Administering your AEDs. ZOLL Powerheart Software
ZOLL Powerheart Software helps you manage your Powerheart AEDs, review rescues, and customize settings to match your specific needs. Use it to select the RescueCoach voice and visual prompts, customize CPR protocols, analyze patient ECGs, add patient and rescue information, export rescue data, and print reports.
Using AED Manager
Administering your AEDs
With a connected AED, you can review self-tests, print its configuration, import and export AED data, and update its firmware.
Printing AED information
Select an AED from the AED list. It does not have to be connected.
Select File | Generate Report | Print AED Report .
Importing and exporting AED data
If you have a previously saved AED data file, you can load this file for viewing in AED
To import an AED data file:
Select File | Import .
Choose a file to import.
The imported AED appears in the list of not-connected AEDs.
You can export the entire set of AED data to a compressed file format. This file can be used with other applications for further analysis.
To export AED data:
Select the AED to export from the connected or not connected list.
From the File menu, select Export | Selected AED Data to a Single File .
All the rescues, including the ECG waveform and recorded rescue events, are saved to a single compressed file.
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Administering your AEDs
Configuring remote AEDs (Administrator level only)
You can update the configuration of AEDs at their locations instead of carrying them to the AED Manager computer. Using a single USB flash drive, you can configure your entire inventory of AEDs. Update each AED in-place by plugging the flash drive into an AED’s USB port. When you plug in the flash drive, the AED copies the configuration parameters that you selected.
To update remote AEDs with a new configuration:
Select an AED from either the connected or the not-connected list. You can select any AED.
Note: You must select an AED because its configuration is needed to prepare the flash drive.
Connect a USB flash drive to the computer.
Select File | Prepare USB Flash Drive .
In the USB Flash Drive preparation window that appears, select the flash drive.
CAUTION! Formatting erases all data from the flash drive.
Click Next to format (prepare) the flash drive.
In the configuration window, choose the parameters you want.
The panels in the configuration dialogue box are similar to those under the
Summary tab.
Review the configuration.
Click Save if your changes are complete.
After you click Save , AED Manager writes configuration files to the USB flash drive.
Remove the flash drive from the USB port.
Updating AED software (Administrator level only)
Periodically, there may be new software released for the AED.
To update the software:
Connect the AED to the computer. (Software cannot be updated with a flash drive).
Log in to AED Manager as Administrator.
The AED appears under Connected in the AED list.
Select the AED.
Insert the update CD in the computer.
Select File | Update AED Software .
Click Update .
Caution: Device made inoperable.
Keep the AED connected while the firmware is loading. The AED can become inoperative if it is disconnected before the load completes.
When the update finishes, you see the message Update complete . It is now safe to disconnect the AED.
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