internetDiary Pro
The information given in the previous sections applies to both types of internetDiary account: internetDiary Personal and internetDiary Pro. The following pages describe the special features which apply to internetDiary Pro only.
internetDiary Pro, is perfect for companies or groups of users who prefer the flexibility and convenience of a single monthly subscription payment which covers all members of the group. In addition to all the great features of internetDiary Personal, the
Pro version also allows you complete freedom to brand your diaries and log-in page to fit your corporate identity and comes complete with free monthly allowance of text or fax credits. You can change or cancel your monthly subscription at any time, giving you the flexibility to change the number of users to suit your requirements from month to month.
Sign up for the free trial
To sign up for the free 30-day trial of internetDiary Pro, click on the “Try it free” button anywhere on the website. The trial diary is fully functional in all respects. We give you 20 free credits so that you can try out the SMS text message and fax facilities as well. Don’t worry if you can’t decide which version is right for you. Once you have signed up for the trial, if you want to switch from Personal to Pro or vice-versa, drop us a line at [email protected] and we’ll switch your account so that you don’t lose any of your information.
It's a simple two-step process to register for your free, no-obligation, 30-day trial.
Step 1: Enter your details in the signup page and click Continue.
Step 2: You will be transferred to our secure payment page at WorldPay where you will be required to enter your payment card details (your payment card will not be charged until the end of the free 30 day trial period). Once you have done this, your password will be emailed to you.
During the 30 day evaluation period You are free to use internetDiary Personal without charge. At any time during this free trial period, you may cancel your agreement at Worldpay and you will not be charged a penny.
IMPORTANT: We will send your password to the email you enter, so please make sure that you enter a valid current email address.
The Pro version of the sign-up form has one or two extra fields which are not required for the Basic version.
Give your account a name (for example the name of your company or organisation). If you have a company logo, you can select it to appear on your custom log-in page and on each of your diary pages. Your logo needs to be a .jpg or .gif with a file size of 50k or less. Don’t worry if you don’t have this to hand at the moment, as you can do it later (see Edit account settings on page 38).
The sign-up page for internetDiary Pro
Enter the rest of your details into the form and click
Submit. We will send your password to the email address that you enter here, so please make sure you enter a current, valid email address. Required fields are marked in
bold. The other fields are optional.
To avoid your welcome email being swallowed up by spam filters, be sure to add [email protected] to your address book. For full details of our terms and conditions including our privacy policy, please go to
A welcome email will be sent to the email address you entered above. This will contain your unique password which you will need in order to access your diary.
The custom log-in page
When you sign up for a Pro account you will be provided with a link to your custom log-in page. If you have selected these options when creating your account you will see your own logo above the log-in form instead of the default internetDiary one.
To save the link to this special log-in page, you should add it to your favourites. Don’t worry if you lose the link to this page, you can log-in through the standard log-in page on the internetDiary website and the system will still recognise your account.
If you later click the
Log out button on any internetDiary page you will be returned to your custom log in page and you can bookmark it at this point.
The custom log-in page for the internetDiary Pro account
Admin centre
When you sign up for an internetDiary Pro account, you are automatically assigned administrator status. This simply means that you have the ability to add other users to your account, and that you have the ability to change account settings such as its name and appearance. Also you are able to pay for subscriptions and to add text/fax bundles to your account. If you are an admin user, you will see this menu near the top of the Select Diary page:
The Admin Centre menu
Edit account settings
Edit group account and you can change the name of the account, upload a new company logo, (or set it back to the default internetDiary one). Remember to click
Update to save your changes.
The Edit Group Account page
If you want to change your maximum number of users, click on the link
Click to change next to the max number of users.
This will show an information message similar to that shown on the next page. Select the number of users you wish to change to and click the
Preview button. This will calculate the number of whole months left to run on your current subscription and will work out the cost of the extra users for the remainder of your subscription period. If you want to go ahead with the upgrade, click the
Upgrade now button to be transferred to our payment page at WorldPay.
Complete the transaction and wait to be transferred back to the internetDiary site. This will update your FuturePay Agreement with WorldPay and take an immediate payment for the upgrade. Your annual subscription will be amended accordingly and you will receive a confirmation email directly from WorldPay.
Note: If you wish to change your Agreement to a smaller number of users, you must first ensure that you have that number (or fewer) in your account. For example, supposing your subscription was for a 10 user account and you currently have 6 users in your user list. If you wish to change your subscription to a 5 user account, you would first have to delete one or more users from your account before you are able to change your FuturePay Agreement.
The change maximum number of users page
You may cancel your internetDiary subscription at any time. When you first sign up for the free trial, the confirmation email you receive from WorldPay contains a username and password for your WorldPay account which enables you to do this yourself via the WorldPay website If you have forgotten your WorldPay username and password, you can retrieve it by following the instructions on the WorldPay website. Please note: the username and password which are issued to you by WorldPay are different from the internetDiary username and password which you use to log in to your internetDiary account.
Users to see a listing of all of the users in your Pro account. If you have a long list of users you may find it helpful to use the Find feature to quickly locate a particular user. Simply enter all or part of their email address or name and click
The list users page
To add a new user to your Pro account, click on the link
Add a new user. The Subscriber details window will open. Enter this user’s details and click
Add subscriber to save your changes. If you want this user also to have admin privileges - to add edit or delete other users and to change account settings and make payments - check the box marked
If you want to add this user’s details to the group address book (shared by all users in the Pro account) click the box “Add this user to group address book).
The subscriber details page
Click on any user’s name to edit their details. The Subscriber details page will open. Update this user’s details, than click
Update subscriber to save your changes. If you want this user to also have admin privileges - to add edit or delete other users and to change account settings and make payments - check the box marked
If you want to add this user’s details to the group address book (shared by all users in the Pro account) click the box “Add this user to group address book).
To delete a user, their diaries and address book, click the
Delete button. You will be asked to confirm the deletion. Warning:
Use this option with care as there is no undo available.
Cancel to return to the User listing page. Note that each user, administrator or not, is able to change his or her own details through the Edit my account button on the diary pages. On the user list, those users shown in bold have been granted administrator status for this account.
This page lists, purely for information, the payments you have made to Diary UK Ltd. This information should tally with the payment confirmation emails you will receive from WorldPay Ltd.
The Payments page
This page shows the number of texts and faxes sent via your Pro account and the number of credits you have remaining. Note that each text uses 1 credit, and each fax 4 credits. When your account is running low, you will see a warning message each time you send a text or fax. Free credits will be added to your account automatically at the beginning of each month. If you require more, you can buy additional credits at any time by clicking on the Buy button near the top of your screen. Note: You have to be a subscriber before you can add text/fax credits to your account.
Unused free credits will expire at the end of each month, whereas credits you have purchased will remain in your account indefinitely. When sending a text or fax, the system will always attempt to use up your free credits before depleting your paidfor credits.
The Credits page
Select Diary
This opens the select diary page which allows you to open a diary for use or to import your contacts from Outlook or Outlook
Express, or to edit your personal information. Full details on how to use these options are given on page 7.
The Select a Diary page