Troubleshooting and Service. Keysight M9506A
M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis
User Guide
Troubleshooting and Service
This chapter provides instructions for updating the chassis firmware, troubleshooting problems with your AXIe chassis, a list of user-replaceable parts, and instructions for parts replacement.
Updating the Chassis Firmware 133
Revision String Numbering Format 133
Self-Test IVI-C Driver Calls 135
Chassis Inhibit/Voltage Monitoring 137
Normal Chassis Operating Behavior 138
Chassis Hardware Troubleshooting 140
To Replace the Power Supply Unit 144
To Remove the PSU from the M9506A 144
To Replace the Embedded System Module 148
To contact Keysight for sales and technical support, refer to support links on the following Keysight websites: (worldwide contact information for repair and service)."
The opening of covers or removal of parts is likely to expose dangerous voltages. Disconnect the product from all voltage sources while it is being opened.
If this product is not used as specified, the protection provided by the equipment could be impaired. This product must be used in a normal condition (in which all means for protection are intact) only.
These servicing instructions are for use by qualified personnel only. To avoid electrical shock, do not perform any servicing unless you are qualified to do so.
Troubleshooting and Service
To prevent electrical shock, disconnect the Keysight
Technologies Model M9506A from mains before cleaning. Use a dry cloth or one slightly dampened with water to clean the external case parts. Do not attempt to clean internally.
The detachable power cord is the instrument disconnecting device. It disconnects the mains circuits from the mains supply before other parts of the instrument. The front panel switch is only a standby switch and is not a LINE switch (disconnecting device).
The power cord is connected to internal capacitors that may remain live for 5 seconds after disconnecting the plug from its power supply.
If returning the chassis or any component of the chassis (for example, the ESM or a power supply module), use the original
Keysight packaging or compatible.
132 Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide
Updating the Chassis Firmware Troubleshooting and Service
Updating the Chassis Firmware
The current version of your chassis’ firmware is listed on the Home Page of the
web interface (see “Web Interface Home Page” on page 58). You can update the
AXIe chassis firmware to take advantage of refinements and added features as they become available. To check if a later version is available, go to the website below for your product, then click the tabs/links indicated: , then Technical Support > Drivers & Software >
Firmware Update
Revision String Numbering Format
The chassis firmware revision string is organized in the following format:
<Chassis Class>.<Firmware Version>-<Chassis Component>-<Axxxx>[-<Bxxxx>]…
Where: <Chassis Class> is:
F6AX Identifies an M9506A 5 slot AXIe chassis
<Firmware Version> is structured as: <major>.<minor>.<build>
<major> Identifies the major release number.
<minor> Identifies the minor release number.
<build> Identifies a build number.
<Chassis Component> is a four digit number, <xxxx>
Where <xxxx> is a hexadecimal value identifying the backplane firmware revision. While it is possible to move an ESM from one chassis to another, the revision of the target chassis may not reside at the same revision level installed on the ESM (and its previous chassis). It is important to review the revision string after relocation to verify that the complete revision string is current. If not up-to-date, run through the firmware update process.
<Axxxx> ; <Bxxxx>...
<xxxx> is a hexadecimal value for the firmware component. The actual content of these components is for Keysight internal use only.
A firmware version example:
This example shows a chassis with firmware revision 1.0.09. The backplane revision is 0007 and component A is at revision 009, component B is at revision
0609 and component C is at revision 05. Refer to the M9506A AXIe Chassis
Firmware Update Guide for specific details regarding updating the chassis firmware.
Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide 133
Troubleshooting and Service ESM and Chassis Self-Test
ESM and Chassis Self-Test
The ESM supports two types of self-test:
– Power-on Self-Test (POST) – This test happens on the Shelf Manager as soon as the chassis powers up. As noted, this type of self-test is referred to as “POST”.
– After-POST self-test – This test is initiated by the user either via the SFP or programmatically using the Self-Test IVI call:
KtMAXIeMon.Utility.SelfTest(“TestResult”,”TestMessage”); .
Unless noted otherwise, references to “self-test” always refers to the self test that is either initiated from the SFP or initiated programmatically. The phrase
“self-test” does not refer to POST.
The front panel Status LED shows the following LED states:
– OFF - standby
– Green (blinking) - ESM/Shelf Manager is booting up and waiting for modules to be ready for enumeration
– Green (solid) - power up complete and ready for enumeration
– Red - failure/service required.
The power on self-test (POST) routines are automatically executed at power on.
If POST passes, the status LED will be solid green. If POST fails, the status LED continues blinking green.
If POST passed (the Status LED is green), and then self-test is subsequently run and fails, the Status LED begins blinking green. Similarly, if POST failed (Status
LED blinking green), but then if self-test is subsequently run and passes, the
Status LED turns solid Green.
Regardless of what causes the Status LED to blink green (a POST failure or a failure during running of self-test), it will turn solid green again if Self-Test is run and passes.
Self-test runs a series of tests and any failure generates an error consisting of an error code ( TestResult ) and error message ( TestMessage ).
A single Self-Test error queue in the ESM holds both the power-on self-test errors and the user-initiated self-test errors. Power-on Self-Test error messages are identified by the “(POST)” prefix; user-initiated self-test messages do not have a prefix.
Running the user-initiated self-test (either from the Soft Front Panel or programmatically) preserves any unread power-on test messages in the queue, but erases any other (user-initiated) unread messages before running the tests.
You can use the Soft Front Panel or the IVI Self-TestErrorQuery call to view the errors.
134 Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide
ESM and Chassis Self-Test Troubleshooting and Service
When you open the Soft Front Panel’s Self-Test dialog box, any previous results are automatically displayed. If you then click the Run Self-Test button, the new self-test results are displayed below any previous results.
Refer to
Chapter 8, Troubleshooting and Service on page 131 and
Self-Test Error Codes on page 149 for detailed information.
Refer to
“Self-Test Error Codes” on page 149 for a list of Error Codes.
Self-Test IVI-C Driver Calls
KtMAXIeTRIG.Utility.SelfTest or KtMAXIeMON.Utility.SelfTest performs an instrument self test, waits for it to complete, and queries the instrument for any results.
Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide 135
Troubleshooting and Service Troubleshooting
The Keysight M9506A AXIe Chassis is typically used as part of a complex test system , where system refers to the complete hardware/software system including:
One or more AXIe or PXIe chassis with installed application modules
Connections from modules to devices under test (DUT)
A host PC running Keysight Connection Expert software, chassis and module device drivers, and programming environment software
LAN connection from the Host PC to Chassis Web Interface software
A compatible PCIe host cable adapter installed and configured in the PC
Compatible PCIe and LAN interface cables
Troubleshooting that complete test system is beyond the scope of this chapter.
Keysight recommends that to properly isolate complex operational problems, you take all routine steps to rule out a host software or connectivity issue.
You may also wish to physically isolate the chassis from your DUT or installed modules, to distinguish a module hardware issue from a chassis hardware issue.
As a temporary measure, you may (with the chassis powered down) partially remove a module without disturbing DUT connections, by removing it far enough to disengage it from the chassis backplane.
Keysight recommends returning a failing chassis to Keysight Service. They will inspect, test and replace failed components, then retest the chassis.
In general, the AXIe chassis has three major subsystems that can be replaced:
Fan Trays
Power Supply Unit (PSU)
Embedded System Module (ESM)
This chapter assumes you can identify a suspected faulty subsystem, or have access to known good replacement subsystems you can swap to help isolate a hardware problem. Detailed step-by-step instructions are provided for fan trays,
PSU, and ESM replacement.
136 Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide
Troubleshooting Troubleshooting and Service
Chassis Inhibit/Voltage Monitoring
The method of powering up the chassis depends on the position of the INHIBIT rear panel switch, which can be set to the DEF (DEFault) position or to the MAN
(MANual) position). These two methods work as follows:
– INHIBIT switch in the DEF position — In this position, the front panel power push button is used to switch the chassis between ON and
Standby—hence, this push button is known as the ON/Standby push button.
– INHIBIT switch in the MAN position — In this position, the Inhibit signal (pin 5 on the rear panel DB-9 connector) controls chassis power. The chassis is powered up by applying a logic high signal to the Inhibit pin. When the
Inhibit pin (pin 5) is pulled low, the chassis is in Standby.
Chassis Inhibit Switch
DB9 Connector for measuring
PSU voltage rails
Figure 42 Chassis Power Inhibit Switch, DB9 Connector, Power Sync Connectors
Keysight recommends leaving the INHIBIT switch in the DEF position when connecting the AC power cord to the chassis. After inserting the power AC power cord, then move the INHIBIT switch to the MAN position.
The RJ45 connectors are for multi-chassis power-up synchronization. Do not connect LAN cables to these connectors and to your corporate LAN. Refer to
“Multi-Chassis Power Sync” on page 114 for detailed information.
If you’re using the Inhibit input signal on the rear panel INHIBIT/VOLTAGE MON
DB-9 connector and if this signal doesn’t power up the chassis, check the voltage that is being applied to the Inhibit signal. This signal is active low, meaning that a 0 VDC signal inhibits operation of the PSUs and the chassis is in
Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide 137
Troubleshooting and Service Troubleshooting
Standby mode. A logic high turns on the PSUs. Use a DMM to verify that the signal you’re providing to the Inhibit input on the DB-9 connector is truly switching between logic high and low.
Because there is an internal pull-up resistor on the Inhibit signal, an open circuit
(no signal connected) on the Inhibit signal will also turn on the power supply.
This means that, if the INHIBIT switch is set to the MAN position and if no signal is connected to the Inhibit input signal, the chassis will power up as soon as AC power is applied.
Measuring the Voltage Rails
The two power supply voltage rails (3.3V and –48V) can be measured on the
DB-9 connector on the chassis rear panel using a digital multi-meter. Each voltage rail contains a current limiting resistor to prevent accidentally shorting the supplies during measurements.The two power supply rails should be within
±5% of their nominal values. Keysight recommends checking the power rails at least yearly using the chassis soft front panel (SFP) or programmatically. In addition, the power rails are accessible on the rear panel DB-9 connector, and can be checked with a DMM.
The PSUs contain no customer-serviceable parts such as fuses. If a PSU fails, it must be replaced as a complete unit. Replacement of the power supply is described in
No operator serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing to qualified personnel. To prevent electrical shock, do not remove covers.
Servicing instructions are for use by qualified personnel only. To avoid electrical shock, do not perform any servicing unless you are qualified to do so.
Normal Chassis Operating Behavior
When the chassis is new and operating properly, familiarize yourself with its expected normal power-up and power-down behavior. This behavior involves these observable components:
Power switch (on the ESM, mechanical feel and status indicator light)
Rear panel circuit breaker (mechanical feel and resulting relay activation)
PSU fan operation
Chassis fan operation
Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide
Troubleshooting Troubleshooting and Service
Web Interface Fan Control page (fan speeds, fan settings, fan/cooling system status, backplane and slot temperatures)
1 OFF: With the chassis plugged into a correct power main, the rear panel circuit breaker open (OFF) and the front panel switch off (flush with chassis), all chassis lights should be extinguished.
2 BREAKER CLOSED: Close the circuit breaker (ON). You should observe:
– The breaker handle engages with a solid click, overcoming slight spring pressure.
– After a slight delay, you may hear a softer click; this is a relay closing in the
PSU. You may not hear this relay close, due to PSU fan noise.
– The front panel power switch may light briefly, then extinguish.
– The two PSU fans will initially spin up to maximum speed, then gradually step down in speed (4-5 distinct steps) to idle over two seconds. These fans should remain on at idle with the breaker closed.
ON: Press the ON/STANDBY switch (turn the chassis ON). You should observe:
– Momentarily press the power switch and status indicator will light.
– The PSU fans will increase to and remain at high speed.
– The ESM front panel STATUS light will cycle as follows:
– Flashing green - ESM is booting; for about 20 seconds
– Flashing green - briefly
– Steady green - booted
– Steady red - the ESM has detected failure and requires service.
STANDBY: Press the ON/STANDBY switch again. You should observe:
– Monitor the status light, it should extinguish.
– The ESM front panel STATUS light will extinguish.
– The chassis fans will turn off.
– The PSU fans will slowly drop in speed, while continuing to cool the PSU from operating temperature to standby temperature.
– Once the PSU cools down, the PSU fans will return to a steady idle speed.
Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide 139
Troubleshooting and Service Troubleshooting
5 OFF: Open the circuit breaker (OFF). You should observe:
– The breaker handle releases spring pressure.
– After a slight delay, you should hear a soft click; this is a relay opening in the PSU. You may not hear this relay open, due to PSU fan noise.
– The PSU fans will turn off.
Chassis Hardware Troubleshooting
Chassis Fans
The M9506A AXIe chassis has two fan trays, one on the left and one on the right, of the chassis. The left Fan tray has six fans providing air to the chassis slots and one fan for the Zone 3 area. The right fan tray has six fans. These fans are observable from outside the chassis by looking in the side vents. Additionally, the power supply has one fan. Refer to
Chapter 3, Navigating the Web Interface on page 55 for information on determining the fan speed.
If module loads are kept within the 300 W per slot rating and adequate ventilation is provided around the chassis, the chassis fans are designed to automatically cool the chassis. If the chassis powers up properly, the fans should be turning at all times, with speed in proportional to thermal load.
There are a few reasons you may suspect a fan tray failure:
One or more fans does not turn.
A fan makes excessive bearing noise.
You observe reduced speed for one or more fans relative to the others.
One or more fans do not behave as described in
You experience an overheat condition, whether detected by the chassis
Health Monitor, module monitoring software or other means.
In the event you experience unacceptably high chassis or module operating temperatures or other indications of fan failure, follow the procedure below.
To Check Chassis Fan Operation
In the event you experience unacceptably high chassis or module operating temperatures, or other indications of fan failure, follow the procedure below.
Visually check that all chassis fans are turning. Visually inspect both the PSU and chassis fans through the side of the chassis. If any fans are not turning, check for and remove obstructions. If there is evidence of excessive buildup
on the fan blades, remove the fan tray to clean and reinsert it (see page 146
), and recheck. If any fans still do not turn, replace the fan tray.
Using the Web Interface, access the Fan Control page.
Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide
Troubleshooting Troubleshooting and Service
-- All fan speeds should be about the same. Visually identify any that turn more slowly than the group. Any large deviation may indicate reveal early signs of fan failure.
-- You may set a higher fan speed to see if the fans are responsive.
For fan noise problems, identify which fans are noisy or not turning properly by visually inspecting both the PSU and chassis fans through the side of the chassis.
For all routine chassis fan failures, replace the fan tray assembly (see
Replace the Fan Trays” on page 146). For PSU fan failures, replace the PSU
“To Replace the Power Supply Unit” on page 144).
If the fans are operating correctly and you still have high temperatures, reduce your chassis load or troubleshoot installed modules.
Power Supply Unit (PSU)
The PSUs are self regulating, constant voltage supplies that shut themselves down (or not power up at all) if they are out of spec.
The PSU operation is binary. If the supply is delivering voltage within a very wide range, it will turn on its output and power up the chassis. You can then view PSU voltages using the Web Interface. If the system does not power up, it likely has failed and should be replaced (see
“To Replace the Power Supply Unit” on page 144).
Embedded System Module (ESM)
If, upon power up, the ESM does not boot to a steady green STATUS light,
replace the ESM (see “To Replace the Embedded System Module” on page 148).
If replacing the PSU or ESM does not correct an operating problem, and the ESM still fails to boot to a steady green STATUS light, the problem is in the remainder of the chassis; replace it.
To Reset ESM DIP Switches
The ESM has several sets of dual in-line package (dip) switches. Should you believe any of these may have been changed, you may verify and reset them to their correct positions; see photo and table below.
All but one of these switches are reserved for factory testing purposes or reserved for future use and should not be changed.
The only exception is SW56 which is used to configure the PCIe settings as shown in the following table.
Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide 141
Troubleshooting and Service Troubleshooting
SW 56
See text
Figure 43 Factory Default ESM Switch Settings
142 Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide
Troubleshooting Troubleshooting and Service
SW56 Switch Positions
Cable Port Mode
OFF (default) = Merged X16 Mode
ON = Unmerged both ports are X8 Mode
Controls the PCIe front panel cable ports.
Either both ports are single X8 ports or they can be merged to a single X16 port
Do not change
PCIe or TBT Selection
OFF (default) = Cable Port PCIe
On = Thunderbolt PCIe
Remote Chassis Shut Off
OFF (default) = Do not wait
ON = Wait
Determines the PCIe mode–either PCIe cable or Thunderbolt.
When the chassis power button is pushed, the chassis waits for the Remote HOST
PCIe to turn off before shutting down modules and chassis.
Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide 143
Troubleshooting and Service To Replace the Power Supply Unit
To Replace the Power Supply Unit
PSU replacement should be performed at a static-safe work station (see “ESD
Precautions” on page 20), preferably on the bench. While it is possible—given
adequate room for access—to perform this job with the chassis rackmounted, extra caution must be taken to avoid damage to the chassis’ back panel wiring or loss of small parts.
To Remove the PSU from the M9506A
Tools needed: Flat Blade Screwdriver.
1 Power down and disconnect the power cord from the chassis.
If the chassis is rack-mounted, remove it from the rack.
Remove the nine round head screws from the perimeter of the rear panel, as shown below. Do not remove the screws holding the circuit breaker to the rear panel.
144 Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide
To Replace the Power Supply Unit
4 Carefully slide the PSU out of the chassis.
Troubleshooting and Service
The complete PSU can then be removed.
To install the replacement PSU, reverse these steps.
Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide 145
Troubleshooting and Service To Replace the Fan Trays
To Replace the Fan Trays
The chassis has two fan trays (plus one fan in the power supply). Both fan trays are removable from the chassis front panel. If the chassis is rack mounted, you do not need to remove the chassis from the rack.
Power down and unplug the AXIe chassis.
Fully loosen the captive retaining screws on the front panel of the fan tray.
Ensure you fully loosened the captive retaining screws before trying to extract the fan tray. If you attempt to pull the fan tray out by the screws with these screws still engaged, damage could result.
146 Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide
To Replace the Fan Trays Troubleshooting and Service
3 Grasp the fan tray by the two captive retaining screws, and slide it out of the chassis.
4 To install the fan tray, reverse these steps.
Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide 147
Troubleshooting and Service To Replace the Embedded System Module
To Replace the Embedded System Module
Remove and reinstall the ESM exactly like an application module, except that it
can only fit in the bottom half-height slot. See “Installing and Removing AXIe
Modules” on page 31 for instructions.
148 Keysight M9506A 5-Slot AXIe Chassis User Guide

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