Chapter 4
The homeowner and Online Payments Administrator will receive an email notification that a payment was made, the e-mail does not contain payment data. Four business days after payments are made you will receive an e-mail containing the “statement of deposit” for payments that will be deposited to your account the following business day. Credit
Card payments are typically processed within 24 hours.
eRentPayer™ sends an e-mail notification the next morning advising the Online
Payments Administrator that there are new transactions to be exported. The export notification contains the link to the eRentPayer™ web site login to retrieve the transaction download. By default all payments for the prior day come in one file.
Once the file is downloaded to your system you can proceed with uploading the data to
TOPS 2000™ and updating the resident balances.
To retrieve your Online Payment Transaction file from the eRentPayer™ download web site:
While still in the email notification
1. Click the e-Rent Payer™ hyperlink contained in the e-mail.
2. Enter the Administrator Login and Password.
3. If you are a Community proceed to Step 3 below. If you are a Management
Company proceed to Step 4 below. or
From your community or the management company web site:
1. Click Pay Dues.
2. Enter the Administrator Login and Password
3. If you are a community, select the Export option and proceed to Step 5.
4. If you are a management company, select the Companies option.
5. Select a particular community or Select <All Companies> to export all transaction for all communities.
7. Click “Export N Transactions now.”
TOPS Online Payments 27
8. The browser dialog box appears, asking you if you want to Open, Save or
Cancel the file.
9. Click Save.
10. Identify a location on your system, or the server drive for the lockbox file and save it to that location.
The path to this location must NOT have any spaces in it. For example, store it in T:\TOPS2000\Lockbox, but not in C:\Documents and
Settings\Owner\Desktop because that path has spaces in it. Do NOT save it to your desktop.
TOPS2000 Tip
Creating a separate Online Payments lockbox folder to save to is helpful.
Remember do not use long file names, use the DOS 8 character naming conventions e.g. OPLOCKBX
Go to TOPS 2000™ to proceed with importing the transaction information to the homeowners ledger history.
TOPS 2000™
Open TOPS 2000™ and select any community so that you may access the Main menu.
From the Main menu:
1. Click Global
2. The Global Sub-menu options appear.
Figure 4-1 Global Sub-menu options
3. Click the Lockbox sub-menu option.
28 TOPS Online Payments
Figure 4-2 Receive Lockbox Payments window
5. Click the Lockbox File Name down arrow.
Figure 4-3 Windows Explorer Open File Dialog box
TOPS Online Payments 29
7. Locate the file you just saved, Click Open.
8. You are returned to the Receive Lockbox Payment window.
9. The Lockbox file name appears in the Lockbox File Name field
10. Click the Process File button to the right of the file name field.
11. You will be prompted for the type of lockbox file to process.
Figure 4-4 Select Lockbox ID dialog box
12. Select eRentPayer™ file format.
13. Click the Proceed button.
14. A list of all transaction batches contained in the lockbox file appears (see the following illustration.)
30 TOPS Online Payments
Figure 4-5 Receive Lockbox Payments window
15. Click a Community Name to view the details for that batch.
Owner Names, Amount, Check # and Unit ID.
Figure 4-6 Lockbox Owner List for a Community
TOPS Online Payments 31
17. Click the Post and Deposit radio button only if there are NO “Undefined
Communities” or Invalid Transactions listed.
Figure 4-7 Receive Lockbox Payments window
An Undefined Community indicates the AR Owner Data setup is not complete for that community. The setup must be completed before you can continue processing the lockbox file. Also, make sure that the community name is correct.
If the lockbox utility displays ** Community Undefined ** in the Community Name field:
18. Click Clear to undo your work and go to TOPS 2000 Setup.
19. The following TOPS System dialog box appears.
Figure 4-8 Clear: Purge Confirmation dialog box
32 TOPS Online Payments
20. Click Yes, to purge the download and end the Lockbox file process.
Before you can proceed, you MUST Complete Owner Data Setup for the new community then return to Lockbox and Repeat steps 2 through 16.
TOPS 2000 Tip
Should you misplace the lockbox file before you have a chance to process it, you may download it again. Login to the online payments web site and go back to the Exports/Companies feature. Then do a search for the lockbox file for the
time period in which you exported it. When it displays the lockbox export, Click the file to download it again.
An Invalid Transaction contained in a batch indicates that data maybe missing therefore,
the transaction cannot be applied to an owner account (refer to Figure 4-7.)
If the lockbox utility displays a numeric value in the Invalid Trans column:
21. Click the Community Name containing Invalid Transactions.
Owner names, payment amounts, check # and Unit ID
Find the line items that are missing data in the columns (refer to Figure 4-6.)
24. Click the line item.
Figure 4-9 Edit Lockbox Transactions
Note the Unit Key cannot be blank or zero. It must be a value greater than zero.
TOPS Online Payments 33
26. Click the Unit Key down arrow.
29. Click the Addr # drop down arrow.
Figure 4-10 Lockbox Cash Receipts window
31. Locate the Owner Name associated with the Invalid Transaction.
32. Double-Click the name to select, or Click the name.
33. Click OK.
Figure 4-11 Select Address window
34. You are returned to the Edit Lockbox Transaction window and the Unit Key field now contains a value.
34 TOPS Online Payments
Figure 4-12 Edit Lockbox Transaction window
35. Click OK.
36. You are returned to the Lockbox Owner List window.
37. Click OK.
38. You are returned to the Receive Lockbox Payments, the Invalid Trans. Column is now blank.
39. Click the Post and Deposit radio button for the Post Options.
Figure 4-13 Post Options
40. Click the Post button.
42. Enter the Deposit Date
TOPS Online Payments 35
Figure 4-14 Enter Deposit Date window
44. Click OK.
46. Select the output for your Deposit Slip.
Figure 4-15 Lockbox Cash Receipts - Report Output dialog box
Examples of Deposit Slips are provided at the end of this section.
Deposit Slip Output:
Printer: If you elect to print the report to a printer, the printer dialog box will appear.
Select the printer you wish to print the report.
File: If you elect to print the report to a file the following dialog box will appear:
36 TOPS Online Payments
The system creates the report and stores it in the Community Folder in a sub-folder named SPOOL. Note the location and file name assigned to a report when it appears in the dialog box.
You may wish to rename the report. Using Windows Explorer open the SPOOL folder, locate the report, position your mouse over the desired file and Right-Click your mouse to display a drop down menu of actions you can take with this file. Rename is one of the options on the drop down menu. Click Rename and enter a new name.
Screen: If you elect to print the report to the screen for preview, you will have the option of printing the report before exiting the preview.
You may also define the report Layout, Profile, or Landscape.
47. Click OK.
48. The System displays the following message when the post is completed.
Figure 4-16 Post Complete message
TOPS Online Payments 37
The TOPS 2000™ post function will update homeowner account history and make all G/L entries to the appropriate accounts.
Should an eCheck be returned for NSF, managers and residents are notified by e-mail.
The manager has the option to resubmit the eCheck or contact the homeowner to do so.
Returned payments will automatically be reflected on the homeowners TOPS 2000™ ledger history along with any additional NSF fees. The Online Payment service will resubmit the NSF payment as many times as a manager likes until funds are available.
38 TOPS Online Payments
Examples of Payment and Import Notifications
The following three examples represent the e-mail notifications generated by Online
Payments. The e-mail headers have been altered to protect customer information.
Figure 4-17 Export Notification
Figure 4-18 Managers Payment Receipt
TOPS Online Payments 39
Figure 4-19 Residents Payment Receipt
40 TOPS Online Payments
Examples of A Deposit Slip and An Accounting Summary
Lockbox Deposit Slips are printed by Community therefore funds are never co-mingled.
Each payment is listed separately providing the owner name, address, the amount received and the distribution.
TOPS Online Payments 41
A Lockbox Deposit Accounting Summary by Community is also provided. The Summary list all the G/L accounts and the amounts distributed to each account. It also lists all charge codes and the amounts applied to each account.
42 TOPS Online Payments