Measurement parameters for spectrophotometers of SPEKOL seri. Analytik Jena SPEKOL 2000
Analytik Jena SPEKOL 2000 is a compact, computer-controlled spectrophotometer used to measure the transmission, extinction, concentration, and energy level of liquid samples. It operates within the 190 nm to 1100 nm spectral range and offers genuine real-time operation, enabling compensation for variations in reference sample absorption during measurement. Combined with WinASPECT software, SPEKOL 2000 is ideal for applications in clinical, biochemical, chemical, or environmental laboratories, as well as routine analytics, research, development, and quality control.
Measurement parameters for spectrophotometers of SPEKOL series
Measurement parameters window for scanning spectrophotometers
7 Measurement parameters for spectrophotometers of SPEKOL series
This Manual only contains measurement and performance settings that are valid for
SPEKOL series products. For a description of any other WinASPECT ® software function that facilitates data evaluation and data handling, you should refer to the "WinASPECT ®
- Software for Spectrophotometers" manual.
7.1 Measurement parameters window for scanning spectrophotometers
In the measurement parameters window, choose the settings required for the measurement. You can save the settings to a parameter file. This allows you to create parameter files for different analytical tasks and recall them at any time for a measurement.
Open the measurement parameters dialog box by activating menu command
Measurement / Set Parameters .
Fig.7-1 Device driver dialog box
The dialog box contains a toolbar with labeled buttons as well as four tabs ( Settings,
Device, Mode ) for the selection of measurement parameters.
Manual SPEKOL ® 2000 Issue
Analytik Jena AG
Measurement parameters for spectrophotometers of SPEKOL series
Measurement parameters window for scanning spectrophotometers
Toolbar functions
Function Description
Confirms the selected parameters for the following measurement(s) and closes the device driver dialog box.
The measurement parameters thus become the "current" measurement parameters.
Rejects any previous changes of measurement parameters and closes the device driver dialog box. The changes will not be activated for the following measurement(s).
Opens a saved measurement parameter file.
The Open standard dialog box appears.
The default path for measurement parameter files is *\WinASPECT\para\
Saves the current settings of measurement parameters to the currently active file.
Saves the current settings of measurements parameters to a new file.
This will bring up the Windows standard dialog box for saving files, where you can choose a new name.
Opens the Online Help on measurement parameter settings.
Opens the dialog box for setting the page layout( in WinASPECT
→ Section "Printing files"
Opens the dialog box for selecting printer-specific options.
Preview Opens a dialog box with a preview of the printout.
Print Starts the printout of measurement parameters.
18 Issue 01/2008 Manual SPEKOL ® 2000
Analytik Jena AG
Measurement parameters for spectrophotometers of SPEKOL series
SPEKOL: Settings tab
7.2 SPEKOL: Settings tab
Fig.7-2 Measurement parameters – Scanning SPEKOL ® Settings tab
Entries in this textbox are optional.
In this textbox, enter e.g. a designation for the type of measurement to be taken with this parameter file.
Cycle Mode
Here, choose single or cyclic repeat measurements.
The results of cyclic repeat measurements are stored together in cycle files.
Option Description
Runs a single measurement (normal measuring mode).
Runs repeat measurements of a sample.
The individual sample measurements are started "manually". After every measurement, a dialog box appears allowing you to start another sample measurement or terminate the measurement series.
In this mode, you need not define in advance the number of measurements to be taken in the cycle.
Runs automatic repeat measurements of a sample.
In the Number textbox, type the number of repeat measurements to be run.
Time controlled Time controlled repeat measurements for reaction kinetics.
In the Number textbox, type the number of repeat measurements to be run.
In the Interval time textbox, enter the desired time interval between successive measurement starts within a measurement series in seconds.
Manual SPEKOL ® 2000 Issue
Analytik Jena AG
Measurement parameters for spectrophotometers of SPEKOL series
SPEKOL: Settings tab
Consider that for the actual measurement a certain time is needed.
If the interval time turns out to be too short during the measurement, the program switches over to the Automatic mode and the measurement will then be executed as fast as possible.
The time controlled cycle mode is suitable for kinetic measurements over a spectral range or at several discrete wavelengths. For time-dependent measurements at a single wavelength only, the Time Scan mode selectable on the Mode tab is more comfortable and better suitable ( →
Section "Measuring mode: Time Scan" p. 22).
In this field, select the desired ordinate unit and the ordinate range in which the results shall be displayed while the measurement is running.
Choose the desired option:
• Transmission
• Absorbance
• Energy
In the Min and Max textboxes, enter the desired lower and upper limits of the display range.
In this field, you can choose the type of baseline correction (reference measurement):
Option Description
No baseline correction is carried out.
A reference is measured before the sample.
This registration of reference data is performed using the same measurement parameters as in the following sample measurement.
In most cases, distilled water or the solvent of the sample is used as reference.
20 Issue 01/2008 Manual SPEKOL ® 2000
Analytik Jena AG
Measurement parameters for spectrophotometers of SPEKOL series
SPEKOL: Device tab
On this tab, choose slit width (spectral resolution), the interface for PC connection and the lamp-change wavelength.
Fig.7-3 Measurement parameters – Scanning SPEKOL ® - Device tab
COM Port
From this list box, choose the COM port of the PC to which the SPEKOL
has been connected.
Slit (adjustable only for SPEKOL ® 2000)
Choose the spectral slit width (optical resolution) to be used for the measurement:
0,5, 1; 2; 4 nm
4 nm
4 nm
Lamp change (not available for SPEKOL ® 1300)
From this list box, select the lamp to be used for sample measurement or the wavelength, at which the lamp shall be changed.
7.4 SPEKOL: Mode tab
On this tab, choose the desired measuring mode. The Meas. mode list box provides the following options:
• Scan Mode
• Time Scan
• Wavelengths
Depending on the selected measurement mode the appearance of the bottom part of the
Mode tab changes and shows only those options (textboxes, list boxes and buttons) that are necessary for this mode.
Manual SPEKOL ®
Analytik Jena AG
Measurement parameters for spectrophotometers of SPEKOL series
SPEKOL: Mode tab
7.4.1 Measuring mode: Scan Mode
In Scan Mode , the grating drive is continuously moving on during the measurement.
Fig.7-4 Mode tab - Activated Scan Mode
Parameter Description
Range [nm] Wavelength range of the scan.
Setting range:
190 nm ... 1100 nm
Delta lambda [nm] Data point interval (step size) in the selected spectral range.
Setting range: 0.1 ... 10 nm
7.4.2 Measuring mode: Time Scan
In this mode, you may measure a sample repeatedly at a fixed, preselected wavelength.
Fig.7-5 Mode tab – Activated Time Scan
Parameter Description
Wavelength [nm] Wavelength to be used.
Issue 01/2008 Manual SPEKOL ® 2000
Analytik Jena AG
Measurement parameters for spectrophotometers of SPEKOL series
SPEKOL: Mode tab
Wait time [s]
Setting range
190 nm ... 1100 nm
The wait time is the delay between the release of the measurement and the first actual measurement.
This time can be used as reaction time after the addition of the starting reagent for a kinetic measurement.
Measuring time The total measuring time can be subdivided into maximally four partial periods. For every partial period, you can define the measuring times and the integration times individually.
The measuring time is the time used for one partial period. It can be specified in seconds or minutes (to be selected from the corresponding list box).
Data points [s] List boxes for selection of temporal "data point interval". This parameter indicates the time after which the next measurement is started.
Setting range: 1 ...50,0 s
You can also left-click on the boxes and enter any desired time via the keyboard.
In kinetic measurements, after activation of menu command Measurement /
Measurement or a click on , first the system will make the necessary device settings (driving to measurement wavelength, checking the reference, etc.). The actual measurement or wait time (see above) begins only after you confirmed the program query " Start time cycle? [OK] ". Thus, there is sufficient time left for preparing the sample, such as the addition of a starting reagent.
When you select the Time Scan mode, a cycle mode (automatic, time controlled) previously selected on the Settings tab will be deactivated.
Manual SPEKOL ® 2000 Issue
Analytik Jena AG
Measurement parameters for spectrophotometers of SPEKOL series
SPEKOL: Mode tab
7.4.3 Measuring mode: Wavelengths
This measuring mode allows the measurement at up to ten preselected wavelengths.
Fig.7-6 Mode tab – Activated Wavelengths mode
Buttons / textbox Description
Adding a wavelength to the list.
By a click on the [Add] button, a textbox appears for the entry of another wavelength. When you confirm the entry with the ENTER key, the wavelength is added to the list.
Editing a wavelength selected on the list.
By a click on the [Edit] button, a textbox appears allowing you to edit the selected wavelength.
When you confirm the action with the ENTER key, the wavelength on the list will be corrected accordingly.
Deleting a selected wavelength from the list.
On activation of the [Remove] button, the wavelength will be instantly deleted from the list.
The system accepts wavelengths with one decimal. If you enter wavelengths with more than one decimal, the software will round the wavelength up or down to one decimal.
Issue 01/2008 Manual SPEKOL ® 2000
Analytik Jena AG

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