Before you proceed, please see the Special Notice on page 11 regarding frame type.
Securely block the front wheels of the vehicle and jack up the rear end. Support the rear end on jack stands and place the jack under the rear end for later use. You will have to have the rear axle at approximate normal ride height to install the rear sway bar in a later step.
Begin by placing the u-bolts from hardware kit #T1722 over the rear axle. Place them roughly the same distance from the center of the axle, with the ends of the u-bolts pointed straight down. See the picture below for approximate spacing of the u-bolts when installed.
3) Use the grease pack provided to apply a heavy coat of grease to the inside of the sway bar bushings. Place the bushings over the bar. Push the brackets onto the sway bar bushings.
4) Use the grease provided to apply a heavy coat of grease to the sides of the bushings on the
“dog bone” end links. Attach the mounting brackets to the end links using the shorter bolt from hardware kit #T1712 . Attach the other end of the links to the sway bar using the longer bolt.
Leave the attaching hardware loose. When attaching the hardware, the large washer should be used to contact bushing surfaces and the small washer should be used to contact metal sway bar surface. This prevents the bolt from pulling through the bushing.
5) Hang the sway bar from the u-bolts on the axle. Slide the axle mount bracket over the ends of the u-bolts. Hold the sway bar up into place with the bushing retainer brackets mounted to the axle bracket.
Install with the nuts loosely started onto the u-bolts so that the sway bar hangs freely from the axle. Use
the anti-seize provided with the u-bolts to lubricate the threads. Failure to lubricate the threads can destroy the nylock nuts and possibly break the u-bolt or seize the nut in place when tightened.
With the bar hanging freely you can slide the u-bolts along the axle until the bar is centered with the vehicle. Tighten down the nuts on the u-bolts to secure the position of the u-bolts and brackets.
6) Loosely tighten the hardware connecting the end links and brackets to the bar. Leave just enough “slop” in the connections to allow the bar to rotate easily but still be fairly tight.
7) With the hardware loosely tightened you can now rotate the bar up, so that the brackets are resting against the frame. Once the brackets are in place use a scribe or similar tool to mark each hole for drilling. Drill out the holes for the brackets to 7/16” diameter. To accurately
determine the location of the holes the end links must not be loose enough to move left or right.
Make certain the axle is at its normal driving height for an accurate fit .
8) Once the holes are drilled, use a coat hanger to loop around one stud on the retainer bracket.
Slide the bracket in through the rear end of the frame until the studs fall through the holes. Hold one stud and push the other stud back through the hole to slide the coat hanger loop off the stud.
9) Rotate the sway bar so that you can bolt the brackets up to the stud plate in the frame using the
7/16” hardware from kit #T1719 . You will only be using four of the nuts and the four smaller washers on the studs.
The four additional nuts and washers are extra hardware not used on this kit and may be discarded. Tighten the nuts on the brackets and the end link hardware. Torque the end link hardware to 30ft/lbs.
You can also adjust the stiffness of the bar by changing the hole the end link mounts to. The hole nearest to the end of the bar softens the bar stiffness by lengthening the bar. The hole furthest from the end of the bar stiffens the bar by shortening the length of the bar.
10) Check that all hardware is tight. Cover the grease fittings with the zerk caps provided. Remove the jack and jack stands and you’re finished installing the sway bar set!
For some models, the vehicle may have a different rear section of the chassis frame. This alternate type of frame ends it’s fully boxed tubing and transitions to a C-channel type.
(See below)
IF your vehicle has this type of frame, you must use hardware kit # 1750 and proceed to the following special instructions.
Since the intersection between the box tubing and C-channel prevents you from using the retainer bracket, an alternative method will be used to mount the end link clevis brackets to the frame. We will use 2 bolts & washers to replace the retainer bracket.
» Securely block the front wheels of the vehicle and jack up the rear end. Support the rear end on jack stands and place the jack under the rear end for later use. You will have to have the rear axle at approximate normal ride height to install the rear sway bar in a later step.
» Begin by placing the u-bolts from hardware kit #T1722 over the rear axle. Place them roughly the same distance from the center of the axle, with the ends of the u-bolts pointed straight down. See the picture below for approximate spacing of the u-bolts when installed.
» Use the grease pack provided to apply a heavy coat of grease to the inside of the sway bar bushings. Place the bushings over the bar. Push the brackets onto the sway bar bushings.
» Hang the sway bar from the u-bolts on the axle. Slide the axle mount bracket over the ends of the u-bolts. Hold the sway bar up into place with the bushing retainer brackets mounted to the axle bracket.
Install with the nuts loosely started onto the u-bolts so that the sway bar hangs freely from the axle. Use the anti-seize provided with the u-bolts to lubricate the threads.
Failure to lubricate the threads can destroy the nylock nuts and possibly break the u-bolt or seize the nut in place when tightened.
With the bar hanging freely you can slide the u-bolts along the axle until the bar is centered with the vehicle. Tighten down the nuts on the u-bolts to secure the position of the u-bolts and brackets.
» Install the ½”-20 x 4” bolt through the sway bar hole and dogbone end link as shown in the picture. Lightly tighten hardware.
Hardware Order from Inboard to Outboard
1. Bolt (½”-20 x 4”)
2. Small Washer
3. Swaybar
4. 3 Spacers
5. Large Washer
6. Dogbone
7. Large Washer
8. Nylock Nut
» Install the Clevis Bracket onto the dogbone endlink. Lightly tighten.
» To accurately determine the location of the holes, the end links must NOT be loose enough to move left or right. Make certain the axle is at its normal driving height for an accurate fit.
With the hardware lightly tightened, you can now rotate the bar up, so that the brackets are resting against the frame. Make sure both clevis brackets lay in the center of the frame. Position the clevis bracket onto the frame so that it will be possible to use either hole on the sway bar end.
» With a marker or scribe, mark the frame for the mounting holes. Drill out the holes to accept a 7/16” bolt. Do this for both sides.
» Once the holes are drilled, grab a 7/16” x 1.25” bolt (longer) and a 7/16” washer. Using a telescoping magnet wand, fish the bolt and washer through the box tubing and set the bolt into it’s drilled out hole.
Uninstall the clevis bracket & dogbone from the sway bar for now. It will be easier to install the bracket detached from the sway bar.
Here’s a quick example of how the hardware should install. Fully tighten these bolts at this time. You may need to use one of the provided spacers to make up for the uneven surface of the frame. Your kit comes with 2 thin spacers and 2 thick spacers.
Once the clevis brackets are installed, loosen, but do not remove, the U-bolts holding the axle clamps. This eases swaybar centering and attaching the endlinks to the dogbones.
Attach the dogbones to the clevis bracket.
» Attach the swaybar to the dogbones.
» After all the hardware is loosely in place, fully tighten the hardware starting with the Ubolts. Make sure the U-bolts are facing straight down. Finish off the install by tightening the dogbone hardware. Your Done!!!

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