The screen will change and display the following s creen
Configure Program 4
Fast Chill Duration
Fast Chill Tem perature
Modify Exit
TION and press MO DIFY and the following screen will be displayed:
Menu: Fast Chill Duration
Co nfigur e Program 4
P ress Modify and the screen will change to show the first digit for
Fast Chill Duration 01:00
m odification.
Fast Chill Duration MAX 02:30
Us e the UP and DOWN arrows to change the value and press
Fast Chill Duration MIN 01:00
ELECT to move to the next digit.
O nce the changes have been made press ACCEPT and proceed to change the other values if required.
NOTE: It is not recom mended to make changes to the values without managerial consent.
P ress EXIT to retu rn to the menu and Select FAST CHILL TEMPERATURE, press Modify, then press YES followed by CONFIRM and the followin g screen will be displayed:
enu: Fast Chill Temperature
Configure Program 4
P ress Modify and the screen will change to show the first digit for
Fast Chill Temperature -05°C
m odification.
Fast Chill Temperature MAX +00°
Use the UP and DOWN arrows to change the value and press
Fast Chill Temperature MIN -15°C
SELECT to move to the next digit.
Once the changes have been made press ACCEPT and proce to change the other values if required. ed
NOTE: It is not recommen ded to make changes to the values without managerial consent.
Press EXIT three times to return to the Configure Program 4 menu.
Storage Paramet ers
Select Storage Par
eters from the Configure Program 4 menu, press SELECT and the screen below will appear.
Co nfigure Prog ram 4
Press Modify and the screen will change to show the first digit for
St orage T emperature
-05°C modific ation.
Storage Temperature MAX +00°C
Use the UP and DOWN arrows to change the value and press
Storage Temperature MIN -10°C
SELECT to move to the next digit.
Once the changes have be en made press ACCEPT and proceed to change the other values if required.
NOTE: It is not recomm ended to make changes to the values without managerial consent.
P ress EXIT to ret urn to the menu and EXIT aga in to return to the Configure Program 4 menu.
R ecovery Parameters
S elect Recovery Temperatures from the menu , press YES to modify and then press CONFIRM and the screen b elow will appear.
Co nfigure Program 4
Re covery r
Select Recovery Tempe
Recovery Humidity d isplayed:
R ecovery Duration
rature and the following screen will be
Menu: Recovery Temperatures
Configure Program 4
Recovery Temperature
Press SELECT and the screen will change to show the first digit for modification.
Recovery Temperature MAX
Recovery Temperature MIN
Use the UP and DOWN arrows to change the valu e and press
SELECT to move to the next digit.
SELECT EXIT to change the other values if required.
OTE: It is not recommen ded to make changes to the values without managerial consent.
P re ss EXI T twice to return to the me nu an d Sele ct Recovery Humidity, press SELECT followed by YES to modify, p ress CONFIRM and the following screen will be displayed:
Menu: Recovery Hum idity
Configure Program 4
Press SELECT and the screen will change to show the first digit for
Recovery Humidity
82% modification.
Re covery A 95%
Use the UP and DOWN arrows to change the value and press
R e covery Humidity MIN 75%
SELECT to move to the next digit.
Once the changes have been made press ACCE to change the other values if required.
PT and proceed
NOTE: It is not recommended to make cha nges to the values without managerial consent.
Press EXIT to return to
the menu and Select Re
covery Duration, press SELECT followed by YES to modify, press
CONFIRM and the fo llowing screen w ill be d ispl ayed:
Menu : Recovery Duratio n
Co nfigure Program 4
Recovery Duration
Recovery Plateau Time
Select Recovery Duration and the follo wing screen will be displayed:
Menu: Recovery Duration
Configure Program 4
Press SELECT and the screen will change to show the first digit for
Recovery Duration 06:00
Recovery Duration MAX 07:00
Use the UP and DOWN arrows to change the value and press
SELECT to move to the next digit.
Once the changes have been made press ACCEPT and proceed to change the other values if required.
NOTE: It is not recommended to make changes to the values without managerial consent.
Press EXIT twice to return to the menu and Select Rec. Plateau Time , press SELECT and the following screen will b e displayed:
Menu: Recovery Plateau Time
Configure Program 4
Recovery Plateau Time
Recovery Plateau Time MAX
Recovery Plateau Tim e MIN
Press SELECT and the screen will change to show the first d igit for modification.
Use the UP and DOWN arrows to change the value and press
SELECT to move to the next digit.
Select to change the other values if required.
NOTE: It is not recommende d to ma ke chang es to the values without managerial consent.
P ress EXIT three times to return to t he Con
re Program 4 menu.
Prove Parameters
Select Prove Parameters from the menu, press SELECT followed by YES to modify, press CONFIRM and the screen below will appear.
Menu: Prove
Configure Program 4
Prove Temperatures
Select Prove Temperatures and the following screen will be d isplayed:
Prove Humidity
Prove Duration
Extra Prove
Menu: Prove / Temperatures
Configure Program 4
Press SELECT and the screen will change to show the first digit for
Prove Temperature
+35°C modification.
Prove Temperature MAX +35°C
Use the UP and DOWN arrows to change the value and press
Prove Temperature MIN +25°C
SELECT to move to the next digit.
Once the changes have been made press ACCEPT and proceed to change the other values if required.
NOTE: It is not recommended to make changes to the values without managerial consent.
Press EXIT to return to the menu and Select Prove Humidity, press SELECT followed by YES to modify, press
CONFIRM and the following screen will be displayed:
Menu: Prove Humidity
Configure Program 4
Press SELECT and the screen will change to show the first digit for
Prove Humidity
87% modification.
Prove Humidity MAX 95%
Use the UP and DOWN arrows to change the value and press
Prove Humidity MIN 75%
SELECT to move to the next digit.
Once the changes have been made press ACCEPT and proceed to change the other values if required.
NOTE: It is not recommended to make changes to the values without managerial consent.
Press EXIT twice to return to the menu and Select Prove Duration, press SELECT followed by YES to modify, press CONFIRM and the following screen will be displa yed:
Menu : Prove Duration
Configure Program 4
Prove Duration
Select Prove Duration and the following screen will be displ ayed:
Prove Plateau
Menu: Prove Duration
Configuration Program 4
Press SELECT and the screen will change to show the first digit for
Prove Duration 02:30
Prove Duration MAX 03:00
Use the UP and DOWN arrows to change the value and press
Prove Duration MIN 00:30
to move to the next digit.
Once the changes have been made press ACCEPT and proceed to change the other values if required.
NOTE: It is not recommended to make changes to the values without managerial consent.
Press EXIT to return to the menu and Select Prove Plateau, press SELECT and the following screen will be d isplayed:
Menu : Prove Plateau
Configuration Program 4
Press SELECT and the screen will change to show the first digit for
Prove Plateau Time 25%
Prove Plateau Time MAX 50%
Use the UP and DOWN arrows to change the value and press
Prove Plateau Time MIN 10%
SELECT to move to the next digit.
Once the changes have been made press ACCEPT and proceed to change the other values if required.
OTE: It is not recommended to make changes to the values without managerial consent.
P ress
twice to return to the menu and Sele ct Extra Prove, press SELECT followed by YES to modify, press
CONFIRM and the follow ing screen will be displayed:
Menu : Extra Prove
Configuration Program 4
Extra Prove Time
Extra Prove Temperat
Extra Prove Humidity ure
Select Extra Prove Time, press YES to modify, press CONFIRM and the following screen will be displayed:
Menu : Extra Pro ve Time
Configuration Program 4
Extea Prove Time 00:10
P ress SELECT and the screen will change to show the first digit for m odification.
Extra Pr. Max Time
Extra Prove Time MAX
Extra Prove Time MIN
Extra Pr. Max Time MA X
Extra Pr. Max Time M IN
U se the UP and DOWN arrows to change the value and press
SELECT to move to the next digit.
Once the changes have been made press ACCEPT and proceed to change the other value s if required.
: It is not recommen ded to ma ke chang es to the values without managerial consent.
Press EXIT to return to the menu and Select Extra Prove Temperature, press SELECT an d the following screen w ill be displayed:
Menu : Extra Prove Tem perature
Configuration Program 4
Press SELECT and the screen will change to show the first digit for
Extra Prove Temp. +30°C
Extra Prove Temp. MAX + 40°C
Use the UP and DOWN arrows to change the value and press
Extra Prove Temp. M IN + 25°C
SELECT to move to the next digit.
Once the changes have been made press ACCEPT and proceed to change the other values if required.
NOTE: It is not recommended to make changes to the values without managerial consent.
Press EXIT to return to the menu and Select Extra Prove Humidity, press SELECT followed by YES to modify, press CONFIRM and the following screen will be displayed:
Menu : Extra Prove Hum idity
Configuration Program 4
P ress SELECT and the screen will change to show the first digit for
Extra Prove Humidity 87%
Extra Prove Humidity MAX 95%
U se the UP and DOWN arrows to change the value and press
Extra Prove Humidity MIN 75%
ELECT to move to the next digit.
O nce the changes have been made press ACCEPT and proceed to change the other values if required.
NOTE: It is not recommen ded to make changes to the values without managerial consent.
Press EXIT twice to return to the menu and Sele ct Hold, press YES to modify, press CONFIRM and the following screen will be displaye d:
Menu : Hold
C onfiguratio
Hold Times
n Program
Hold Temperature
Hold Humidity
Select Hold Times, press YES to modify, p ress CONFIRM and the following screen will be displayed:
Menu: Hold Times
Configuration Program 4
Hold Time 00:10
Press SELECT and the screen will change to show the first digi t for
Hold Maximum Time 00:20 modification.
Hold Time MAX 00:15
Use the UP and DOWN arrows to change the value and press
Hold Time MIN 00:01
SELECT to move to the next digit.
H old Maximum Time MAX 00:30
Once the changes have been made press ACCEPT
H Old Maximum Time MIN 00:01 to change the other values if required.
and proceed
OTE: It is not recommended to make changes to the values without managerial consent.
Press EXIT to return to the menu and Select Hold Temperature and the following screen will be displayed:
Menu: Hold Temper ature
Configuration Program 4
Hold Temperature
H old Tempe rature MAX
Hold Tempersture MIN
+1 5° C
Press SELECT and the screen will change to show the first digit for m odification.
U se the UP and DOWN arrows to change the value and press
to move to the next digit.
SELECT to change the other values if required.
NOTE: It is not reco mmended to mak e chan ges to the values without managerial consent.
Press EXIT twice to retu rn to the menu and Sele ct Hold Humidity , press SELECT followed by YES to modify, press CONFIRM and the following sc reen w ill be displayed:
Menu: Hold Humidity
Configuration Program 4
Press SELECT and the screen will change to sh ow the first digit for
H old Humi dity 87%
m odification.
Hold Humidity MAX 95%
U se the UP and DOWN arrows to change the value and press
H old Humidity MIN 75%
SELECT to move to the next digit.
Once the changes have been made press ACCEPT and proceed to change the other values if required.
NOTE: It is not rec ommended to make changes to the values without managerial consent.
P ress EXIT three times to return to the Configure Program 4 menu.