Switching and Setting the Ports. Kramer VS-88UHDA

Switching and Setting the Ports. Kramer VS-88UHDA

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Switching and Setting the Ports. Kramer VS-88UHDA | Manualzz

Kramer Electronics Ltd.

Switching and Setting the Ports

The Switching Web page enables performing the following functions:

Viewing and Adjusting the Output Settings on page 31 .

Viewing and Adjusting the Input Settings on page 32 .

Switching an input to an output on page 35 .

Switching a Pattern to an Output on page 36 .

Switching Audio in Breakaway Mode on page 37 .

Viewing and Adjusting the Output Settings

Each of the VS-88UHDA output buttons lets you view and adjust the status of that input/output.

Figure 14: Switching Page – Output Button

Each output button displays the:

HDCP status – output supports HDCP ( ) or does not support HDCP (

Switching speed – normal ( ), fast ( ) or extra-fast ( ).


Output status – an acceptor is connected ( ) or not connected ( ) to the output.

To adjust the output settings:

1. In the Navigation pane, click Switching . The Switching page appears.

2. Select the AFV tab.

The adjustment sequence presented here is only an example. You can adjust the output settings in any other order.

3. Click . The output settings window appears:

Figure 15: Switching Page – Editing the Output Button Settings

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4. If required, type the label name in the Label text box and click .

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Figure 16: Switching Page – Changing the Output Label

5. Click switch speed dropdown box to set the switching speed (normal, fast or extra-fast).

6. Click to mute or to unmute the video signal.

7. To set the output to:

AFV mode, click .

Breakaway mode, click .

indicates that the device is in the auto-switch mode and AFV status cannot be altered.

Setting the AFV mode icons to AFV or Breakaway modes reflects the next switching step and not the current status.

Viewing and Adjusting the Input Settings

Each of the VS-88UHDA input buttons lets you view and adjust the status of that input/output.

Figure 17: Switching Page – Input Button

Each input button displays the:

Input signal HDCP status – supports HDCP (

HDCP status – HDCP is enabled (

) or does not support HDCP (

) or disabled ( ).

Input status – a source is connected ( ) or not connected ( ) to the input.

Setting Inputs 2, 4, 6 and 8

To adjust input 2, 4, 6 and 8 settings:

1. In the Navigation pane, click Switching . The Switching page appears.

2. Select the AFV tab. Verify that Inputs (and not Patterns ) is selected.


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3. Click . The input settings window appears:

Figure 18: Switching Page

– Input 2 Settings Window

4. If required, type the label name in the Label text box and click .

5. Set HDCP ON or OFF .

Setting Inputs 1, 3, 5 and 7

To adjust input 1, 3, 5 and 7 settings:

1. In the Navigation pane, click Switching . The Switching page appears.

2. Select the AFV tab. Verify that Inputs (and not Patterns ) is selected.

3. Click . The input settings window appears:

Kramer Electronics Ltd.

Figure 19: Switching Page – Input 1 Settings Window

4. If required, type the label name in the Label text box and click .

5. Set HDCP ON or OFF .

6. Click ARC to set input to ARC mode or click Step-in to set input to step-in mode.

7. In ARC mode click the settings button ( ).

The input ARC Settings window appears:

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Kramer Electronics Ltd.

Figure 20: Switching Page

– Input ARC Settings Window

8. Select an ARC source for input 1: either from analog inputs IN 1 to IN 8, or from HDMI outputs 1 to 8.

The selected port routes its audio signal to HDMI input 1.

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Switching an input to an output

To move the image:

1. In the Navigation pane, click Switching . The Switching page appears.

2. Select the AFV tab.

Kramer Electronics Ltd.

Figure 21: Switching Page – AFV Tab

3. Click an output button or check the Outputs box. The button turns purple.

4. Click an Input button. The button turns purple.

The selected input is switched to the output.

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Switching a Pattern to an Output

1. In the Navigation pane, click Switching . The Switching page appears.

2. Select the AFV tab. Verify that Patterns (and not Inputs ) is selected.

The list of patterns appears.

Kramer Electronics Ltd.

Figure 22: Switching Page – Switching a Pattern to an Output

3. Select an output button or check the Outputs box.

4. Select a pattern.

The selected pattern is switched to the selected output.

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Kramer Electronics Ltd.

Switching Audio in Breakaway Mode

In breakaway mode, the HDMI embedded audio is switched separately from the video signal.

The audio breakaway mode is enabled only when Auto Switch Setting is set to Manual mode.

Set the volume and balance of each analog output using the appropriate sliders or mute/unmute the audio signal of an output:

Figure 23: Switching Page

– Switching Audio in the Breakaway Mode

You can switch a digital input to a digital or analog output and an analog input to a digital or analog output. If ARC mode is enabled, you can switch a selected ARC to any of the analog outputs.

To switch an audio input to an audio output:

1. In the Navigation pane, click Switching . The Switching page appears.

2. Select Audio break away tab.

3. Switch an input to a selected output. For example, switch digital input 6 to analog output 5:

Click an HDMI or Analog button (under the Audio Outputs column).

The selected button turns purple with a blue frame .

Click a Digital or Analog button (under the Inputs column).

The selected button turns purple with a blue frame .

Analog Output 5 is switched to D6 .

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Kramer Electronics Ltd.

To switch ARC to an output:

1. In the Navigation pane, click Switching . The Switching page appears.

2. Select Audio break away tab.

3. Check the ARC check boxes to set these outputs that are set to ARC mode. (under the

Audio Outputs column).

For example, output 1 is set to ARC mode so the output 1 audio signal returns to the input and can be switched to any analog output. Once an output is set to the ARC mode, the Inputs ARC button (on the right) is enabled and changes from gray to white.

Figure 24: Switching Page

– Output 1 Set to ARC Mode

4. Switch an ARC input to a selected output. For example, switch ARC 1 to output 8:

Click an analog output button .

Click an ARC button .

Analog Output 8 is switched to ARC 1 .

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