Computer Telephone Number. PARADOX ESPRIT 728 ULT, 738ULT

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Computer Telephone Number. PARADOX ESPRIT 728 ULT, 738ULT | Manualzz







Computer Telephone Number

Streamline Section 02 and 03


Hex Programming - Address 008 to 015

The control panel will dial this telephone number when trying to initiate communication with the PC (see Call Espload


There is no default telephone number and you can enter any number from 0 to 9 up to a maximum of 16 digits. If you would like

to enter any special keys or functions, refer to Table 5 on page 18. If the telephone number contains less than 16 digits, press the

[ TBL ]/[ TRBL ] key to indicate the end of the telephone number.

[ ENTER ] + Installer code + [7] + [0] [2] + Telephone Number (if less than 16 digits press [ TBL ]/[ TRBL ] ) + [ ENTER ]

Call Espload

Key Access Programming


key [ TBL ]/[ TRBL ]

The control panel will dial the telephone number entered at addresses 008 to 015 (see Computer Telephone Number above) in

order to communicate with the Espload software. The control panel and the computer will verify that the Panel Identifier and the

PC Password match before establishing communication (see

Panel Identifier and PC Password on page 14). Espload must be

set in “Wait For Call” mode.

Press [ ENTER ] + (Installer, Master or User code 1) + [ TBL ]/[ TRBL ]

Answer Espload

Key Access Programming


Key [ AWAY ]/[ FORCE ]

By entering the code sequence listed below, you can manually force the control panel to answer any incoming calls from the

Espload software. This option can also be used to perform an on-site upload/download by connecting your computer directly to the control panel using an ADP-1 line adapter and manually answering Espload from the control panel. In Espload go to:

Main Menu


Program Setup


Modem and Printer Configuration

Set "Dialing Condition" to "Blind Dial". Program the panel telephone number in Espload and follow the instructions on the ADP-1 adapter. When the computer has dialed, press:

[ ENTER ] + (Installer, Master or User code 1) + [ AWAY ] / [ FORCE ]

Cancel Communication

Key Access Programming


Key [ STAY ]

Use the Installer code to cancel all communication and erase any unreported events in the buffer until the next reportable event.

Use the Master or User code 1 to cancel communication attempts with Espload.

[ ENTER ] + (Installer, Master and User code 1) + [ STAY ]

Call Back

Feature Select Programming


Address 086; Key [4]

Default: Call Back Disabled

For additional security, when a PC using the Espload software attempts to communicate with the control panel, the control panel can hang-up and call the PC back in order to re-verify identification codes and re-establish communication. When the control panel answers the call, it will verify if the Panel ID and PC Passwords match and if they do, the control panel will hang-up and call the Espload software back. The Espload software will automatically go into "wait for dial tone", ready to answer when the control

panel calls back. Please note the Computer Telephone Number (see Computer Telephone Number above) must be programmed

in order to use the Call Back feature.

Key [4] OFF: Call Back Disabled

Key [4] ON: Call Back Enabled

[ ENTER ] + Installer code + [0] [8] [6] + [4] ON/OFF + [ ENTER ] twice

Automatic Event Buffer Transmission

Feature Select Programming


Address 088; Key [2 ND ]

Default: Automatic Event Buffer Transmission Disabled

When the event buffer reaches 50% capacity, the control panel will make two attempts to establish communication with a PC.

The control panel will call the Computer Telephone Number (see Computer Telephone Number

above) programmed at addresses 008 to 015. The Espload software must be in "wait for dial tone" mode. When the system establishes communication, it will upload the contents of the event buffer to the Espload software. If communication is interrupted before transmission of the complete contents of the buffer, or if after two attempts, communication is not established, the system will wait until the event buffer is full before attempting to re-communicate with Espload. When the Event Buffer is full, each subsequent new event will erase the oldest event in the buffer.

Key [2 ND ] OFF: Automatic Event Buffer Transmission Disabled

Key [2 ND ] ON: Automatic Event Buffer Transmission Enabled

[ ENTER ] + Installer code + [0] [8] [8] + [2 ND ] ON/OFF + [ ENTER ] twice

Esprit 728 Ultra & 738 Ultra 15


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