Advice and tips before washing
Here are some tips that may help you before washing.
Sorting your laundry
Sort items according to:
• how soiled they are
• colour
• material
1. Do up zips and close Velcro straps so that they don’t harm fabrics.
2. New coloured items may contain excess dye and should therefore be washed separately the first few times.
3. Turn delicate items inside out. This reduces the risk of burling and fading.
4. Empty pockets and wash them inside out if possible.
Laundry labels
Look at the item's laundry label. The table below shows suitable wash programmes for different materials and wash loads. Using modern washing machines and detergents, for example compact detergents, you can usually wash at lower temperatures. It is a good idea to use trial and error to find out what produces the best results.
Laundry label symbols
Laundry labels Material Program
Cotton, linen, white and light-coloured items.
White 60 °C to 95 °C
Cotton, linen. Dark-coloured items.
Colour 60 °C
Polyester, cotton/polyester, nylon. White items.
Synthetic 60 °C
Rayon, acetate, acrylic. Non-colourfast items.
Synthetic 40 °C
Polyester, cotton/polyester, nylon. Coloured items.
Synthetic 40 °C
Silk and very delicate items Synthetic 30 °C
Items labelled with the IWS or Superwash mark
Wool/Hand 40 °C
1/1 drum
1/1 drum
1/2 drum
1/2 drum
1/2 drum
1/3 drum
1/3 drum
Advice and tips before washing
Coloured cotton
Coloured cotton items with the washing instruction
60 °C should be washed at 60 °C for the first time in order to remove any excess dye. If you do not do so, there is a risk that the colour will run. Use detergent without bleach in order to preserve the colour of the fabric.
Unbleached linen
Unbleached linen fabrics should be washed at 60
°C, using detergent containing no bleach or optical whiteners. Heavily-soiled linen can occasionally be washed at higher temperatures, but not too often because the heat can destroy the linen’s shine and strength.
These fabrics are labelled for either machine wash or for hand wash. The machine’s Wool/Hand programme is at least as gentle as washing by hand.
Wool is especially sensitive to processes such as washing.
If you do not wish to spin dry, you can squeeze out the water using terry towels. In this case select
No spin.
To find out how to select this setting, see the
"Washing" chapter. However, most garments can withstand a short spin. Choose a short spin by selecting a spin speed of 800 rpm or less.
Rayon fibres and synthetic fibres
Materials made of rayon fibres, such as viscose, and some synthetic fibres are very delicate and require much space. Only half fill the drum when washing and choose a programme with a ??? rpm spin or lower.
Viscose and acetates are fragile when wet.
Reducing allergic reactions
The washing machine has a Super Rinse option.
Use this for people with sensitive skin, such as those with allergies and small children.
Save time and energy
Use the Snabb vit (White) programme to save time and energy. This programme has a shorter main wash than Normal vit / kulör (Normal), but is often sufficient for lightly soiled washing.
Economy and efficiency
You can save a lot of energy by not using higher temperature programs than necessary.
• Select Quick if you just need to freshen up shirts or exercise clothes, for example. This will save both water and energy.
• If you select a fast spin speed, this reduces energy consumption when drying in a tumble dryer or drying cabinet.
• Avoid pre-washing. Modern machines and detergents clean effectively without pre-washing. Pre-washing is only necessary for heavily soiled washing.
Eco-labelled detergents are less harmful to the environment.
Detergent overdosing does not give better washing results; it merely causes a greater impact on the environment.
Try to use less detergent, and increase only if you are not satisfied with the results.
Dyeing fabrics
If you want to dye fabrics in the machine, select the Normal vit / kulör (Normal) programme with the Super Rinse option. Select temperature according to the dye manufacturer’s recommendations.
Choose a low spin speed if the fabric to be dyed is a blended material such as polyester/cotton.
Add the dye directly to the washing drum – not to the detergent compartment. After dyeing, you should run the machine empty using the same program. Use the normal amount of detergent.
Advice and tips before washing
Because of environmental concerns we discourage the use of strong chemicals.
When using agents for bleaching or stain removal, there is a risk of rust (corrosion) and discolouration of the machine.