Navigating the Web Interface. Keysight M9506A
M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis
User Guide
Navigating the Web Interface
This chapter provides a complete overview of the M9506A AXIe chassis Web
Interface, which allows for chassis monitoring and configuration.
The Web Interface is stored in the chassis firmware, and may evolve in look and functionality as newer versions of the firmware are developed. The examples in this manual reflect the firmware at time of product introduction.
Launching the Web Interface 56
Launch the Web Interface from Keysight Connection
Monitoring Chassis Backplane Temperature 66
The LAN connection to the ESM provides communication to the chassis only. For example, chassis firmware updates use the web interface to monitor and control the chassis. It does not provide communication with individual AXIe modules. Use the PCIe or
Thunderbolt 3 connection to control individual AXIe modules.
Some AXIe test system software applications, such as the
Keysight AXIe Based Logic Analyzer Software and modules, sets and uses specific trigger lines in the AXIe chassis. Do not use the
AXIe chassis Soft Front Panel (SFP) software or the AXIe Chassis
Web Interface to set or reroute any of the AXIe chassis trigger lines. Rerouting any of the trigger lines may cause the application software to not function correctly.
Navigating the Web Interface Launching the Web Interface
Launching the Web Interface
Launch the web interface from any web browser using the ESM’s IP address:
If you have problems launching the chassis Web interface, check your browser’s proxy settings. When Keysight Connection Expert launches a Web interface for a chassis, it hands off the http://<address> to the browser or dedicated web application.
Therefore, it should not use a proxy.
Launch the Web Interface from Keysight Connection Expert
1 Open Keysight Connection Expert using one of these three methods:
– Click the IO control ( ) in your Windows notification tray to the right of the task bar and click:
Keysight Connection Expert .
– From the Windows Start menu, select:
All Programs > Keysight IO Libraries Suite > Keysight Connection Expert
– From a Command Prompt window, type:
<c>:\Program Files\Keysight\IO Libraries Suite\KeysightConnectionExpert.exe
The Keysight Connection Expert window displays:
56 Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide
Launching the Web Interface Navigating the Web Interface
The Instrument I/O on this PC pane shows instrument connections on your
PC. If connected through PCIe or Thunderbolt 3, the chassis appears under the PXI0 interface. If connected through LAN, both the chassis and ESM appear under the LAN interface.
To launch the Web Interface, select the M9506A chassis in Connection Expert .
Then, click the Web UI button as shown above. The Web Interface displays in a new window:
Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide 57
Navigating the Web Interface Web Interface Home Page
Web Interface Home Page
If you have problems launching the Web interface, check your browser’s proxy settings. When Keysight Connection Expert launches a Web interface for a chassis, it passes the http://<address> to the browser. Therefore, it should not use a proxy.
The home page displays identifying information about your chassis and LAN connection. Clicking the More Information ( ) button.
Clicking Turn On Front Panel Identification Indicator causes the ESM front panel
STATUS light (in the power switch) to flash steadily; use this to quickly identify the chassis you are communicating with.
Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide
Web Page Menu Navigating the Web Interface
Web Page Menu
The six tabs and Help Question Mark across the top are the Web Interface’s
Home Page Shows general Information about the chassis, such as product identification, firmware version and LAN parameters.
Module Configuration Page View basic product and model information for instrument modules loaded in the chassis.
Fan Control Page Displays the fan operating level for module cooling.
E-Keying Page Shows the connection protocols each module has with other modules in the chassis over the backplane (read-only). E-keying permission occurs as modules activate during power on.
Configure LAN Page View/change IP address, domain, and subnet. Display service discovery information and LAN status.
Health Page Shows read-only diagnostic information for chassis fan speed, voltage rails, and temperature sensors. It also shows voltage rails and temperature sensors on AXIe modules if they are so equipped.
Help Button The Help button ( ) provides general help for the current page.
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Navigating the Web Interface Module Configuration Page
Module Configuration Page
Click the Module Configuration tab to display the Module Configuration page. This page shows the physical slot number and identifying information for recognized modules installed in the chassis including the Embedded System Module, power supply and fan tray information.
The above example shows an M9506A chassis with three installed modules (slots
2, 3 and 4).
Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide
Fan Control Page Navigating the Web Interface
Fan Control Page
The Fan Control page screen shows the fan and cooling status for the fan trays in the chassis and allows you to set the fan operating level.
For detailed information on understanding and controlling Dynamic Minimum
Fan Level, see
“Configure Fan Control” on page 77.
Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide 61
Navigating the Web Interface E-Keying Page
E-Keying Page
E-Keying (short for Electronic Keying) is a process in which compatible matches over links between different modules are identified and enabled for use. For more information on the details of E-Keying, refer to
“Electronic Keying (E-Keying)” on page 97.
In general, you do not need to understand how E-Keying works. The E-Keying process is managed by the ESM shelf manager. The following two figures illustrate the Module E-Keying Activity display in the Module Configuration Page.
In the following graphic, note that modules in Slots 3 and 4 (column 1 “From
Slot” and column 2 “To Slot”) have an Enabled status and use the AXIe Local Bus
(62 pair Local Bus). This simply states that the Shelf Manager has given the two modules permission to communicate directly (E-Keying) over the AXIe backplane local bus. Also note that both modules are enabled to use the AXIe Timing STRIG link and the PCI Express fabric.
More information on AXIe E-Keying is available on the AXIe Consortium website:
See also, “Electronic Keying (E-Keying)” on page 97 of this manual.
62 Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide
E-Keying Page Navigating the Web Interface
Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide 63
Navigating the Web Interface Configure LAN Page
Configure LAN Page
Initial releases of the AXIe chassis have IP configuration set to Automatic; the IP
Address, Subnet Mask and Default Gateway are set automatically and cannot be changed.
When you make a LAN connection between host PC and chassis ESM, and then power-on the chassis, the following process happens:
1 The chassis, as client, seeks a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server to set the IP configuration.
If you connected the chassis and PC to a corporate LAN, the network will provide the DHCP addresses.
If you made a direct LAN connection (physical LAN or implicit LAN connection through PCIe), the chassis reverts to link-local addressing.
If you are having difficulty ‘finding’ a specific AXIe chassis on a network, you can search by the mDns Instrument Name, which includes the unique chassis serial number. This number is located at the rear of the chassis.
64 Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide
Health Page Navigating the Web Interface
Health Page
The Sensors section of the Chassis Health page lists sensor measurements for each module slot. The sensors are vendor-specific, and the type of readings will vary by module. Below is a portion of the Sensors section from a chassis with two modules installed.
Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide 65
Navigating the Web Interface Health Page
Monitoring Chassis Backplane Temperature
There are nine chassis temperature sensors which measure chassis temperature in degrees Celsius: four sensors on the ESM, three on the backplane, one on the
PCIe mezzanine, and one on the power module next to the PSU.
These temperatures are listed in the Sensors section of the Chassis Health page.
They are provided as an indication of ambient chassis temperature only; the individual slot temperatures reported by installed modules control the chassis fans.
66 Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide
Health Page Navigating the Web Interface
Voltage sensors provide a measurement of the power supply voltages. Most AXIe modules also provide an indication of the power supply voltages available to them.
The bottom part of the chart lists the individual fans in the chassis and their current fan speed. If any one fan is running considerably lower than the rest or has stopped, it may mean that the fan tray should be replaced. Refer to
Chapter 8, Troubleshooting and Service on page 131 for troubleshooting
Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide 67
Navigating the Web Interface Health Page
68 Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide

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