thunderbolt 3 port, provides between 20 and 40 Gbps maximum throughput, depending on the type of cable you're using:
Passive Thunderbolt 3 cables are identical to USB-C cables and plug into
Thunderbolt 3 or USB-C ports and achieve data rates up to 20 Gbps.
For maximum data transfer rate over Thunderbolt 3, use active cables. Active
Thunderbolt 3 cables achieve full 40 Gbps throughput. Active optical cables can extend connection length from 6 feet up to approximately 200 feet.
Factory default is PCIe Cable Ports configured as x16 Gen 3. If you want to use the Thunderbolt 3 port, you must set a switch on the
ESM. See “SW56 Switch Positions” on page 143.
Thunderbolt 3 is hot-swappable. However, avoid removing the cable after the system is powered on. Doing so may cause errors in data transmission.
Do not connect USB Type C (USB-C) devices into the Thunderbolt port on the M9506A ESM.
* Thunderbolt 3 provides PCIe connectivity and provides faster data transfer than a standard PCIe interface. It requires short, <0.5 M or active Thunderbolt 3 cables for highest speed. Charging devices such as laptop computers over Thunderbolt 3 is not supported on the M9506A.
† The original Thunderbolt and Thunderbolt 2 interfaces use mini DisplayPort-shaped connectors that are not compatible with Thunderbolt 3.
Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide 15
Introduction AXIe Instrument Modules
AXIe Instrument Modules
The chassis slots accept AXIe instrument modules. These may comprise one or more instruments for signal injection, data acquisition, and measurement. Install them in any available AXIe slot.
The drawing below illustrates the AXIe module’s general layout, backplane connections and chassis fasteners, viewed from the top.
Zone 3
“Using the M9506A AXIe Zone 3 Area” on page 101)
Module Rear connectors to chassis backplane
Typical AXIe Instrument Module
Retaining Screw
Module Insertion/Extraction Handle
Module Front Panel
Test connections are made at the module’s front panel. The front panel and backplane connectors will vary depending on the module.
Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide
M9506A AXIe System Block Diagram Introduction
M9506A AXIe System Block Diagram
“M9506A AXIe System Block Diagram (Graphic)” on page 19 shows a block
diagram of a M9506A 5-slot AXIe chassis system, showing the chassis and the host PC. The key points regarding this diagram are:
The diagram shows the host PC interfaces to the chassis: (1) The PCIe Cable ports, (2) Thunderbolt 3 interface, and (3) the LAN interface. The PCIe Cable ports and Thunderbolt links route through the ESM PCIe Switch to the slot x16 PCIe links. The LAN interface links are routed through the LAN Switch to the slot Gb Ethernet signals. The PCIe and Thunderbolt interface links can also be routed to the slot Gb links (through the network interface controller and the LAN Switch). However, the LAN interface links cannot be routed to the slot x16 PCIe signals.
The network interface controller (NIC) is an Intel I210 NIC. The PCIe Switch and the NIC provide an x1 path from the chassis PCIe interface to the LAN
Switch and, ultimately, the Shelf Manager (described further below).
If you’re using the PCIe interface to connect to the chassis, the Intel I210 NIC will appear to Windows as a locally-installed device. Windows 7 and Windows
10 provide the necessary Intel NIC driver.
Install either the M9048B or the M9049A PCIe Desktop Adapter in the host PC to provide a PCIe interface. The PCIe Desktop Adapter is used in desktop or rack-mount computers. A PCIe cable (Y1202A, 2.0 m cable) connects the adapter to the AXIe chassis. For Thunderbolt access, a standard Thunderbolt cable connects the ESM to the host PC. For LAN access, a standard Ethernet cable connects the ESM to the host PC.
The chassis contains a processor called the Shelf Manager that monitors the status of the chassis sensors and the module sensors over the Intelligent
Platform Management Bus (IPMB). The Shelf Manager also controls the fan speeds and provides the chassis Web Interface. The Web Interface allows you to use your browser to monitor the status of the chassis and configure certain aspects of chassis operation, such as the trigger subsystem.
The chassis supports two Soft Front Panel (SFP) utilities. SFP runs on the host
PC and provides the same monitor and control functionality as the chassis
Web Interface.
Keysight provides host PC drivers for the chassis. These drivers provide programmable control and monitoring of the chassis trigger bus and sensors.
The chassis contains customer upgradeable firmware. To check if a later version is available, go to the website below for your product, then click the tabs/links indicated: then select Technical Support > Drivers & Software > Firmware Update
Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide 17
Introduction M9506A AXIe System Block Diagram
Some AXIe test system software applications, such as the
Keysight logic and protocol analyzer software and modules, sets and uses specific trigger lines in the AXIe chassis. Do not use the
AXIe chassis Soft Front Panel (SFP) software or the AXIe chassis web interface to set or reroute any of the AXIe chassis trigger lines. Rerouting any of the trigger lines may cause the application software to not function correctly.
In order for a computer to serve as host PC, its BIOS must support enumeration of PCIe slots in the AXIe chassis; many computers are not capable of enumerating a sufficient number of PCIe slots to ensure that slots in an external chassis are enumerated. Keysight maintains a document listing the integrated, rack mount, desktop and laptop computers that have been verified to properly enumerate PCIe devices in the AXIe chassis, at .
For general host PC requirements, such as operating system and
RAM requirements, please refer to the M9506A AXIe Chassis
Startup Guide.
18 Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide
M9506A AXIe System Block Diagram
M9506A AXIe System Block Diagram (Graphic)
Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide 19
Introduction ESD Precautions
ESD Precautions
Keysight’s AXIe chassis and instrument modules are shipped in materials which prevent static electricity damage. These instruments should only be removed from the packaging in an anti-static area ensuring that correct anti-static precautions are taken. Store all modules in anti-static envelopes when not installed.
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) can damage or destroy electronic components. All work on electronic assemblies should be performed at a static-safe work station.
The following figure shows an example of a static-safe work station using two types of ESD protection. Purchase acceptable ESD accessories from your local supplier.
Conductive table-mat and wrist-strap combination.
Conductive floor-mat and heel-strap combination.
Both types, when used together, provide a significant level of ESD protection. Of the two, only the table-mat and wrist-strap combination provides adequate ESD protection when used alone. To ensure user safety, the static-safe accessories must provide at least 1 M of isolation from ground.
20 Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide
Power-Up and Power-Down Introduction
Power-Up and Power-Down
Circuit Breaker
The chassis circuit breaker is a toggle switch, marked OFF (O) when open and ON
(I) when closed:
Circuit Breaker Open (OFF) Circuit Breaker Closed (ON)
Power Modes
The chassis has three power modes:
With the power cord removed or the circuit breaker in the open position, the chassis is
With the power cord connected, the circuit breaker closed, and the front panel switch in the standby position (status light off), the chassis is in
STANDBY mode. Although no power is supplied to the ESM and installed modules when in Standby, the chassis is energized and consumes power. Chassis fans will not operate, but internal PSU (power supply unit) fans may come on.
With the power cord attached, circuit breaker closed, and the front panel switch in the ON position (status light on or blinking), the chassis is chassis thermal load.
ON . Power is supplied to the ESM and installed modules. Fans will operate as dictated by
The chassis ON/STANDBY chassis is ON . The
switch is located on the ESM module. It is lit when the
light in the ESM’s ON/STANDBY switch cycles as described on the next page. It is possible that the chassis is OFF but the status light blinks red. See the table on the next page.
Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide 21
Introduction Power-Up and Power-Down
To Power Up the Chassis
1. Plug-In Chassis
Using the supplied cord, connect the chassis to an appropriate AC power main. Use with a ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) is not recommended.
2. Close Circuit Breaker
Close the rear panel circuit breaker (ON position).
3. Press On/Standby Button
Press the ESM’s light when depressed
ON/STANDBY switch. It should
light in the ESM’s ON/STANDBY switch cycles as follows:
Status Color
Flash Rate
1 flash every 5 seconds
2 flashes every 5 seconds
3 flashes every 5 seconds
4 flashes every 5 seconds
Solid (no flashes)
1 second on, 1 second off
0.5 second on, 0.5 second off On
Solid (no flashes)
Chassis Power
Chassis is powered off
Fault - Power Supply Unit (PSU) Over Temperature
Other PSU fault
ESM/Chassis Power Fault
ESM/Chassis Over Temperature Fault
Unrecoverable alert
1. Chassis is powered on but not ready for enumeration or
2. Self test error
Power button has been pushed and chassis is shutting down
Chassis is powered on and ready for enumeration
The chassis and host PC must be powered up and down in the following sequence. The chassis should be powered up first, which initiates its built-in
Power-on Self Test (POST). During POST, the chassis STATUS LED will blink green and then stay green continuously when the ESM is ready. The ESM then powers up each module slot. The remote host PC should be turned on only after all installed modules have performed their initialization—see your module documentation for initialization information. An embedded controller such as the M9537A handles this sequence automatically.
22 Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide
Power-Up and Power-Down Introduction
Chassis power
(High = powered up)
The STATUS LED flashes green at power-on while the chassis performs self test. It will stay green continuously when the
ESM is ready. The ESM then powers up each module slot.
STATUS LED module initialization
The PC should be turned on only after all installed modules have performed their initialization. See your module documentation for initialization information.
Host PC
(High = turned on)
The chassis must be powered up before the
PC is turned on to ensure that the PC
BIOS will enumerate the chassis slots as the PC boots.
If, while the chassis was powered down, its configuration was changed in any way, the PC may need to be restarted after
Windows comes up (as indicated by the Windows splash screen).
It is recommended that the
PC be shut down before the chassis is powered down because many PCs don’t have the capability to safely remove (eject) PCIeconnected devices.
Powering-down the chassis first can disrupt operation of the PC.
In brief, the host PC must be off whenever the chassis is powered up or down.
Note the possible need to restart the host PC (after Windows starts) if the chassis configuration has been changed in any way while the PC was turned off.
Some AXIe instrument modules (also known as Blades) take longer to be ready for enumeration than the PXI link ready requirement of
100 ms. Consequently, it is possible for some controllers (such as the Keysight M9537A Embedded Controller) to enumerate the chassis before all of the individual modules are ready and therefore not enumerate them. If you have a situation where Keysight
Connection Expert and/or the Windows Device Manager consistently do not find specific instrument modules when the chassis powers up, increase the module initialization time.
While the power sequencing shown above doesn’t apply to an embedded controller (because an embedded controller and chassis are powered simultaneously), an embedded controller may need to be restarted (after
Windows starts) if the chassis configuration was changed in any way while the chassis and embedded controller were turned off.
Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide 23
Introduction Power-Up and Power-Down
To Power Down the Chassis
For routine power-down or to cycle power to the chassis, momentarily (< 5 seconds) press the chassis
switch. The main chassis fans gradually drop in speed to off, and the power supply unit (PSU) fans gradually return to idle speed as the PSU cools. This is normal.
If you are using an embedded AXIe controller such as the Keysight
M9537A, pressing he ESM power switch initiates a Windows OS shutdown.
For routine power-down, do not use the circuit breaker to turn the chassis off. Doing so interrupts power to the power supply fans, which may shorten the life of the PSU. Use the front panel
On/Standby switch to power down the unit, and allow the PSU fans to return to idle before removing power from the chassis.
Once the chassis has cooled, you may isolate the chassis from AC power as needed. This is usually done by opening the circuit breaker.
Pressing and holding the power ON/STANDBY switch for greater than five (5) seconds shuts down the power supply immediately. If the chassis is in a fault condition, the fault resets and the chassis goes to the OFF state.
24 Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide
Power-Up and Power-Down Introduction
The Chassis INHIBIT Switch
The method of powering up the chassis depends on the position of the INHIBIT switch on the chassis rear panel, which can be set to the DEF ( DEF ault) position or to the MAN ( MAN ual) position. These two methods work as follows:
- INHIBIT switch in the DEF position — In this position, the front panel power push button is used to switch the chassis between ON and Standby—hence, this is known as the ON/Standby push button.
- INHIBIT switch in the MAN position — In this position, the Inhibit signal (pin 5 on the DB-9 connector) controls chassis power. The chassis is powered up by applying a logic high signal to the Inhibit signal. When the Inhibit pin (pin 5) is pulled low, the chassis is in Standby. This is the factory default position
Use of the INHIBIT switch in the DEF position and the ON/Standby push button to power up the chassis is assumed unless otherwise noted. For information on using the Inhibit signal on the rear panel DB-9 connector to power the chassis up and down, see “Chassis Inhibit/Voltage Monitoring” on page 98.
Inhibit Switch
Figure 1 Chassis Power Inhibit Switch, DB9 Connector, Power Sync Connectors
Leave the INHIBIT switch in the DEF position when connecting the
AC power cord to the chassis. After inserting the power AC power cord, then move the INHIBIT switch to the MAN position.
The RJ45 connectors are for multiple chassis power-up synchronization. Cables used for multiple chassis power-up synchronization purposes should not exceed
30 m in length. Straight CAT5 or better cables recommended. Refer to
“Multi-Chassis Power Sync” on page 114 for information on these connectors.
The RJ45 connectors are for multiple chassis power-up synchronization. Do not connect LAN cables from your corporate
LAN to these connectors.
Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide 25
Introduction Related Documentation
Related Documentation
The M9506A documentation includes:
M9506A AXIe Chassis Startup Guide provides just the basics to get you started with your AXIe chassis. Provided in print with each new chassis, it can also be viewed in PDF form on the Software and Product Information CD . The Startup Guide includes:
– A high-level overview of the AXIe chassis and basic nomenclature
– Unpacking the contents and planning your installation
– Connecting to a host PC
– Loading chassis software
– Verifying basic chassis operation
M9506A AXIe Chassis User Guide. This printable PDF document. A complete guide for configuring, operating, and troubleshooting the chassis.
M9506A AXIe Chassis Specification Guide. Contains technical specifications for all manufacturing versions of the M9506A AXIe Chassis. Specifications published in the data sheet apply only to the current manufacturing version of the equipment.
M9506A AXIe Chassis Security Guide. This document details the internal memory locations of the M9506A 5-Slot AXIe chassis. It describes instrument security features and the steps necessary to declassify the products through memory sanitization or removal.
Help files for the two Soft Front Panel drivers (Monitor SFP and Trigger SFP).
Help files for the two IVI-C ( KtMAXIeMon , KtMAXIeTrig ) and two IVI .NET
( KtMAXIeMon , KtMAXIeTrig ) device drivers.
The interactive help provides instruction for programming the chassis using
Microsoft development environments.
Keysight M9506A Data Sheet. The Data Sheet contains complete physical and electrical specifications for the chassis.
Product specifications, available accessories, firmware and software may change over time. Please check the Keysight website at for the latest updates to the product software, Guides, Help files and Data
Product Warranty
To find warranty information on your M9506A AXIe chassis, go to and enter your model number (
) in the
Product Number field, and enter the serial number from the chassis rear panel in the Serial No.
26 Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide
Product Warranty Introduction
Miscellaneous Information
This product has been designed and tested in accordance with accepted industry standards, and has been supplied in a safe condition. The documentation contains information and warnings that must be followed by the user to ensure safe operation and to maintain the product in a safe condition.
Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide 27
Introduction Product Warranty
28 Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide

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