"Timed" Auto Arming. PARADOX Esprit 748 express +

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61 Pages

PARADOX Esprit 748 express + is a powerful and versatile security system that offers a wide range of features to protect your home or business. With its advanced technology and user-friendly design, the Esprit 748 express + is the perfect choice for anyone looking for a reliable and comprehensive security solution.


Arm/Disarm & Alarm Options


"Timed" Auto Arming

Feature Select Programming


Address 086, key [5]

Default: "Timed" Auto Arming Disabled

The alarm system will automatically arm itself at a specified time everyday. Note, as with regular arming, the system will not arm if a zone is open and will report a "late to close" to the central. If this occurs, the system will not arm until the next day. The type of arming is dependent on the Auto

Arming Options (see below). Program the Auto Arm Time as described below.

8.1.1 Auto Arm Time

The control panel will automatically arm itself at the specified time if " Timed " Auto Arming (see above) is enabled. The time is programmed using the 24-hour clock (i.e. 8:00PM = 20:00).

There are two methods of programming the "Auto Arm Time" as described below.


Decimal Programming


Address 044 & 045

Program the "Auto Arm Time" in hours into address 044 and the "Auto Arm Time" in minutes into address 045.



] + Installer Code + [10] [4] [4] + 3-digit decimal value (hours) + [10] [4] [5] + 3-digit decimal value (minutes) + [ ENTER ]


Key Access Programming


key [9]

The User 1, Master, or Installer can program the "Auto Arm Time" using this method.

[ ENTER ] + (Installer, Master, or User 1 Code) + [9] + 2 digits representing hours + 2 digits representing minutes + [



8.1.2 Auto Arming Options

Feature Select Programming


Address 090, key [2]

Default: Regular Arming

The "Auto Arm" feature will arm the system as described in the table below.



] + Installer Code + [10] [9] [10] + [2] On/Off + [




"No Movement" Auto Arming

Feature Select Programming


Address 086, key [6]

Default: Disabled

If the control panel does not detect any movement (zone openings) for a specified period, the panel will arm the system and transmit the event code programmed at address 517. Note the type of arming is dependent on the Auto Arming Options (see section 8.1.2). Program the " No Movement "

Auto Arm Time as described below.

Key [6] "Off": No Movement Auto Arm Disabled

Key [6] "On": No Movement Auto Arm Enabled



] + Installer Code + [10] [8] [6] + [6] On/Off + [



8.2.1 "No Movement" Auto Arm Time

Decimal Programming


Address 055

Default: Disabled

000 = disabled; (001-255) X 15 minutes



Key Features

  • - Supports up to 8 keypads and 32 zones
  • - Features 4 programmable outputs (PGM) for controlling external devices
  • - Includes a built-in siren output for audible alerts
  • - Offers advanced technology zone (ATZ) connections for enhanced security.
  • - Supports fire alarm system integration for added protection against fire hazards.
  • - Provides serial output connectivity for easy integration with other devices.
  • - Delivers remote access and control via Espload software for convenient management.

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